Krystal is Unwell, Can The Cry Babies Help?!? CRY BABIES πŸ’§ MAGIC TEARS πŸ’• Cartoons for Kids

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crystal is onwell it has to be here Crystal always says that her house is special well to me they all look the same hello guys do you know where Crystal lives we're going to visit her because she's sick of course let's go together her house is a bit more toward the top ta wow it's so cool I love it's so Crystal hello is Crystal Home Crystal how are you I brought you a present thank you although right now I don't feel much like swimming let's see how you're doing you're burning up with the wet cloth the fever will go down t t t your heart is going 1,000 beats an hour wo so many bumps you look like a paa she needs to get a shot no no I'm feeling much better ouch hey what is a monkey doing there monkey I don't see a monkey will you throw me a coconut from that palm tree little monkey give me a cool coconut but get down from there what are you doing she's burning up delirious and she has a rack it's the snow fever there's nothing to worry in 2 hours everything will be fine is it raining inside the house no the roof is melting oh thank you little monkey crystal is burning she has to be cured or her house will melt I've tried everything we have to wait until she's nobody panic I'll hurry up to make her some tea I'm sure she'll feel better any other ideas and if no I can't think of anything either let's sit her down what if we all blow on her we're Charming monkeys y'll see it's your special tea it cures all illnesses thanks for the coconut crazy monkey H [Music] uhoh the tea is way too hot we have to cool down the house now oh I got it I use it on my sled to go faster it looks like it works oh I don't want to go on the fair's wheel now I'm dizzy the house is melting even with the [Music] fan what a good idea quickly we have to CL the whole igloo I'm so tired my little horns are even hurting uh you're still here thank you I feel better let me make sure oh your fever has finally gone down how about a massage how about cook or a bedtime story I don't want to sleep more hey what's all that ice you had such a high fever your house was melting so we covered your house with ice cubes it was snowy's idea oh you guys are geniuses not only did you take care of me you saved my house as well magic te wow it's beautiful wow [Music] wow yay ha ha ha at two uh-oh the Halloween mystery ready now the [Music] pumpkin W ooh o [Music] w [Music] [Music] w more to the left to the right to the left to the right making me dizzy to the left or to the right make up your mind all right don't worry let me help you to the right but only a little bit what's the matter with you now monster am I okay like this is this a good spot or should I hit it I don't understand a word you sound like an elephant with a cold oh I don't feel very well what [Music] [Music] [Music] happened come on SP the Halloween party is about to begin it's it's it's a zombie [Music] pumpin a little bit slower don't get ahead of yourself oh okay it's Bonnie woohoo ow what happened did she get [Music] stuck she's not coming out we should go to the party to get some help although a pumpkin is a perfect Halloween costume are you sure you wouldn't rather wait until [Music] tomorrow oo huh the monster is back it's not a monster daddy if you give your hand to a monster they can bite it off don't you think you're exaggerating a bit where are you going it's not a monster look the monster is crying since when do monsters cry maybe it's true and it's funny I've been saying it the whole time her head is stuck in a pumpkin oh I'm sorry I called you a monster I'll help you don't worry not like that you'll hurt her silly I know what if we eat the pumpkin ra pumpkin yuck that's gross we all have to get it off of Y on the count of three one 2 3 [Applause] let's do it [Music] again woohoo finally [Music] free Magic tear wow wow yay woo yay wandy fixes it all oh wandy look 1 second I'm busy with the moon Wendy will you help me get out of here have you seen the craters of the Moon they look like eyes don't they lady let me see I'm an expert at braids if I pull here and then there [Music] ouch B help what are you doing all right I'm going to get you free let's go it's awesome cuz it makes you Dy like a miracle R I'm going to make you faster oops there's a n in the Rope wandy will you help us go would you untie this knot for a second have you seen how the moon Smiles ow ow [Music] ow mhm Wy and her Moon she's always in the clouds she hasn't even paid us attention she's not a good friend she just thinks about herself and hasn't helped us H could you go pick up Missy I don't even know where to start do you want me to help you fix it you know how I doubt it's harder than a degree in astrophysics [Music] right the steering wheel goes up top but that's the wheel right the wheel goes on the ground how many wheels does it have uh four should I help you yes Le I'll fix it it only needs a bit of tweaking here and a bit of tweaking [Music] there I'll fix it there's a reason why we're really good [Music] friends Tada you're welcome friends You Can Count On Me for anything huh this one goes here this one here and this one H hey do you need help no thanks it's almost done it came out perfectly I'm going to help my super friend [Music] lady [Music] huh I need you to help me fix my car it's horrible look how she left Katie's fence no let me pick them up this is NE she tries to help us but at this rate we'll end up stuck to the fence or as a wheel someone has to tell her to stop let me help you my friend no need [Music] [Applause] ah it's over we're going to solve this [Music] [Music] now [Music] well done my car Works yay yay yay yay thank you Missy I should have asked for your help to fix things I'm a disaster well I'm just good at it we can do it together whenever you want and besides you're not a disaster you're an expert at stars and I would love to learn with you cool [Music] yes Magic tear this way we can look at the Moon together that was awesome wow don't worry about it Winnie I will fix it Adventures look look how am come on let me see wow wow it's so shiny a fantasy Diamond a treasure it's candy right hey are you looking for a treasure huh there you have it this map will take you to the great red ruby above the giant turquoise the legend of the great Explorer ttha Jones says that it was one of all right explorers let's go get the treasure wow yay how fancy with a canoe and a bike and a bed to get rest all right let's go it's better if you stay you can get dizzy it's a dangerous [Music] Adventure faster oh Are We There Yet look at the houses how pretty and how shiny oh I really have to pee come on qual over there hey wait for me [Music] [Music] uh are you sure the blue trees are this way what what if we go back to the camper no way we have to find the round path and the treasure I found them I found the blue trees you think and the round clue there's nothing here you have to take two steps to the right and then two to the left right right left left uh we're back in the same place there's nothing around here the map is wrong this is really hard we're never going to find the great Ruby or the giant turquoise ooh look at this cool thing that I found the round clue y y we're losing it we have to follow the clue to the camper Wally isn't that your [Music] camper I'm fine uh oh uh when did you get up who cares you almost tipped the camper and you could have hurt yourselves we lost the ball and the treasure no look the treasure it has to be there wo w it's the great red ruby over the giant turquoise it has to be it it's so beautiful it's beautiful magic [Music] tear wow wow yay huh there's no better treasure than friends you think they believe the thing about pinky Jones snap I don't know but here it's so peaceful another treasure YouTuber o what are you doing keeping watch and now and now what's going on we're a little bit bored couldn't we do something else I know let's go see what they're doing in the [Music] valley oh W what is that it has leaves and words look it's stagging some toys let me see let me see I see Lady colored boogers I love them they're so original what if we go visit them y look pla well you teach teach just to do things from here uh from here yes to move things without blowing to make delicious booger shakes and to play with a box with words um I would love to really I need to go because I'm making some cakes in the oven you make them in the oven without magic can we see it of course I know how to do everything you're talking to Lena the most famous influencer in the valley you can watch everything I do on my channel Lena things you can learn anything you want with my videos I have tons of followers followers but there's nobody here hold on she said something about a channel maybe we have to put it in the water hey look it SS like little duckling o well no it seems that was was not the way hold on you don't know anything I bet these words like the box was [Music] words stop it's not for that maybe it's one of those things you play with a [Music] ball ah this thing has bit [Music] me Lena Lena Lena oh no Lena is now trapped inside the thing come out Lena come out of there Hold On Lena knows how to [Music] dance oh look Hello friends welcome to Lena's Channel today we will enjoy a fun book and some disgusting slime I want the booger one I want the box with words let me no [Music] me where did it go it has to to be inside Lena are you there yes here I am what are you doing with the device huh huh where are my videos did you erase them we're sorry Lena but my channel my followers I'm an influencer I know we can all make new videos together and we'll help you get your channel back you just have to show us how to be an inflt rining okay ready action not like that grab it with the other hand I almost hit you with the Frozen booger take this fire booger Frozen booger fire booger let's see let's practice it's done this way now your turn ready and action e this disgusting don't touch me my wet fingers I'll never be popular I have no more followers because of you hey what is this fixation with followers you don't need millions of friends on your channel you have us what more do you want followers well now you have them let's follow you're right I have the best friends in the world right here fantasy magic here oh oh wow yay yay yay yay let's follow Lena yay yay yay [Music] yay oh wow c [Music] c Wing heart I want to go to the other side a little step here a little step there and the fantasy portal will reveal [Music] itself yay y Tina's prediction see yes yes I'm flying oh no all right ouch I was coming to invite you all [Music] [Applause] to oh to your poetry Festival how cool we'll go quickly ow I'll never get get used to this world huh bbby doesn't say the same yet well Tina be at home I knew you'd come come in W come in Bubby give me five tomorrow I will recite Su poetry I am going to sing everyone will love it is you required to go uh because without seeing it I won't be able to roll see I too can make poetry Rhymes you need practice can't you tell me if there will be good weather of course but I need concentration [Music] concentration concentration oh no be careful with the water everything will get wet water is dangerous did she say water oh no let's go wo wo wo wo if I told you the sun won't be out I'd be lying because the sun will be shining up out huh she's in a hurry but she's so nervous about the [Music] premiere which one looks better on me Rose or light rose rose rose the rose is playing no way the light Rose is pling the world is going to and tomorrow Tina saw a lot of water in her ball everything is going to get wet a flood let's fly out of here we're going to get we can't just leave the valley like that we have to get ready for the flood well since you don't have a boat in your house that's it we'll build a boat that's big enough for all of [Music] us [Music] [Music] wow it's so cool wow it's a Bo amazing calm down the boat will save us from the flood and if it rains a lot we'll surf yeah but today was my recital and I really wanted to sing my [Music] poem what happened to you and why are you in a bathtub must be some local custom the houses the rain the flood what flood you saw a lot of water in your ball and that everything was going to get wet no way it was Tiny who threw the bottle I said the sun was going to shine bright really so then there won't be a flood of course not yes I'll get to S my poems magic [Music] te Loretta is the greatest and her dance is are at rages B is a bright star and she shines really far Dina is super fun and she play the DRS baby from the S your poetry is awesome but you're singing not so much finally you made it rain oh oh baby what a [Music] shower wow C [Music] mag cry babies looking for heart butterfly are you ready I'll finally see the heart butterflies the cry file episode last night was amazing they talked about flying saucers and martians hey where are the others I told you guys to be punctual but you're always late uh right but it's the only time of the year that we can see heart butterfly I can't be late for for such a great event new pajamas they're amazing picture picture these are our pajamas for special location we have to hurry up or I'm going to miss my great event koali are you all right I can't find the camper and cow's instead waiting for me I'm sorry I'm sure someone in fantasy Mountain can help you find the camper let's go but Sandy you know the forest very well you have to help aali I just I want to see the butterflies come on candy all right if we hurry up and we divide in groups we'll have time to see the butterflies and help koali what is your last memory of the camper I remember parking next to the trees we're in a forest please focus a little more H sorry I didn't eat breakfast hey Nala there are apples here awesome picnic time show me a few H ouch I found the diamond [Laughter] pacifier uh tamy tell me more about Martian I don't want to stay in my new pajamas while the Martians moved and made strange noises and how did they find the Martians finding their flying saucers is super easy they leave signs on the ground like these ones and they have blinding lights like those also they usually hide in the middle of forests like this one watch out why are you running poor cow where can he be in the end I won't be able to see the heart butterfly Mar my special pajamas okay I'm done not looking anymore but pansy Mar Mar also have cow what Martian no no and no I tried to help but you don't take it seriously I'm going to see the heart butterfly Nala hungry Gigi on a picnic and now martians I've tried to help really but they're so clueless oh they're there the hard butterflies are behind that mound pan pen p Ah pan you scared me kali's camper poor cow will be very scared but we're so close to the butterflies I don't know what to do I'm not afraid of martians I only ran because you all did the Martian [Music] cow how did you get here pansy you found cow but what about your butterfly cow and you are more important to me I love you so much magic tear wo wo either way martians don't exist Martian look pansy it's your heart butterfly of course why didn't I realize that they like to come to the [Music] light oh wow cry babies cry babies [Music] C happy joke [Music] day good morning Ma give me ma give me let go ma please of course today the day for pranks well I'm not falling for any pranks this year I will investigate thoroughly and nobody will trick me a monster hi Ma look what I have how beautiful like it it's an aqua spinon want to smell it yes yes what is J name huh happy prank day I don't want to fall for any prank let me treat you to some relaxing tea you'll feel better all right but if this is another prank be warn I'm not [Music] fall you'll love it good will you exchange the cup just in case of course just in sit and enjoy the tea happy prank day I'm done I can't dress anybody I'll have to go to the woods to be left alone and in [Music] peace what a prank Lucy and loua play we're not even going to be safe here it's it's impossible to tell what pranks await us although I know somebody who could give us a clue W Tina please we need to know what pranks are going to play on us you can ask the destiny box that question Destiny let me see happy prank day I'm sorry I'm sorry I couldn't resist I'm sorry I'm sorry but I couldn't resist just tell me what pranks I I have coming okay just one but I don't know exactly I just know it has to do with balloons balloons H we'll be on the lookout thanks come on Ma aha a balloon they're not getting us this time aha I got you hey you popped my huge bubble run ni run where are you I will find you there there another balloon the world is mine mine I got you ouch you want to play the world can't be yours impossible we're on a secret mission huh these are really it these are the prank [Music] ones are we in carnival let's go perfect prank blocked surprise happy birthday W happy birthday Wy you are going to play a prank on us no no thank you friends I didn't expect it oh what happened Cammy ruined your birthday birthday I wanted a balloon birthday I thought it was for a prank I never meant to ruin your birthday I promise I'll never forget that your birthday is on a prank date again it's all right it's just balloons magic [Music] tear wow the golden pacifier this is the best birthday of my life you mean the best prank birthday of your [Music] life [Music] huh oh wow cry babies cry bab Magic The World of Magic C early [Music] Christmas all right babies we're only a few days away from Christmas faster cuz we still have a lot of bows to go everything has to be great how are the flowers going awesome and do you know how to do it with two hands of course just looked you'll be amazed taada all right just continue using one hand but hurry up wow it's coming out amazing thank you we still have a lot to do but don't forget to write your Christmas letter later later we're very busy okay come on Leah we need the lights come here con you have to see this it's an advent calendar each window is a day with a magic gift inside of it wow there's only two windows left that means that we're only two days away from Christmas so then we have to write the letter now I'm going to let everybody [Music] know huh ow finally the last one if you're done you should help me with these Christmas balls you want Christmas balls take this stop snow is not Christmasy why are you the boss now I'm the boss Leah put some snow on the ground hey only 2 days till Christmas have your sent your letters asking for present very [Music] funny guess yeah [Music] [Music] H wow did I sleep for 2 days it's Christmas party at my house yay good morning good morning oh no there's no presents with so much going on I forgot to write my letter me too and me if we had an argue we would have written the letter it's the worst Christmas of my life I told you when I mailed mine but you didn't listen to me so then you you got a present what is it I want it you can't see it it's special oh special anyway it's very small [Music] huh there's no presents here why are you so happy if your present isn't there it is here but you can't see it I asked for us all to be together together without arguing that's what Christmas is you're the best friend in the whole world magic tear w wow it's beautiful yeah it's beautiful yep but we still don't have [Music] presents all right where did you get those presents from what seriously did you open the two windows that were left on the calendar so then today isn't Christmas it's tomorrow and if it's tomorrow we we can still write the letters yay I'm going to ask for the same thing as con always be together me too me too oh yeah and I'm also going to ask for us to always be [Music] together cry babies cry babies magic tears the world of friendship of magic Adventures cry babies that's the SE The Impossible best we're going to do a lot of things together you'll see you're so funny you talk to the flower hey it's really sensitive did she hurt you my pretty flower did she hurt you my pretty flower M what's wrong Dina she's always kidding me you're always the same all day long with your flower admit it you can't live without it well what about you and your horn and your Shield it's not the same my horn is more fun and my shield lights up and besides I can live perfectly fine without either unlik you on your flower oh yeah I can live without my flower too okay okay okay why don't you give it a try these are the rules during one week reesi and Dei will be watching your items to see if you could really live without them whoever lasts longer will be the winner if Rosie wins I'll give you my bubbles I'll give you my pretzel if Dina wins I have a vision the winner will be the one who doesn't lose and the loser will be the one who doesn't win w how awesome that was magic let the contest begin day one without the items h Huh hello little tree how's it going uh my flower is friendlier look a bush how are you doing everything is so quiet hello hello hello golly I can't scream everything would be more cheerful with a blow of my horn how are you holding up you miss your items a lot right I don't miss mine at all what items are you talking about how can I miss them if I don't remember a flower or horn or anything oh well great keep it up then right likewise Dina it was nice to see you I wonder what my flower is doing I always read it stories at nighttime huh if I don't play a Lola B on my horn I can't get any sleep day two without the items hello how are you managing it's so hot today right hello huh Dina what are you doing here nothing I was just around and I said to myself I'm going to see how reesei and Dee are doing uh yeah me too hey do you mind if I check on my heart oh yes uh sign me up for that [Music] too this can't stay this way I don't care if I lose this silly contest I want my flower and my luminous horns I want my horn and my shield we need a plan our mission is to sneak into the cave and get back our items without being seen and how are you going to do that I'll dress like a pizza delivery person and I'll give reesei and Dei a delicious pizza they won't be able to resist meanwhile you'll use the distraction to open the chest and grab our magic items it's a perfect plan wo woah wo ah what it's empty no give me my flower back and the pizza I need my magic objects wo we can't live without [Music] D deep down we're very similar yep we can't live without the things that make us happy fantasy magic [Music] te yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah thankfully neither of them [Music] won cry babies cry babies magic to the world of friend magic Adventures C babies fantasy fantasy Olympic the fantasy Olympics are here let's greet the super athletes that will be competing for the great Diamond pacifier woohoo wo wo ouch and there comes dreamy the champion of all the previous game dream meing in with her very funny Coach Dina what do I do the star jump uh I still can't get it right come on it'll be so much [Music] fun wo [Music] it's been fun come on try it again I'll bet you do it better huh I won't win the diamond pacifier and everyone is expecting me to you should focus on having fun that's all you care about having fun because if you don't have fun and enjoy it you never win I'm just trying to help you well you're not helping and if it's so easy you do it a win huh what the first event is about to begin the cloud on break Ready Set oops I just got notified there's a new competitor everybody give a warm welcome to Cena hello where was I oh yes go this is so easy ouch OU ouch yeah see the audience loves to have fun huh incredible jery had just the record see this is so much fun can someone help me second event the launching of surprise objects uh ah o ouch Jenna you're [Music] up awesome [Music] ouch huh [Applause] [Music] h a typical dreamy stro yay oh y Dino wins see this is what having fun is like the athletes are so tied that they're giving it their all for the last event the mushroom jump Ready set go wo what happened let's continue the competition it's dena's turn H ouch come on get up it's fun you cheated me what about you cheating at the fantasy Olympics impossible what an embarrassment we'll make up another event one where nobody has a chance to change whoever can get a fruit from the great tree without using their powers wins [Music] y I've i' almost got it be careful you be careful [Music] ouch I really missed having fun with you and me competing is so stressful huh I have an idea attention everyone it looks like she's going to try star jump you can't do it unbelievable huh that's the funnest stuff we've ever seen yay [Music] yay fantasy second here [Music] Co you take it no you this is a proper ending for the fantasy [Music] [Music] Olympics cry babies cry babies magic to the world of Friendship and Magic ad ADV cry babies fantasy a curious case for Camy Camy Camy where are you hello darn it than thing always sorry I just really enjoy seeing your faces o ooh what happened we can't find Lady and Lulu is really sad we don't know where to look anymore H this seems like a case for detective King aha [Music] aha aha this way this [Music] way ooh wow wo ouch I think it's it's cotton candy it was in front of lady's house that can only be one thing that ladies at the fair no Lucy cutton clouds she's on fantasy Mountain let's go wi I want to go to the other side a little step here a little step there and the FY portal feel and St woohoo it's awesome we have to look for lady huh we shouldn't call attention to ourselves hey that's not fair I don't know how it's fantasy world you can do whatever you want ouch [Music] I'm so hungry smells like the ones in the valley the valley ones taste the best I wonder if they're the same I'll try it hold on the best smelling one is missing and we have to toast it the valley tasty is toast it lady they I've turned Lady it's a c candy and they're going to eat her we have to find her now the cake will be so tasty when we add The Raspberries huh huh ladies are you there ah lady are you there lady lady are you a tree lady is it you oh no tell that you are not lady good morning that is so rude maybe lady's in the fair no Lucy lady is here but I don't know which part of this is Lady no please please don't turn us into cotton candy we don't taste good what are you we know everything you can up lady and turn her into cotton candy so you can eat her do you really think we're going to eat you well because we heard you say that that the valley ones taste the best and you're missing the ones that smell the best we meant raspberry there's no raspberries better than the ones in the valley oh wellow we thought you ate babies well we still don't know where lady is calm down we have the solution Lady Lady Connie have you seen lady Lady mm-m Lady Lady where are you I can only see some pink stains on her house cotton candy I bet my golden pacifier she is at the fair she loves eating cotton candy when she is on the ferris wheel there she is M I knew it we found her Lulu fantasy FY let's go find her wow the sky looks so nice it's so annoying that I can't enjoy it with Lulu she always gets lost how do I stand this cry babies cry babies magic te the world of friendship magic adventur cry babies fanty the damage Magic Fountain um um um um oh Dena always kidding around Tina's ball is very pretty this means we're going to have a good day aha look at that we have a tour guide Vis it do you see this it's the Geyer I have to keep an eye on it every day why because the geyser is connected to the Fountain of magic tear if something were to happen to the geyser the Magic Fountain would stop fantasy Mountain would disappear can you imagine wow it would be a catastrophe you're very important I know follow me I will send an autograph for you later on Moonlight blue with Cloud blue and dark blue with you're so funny ice scream jum you'll beat your record 1 2 3 be careful never mind I'm going to clean it with the ouch Missy super vacuum no bruny that vacuum is very potent you know that last time relax I have it under control I have this no look at what you've done you should go play somewhere else okay that's it go with the little [Music] ball m [Music] huh huh um this is strange right okay let's go and play somewhere else what has happened the fountain is no longer working uh-oh my ball there's something wrong hey look here it's as if the fountain was jammed maybe if I sck my finger but I guess if it were serious Dina would have warned us with her horn War warning something's going on ouch my arm it's stuck Roy we need help what have you done huh I'm stuck it's as if someone was pulling from the other side uhoh re and Cy have jammed the guys there with the ball what you've messed up things again now what we can't leave Jazzy like this I know let's turn the fountain into ice cream and get the arm out good idea yeah it doesn't work it's good right I'm still stuck here okay okay let's P strongly I have an idea wait Ry don't go oh no the fantasy mountain is [Music] disappearing I have the solution the super vacuum [Music] huh I'm free the ball thank you bruny you've done it fantasy Mountain almost disappeared but the most important thing is that you say so look everything is that the fountain is working again awesome my house thank you fy here we celebrate happy endings with ice cream delicious you see everything is okay here it's a good thing I keep an eye on things wow you're [Music] amazing cry babies cry babies magic te the world of friend shape of magic Adventures cry babies fanty give me bad my power hey guys look what a strange Cloud I found ice cream GRE CL W I want to taste it huh oh you can't swim I'm coming I'm coming out dream let time [Music] stop let time continue Woo you're very agile I wish I wasn't so clumsy but you don't need it you stop the time I wish I could be like you what was that the cloud is melting by the way Tina said that we do not play with clouds they have magical powers B Tina stories good night Rim I hope you dream of a rainbow trampoline there is nothing like my [Music] bed good morning brw Rim huh my pink hair and this voice this isn't my house this isn't me my body has swi places with dreamy where is my [Music] body wait wait what do you mean dreamy is bruny Tina this is horrible I'm bruny and I'm dreamy that's it's not possible how did you switch body and why didn't I see it I told her yesterday that I wanted to be like her and me like her just by saying I want to be like you well then that would be a pillow have they frozen a cloud I told you not to play with the clouds they have magic powers I'm going to investigate so until then will we have to live in each other's body hello take dreamy I know you like pretzels hey no dreamy is me don't you believe me look at this ice cream pretzels and I even lost the power to make ice cream H that's mine so can I make it by myself oh it's a little smaller I have no idea what is I stopped time for a second we have a l lot to practice come on huh what happened one moment and my pretzels ow 6 7 8 9 huh ouch and 10 got you that was so easy broy are you okay I'm not bruny I'm dreaming and this super clumsy body is broy ha wow and my body does that wow amazing I used to be able to I love being so agile hey guys I know how to get your bodies back you have to get under the cloud hold hands and say each fantasy belongs in its own place and that's how it should be every day great I want to go back to my body but I'm sorry jimy I I don't want to be clumsy again haa Yoo [Music] bruny wait I have to talk to you I ouch ouch wow that was quite a fall here some ice cream makes everything better please bruny give me my body back okay I can give yours back I'm used to being clumsy and I don't care I'm sorry for being selfish I like the way you are the best friend in the world each fantasy belongs in its own place and that's to should be every day H wow wow [Music] wow wo oh oh oh this is really me I missed you so much too fantasy F yeah wow huh really I like to be like you multi-flavored ice cream it's so hot why don't you get in here it's sure refreshing we never get hot our Cloud Keeps Us nice and cool I'm getting an idea for you to cool down well hurry up my brain is starting to [Music] fry Hey Hey wow my cupcake is a popsicle my stroller [Music] no isn't it delicious yeah your popsicles are very weird on fantasy Mountain we always eat popsicles of thanks and we like them so [Music] much mine is delicious super sweet so yummy let me try give me a bite let me try give a bite of course it tastes like cupcakes and not like things well i' rather it tastes like things all right why don't we mix my cupcakes with your ice creams I made a bunch I think that if we combine them with these objects we'll get obstacles that we all like I love your ideas hat and strawberry hat berry chocolate with baby bottle choco bottle balloon and vanilla balloon M this flavor is very original and it instantly refreshes you I will call it fantasy Fusion come on we'll prepare the ice creams and you can pass them around please bring one to my house to my house too and mine let's see how am I going to deliver all this I have a surprise for you Connie okay you can look now yay I did some work on your stroller this way you can deliver pop yes ice cream at full speed M yes yes [Music] huh it's so fun making ice [Music] cream ice creams tasty ice creams Chanel for me please let's see how it tastes with drums well I'm going to make an ice cream with M with this how fun I cream I cream ice cream ice cream ice cream ice [Music] cream I'm going to go snowboarding well it's all finished now this is not the flavor I asked for can't you make more a triple Cod I'm hot con when's the ice cream ready attention Bab babies we need huh but what happened here well we're all out of things look this frisbee is left don't go I need the Frisbee come back the babies want more ice cream give me that are you okay what's wrong with con we went overboard asking her for ice cream Cony has been so good good and we have to repay her let's give her a surprise will you help us let's use our favorite objects and fantasy Fusion turn them into ice cream wow how many colors it's so big con it's for you for being such a good friend this is the most yum refreshing ice cream in the world Magic chear [Music] [Applause] it's a self-service ice cream stand how did I not think of that yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah I still like the ones that taste like d
Channel: Moonbug Kids - Healthy Habits
Views: 1,773,914
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cartoons, CoComelon, animals, animation, baby, baby cartoons, buster, cartoons about animals, cartoons for kids, children, coco, cocomelon, education video, english, environment, for kids, good habits, good habits for kids, healthy habits, kids song, kids tv, kids videos, learning, lellobee, little angel, little baby bum, my little angel, nursery rhymes, pets, sing song, songs, sport for kids, the wheels on the bus, wheels on the bus, cry babies, magic, tears, kitoons
Id: ZxnmSQOaZ7M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 74min 46sec (4486 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 20 2023
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