📌 9 EASY STEPS to start using PINTEREST for your HANDMADE SHOP

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Pinterest is a great way to get traffic to your handmade shop you've heard it many times I'm sure probably a lot of those times from me because I love Pinterest because I know what it can do for your traffic and sales but how do you really use Pinterest for your business for your shop is it not just for recipes and home decor like how do you get started strategically and start using Pinterest for your handmade shop in this video I'm going to share and nine tips with you so that you can get cited on Pinterest on the right foot hi there I'm Deb the founder of teaser taco a community for makers and handmade shop owners so if you'd like teams to help you start and grow your handmade business make sure to subscribe to my channel so you don't miss any other videos before now let's dive into some Pinterest strategy with tip number one tip number one is switch or start a business account your profile on Pinterest needs to be all about your business this needs to be strategically curated content and not just stuff that you pin for yourself like recipes and home decor so if you've been using Pinterest already and you have a personal profile I'd recommend that you do one of two things the first one is switch your personal profile to a business account that's called converting it to a business account and it's really easy to do that with Pinterest or if you want to keep that personal profile on Pinterest because you like using the platform for yourself then start a fresh account and make it a business one to keep those two things completely separated tip number two is big boards that are going to attract the right visitors to your profile enter your shop consequently and what I mean by that is that when you start pinning on the platform pins to your boards you want to keep your customers in mind what does your ideal customer come to Pinterest looking for what do they like to pee what would that on personal Pinterest profile look like you want to be creating content that your customers are going to like even if it's not directly related to your products so a good way to think about it is to think that you need to be pinning a lifestyle and let me give you an example if you're selling for example natural organic skincare or beauty products and your customers the people that you're targeting are young moms then you might be thinking about creating boards around the topics of your product categories so you could have beauty travel essentials you know dry skin recipes or remedies and then you could have things that aren't necessarily talking about your products but more around what this person your ideal customer wants to know more about or would like tips about so things like a mom team sport healthy recipes for the family quick and healthy meals anything that this young mom that cares about stuff that's organic and natural and she's probably into a healthy kind of lifestyle what would this person want to see on Pinterest and you want to provide that for her the great thing is that of course you don't have to stop blogging about any of those things if you're just creating products and you're not interested in doing quick and healthy recipes for moms you would just be pinning other people content to those boards but really what you want to remember is that you need of course to have boards in which you're going to be able to pin your own products but you also want to provide a place with your business profile on Pinterest that attract this busy mom because of the relevant tips and advice that you've been pinning to your account tip number three and that's a goody is to peek boards with overlapping themes now this is so that you can repin one of your pane to multiple boards giving you really more leverage on the platform because you're using the same piece of content and you're using it in different boards so for example if we keep the the example of the beauty organic skin care type of products you could have a board that's for example travel essentials then you would have another one that's summer skincare cruelty free beauty and organic skincare these could be four different boats now if I'm selling a small size moisturizer that product can really go on to any of those four boards and so I should be pinning into any of those four pores so don't limit yourself with boards that have a topic that's too big like skincare when you can really break that down into smaller boards like travel essentials or travel skincare essentials summer skincare cruelty free beauty products organic skincare and really by doing that you're giving yourself the opportunity to reap in the pain to all these different boards and that's very very important and I do not see any enough people doing that properly on Pinterest so make sure that you go back to your boards and that you have overlapping themes tip number four is optimize your board covers and your board titles and this is really meaning make sure that your Pinterest profile is a place that your customers want to come back to and want to follow you should be able to tell in five seconds max probably much actually less than that what the account is about if I'm visiting your Pinterest profile I should know in a split second what this is about and if I'm interested in following it or not and to do that and to convince people to come back to your page and to really follow you and Pinterest you want to create both covers that are branded and that are cohesive so with your phones and with your brand colors so that it's all pretty it's good-looking it's nice to look at and also is board titles that are clear and descriptive so that I know exactly are this board has pins about this topic this one about this one so don't try to be or innovative and creative as your bow titles and really use clear and descriptive titles also because and that's leading to tip number five that we're about to jump into that means that your board are more CEO friendly which is search engine optimized so let's dive into tip number five tip number five is think SEO SEO stands for search engine optimization and the reason that's very very very important and probably one of the most important tip in this entire list is that Pinterest is not a social media platform like people think it is Pinterest is actually a search engine so if you think about Google when you type a few keywords in Google it shows you results based on those keywords with links and just a little blurb of paragraph Pinterest does exactly the same thing people go in they type a few keywords and instead of the results showing up with text they show up with images so it's really just a visual search engine a visual google if you want and so it's really important to make sure that you are using SEO search engine optimization to make sure that for the keywords that your customers are most likely to type into Pinterest your pins show up in search and to do that you want to make sure that you use those key words and key phrases in your board title in your board descriptions in your pin descriptions and you can also use hash tags I actually have a full video on hash tags on Pinterest that I'll link below if you're interested in learning more on how to use hash tags on Pinterest but make sure that your Pinterest account is SEO optimized tip number six is all about how to actually design your pins and create pins quickly and efficiently and for that the tip is create pin templates between three and five that you can reuse for each product creating three to five template and using it for each product is going to give you a good amount of pins to play with and because Pinterest isn't a social media platform and isn't chronological those pins are going to stay on the platform for months and years to come I still have pins that I created three years ago on war that are still driving hundreds and thousands of people to my website every month so you want to make the most out of each product and instead of having just one pin per product it's really much more effective if for each product you create three to five pins now don't get overwhelmed if you're just thinking about starting using Pinterest and you have 200 products in your store and you're like I am NOT going to design five pins for each of my product in this case just focus on your best sellers don't worry about the rest and moving forward when you do release new product start using those templates again let me show you an example of someone that I think is doing this really well okay so this is the Pinterest account of an Etsy shop called modern eShop and they do modern cat furniture as soon as you look at this account you can see from the banner that grabs different pins from this account that it's cohesive in terms of the colors and the brand and the pictures that are being used but what I really want you to pay attention to is the different template that this Etsy shopper I saw an Etsy seller is using instead of being overwhelmed each time there's a new product and thinking oh my god I need to create three to five design and I'm not a designer if you can create three to five templates that you can reuse and reuse and reuse each time you're going to save you a lot of time yourself a lot of time and your sanity as well and so as you can see here this is the same template we use with different images so one template has been used to create what is twelve different design more than that actually because there are rows and rows of it and there's more than this one template this is another one here you can see same template the only thing that's been changed is the picture and the color which it's still the brand colors so it's coheres even consistent with a brand but this is the same template and again here in a green version and then we have another template here and it's been reused same thing we've just changed the colors and the pictures in the background and if I keep scrolling I'm sure we'll keep seeing more of that see that's another template here that this person's been using so that's a really smart way to only have to work on those designs once and then you can reuse them multiple times after that okay tip number seven join and use group boards group boards are just like a regular Pinterest board but instead having just one person pinning to it there are many penis pinning to that same board anyone can create a group board by inviting other penis to join in and to pin to the board which makes it this beautiful collaborative group board what this means for you as a Pinner in a group board is that you usually get more reach and visibility for your pins because those boards have more followers which means that you get more repeats more clicks more saves more love and more traffic to your handmade shop the pins on group boards tends if it's a good group board tends to perform better which is more traffic for you so that's really something that you want to tap into you want to be sure that you join group boards that are relevant of course to your handmade shop into your customers and this is really essential that's the foundation of a successful Pinterest strategy you join and use group boards tip number eight is be consistent you can't just go on Pinterest for a couple of hours every couple of months and stop painting like crazy and then forget to log in for a few weeks and then do that again that's just not going to work Pinterest like to see that you are using the platform regularly and that you're adding and participating with new pins and by repeating other people's pins consistently on the platform which leads me to tip number nine and tip number nine is when you're ready use tailwind to supercharge your Pinterest strategy now just so quickly telling isn't going to create miracles for you if you don't have your Pinterest strategy organized and thought of and sorted really before you start using it so you want to go back to those eight first tips and make sure that you follow this advice and there you have it clear strategy and pinning strategy in place before jumping into telling but once you have that once your board are optimized for SEO once you thought about your pin design and you're really ready to roll Taylan is going to help you in staying consistent and active on the platform without the need to login to pin everyday it's really a great tool that's going to allow you to automate the process and to schedule in advance so that you're much more hands-off and you can reap the benefit of the platform which is more traffic to your shop without the need to being so invested and committed to it so tail win is great I feel if you'd like to learn more about either how to set up your Pinterest strategy or if you're a bit more advanced out of supercharge it with a tailwind strategy I do have two full in-depth courses with different modules and workbooks and checklists to help you with that and I'll link to it in the comments just below this video and that's a wrap for today guys I hope this video was helpful to you if you want to learn more strategies to start and grow a successful handmade shop please make sure to subscribe to this channel and I'll also link below below this video to my free resource library for makers and handmade shop owners full of freebies so that you can really take your handmade skills and turn it into a profit see you next week
Channel: Deborah Engelmajer
Views: 32,034
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pinterest etsy sales, using pinterest for etsy sales, using pinterest for online shop, pinterest for online shop, tailwind for online shop, tailwind for etsy, etsy shop, craft making small business idea, etsy craft ideas, etsy explained, etsy traffic tips, handmade business marketing, handmade shop tips, increase etsy traffic, how to use pinterest for etsy shop, how to get traffic from pinterest 2020, pinterest for business 2020, pinterest tutorial for business 2020
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 50sec (890 seconds)
Published: Tue May 28 2019
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