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subscribe to catoons and let the never-ending fun begin [Music] the tutti frutti banquet can i have a sugar back of course connie's bakery cart has it all yuck nana you passed me the salt shaker hmm fruit salty pie how bad if cooking for us is so much fun imagine cooking for a bunch of guests hmm listen we can invite the babies from fantasy mountain and the ones from bottle valley i want to be the cook not fair well i'll be the waitress fruity chef team mailman [Music] who might it be ah a letter how mysterious you are all invited to the grand banquet at tutti frutti bay yay we'll eat a bunch hi nana we brought you more food from the tasty factory thanks i beat you yay ouch i'm okay welcome go for a waitress here is your appetizer yummy it's the best fruit salad i ever had in my life foxy don't put your hands in my food she didn't wash her hands i don't want it anymore don't worry i'll bring another plate right away one for me foxy ate griffin's fruit salad you have to make another one quickly i only have two hands well the customer must always be happy if i was the cook i'd do it better what thanks if i were a waitress i'd do it better really well from now on you're the waitress and i'm the cook waitress i don't want fruit bring me some cupcakes we don't have cupcakes not the best service i know dreamy why don't you turn her fruit into ice cream wow [Music] thinking about it i prefer the fruit salad i'll let the cook know huh i only eat them if they measure two centimeters exactly and put ketchup ketchup on the fruit and put a bit of this and a little bit of this you're driving me crazy or angie this ice cream would be better with some chocolate shavings but we don't have chocolate i have some at home do you want me to go to bottle valley thank you hmm better but it could use a bit of cream we don't have cream i do but at home ah of course at your home yeah i like it but you know what is missing some crunchy wafers we don't have wafers i don't care if you have them i'm not going waitress when do i get my juicer yes the time is ticking [Music] it's very hard to be a waitress and a cook too i'd like to give a thank you speech [Music] [Applause] it used to be so much fun to cook when it was just us too this can only be solved in a certain way fruity chef team stop huh huh don't speak with your mouth full use the napkins to clean yourself move your elbows from the table go and wash your hands i like it like this and no playing with your food we overdid it forgive us for being so naughty to say sorry we'll make a banquet for you you'll want to lick your fingers [Music] this is missing a little sugar honey it's healthier we don't have honey there was some at connie's house [Music] [Music] let it rain let it rain [Music] you're late for your turn good morning cleaning time [Music] it smells so good i can start now but she hasn't even stopped to see what's happening maybe i can fix it [Applause] how strange it's indicating that there's no fruit left didn't you find out yes of course about what there's no fruit in the factory because it hasn't rained for a long time and the trees are drying out what we have to organize an emergency meeting right away [Music] let's see i don't want to forget to say it i propose to create a team to help find out why it is in training we have to put a stock to the drought or there will be no more cry juice ever at tutti frutti bay we have to do something now we can't continue waiting i think something now something the rain dance is coming along fabulously by logic this is not going to work a dance doesn't make it rain what i can't hear you that's it very good you okay look at that we attracted a cloud but how's that possible we already have a cloud even though there's no rain yet and now let's throw sneezy powders on the clouds so that it'll sneeze what a good idea the cannon is ready to send the sneezy powders well let's start the countdown 10. sneaky powders but that's not possible six five wait four more [Music] come on babies let's keep trying and now lala is going to tell a sad story so the clouds will cry it doesn't rain it doesn't rain hey get down from there hey bring back and that one [Music] they're crying with laughter the clouds could also cry as laughter [Music] it's not working of course it's obvious it's not going to work and why didn't you say so before i tried to but you were so excited trying things that i couldn't tell you well we want to hear you now there are clouds in the sky but they don't get dark nor are they moving to the fields of course because there's no wind they need the wind in order to move over the lake the water will evaporate charging the clouds so it falls over the fields and what do we do to make wind well that's it let's use the taste factory's windmill as a fan yeah we could put an engine on it that's it it will be more powerful i think the windmill will work it's time to press the button so the windmill turns faster mel i think you should do it you work so hard to get it [Music] take it rain yeah [Music] uh [Music] bananas slip i hate when the fruit gets bad it smells like you socks ow wow that hurts are you okay i'm okay but my bottom is not [Music] it was a funny fall but you could have heard yourself badly well someone doesn't know what a compost bin is um i suspect who that is look there's more let's follow the trail yes more banana peels more clothes ouch i knew it you're the banana eater peel litter eater glitter what my name is nana you know that pia i fell down and it's your fault you have to be careful or you'll cause more accidents sorry when i have a banana i enjoy it so much that i forget everything else nana you can't be that spaced out we must keep tutti frutti bay clean but don't you think it's prettier like this [Music] the jelly seems to enjoy it well babies i'm going to have my snack is this possible tutti frutti bae as my witness i won't allow another peel to cause an accident again love it [Music] and ice cream yeah banana ice cream i'll get it oh banana juice delicious [Applause] it's delicious look tina try it why babies i'm tired of all these peels is she only eating bananas no more trouble i see the future in my ball nana will learn a lesson before another fall and when is a future cause a present has got me the future is already here with an unprecedented fear no i told you a thousand times that pills go in the compost bin i forgot don't you realize that someone could slip you're exaggerating i can't see anything how fast i think she'll break the skating world record maybe we should help her no she needs to learn a lesson hi cloud what's up is that a bird or a plane it's nana sorry careful i'll hit you well i think she's learned the lesson very good i'll solve this in a snap wow [Music] the ice cream is slippery as well sorry i won't litter peels anymore i'll remember this time for sure it's dangerous look pia you'll be surprised [Music] i slept on peel so much that i became an expert skater wow what a style tina [Music] hannah raised her legs whoever does it best will get an award these little bananas and when you finish skating you know where the peels go to the compost bin [Music] um [Music] the fruit competition wow look these are the strawberries i'll be presenting this year you'll win the contest for sure it's true they're beautiful beautiful take a look at this wow so cool it's the side of a house it has the color of the sun i've won the contest three years in a row and this year i plan to win again would you like to see it i can let you take some selfies with it oh it'll be a miracle if my strawberries beat her pineapple a miracle that's some sort of magic ah do you know where there's a lot of magic at fantasy mountain let's go [Music] tina we need you hello we want our strawberries to be super fat don't you worry don't be sore i have what you're looking for magic fertilizer treat pew with the smell of monkey feet look it's most terrible yeah but only two pinches you must add or the outcome will be bad so scary thanks tina go add the magic fertilizer one pinch and two pinches huh but you add it to little give it to me but you just said two pinches they won't grow much with two pinches but if we overdo it something terrible might happen don't believe everything you tell you huh hey look what you've done the more the better oh i don't see them growing i don't think it worked i'm going to sleep okay well goodnight my little fruit [Music] oh mamma mia what am i seeing good morning what this year you're winning the contest wait how are we going to transport it the contest is at the beach we have to take a little berry there this is more than a little berry it's a huge berry well i think it moved a little tina already told us something terrible happened it's impossible to move it sorry i like to put a lot on everything it's better too much than too little we have to call the fantasy just two pinches not much you silly bunch it was palm's fault harder babies we're doing what we can are you okay that strawberry's beating us we need the power of a horse to move this giant with force i have an idea help me you're making me cry of laughter come on babies the idea is to have the jellies help us to take the strawberry [Music] come on jellies not on top below nor direction you mentioned these jellies have no attention oh no we're late we won't make it in time for the contest and the award for the smallest fruit is and now the last award of the evening the most awaited the biggest fruit so strange where's ella she was looking forward to participating it's okay she didn't come because she knew i was going to win oh pia's going to win no worries these jellies go wherever they want i got it we can attract them with music come on jelly let's get moving [Music] and the award for the biggest fruit is floor it's me it's me come on say my name hey oh sorry for being late for crying out loud the winner is ella's super mega strawberry congrats ella you got 10 out of 10. your strawberry is impressive hey hell no strawberry avalanche my poor smashed strawberry don't be sad ella i've told you the truth is that the fantasy helped with their magic the award is yours don't worry about the award and look at the bright side with all this we can make hundreds of delicious desserts i'll make an ice cream i want to make a cake [Music] [Music] [Music] no no more grape this perfume must have all the fruits let me see no strawberry it already has banana yes orange i want more orange trust me i'm the best perfume maker in tutti frutti bay oh no nancy you're so clumsy where was that let's see it's perfect it smells like autistics i'll call it the tutti frutti perfume no no it's only for babies [Music] it smells so good what is it i want some it's a tutti frutti perfume a perfume i made by myself what smells so good it's my tutti fruttie perfume i wanna try it can i have some hey i would parse me first no me i just don't have any more what no it smells so good i want to smell good don't leave the smell will go away [Music] that way [Music] nancy you have to help me escape please sorry i didn't give you any perfume the next one i make it's just for you uh of course nancy we'll go to bottle valley come on they're coming [Music] the small goes away around here let's get the perfume twitter foodies help me please oh sorry what's wrong the tutti frutti are chasing me and i can't get rid of the smell i made a wonderful perfume and now they want it too fortunately i thought about coming here the smell gets stronger here quick or she'll escape they're coming hide me please i have an idea don't worry [Music] quick go inside thanks foxy not make any noise they're coming uh what is this bathtub doing here it's for bathing our pets it smells like tutti frutti perfume around here maybe it's me no no stop we'll lose the trail otherwise we're looking for grace she has a perfume uh who's grace i don't know any grace did you look in the wings neighborhood of course the wake neighborhood thanks i'll go with you and take them some cakes oh no as soon as they get to the wing neighborhood they'll see that i'm not there and then they'll chase me again don't worry and why don't you make more tutti frutti perfume for everybody for everybody it will take me many days even weeks and if we help you hmm we can make it in one day then great we're going to tutti frutti first three drops of melon now one a banana just one will it be good it tastes like perfume well of course it smells so good i'll add a bit more no no not like that how was it they're coming how's the perfume going terrible bring me peach grape and melon essence oh no we're not going to make it nancy do you remember the formula what do you mean you invented it it was me who oh okay okay you invented it can you help me [Music] i've never seen anybody making perfumes as a team and with such coordination she's the best perfume maker in tutti frutti bay [Music] don't you have even a little drop for us it smells so good [Music] i didn't even have time to put them on no worries i can make all you want as long as luke c teaches me of course [Music] cry babies the perfect present [Music] is it my birthday present how gorgeous it's a little dirty my turn no no it's my turn you skipped me happy birthday candy oh where's candy's ice cream happy birthday candy delicious thanks sasha there's one more two presents how generous of you i also got you a frisbee a skirt one guy and a kitchen cloth whoa careful they're falling that was a hit every cloud has a silver lining sasha you always give a lot of things i love to give things well that's ending for the next birthday we can only give one present do it with your diy i won't be able to do anything whose birthday is next mine mine mine whose idea was it to dig this little hole i can't stop falling ideas for dreamy's present an alarm clock a xylophone a karaoke ice cream a robot with an umbrella is there something you can make and give yourself we have to go to fantasy mountain tina i need you who dug this hole a pretty and diy gift put away the pacifier i'll solve this before the time expires [Music] the magical ball only works with wi-fi you see something a little patience i have a situation wow what a big fall and the ball is totally gone sorry sasha i'm going back home great problems great solutions let's first prove that dreamy is not home by using my professional spy tactics mailman it looks like she's not here yet we're going to find the tips here so we can find the perfect gift [Music] uh-huh unicorns same as putting a horn on you who opened my notebook i hope it was a wind but just in case let's check the house [Music] have you seen anything rim it must have been the wind i haven't seen anybody outside either [Applause] where are you going that's the last time you eat an ice cream now come to bed [Music] drawings drawings oh unicorn drawings i like them hey who's there um you're definitely not going to eat any more ice cream at last we have it we'll draw a beautiful unicorn [Music] it's a gift that i can make by myself i'm sick and tired of magical balls diy gifts and this darn haul bring me the beach trouble let's finish this up for once and then we'll deal with the drawing open your little ears and pay attention to me money won't bite if it comes from the heart from me to you for being you little birdie this is my gift here's a wrap for you wow what an original gift thanks we're just missing sasha's gift sasha i i was going to give you a beautiful drawing but i fell asleep it's okay the most important thing is that you can't do it huh hey was it you who covered the blessed hole ah it's not that important thanks to you i didn't fall again my birthday was perfect your gift is amazing really you guess this is the first time that i gave such a great gift without realizing it [Music] wow [Music] babies [Music] what a mess [Music] coming hi hi crystal we came to get the coma i left you oh yeah the comb it must be around here oh what is all this this is a mess really it's not a mess it's organized with my style huh and where's my comb with this mess it's impossible to find it you have to clean up your house okay can you help me it's just that i feel a bit sick please of course let's do it now i have things to do more important than finding my comb or to live in a tidy little house yeah race shack on my snowboard bye where is she going with the ironing board crystal is a disaster well i'm going to find my call even if we have to clean this mess pandy please help us tidy up crystal's house let's clean up [Music] finally but i didn't find my comb it's okay we'll ask crystal tomorrow she's going to freak out when she sees what we did to her place i'm done hey wait for me i hope crystal has been able to find my comb hi crystal did you see how we left this is incredible i don't understand how you were able to mess it up so quickly it's just that when i sneeze i chew huh crystal you're always sick but you have to get organized it's your house all i want is my comb oh what's happening where did you go lady lady lady can you hear me i'm good it's so dark down here that i fell asleep lady what a joy but where are you i don't know i'm surrounded by junk there are lost pacifiers broken toys wow what's going on what's going on my calm i found my comb but it's a little stuck let me see if i could pull it lady don't don't pull it everything will fall on top too late i already got it and nothing happened oh oh it will have missing socks it's falling towards me do you see one with snowflakes it's been a long time since i lost it babies this is making me worry please get me out of here this is getting really narrow hell lady look for something to hold the walls look where my snowboard was i'm gonna get help don't worry lady i'll help you thanks crystal candy you have to help me we have to tidy up crystal's house quickly again i already did home [Music] candy please help me crystal's house is a disaster no i'm still waiting for her to find the crown i gave her and my aviator glasses please somebody help me ladies buried under crystal's disaster no worries we'll help you hi babies i know and i promise to be more teddy but we have to get lady out hurry up the walls are closing in and worst of all it smell the feet yesterday you left the ironing board at my house oh my this is great my friends well i'm out of here crystal next time use your own snowboard it's better that's it the snowboard lulu i love you you can have all my perfumes thanks you saved me look what i found down there my tiara sorry lady the truth is that i'm a disaster except when you snowboard with an ironing board [Music] wow so cool it looks like the magic tier didn't work it's still the same crystal it did work go you can begin seriously you're not gonna help me [Music] [Applause] [Music] do you remember our new friend narvi tina revealed how to turn it back into a real-life pet we needed to travel to rainbow they got a hot air balloon [Music] [Applause] this is fun the legend of nori part three the end of the trip wasn't that exciting exciting we almost crashed i'm dizzy we're finally here where's the lake we're not there yet tina the rainbow lake is on the other side of the mountain what [Music] according to my map we are very close we just need to go across that cave [Music] this is too dark i can't see anything dreamy nobody can i have an idea [Music] come on let's follow rim so nobody gets lost okay good idea wow snow i love it how cool is this snow how pretty i've never seen snow before what is it for ah to have snowball fights we're on an important mission some of us want to be a real life pet again well that's true porn era oh that was the last one water that's more magical and pure so refreshing and so wobbly are we ever going to arrive i don't even want to sing anymore wear some cologne your mind will be blown finally i'm so nervous wow wow the rainbow lake do you remember the ceremony we sing loud to help our buddy nara is submerged three times but we need to be careful it might be the fish's nighttime what's funny we should help our buddy how are we going to submerge nara if the lake is frozen frozen oh no that's cool we can ice skate [Music] lady careful wow how do you do that i want to try those moves are very advanced it looks like a modern dance oh cats is breaking uh-oh stay still oh what should we do help the ice has been in this zone i will fall into the water and it's freezing wait a second i have an idea [Music] you turn the ice into gold and it's not breaking anymore but we keep losing our balance [Music] are you ready to sing with this spell good luck it will bring the water will get watered down [Music] the water was cold we need to talk with your power and my talent we could do really good deals missy stop talking business with narvi for a second i have prepared a special welcome party for him thank you babies [Music] wow awesome golden pajamas [Music] delicious no taste at all but you get a yellow tongue [Music] wow [Music] discovering tutti frutti bay part one these cupcakes are going to be delicious oof it's hot oh are you sick you won't be able to go on vacation of course i'm going it's just because it's hot the oven is working to the maximum huh oh it's true you're healthy as a strawberry oh i still don't have plans for a vacation you can come with pizza fantasy world can you hand me the strawberries oops these were delicious ah have you eaten like tons of strawberries sorry cutie please go get more strawberries from the woods i'd better turn off the oven for a while [Music] wow those are huge and delicious those are the special fruits the fantasy eats my cupcakes are going to be the best in the whole world [Music] [Applause] hmm that smell can't be real i need to try it [Music] who's that with you this is my cousin lizzy and she has come to spend some time with us well you are very lucky i have just baked some cupcakes welcome here one for each [Music] these are so yummy it's because i use special strawberries like the ones the fantasy eat it makes sense special strawberries i've never seen those before i want some of those strawberries and me and me me too i'll stay i have some things to do i'll join you but just for a while i have to go on vacation to the fantasy world join us lizzy [Music] are we there yes [Applause] [Music] it smells like strawberries and melon wow and orange too this place is a dream wow a paradise oh watch it ladies um smells off rudy wow there's jam this is a new world this is awesome [Music] wow that's a huge banana a snack the best banana in the universe amazing it tastes better than it smells i will never get tired of eating fruits the best vacation ever oh i was supposed to join jessie wait what is she doing she must have forgotten about us i will never learn how to make pretzels with my hands jesse must be having a lot of fun [Music] five more minutes [Music] are you friends or enemies [Music] [Music] lady [Applause] [Music] we need to tell the others and rescue the babies from those little monsters [Music] why did they bring us here you ate the whole harvest um [Music] those are the through the fantasy i want some of those strawberries [Music] why did they bring us here [Music] you ate the whole harvest welcome to tutti frutti baby discovering tutti frutti bay part two oh you look perfect for a picture oh they took the baby what happened ladies we are eating gigantic fruit that smell delicious but all of a sudden we saw little colorful monsters speaking a strange language and gigantic fruits colorful monsters strange language i want to rescue the babies gps is on me too we went by a jam jar and everything smelled delicious oh it smells so good hashtag fruits smell good wow don't move the little monsters might be anywhere um it was this way no [Music] what was that [Music] it's them strange babies are making a carrier fruit [Music] what a delicious orange juice [Music] they're having a bad time they're giving them orders we have to rescue them and if we get caught i know well we're in disguise i can't smell my perfume with so much fruit scent babies look i have my costume i love your look it smells delicious rim found a trace [Music] i control the tasty factory i'll make a hundred grapefruit gummy candies uh oh no i said it for a million gummy candies [Music] ow hey who are you there are more babies [Music] don't worry they're our friends we thought that you had been kidnapped it feels so good to be all together what a wonderful tears it's a lie be careful don't worry they're a bit naughty but they're not dangerous the jellies are the foundation of our world without them we wouldn't have fruits so big and juicy wow it looks like they want to show us tutti frutti base [Music] we squeezed the fruit and now our tasty factory and it goes right and the juice will have different colors depending on which fruit it is and now the tasty chocolate this is the mixing pool what a rhythm hey those are some pretty molds i love them hi i'm angie in this zone you may drink smoothies milkshakes banana with melon and orange of course if you can imagine it then you can mix it it's a tutti frutti bag i knew it it's delicious this is definitely the best vacation of my life i finally found you you already know about tutti frutti bay yup we know all the corners of the world and thanks to this fire glass we garden take care of them so are there other cool corners like this of course and each one has its own special magic tip and can you take us there it's better that you discover them little by little besides that you first have to show me how to make pretzels with your hands [Music] tears the summer song jelly levels on point juice acidity okay welcome to the great harvesting party wow what a party and you'll start by reciting a poem on behalf of all the tutti frutti yeah the peaches grow the grapefruit blooms apple and raspberry we have to harvest so that a smoothie we can ingest great angie i've been working the poem the whole week welcome the valley babies who painted this amazing mural her tutti frutti babe [Music] [Applause] we painted with squish fruits that's why it's so colorful please applaud the valley baby and now this year the fantasy are on fire let's get your party started mango and peach a rainbow full of fruits a flavorful kiss i can't stop i dance all day long to the harvest zone i can't stop dancing my feet are going crazy [Music] [Music] due to the weather conditions we will have to stop the party and reschedule for next week well another night without surprises wow that's a great way to start the day see you later babies looks like they had a blast yesterday cleaning done wait is nobody taking care of the fruits today we can't stop dancing the concert was cancelled due to the storm since then we haven't been able to get that song out of our heads and who's gonna harvest the fruit you have to find a solution where will the fantasy be tonight is the concert pete we have to find a way to get that song out of their heads oh what if i can think of an even catchier song pete bring my guitar i think i have an id uh oh it is told us nobody has harvested a single fruit this week it's the curse of the interrupted song that terrible storm stop with that beautiful song now these poor babies will keep on dancing until dawn do you mean that they won't be able to get the song out of their heads until they don't listen to the end i'm afraid that's true now what are we going to do tonight we will sing again and this time we will sing till the end yes and you'll be able to harvest the fruit again tonight once again let's dance let's dance babies [Music] that's it [Music] we're done could you please stop dancing this situation can't keep advancing [Music] [Applause] it seems like you're done dancing that catchy song yes we made it it's been an amazing night bye p.i see you rock and roll [Music] get that song out of your heads no we're joking oh i almost fainted [Music] [Music] good night connie pajama party do you want to come to my pajama party sure pajama party i'll go i am in i wouldn't miss it for anything i am going i'll be there great bring your best pajamas i'll wear my favorite one let's go [Music] wait lolly you can place the garland lenny you will set up the photo call okay lulu you will make some necklaces for everyone as a welcome gift cutie you'll be in charge of the cakes as soon as you finish checking if the pillows are soft enough for the pillow fight i think it's okay huh in the meantime i'll go look for sasha to see if she wants to come to the party sasha you're invited to my pajama party i'll wear my best one well i have to paint the whole house if i finish soon i'll join you great see you no not under the stairs it's bad luck there's no such thing as bad luck see nothing happened oh and again huh and look bad luck she says i hope your party doesn't get ruined yeah sure just because i walked under a staircase it won't ruin my party [Music] wow so cool everything is beautiful [Music] oh no what a disaster it's okay we have time to fix it before the others arrive we came a little earlier we couldn't wait can we see your pajamas please um now i will go put it on you'll be amazed babies wow and now another surprise let's start with the photo call take a good shot [Music] that's bad luck connie you look a little special not bad luck what's next box with a surprise how pretty necklaces and the stickers i love this these look like the fantasies there's only one left shall we share don't worry i can do more show me your hands [Music] bad luck it's not bad luck what staircase bad luck sasha what's wrong nothing nothing that's nonsense now let's start scary storytelling the baby opened the door and the baby waddle was empty oh connie you have really bad luck okay okay it's bad luck i walked under staircase and sasha told me it would bring me bad luck and ruined the party but i didn't listen to her and now everything is going wrong hey i know way to get rid of the bad luck you want to jump on one leg backwards while saying bad luck leave now that's it let's go to sasha's [Music] is the staircase inside the house let's be quiet um i hope it works bad luck bad luck leave now bad luck leave now uh what is happening i'm sorry sasha you are right about the staircase i have bad luck bad luck but it was just a joke look nothing happens we all have good and bad days hey that was a nice pajama i wanted to use it for the party but everything went wrong but i had a great time me too it's been the best pajama party i ever been to and the first it had everything storytelling stickers dance trip and awesome necklaces that's good luck connie [Music] now it is a pajama party [Music] [Music] the biggest joke look what i found in the river yesterday and it's not the first time they have to be more careful that's it plastic is very bad for the rivers it can be possible that they're getting the water dirty let's go and teach the babies of the valley a lesson um let's paint the water with colors aren't we over doing this it's just for a little bit let's go up and look at their faces through the spyglass okay but a quick joke [Music] it's gonna be fun [Music] my turn ready for my new invention the flying stone careful [Music] no what did you do missy nothing then why is the water violet and the house's bubbles are violent let's go and see a puzzle fire fountain hashtag violet hashtag water [Music] water that tastes like ice cream something is wrong with our world we have to ask for help from the fantasy winged heart i want to go to the other side a little step here a little bit [Music] where is everybody let me see [Music] there is lala [Music] poor katie [Music] and look her face is clueless i love the joke of coloring the water the fantasies did it they colored the water and they're looking at us through the spying glass laughing at us very lucky making fun of us we'll do the same [Music] hello connie's making little cakes come to the valley i want some hey save one for me i can't fly where are you going cupcake's at connie's house now it's our turn to look let's see who had the last laugh they just fell in the first one let's see i'm sure she's telling uh orange is my favorite it goes with the color in my eyes it fell on the second trap of course although i prefer to look like a wild berry uh they caught us look that's enough you have stainless with color you have color or water it's just a joke the color will go away it was just to teach you a lesson the other day we found a plastic bottle in the river and that's not right our water is important to our world it needs extra care this is a responsibility we all share well it was a horrible joke and we didn't toss that bottle well someone tossed it ah the bottle again we said no i said yay that's my bottle thanks for finding it the wind blew it away the other day by the way what are you celebrating what are we celebrating the day of the colors okay okay sorry to be honest we overdid it a little bit but in the end the joke was a funny hit [Music] wow [Music] can someone explain to me what happened wow [Music] good night connie [Music] time to go to bed and you'll keep an eye open we don't want the same thing to happen like last night oh not again cutie protect me [Music] what's happening there's a monster under my bed seriously come on connie it's always the same okay whose turn is it i stayed yesterday it's missy's turn i have a lot to do tomorrow i need to sleep lori you go okay coming great now it's my turn i won't be able to sleep tonight [Music] just my luck it's always the same the only monstrous thing here is this cupcake maybe the monster left it the monster is only part of your imagination let's sleep thanks laurie for staying with me you're welcome go to sleep [Music] connie this can't continue like this you'll spend the night alone but the monster what you need to do is count sheep and do something that you like a lot like cupcakes i laugh a lot [Music] i'll make cupcakes and if there are a lot of monsters connie a fantasy came they know how to take the beer away seriously how with the magical helmet wow fantasy helmet wow it's not a regular helmet it's a magical object that puts bravery on whoever wears it hey connie it looks good on you i see you braver yeah you look like a real fantasy but it's not real magic right no but look how happy she is let's see if i can finally sleep otherwise the pets will do the job [Music] oh no [Music] one sheep two sheep [Music] i have to make cupcakes a hundred sheep thousand sheep ah the helmet you won't get me [Music] hmm what is all the noise such a disaster but what are you doing with suzu the smart one and thanks to this little magical helmet the shadows are gone we have to tell you something cody the helmet doesn't have powers you have defeated your fears alone really by myself that means then i'm very brave and when you're brave the imaginary monsters disappear thanks for believing in me [Music] wow so cool wow i'm getting sleepy [Music] but monsters don't exist [Music] hey how do you think they spend the night weren't you going to help me someone count sheep or something [Music] are you sure we're safe here [Music] i told you that monsters don't exist [Music] cry babies [Music] trapped in a game yes bonus if i win i will get the winged heart come on let me try not like that jump jump now you're so annoying and also the tablet is mine well okay whatever but don't come asking me how to get that winged heart later hello lina what's wrong with dreaming i don't know she's going to the fantasy mountain let's go find her okay let's go a little step here a little step there and the fantasy portal will reveal itself i will jump higher than a jet using the stairway i won't regret and the winged heart i will get [Music] no turn the steering wheel turn the steering wheel wait she might fall asleep before parking correctly yes tell me lenny look this is funny lana made a video game with her as the main character no it's actually me me this is crazy we can't even hear her how did she do that i don't know but i'm trapped in here and i cannot move how do you play hmm hey controls are here [Music] i'm moving i mean you're moving me oh is that you it is you you have to move me there's no other way i got you hit the jump back this is hard is this a jump button [Music] hey watch it i only have two lives left oh gosh stop i'm getting tired video games never get tired jump jump aren't you tired jump i wanna play well you have to wait it was you who didn't let me play [Music] i only have one life left oh it's your turn no no you play only dreamy can help me now where's dreamy here what's going on somebody needs me dreaming you have to help me you're the only one who's better than me at this game okay okay i've seen everything from fantasy mountain but wasn't it you who said the tablet was yours and you were the only one who could play yes yes sorry everything belongs to everybody here now please help me okay let the number one handle this oh what's wrong the tablet's not working it's blocked it's our fault do something how did you say that you ended up in there well i got into a portal without noticing what i was saying saying i will jump higher than a higher than a jet using a stairway using the stairway how was it [Music] yes look hey i can't move wow you had a great idea [Music] come on dreamy we're almost there wow this is exciting let's do it together let's get the wings [Music] dreamy you're still inside the video game thank you dreamy i would have never made it without you yay you're the best player it was easy i learned from the best look a video game [Music]
Channel: Kitoons in English
Views: 1,205,080
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cartoons for kids, animation, for children, videos for kids, kids videos, children cartoon, cry babies magic tears, magic tears, cry babies, cry babies english full episodes, cry babies new, toys for kids, kids channel, animation for kids, Full episodes, cry babies new episodes, full episode cry babies, cry babies compilation, cry babies video full, cry babies in english, crybabies, cry baby, cry, baby cry, kitoons, kitoons in english, bloopies, shellies, bloopies babies
Id: k4ZJKe2uMkw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 78min 2sec (4682 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 27 2022
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