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watch this babies [Music] [Music] that's thoughtful but i don't need the doctor station yet lulu if at first you don't succeed keep trying right [Music] i thought it would be the ball in the goal not me [Music] thanks tilly think i've got it this [Music] time oh [Music] that's it [Music] sammy now you have to sit still and let your wing heal okay i told you i'm fine [Music] sienna gg are you okay [Music] was it just me or did that sound like tilly i don't know i can't seem to hear anything that cry was definitely tilly we better get going no your wings you need to rest sammy let me handle this one [Music] charlie charlie can you hear us gg is that you take it easy charlie we need to make sure that you're not hurt dr lulu [Music] oh no sammy what's wrong oh it's no biggie i just hurt my wing earlier and it's still a bit sore ah thanks lulu so much better [Music] try again [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you have been chosen to adopt a puppy they choose us oh look babies it's our puppy he is too cute [Music] what's wrong tilly what is it [Music] what it says our puppy will be arriving today today but we're not ready yet we don't have a puppy bed and we don't have any puppy food this playroom is not ready for a puppy at all he's gonna do all the books [Music] eat all the shoes naughty puppy and he's gonna break all of our things [Music] [Music] maybe we shouldn't get a puppy after all i don't know what to do glow pixies oh no you look a bit sad there [Music] looks like your garden's got the right idea we gotta get moving we'll help you catch your flowers later santa right now we have to help charlie let's butterfly is everything okay no our puppy is coming today and i'm not sure if we should even have a puppy anymore we don't have anything ready a puppy is a lot of work but don't worry charlie we can help now every puppy needs a few things to be happy and safe isn't that right pop all you need for a happy pup is yummy food [Music] [Music] a safe space with fun toys with their own to play with [Music] they need lots and lots of love and puddles oh and plenty of rest [Music] [Music] oh forgot the paint brushes be right back [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh [Laughter] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] those eggs are food babies and we do not waste food i was only gone a minute and look at you [Music] [Laughter] oh come on then let's get you cleaned up [Music] look at this place you babies sure do know how to make a mess tidy up time [Music] let's get all those little eggs inside that big one and then we'll be ready for the egg hunt oh i just got you cleaned up one this mess is everywhere two glow pigs we should really see that coming by now sounds like charlie nancy we gotta get out of here [Music] come on glow [Music] it's like the eggs and paint have mixed together and turned to glue [Music] i'll have my egg sammy side up please this place is a disaster i wanted to do an easter egg hunt but the babies got to the eggs before i could hide them don't worry i know just how to fix it [Music] that was amazing gigi i really wish we had more eggs it would have been fun to do an egg hunt with the babies more eggs huh hang on i've got an idea happy hearts portal gg sienna get some blindfolds on those babies you too charlie [Music] okay let the great egg hunt begin grab your baskets and find those eggs [Music] [Laughter] i can get used to this [Music] nice heartbeat lulu so strong [Music] but we do need to do something about that hold of yours [Music] oh just as i suspected you have a temperature tail we've got to cool you down [Applause] [Music] let's see what's happening with that tummy of yours tilly [Music] i think your tummy is fine tilly but you must feel a little better after that your tummy is obviously upset [Music] let's see what the doctor says will make all of you feel better okay babies looks like you each get a bit of medicine [Music] oh i promise the medicine is not bad [Music] i know you're under there [Music] hail wait [Music] oh no i'm stuck glow pixies help jg are you okay that was one powerful sneeze don't worry it's just my fairy fever acting up [Music] i think it's getting better don't you i think you need to take it easy hey where is everyone over here i'm stuck there she is okay glow pixies on three one two three [Music] charlie are you okay i'm so sorry i think i might be coming down with a cold oh no not you too that's how i got stuck under the chair the babies aren't feeling well either but they won't take their medicine medicine can make you feel so much better and it's yummy orange strawberry mmm the flavors are delicious this one is strawberry banana and we know how much the babies love their nana's too bad they don't want to try it i guess i'll just have to give it all [Music] oh there you are now you're ready for your medicine huh [Music] now that everyone's feeling better let's get swimming [Music] now is everyone ready to go to school have a great day babies welcome to your first day of school [Music] i am miss charlie and i'm going to be your teacher today [Music] we are going to do some very fun activities today who wants to get started [Music] okay babies let's see your paintings [Music] [Music] oh almost there and perfect i guess charlie really cracks you two up get it good one sammy we better get a move on come on glow pixies [Music] [Music] i've always wanted to be rainbow-colored [Music] thanks tilly i know you didn't mean to it was just an accident and we all know that sometimes accidents happen right tilly right lulu [Music] oh that's nice now just one more teeny little problem leave it to me sienna let's make this place shine there you go clean up time well i'd say that was an eventful first day of school wouldn't you look at those awesome pictures babies you should feel very proud i don't know something is missing i think you're right sammy i know just the thing now it's perfect [Music] [Music] how did you get all the way over there [Music] well it looks like everyone's awake now [Music] okay babies choose your instrument god okay lulu just this once but then you have to practice crawling okay [Music] okay time to swap [Music] quick pick a new one lulu okay babies we've got time for one more instrument [Music] huh [Music] lulu we have to share the bells tilly will play the bells first and then it will be your turn okay lulu where did she go did you see where she went tilly tail did you see her okay well let's not panic she must be here somewhere any luck babies oh no where can she be what if something terrible has happened glow [Music] [Music] in the i think you would have gotten it that time gg oh now we'll never know for sure but we do know for sure that charlie needs us [Music] come on charlie one minute she was tugging on the bells okay glow pixies spread out don't worry charlie we'll find her no well she's not in here you said she had a hand belt didn't you charlie yes that's it sammy the bell maybe if we're really quiet we'll be able to hear her [Music] [Music] thank goodness you're all right how on earth did you get out here i'd say she probably walked i mean huh who knows how she got out here well we have a little bit of music time left shall we all play together [Music] easy tail be patient please eat it and last but not least tilly's grummy looks [Music] there we go tilly see now nothing is touching better no how about if we do this [Music] [Applause] green beans is that it oh yes green beans back in a flash [Music] oh i get it you want me to cut them for you [Music] i'm sorry tilly i don't understand how can i help you the green beans are yummy tell me lulu we do not grow food [Music] look at these blooming blue beauties purple purple purple my favorite never has there been a pinkier perfecter pink glow now we can help our friends and style come on glow pixies no time to waste where's charlie over here what happened i've never seen the playroom like this until he had green food on her plate green food freaks her out of course how could i forget that looking after three babies is hard work charlie it's tricky to remember everything but we can fix this no problem i have a bright idea [Music] oh [Music] get set [Music] go [Music] [Music] wrong way taiyo [Music] [Music] okay don't worry you're okay owie owie [Music] it's okay everyone stay calm i am the queen of the booboo and i know just what to do [Music] see that's better isn't it [Music] [Music] this can't be good i think i hear charlie and the babies and it sounds like someone might be hurt [Music] [Music] sammy i think this calls for some pixie kisses gg that's genius okay charlie hold the babies very still this won't hurt [Music] [Music] you're all better that was some magic chloe pixies you're gonna have to teach me how to do that [Music] now remember next time we are racing everyone needs to wear a helmet [Music] ready set go [Music] sorry babies it just feels so cool we'd be really hot without this fan huh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] i know who wants to make yummy frozen treats you love watermelon don't you lulu and now you mash it like this [Music] [Applause] [Music] well done babies i'll just pop these in the freezer and set the timer oh [Music] that's nice group [Music] are we stuck blow pixies [Music] [Applause] finally some relief from this heat yeah i wonder how charlie and the babies are coping i say it's not going great [Music] [Music] oh and now i'm stuck what a mess [Music] watermelon my favorite focus gg first we need to get charlie and the babies unstuck and cool down how about uh oh oh oh do the snowflake thingy it's so beautiful [Music] sammy oh sorry i'm on it [Music] perfect timing glow pixies perfect timing for what frozen treats [Music] look [Music] mine is a socksicle what it's delicious hi it's me your good pal charlie wondering if you can help me with something lulu has lost her little tissue have you seen it will you watch again and see if you can find it for me thanks kids [Music] oh poor lulu you do catch every cold don't you [Music] well you don't have a temperature i think it's picture just a bad cold [Music] oh that's nice tilly look lulu tilly brought you all of your favorite teddies [Music] how about some yummy soup lulu i bet that would make you feel better huh i'll put it in your special cup tilly look after lulu for me [Music] hey [Music] here comes the soup lulu where did they go tilly [Music] up where [Music] hello [Music] [Music] we've got friends to help [Music] oh babies funny [Music] let's try this again shall we [Music] who wants some glow pixie magic soup [Music] [Music] watch out for tilly's blocks [Music] lulu what's wrong do you need a cuddle it's okay [Music] i'll be right back okay babies i have a great [Music] idea see like this you love playing drums lulu [Music] [Music] what is that smell p.u do you baby smell that [Music] it's the bad smell that's making you cry isn't it lulu [Music] better [Music] oh [Music] that's charlie and it sounds like she really needs our help come on glow pixies let's go sorry pixies i had a bit of a splash landing get it help me glow pixies lulu is crying and crying and i can't figure out what's wrong [Music] now that is one terrible smell ah flaming butterflies i've smelled that stink before i think we might need to check lulu's diaper her diaper of course good thinking gigi ready ready whoa wait this one is extra stinky today lulu don't worry lulu we'll make it all better [Music] well glow pixies your magic saved the day again i just wish there was something i could do for you well maybe there is something [Music]
Channel: Baby Alive Official
Views: 5,409,134
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Baby Alive, baby alive, baby alive videos, full episode, Baby Alive dolls, Baby Alive toys, baby alive live!, baby alive full episodes, baby alive episodes, baby alive doll, baby alive glo pixies, cartoons for children, videos for kids, Baby Alive LIVE, dolls, kids videos, animation, kelli maple, baby, unboxing, Hasbro, baby doll review, cry baby, cry, cry babies in english, kitoons in english, baby alive feeding, baby alive real as can be, baby alive shows, Baby alive videos
Id: tRxbBNggFI0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 45sec (2625 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 28 2022
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