⭐️BEST Organization HACKS using FOAM BOARD from $1 Dollar Tree!!

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want to get organized but don't want to spend a ton of money today you'll learn how to do just that for just a few dollars versus hundreds of dollars so what's the secret foam board and luckily Dollar Tree carries foam board very affordably and there's so many things you can do with it hi everyone and welcome my name is Shannon from the daily diy.com and I also want to thank better help for sponsoring today's video now time for the question of the day how many sheets of foam board do you guess I will use in this video today let me know down in the comments below and at the end of this video I will reveal the answer foam board is so awesome it's really a lot like building with wood except you don't need all of the fancy power tools and you're really only going to need a few things including of course your foam board you'll need some type of cutting mat a super sharp box cutter and some type of adhesive that's going to work well with your foam board I always revert back to my trusty hot glue the kitchen is a place where things can just very easily get very unorganized and Scattered but I want to show you a very affordable and easy way to make your own organization so if you have drawers that look like mine I'm going to show you how to take it from this to this in a snap all right so first up we're going to make custom drawer organizers a fraction of the cost of store-bought ones first you want to clean out your drawer and measure the length width and depth the first we're going to do is take our foam board and we're going to cut long strips we want them to be the height of our drawer so in this case my drawers were 2 and 1/2 in high so I cut them just a little bit shorter than that so they wouldn't stick out the top of the drawer so you can see here I have four strips to start with and then we're going to start cutting our strips down to size according to the measurements that we took of our drawer so you're going to need two the length to the width and then we're also going to need some dividers so cut a few extra one important piece of information I want to add on here is that you also need to subtract about a/4 of an inch off of the width of your strips that is going to help compensate for the thickness of our foam board because if we don't take that quarter of an inch off then we are going to have a box that is too big for our drawer so you definitely want to compensate for the thickness of this foam board which is about an e/ of an inch times two because we have one on each side is a/4 of an inch so we are taking that width piece and sandwiching it in between the longer length pieces to create our outside box for our drawer so here is where the customization really comes into play depending on what you're going to be putting in your drawer it's going to depend on how you want to divide your organizer up so since this is going to be a utensil drawer for me I put a big divider down the center I created two medium-sized sections a longer section and a smaller section just to give me some variety here and as you can see our organizer fits down into the drawer perfectly nice and snug so it doesn't move around then you can just go ahead and start organizing and separating out your different different utensils you can do this for multiple drawers but I definitely wanted to show you the before here obviously a big jumbled mess I'm always fidgeting around in there trying to find what I need and now with this $125 organizer everything has a nice place it's not going to be shuffled around in there and everything will be easy to find the next time I use this but keep this in mind you can use this for a towel drawer your uh silverware drawer or anything else like that I don't know about you but having things organized is just so refreshing and makes me feel so much better and organization is just one of the things that definitely helps my mental health I just like having things in their place of course crafting too which brings me to today's sponsor better help better help is honestly one of my absolute favorite sponsors to this channel because I genuinely appreciate the services that they provide I have been using better help for over a year now and I'm not sure what I ever did without my therapist no matter how much I craft or organize which is super therapeutic for me it just seems like every day there are new challenges they start to pile up become overwhelming and that's why I so much appreciate better help my therapist is so amazing she is just so great about helping me stay positive still keep my creativity flowing I always feel very understood and heard and better help is just great about providing helpful and unbiased advice and I'm sure like a lot of you I am so busy I mean we have the YouTube channel blog we just reopened up the Etsy shop we have three kiddos a dog and we're in the middle of renovating our house so a lot a lot is going on no matter how busy I am I never feel guilty about carving out that time for myself and honestly better help makes it super duper easy because you can do it all from the Comforts of your own home they offer several different ways you can connect with your therapist I usually do the video chat you can also just do a phone call or messaging and honestly I have used all three it just depends on where I'm at how much time I have but all three are just so easy to do and convenient so how do you get started it's just as easy as going to betterhelp.com daily DIY which will save you 10% off your first month great way to get started and all you have to do is answer a few questions and you'll be matched with a therapist within 48 hours every single therapist has years of experience and helping people just like you with struggles just like yours I can't say enough about my awesome therapist and I want that for you to let betterhelp connect you to a therapist that can support you all from the Comforts of your own home visit betterhelp.com daily DIY or select the daily diyer during sign up for a special 10% discount on your first month I don't think we talk about mental health near enough but I'm here to tell you that I am and I will continue to your mental health is so important so put yourself first go down in the description box below and check out my link for better help today now let's get back to the organization I have another foam board hack for you so this is probably the coolest project of this video we're going to make a Turn Style lazy Susan caddy and can you believe you only need three Square rectangle pieces that are 8 in by 7 and 1/2 in so go ahead and cut your foam board down to those three [Music] pieces now here's the important part you want to make sure you are marking on the 8 in side of your piece um which is at the top and the bottom is the 8 in measurement we're going to measure down 5 in and then using a piece of foam board we're going to use that as a little template for a guide for how thick we need to cut out this little bitty tiny section from the middle so we have a section that is 5 in Long by the width of the uh foam board now the second one is so much easier to do CU we can use the first one as a template just laid it on top Drew out the lines from the cutout section and then cut it out with the box cutter so we have two pieces that are exactly the same now now the third piece is a little bit more tricky again we want that 8 in measurement at the top and the bottom we're going to measure Down 2 and 1/2 in from the top and 2 and 1/2 in up from the bottom using a piece of foam board as a guide we're going to Center that on those areas and we're going to cut out a 2 and 1/2 in long section from the top and the bottom centered on this square or rectangle and here are the three pieces you're going to end up with we need to start putting these together now to make our little Lazy Susan caddy the one with the top and the bottom cutout is going to go in the middle so you're going to take one of the other pieces push that over onto one of the cutouts flip it over and then put the other one right in the center there and once you get this all flush and even you'll be able to see we now have six sections around the center so you will have to do a little bit of wiggling here to make sure we get kind of more even spaced sections and now we can start adding some of the little holders that going to keep our things in the caddy so you're going to need six pieces that are 4 in tall now at this point each section is going to be a little bit different because they're not stationary so you will have to measure each section before then hot gluing your piece in so that each section is kind of custom and fits perfectly and all you have to do is add some hot glue on the edges just make sure your 4in measurement is at the top and the bottom put it onto the center of each section hold it in place until it sets up and then work your way the rest of the way around your [Music] caddy all right so now we have a nice custom fit and this is what our caddy is starting to look like but we're not quite finished yet we need to do a little bit more work and I also want to add a little knob to the top of this so I had these pegs that were definitely too long but an easy fix is I just got out my handsaw and miter box and trim the top of the knob off sanded the bottom a little bit and then took some hot glue we're just going to attach it right to the center top of our caddy now we need to make a bottom for our caddy so we're just going to set the whole thing right on top of another piece of foam board and Trace around the outside perimeter take our box cutter and cut that out and then we're going to use some hot glue to attach it my only tip here is to make sure whenever you go to glue it down that it lines up perfectly with the lines that you drew now we need to add it to a lazy Susan so I found this one on Amazon I will link it down below for you but it is a 7 in size lazy sus in I just added some hot glue on there make sure it was good and stuck down to the caddy and we have a spinning caddy how awesome is that using a piece of foam board super fun to make and also really really handy for organizing things like your craft supplies things in your office office supplies or we're going to head inside and show you how cool it is to use it in your kitchen for things like silverware napkins great for parties great for barbecues very very easy and affordable to make the next project is a tiered Riser and this one is so super easy to make and you can make these in different sizes but we're going to make a small one to start with so we're going to need two squares that are 8 in square just cutting them right out of your foam board I also use the first one as a template just save some time and then cut the second Square out and now we need to cut these in half diagonally so I'm just using a ruler here placing it at one corner and the opposite corner and cutting those in half now we only need three for this Riser but if you're going to make a a larger Riser you may need all four and now we need to make some marks so we're going to mark this at 2 4 and 6 in up from the bottom on both sides the straight side on the left and then the angled side on the [Music] right again we're going to use a piece of foam board here as a guide for the thickness we're going to line that up with the sides and then Mark the thickness over the line so we now know what we need to cut out you want to cut in 1 in from the angled side on all three pieces and now to save some time we're going to use that first piece as a template and just Mark with a pencil onto the second piece where those lines are cut those out and repeat that for the third piece as well [Music] next up we're going to make some shelves for this tiered Riser so depending on what you're going to put on your tray and how big your shelf is is going to depend on how big you want your shelves I'm making mine at 2 and 1/2 in deep and then cutting them 10 in long just for reference but this is a custom piece so make it fit your space so make your shelves as big as you want but I would still stick with that 2 and 1/2 in depth for this one and then we have a riser you just kind of put it all together you can add some hot glue in there if you want but look how perfect this is and actually how strong this is to hold 19 bottles of acrylic paint very easy to now see what we have and easily grab out what we need for crafting now this isn't just great for in your craft room you can also take this into the kitchen and it is perfect for storing your spices now I'm sure there are a ton of other ideas you could use this idea for so let me know down in the comments below all my crafty friends all my creative friends how and where would you use this tiered riser in your home to keep things organized do you need to organize some larger items well this idea is definitely for you we are going to take this piece of foam board and we're going to mark it at 10 in and cut it right down the center Dollar Trees foam board board are actually 20 in wide by 30 in long so we're going to maximize the amount of foam board here to create one large organization box so we're now going to take this these two longer rectangles and we're going to cut them up into thirds marking at 10 in which is going to give us six squares total so now we're are only going to need five of those six squares so set the other one aside always good for later projects and then you're going to need some duct tape I highly recommend grabbing some duct tape that is the same color as your foam board or if you want it fun and fancy you can get creative that way too we're going to add a couple lengths of that duct tape one on each side of that Center board and we're going to tape them together with a little bit of a gap on each side in between those foam board pieces now we're going to flip up the sides and then tape on the fourth Square onto the side and then you'll have to kind of cut some of those Corners out where they fold over and then we're going to add some tape up the sides as you can see we're starting to create a cube now we're going to add our last side on here so we're going to tape up the bottom first and then tape up each side [Music] they look so nice when they're finished and they are so easy to just kind of pump out a bunch if you need them if you cut a bunch of squares and then put them all together at the same time you can make these even more organized by adding some chalkboard labels to the front I didn't really know what I was going to put in these so just for video sake I numbered them 1 two and three but you can obviously put on your stickers whatever is inside your bins to keep things [Music] organized these make great Organization for say underneath an entryway bench inside closets you can use them for kids toys winter gear shoes so many different things you can use with these and I love how sturdy these are they are not going to just fall over like regular plastic bins so nice rigid storage and organizing ation this is a great way to stay organized if you are a Post-It note girl like me or if you just want a nice place to display some photos or memories we're going to take this canvas tote bag from Dollar Tree and cut the handles off and now we have a nice little sleeve that we can add some foam board into to make a bulletin board so this tote bag is going to make things so easy for us we definitely want to make sure we iron all the wrinkles out and then measure so we know what size we need to cut our foam board down to and then just convert your measurements over to your foam board and then cut it out so then all we have to do now is take our canvas tote bag and slide our foam board right into the open pocket like a pillow I did have to come back and do a little bit of an adjustment to the size of the foam board cuz I made it the exact size of the tote bag and so I didn't really Leave myself enough room to glue this up so I cut off probably a good half inch there so that the fabric would fold around the side and the back and I just used some hot glue to keep that opening closed and just fold it around cut off any excess you do kind of have to trim the corners down too so they're not sticking out I'm always impressed with some things from Dollar Tree and their push penss are one of them they actually have some really really nice ones including these that kind of have a velvet fabric on them so you just use those on the bulletin board and then obviously you just put your bulletin board board wherever you need it in a entry way to keep things organized or in an office a place where you want to display photos or notes or shopping lists or to-do lists really really easy and the fabric makes it so you don't see those pin holes in your uh foam board as you reposition them so I thought i' would throw in a really easy peasy foam board DIY here with the help of a little clear container from Dollar Tree that is going to hold it all for us so we're going to flip this over to the back side and measure it that is going to be the max width of the foam board that we're going to cut down into rectangles we're going to use this for some fabric storage so I just kind of used the um container as a guide about how tall and how wide I wanted each one of these pieces of foam board cut down too so here is one but obviously you want to repeat that size and then this is perfect for storing your fat quarters so you just kind of wrap and roll your fabric onto the foam board which keeps it nice and organized and um clean and um bundled up for you so then you can just kind of file it away into the clear organizer or the clear bin and then just stick it on one of your shelves in your craft room [Music] all right so at the beginning of this video I asked you to guess down in the comments below how many pieces of foam board you thought I was going to use in today's video and can you believe for six projects I only used six pieces of foam board and actually this is the last piece this is the only little chunk that I used out of it so really closer to five pieces of foam board to create six custom organization pieces so thank you to everybody that commented and guessed down in the comments below so this was definitely a fun video to create and I hope that it was inspiring to you don't forget to check the link that I'll have to better help down in the description box below put yourselves and your mental health first you deserve it and thank you all so much for joining me today I'll have some Dollar Tree DIY videos popping up on your screen that will save you even more money in your organization go ahead and click one of those and I will see you over there thanks again for watching and I'll see you in the next one have a cretive [Music] day
Channel: The Daily DIYer
Views: 59,448
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dollar tree, dollar tree diy, dollar tree organization, organization hacks, storage, organize, dollar store, dollar tree hacks, dollar tree haul, home hacks, dollar tree finds, what you should be buying at dollar tree, the deal guy, do it on a dime, whiskey and whit, designed to the nines, krafts by katelyn, chic on the cheap, the daily diyer, diy, crafts, foam board, poster board, dollar tree obsessed
Id: y7MPh_U6IHA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 42sec (1242 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 24 2024
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