🏅FR-F1 sniper to 800yds: Practical Accuracy + GIGN Loyada Hostage Rescue [feat. Forgotten Weapons]

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I'm actually a member of 9 Hole's patreon so I was lucky enough to get to see this early. Even if you're not interested in the shooting part of this video, you owe it to yourself to watch the history portion. Really interesting story about the GIGN Loyada Hostage Rescue, in which a number of GIGN operators used the FR-F1. Also the skit at the beginning with Ian is funny. Watch that too.

9 Hole Review's is easily one of my favorite guntube channels. They have a lot of good stuff and both guys are high-level shooters.

👍︎︎ 19 👤︎︎ u/unclekisser 📅︎︎ Jun 03 2020 🗫︎ replies

"Viva la France!"

It's 'Vive la France'!


👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Crazy-Red-Fox 📅︎︎ Jun 05 2020 🗫︎ replies

Does anyone know where I can get the t shirt Ian is wearing?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/hussard_de_la_mort 📅︎︎ Jun 03 2020 🗫︎ replies
this episode was brought to you by slate black industries forum rock grips and accessories visit slate black industries calm [Music] a lazy pass anymore [Music] Oh CTN for Mabel but the on [Music] you you [Music] shooter are you ready we miss you song sung calm and easy impact neutralized it seems like the bridge right here is preventing it to eject a little bit hmm 200 impact neutralized it's not even fair right now with this thing 250 300 impact impact for those dead holds yep all right you were bias right the impacts were both on the right half okay okay so we're starting to see the effects yeah yep all right should I say we're starting to see the effects we had a 350 impact measure that was left half so yes I mean you're were you where were you bias left yeah yeah 350 right yep neutralized that was left half again excellent I aimed on the left half of it all right surface because that when I'm if it's pushing to the right and I aim on the left most edge that gives me the most opportunity to hit the entire target great yes yes if you're pushing left to right yes agree yeah all right we're on at 400 400 impact good hit solid center punch nice impact that's a neutralized shot I'm going to continue at 400 meters on the distance for the four hundred and fifty yard target okay because that last one I was aiming at the lower left edge got it and you're hitting you're impacting Sinha's higher center yeah so this one I'm going to keep center level left left at left favor yes left at favor and it should send it on to the target all right I'm on at 450 fire when ready impact that was a lower quadrant okay neutralize center punch we're on a 500 I'm using 450 meters okay I'll aim favored left on the edge of the plate on the foot on the left side okay impact 9 o'clock on the plate okay you might favor touch to the right from that current shot unless you feel the wind picking up impact so one of the issues with the AP X scopes I'm having trouble seeing the target itself I can see it but it's not as easily seen so shall we go the 650s and then continue onwards because the 600 is a little it's a little black today yeah sounds good we'll go 650 slightly larger target a little bit brighter and for this one I'm going to use a 600 meter setting fav it to the left let me know when you're ready to fire when ready okay elevation is good you're off the right edge if you were favoring left edge favor half target left okay will do good eat fire when ready impact all right I'm on to 700 okay so 700 is 660 meters or so 667 meters yeah so six six 650 should be pretty close yeah dead hold favor one half target left okay fire when ready impact excellent next one's 800 yes I'll give it a little bit more of a bump to the left this is I can't really tell you exactly where I'm holding because this is German t-post see if you can favor three-quarter target left okay fire when ready unobserved okay I mean I heard an audible return okay did you hear that - I heard it I heard an audible return but man I could not see an impact it may have been a peripheral hit on on the very edge but you definitely can hear it hit and you could see a little bit of movement so afterwards Josh was doing a little bit of post post review as I lobbed two more shots or three more shots on to the target and those were a definite hit and then I decided to aim off of my previous hold and we saw the splash on the ground splurt of dust so that was definitely a miss so I'm quite certain that shot you just saw was a hit anyways there's a cool history lesson coming up on the GI GN in this rifle honestly that is the coolest part of the video in my opinion so let's get back to it alright so we have reviewed the footage Josh care to share what happened well that was definitely a first round impact followed up by what we believed to be second third round impacts for certainty yes well that means that this rifle just cleared the course out to eight hundred with only a single one missed and it was purely based off of a wind call mm-hmm that means it took one bucks of 20 rounds I mean that's unbelievable we just cleared the course with a score better than the m110 which is top on the list for the TI right now to be fair and put things in perspective if people go and watch that video and try to come in contrast you know the wind that we had on that day was something like 25 miles an hour and what are we at right now you're holding off half a plate you're right you're also shooting it with a four bioptic of an ancient four bioptic because you'll look through it in a bit yeah go ahead let's get your reaction looking through the scope you were able to hit things I would say this is worse than the current Amazon great optics that I mean that's what cause it's cloudy but it is gigantic thick stadia understand that it is a robust military optics so your zoom lenses have a lot more complexity to them because the extra amounts of glass yeah they use better glass nowadays but if you're looking at just an optic that has kind of like the super sniper that we shot it's so cheap because there's no zoom mechanism yeah and back then if you think of that they wanted to build a robust system with a good elevation adjustment and that was what they were focused on they wanted a system that the soldier could not screw and this is coming out you said in the 50s 50s late 50s so - not too far past late fifties so you're you're 10 to 15 years post-war yeah right it's what I know what magnification is that optic and it's a 4x a px scope so a for power T post style scope German t post fat T posts - now granted you are able to dial it though right that okay so this is the interesting thing about the f RF 1 and when Ian sent it over initially I pulled the top cap off and like a like a normal regular American soldier I did not read any of the instructions and why would you write everything should be done to American spec correct of course so I started playing with it took the top cap off and I was thinking look at this Josh wow this thing is going to fail the entire knob just has like these little hashes on it yeah turns out elevation is adjusted on the side turret and I had been playing with a windage the entire time yeah you know that's actually really interesting because it makes it actually makes sense because when you're shooting you could see the side of the tongue right down the side and your your here can go to make that adjustment because you know and this is this is something that I'm personally just aside for a nine-hole mm-hmm I'm trying to study up a bit more on on both guns and modern modern both guns and PRS things of that nature and one of the things that I've noticed is from a manipulation perspective everybody manipulates everything with their right hand so they manipulate the bolt the trigger and any of their adjustments in magnification as well as elevation with their firing hand which is very different than what I'm used to where at firing hand never leaves the grip in kind of modern carbon shooting so when you think about the positioning of that dial it actually makes a heck of a lot of sense for that style of you're coming from the the bolt and the firing grip right up to make your adjustments yeah yeah people like to make these jokes about the French and their firearms they like to call the French what cheese-eating surrender monkeys the cowards yeah yes I worked with a French army I disagree with it when people say that yeah I lived in France and I I mean that gave me a perspective because like in Paris you go to Lezama lead the Military Museum you could see the amount of development into weaponry that the French have had and they had one of the biggest colonial holdings around the world it would be crazy to think that they did not make good firearms now however their firearms are very eccentric we just talked about the way the dial is on the side that makes a lot of sense because as you're shooting you're manipulating your elevation and then you're back on my rifle right you're not having to take your head up crane your neck move your hand to the top of the the optic right yeah if you see the bipod in this strange location they're thinking so if a shooter and back then the sniper is more so a DM row is supporting infantry movement wouldn't you want a better Traverse of your rifle and if so you're giving up an element of the stability achieved by having the bipod extended to gain additional amounts of flex and Trevor yes and so you you gain a wider field of fire when it comes to it if you're thinking about a let's think about the the Russian doctrine where snipers are interchangeable with machine gunners you could use snipers to pin people down much as well you could use a machine gunner to do the same yeah and you're looking at your fuel to fire and you're looking at better Traverse this makes sense a lot of sense another interesting thing to look at this the mas 36 action you see these lugs it's a rear lug action alright there's a lot of people in North America in the u.s. to be particular who seem to think that rear locking lugs means it's inaccurate yeah well there's the age eight old adage just like so many of the other things like Kalashnikovs are inaccurate this falls into that same bucket right and and in that lore the most accurate action of course is the 98k because it has front locking lugs on it is a superior action I found this to be untrue today being a prime example making it all the way to shots per target to five hundred one shot per target all the way with one miss one single miss I mean that's not a fluke yeah same thing repeatable hit hits at eight hundred oh yeah and and you think of it same thing with the number four mm-hmm you remember yeah rear locking lugs again yeah it did phenomenally well so I think it comes down to the Machine work I don't think it comes down to whether with whether the locking lugs are placed in the front and the rear so the French are taking into account a lot of design elements that seem to be overlooked or or I guess not really considered on on the North American side yeah so this particular rifle was also famously used in the 70s and one of the times that the GI GN was deployed outside of France so low yata was a defining mission for the GI GN in a sense the units had only been around for two years and so at this point a lot of even military units either didn't know about them or felt that they were unproven when Luna Muto which was the commander and the founder of the GI GN when he showed up to Somalia and stepped into the generals ten to the Foreign Legion general he actually looked at him which do not put all wore glasses and told him that men who wear glasses deserve to be behind desks rather than behind rifles because they showed up in their GI GN they showed him in civilian clothes and long hair these military officers just didn't trust them and they felt that they were forced to work with a GI GN however the GI GN in this particular mission was the linchpin in the missions success in saving that school bus of children so let's set the stage a little bit terrorists took a school bus of children blue pass Foreign Legion outpost and they were parked on the border right here if you see on my map so you can see the terrorists actually took the 31 school children and parked on the border of Somalia right outside of the Somali police station and overnight there were reinforcements from Somali regulars and some more militants that came to face off with the French now the Foreign Legion ended up setting up here behind a palm grove and the jean dom they were able to send in a mechanized cavalry unit that was 800 metres down the road from the bus the GI GN operators came in and infiltrated into their shooting position that was a hundred and eighty three metres away from the bus now the parachutists the Foreign Legion soldiers were about a hundred metres behind it the plan was for the the GI GN operators to take out all the terrorists that were on the vehicle and then the Legionnaire would push in and form a perimeter so they could push armoured vehicles in and save the school children a couple things went wrong so let's look at the actual shot on the school bus and get a better understanding at what we're dealing with school bus full of children 125 degree Fahrenheit we had a shooter up here in the front sitting on some wooden boxes hanging out in the shade because it was very hot terrorists right here in the driver seat and then we had head honcho in the middle and then on the very back on the tail end we had another terrorist so we're looking at four tangos one two three four we had five G IGN operators total of six people because the commander was looking through by nose two shooters were observing target number one one shooter was observing target number two shooter on target number three shooter on target number four they used a code system where if your target was up you would count from left to right and call out ah play number one ready do play number two ready when you see the target pop up POIs play number three ready tuck play number four ready and at that point the commander would give the initiation command which was zero zero that way it wouldn't confuse with any of the numbers that they had planned at the command zero they would count qua qua qua all four of the targets would go down which actually happened that way however remember they were under the Sun for 10 hours in 125 degree or 51 degrees Celsius heat looking through these AP x scopes at those targets for 10 hours so they took the shots target number one got shot in the leg but second shooter eliminated that one target number two ki a target number three ki a target number four ki a excellent at this point we have the Legionnaires trying to push in two machine guns pushing down any heads that they saw which they got into a massive firefight over this no man's land dismounted soldiers trying to push in at this point crossing 300 meters under machine gun fire is a bridge too far sometimes so they were taking forever no armored support during these ten hours of observation the armored vehicles actually overheated and were unable to drive up when they needed to so at this point you have your 6g IGN operators just watching helplessly at your vehicle right here all the schoolchildren are still there you popped all four of the terrorists infantry can't get in no vehicle coming they were worried for the sake of the school children that they didn't want any other terrorists to light them up because they were actually still terrorists outside turns out unfortunately right here behind the bushes we had taro number-5 that ran on board with an stg44 and let off a burst unfortunately killing one young girl and at this point a Legionnaire came came up he shot one of the Legionnaires and wounded him and used another girl as a human shield the GI Jian operators had ditched their frf ones at this point pulled out their sidearms and had initially had two operators run-up to secure the vehicle before the infantry could get there so you have these two guys with revolvers running across 183 metres to try to secure a vehicle with terrorists who had stream guevara 44 's and the entire element right here with mg 42s and a mixed weaponry got onto the vehicle as this guy let off a burst and use the little girl as a human shield a Legionnaire trained his submachine gun on him and then couldn't shoot because he was worried that he was he would shoot some of the children so the GI GN operator at this point had gotten to the vehicle had his revolver his Mandarin mr73 and put a shot behind the terrorists into his neck and killed him so they were able to secure the entire vehicle unfortunately there were there was one little girl who got killed and one little boy who died on his way being medevacs back to France however the entire vehicle was saved I believe 14 Somalis were killed all eight of the terrorists were killed about 15 Somalis were wounded on the other side of the border again this was a defining operation for the GI GN to come through at the moment that they needed them the most interesting thing about this was during the standoff the snipers the GI Jian snipers had observed that on the Smalley side they actually had a white advisor with red hair and during this entire engagement one of them was able to sink a shot into his stomach we still don't know where that advisor comes from which nationality he belongs to anyways back to our time in the field I hope you enjoyed this I enjoyed this very much thank you to our friend Dan Lewis and to the now come on Don puto he did an amazing job fielding his Jean down into accomplishing in the mission and actually the GI GN a lot of people probably don't know they actually spearheaded the art of a synchronized shot for elite units and this actually turned into us doctrine we still count left to right with the snipers if we're running synchronized shots and he actually taught us snipers in Quantico to use this technique and on top of that on that matter the GI GN Pluto himself had spearheaded the use of fast roping for quick infiltration operations so us doctrine was absolutely influenced by operators who ran this rifle anyways back to the show and so they were sitting there like hunters mm-hmm waiting for all five targets to appear looking through these four by ancient scopes Wow yeah so a lot of people the they think of snipers this one lone guy going out no no no I mean it's a very complex development of theories systems teamwork and how it integrates with a larger team so a lot of times when you look back at what they did on the design element you can see the evidence of the theory of operations for that particular country so Henry I I mean obviously that was a pretty impressive run how do I add one of these to my gun safe so this rifle belongs to our friend Ian from forgotten weapons hallelujah we had he sent it to us for field testing but he actually had one of the former French state armors put this together for him in France oh and in fact this is serial number five of the frf ones so this is a fifth rifle off the line that was ever produced crazy and for the longest time I mean the ATF didn't allow the importation of these things right but the powers vested to Ian went and debated with the tech branch and the ATF and in fact was able to explain that this is a CNR rifle nowadays and got it imported so on so how many of these are then out there can I go get one there's there's a handful I I won't say that you can't that's a very strong word that you can't but no you can't if we do this run with one less then that would be the top of top of the list yeah absolutely perfect this is a Remington 705 our equivalent on the DMR cool right yeah a single miss on the entire course yeah yep so I I'm blown away yeah that's a good placed and it I think guys again most of you already know in and follow forgotten weapons but if somehow you live under a rock we should go check out their show hey guys thanks for tuning in to another video on forgotten 9 hole reviews do you enjoy arguing with other viewers on the internet on which rifle performs better on practical accuracy well we have a solution for you go to our patreon page and scroll down you'll find the practical accuracy scoreboard where we have ranked and compiled all the data of all the firearms we have tested on the practical accuracy course furthermore it's really separated into the different categories so you can go back to your argument as quickly as possible and whether you decide to support us via patreon subscription or just a normal viewer we thank you [Applause]
Channel: 9-Hole Reviews
Views: 768,881
Rating: 4.9441886 out of 5
Keywords: FR F1, FR F2, Famas, foreign legion, legion étrangère, 2rep, gign, gendarmerie, nationale, army, navy, marines, Armee de terre, armée, famas, mas 36, mas 49, mas 49/56, 7.5 french, 7.5mm, nato, l'otan, france, française, fusil, précision, l'intervention, 15 minutes of war, gun jesus, ian mccollum, forgotten weapons, inrange, karl, iv8888, loyada, somalia, French Somaliland, Côte française des Somali, Djibouti, gwot, afghanistan, algeria, hostage, rescue, resident evil, re8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 14sec (1754 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 03 2020
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