Can't believe that happened.... First time watching ARCANE ep 1-3 reaction

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somebody called a doctor because Bad Medicine is back over there is Diamond day of Damon this is the Appleton Oak that's the answer I'm Mason Gwen guys tonight we are taking a look at Arcane this is gonna be a first watch for us and we're checking out the first episode I have no idea what this is about but I'm definitely ready willing and able to find out I have zero clue anything about this show whatsoever I do know it came highly highly recommended oh we're just off the tail of uh wrapping up uh avatar The Last Airbender not that long ago so moving into uh and invincible so moving in more anime this should be a fun ride animation animations uh I know nothing except for everything that you guys have been saying that it's fantastically good it only took us a year to get to it we're finally here let's go [Music] foreign stop hold on are you using protection well yeah I mean I got one here like in college not that kind of protection get ready for the ultimate online protection with Atlas 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of them down this guy's hair and eyebrows we're gonna get caught we'll be in and out before anyone notices as we're talking loudly all right everybody follow me Don't Look Down oh that's just to take it easy here oh don't get sidetracked by the cupcakes got him gotta stay out of sight for this one all about it oh I mean that is quick to jump oh my God thanks all right well she made it all clear unlocks their balcony tons of enforcers down there means we're in the right place you're gonna get that door open anytime soon working on it seeing as I'm the only one who knows how to pick locks I'd suggest just kick it animals there's that it does very much feel like Final Fantasy though never played it never played it either only played seven on PlayStation original so Matt Damon been in there you know for once you're right we are definitely not supposed to be here somebody was mathing it up we're stealing some trinkets bobbles that's an inventor we'll finish it up for him keep an eye out for anything that looks valuable about her before Milo fills the bag with junk uh guys wait by how the hell did we find this place it was a tip from Little Man little man just leave it come on did that not look like something valuable yeah that looked like something dangerously valuable oh I got a bad feeling about this she's by herself woohoo this is so about the sandwich treasure okay maybe we're wrong about the other one this might be the one [Music] oh uh jackpot I think you use that with the other thing they saw oh I know how do we gotta go do the same oh that's the one oh might not want to drop those you'll be fine just get back on the roof whoa whoa oops wow that's ripping that thing apart this big yes stop right there oh some kind of bolo I think one of them will have a grappling hook better if they want to get out of there that's how you always get away is the grappling hook oh they're doing that slow motion that's cool dude I can't get over how great these Graphics are somebody there we go into the drink did he go on the boat yeah he landed in the ship that might be worse [Applause] [Laughter] oh and he went head first we just emptied a pelt over Penthouse right under the enforcer's noses so if you're done beating yourselves up let's get this home a little fevery Mission how about you share a little taste of your treasure there and we'll call it even no no no we worked too hard just a taste just hoping that would happen [Music] oh boy let's see how their fight skills are here yeah oh the big guy oh no rib kick oh oh look he didn't lose a tooth good graphics there we go we got one here oh Bridge of the nose that'll do it he can't be able to see oh drop the elbow Mule Kick oh gotta get that liver punch oh yeah the old you gotta fight dirty what do you know yeah you're done oh after all wait see how that ends all right now come on Bowser I need you that's gonna hurt yeah she goes bet you doesn't oh I just didn't do its full thing well it's just something with some pink dust oh I don't think that's what she I thought maybe it'd be a little delayed or throw the bag why all right well she knows where it's at yeah I mean they can always yeah they can come back what I'm sorry I tried to fight him off with Mauser but she didn't work who saw that coming we never shook what's he trying for a high five at least you're okay well she knows where she threw it I get my face bashed in and she just gets a pass yep every time she comes something goes wrong it Jinx his every job just drop it Milo yeah my local being a jerk we're in another world now oh underground world like a Demolition Man four three dead [Music] oh is that hey that was the dude wasn't it yeah is that the guy from the intro you folks need anything leave us you sure about that Santa to me like piss off wow noted I think I know what you need you don't seem to listen a bit of advice don't threaten the guy who pours the drinks foreign how about you just give hug the rest of what you own and I'll let you walk out of here in one piece yeah take that wow oh this is vile you'll learn to love it of course oh he's got another lines maybe they've been yeah they've been living there it looks like oh Vander learns none of this nowhere is there powder took care of the evidence oh yeah he must take care of him picture too everyone all right never better good I don't suppose you can explain why it is that I'm hearing about an explode [Music] all children fleeing the scene [Laughter] interesting what the hell were you thinking that we can handle a real job a real job we got our own tip plan to Route nobody even saw you blew up a building got to think about what could have happened to you okay to them we stay out of pilsover's business when did you get so comfortable living in someone else's shadow ouch those kids look up to you yeah I know you know but you don't know me my castle was a problem for pills over and they will send the enforcers this it's not going to solve your problems some idiot was following us who I don't know he was after the stuff we lost it all of it well it's at the bottom of a lake we said good we're gonna be fine right I'll take care of it you did put that idiot on his ass though right okay we're going out sleep now hey hey that's mine you want to be treated like adults right I'm gonna have a little word with your informant oh boy she kept one yeah I think I think she still got all of them I think she put them all in there only one fellow she did biggest payout we've ever seen and she just lost it she made a mistake she's young don't [ __ ] me you were twice the person at half range ouch there's a bunch of things powder just can't do you don't have to tell me twice well that's not good tell strangers on the street that we got a nice haul okay your problem is never knowing when to shut up but I'm gonna help you with that you see this look on my face this will always mean it's time to shut up you see this look this means it's time to shut up you can take your worthless junk elsewhere is the shittiest businessman I know what's going on with that thing give me a few seconds later Vander and I need a word off you go all right someone was following them a lot of someone's from what I am not enforcers there's worse things that enforce us out there did you fight the enforcers let's do some bombs oh did VI kick their asses you showed me a couple of moves to practice look how did you know where he lived I followed him how else okay oh correct oh uh that'll be fine don't the business picked up something I can help you with some trench of trash attack one of the buildings in the Academy District got a description yeah it's exactly who you're picturing in that thick head of yours you think my head is thick ah just past the average the council needs someone to make an example of people need to feel safe you keep your people off my street and I stay out of your business give me a name we'll do things quiet no one will know you were involved she was in a tenant she was the real one in charge I'm sorry Grayson but I can't offer up my own people loyalty nope rock music playing does that mean in like the last of us something something down I've got these and you've got those they never work come with me so it hasn't worked before I don't know she's got some little blue stones that would certainly work yeah that would definitely help with the mulcer and whiskers that's where clagger got his foot stuck running from enforcers they thought it was funny so they left him there when I was a kid so I'm glad I took my favorite toy and threw it up there oh oh I forgot these were in my pocket what are they well I dropped one and then blew everything up let's keep this our little secret oh no hmm oh oh hairless cat that's always a sign of a villain oh what is that look at that fish in the background uh he's just got us by surprise no his accomplice as asking questions Adrian Brody it kind of looks like him profile yeah get in the Neo keep him off the streets oh look at that our timeline has moved up it's almost ready almost has a scar like a Zuko feeding time feeding time for the most yeah how we think yep oh no it's gonna happen to this thing well visually this is awesome oh hulking off yeah look at that like we're getting the mouse's point of view you have a subject in mind someone just volunteered leaving you hanging I wanted to see that that was Arcane our first ever watch of it into the first episode here and you know what I like to do is I always kind of like to write down names so I kind of know who everybody is but what was interesting about this is we didn't get any backstory we didn't get like any narration of you know when I was a little girl there was a war and it took out the city we didn't get any of that we were just thrown right into it uh which I think is fine because you can usually pick up on stuff pretty quick and a lot of times if if the content's good enough and you're intrigued enough you'll learn the back story as you go and and so that was pretty cool but we obviously have a group of uh of some young young kids who are uh at times up to up to some trouble and uh the bartender uh Vander trying to keep him out of trouble and keep him safe so uh I'm interested to see where this goes visually that last scene with the mouse drinking whatever that purple stuff was uh thing turned into a Frankenstein monster so I'm curious to see where that goes and where the rest of this leads because it was so highly recommended from all of you yeah this was a lot to digest in the first episode but yeah there was a lot of stuff here I mean seeing this is got to be one of pulse apocalyptic type world where they have the upper world and lower world or underworld I should say I I should have recognize that voice of Haley Steinfeld as the lead because her voice is real recognizable and she's a pretty well-known actress but yeah this has been a lot of fun visually like really trippy in some spots but like that mix of 2D and 3D animation is really amazing to watch and I'm still just I might have to watch this episode again it was so much fun a lot to try and learn that the trading that's going on the you know the uh the communications between the upper world and lower world like like the and they have you know they have an agreement and everything else so I'm just I'm really excited to see where this is gonna go yeah it was definitely an interesting first episode right I mean um Mason Quinn brought up we really didn't get any backstory or anything that's going on I'm guessing maybe that's coming and it's not like that needs to be fed to right away when you start you don't always need the in the year 2024 let's post this I mean you you know the the top people you know under underworld you know um obviously you have some younger kids who are are struggling and they're going to go kind of Rob the wealthy some Robin Hood Type feel there um a lot of question marks as to what those glowing uh those glowing blue gemstones were orbs gemstones um but we know they're highly explosive uh if not handled properly so this is a cool episode um I I almost feel like this it almost feels like a trailer for the show or like a teaser because they just didn't really they didn't give you that much not that much character development but enough to kind of be like okay all right you got you got me for the next one tell me more so uh this was this was a fun one no I I enjoyed this one I'm still kind of processing I probably will have to watch it again I feel like this is one of those there's like a lot of little things that maybe didn't pick up right away that probably should have with uh the sisters right here it says orphan sisters that intro was interesting because they kind of gave us a quick like boom here we are and then it almost even though I don't believe it was I almost felt like a jump forward in some time but again it wasn't well maybe it was a little bit it could have been like just a little bit Yeah if we're just a little bit there and then uh Vander is that his name right yeah yep I'm really intrigued about that dude because I feel like he's kind of like the centerpiece here but the main stars are are the uh four yeah Vines kids here yeah but yeah the and let me say the uh the animation in this show I know I know a lot of you said it's Top Notch yeah it's pretty darn good so I was just overall like intrigued just by that alone and then yeah visually and then the story itself is actually pretty pretty good so far enough to hook you and without giving us spoilers is how close is it to the game I'm kind of curious about that because I know some people League of Legends is with the video game I think that is what it is I'd have to go back to some of the comments but uh let us know uh how much it is close to the game without any spoilers because I mean this is intriguing we got eight more to go here yeah so I'm I'm hooked I guess do you guys think that did you find it difficult knowing and literally nothing about this to to get invested into it because like I said we went in or at least I did went in knowing nothing about the characters didn't know the setting the characters they suggested it for us and Diamond Dave brought it up I I feel like it was like I said I really feel like this first episode is kind of like a trailer because you know in a trailer they just give you a little bit to keep you coming back to see what the see what everything is about where this there wasn't really that much of an explanation I mean we got the characters again we can kind of see that you know they're robbing the wealthy there's you know I mean at the end we can hey look he's got uh he's got the cat which feels like it's being fed to the mouse that's the bad guy the Xander looking out for the kids you know but he's in a bit of a weird spot as well so um some interesting characters for sure but I just feel like it definitely was different like okay what what's actually going on how did we get to where we're at right now but again if it's something where you know they have what eight nine episodes on Netflix it's nine yeah so if there's Nine episodes again you don't need to give these the whole backstory right away in fact some of the shows that we've watched you know as as they you know progress you learn a little bit more about the backstory a little bit more about the backstory a little bit more about the backstory so that's not necessarily you know for the sake of understanding what we're watching and where it's going sometimes you know a little bit of a backstory helps but I don't think it's necessary in order to you know produce a good first episode well I'm wondering if Milo's gonna do something wrong because he's talking so much crap about being here right now something will happen you know the thing that I like powder yeah I think that I like too is in that fight scene that they had in the alley I liked how they kind of slowed it down a little bit and if you know again it's animation but it felt very accurate like when he had that punch across the bridge of the nose like that's exactly what you we do yeah well they you know in the hits you got to see like you know very impacted it wasn't just like a yeah the old Batman pow boom yeah but you know or some special hey they could add it that would have been just as fun yeah that's always a good time yeah to answer your question Queen like for me I actually feel bad not knowing a little bit because I feel that's why I was kind of heading towards in the review I shouldn't say bad just cure more Curious I wish I had a little bit more knowledge of the game because I feel like this first episode and let me know if I'm wrong I feel like they if you know the game I think like there was a lot that they kind of placed or did that we just don't know because we didn't play the game so uh you know after this who knows we might have to check out the game just kind of see what what the game's all about then so so yeah the the score in this too I was actually pretty impressed by it they had some good tracks in here so we used uh we used a League of Legends um I believe it's called Warriors um song Warriors we used it for one of our trailers for uh the Arnold Classic like the cinematic trailer from the League of Legends the song Warriors No it's incredible yeah yeah and I it was interesting too that we're all like hey go you can go back in the water and and get the uh get the the the the goods out of there but uh guys let us know in the comments if there's like some kind of maybe pollution or some something going on where they couldn't go in the water because obviously it looked pretty brown again any insight you can give us that's not spoiler related would be most appreciated well there you go it's such a great first episode to really get us intrigued so for Diamond Dave Appleton Oak that's macequin I'm of course the answer we'll catch you on the next one Pals [Music] I wonder if we're gonna get to see that rage Mouse yeah I just unleash it uh careful that's your parents money you're dropping hello oh we're getting to this side oh is this yeah this is this is the other side of the door yep yep oh oh nice I thought it blew him out of the building but just against the wall could have been worse slight concussion you're okay oh he did get a glimpse though and out oh wow now what are we in oh fingers frostbitten yes check out them eyes oh he's like a half half man half machine it's like doing equations all from that that's awesome oh wow okay so we're going through a wormhole looks like he was getting transported to Asgard that was pretty trippy no it was pretty cool look how I can the animation is just killer on us yeah the animation is unique too it seems very different what we've seen before it's almost like a I don't know it's more like like art and motion if that makes sense it's like that Keanu Reeves movie anybody remember that one yeah is that A Scanner Darkly somewhere oh oh okay so that was so that's it yeah yeah you have to believe me I didn't do it was it bacon but that doesn't explain this yeah it looks like a drawing like a moving drawing it's weird be careful with that please I believe someone should have said that earlier jerk I just didn't require illegal equipment I'm assistant to the dean of the academy he sent me here to ensure that anything dangerous is removed safely according to my list includes you what how am I dangerous hmm break into his place steal a bunch of stuff and he gets cuffed for it oh did you see his bracelet yeah imprisonment what a curious principle we can find the physical body that the mind is still free I do love a good conundrum what is this like snarf that's what I was thinking ready to forge a new Vector of experimentation is he gonna eat it uh the Arcane is dangerous science cannot control it but maybe a chair how old are you my boy I'm 24. ah what I am now 307 years old own your mistakes before the council admit your work was dangerous but speak nothing of magic do that and I theorize you'll get away with them how do you say it slap on the wrist interesting very okay nice training this looks like a game that's a hell of a game remind me why we bother with this dumb this guy what's the matter Milo you worried powder's gonna beat you again he reminds me of Dudley from Harry Potter little shooting gallery boy he sucks that was the best job we've ever done take powder next time back to that again well look at her aim no doing work hitting every one of them wow [Laughter] suck it Milo tell me where I can find them top side of business ain't my concern give me a name oh it's not gonna like that hey guys you should see this oh well they'll see it got nothing oh no kicks a dude [Laughter] this black light view is really cool [Music] oh right by the ponytail oh he's still holding the arm oh you need to hide those crystals yeah [Laughter] this one that's it well that's a child's toy good okay the boys got ambition it's why we supported him in the first place we need to help him we've known Jace for you they've got a little bit of money well he said it was your money we're spending your parents money there's a guy yeah they always light the match on something cool you gotta have a nice corn cob pipe this will blow over we just need to stand together the Vander I knew the one who built the underground wouldn't be afraid to fight do I look afraid no you look weak oh everybody wants to fight the rebellion and Stephen powder wants to fight so why aren't we uh spill it Echo um vander's gotta deal with the enforcers oh remember they say out of his business he stays out of theirs yep sad to say it's what's been working that's why they've been able to live for your birthday counselor oh sure I'm told it was built only for the sharpest of mine and I bought you some gingo nuts yes whoa look at that yeah it's moving there's our guy well let's see if he gets to slap on the wrist big punishment coming or something here or they're gonna make a deal aren't they you were a scientist you know you can't make a prototype without breaking a few wrenches the academy seems to have loosened its standards I was trying to create Magic let it slip oh he went there Arcane talents are something you're born with they can't be fabricated has anyone even tried it before well he saw it as a boy pretty we're the champions of Discovery why fear it when we can Master it enough this is the city of progress oh no you don't understand what's at stake it's Nerf not having it I'm waiting for him to say it here I've seen power in the wrong place there we go Hilton was founded to escape the warmongering of Mages not cultivated must be banished his entire life he's chased an Impossible Dream what he did was foolish and and unwise he's gonna show it off yeah it's gonna save his butt a crime like this can't be overlooked the boy must be punished perhaps in this matter a lesser sentence May suffice I move that JSP summarily expelled from the academy and remanded to the care of his parents oh is that a slap on the wrist I think he's intentionally trying to do that because remember they were talking yep she's still working on that just gave him a look all right but he is never to set foot on Academy grounds again oh he will three I guess really he wandered in there alone what was that wait that looks like the stuff they gave the rat or the mouse or whatever yeah the powder you carry your chin so high you fail to see the opportunity below hmm you're looking for four children the ones running circles round two dover's finest you don't look so concerned I'm about to make your day teasing me I still remember the look on your face when you found these magic saved your life but it won't save yours now you need to let it go yeah the animation I just can't get over how cool the facial features are far too unstable could you stabilize it me why would I I'm tomorrow morning his research will be safely disposed now yeah he's not getting rid of the research is he no no way he's taking it Lily Liz long enough oh what is that geez what is that I see that magic and I have to come into play to combat this that's what I'm thinking yet up there upstairs sea dragon real power doesn't come to those who were born strongest it comes to those who will do anything it's time that's reassuring yeah yeah do it oh oh just went for it he's hoping this Red Bull give him wings something like that how are they going to show it because they didn't show the mouse Well that took effect quick well they're gonna tease it again kind of Last of Us Vibes with the uh yeah yeah come inside Caitlyn now I'm sorry I just wanted to explain I think you've done enough oh like the worst thing you can hear I think you've already done enough here oh you said this was a robbery did they take anything dangerous it's mention of magic as the people afraid neck roll is that I was just gonna old school football next 90s Miami nap race don't you think we've pushed them hard enough of course somebody with that voice is the one saying turn the undercity upside down sounds kind of like a Megatron from uh Transformers while you're wasting your time how about proper drink I'll take the strongest [ __ ] you got [Laughter] that's a little monkey with uh symbols nice that's a little early wind up just enough warning system yeah nearly forgot I ran into an old friend of yours he had some stories you weren't always the Peacekeeper were you oh it's a shame if I'd put them on again cast irons it's hard to clean oh oh no no no no no no just gotta hang on for a little bit longer come on Powder just hold it out or not you're just a small man in a little hole the world forgot to bury oh is that some bar on fire dick I think he's about ready to put those Dukes on yeah you you I will oh it's bloodied up Knuckles I've heard this kind of talk before I I'm guessing it's story time to how they failed he's gonna have to give them some kind of information to calm him down that's the same Bridge yeah I was just gonna ask is that the same bridge that we started out on well it is across this bridge thinking things could change if I hadn't your parents would still be alive I know you want to hurt the Topsiders for what they've done to us but who are you willing to lose Milo claga powder yeah she wasn't thinking about the cost um [Music] no oh wow we kept that there yeah he took it off I don't do it is he gonna no no no no see thinking magic Is Gonna Save him oh nope he wasn't thinking that at all but only because you signed your notes a little egotistical I want to help you complete your research when you're going to change the world don't ask for permission oh the animation the face it's just so cool I don't even know your name it's Victor he looks like he's got a face you can trust yeah these guys addicted with a K he always got to be leery of him oh she's trying to make her bombs again What Makes You Different Makes You strong always remember that okay I thought she was gonna give the speech of you need to hang back on this you at the council there is no stopping what happens now oh perfect timing that's what he had underneath the bar are those enforcers headed to the last drop oh we're gonna see him unleash a can I don't know nah they they're not knocking at the right door they're going door door everywhere looking for him which is gonna piss off the people you know more and then you're gonna have to they're right back oh what is she doing getting ready to fight turning yourself in foreign [Music] but it saves everyone else either way what a fantastic episode I thought this one really kind of helped us out as new viewers uh of this of this show to kind of really sink our teeth into it a lot happened in this episode and I think you know there's two things that that really kind of hit on uh with me on this one is that it seems like there's almost some type of caste system going on where if you're not born into the right family or the right class you're stuck forever you're not going anywhere that's that's where you are and uh except for Victor he seemed like he was able to work his way up from being born without a name like he said so I'm interested to see how that played out but they definitely have a a system of kind of keeping people uh in check or in line and you know the other thing too that you know when you saw it with all the people uh at the last drop where you know they're all gung-ho ready to go to battle and I don't and the thing they weren't considering was that you know who are you willing to lose you know look around the room look to your left look to your right that person might not be with you when this is over and the other problem that I see is or at least from our standpoint is we don't know how big the the upper City or upper class is okay yeah so you go and you bash the heads of some enforcers okay great then what then where do you go from there where does it end and I think uh you know maybe we saw where it does go in the opening scene of episode one that's where things end up and uh Vai lost her parents because of that so you know something to definitely consider and it's a tight spot lot for them to be in is by doing the right thing by trying to take the heat off everybody else I guess well I mean I guess we'll see at the beginning of the next episode if that is what truly because they left it out as a teaser who knows who's really at the door right so we all assume it's enforcers who knows what it is but like you saw that they have classes and so like yeah like you said go to enforcers then what then you have to face the council because there's you're they're the lower and then there's the upper and then even the one dude was in the academy so it's not like he was upper echelon he had like a family sponsoring him that was on that had a council member so like there's a whole bunch of different classes and then his slap on the wrist was hey you can no longer do what you uh thought you were put on this in this place uh to do anymore so I mean it's just really intriguing and I just I love and just you touched on a little bit with animation I won't touch too much more because I know that's what you're gonna probably really go into but it's just great on the eyes I was I was thinking of your class thing too of watching it in the theater with that with the blue light with the games that they're playing and everything the the purple strands all over we still have yet to see what's in the vial and what it does so I'm really looking forward to that where this goes from here now yeah I I I'm not sure how much of it'll make the cut but I had mentioned on multiple occasions so I'm guessing one of them is going to make the cut I think five about just I mean the animation is so it's not like CGI where it has to look like real it's just very unique it feels like it doesn't feel like animation it feels like you're looking at like artwork in motion if that makes sense and uh it's something completely different and it really just visually makes the show stand out now as far as the story obviously we have the magic component to it the uh yeah you know the the class thing that's not anything new whether we're talking about you know Robin Hood where you have look the sheriff and the Nottingham and then you have the people living in Sherwood Forest you know I think you could see some parallels there with the underground being Sherwood for Forest you know do we do we live how we're currently living and not fight back and not poke the bear or do we fight back and and fight for our freedoms you know and whether it be a historical piece about you know uh you know other countries you know old world Roman Empire where there was class systems and you were born into or whether it be you know House of dragons or you know Lord of the Rings or whatever where you're born into class systems that is not a new concept or a new story but they've taken it and kind of injected it into this brand new world for us and obviously it's playing out a little bit different than than something else that we've previously seen I really like the character development in this we got a little bit of background learning uh uh why you know um name the guy that's running the bar Vander why Vander doesn't want to all of a sudden just jump in and fight um so you know there's um you know there's a lot of layers to this story it was interesting that Victor came in kind of last minute and he wants to talk to Jace about his work and yeah is he helping him or is it something where he wants uh Jace to complete the research and then take that uh that science for himself so well he signed every page right but no this is I think I think we got a lot more and and Diamond David said in the intro that people had mentioned in the comments that the first few episodes were kind of they were the backstory they were kind of World building and I felt like we definitely got a lot of value out of this episode maybe a little bit more so than in the first uh this episode was great let me start off by saying that I'm really intrigued to see how cool uh Victor was the one with the diamond and everything right I forget the names here I'm trying to write him down Jason scientist thank you yep Victor is the one that's evil evil yep uh now uh no Victor was with 2ks and he is the guy talking to Jace yep yeah the guy with the cane that says he wants him to continue on the legend yeah yeah the Adrian Brody looking guy with the robotic eye He's the bad guy with the powder right so back to Victor and Jace like I'm really intrigued to see how they're gonna he's eventually going to show him that I'm going to call it a diamond for now that diamond that blue diamond eventually he's going to show him that because obviously he's trying to encourage the the magic science to continue and he's going to help him so it's just unique that they keep a couple times in here they they did that and then they cut to the Adrian Brody bad guy with the eye I kind of thought that was literally them telling us this is going to come to a head did you guys get that feeling too yeah that was the five by guy was that we've got uh some evil science and hopefully what we hope is good magic to counter it that's kind of what yeah they're on a collision course towards each other I think I mean it all signs are pointed to and then V is going to be stuck or VI they're going to be caught she's gonna be caught right in the middle having a fight probably both yeah let me again with the magic I mean this is a story that we've seen uh multiple times across TV shows and movies from Forever they're on the brink of some sort of breakthrough and what if this power gets into the wrong hands I mean how many you know how many times have we seen that story play out you either need to make sure the the good guys get it or just destroy it all together because no one can have or should have this much power so I feel like they've taken you know some some Mainstays as far as story lines from other pieces of work um that that people genuinely love and kind of worked it into this this new animated series and it's it's pretty intriguing so far I gotta say it just has it has such a different feel just from it has such a different feel from you know any of the other animated work that we've watched you know it doesn't there's some fun comedy here you know um but for the most part it it feels a little heavier if that makes sense well there's an urgency too yeah because they started off like throwing us to me throwing us right in the middle yeah doing a very good job of you know giving us little tidbits of the past on how they're reflecting into the now right so I do feel like they're from that opening scene where we saw Vantage going to town right I feel like that was kind of a tone Setter right there and then we get ushered immediately into a bunch of urgency within trying to take and steal and then them coming back and then now the enforcers are constantly looking for these guys I I appreciate that uh they are able to were two episodes in now and able to keep that slight tension with the urgency up so I'm interested to see how much they actually do it because now with Van uh what's the actress's uh Haley Seinfeld nope uh the the uh Victor powder the kernel what's her with the raspberry oh the one who kind of works with Van yeah a little bit yeah yes the one I know you guys are going to slam us for not knowing names but give us a shot too yeah but uh she or you know was basically saying good job on basically pissing off Vander because if you do that then we're going to be in for it yeah so that whole thing is going to come to a head again and even he said too there's no real Victors in the war yeah so who already know yeah and I really like how they set the tone with Vander in the first episode like here's a guy it's it's like the the the cowboy in the western who you know who who laid down his guns because he knows you know whatever he's done with it he's retired we saw he's incredibly capable incredibly strong but when the gauntlets came off that was it and he knows where that goes and uh apparently so does she well because he was smart yeah we have to have a deals because otherwise that's how we can both maintain living and then just seeing him point at the Dukes up there and just well let's not forget the the pressure that he's getting from his people now yeah right back so the layers are now starting to build even more especially when those backstories come into play too so and it's interesting too because it's great you think uh I'm surprised that more of the people that are with him don't remember the first war that they had and the things that caused that so maybe I mean obviously we have the younger kids who you know we're very young or maybe weren't even there but you know there's some people there in the last drop that are a little bit older via was there I mean she witnessed it well right so it's only been a span of three years so yeah those guys have got it I think vander's in a little bit different spot I think any time you know obviously we can you know we can talk about the impacts of a war and and um the the trauma that comes out of that for everybody involved but I think there's a different level of uh of you know guilt or whatever you want to call it to people who are in leadership positions because you're the one that people trusted to make these decisions you're the one that you know said okay we're going into battle you're the one that you know may have had the opportunity to say okay we're going to retreat we're going to back out so for as you know as many people that are in this story may have been there for the previous war I don't think it's going to weigh on anybody as heavily as it was for the people making the decisions you know somebody in vander's position because Vander knows it's going to be tough and who are they all going to look to when it gets tough I was gonna say too how much were they complaining until this started happening where then forces started really poking around right were they really complaining then well who knows so we'll find out in the next one I'm of course the answer we'll catch you on the next one Pals [Music] there's peace in water and every problem in the world will fade away I didn't see if he still had his normal eye or if he had the uh robotic one and it's raging oh enough you could pass a lifetime without ever facing a choice like that I thank you old friend hmm is that our uh was that our guy doing it too Vander no uh well I'm not gonna say no but that's what I said I I said I don't know he was a big dude nice for getting right into it shout out to everybody who uh gave us some insight as far as how they're creating the animation yeah thank you I appreciate that heads up I'm sorry wait this is the only way to protect the others you've got a good heart don't ever lose it what are you whoa I'm guessing that's for me you gonna let us make the arrest or not without you down here it all falls apart you won't be coming back for a long time oh no why she definitely laid down some nuggets there with him gone things are gonna be pretty much downhill from here yeah I mean he thinks benzo can handle it but vander's a tough dude to replace oh oh whoa whoa oh we lost her somebody else took out the whole crew not the whole crew just her the one that's cool yeah the one that was helping them out I thought there was more bodies outside no that's the only one oh this piece of work oh what [Music] yup that's the guy eating they gave the uh the rat stuff too oh that's what this is it's all right that's that guy yeah there he is the hell have you done this wasn't the deal s changed we do not lose Vander come on man I can't believe she's gone though hot start oh [ __ ] out of that window just covered in blood um the crystals will only stabilize at high frequency you have to crank it crank it it works on paper we could test it if we had access to my equipment which is being destroyed tomorrow maybe if we show them the equations they'd let us we need more than promises we need proof somebody not without crystals the enforcers took them all they're gone yeah locked away and Hyman Dingus lab do you think it was my life's ambition to be an assistant scientists seek discoveries ways to make the world a better place this hex tech dream of yours has the potential to do that our hex tech dream I saw everything what about Vander that they took them oh that's a lot of that stuff holy [ __ ] even with your monsters you won't win a war against pilsover I just need to scare them they won't dare said foot in the underground oh he does not look well everything they've denied us uh you had my respect we said a vision vendor not just for the lanes but the whole of the underground United as one have you even remember I trusted you oh that was yep I've never forgiven myself you are my brother can you imagine what mixes with the filth in the river toxins yeah you're you're saying that's why they couldn't go after the stuff But as time passed so did my hate the only way to defeat a superior enemy is to stop at nothing to become what they fear I had no choice we have the power it's temporary though as we see the other dude it doesn't yeah we're off the side effects are not very good at the end in fighting top side you'd sacrifice everything that we are kill me if you don't have to but please spare the lanes you die for the cause but you won't fight for one not Batman anymore I said you don't want to put the Dukes on anymore those are kind of the wrong words to say like that's not me anymore because now I'm not that guy anymore amp he's about to be at least one time a counselor wait a minute we can prove that it works we figured out how to stabilize it you're the professor's assistant no he's my new partner Jaime Dingle will recognize the potential yeah he already does it scares him it scares them all what about you I recognize it any worthwhile Venture involves risk this technology it's real and no matter what happens here it's going to change our world we should be the ones to lead it built over the land of progress equality Innovation please just give us a chance one night gentlemen impress me or I'd suggest you pack your bag Harold oh she nearly scared me to death another late night well if the enforcer is hit tonight where's the oh you're back hey those are vanders slow down benzo's dead they took Vander who took Vander I don't know what I need to help him we're going with you you're not doing this alone guy he's our father too I need you to sit this one out powder what you're not coming I'm not afraid it's too dangerous but family sticks together you said it yourself I know what I said I wanted to fight I can help you're not ready I can't lose you she can't lose you though either wherever you are light it up and I'll find you I promise in a weird way in a very small Vibe I get like Maze Runner crew okay Vibes yeah I could see that just because they're all kids you know and it's all here are you sure you know what you're doing will stabilize it what is going on she's having a major meltdown yeah oh [ __ ] oh that's not good I can help them I told you it would work it's never done that before here we go oh boy first night of trying it y'all boys screwed up did they or did they oh came right back oh at least they could shut it down yeah it didn't go like completely sideways on them boy Milo on it this is going too smooth there's guards everywhere it was easy we found an open window and set up barely an inconvenience barely an inconvenience it's all a trap I'm afraid this will be a very short reunion have you heard the ruler Vander the coward fled down with his children clogger see if you can find another way out of here okay bye she's got the gauntlets I wonder if she's just gonna destroy him with those Dukes oh oh is he gonna go off his feet oh it's like uh it's like snash I was thinking oh so those give her some kind of crazy strength well they're awesome little boxing gloves by themselves will do some significant damage I know you can do this have I mentioned in previous episodes about how good the visuals are oh oh dude why is kind of crushing it here kind of she's rolling through everybody what does he get oh they get him hooked on that stuff oh it's almost like Bane yeah yeah something on it mixed with only purple instead of girls this is the first time we've really really seen it it's not even gonna phase him he's just gonna break oh see I knew that was coming oh oh that's okay so all we're gonna get a first little taste of the magic ball she's gonna try one of her uh grenades there I think you did good oh there's the symbols you got it [Laughter] future looks like my dear boys perhaps it's time for the era of magic a hectic she's you oh two of them she might need two for that thing duck oh nice oh [Music] oh [Music] yes oh [ __ ] yes that's all gone oh oh no way right through us oh [ __ ] did we just lose Milo that's no that's what it looks like unless powder can see something in this is she gonna be able to harness the magic well if I was talking about how powerful she is out of the group and at that time it came off like just support but what a Twist took out Milo accidentally oh uh everybody's looking pretty rough yeah it's um Milo's not the only one with problems here that was Milo okay all right she's moving soon was that oh he got uh here we go oh he's got something like it a good news oh wow good news is the Bane zombies half yeah he's not what he was oh no she's gonna watch Vander oh wow they look bad oh no she knows now she knows come on it can't end for Vander like this no he's still fired up oh what stabbed him in the back vander's gonna let him go I knew you still had it in you what no that's not good that's not good at all oh he's gonna try to he knows I think it doesn't matter as long as it gets like in your bloodstream type thing yeah I think he wants to use it to try to get the extra stuff you need to try to help try to say if not even for the fight just to save yep holy it Paul oh he's fighting it he's fighting it trying to I can't believe we lost the whole crew except Vine and powder yeah wow I mean that confirms it right there if we thought they had a chance that confirms it well yeah I still thought that it was gonna be the end of the episode just going to Black there's no way he survives I care about her oh we lost like everybody my monkey bomb finally worked yeah you took out everybody why everything Milo said yep oh they wanted to help I told you to stay away oh cause you're a jinx do you hear me wow Dear baby oh no oh my God he's gonna turn her he's gonna manipulate her it's gonna be her versus powder versus five I don't think that's his plan who can live Behavior [Music] let's stop where's your sister yep I left her again yeah she left me she did not my sister my sister-in-law it's exactly what he wanted to hear it's the same way he felt about Commander it mirrored the world dude this is exactly how the episode started but it was with him and Vander and now we got Vine powder the exact same oh that's a cool cool shot is that Vice perspective or it's probably just a transition but it could easily be Violet's point of view oh well the tour is that an eye probably not but no way is that it that's it wow this episode like five minutes fastest 40 minutes unreal how fast it went wow and guys that was episode three and it did not disappoint every single one of you out there who said this was the episode to watch we're not wrong at all we lost pretty much our entire crew Everybody all that's left is VI and powder and actually I had written down how how much I liked clang are because you know typically in shows the you know the big kind of like muscle type dudes usually the comic relief and you're waiting for him to be like stumbling around all over the place and he was just a straight up badass I mean all the characters were really so I was really pulling for this guy I'm like all right somebody I could really get behind and honey was taken away from us in episode three along with just about everyone else so now the seeds are set we can see what I think the rest of this uh season's gonna be about VI and powder banging heads with that last shot when powder turned her head and looked right at which is essentially the camera with like that red eye or you know whatever the coloration let's hear it that was I have no accessory anymore yeah that was all Revenge right there so man what an episode super impactful super powerful Vander was gonna sacrifice himself and they came to bust him out and man everything happened the way Milo said it would and we we lost the main enforcer that was keeping right the progress between upper and lower and that was a big hit doesn't mean that's how they were able to live purposely together see that new guy grab by well that not the new guy he's been in the last couple hours he was the guy so that was kind of the heel going back up to Vander okay but but I think I think he's he knows for their greater good let's say that he knows there's a bigger play here so to speak so he's gonna he's gonna try and help with that but zero fat on this episode wasn't really anything to like laugh at but it was always it was action from start to finish going from like Dave called it out right away the beginning where it had that little you know before Imagine Dragons came in and that came to play later on with Vander and oh my God this was just oh my all right oh my God so much action and now you get to see like I said the two main characters are gonna go ahead and it did work her her little bomb monkey bomb did work yeah the monkey bomb worked all right a little too well to learn from you know we learned from the comments um that these first three episodes were they were laying on the ground story because that's one of the things that we had commented on when we started watching this we we myself we as an eye I was like I don't have enough backstory here I don't know what's going on they just kind of dove into it and then people were kind enough in the comments to say slow down these first three episodes kind of are the backstory so knowing that I don't feel like we lost the main characters like in the moment it feels like oh we lost half the main cast but going back to the comments that people said okay this is the setup for everything else so you know it's almost like okay this is showing us they lost people who were very important to them but those weren't as far as I can assume from what people had said in the comments they weren't the main characters at any point they were they were part of the setup for this back stuff zero like flash I think we needed I think what from what I gather and and I stay away from uh I try to stay away from any spoilers I I can so I haven't gotten any for this but what I'm guessing is all these first three episodes was exactly what people said it was the backstory and we needed a build up for how VI and powder got split and that's what they just gave up so this third episode was the wrap-up of the backstory we have them now capable with the magic from our blue orbs um we have VI and powder split yep we have um Vander gone um who was kind of the guy who as they told us kept things together peaceful down there so I think this was a really good job like again had I not or had Diamond Dave and you guys not kind of shared some of the things in the comments with me saying no no this is setting up the backstory I would have had the exact same sentiment like oh did we lose our you know half of our main Squad yeah we didn't just the setup to we got the magic going we got um you know we have uh we have our main players now we know how they split almost like a condensed origin story if you will you know we know they're going to give us three or four Iron Man movies and the first ones kind of laying the groundwork well this is and how many episodes do we have in this we got nine so Nine episodes in the first season a solid you know third of that um laid out the backstory an incredible episode as the answer had said there was nothing that you could take out of this particular episode it felt like action from start to finish and I really really am starting to find myself just getting sucked into this show more and more this is a great episode starting to make a lot more sense yeah it really yeah like like the first one you were kind I I was kind of I don't want to speak for everybody I was kind of like okay this is interesting it's a whole new world and then the last episode as as everybody saw I was like my mind is like what am I even looking at here with his artwork and now it's just like this this huge kind of Revelation as far as the story goes so I mean talk about a show just really sucking you in and getting you invested yeah my perspective is a little bit different than yours uh while yeah it was a kind of like some uh the comments we're seeing like it goes in threes so we got our first three here next three are gonna be wow it's still under the the one big umbrella you know section just a little bit like almost like chapters it's almost like chapter chapter one I love that okay that's what uh love it one or two comments I believe mentioned to us um but I do I do view it different than you uh because I feel like you know we had three episodes with these characters you know you get invested like every time Milo you know that's a very fair point right okay yeah I was actually starting to you know get invested into him a little bit um the powder you know I felt bad for her these first three episodes because well prior is there uh how about now to go up to that point right because she didn't even know I don't think she really fully understands what she did yet because right now she's all wrapped up about VI I mean yeah they kept showing the glasses but we didn't hear uh powder register the loss of everyone yet yeah and yeah Vander was right there but still we didn't hear her register it uh it I can't believe what a episode this was because now to me it's like well we have a high high bar like yeah it's very high bar not saying the other six episodes can't exceed it but right now you know I'm just trying to Viewpoint in of like how do they top this awesome of an episode because so much happened we had a lot of loss we had a lot of build up for what's to come which is VI versus powder of what we believe right now yeah but I mean at least that's what they gave us uh that intro I thought was a banger because we got to see uh uh silco and Vander Brothers yeah we got to see the end of sisters yep both mirrored just like one was in water one was out of water yeah I brilliant to all the writers and everything about this episode fantastic job I'm still disappointed we lost so much especially it felt like we got really invested really early and I think so so many times whether it be movies or any sort of Series be it animated or live action or whatever have you usually when you start getting invested early on it's like they usually wait until you get can we get halfway through the season before we start losing main characters and then and then some shows make it a habit you know it's like when you really get into go back to The Walking Dead it's like you know every every few episodes if you haven't lost somebody who's big like you're like hey you're about to do who are we gonna lose next um but this being a new show it's like you you really don't know how they're gonna Pace it as far as losing people and to lose who you know and that was a really good point you brought up Diamond Dave I kind of was looking at it like okay this is the back story and you were like yeah but these are three pretty huge episodes these became the main character so I I definitely see where you're coming from and it's just it's a completely new experience I think you know as far as you know some of the other animated series that we watched of course everybody know maybe you don't know but we watched avatar The Last Airbender I don't know that we really lost anybody yeah really really it wasn't any sort of the main you know people that they brought into the story we kind of had all the way through to the end it was never like yeah there were never like these these big losses and you know so of course we watched um you know we did uh Invincible as well and that was its own wildly unique story and it's so cool coming into something like this you know not knowing you know I'm relatively new to this this animated stuff so you know in the back of my head I'm always like okay is this gonna be like one show we did before yeah like this and it's just like this is it's it's so different from what we've done but just incredibly unique and again I hate to sell like a broken record but it just like tracked your being like this sucks you win and gets you super invested and I've said it before I'm gonna continue to say it because it's so right there in the front of my mind that the animation the visuals and this is like nothing I've ever seen before and it's so hard to get past how incredible it is every time I watch well I'm wondering are the as the purple stuff gone now I was just gonna ask you through that yeah we have the blue crystals yeah what about the purples yeah see if they unlocked it too we forgot to even mentioned yeah I mean it looked like there was a pile of the purple drink that they had to download it looked like there was a ton even with kids explosion because when they first show the explosion it looked like that place was freaking vaporized and they're on nothing but we saw pretty much all the baddies survived yeah really and you know so the the devastation wasn't as much as we thought now when they were back in the lab they essentially created one of those blue gems so I don't think that it's an issue with making those because they thought they didn't have anything they've made it I think they're able to harness it I mean they they yeah they were they were harnessing it because remember he said well right but they dropped it in the in the yeah but they still had one they had it okay so that's that's what I saw so real quick my assumption here you already know the answer but you guys so did do you guys think that uh silk because I'm still trying to put it in my head again they didn't show us so did silco or anyone in the bag well I'm just gonna say silco because he's the main villain did he see any of those vials so does he do they are they aware that not all of them because yeah he jumped because Vander I thought the scientist that was making him got vaporized but we also thought everybody else got vapable yeah so I don't know that was the interesting thing because like At first I was like well or just make more but wait a minute they very clearly show that the scientist who was making them he got he got 86 but there may be a few of them still lying around of course Vander he was lying on a pile of them so that's what I'm wondering I mean maybe now we'll get that's a good question maybe as we move forward we'll get to a point where they're in limited Supply because we saw they had a ton of them right and they're like you had enough for an army to use over and over and over again and now maybe moving forward we have limited Supply you're gonna have to be a little bit choosier about um when to use it and whom to use it with but it's uh it's definitely throws a giant curveball as far as how much power you know that is kind of if if big if and even if they didn't I'm just gonna play like they are you know that would be a great setup in this story or any of any story where they had like this factory made like we just saw right of just a ton of stuff making us the viewer believe like oh they got a ton like we were just saying throughout that episode right then this happens and it gets the playing field back to almost level versus the orbs the blue orbs versus the the pink deer the purple juice whatever because I mean again we're still ex we're still finding out about those blue orbs so I wonder if it's uh you know well we're all yeah because we're still finding out about the magic what does it even do can it because that's the veins yeah the beans obviously it took Xander to get some more or yeah well I mean a little bit in the last episode that when um when he was out in in the freezing temperatures with his mom and whoever came up and had that uh that little one took them to like a nice warm magical place away from the teleportation Powers so kind of what we saw is them floating or whatever but who really knows the extent of you know when they use the term magic what that means how extensive that is how powerful they were afraid of be they're afraid of it well look look this it's not a New Concept and I I think I mentioned this in the last episode the whole uh this is this is powerful stuff but what if it gets in the wrong hands uh and I think that may be something that we're gonna have to deal with a little bit later down the road with that our blue orbs and the magic that that they can create it's a banger of an episode of regardless we got we got the blue versus purple coming up so for a diamond Dave Appleton Oak that's Mason Quinn I'm of course the answer we'll catch you on the next one Pals
Channel: Badd Medicine
Views: 255,380
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: pWFzHQTRci0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 89min 35sec (5375 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 29 2023
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