πŸŒˆβ˜” Text To Speech 🎈🎈 ASMR Cake Storytime @Brianna Guidryy | Tiktok Compilations #12

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do I want to eat this cookie or this cookie hurry up and choose if you don't make a decision before the timer runs out you'll be eliminated okay I want this cookie wait no do I want this cookie hurry up and choose okay I choose this cookie heading to school already yeah Mom what' you bring for lunch oh no I forgot well you better go grab something for lunch before you go well what do we have we have left of her potato salad from last night or you could make a sandwich h decide now or you'll be eliminated okay I'll Cheo the sandwich then good choice hey Bri hi Timmy I have a lollipop for you H which one should I give you blue or pink blue or pink blue or just give me the pink one okay here thank you Brianna I'm in love with you I've been wanting to tell you for a long time and Brianna no I'm in love with you no Jimmy I was in love with her first well Bri who are you going to choose who do I choose Timmy or Jimmy I love you more than Jimmy no I do come on bri decide decide okay I choose Jimmy take that Jimmy you're not even that pretty so I don't care and you smell bad do I want Jimmy though I want Jimmy I want Jimmy exactly cuz I'm the man so Jimmy where should we go for our first date I'm not sure how about you give me some choices well we could go to the mall arcade out to dinner out for breakfast bowling horseback riding we could go skydiving we could go on a walk we could go on a hike we could go on a run we could go for ice cream silent I can't decide now you gave me too many options Jimmy no Bri are you okay Jimmy's gone no Jimmy how did that happen what happened to Jimmy he couldn't make a decision so now he's gone okay why did a decision just appear above my head oh you didn't know they're doing automated decisions for you to make now it'll help speed up population control what decision do you have to make Brianna mommy Are we almost at the ice cream shop ha hurry cover your mouth and nose come on sweetie we have to get out of here now Mommy why did you tell me to get out of there I thought we were getting ice cream if you hear laughing you must cover your nose and mouth with the cloth I gave you this cloth was created to fight against the Laughing disease laughing is highly contagious and incurable if you catch it you'll die Mommy why didn't you wake me up for school [Music] [Laughter] mommy help help help someone sweetie what's going on why are you outside mommy's inside she has the Laughing disease don't worry sweetie I'll take care of Mommy good morning Dad I'm off to school now dad good morning Dad I'm off to school now Dad how's my best friend today my dad has a laughing disease that means both my my parents are gone I can't go home tonight do you think I can stay at your place I have to go where are you going your dad has the Laughing disease you could have caught it I can't risk it stay away class does anyone know the answer to everyone out students stay out here I'll take care of Miss Applewood that was so scary are you doing okay Bri I thought you didn't want me near you in case I'm contagious I know what I said I was just worried babe is everything okay Jake it it's my best friend Sophie she has the Laughing disease we have to get rid of her you're laughing no no I'm fine I'm fine Best Friend Sophie she has the Laughing disease we have to get rid of her you're laughing no no I'm fine I'm fine please please I don't have it I don't have the Laughing disease oh no I'm laughing goodbye world [Laughter] B stop stop laughing if you want to live stop what were you laughing no no I was just practicing in case I did catch the Laughing disease The Laughing disease is incurable if you catch it you're doomed now get to class stop stop laughing I knew it I knew you had the Laughing disease say bye-bye Brianna no no I'm not infected I'm telling you hey bye-bye Brianna no no I'm not infected I'm telling you look at my face I'm not laughing no I saw you you were laughing you must have been seeing things tell me tell me the cure for the Laughing disease I I don't know let go of me come with us Brianna where am I who are you what do you want from me we need to know how you got cured from The Laughing disease what's the secret look I don't know how I cured the disease if I knew I'd tell you let me see your arm what are you doing we're injecting you with the Laughing disease so we can know your secret everyone put your mask on so you don't catch the Laughing disease she's laughing too much we have to get rid of her or else we'll catch the Laughing disease have you guys ever thought and maybe the Laughing disease isn't deadly you just kill everyone who gets it because you're afraid di I like you ew Timmy why did I just get money mommy today at school when Timmy City liked me I got money honey that's because every time someone has a crush on you you get money so you're saying I could be rich hey girl do you want to go to the mall after school I can't I'm broke how are you broke just go get boys to like you I don't know how to get boys to like me it's easy just do the bend and snap method bend and snap method drop something on the floor and go to pick it up hey boys don't talk to us oops whoa I got it bro I caught that on video that bendon snap method of yours really works I'm making big it's because of this look the video the boys took of you went viral no way uhoh Brianna uhoh Brianna there's a new video you might want to see this oops got it said it's giving boys the ick when someone crushes on you you get money but if you give them the ick you lose it but it's not fair I didn't fart and I don't really look like that no I've almost lost all of my crushes does it say who posted that video it was Jake Jake hey farty Chad where's Jake I'm not telling you look it's farty pin Jake Jake take the video down it's making me lose all my money and my crushes I'm not taking the video down because I don't want you have any crushes why not because I'm in love with you huh huh oh my someone made another edit of you huh oh my someone made another edit of you it's 40 pin what the who even took that video I took it I saw you standing there so lovely and I just couldn't help myself Timmy you still have a crush on me Brianna marry me please just give me a chance come on let's get out of here hey are you all right they were a little crazy yeah I'm fine maybe having so many crushes isn't that great don't worry I'll protect you Brianna did you see that new edit of you you must have lots of new crushes now yeah I did I have enough money to go with you to the mall after school now Hey Brianna I really enjoyed spending time with you today I really like you do you think maybe we could go on a date sometime Jake I've had a crush on you for years but when you tried to destroy my image that gave me the EG oh no I'm going to be late for school what the I don't have time for this gummy bear what happened to my gummy bear oh catch what I said catch you ruined our game you made the ball huge how are we going to play now get out of here idiot bestie you are not going to believe this everything I tell touch grows bigger no way maybe Sam do you have a pencil I can borrow sure here thanks the pencil it's shrunk it's so tiny um I would say that pencil's pretty average some would even say the perfect size no it's not it's tiny honey can you help me with the groceries fine peanut butter soy sauce Dam stop stop it you're shrinking all of the food here have a drink thank you so much enjoy the party my drink shrunk why is there no drinks left Brianna's drinking them all I'm sorry but my cups are all tiny so I need to take more drinks I think it's time for you to leave bestie I'm so upset everything I touched gross tiny hold my hand byy hey could you be more gentle oh sorry pencil pencil you can talk yeah of course I can you little no matter how much makeup you put on you're always going to be ugly oh you little why won't you rip you know I really don't think the shade of pink is your color really you think so what color do you think would suit me best um Brianna are you talking to a lipstick what she was talking to me first gummy bear no no please don't eat me I have a wife and kids at home I'm sorry gummy bear I got to do what I got to do no no no papa papa you e my dad
Channel: Amparoesp Storytime
Views: 2,522
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmr cake storytime, asmrcakestorytime, cake, storytime, text to speech, texttospeech, povs tiktok compilations 2023, povstiktokcompilations2023, storytime tiktok, cake storytime, cakestorytime, slime storytime
Id: xQkquqCyE8k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 46sec (646 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 16 2024
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