๐Ÿ‘ผโœ๏ธ๐Ÿ‘ผ Joseph and his brothers, Noahs arch, Lionsden - Beginners Bible

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[Music] do you know how the world began how god created it by hand from mighty mountains to the raging sea to every leaf on every single tree [Music] [Applause] it's a story for young and all the greatest the greatest once there was a man named jacob who lived in the land of canaan with his twelve sons the oldest was reuben then simeon levi judah issachar zebulun gad asher dan and naphtali and finally benjamin and joseph they were jacob's children by his second wife rachel being the youngest they stayed at home while their brothers worked the pastures jacob loved all his sons but joseph was his favorite father when can i tend the sheep with my brothers i dreamed it would be any day now joseph you and your dreams you start tomorrow and to celebrate the big event i have a surprise for you [Music] now that he's of age joseph will join his older brothers in the fields and this will keep you warm oh father it's beautiful [Music] hey look at these sleeves and the colors father should have given you a coat like that reuben you're the oldest huh in my dreams joseph's brothers were jealous of his gift it reminded them that their father loved him most of all [Music] but the beautiful coat wasn't the only thing that made them angry at joseph judah asher simeon the other night i had a wonderful dream we were all in a field binding bundles of grain and my bundle stood upright while yours gathered around mine and bowed down bowed down to you huh father may worship you but we don't hey it was just a dream simeon i'm going to bed [Music] you know last night i dreamed i was a star in the sky along with 11 other stars [Music] the sun and the moon were there too and they all bowed down to me [Music] eleven stars you mean 11 brothers and we're supposed to bow to you who you think you are a king [Music] if we're the stars who are the moon and sun his mother and i joseph you don't think your family should actually worship you father it was just a joke get to sleep you and your brothers leave early in the morning if you sleep late they won't wait for you father's got that right [Music] and i don't want to hear anything more about dreams the next day joseph was left behind hello oh the dreamers found us get ready to bow my brothers look at him strut around like a peacock in his new coat sometimes i wish we could get rid of him no you don't but i do if he mentions one more dream simeon he's our brother we couldn't hurt him but you've given me an idea what were you trying to do lose me joseph began to tell his brothers how smart he had been to find them but they weren't listening [Music] they had other plans [Music] hey careful with the coat reuben judah no [Music] we'll keep him down there until we figure out what to do next reuben planned to free joseph when no one was looking and sent him scurrying home oh no [Music] [Applause] ah [Applause] [Music] ah [Music] oh [Music] aah [Music] reuben and naphtali rounded up the flock while the others ate their supper while they ate a caravan approached wouldn't it be funny if we sold joseph to those merchants [Music] why not we'd finally be rid of the pest and have money from the sale everyone agreed to the terrible plan and joseph was sold for 20 pieces of silver brothers why are you doing this god whatever happens to me i still have my faith in you you did what to joseph calm down reuben i'll calm down when you figure out what we're going to tell father we have figured it out we rip joseph's coat we'll just make up some story we looked everywhere for him but only found his coat oh joseph what has happened to you my son the brothers lied and jacob believed them joseph was taken to egypt and accused of a crime he hadn't done anything wrong but he was thrown into the pharaoh's prison anyway even in prison joseph trusted in god god i didn't do anything bad but i'm in here for some reason i know in my heart that it's all part of your plan joseph was right and part of god's plan was to bless him with a special gift the ability to understand other people's dreams oh what a terrible night if i only knew what my dream meant ah my dream was four times as confusing as yours i can tell you what it means you understand my dreams not i only god can explain them i believe you tell me about my dream i was pharaoh's cupbearer until i displeased him in my dream i saw a grapevine [Music] on the vine were three branches with grapes [Music] i squeezed them into pharaoh's cup and put the cup in pharaoh's hand [Music] the three vines mean that in three days pharaoh will set you free and you'll be his cupbearer again thank you joseph no thank god my friend and when you're free please tell pharaoh about me tell him i shouldn't be in this awful place i promise i promise enough about you i'm next in my dream i had three baskets on my head in the top basket were baked goods for farrell suddenly three birds came and ate everything out of the basket [Music] what's that all about in three days you will also leave this prison i knew it i'm too important to stay here any longer wait there's more everything you own will be taken away and you will be given pharaoh's harshest punishment i'm sorry [Music] everything joseph said came true but the cup bearer forgot to tell pharaoh about him joseph stayed in prison for two long years then one day oh what a strange dream [Music] pharaoh met with the wisest man in his [Music] kingdom maybe they could understand his dream [Music] but not one of them had an answer then the cup bearer remembered his promise to joseph oh pharaoh there is a very wise man in your prison who might explain your dream [Music] joseph i dreamed that i was standing on the banks of the nile when seven fat cows came out of the water then seven skinny cows came out of the river and suddenly the skinny cows ate the fat cows what does it mean my god is telling you what he plans to do the seven fat cows mean that there will be seven years with plenty of crops and food for everyone but the seven skinny cows mean that after that for seven years no crops will grow and your people will have no food this is horrible terrible no pharaoh god has sent you this message so that you can prepare build barns to save some of the food that grows in the seven years of plenty your people will have plenty to eat it is true you are filled with the spirit of god this is the wisest man in my kingdom we'll build these barns and save our food and there is only one man who i trust to do such an important job this man joseph joseph went right to work [Music] and soon the barns were bursting with grain and filled with cattle [Music] but joseph's greatest achievement was that the people loved him god had helped joseph do these wonderful things and joseph never forgot to thank him [Music] seven years later the terrible drought that joseph had warned about arrived no crops grew anywhere not even in joseph's old home canaan we're out of food father there's a wise leader in egypt who has stored food for seven years he's selling it to anyone who needs it then we'll go meet with him and buy his grain not benjamin i want him safe here with me [Music] joseph recognized his brothers bless you great one [Music] but they didn't recognize him so he pretended to be a stranger where are you from canaan great one seeking food for our family your spies no we're brothers from a family of 12 please believe me [Music] liar there are only 10 of you one brother was killed and benjamin the youngest was left at home i'll sell you my grain but to prove that you are innocent and honest bring this younger brother of yours the next time you come i am going to keep one of you here until you return [Music] do you promise we promise god is punishing us for selling joseph into slavery he pleaded with us and we betrayed him i have no more time for you take your grain and go [Music] and remember your promise father we had no choice oh simeon my son a prisoner in egypt but look father we got the grain [Music] hey my money's here in the sack now we'll be accused of being thieves as well as spies jacob didn't want to lose another son to egypt so the family tried to save their food but soon it was all gone [Music] we're leaving for egypt and we must take benjamin [Music] no he'll wind up in prison like simeon we promised father if benjamin doesn't come simeon will stay in prison and the egyptian ruler won't sell us his grain [Music] benjamin will come home unharmed i promise if he doesn't judah i'll die of sadness is your father well yes sir good god has blessed you and you kept your promise so i'll keep mine [Music] [Applause] [Music] then the brothers left but joseph had told his servant to secretly place his silver cup in one of their sacks stop why do you repay good with evil one of you has stolen my silver cups [Music] thief for this crime you will remain here in egypt as my slave please if benjamin doesn't return home with us our father will die of grief he stays no no take me instead no me please great one when you threw me down that well you meant it to be a bad thing but in the end god has turned it into something good i came to egypt and helped keep a nation from starving it's me benjamin [Music] joseph it's true i'm joseph oh can't you tell it's me look closer and you'll see the eyes of your lost i am so glad to have my family gathered here it's so good to know you're near again it's really me even i can hardly believe you are standing here after all it was god's plan for me to be just who i am [Music] it was god who sent me [Music] god has used [Music] you are standing here after all these [Music] fears [Music] it's really gather your families and our father and come live with me in egypt [Music] joseph god be praised you're alive and well joseph and his family were never apart again and god who helped them survive the famine raised up a great nation from this family so joseph learned that even when bad things happen god can turn them into something good [Applause] a long time ago there were many many people on the earth [Music] and everyone did whatever they wanted to without love for each other they cared more about themselves than they did about other people god was very sad because everyone had forgotten his way everyone that is except for noah and his family noah and his family worked very hard and they kept all of god's ways in their hearts all right that's enough for today you boys can finish that tomorrow [Music] but father we almost had it just a few more minutes god knows how hard you work japheth my boy and so do i but god also wants us to keep up our strength so that we can do his work you're right again father you must be the wisest man in the world me oh no i might be the happiest man in the world but the wisest i think not but enough talking we'd better hurry i think we're having your mother stew tonight and we wouldn't want it to get cold noah and his family had a hard life but they loved each other very much and they always had enough to eat noah never forgot that it was god who made all of those things possible and thank you god for everything you've given to me and my family thank you for the strength to work hard and for fields that are good for growing and for the food on our table [Music] amen what's this it sounds like we have visitors well you must be hungry dear will you please bring me a bit of meat and a bone from the stew i think our friends need something to eat all of god's creatures are important [Music] there you go enjoy nothing like a good dinner isn't that right you're a good man noah [Music] more [Music] one night after supper everyone kissed noah good night and went to bed but noah didn't go to bed at his usual time he had a strange feeling you look sleepy dude why don't you go to bed are you coming soon i don't feel tired i think i'll go out and look at the stars for a bit [Music] noah went out of his house for some fresh air he had a feeling he couldn't explain he didn't know that god was leading him outside what is this noah god is that you yes noah it is please listen to the important things i have to say to you noah people do not love one another as they should so i have decided to wash the earth with a flood and start over this is terrible news don't be afraid noah i'm telling you this because you are the only man who still has me in his heart i have chosen you and your family to help me start over listen carefully i want you to build a book noah an ark so much to do i've got to get my boys and have them help me wake up i need you to help me with a big [Music] project [Music] yes i'm serious an ark a big big ark [Music] it's okay go ahead and laugh you'll see [Applause] this field should be big enough [Music] build it from fresh sticky wood make it 450 feet long 75 feet across and 45 feet high [Music] seal the planks with tar [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] [Music] wow [Music] [Laughter] and inside build an upper middle and lower deck [Music] make an opening all the way around the yard just below the upper deck yay and last put a door in the side big enough for the largest animals of the earth to walk through [Music] next bring two of every animal on the earth with you each with a safe place on the ark [Music] so [Music] noah and his family worked very hard father we're finished [Music] [Applause] we have done well my sons oh where is this old man who says a flood is coming lead me to the crazy fool my father is no fool only a fool would build a big silly boat in the middle of his field now let's take a good look at [Music] you really are a crazy old man anyone who would do this [Music] you would be wise to listen to what i say god has told me that a terrible flood is coming so much to do so little time father it's fair to warn them shem word is about what the flood that's never coming come on let's get out of here let's leave this crazy old man alone there there now thank you for helping us i guess we made ourselves some friends eh and it looks like we have our first passengers how if i can only figure out how we're going to find all the rest of the [Music] animals father look a miracle [Music] and it was a miracle god had done something wonderful he brought two of every animal to the ark and they were on their very best behavior even the lions played down with the lambs [Music] tigers wielder beasts zebras whoa [Music] god will protect us all well that does it everybody's here what do we do now father we wait for the rain it doesn't look like we'll have to wait long father look suddenly the clouds began to gather and cold winds began to blow [Music] noah the time has come to take your family and the animals onto the ark soon the rain will start let's go [Music] [Music] everybody on all clear down here ready i'll close the door [Music] oh don't be afraid my dear [Music] god will protect us all [Music] the rain covered the whole earth even the highest mountains disappeared underwater [Music] [Music] except for the animals and people on the ark there was nothing else left during their long trip noah and his family became very close with the animals [Music] they were all good friends [Music] we'll have fantastic fun [Music] what are the news [Music] to the tiny [Music] chimpanzees [Music] [Applause] [Music] is from the elephants to the tiny and the whole time noah watched to see when the rain would stop but it just kept coming down it rained and rained like it would never stop it rained for a month then another week [Music] then after 40 days and 40 nights the rain stopped noah was so excited he called a family meeting i've called you all here because i have a surprise for you the rain has stopped what that's wonderful this is too good to be true when do we get off well i think if all goes well [Music] the ground should start to peek through in about another oh six months or so [Music] everybody was disappointed to hear this news because although they all loved one another they were all pretty tired of being on that arc but they waited patiently many months [Music] passed [Music] well what did you see what did you see same as always nothing but sea we're never going to get off this boat how are we even going to know if the land is dry how are we even going to know if we're anywhere near land this is hopeless now what kind of talk is that are you the same men who helped me build god's ark hasn't he looked out for us this long of course father is right but can we at least try to find out if there's any dry land this got noah thinking finally he got an idea he went and got one of the ravens and brought him to the slit in the ark then he let him go he thought if the raven found land he might bring something back with him but when the raven returned he didn't bring anything with him so noah decided he would try letting a dove go good luck [Music] but the dove returned with nothing as well [Music] but no one knew god wouldn't abandon them he waited a while longer then one last time he sent out the dove again [Music] this time when the dove returned it brought something back oh in its mouth it carried a branch from an olive tree father this is wonderful news we must be very close to dry land yes son if you believe in god he will save us all and you protected us too and sure enough very soon the ark landed on top of a tall mountain [Music] when it was safe to come out god spoke to noah again noah you and your family and the animals can come out now the earth is dry go out into the world and have many children and tell them about me [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] and so you will always know that i won't ever flood the world again i'm going to leave a gift in the sky after it rains something to remind you of my promise and so noah and his family thanked god for all he had done for them and noah's sons had many many good and strong children who loved god very much it was a very sad day when the king of babylon surrounded jerusalem with his army his name was nebuchadnezzar attack [Music] the king and his army stole things that belonged to god then they destroyed his temple the king then ordered that the stolen things be taken back to babylon but that was not all he stole ashbanaz take the brightest young men in jerusalem they must be very healthy and very smart so they can work for me in my palace [Music] don't touch those they're from the temple they belong to god take everything back to our kingdom so the holy cups and plates belonging to god and jerusalem's finest young men were carried hundreds of miles away to [Music] babylon among those taken were daniel and his friends shadrach meshach and abednego and even though daniel and his three friends were hundreds of miles away from their home and the house of god they stayed loyal to god are you studying hard this is impossible we'll never learn to read and write your language god was with daniel and his friends your language is very interesting your majesty teach us more god gave them more wisdom than the other young students and they loved him for it in time the king saw how the boys were 10 times smarter than all the wizards magicians and wise men in babylon and god gave daniel something special the ability to know and understand dreams [Music] it was a good thing too king nebuchadnezzar began having a strange dream ariak a dream that kept him up night after night [Music] bring me my best magician wizard and wise man they must tell me what this dream means well what are you waiting for on my way o king sleep sleep i've got to get my sleep oh king live forever what do you want to know ask any question we have all the answers thank the gods i have a most important question for you magician wizard and wise man no he's the wizard he's the wise man he's the magician no king yeah sure whatever do you want to know what is colder snow or a dog's nose or how to turn goat's milk into cloth or the number of giants living inside the earth no no no i have been having a very strange dream night after night that's simple piece of cake no problem so tell me what it means okay but tell us what your dream was then we'll tell you what it means oh no if you are so smart first tell me what i dreamed then tell me what it means you want us to tell you what you already know then tell you what you don't know but you'll know if we know what you already know yes yes yes i knew you were smart are you kidding no way forget it tell me what i dreamed right now or or i'll punish all of you but no one on earth can do such a thing only the gods can tell you that and they don't live on earth that's it now i'm mad i'll not only punish the three of you but but area [Music] get rid of all the wizards magicians and wise men in babylon well what are you waiting for on my whale king ariak went to daniel's house [Music] he told him about the king's order to punish every wise man in babylon wait aryak please don't harm anyone tonight daniel you're my friend i'll wait but only until tomorrow morning let's pray my friends god must help us understand the king's secret dream no one should be harmed over this wake up daniel i've come to explain the king's secret dream to you thank you god oh king there's someone here to tell you what your dream means impossible who could be smarter than my wizard magician and wise man one of the captives from judah you can tell me about my dream no not i is this some joke ariak but god in heaven can explain all secret things oh i know what your dream means i know what your dream is god has told me to pass the word about what i've seen and what i've heard it's a simple message served with a truly holy theme oh i know what your dreams [Music] need oh king nebuchadnezzar believe me it's my pleasure to come here to you and shed some light i've been praying to god and this may sound awfully odd but i understand the dream you had last night sauce that you were the head of gold he was bronze and nine with big clay toes symbolize the kingdoms of this earth [Music] the golden face that i saw shining means down here you're the number one king i'm giving you the facts for all their worth oh i know what your know dream means dream means god has told me to pass the word about what i've seen and what i heard it's a simple message sir with a truly holy theme oh i know what your dream needs now the rock that rolled on down and brought the statue to the ground shows that earthly kingdom soon will pass [Music] yeah the interpretation is that out of all the nations gods is the kingdom that will last oh i know what your dream means oh i know what your dream means god has told me to pass the word about what i've seen and whatever it's a simple message sir we're the truly holy theme oh i know what your dream is oh i know what your dream means oh i know what your dream is god has told me to pass the word about what i've seen and what i heard it's a simple message sir with a truly holy thing oh i know what your dream is god has told me king what your dream means exactly right you are smarter than all of my wizards magicians and wise men put together not me sire god told me this secret not because i'm greater than anyone else but so you can know what it means but what does it mean you're king for now but neither you nor your kingdom will last forever but god's kingdom will last forever your god is the god of gods the king of all kings your god tells people things they can't possibly know you deserve a reward from this moment on you will rule over babylon for me and be in charge of all my wise men o king i beg you do not punish them of course anything you ask what was your name again daniel if i am to rule i need help i have three wise friends make shadrach meshach and abednego leaders of babylon as well it shall be done daniel many years passed and after king nebuchadnezzar left the throne his son balchazar became king daniel stayed in babylon and every day three times a day he faced jerusalem and pray to god after so many years daniel was completely forgotten by the new king belshazzar one night king belshazzar had a big party the foolish king used cups and plates stolen from the house of god [Music] is everyone having fun by drinking from the stolen cups he dishonored god he only believed in false gods made from gold silver bronze iron wood and stone well let us thank the gods for this wonderful party what is that [Music] ugh [Music] wizard magicians wise men come here quickly what does it say read it to me [Music] many meaning tickle person many many tickle person tell you what anyone who can read those words uh gets a gold chain eeny meeny tackle persnip eeny meeny tackle the purse nip eeny meeny tackle parsnip how about this a fine purple robe fit for a king i'll even make you third highest ruler in my kingdom impossible infeasible inconceivable [Music] is there no one in my kingdom who can read these strange words i know of someone my son tell me mother who is it in the days of your father this man had wisdom like the gods call for daniel [Music] are you daniel the one who believes in the god who created heaven and earth look the gold chain the purple robe and third highest ruler in the kingdom everything is yours if you can read these words king belshazzar keep your gifts or give them to someone else oh then you can't read it either but i can and i will tell you what it says your father was so proud and stubborn he lost his kingdom god rules over everything on earth and he decides who will be king you know all this but you aren't sorry for the terrible things you've done [Music] tonight you used cups and plates stolen from his temple you have dishonored god [Music] god himself sent the hand that wrote these words monet god has counted the days until your kingdom will end to kale you are not good enough to be king any longer ufarseen your kingdom will be given to some other people daniel i know you speak the truth king belshazzar kept his promise and gave daniel the purple robes and golden chain and made him the third highest ruler in the land what daniel said did come true that very night another ruler king darius took over the kingdom the new king picked three men to rule the kingdom and since god had made daniel very wise daniel was one of the three soon king darius saw how daniel was better than the other two men and he planned to make daniel the one and only ruler of the land that made the other two men very angry [Music] the two mean wise men wanted to make daniel look bad [Music] but he always told the truth and was not lazy nor dishonest we must make daniel look bad but how he is just too good i have an idea daniel really really believes in his god we will use that against him [Music] [Music] ah [Music] [Music] it's me god daniel i was right daniel faces jerusalem and prays to his god three times a day this plan will work i can't wait to tell the king hey it's my plan i'll tell the king not if i get to him first why you [Applause] theirs was a terrible plan a plan to get rid of daniel oh king darius you have many enemies and we know how to find them for 30 days let's have a holiday throughout the kingdom for 30 days no one can pray to any god or any human except to you hmm i kind of like the sound of that but here's the best part if they don't pray to you they must be your enemy so we throw them into the lion's den by the gods i mean by me i like it a holiday for 30 days yes a great holiday a feast like no other i must tell daniel it's a wonderful new law [Music] daniel heard about the new law but he was still loyal to god he's breaking the king's new law my plan worked daniel is praying to his god let's throw him into the lion's den wait it wasn't your plan it was my plan was not i'm much wiser than you oh king darius we found someone who doesn't obey your new law unbelievable who is this terrible person he is the israelite daniel no not him he prays three times a day to his god just as he did before you made the law shall it be two lions or three i can't hurt daniel he's a trusted advisor and more importantly my friend but king darius as you know the law says no law given by the king can be right changed right all right take daniel to the lion's den my dear friend what have i done i'm sorry daniel i don't want to do this you have always been loyal to your god maybe he will save you from the lions don't worry i won't be alone down there [Music] so that no one would move the stone and let daniel out of the den king darius sealed the opening with his royal seal [Music] king darius could not sleep that night he was very worried about his friend [Music] the next morning king darius ran to the lion's den oh daniel has your god kept you safe open the lions den but there was nothing to fear you're up early king darius daniel was safe and sound [Music] i can't believe my eyes you're okay when the lions attacked god saved me he sent an angel to close their mouths the lions didn't hurt me because god knew i hadn't done anything wrong and i haven't done anything wrong to you o king daniel i'm so happy and you call yourselves wise men take them away that was a terrible plan don't look at me it was your big idea was not was too king darius wrote a letter to everyone in the world peace and happiness to all [Music] from now on all of you will respect the god of daniel he is greater than any other god because he uses miracles to rescue and save people daniel continued working for king darius and always stayed loyal to god and god blessed him for the rest of his life [Music] so [Music] you
Channel: The Beginners Bible
Views: 39,618
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bibel, Beginners Bible, Children's Bible, kinder bible tv, childrens bible tv, kids bible tv 2018, kids bible 2018, bible 2018, bible prophecy kids, bible kids, bible children, bible 4 children, religion children, god explained for kids, god of kids, god of kids video, god video, video of god, gods plan 2018, gods plan in 2018, jesus christ loves you, eastern for kids, mose 40 years, moses and the israelis, david vs goliath for kids, kids bible, bible for kids
Id: C6zEabrAm9U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 28sec (4348 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 30 2020
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