Fabric Sunflower how to/simple dollar tree diy/window box with flowers/handmade by Hallie LLC

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welcome hi with handm made by hi here here is my next video in this video These are the supplies we're going to be using we're going to use this tray from the Dollar Tree some Waverly Ivory paint some brown Waverly paint as well we're going to use some Elmer's Glue any kind will do I just have happen to have the clear we're going to use some large craft sticks and some regular size craft sticks then we will need some thick wire I just happen to have this with jice wrapped around it we're going to need some thread and a needle then we will need some different color fabrics for this project I have chosen this green that I've torn some narrow strips and have an extra piece some stuffing and some fabric for the centers of our flowers then I have chosen three different colors for the flowers this yellowy orange this leaf pattern and this pattern with the sunflowers then we will need cver scissors wear cutters and some sandpaper so I'm just going to sand this tray lightly this will help the paint adhere a little bit better then I'm going to spray it down and wipe it off so it cleans it up the next thing I'm going to do is paint this this is going to be our undercoat we're going to do the crackle method and we just want to make sure to cover it thoroughly everything include the little side and then we're going to let this dry all the way next we are going to use our large craft sticks and I'm going to [Music] use about eight of these I believe and I'm going to cut them in these large ones in half then when I get them cut in half I am going to cut the tops to make them look like pickets so I cut them all trying to get about the same angle doesn't have to be perfect cuz the fence pickets aren't exactly perfect either when I get that done I realize I need a couple more is we're going to make this 3D so I'm going to line these up and I'm going to get out my regular craft sticks and glue one across the bottom and then one across the top just below the Peaks then get another couple other craft sticks so I can cut those ones down to glue the side pieces when those are ready I go ahead and glue the side pieces on to make it look like the front one of those pieces kind of flew off off to the side of the camera so when that gets all done I'm going to cut a couple more pieces and this will put fill in the bottom so we're going to start to assemble our little window box with some hot glue and in the end you're not going to even notice the hot glue cuz we're going to paint this so I cut a couple more sticks small enough to fit inside to be the bottom so put some glue there put the first one in more glue and the second one and it doesn't have to be perfect you know window boxes are made out of wood and they get wet and they weather and warp so now that we have this ready we're going to just paint this everywhere except for the insides with that Waverly Ivory paint and yes I am a messy painter I usually get it all over my hands but that's okay if you're not having fun while you're crafting then what's the purpose so get this covered set it aside to dry now we're going to add our glue and this will be our crackle medium so we're going to spread this out and I am going to spray it a little bit with water it just helps it spread just a little bit more until it's thoroughly done after we do that I'm going to use that Ivory paint and cover everything thoroughly I try and go with this one every stroke in the same way or in the same direction but I'm trying not to leave brush Strokes so I have to go back and fix that a little bit so I'm going to use that brown and dry brush a little bit of the brown onto our window box and do as little or as much as you want I just didn't want to give this the same effect as our tray that we're working on while everything's drying we are going to work on making our forms for our flowers so I'm using this pack of of wire with jute on it and the jute tends to unravel at the end so I glued it and I'm making a stem and then I'm making a circle cutting it off wrapping it around and then either gluing those extra pieces or cutting the extra pieces off from where I wrapped the end that I cut and I'm going to do three of these yes and every time I make a cut I have to glue it otherwise it just comes undone and I'm going to make these flowers different heights for our window box that we're doing we're going to do three flowers in here so here we have two and we'll just finish our last one repeating the same steps pulling the stem making a circle and you can make those circles as large or as small as you would desire I've seen some other Crafters do this project with other things and you can do that and as you see my circles aren't all the same size and that's okay too I'm also going to cut a piece for my hanging wire while I've got this product out and I'm going to fix those in so it doesn't unravel and then we'll get our different color of fabric out and we're going to start with this green and white geometric pattern and I have some narrow uh thin wire and I'm going to make some little leaves to go on our stems so I'm just freehanding some leaves and uh you can make a little little pattern if you want but it's not necessary so when I get these ready I need uh two for each stem is what I decided I wanted to do and I leave the fabric fold it in half so I'm cutting two pieces a top and a bottom at the same time and I put some glue down the center put my wire down the center and then put the top on press it down and then go to the next one and I know this is sped up and you're it's kind of going fast but you see the same sequence glue down the center wire on Pat it together and snip it so you just do this to all of your Leaf patterns and you don't have to do leaves if you don't want to in the end I'm not even sure that you could even really see them but I know there're there so I enjoyed doing this part too leaves are part of a plant so this just takes a few minutes to get the leaves done and then we will wrap our stems with the same green but first we are going to put our leaves on and I'm using my needle noose pliers to kind of tightly pinch that um wire so that it's not poking out so I put some glue on the end and over the center and then I'm just wrapping this round going all the way down to the first leaf and then in between the second leaf and then just continuing continuing to spin it all the way down to the end it's not quite as easy as using floral tape because the fabric doesn't stretch so I repeat that same step for the rest of the stems and now I'm having the strips that I've already prepared and um torn these are about a half half inch um wide and I'm cutting these 8 in long that's what I need to do the pole through method and I'm taking a couple of extra pieces we're going to make a little um rag bow and I'll repeat the steps as you can see what I'm doing so I fold it in half put the folded piece over the top take the Tails and push them up around and through the hole and you pull that tight and because we're using wire you're going to kind of pull your wire wire form and kind of disform it in the shape of a circle but don't worry about that till you get it all done is it goes right back into a circle when you're done and this is what you're going to do for all the flowers they're all the same just different colors and uh this makes for a really pretty flower now we'll get to this part in a minute but I mentioned that I did cut them 8 in long and you could leave them 8 in long but part of this method I what happens is the ends don't come out being exactly the same and that's okay that kinds of give gives it a little bit of a rougher or rustic look if that's what you're going for then by all means do that I prefer to straighten them out a little bit and I have one piece of that color left and I like to trim everything down to about the same size and this just takes a minute or two and I trim a couple of strands of the fabric at a time trying to keep it all the same length and I'm not really measuring it I think if I measured it put it down on my work station that these end up being about 2 in or 3 in Long after they're on the wire form and you just keep going around cutting and making sure that all the cuts are straight and I think I go back and uh do another cut here in just a minute I want to make sure it's straight all the way around that's what I'm doing now now I'm kind of going backwards but that's okay just making sure everything's the same length and everything straight now we're going to work on the center so all the flowers are the same when you get them all done I have about a quter inch piece of this brown Fabric and I'm doing some little slits all the way down um I need about four or five in for each flower and this is part of the center so I cut a piece and I'm going to put glue on the inside and this is going to make a little bit of a fringe and I put this on separate from the other part of the center cuz it's just easier sometimes I have to go back and glue those fringes down now what I'm going to do is take my thread put it through my needle tie a knot by wrapping it around my finger a couple times and sliding it off and I'm doing a gathering Stitch and you don't have to have sewing experience I kind of really have a really large needle for doing this right now but that's okay I'm putting my needle in and doing six to eight stitches in and out and doing as good of a circle as I can get it it's not really going to matter in the end so now I'm trimming this to leave about a/4 in of fabric around and then I'm starting to pull on the thread and that makes it tighten up then I pull it tight this makes like a little puffy like pillow and I'm going to do a couple of stitches and wrap the thread around the needle and pull the needle through and that ties it off so now we P push that through through the center glue it in place and then I'm cutting an extra Circle to go on the back and I ended up cutting two cuz the first one was too small and this helps everything stay in place now that our tray is dry we're going to go ahead and put our hanger on the back using some hot glue and a couple pieces of that brown Fabric and then we're going to make our little bow for our window box and you just crisscross these in whatever pattern that you desire um I tried to use some of the small pieces from all the ones that I already cut I had intended to leave some little Tails but I ended up cutting everything too short so it's okay happy accidents like Bob Ross used to say so I get everything you know cut at one angle or another making it kind of uh the same and put some glue on there clean up my mess and I have another piece of that orange one and I decided I wanted to do a little bow B in the end I don't know that you can really tell it's got a bow on there but we got a little bow and I have these Brown buttons and I like this dark brown one that you'll see a little bit later CU it goes with the dark brown center of our flower so we're just going to take our flowers and bend our stems a couple of them they ended up being too long so I just bent them up and I just put some glue in the bottom to glue them down I will come back and put a little bit of extra glue and I put some glue in the bottom for the window box and push that window box in there fluff it as much as you want I did put some of that green moss in there but I decided I wanted to put some more and then put some more glue around the window box to make sure it's secure um and then then again more Moss then I do a little bit of glue here and there to hold the flowers and then I do go back and add a little butterfly so here it is all finished up there is our window box with the bow and the button our three sunflowers I did find a little wood butterfly and I think it came out adorable thanks for watching
Channel: HandmadebyHallie LLC
Views: 7,521
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #InShot, #fabric sunflower wall hanging, #simple flower diy, #dollar tree flower how to, #simple sewing project, #chalk paint crackle diy, #waverly paint project, #handmade by hallie LLC, #combat depression, #creative spring diy
Id: DwJ_Hm8xRig
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 58sec (1078 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 23 2024
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