🏆3D Printer Tier List🏆 (Does your printer suck?) 🥇🥈🥉🪦

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all right welcome to another episode of Nathan builds robots today I'm going to be checking out a tier list that I put together I've listed basically all of the machines I've tested s tier are the best of the best a tier which are very good B tier which are average C tier are flawed d-tier are printers that I would throw off a balcony and I mean that literally dollar bills to your nice printer but over budget for those printers that you'd really like to have but you just simply don't want to take out another mortgage to be able to afford zzz tier and these are like boring printers we have the question marked here if you don't know what a printer is then you don't have to rank it so I'll leave a link to this tier list in the description check it out if you want to download it and try your own it's kind of fun and it lets people know where you stand on these different 3D printer brands it's a great way to alienate and piss off a lot of Fanboys at the same time so I feel like it's a perfect match for my channel alright so here's all our printers I tried to organize them based on brand ABC order up here we have the any cubics anchor makes artillery uh bamboo lab creality and if there's anything you think I should add to this list make sure to drop it in the comments below the requirements for being on this list is it has to be a printer that's for sale today or will be sold in the near future and there has to be at least one YouTube video about it but other than that you can pretty much submit whatever you want I can add them to this URL so anyone that visits the site in the future there might be more options here here's the Nathan builds robots YouTube channel that's clearly an S tier we have a 3D printer pen I would not recommend a 3D printer pen for anyone I mean just look at this terrible looking Bulbasaur nobody wants that let's start with the bamboo lab printers the AMS unit I would say that's a very good product a lot of people love their ams's and it unlocks a multi-material printing capability p1p I'm torn between flawed tier and average I would say it's a very good printer but at its price point it's missing a couple of features and it's clearly not worth getting when you compare it to the p1s the P when s is just a better printer all around and that one's going to be an easy s tier p1s is about 700 plus shipping and it's fully enclosed it prints pretty much any material you want x1c I would put it in a tier but at its price point it's insanely expensive I just don't know if the value is there I'd put it here as an average value printer or a very good printer keeping the price in mind um also I'm going to bump the p1p up to an average tier printer I think that's a great printer to get started with it's just not worth it when you compare it to the p1s alright so with that out of the way let's uh address some of the creality printers this is a cr-10 smart boring under 3 Clone cr-10 boring under 3 Clone the belt printer I don't know if these things are reliable so I'd probably throw mine off a balcony Ender 2 Pro that's either an a tier or an S tier because this thing gets amazing print quality out of the box and it's very inexpensive I'll probably put that as an a tier there's a few things holding it back like it's proprietary main board they decided to use like slightly different connectors on it so that's kind of annoying that's holding it back from being an S tier but I really do like this printer and if they ever come out with an Ender 2 S1 that's going to be a solid Contender for S tier here's the Ender 2 max Neo that design was really phoned in they didn't really decide to innovate at all now here's the original Ender 3. if this list was being made three years ago that would be an S tier everybody loves their Ender threes they brought a lot of quality to the table at a low price point but at this point it's kind of a boring printer we'll call it yet another Ender 3 Clone even though it's the original endo3 but whatever and then we got the Ender 3s1 and Ender 3s1 Pro I'm gonna list both of those under boring Ender 3 Clone technically I would consider these to be flawed printers because they're part cooling out of the box is just kind of insufficient which if you're paying over 300 for a printer you should have excellent part cooling that's part of the equation of what lets you print faster and with higher quality so the fact that they left that out I'd put it as a c tier once you put some upgrades on it I could definitely see it being a very good printer like throw a motor board on there and get a better cooling duct that's a solid a tier but in its stock configuration it's a c tier and since it's just a boring under three clone that's a zzz tier snooze same with the under 3s one the under three V2 I actually really like this printer but at the same time it's got flawed part cooling the part cooling is a little bit insufficient for what this printer is and it's got a Bowden tube it just really doesn't hold up that well in today's market so I probably wouldn't recommend getting in a new 3v2 at this point so it's going in the boring tier um Ender 3 v3se now this is a printer that's coming out from creality pretty soon this is going to be the next edition of an Ender 3 and it looks like they've upgraded the part cooling on here and they've added some Innovative cool little features so I'm gonna plop that all the way up here at the S tier now we have to confirm that that this printer delivers what we're expecting I looked at a price listing and it's listed for 219 dollars and I imagine if you can find a discount code for that you can bump it to just under 200 so maybe 199 if it hits that price point and it has all the features of an Ender 3s1 plus better part cooling plus better bed leveling I mean that's going to be a solid printer for introducing people into 3D printing just represent one of the best values in the low end of the market now we'll get this printer in for review soon so we'll see what I actually think of it but I'm really hopeful that it's going to be a really good printer by creality and then we've got Ender 5 plus I will put this as an average tier printer it's probably not the best printer considering the price that it is actually I think it's it probably more deserves to be a flawed to your printer I've seen people upgrade the snot out of these to the point where they would be an A or an s in its stock configuration at its current pricing that's not the best printer then there's the Ender 5s1 I'm gonna put this as an average tier printer they've done some upgrades since they first released it so it has slightly better part cooling slightly better bed leveling really this thing needs to be running Clipper to unlock its full potential so actually I'm going to bump that down to a flawed tier you definitely got to throw some upgrades on there like a Sonic pad or a motherboard and let's see what other creality machines we have here so here's the Ender six I think that's gonna go um off the balcony it's really big heavy doesn't really look like it's all that well designed so definitely going off the balcony same with the under seven it could be a good printer but there's so many other compelling options on the market that I'd probably be thrown it off the balcony here's the K1 Max that is quite an impressive machine I'm gonna go ahead and put this up here as a very good printer this isn't an S tier printer because there are a couple issues that I'd like to see creality resolve mainly having to do with the bed leveling so if they can sort that out that might be an S tier even once they fix the bed leveling it's probably going to stay at a tier just because it is kind of an expensive machine there are some issues with surface ability and upgrade ability just like with a lot of these new core XY machines so I'm gonna put that in a tier it might even be a b tier right now because the bed leveling isn't sorted out that's kind of unfortunate the standard K1 I got excellent bed leveling results on my K1 so I'm gonna say this is a very good printer there was a issues with the extruder when it first came out but they've resolved those they fixed that on the K1 and the K1 Max now the only issue is I guess there aren't really any major issues other than the fact that they haven't open sourced their files yet it should be happening sometime this month according to their announcement so hopefully we'll be seeing that and then we've got the crm4 I really like my crm4 but unfortunately I'm going to give it a c tier because my initial unit had some issues where the nozzle fell off it wasn't tightened properly from the factory or something and I think it comes with a PTFE lined heat break it's really missing some features that it needs to be a true industrial high-end machine and you need to upgrade it once you put those upgrades on there I would call it a very good printer or even an s-tier printer because of the abilities that it unlocks with just the scale of Parts you can print for now I'm gonna leave it as a c tier now my personal crm4 that I've upgraded I would put that as a very good printer I really enjoy using that thing because I can print out unique Parts with it but again in its stock configuration you definitely got to put some work in it throw a modder board on there upgrade the nozzle there's some upgrades that need to go into it to make it a really good printer but in its stock configuration unfortunately it's a c tier the last item on the list is the Sonic pad it's not really a 3D printer I think it's a useful accessory don't get me wrong it's a little expensive and it's giving you capabilities that should be built into the machine that you're paying for instead of having it sold as an add-on upgrade so uh ah man I'll put it as a flawed tier and that's it for the creality machines you can see creality has a formula here where they just decide to clone a bunch of Ender threes over and over and over again but uh they've produced some genuinely good products they some there's some good entries here here we have the any cubic Cobra 2 I'm gonna put that as a very good printer it's basically an Ender three clone but it's faster and it's just more capable if you look at the Ender 3 V3 the spec sheet is almost identical to this any cubic design so um they could be on the same level however creality is bringing some additional Innovations to the market they've slim lined this down a little bit and they're adding an additional bed leveling assistant so I think that bumps It Up Above This any cubic design but this any cubic should be a good printer on the topic of slightly better Ender threes I definitely have to put the Neptune 4 up here as an S tier this is an excellent value for a budget bedslinger it comes in at a price of 260 dollars and it has Clipper the only downside is that the Clipper implementation does not have Wi-Fi they didn't put the wi-fi chip on there I mean it could be a flawed tier but I would never rash it down that far just over that I mean you can plug it into your wireless router and just access it over land that way I still think it's an S tier despite that small shortcoming I mean it's bringing Clipper and extremely high speed printing to budget bed Slingers so that's really admirable of them to do and I really like the printer and over here we have the Neptune 3 Max and the Neptune 3 plus these are just larger versions of elegoo's Neptune lineup of printers I'm gonna put the Neptune 3 Max at an a tier that's going to be a very good printer it's coming in at an incredible price point it's got direct drive Extrusion it's got automatic bed leveling it's got a Pei sheet for the print surface it just does a ton of things right and for that it deserves to be an a tier printer the Neptune 3 plus is also a very good printer I would kind of put it as an average printer just because the max I think is better than the plus the Max has a print volume of 420 by 420 by 500 I think it's 500 tall you're getting an absolutely enormous print volume with this machine and it's only around 500 you used to have to build a custom machine if you wanted to get that kind of print volume but you can just buy it from elegu with this Neptune Max and I think that makes it a really awesome printer it actually might even be an S tier it's a really close call here just due to the value of this machine there's some room for improvement like they could add Clipper you know they're probably going to make an elegoo Neptune 4 Max which will be basically this Neptune 4 but scaled up and I think that's going to be a crazy cool printer but for now we'll leave this Neptune 3 in the a tier once they throw a Clipper on that that'll be an absolute crazy machine I hope I get one of those for review and I would definitely put it up here in the S tier and then we've got the easy 3d X1 that's definitely going off the balcony nobody should be buying an easy 3d printer because they're like a hundred bucks but for like 20 dollars more you can get a genuinely good printer like the Ender 2 Pro or some of the other small cantilever printer designs just don't bother within one of these things just save your money now we've got the any cubic machines so personally I've never reviewed any any cubic machines but I've got a couple on the way I purchased one and they're sending me one for review sometimes I like to buy my own printers to do a little bit of an audit you know as an anonymous buyer who knows if they're sending me a different machine this one here the any cubic Cobra 2 that should be a really nice machine super fast and full featured here's some of their older bed Slingers I think this is the Cobra Neo it's basically an Ender 3 V2 with like a crappy direct drive extruder that one's going in the Ender 3 Clone just kind of a snooze Fest it's only 150 dollars so it could offer excellent value you I might actually put this in the average tier but since it's so similar to an Ender 3 and kind of boring I'm going to put it in the snooze tier then over here we have the Cobra Max which is a super large bed Slinger just like the crm4 and the Neptune 3 Max I'm gonna put this in the C tier maybe even the D tier where I'm gonna be throwing this thing off of a balcony it has a Bowden tube extruder on a machine this large you should just go for a direct drive extruder there's no reason to put a Bowden tube on this it's just cheaping out on a component that's very important for high volumetric flow rate printing in my experimentation and testing I find that direct drive extruders can print 50 to 100 faster especially when you're pushing really high volumetric flow rates and uh on really long Bowden tube segments like this you just end up having a lot of friction built up in that Bowden tube that you eliminate when you go to a direct drive system so yeah that's going to be flawed tier maybe even off the balcony tier I'll be generous in and leave it in flawed tier and then we've got the any cubic Cobra plus that's gonna also go in the flawed tier this is basically a slightly smaller version of this Cobra Max so actually I'm just gonna straight up throw this one off the balcony I don't like Bowden tube extruders just go with direct drive basically every printer should be direct drive because it's just better the only exception to that rule is on this Ender 2 Pro that has a short enough Bowden tube segment that I'm okay with having a Bowden tube as well as some other really small printers basically the amount of friction that you build up in a Bowden tube is related to how much bending and angular curvature you have in there and the length of the tube so when you have a longer tube you end up with more friction if you have tighter Bend radiuses you end up with more friction if you have more rotations in that coil of Bowden tube then you end up with more friction so there's just a lot of downsides and it's really unpredictable however on this Ender 2 Pro it's not that big of a deal because of that short tube length Annex engineering K3 this is like a mini super fast enclosed printer it uses a cross scan tree you can see there's two rails and the uh the tool head basically is coincident with the intersection of those two rails apparently you can like throw four Motors on there and get things moving around super fast get crazy high acceleration rates like even higher than any of the core XY printers on the market that's going to be an a tier very good printer there isn't enough about this printer online for me to bump it up to an S tier I mean someone needs to send me one so I can make some videos about it then maybe we'll put it in an S tier but it just doesn't have the publicity that it needs to be a true s-tier printer and then the K3 also a very good printer however given the price of the bill of materials I'm gonna have to bump it down to an average tier printer the price and how much time you're going to have to spend putting it together yeah sorry guys let's move on to the Anchor make m M5 anchor make they make Power Banks and cell phone accessories and USBC cables and stuff they're a pretty cool brand I've worked with them in the past this M5 was their first 3D printer I would say it's kind of like an average printer it's reliable it'll get the job done it has a PTFE lined hot end which makes me want to bump it down to flawed tier however I think they've released a new version of their hot end that's all metal and they should be sending out to their customers for like a dollar so once you put that upgrade in there I'd put it as an average tier printer same with this m5c I'm going to put it here as an average printer I think it could be good for certain users in the market the lack of a screen makes me kind of want to bump it down to a c tier but given the target audience and the use cases and the app that they've built I'm going to leave it as a b tier it's an average printer that could be good for an average person the print quality and reliability is quite good and the industrial design it's a quite good looking machine the cable management is impeccable so there's definitely some good attribute suits of this machine that would prevent me from bumping it down any further this is the artillery Hornet I reviewed one it actually gets really good print quality and they're super cheap online you can find these for like 120 on AliExpress however it's kind of boring it's yet another Ender 3 Clone they did some interesting things with the design and I actually do kind of like it and then we've got artillery Sidewinder X2 if I was doing this video a year ago I would definitely be throwing this thing all the way up here at s tier this thing was offering a massive build volume 300 by 300 by 400 it was much bigger than most of the other competitors on the market they're using an AC heated bed so it's super quiet when it's in operation it prints fast however due to the increased competition I think I'm gonna have to bump this down a tier I still think it's a good value and it's a nice printer yes the competition is crazy right now so it's getting bumped down to being a very good printer here's the big tree Tech pad 7. this is a basically a Clipper pad like a Sonic pad except it's from Big Tree Tech it's open source and it's a lot easier to do modifications and run stock Clipper on there so that's definitely better than the Sonic pad I'm going to put that up here as an average tier it's definitely something that you're only going to want to get into if you're really into 3D printer modding I haven't tried one of these out myself but they look pretty nice here's the cetus 2 it's a dual Extrusion machine I don't want to get too far into this but this one's going off the balcony this is a company that nobody's ever really heard of and their quality is not really established yet so buying an expensive printer that's complex and requires using a special slicer and has a bunch of proprietary Parts on there it just doesn't seem like something that I would enjoy using so I'm going to leave that in the D tier alright so here's the Dremel box Dremel has started releasing a couple of printers from everything that I've seen they appear to be way overpriced so I'm gonna put this in the dollar bills tier they're not going to be nearly as cost competitive as any of these machines appear too expensive here's a little machine from flying bear it looks like a cute little machine that's well built but I don't know what it is I've never seen anyone review one of these so I'm going to put it in the question mark tier I imagine this would be a pretty good printer I could probably put it in an average tier if I learned more about it and confirmed that it's not a massive piece of crap now here's the flying bear ghost six I actually really enjoyed using the Sprinter I would put it as a b tier as an average printer or maybe even an a tier because it's an enclosed core XY printer that has excellent print quality and is super moddable and it comes in at a really low price point however I literally threw this one off of a balcony so I'm gonna have to put it in D tier if I didn't do that then I would uh I would definitely put it in a or b it really doesn't have any flaws other than mine that went off the balcony that was not its fault at all I want to let you know that that was uh that was basically aggravated assault of a 3D printer by me and I'm I'm sorry to Flying bear I hope they are willing to work with me again in the future I was just having some uh I guess a momentary lapse of judgment and then here's the flying bear ghost reborn 2. I haven't used this printer I'm gonna put it as an average to your printer if I got one of these in for review and I confirmed that it's actually a nice printer that delivers on its promises then I might bump it up but I don't know enough about it I know that flying bear produces some pretty good products and it should be a nice serviceable 4xy machine running Clipper we'll just put it as average or maybe question mark and then we've got flash Forge now these are like quasi-industrial grade printers that are on the lower end of the price range they seem interesting however their price points usually start in the thousands instead of the hundreds so I'm gonna put these in the dollar bill section they're just a little bit out of my price range and I don't know enough about them so this is the Adventure 3 and Adventure 4. I think they're starting to introduce high-speed printers and they have a really cool quick swap nozzle system where it's like a cartridge that you can just grab it and pull it out and put a new one in so that's pretty equal fukus Odin I reviewed this printer it's pretty nice it's a direct drive foldable design which is cool in its own right however it's too similar to an Ender 3 so we're just putting in the Ender 3 Clone category boring I don't know what this thing's called it's uh I have one for review but it just looks like an ender 3 Clone so we're putting it in the under three clone category oh here's the shark this one's the shark but we're gonna put that in the Clone category just boring derivative machines I don't know what this one is but you can see it's got a Bowden tube set up and it might be a slightly larger form factor but yeah boring under three clone we haven't got to the prusas yet so I should address those we've got some voron design printers voxelabs so Vols so lots of interesting stuff left here all right so let's start with this form Labs form three or form four I forget what it is that's an overpriced printer I can't afford to buy one of those they're in the thousands of dollars and it's just like a resin printer maybe if I was doing some kind of industrial or scientific applications I'd be interested in getting one of those however you know it's just out of my price range now we have some FL Sun printers here's the FL Sun super racer and the FL Sun V 400 these are high speed Delta printers the v400 comes with a FL Sun pad which is basically like a Sonic pad or a Clipper pad it just helps you run Clipper and get those insanely High print speeds I've seen one of these v400s in person they're absolutely huge so let's rank both of them both of those are going in the flawed tier just for the simple fact that they're Delta printers nobody likes Delta printers get your design straight you have your x-axis and your y-axis you just why would you have three z-axises it makes no sense you've got a bunch of extra bearings in there adding slop I just don't like it this is the G Tech a30 it takes three spools of filament and feeds them into a single hot end so that's pretty interesting in its own right they're all Bowden tubes I think this printer is a little bit interesting due to the three color and the color mixing capabilities that you have so I think this might be a pretty fun printer for modders I wouldn't recommend it to a beginner and it's probably a little finicky to get working I'm going to put this in the flawed tier just because it just it doesn't scream quality maybe I'm being biased here but maybe averaged here it's interesting it's an interesting printer so I appreciate what they're doing there now we got some kingroon machines this is the kp3s uh I'm gonna put it in the flawed tier I got one of these in for review and it didn't work all that well so now here's the king Rune klp one which is their high speed core XY printer that's supposed to compete with like the bamboo lab and all that kind of stuff what I like about this machine is they're using linear rails and this appears to be a very serviceable design I call their quality control into question just because they're coming in on such a low price point that it's like can they afford to do any quality control are these things going to be any good the one review I saw of one of these it wasn't working properly so I would probably put this as a flawed tier great idea probably just a poor execution if it proves to be a high quality printer then that's probably going to be in the s or a tier just because it's going to combine serviceability high speed printing enclosed printer I'm not holding my breath for this thing being a home run in terms of quality so that's going to be a c tier or maybe a b tier I mean I'm a little bit excited for it so we'll see what happens longer lk4 and the longer lk5 now I reviewed this longer lk5 it was a great machine produced excellent prints right out of the box it is kind of a tired old design it's just too similar to an Ender three if they would innovate a little bit then I'd have a little more respect for them but it's just a basic bed Slinger and this lk5 is a 300 by 300 by 400 millimeter printer that's running a Bowden tube so it gets good print quality but I wouldn't recommend it just because it's a boating tube here's the lull spot Taz I talked to them at Midwest rep rap Festival they had a lot of cool stuff on display in terms of price they're just a little expensive compared to their competitors I probably wouldn't buy one myself just because of the pricing so we'll put that in the dollar bills tier nice printer but over budget this is the MakerBot method and again this is one of those companies where the printers start in the thousands not the hundreds so not really relevant to a hobbyist they might be a great machine for industrial or professional use but it's just too expensive for me same with this Mark forged now Mark forged is doing some really cool stuff with carbon fiber toe so they have a carbon fiber spool that they can embed into your printed parts and add extra strength and stiffness where you need it so that would definitely be an S tier if it was affordable since it's too expensive for me we're going to be dropping this down to the dollar bill tier that's kind of out of the reach of most hobbyists here's the mingda magician x max any mingda product I'm just gonna be throwing that off the balcony I got my mingda magician x2 in for review and uh basically it had a fault with the main board or the thermistor or something and I could get it to just massively overheat and melt the aluminum heater block so definitely be throwing that off the balcony I would not run that printer without adult supervision here's the pantheon design I forget what they call this printer but it's just a massive box of high-end motion control components they've got ball screws they've got large diameter linear rods this thing can run extremely fast and produce clean Parts without input shaper even being turned on this thing's built more like a CNC machine than a 3D printer so it's just a really high-end machine scene I would definitely be dropping it up here in the S tier I'm even wearing the pantheon design shirt today I met those guys at rapid TCT they seemed like some cool dudes however given the price of this printer is around ten thousand dollars we're gonna be uh unfortunately putting it in the dollar bill tier and then we've got the positron this is the upside down printer it's a really cool concept it's super compact prints upside down to save space and it's using some Synchro belts which are like these special motion control components which just really helps them maintain this really small and tight packaging I'm going to put this in the flawed tier because it's upside down I mean why is it upside down can someone explain that to me all right sorry guys I mean it's a cool printer it's an S tier in terms of how legendary and cool it is however it's upside down why why are they making printers upside down now I don't get it all right and now time for the moment everybody's been waiting for the prusa machines despite what everybody believes I actually like prusa products they're well built reliable simple open source you know there's a lot of good things about them I think their latest turn towards producing more of their own proprietary Hardware is a little bit problematic however they are continuing to innovate and they continue to offer their products at a somewhat affordable price point yeah I think they're a little overpriced for what they are but they're not in the thousands of dollars except for uh this guy right here the prusa XL that thing's a little expensive and late to the party but let's go ahead and rank these so starting with the prusa mini I think that's going up here as an S tier that's a really cool printer it's not super expensive sure you pay a premium for it but you're getting support you're supporting the company behind printables which is a great platform that a lot of people use to share and find 3D printed models so I mean it's a nice printer if I had one I'd probably use it just because it's small and cute and fun to use it's like a higher quality Ender 2 Pro so I think that's a cool product we'll give it an S tier here's the prusa I3 mark IV we're gonna give that a very good printer rating I would actually maybe bump it down to average tier when you consider the price point that it's coming in at it's a little expensive for what it is again you're getting that customer support a pretty streamlined user experience and that kind of thing so I don't know I think it's a good printer but again given the price I'd probably consider it an average tier printer now this prusa mini I would like to see this come down in price even a little bit more than it is already but it's a cool printer a lot of people use them on print Farms so that's gonna that's gonna go in the S tier prusa XL this one's a bit controversial it's been something like two years since they first announced it and they're still not shipping orders I mean if you pre-ordered it you can get one but it's a little bit slow it's a little bit expensive so we're gonna put that in the flawed tier and the heated bed assembly on this thing is just a little bit over complicated so we're gonna leave that in flaw to tear if prusa would have delivered this thing on time I would probably be putting it up here in the very good tier because at the time it was announced it was outstanding in terms of the features that it was bringing to the table even at that elevated prusa premium price I think it would have been a really great printer two years later there's a lot of competition on the market I'm gonna have to bump this thing down to either average tier or even flawed tier just because of the time that it's taken to get this thing out to Market I might even throw it into dollar bills here but frankly it's not as expensive as these other printers for what it's offering so it is a pretty interesting machine regardless of the delays that it's had those delays that's a big problem that's going to be securing its spot in the flawed tier now we have some treaty machines I didn't bother to put all of them on here but you can kind of generalize my thoughts on those printers based on where I place these so here's the Chidi xmax II this one was released several years ago it's a super heavy printer it had a print volume of like 300 by 250. so a relatively large build volume fully enclosed so an interesting feature set they were using a bunch of proprietary parts and I just don't think it was the best designed machine also it has kind of a plasticky feeling because all of these plastic panels on the outside just make it feel a little bit cheap and I literally threw this one off of a balcony so I'm going to be putting the Us in the d-tier the Chidi x max 3 now this is where Chidi are hopefully turning things around a little bit this has a print bed that's 330 by 330 millimeters so it's quite large it's actually larger than the K1 Max and offers a lot of the same speed and features and I think it even includes a heated enclosure so it actually heats up the air inside of the enclosure which is pretty interesting I think I'm gonna give this an a tier depending on the execution and how good their implementation of Clipper and firmware is this could get bumped up to an S tier or even down to a b or c tier I'm hopeful about this machine's quality we'll see how it turns out I'm going to be getting one of these in for review so you know subscribe to the channel if you want to see that then we've got the X plus three which seems to be a pretty nice machine it's just a slightly smaller version of the x-max so it makes it a little less interesting so I'm going to be putting that in the B tier it's nice that they're producing these printers at a variety of price points and sizes I'm just not all that interested in a small all printer that has these features what sets this x-max apart from its competition is its size since it's so big it really sets itself apart from the bamboo lab machines and even the K1 Max however this one is like in that K1 Max slash bamboo lab machine size range so it's going to be a b the other thing about cheating machines is they tend to have kind of a cheap plasticky feel because of all those plastic cladding and panels that they put on there I'm still hopeful we'll see how these machines perform and just looking at the spec sheet it looks like a pretty good printer the raise 3D e2cf this is like an industrial grade carbon fiber printer again this machine is priced in the thousands so it's going in the over budget tier and now we have some interesting printers these are some homemade kind of Kit printers this is The Rook this is a printer that was designed by fellow YouTuber rollahon I think that one's going straight to S tier I think it's a cool design it's really low cost really high speed and there's some derivatives of this design such as the 100 so you should check out some videos on the 13d printer if you want to see some really cheap small high-speed printing it's just a really cool design then we've got the rat rig V core here this is basically like a big cube 3d printer that you can build I haven't tried one out so I don't really know enough about it to form a great opinion about it I would put it in the B tier now this would be an a tier apparently once you put them together they're pretty good printers just knowing what I know from my previous experience with my rat rig V minion they tend to use too many Fasteners on their designs I mean you gotta value the time of the people putting these kits together and if you're having to put like 100 Fasteners onto a printer when you could get away with maybe doing 40 or 50 Fasteners that additional Fastener count is going to increase cost it's going to increase the amount of time it takes to do rework like if you have to repair or rebuild part of the machine and it just makes a worse user experience overall so I think rat rig needs to go through and do some Fastener optimization on their design now speaking of rat rigs let's rank this V minion I put one of these together it was a pretty fun print here I would put it as an S tier however the Fastener count and the amount of time and over complication of some of the components is what's holding it back I think if they did some design optimization this could be an easy s tier so I'm looking forward to a rat rig V minion V2 if that's coming out I would really like to see it with an emphasis on you know easier faster to assemble kind of improvements there second SK go or SK tank or whatever these second printers apparently you can buy this from this guy in Taiwan that puts these kits together and they're really high quality steel frames from what I've heard the uh the rest of the design could use a little bit of work like the tool head and that kind of stuff it's got one of the most solid frames of any printer on the market which deserves some respect so all together I would say the printer is somewhat flawed based on what I've heard about the hot end and needing some improvements I'm going to bump it up to average tier and once you've done some customization and fixed some of these little bugs I think this could easily be an S tier as the facts stand and with what little information I have on this printer I'm going to leave it as a b tier average printer all right now here's the snap maker printers here's the snapmaker a350t or a I don't know exactly which one it is then here's the snapmaker Artisan which can be purchased with this optional and enclosure and then here's the snapmaker J1 which is an enclosed idex printer so independent dual extruders pretty cool feature set there for the a350 and Artisan this one's going off the balcony for sure the a350a when you change the functions out like if you want to switch from laser cutting to 3D printing it takes forever and the actual 3D printing mode of it is not as strong as a lot of the other 3D printers on the market it's actually a pretty poor performance as a 3D printer super slow super loud it's got loud stepper Motors to change it over to the other functions that they advertise like laser cutting and CNC Machining you have to undo and re-fasten like 50 screws and I am not going to waste my time doing that so it's going straight off the balcony The snapmaker Artisan apparently they fixed that issue now it's super expensive it's like two to three thousand dollars for that machine I'm not paying that so that's going in the dollar bills tier and if I was forced to buy it I would consider it flawed or it would be going off the balcony um we're gonna leave that in the dollar bills here now the snapmaker J1 actually looks like a pretty interesting machine it's idex fully enclosed and apparently works pretty good so I'll put that in the B tier as an average printer probably still a little outside of most people's price range but it offers some interesting capabilities and there's not a whole lot of other idex printers on the market speaking of idex printers we've got the soval svo2 it's a independent dual extruder bed Slinger pretty cool design I'm gonna put that on the average tier it's not outstanding in any way but it offers a cheap entry level into idex printing I think it's like five to six hundred dollars for one of these machines and it's got a print volume that's pretty large 300 by 300 by 400 I believe so it's an interesting printer I hear some other sovall designs here's the sv06 plus the sv06 regular edition and then the sv07 the SVO sixes are basically uh prusa I3 clones so um both of them I would say are average printers I wouldn't be disappointed with either of these printers if I had one however mine I reviewed this sv06 mine had a couple of small issues with the um with some skipped layers some layer shifts because the stepper motor for the x-axis wasn't receiving enough current so I had to go in there onto the main board and turn the little screwdriver to adjust the stepper motor voltage and current it was pretty annoying to do that and for that reason it's not the best printer so it has some pros and cons to it overall I'd say it's an average printer the sv07 I really like this printer it comes with Clipper it uses v-groove Wheels I really don't mind v-groove wheels that much but I would say that's a very good printer you're getting higher print speeds bigger wheels are quieter I mean there's pros and cons to it but I I don't really mind them that much so we're gonna put that in the a tier just because it's another high speed printer I would say the Neptune 4 and sv07 are pretty evenly matched it does come with working Wi-Fi so it's a bit of a back and forth there I just like the overall design of the Neptune form more it just looks cooler I mean that's really what a lot of this comes down to isn't it here's the two trees Sapphire this is a pretty neat printer it's probably flawed though I've from the reviews I've seen of it they tend to have quality issues they're not the most sturdy machines overall so we'll leave that as a flawed tier here's the trunksy XS 300 or 500 or whatever trunksy makes a ton of core XY 3D printers they're in the core XY game before anybody but they're just kind of cheaply constructed I do think they offer an excellent platform for modding and upgrading so I'll put this in average tier probably flawed tier if you're looking for a good stock experience but given that it's probably a good platform for modding I'll leave it as a b tier and then we've got the trunksy Crux I think this is an excellent printer for beginners it's a lot of no-nonsense you just plug it in and print with it and it's really sturdy and easy to put together so I'm going to put that as a b tier a good printer for a beginner it's not outstanding in any way but it just runs all right right then we've got the ultimaker basically all the ultimakers are super expensive and out of my price point so they're going in the dollar bills tier here's some interesting printers coming up we've got the vorons so voron v0 that is an ez-s tier that's a cool printer design it's nice and small gets people introduced to Clipper and building their own high-speed machines and these machines can be pushed really fast because of how small and compact they are so just a fun relatively inexpensive printer to play around with that's definitely an S tier Alright and then we've got the voron 2.4 which is kind of a classic design this thing's been around for a while it's one of the original high speed core XY printers and it's mostly made out of 3D printed Parts really interesting project there I'm gonna go ahead and put this I kind of want to put it at an S tier but given how many parts there are I mean geez they're using like four stepper motors for the z-axis and four linear rails and four belts it just seems a little over complicated for what it is so I that's holding it back from being a legendary printer even though it is somewhat of a legend these days there's probably some flaws with the design that I'd like to see improved all right and then there's the voron Trident now this one it seems to be like an upgraded version of the 2.4 that looks like it's a little bit easier to put together it uses a slightly reduced part count so you know I'm a fan of Simplicity I like how they've simplified the design a little bit and made it less expensive I'll probably put the Trident up here at s tier I like how it's moddable you can do all sorts of upgrades on these machines and it just seems like a pretty fun thing to use now apparently there's a tool changer version of the 2.4 which utilizes that z-axis so it moves up to the top of the printer grabs a new print head and moves back down and continues printing however in general I hate the idea of a tool changer printer having extra parts and electronics and heating elements and stuff it's just making things over complicated if you have multiple extruders I want them to be I decks so that you can use all the extruders at the same time instead of having this Bank of expensive accessories sitting up top you might draw a parallel between that and a CNC machine which has like a spindle with like hundreds of different tools that it can switch between for doing different Machining operations however I don't think it's similar there because a majority of the cost of a 3D printer is in the hot end so if you have four hot ends that's multiplying that portion of the cost by four on CNC machines the tools are relatively inexpensive compared to the overall machine so having a bunch of those loaded up is not expensive and it's even necessary for it to do its function with this having a tool changer is just kind of silly in my opinion now we've got some voxlab machines now my channel started out with a voxelab to Ender 3 comparison which was a really fun video one of my old classics voxlab machines are just kind of boring derivatives of endo3 clones they might have slightly better quality control than creality and they might be be a little bit cheaper and offer more features however it is just kind of yet another boring Bland under three clone now we've got three printers left here we've got the VZ bot that thing is absolutely legendary vez is a awesome guy he has a YouTube channel and documents a lot of his experimentation with the visibot design I think that's an easy s tier because he's pushing that machine to insane print speeds and now it's something that you can buy on AliExpress you can get a kit it's like thirteen hundred dollars or so and you can build one of these yourself so that's an easy s tier just schooling all of these big established brands in terms of producing a higher quality faster print speed kind of 3D printer just as a one or two man operation with his little community of support so really impressive there that's an easy s tier just because High print speeds large printing doing some unique and novel stuff in the design then we've got the wuxen WXR 3D printer this thing is basically a prusa I3 Mark III clone um so I'm gonna put it as a b tier basically on par with the prusa I3 It's Made in America if that matters to you then you know you can get one of those it seems like a pretty nice design overall given the price point that it's at and the features that it offers I'm going to say it's an average printer I might bump that up to an a tier if they develop some Clipper firmware maybe even s tier but uh yeah it's just too similar to a prusa I3 Mark III and our last printer of the day is going to be the zortrax A200 that one's definitely going off the balcony I saw a couple videos about this thing and it just seems like a proprietary mess I mean normally I would put it in the over budget to expensive option but given what I know about this thing it just looks like a I don't know I'm I'm gonna throw this thing off the balcony if I'm being honest all right and uh last thing I think I might want to make a couple adjustments here this creality belt printer I'll put it as a flawed tier I doubt it works very well but it's an interesting concept and it's somewhat novel and I want to retroactively unthrow this ghost 6 off my balcony I really should have kept it because I do think it's a good printer it's a cheap affordable core XY machine that comes in at a really good price point so you know pretty nice printer there in terms of the rest of these I might actually bump the K1 up to an S tier because it has insane print speeds watching one of these zip around and print things crazy fast is really fun so looking at these s-tier printers of course there's my channel which is the best channel in the universe everybody like And subscribe to this video we got the p1s that's just an awesome printer excellent value lets you print ABS polycarbonate pla petg basically anything that you want to aside from those hardened materials and even if you want to do the hardened materials you can do a little upgrade and put a new nozzle and extruder in there and you'll be all set for under a thousand dollars for this and the AMS it's a pretty cool option Ender 3v3se I'm looking forward to testing that machine out that should be a new high water mark in the Ender 3 lineup if it delivers on its promises we got the elegun Neptune 4. I just really liked how cheap and no-nonsense this machine was there's the Neptune 4 and the Neptune 4 Pro I would stay away from the pro model the only upgrade you get there is it has metal rails instead of Delran v-groove Wheels I like the dollar and v-groove wheels because they make the machine quieter then we got the prusa mini really cool machine there it's just a stripped down less expensive version of that I3 Mark III should offer a pretty good user experience and just be a reliable printer I would totally enjoy using one of these if I had one there's The Rook just making a dirt cheap rxy high speed printer that's really cool to see and it just goes to show that 3D printing doesn't have to be expensive you can put a rook together for around 300 400 and if you find a bunch of scavenged Parts you could do it for even cheaper maybe one to two hundred dollars so pretty cool option there Boron v0 I mean that's a absolute legendary little printer they look really fun they take up almost no counter space and they're hugely upgradable so we're going to put that in the S tier here's the Boron Trident you can get a larger version of this so it's basically like a v0 in its capabilities and overall design principles but it's larger you can get a large format 3D printer up to 350 by 350 and do some bigger prints at high speeds and it's hugely modable so if you want to have fun modding things I think you can probably set this up as an idex it runs Clipper by Design so it's a great machine for the modders and you can 3D print new parts out for it and it's got a great Community around it from everything that I've heard then you've got the VZ bot that thing is crazy fast there's a bunch of fun videos you can watch by Simon vez so subscribe to his channel if you want to check those out and then the K1 the annex engineering K1 that's a cool little design and uh it's probably one of the fastest machines that I've seen in person just rattling around and printing things super fast so that's my tier list make sure to check out this tier list in the video description if you want to make your own list and subscribe to my channel support me on patreon I posted my listing of this on patreon and actually uh I did another version of this every time you do one of these you you fill the answers out a little bit different so it would be interesting to compare this to my old list yeah that's about all I have to say about this a lot of printers are going off the balcony a lot of printers are just boring Ender three clones but there's also a lot of genuinely good and exciting printers out there on the market so check the description for some affiliate links if you're interested in buying any of these s-tier printers or a tier those are going to be some of your best value and funnest to use 3D printers on the market in my humble opinion if anyone else on YouTube wants to make a list like this follow that link and make sure to put my channel up here in the S tier I mean you can throw my channel off the the off the balcony or you might think that my channel is flawed but I think the real answer here the only answer that's acceptable is s tier alright well thanks for watching this episode of Nathan builds robots I'll see in the next video
Channel: Nathan Builds Robots
Views: 61,009
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: C_e1Pu84bRg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 20sec (2900 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 05 2023
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