One Clear Winner - Bambu Labs A1 Mini Vs A1 Vs P1S Vs P1P Vs X1

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right then I don't want to spend forever on this video you can spend forever looking at these three printers before deciding which one is right and yeah you can look at spec sheets on the website trying to figure out what all the values mean for literally months so how about we break it down to the Practical benefits or what the differences actually mean in terms of delivering prints and functionality instead hi I'm Ross and this is f Hammer videos now to preface it wouldn't be wise to compare these corxy models in Bamboo's lineup without a addressing the A1 series 2 so here we go the A1 Mini is a great printer but yes it's small many people probably wouldn't need bigger but I'm more in the camp of I'd rather have it and not need it than one day need it and not have it so the most valuable starting point for a 3D printer in most people's eyes will be the larger A1 with a build volume of 256 mm cubed exactly the same as the three main printers we're looking at today the difference between these and them is that these are corxy printers and they are bed sling lers so in the case of the a1s you will need some clearance behind the printer on your desktop whereas these take up the same volume as the base dimensions at all times and due to the core XY nature of these there's no beds swinging your prints back and forth essentially this means that prints will be marginally faster and more stable but the difference is Tiny if you know you'll only ever need to print with basic PLA and you want to keep costs down go check out my A1 review video because that's probably the best choice but before you do know this the other main difference I see is that when you want to get involved with multicolor printing the A1 series is only compatible with the AMS light and this leaves your reels of filament sitting out in whatever printing environment you use them in they can absorb moisture from the air which can do anything from degrade print quality to ruin a whole reel of filament to the print becoming brittle and just snaps in contrast the P1 and X1 series use the more expensive enclosed AMS units which you can load with desicant in order to saave off any moisture it's a very useful benefit especially if you plan on leaving your filament out for days or even weeks between prints the X1 and P1 series can also handle up to four separate AMS units per printer giving you the option of 16 colors where the a series is currently limited to one AMS light per printer and I've got no idea if they ever plan to allow more so if you just want to have a play at 3D printing and have fun stick with the A1 series and thanks to the UI those printers are actually marginally more functional and a tad more user friendly too with the p1s and x1's as I said you can read this back on the website but when it comes down to it the main difference is based on what materials you want to print with there are some functional differences too but we'll come to that now in terms of form factor these are pretty much the same printer I know I'm jumping in at the middle but let's take the p1s as a primary comparator this is an enclosed printer with a plastic housing it looks sleek and sexy and certainly gives the impression of a more professional product than the A1 series which look a bit toyish in comparison dropping down to the p1p this is a stripped down version of the same printer but it looks stripped down too as in it looks like someone just took a car and removed most of the outer panels leaving nothing but the framework but I guess this is somewhat intentional to keep the costs down and you have a good few options both official and otherwise to print your own chassis for the machine which range from aesthetically pleasing to functional to quirky now you can of course upgrade the p1p to have the same p1s chassis and that's using the enclosure kit direct from bamboo now the X1 is identical to the p1s in many ways but the X1 has an aluminium case rather than plastic but where it matters in even having casing is in a couple of ways both the p1s and x1c come with an integrated partk calling fans and chamber temperature regulat fans too the benefit to part cooling fans is just more stability bridging when printing models the fan will cool the extruded plastic faster when it's over a void in space so bridg material is straighter and more rigid than just drooping everywhere and the temperature regulation plays a huge part when printing stronger Plastics like abs and ASA PA or PC these filament types have huge issues with the slightest temperature variation just walking past a printer and creating a freeze is enough to ruin a print so keeping the printing environment temperature stable is the key to getting the best results with those types of materials now you may be wondering do I need to print these materials and if you're asking that question and you're watching my channel rather than wanting to get bogged down into something more technical the answer is probably no you won't need to print in those materials at all or maybe ever but the truth is I don't know what you're intending to print so maybe have a quick Google search on what the different material types are and consider if their intended application is something you are ever looking to make but don't worry I'll I'll still come to a conclusion at the end and a recommendation on your approach for which one to buy right now back to the X1 and this is made for more engineering grade materials like reinforced Plastics and it's able to do this because the print bed temperature can get warmer than the P1 models also this was designed for those materials as it comes with a hardened steel nozzle by default and that's designed for the morea Ive material rather than the stainless steel nozzle that comes in the P1 range again if you need materials like this you probably aren't watching this video so it probably does sound easy to pick one at this point however the X1 has a couple of additional features that may make it the more considered option and after all it is the flagship printer from bamboo and if I haven't called out a specific feature difference in these printers like the integrated light it's because they all have the same thing because I've said in terms of General framework they are all the same printer and share a ton of common features strip the outer casing off them all and I probably wouldn't even be able to tell any of them apart but where the X1 stands out is that it has a much more powerful onboard computer than the P1 which powers or enhances some of the features for example the camera to get this out of the way all three printers come with a camera and all three will create time lapses of your prints which are always fun to watch but the P1 series only has a 720p camera where the X1 has a full HD 1080p camera no you can't upgrade the P1 camera to 1080 because the internal controller is not configured to run it and it sounds like it's probably not powerful enough anyway but beyond the resolution bit this is functionally better on the printer 2 in a couple of ways one is that when viewing remotely the playback is much smoother so you can fully see what's going on live where the P1 can often be a bit stuttery with a couple of frames a second to one frame every few seconds and the X1 also has a remote download feature where you can actually access the files on the SD card from within the bamboo Studio slicer and you can download them directly wirelessly to your PC with the p1s you need to plug the SD card into your PC to read and then copy over the files I know that it's only a small difference but I do find it useful and as I pointed out in the p1p and p1s review I compared it back to the A1 printers the X1 also has a much more functional and clearer UI unlike the monocrome display of the p1s with control buttons to the side the X1 has a full HD capacitive touchcreen now this is just as intuitive but easily more functional than the P1 range not in a huge way but in ways that are handy enough for me to go yeah I prefer that now honestly most of the time I just put a model in my my slicer on my PC and send it to the printer remotely and let it do its thing I never touch the UI but where I use an AMS on the X1 I can tap a button on the screen and tell the printer what type brand and color of filament I'm using direct from the printer's UI for the p1s with AMS you can do the same thing but you need to use your phone with the bamboo handy app in order to do it also if I want to recalibrate or perform maintenance on my X1 I press the settings cob the relevant heading tab and the button to start the process it's three clicks you even have a function on the X12 dry a reel of filament in the chamber and this may be on the P1 series 2 but if it is I can't find it now on the p1s if you want to do maintenance or calibration it's less of that 3 Taps approach and more of an up up down down left right left right ba a and start kind of thing again though I rarely use these functions but when I do it's just much easier and more readily available on the X1 and finally there's the liar now this is apparently used to measure pressure Advance before starting a print it's not a magic button and many people in the community refer to it as a gimmick and I'd love to say that this goes a long way to improving the quality of your prints by addressing the flow of the filament before it even starts printing but the thing is I've never had an issue with the p1p or p1s in such a way that I can see any benefit here on the X1 for that liar where I have found it useful though is that it actually is used to scan the first layer for defects and it has successfully warned me on several occasions where it detects poor adherence so I do like that I'm a nightmare for just clicking print and forgetting about it and walking away so this function has saved me quite a few times so when it comes down to it which one is right for you well as I said in the intro if you just want to play save some money and get an A1 just be aware not to leave your filament out for ages in an overly damp place but if you want something a bit more professional yes you could get the p1p But honestly unless you've got a particular use case for it like it's going to be part of a print Farm or you want to create your own specific casing for it like a pegboard to keep all of your printing and maintenance tools nearby and attached then you may as well pay the extra if you can afford it now and get the p1s just to keep your options open for the future if perhaps you know you'll never in your life print ABS then again that's also a good reason to save some money and stick with something like the p1p and if you want it to look a bit safer and sexier than the p1p again a good valid reason for the p1s honestly this is the main reason I choose it over the p1p anyway just cuz it looks a bit nicer now as for the X1 it is a more powerful machine in a few ways but they are minor conveniences for a lot of extra money again the p1p is the sweet spot but if you do want the all-in-one solution where you don't need need to open a phone app and change some settings because that would irritate you then yeah you want to go Elite and ultimate and the Best in Class get the X1 but ask yourself will you print in these Advanced Materials now for me I don't know I don't know if you will I don't know if I ever will but perhaps next week an incredibly useful model comes out and needs to be printed in carbon fiber reinforced material now I'm glad I've got the ability to do it even though now I don't need it rather than one day needed and not have the ability to do it I want to say thanks for watching and especially to our members who are helping us create these videos also why not get your name up in the lights with them and get priority replies from me and early access to all of these videos too if you're still on the fence then please check out my videos for the X1 the p1p the p1s the A1 and the A1 Mini and I'm working with bamboo now so it looks like I'll be getting all of their new printers as soon as they're released so I'll have more content coming on bamboo printers very very soon I want to thank you for watching and just remind you you can hit that like button subscribe button blah blah blah do all the things I'm just going to let you get on with the rest of your day but if you can do the things that you know you need to do that would be great you've probably already done them but an extra one here would be good especially a comment down below until next time fly me to the moon and let me play Among the Stars faux hammer [Music] out
Channel: FauxHammer
Views: 109,953
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: bWM45yJOI7g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 39sec (759 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 12 2024
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