How accurate is an AK47 - Kalashnikov? | Russia v. China v. Bulgaria v. Romania v. Israel v. Czech

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AKniner is probably my favorite of the bunch. Not shocked to see the galil at the top though. 545 gang was out in force for sure

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/mobius2_mooch 📅︎︎ May 18 2021 🗫︎ replies

I can't be more proud of our Sa vz. 58 :)

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/BloodyPsycho_ 📅︎︎ May 18 2021 🗫︎ replies

Pretty insightful and very surprising to see how poorly the Arsenal rifles did

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Scandalchris 📅︎︎ May 18 2021 🗫︎ replies
this episode was brought to you by slate black industries for mlok grips and accessories visit decades since its first appearance the kalashnikov's accuracy remains a point of debate in the west some say that the factory aks are one moa rifles and even with steel cased ammunition some say that they can't hit the broad side of the barn with its iron sights today we have 10 classic factory built ak examples we'll clock their nine shot grouping accuracy and see which one ranks up top we will then discuss how grouping accuracy applies to the fighting rifle [Music] and we have on the lineup from bulgaria's city of roses are three different rifles from the circle 10 arsenal a.d factory the slr 104 fr an ak-74 tdp clone the slr 107 the 7.62 version of that previous rifle and the early import slr 104 you are an aks-74u copy from mainland china the norenko pre-banned type 56 and from mother russia the original is factory and home of the ak the ismash ak-103 the ak-9r and the irishmash ak-74 from romania and one of america's favorites from the kujir factory the wasser 10 from israel and often rejected by the ak purist community the galil ace and as a bonus even though it's not an ak from the beautiful czech republic the vz58 which one shall come up top go ahead and comment below right now to see if you're right at the very end and spoiler alert none of these are one moa rifles but certainly effective to torso sized targets at respective distances now here are a few points of consideration for our test these are all foreign military factory rifles most of the examples are shot with a 4x acog acss reticle scope we specifically chose the chevron type reticles because chevrons provide a finite aiming point targets may not be centered since we swapped the same scope around the same ammunition was also used in all examples with the same caliber a military non-corrosive non-steel core russian bernal 7.62x39 or a bernal 5.4539 or a magtec .223 cartridge all rifles were shot between 2 days and 2 rifle sessions with the same shooter we did this to be as consistent as possible with a shooter's condition but also to decrease the possibility of shooter fatigue we will rank these rifles by their 80 group size but mention the entire nine shot group size as well the 80 ranking reflected more of our observations from previous practical accuracy tests we do want to thank scott from rs regulate for sending the mounts for this test we were going to buy some anyways but when he heard about it he just sent these in now let's get on with it let's see where these rifles ranked in our comparison as a control the shooter me i shot this accuracy international ae with its scope locked up at 4x at the 100 yard line on start of day one yielding this .61 inch nine shot grouping with a point three eight inch eighty percent screw now without further ado let's see where these rifles ranked in our comparison [Music] coming up last in the pack to nobody's surprise the aks-74u or slr 104 you are from bulgaria shot a lazy near 6 inch 80 group or a 7.4 inch nine shot group while in our practical accuracy test this rifle was able to reach a 500 yard target it showed serious issues of degradation and accuracy at the 250 to 300 meter zone now the aks-74u was designed more as a pdw than a main rifle and its limited accuracy certainly reflects this slr 107 the bulgarian reverse adaptation of the ak-74 to take the 7.62 by 3 9 cartridge much like the ak-103 now the slr 107 grouped a 3.55 inch 80 group and a 3.74 inch full grouping [Music] coming in at number eight the russian ak-74 with a 3.5 inch 80 group and a 3.749 shot grouping like the slr 107 these numbers are extremely close meaning that there weren't really any outliers despite its appearance this example was built from a sayaka 5.45 rifle its internals are actually closer to an ak-74m than the old aks-74 pattern but the next three are really splitting hairs with the 80 groups [Music] coming in at number seven the romanian wasser 10 with a 2.86 inch 80 percent group but the outlier shot bumped the full group up into a 4.687 inch nine shot group now even though the trigger was handedly the worst of all examples tested today and century in fact forgot to put the trigger pin retaining plate or shepard's crook in we could not deny the wasser actually put up a decent group which brings us to number six the bulgarian slr 104 fr at a 2.859 inch 80 percent group and a 2.8889 shot group the bulgarian 104 fr is a full clone of the russian aks-74 with their technical data package meaning that they have the exact same dimensions [Music] number five the chinese norenko type 56 at a two point eight four six inch eighty percent group and an outlier unfortunately bumping it up to a four point three inch nine shots crew [Music] since it did not have an accessory rail or a rail dust cover this was shot with iron sights only and this is the closest to the original type three ak-47 pattern of this group lending this to be the oldest design of all rifles shown today [Music] coming in at number four the russian ak-103 scoring a 2.765 inch 80 group with a 2.92 inch nine shot group we've covered the ak-103 in the past and despite its scoring in the upper half of the pack with a very consistent grouping the russians were actually less worried about increasing the accuracy of the platform but more so thinking about trying to add features and manufacturing interchangeability but ultimately this resulted in a very nice platform for the 7.62x390 [Music] number three the russian ak-102 or in current form the ak-9r with a 2.31 inch 80 percent group and a 3.0 inch nine shot group while this was built to the ak-100 series line it ended up as a saiga 223 which was later converted back by us to its original form now the 5.56 variant here puts up a much more respectable group than some of its 7.62 counterparts and this potentially draws ideas of limitations in our ammunition perhaps this is an indication for more research to be done as a runner-up in the second place the check the vz58 running an 80 grouping at 2.133 inches and a 2.4129 shots group it's not a kalashnikov but it still sees use in the battlefield as a substitute for the ak rifle the champion of this exercise behold the israeli galil 32 or galil ace slinging the 7.62 by three nine into a two point zero seven one inch eighty percent grouping with a two point four three two inch nine shot screw the israeli milled receiver achieves a much more solid mating and lockup for the two lugged ak bolt and the two stage trigger was very easy to feel a break and the top rail allows for a seamless top side mounting of any optic and so there you go galileo lovers bask in it the glory [Music] but hold your horses there's much more to it than just an accuracy ranking consider also the following points [Music] these are combat rifles designed with combat accuracy in mind there were major impact torso size targets at 400 meter plus most of these rifles had no issue keeping 100 of the rounds within a 4 inch group and the 80 groupings for these rifles honestly spanned from 2 to 3.5 inches except for the krinkov at 100 meters this is what a 1 inch group looks like on a torso sized target two inches three inches and finally four inches suffice to say one to four inch groups are very well effective for combat accuracy within 100 meters in fact most all of these two to four moa aks have no issues hitting the 500 yard gong twice on our practical accuracy test and how is that possible this is what 4 inches looks like on an ipsec target at 100 yards 4moa at 200 yards 300 yards 400 yards and finally 4 moa at 500 yards or 451 meters it's a 20 inch circle assuming zero wind conditions roughly the width of a human torso these rankings are in line with our practical accuracy result the scope-ready galil ace places the highest of all 7.6239 currently the iron-sighted vz58 is a ranking 7.62 by 3 9 rifle in iron sights our tendencies to gauge everything worthwhile only if it's one to two moa accurate makes no sense in regards to combat accuracy fit and finish matters so the washer is just as good as your arsenal slr night night better than your arsenal slr the problem with only testing for hard accuracy is that you don't take in consideration fit and finish qc gassing and how well a rifle handles when we did preliminary looks at multiple aes aes10bs the romanian rpk or the washer's big cousin it had multiple missed components bent gas tubes and severe accuracy problems that was left of the left target next to it while the wasser scored decently on its 80 accuracy it had parts missing it had a rough magwell for reloading and downright it had the worst trigger of all the arsenals slr on the other hand were just as smooth as the russian rifles accessories matter i personally love my vz58 but the accessories for it are incredibly slim compared to the stamped kalashnikov in 7.62 this doesn't apply to the collector but neither does accuracy if you want performance the russian patterns stamped ak-74 akm platforms have the most triggers gas components compensators stocks and pistol grips available our ak-9 mark ii was a good example of how accessories enhance a rifle our friend clayco's galil ace here is another good example of how you could fully deck out a galil ace unfortunately for me this amount of options do not exist for the vz58 ultimately caliber matters when the winds kick distance or if you need less recoil or if you want a higher carrying capacity despite all these 7.62x39 rifles doing relatively well at 100 you can see all of them suffering when it hits the 400 yard line the 7.62 by 39 cartridge starts to struggle with wind at this distance though it can be compensated with good reticle designs like the acss just off the right edge impact it still takes experience neutralized the 7.62 also recoils more than the 5.45 and 5.556 making follow-up shots slower not so good if you don't need distance this applies less but again a 2 or 3.5 moa for 8 out of 9 shots is a minuscule difference if you are looking at hitting a torso at 100 meters [Music] now the kalashnikov was designed as a combat rifle not a target rifle however it would be naive to think that one of the most cloned rifle designs struggles to hit a human target at regular combat ranges again these rifles tested today keep one hundred percent of their rounds within a four inch group which is smaller than your head at 100 yards and two to 3.5 inches is plenty to hit a torso at 500 yards however the fit and finish makes some more easy to shoot and controlled than others we had one hundred percent rounds fired with zero percent failures not all designs have the same amount of aftermarket support yeah caliber matters once you look at other aspects of shooting like distance winds carrying load recoil impulse and speed of manipulation so there you go a culmination of a few years data helped us look back at comparing 10 popular ak variants from their respective factories worldwide what has been your experience with the ak tell us in the comments and until next time we'll see you on the range so i've been advised by my lawyer that i ought to read the following holding statement that i obviously wrote by myself otherwise i will get dragged out of my residence by a bunch of clash boys from the forums and likely murdered so here we go we shot singular groups with singular rifle representations with single ammunition types so are we saying implicitly that within the core of the rifles for this test that one is better than the others absolutely not while we had fun with our rankings the core of these rifles are here to show you the overall average group sizes of the clash platform as a whole and how that translates into combat accuracy which we talked about entirely possible that if we shot these rifles again especially those within the core of the results could easily shoot slightly tighter or slightly looser groups and so there you have it obviously heartfelt obviously my statement i also like moist nuggets so you know same team okay that's vedanya over one
Channel: 9-Hole Reviews
Views: 328,235
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Kalashnikov, AK47, AK103, AK102, AK101, AK74, PUBG, call of duty, battlefield, russia, avtomat, spetznaz, izhmash, saiga, 7.62x39, modern warfare, Кала́шникова, Автома́т, сайга, Сухопутные войска, warsaw, AKM, Dr Disrespect, Shroud, swat, Garand Thumb, Blood Diamond, Battlefield, Call of Duty, Lord of War, Russia, China, PRC, People's Republic of China, grand theft auto, GTA, Modern Warfare, sks, 中国, 解放军, 越战, vietnam, Mujahideen, Quân Đội Nhân Dân, viet cong, taliban, afghanistan, SKS, type, t56, israel, galil, czech
Id: Wod9PvfaSEE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 8sec (1268 seconds)
Published: Tue May 18 2021
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