Swiss ZFK-55 Sniper Rifle to 650yds: Practical Accuracy (Feat BOTR...Zf Kar 55 Sniper with GP11ammo)

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this episode was brought to you by slate black industries for mlok grips and accessories visit don't miss bro ugh what is going on you only ever call when something is wrong yeah okay i'm here in the village science project fair and i'm looking at your project and the muzzle looks like the drawing of the falcon megagalvia it's why you're in theatrics that i showed you last month do you know anything about this i do not have the slightest idea what you could possibly be talking about even the angles look the same did you find a patent with our igneous patent office way no ah so sad but yeah but what stop making ugly at functional guns from my designs [Music] hey this is it fk 55 the last that we're doing on the swiss straight pull specialty rifles all right well let's start things off at 150 yards is it dead uh yeah slightly off off center to the right left side ah you see the elevation turrets moving again because there's no lock no clicks no nothing it's just when we did a quick zero of this we notice that the turrets on the elevation on this can tend to drift so henry's got to keep his eye on the elevation turret to make sure that as he's shooting the recoil doesn't cause a shift yeah all right i'm on it two hundred impact windage look good to me impact that's the neutralized shot all right henry 250. okay how's the elevation on that looks good neutralized so the muscle break on this is very effective it is noticeably less recoiling than a very noticeably less recoiling than uh both the k31 and the zfk uh 3142 all right we're on it 300 okay i have to aim at the very base of these targets and the sighting the sight uh reticle post is indeed not pointed it is a flat post impact there's a slight difference between the other guy who's shooting eh oh my gosh well that's unfortunate okay so that one we're not counting right i mean because it's uh it's annoying so what happened right as right before i pulled the trigger someone online shot the 300 yard target and spun it vertically or horizontally uh horizontally to where it it just the target juked henry yeah let's be honest he got a little juke this little that one was the one we killed twice all right i'm on it 350. so he's learning impact tell me that guy isn't chasing me out impact nice dude all right i'm on it 400. all right so you ready yep impact mmm the powder burn of the gp11 delicious it's got a very unique smell yeah it smells like the mountains uh of switzerland and not at all like the hot lava temperature of texas that we've decided to shoot every single one of these swiss rifles in okay what am i for you're one more at four the last one was good impact all right we're on a 450 now just off the left edge good elevation same exact spot just off the left edge good elevation impact ready yep just off the right 50 yep oh you know what just happened did our turrets move the turret moved and i wasn't paying attention [Applause] just off the right edge still all right i'm going back to the favor left ready yep i missed that one impact oh i've got to get some retraining on this uh scope my friend just off the left edge impact right half upper right half to be honest your elevation's been good though on all these other shots impact oh okay shall we try to take it a little bit further uh it's up to you i mean it seems like the rifle is definitely capable and accurate it's just a matter of finding out what these holds are i'm having trouble honestly with this scope yeah at that distance when i'm i don't know i i don't have an issue i don't have an issue when it comes down to using an iron sight and favoring left and right um i i don't know maybe it just takes a little bit more time to to learn how to use the uh the flat based scope because there's no tip to it josh yeah it's it's like it's like this got it well hey look look at this look look you can look you can look yeah it's like a nubbin yeah much harder to hold the wind then yeah all right well why don't we do this henry why don't we go to 650 okay see if we can record a hit there because i think the rifle is capable of doing it i think it is try let's try to get collect some hits with the five the five shots 650 yeah let's go at 650. oh i could see the vapor and then it kind of just shot away from me maybe bottom right corner nope impact okay that was dead on so basically i was using i was i was putting the target if this was the post i was putting the target right here on the edge right where it was just drifting off but nice i feel like i need to learn how to use the uh that type of post system more obviously i'm having issues obviously i'm having issues learning how the windage works with it the other issue is that the elevation doesn't correspond to the numbers and then the third issue is that the turret is a free-spinning turret unless this is a broken piece which i i don't believe it is um but uh shall we talk about this in the analysis area yeah yeah i'd say an initial immediate thanks to ian yes uh huge thanks to ian uh from forgotten weapons hallelujah and thanks to ian's uh viewer jeff who loaned us this rifle thanks to our friends at edelweiss who actually were the importers of the rifle and sent us some gp11 to uh to use which we're trying not to blow through all of the gp11 but uh yes all right we'll see you guys in the breakdown segment yes [Music] so the doctrine was to be able to engage individual targets out to 600 meters under normal lighting conditions and in dawn and dust conditions out to about 300 at night against illuminated targets and of course if at any time a high value target presented itself or even at longer ranges a uh a group target presented itself they could uh have a pop hat at them um overall it's rather a more dmr type doctrine than modern sniper doctrine and the fact that it mounts a bayonet really speaks towards that as well they were used either by an individual or with a spotter and the spotter having binoculars and his personal weapon which was k31 or stronger 57 depending on the era shootings mostly meant to be done off the bipod but under certain circumstances resting or even using the sling for support were expected and sling support with a rifle that heavy is probably a bit optimistic for any length of time really the rifles were not issued as personal weapons to be taken home the swiss army is a malicious system and people take their personal weapon home they were core material they belong to the unit and were issued out as needed the scope was expected to be removed during movement even on the battlefield and placing its container on the belt i think realistically obviously they're trying to protect the scope but putting it on and off like that all the time probably isn't practical it's more likely to get the scope damaged or lost than just leaving it on the rifle and if it was me i would leave the scope on the rifle all the time in case a target presented itself they also have a surprisingly loose definition of an acceptable zero so a lot of aiming off was uh was taught and the zero had to be quite a long way off before the scope would actually be properly re-zeroed [Music] as for training courses seem to have been organized mostly on an ad hoc basis at unit level with shooting practice out to 500 meters and more snipery field craft type stuff like distance judgment observation use of the landscape and so on another part of the training that leads you to to realize it's more dmr type training is that at longer ranges which they define us from 300 out they were trained to walk shots into the target based on watching the splash rather than a sort of one shot one kill out to 600 and the muzzle break is actually effective enough that you can do this it's a really flat shooting rifle and but the time of flight below 300 meters is is too short for the rifle to have settled so you can actually watch the impact so you need a spotter to help you with that ultimately the rifles were not well liked they were not considered particularly effective particularly for the weight and as a result a bit like the l86 light support weapon and british service they were kind of treated as the crow cannon and given to the young guy to carry because uh everyone else would rather carry something lighter it was ultimately replaced by scoped 57s which again points towards dmr type thinking no you're okay i just let me get it set up for the camera henry it's i know it's a bipod but um yeah yeah it's not gonna happen man well fine i'll just hold it oh thanks thank you all right so the hi guys what is this one now zfk 55 which was which is one of the last uh specialty straight pull swiss straight pulls that we were featuring right so what are some of the other ones we did in case people aren't don't remember so we've done the diopter swiss k31 the standard k31 we've also done the ke3142 sniper is that the one with the tiny little periscope that pops off the side yeah which i personally that that's my favorite out of all of those i think it's cool because you know the little tangent side and then at the end we have the is that fk 55 so this is basically just this the same swiss based rifle with a different mounting and different options sort of if you look at the ejection it's clocked off to the side so it's about 15 degrees based to the right nice to the right right operation wise it's the same right but even the magazine entry and everything you see it's off to the side and that's to facilitate this guy it is a qd three and a half x scope supposed to be blow drop compensated to 800 meters however look i don't know why it wouldn't correspond to the the turrets yeah and and that's why i was having such a hard time with it whereas the zfk zfk42 yeah did it corresponded perfectly fine the other thing too that i heard you know we were talking about on range is that the elevation adjustment it's basically just a smooth wheel for for those of you who are familiar with modern optics this feels like a parallax adjustment as opposed to a elevation turret adjustment it's like binoculars at the very end the focus yeah i mean there's no there's no click there's no click there's no even the the mauser 98 snipers the zf39s they had the little dial in the front that was to lock the um turret the elevation turret and is that is that because this specific optic is actually damaged or is that how it's designed do we know i don't know well that's how this particular model was so multiple times then while we were shooting there were actually times where this shifted during the shooting process and caused we can say it caused misses but we we're not positive that that was the sheer and only cause of a miss but we can definitely say that it played a contributing factor too i would say another thing is also the post in the red the center of the reticle is what henry's referencing because it's a t it's a t-shaped reticle but it's different than the other t-shaped radical it's not a pointy square it's not a pointy tip it's a it's like a fence post if you look at yeah it's a rounded nub on the top yeah so it's sort of like looking through the front side of iron sights but it's not because well even the iron sights are generally squared off yeah don't you think that if this were squared off it would still i think it would be easy because that's the thing when i use a i i prefer the lee enfield width of iron sights uh not the american iron sights because they're the american iron sights are too thin i like the little bit of width which is the standard k31 iron sights which the iron sights being squared and thick actually gives you an advantage if you're shooting at distance because you could use that to favor left or favor right right you can right you can engage your bracketing of the target a bit better yes yeah this i had trouble doing because it's rounded off to the side you know that's a very similar issue to when you're trying to shoot a dot at distance yeah it's not dissimilar because you're you're you've got like if you think about it the dot is just rounded on the entirety of the thing and it's hard to gauge exactly where in relation to the target you are at all the times you know in fact the break took down a lot of the recoil on this compared to the other ones so it's not i'm not having issues with the recoil flinch trigger is phenomenal on this thing the bipod is worthless for our type of shooting yeah we'll get into that in a bit but the scope itself i i had trouble with i quite frankly i had trouble with you know when we shot the fr f1 which had its bipod positioning not dissimilar to this it was very much toward toward the the action to not affect the barrel because it's got a nice free-floated barrel i see so well so i and it's got a lot of trouble right so i i can understand why you would want something like that so that you do get an element or level of traverse this i mean this feels very very flimsy have you seen have you seen shooting sticks are you familiar with the shooting sticks yeah like the y y at the top cross them you open up yeah it's very popular for people hiking yes very popular for people who are hunting long range and it's actually for a very similar purpose all right allow me to demonstrate so if i were swiss which i don't look at all swiss surprise okay so i'm in the mountains in switzerland yeah and uh these pesky germans is coming over to the borders up on top of the mountains and then we look down boom and then we move and then we come back to the farther end boom and then we move so allowing a much greater amount of elevational adjustment in a bipod system especially before bipods were developed to have legs that kick out yes double their length let's look at this can you imagine if you were running around in the mountains with something like this so if you look at the difference between these two this is this is designed for shooting prone it's not designed for shooting with high elevation or no in fact we use tripods for that now yes so even with the legs extended you're just you might barely be coming close to the the elevational adjustment that's provided by this yeah so when you're talking about shooting with extreme loss you're talking about an increased mobility uh shooting off of rocks shooting off of strange objects sure that is actually not a bad concept i still wouldn't have designed it like that but you know as far as the concept you could see where they're coming but the least that's what they're going for right so the zfk 55 what could we devise from the deployment of this rifle first of all i think the swiss and this is my opinion i feel that the swiss had put a rifle design before they had a concrete sniper or designated marksman doctrine and it appears that they took elements of theory from some of the other shooting nations who had and put it into the k-31 and as a result they made a rifle that was barely interchangeable with the k-31 in terms of parts they had a rifle that was quite heavy for what it was designed for and honestly not very well liked or very well deployed in the military operations that they potentially would have been using it for but it is an interesting example of weapons development regardless and we are very appreciative of getting to take a look at such a rare example there's only about four thousand of these worldwide i would like to take this opportunity to say thank you to uh mike and dale over in switzerland who helped out with the research on this video and all parties who were contributing towards making this video possible as it is a very interesting take on a rare example of a firearm and as usual we'll see you on the range do you enjoy arguing with other viewers on the internet on which rifle performs better on practical accuracy well we have a solution for you go to our patreon page and scroll down you'll find the practical accuracy scoreboard where we have ranked and compiled all the data of all the firearms we have tested on the practical accuracy course furthermore it's already separated into the different categories so you can go back to your argument as quickly as possible and whether you decide to support us via patreon subscription or just a normal viewer we thank you eight packs red con one green and green [Applause] two packs
Channel: 9-Hole Reviews
Views: 187,167
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: K31, zfk 31/42, zfk 55, Schmidt, Ruben, Swiss, rifle, marksmanship, der Schweiz, suisse, fusil, infantrie, infantry, army, marines, alpine, competition, rotating bolt, waffenfabrik, bern, kern, gewehr, patrone, 1911, GP11, 1931, 7.5x55mm, nato, karabiner, zeilfernrohr, dmr, ww2, world war 2, C&R, C&Rsenal, curio, relic, CMA, straight pull, vetterli, m1 garand, kar98k, kar 98k, mosin nagant, enfield, mauser, roof korean, forgotten weapons, inrange, battlefield, call of duty, pubg, doc, shroud, bloke on the range, botr, FG42
Id: P3cMzSDaR4s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 35sec (1475 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 03 2020
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