๐Ÿ‡ฌ๐Ÿ‡ง REPLAY - Race hour 3 - 2019 24 Hours of Le Mans

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heading ups a two-hour mark here with 22 hours to go look equal number 22 dragon speaker and lmp2 pulled arrests are closing in on Jordan King for Jackie Chan DC racing they're in the black and yellow cup like a blue car beg your pardon behind them and trap it satola for al Gough Pro the pale blue car trying to hold off a high class car Matias pesch and Besh the former rebellion pizjuรกn driver goes deep down the inside he gets through doesn't it yes he does so he makes that move stick and the leader coming through the number seven Toyota Mike Conway so Conway continuing to extend his advantage now 41 seconds over spicy of Gremory by the way talking about the Aston Martin prone team as well while Louise was down there they have sort of slumped away from being frontrunners and are now currently in 13th and 17th last is this otherwise known in the GTE Pro Class position car of course exactly led the race earlier on looked comfortable and yeah it's a bit unknown why why they would have slipped off the pace like that Paul how was said that they were trying to work out whether it was double stinting the tires that was costing them so much longer into the rubber there then gonna have to work out a different strategy now to see if they can answer that particular question Kraken is a battle by the way in lmp2 we see from the moment this is Jordan King in the 37 shiki-chan DC racing car holding off at the moment Paul there Esther in the United sports car but then behind we've just taken the eighth position matters / she's charging on and trying to close down with the labra car in between trying to charge down the lead leash a in the field which is pulled the rest from the 22 so this is a three-car battle for sixth position in lmp2 and that's lmp2 number 50 lara car which is now being driven by romano Ricci he's taken over from Nick - Nick bull that's producing as much speed as the car behind so it makes it very difficult for the number 20 get by eventually he does takes a dive down the inside so the 20 car moves up see Orica chassis for high class racing high class another team that is graduated from European LeMond series cut their teeth there over two or three years and in the Konica Minolta number 37 car that is Jackie Chan DC Racing's Jordan King six place in lmp2 at the moment teammate Stefan Rochelle me is in fifth position in the class in 38 and we heard yesterday in the ACO s press conference the WEC field next year will feature again two cars from barring numbers 37 and 38 37 will be Jackie Chan DC racing but for the first time at the world level Jota sport which actually run both the cars for Jackie Chan DC racing will enter the 38 car under their own banner so Jota sport will be the 38 car 37 you're looking at now that will remain a Jackie Chan DC racing car what livery carries we will wait and see at Silverstone in September at the beginning of season eight of the FIA World Endurance Championship he stopped for Nicola JAMA epic tale of the lmp2 field and became engineering on unseen by us but he has now made the fourth stop for that car so he's back on the same number of routine stops as everybody else in his class but had a puncture as well I take turns to Martin leaving a garage with petrol army we heard from Paul Howard saying that they were going to make changes as a precaution because petrol had reported an issue in the way that the car felt and Peter when you're doing the sorts of speeds here that you do for as long as you're doing them you've got to be super cautious about anything the driver reports as being an issue yeah I mean Petros you know one of the most experienced drivers out there and and if he's reported a problem that isn't just tire wear that isn't just vibration from tire rubber pickup or whatever then yeah he's gonna report that back and they they have to do something about it it's there's no point in risking it while the driver trust the team implicitly you have to when you leave in the pit lane to do the sort of speeds you are and we talked about this again is the mechanics have to be absolutely guaranteed in their own minds that they've got it right before they let the driver go off and do 180 miles an hour down the stretch while well-drilled team lot of resources and low experience and not team winners 20 years ago with the 97 car so you know they've they know what it what it takes to win round here and you know they also have a battle on their hands in their in their pro category as well to bring Sorenson and Alex legend back onto the pace and back up the grid a bit Matthias louder in the 98 Aston last running car behind Satoshi Hoshino in the 88 car a Ben Hanley is the third last car but the dragon speed number 10 p1 car has now left the pits so hopefully they have fixed whatever ailed the car in terms of over fueling as ever it won't be a leaky gasket in a car / atticus things like that don't exist anymore it'll be the electronics playing up welcome to the booth and thank you for the cup of tea allan mcnish looks like this is quite an intense race so far as the Porsche just runs a little bit white Patrick peeling into the Dunlop chicane goes in a bit deep crosses the it'll wake from buying the Corvette but the Corvettes have came out the blocks fighting you know they look really good at this time to see a good straight line speed as well but I think you know you look down through two have been focusing on that particular part of the battle the last few laps you know the the top eight in GT Pro covered by 16 seconds so I think all of the different marks are in the mix as well in fact there's only two gaps in GTE Pro that are bigger than two seconds between the cars so he a gap that's much less than two seconds as a battle for the lead in lmp2 though because no genetic fern has caught right up in the back of Nicola Lapierre and since the last pit stop he's been one and a half seconds a lap faster than lapier on different tires their lap peers on the Michelin men ferns on the Dunlop's and so I'm not sure on the time strategy where they actually changed tires for Vern or not now I did hear a couple of people suggesting that the hotter the weather the more likely it was to help Michelin and the cooler the weather the more likely it was to place the stretch the Dunlop in Asia I'm glad you pointed that out because we haven't seen him on screen for a while and Lapierre was in a little league of his own he was eight or ten seconds ahead before the last round of pit stops so generic van man who is in a real purple patch in the last 12 18 months is really doing a great job the United Auto Sports car pulled arrest occurs by the 88 deputy proton gte-am car and through comes the high-class machine of Matthias Besh slightly held up there just like to correct his line and Paco it's always better to be a little bit cautious in that situation and not take any big risks of this early in the race racing team Netherlands by the way we didn't document up to third after the last round of pit stops in lmp2 nick de fries ahead of Roberto Gonzales so try the change in both those cars Lapierre's been in the lead from the start for senior tech helping and bam started fatigue no fan took over any g-drive card if you sure that yes and took over the Giro yeah quickly up to speed for vervain's a real purple patch of his career the moment for meee champion running yeah well PB Audi sorry I'm Josh Byerly and I've just realised why I've been something to do in an OD or bored with a 93 Porsche okay you know the TV director our friends who does all of these races Olivier is there just trying to just trying to follow every one of these battles and magma Cermak starting to creep away from Patrick [Applause] trying to identify what part of France Patrick Pele's accent is that didn't sound remotely French did it I'm not sure that was the 93 car so so whoever car it was he had understeer well it wasn't Michael Kristensen or Richard Leith's or what Porsha's got an English trial no smell well it's not make Tandy in the 93 unless that's very delayed because he handed over to Patrick pilet at the last pit stop so either that or Patrick pilet has become very very very English quite recently or very British anyway Pat CPA in second place is he saying power understeer and that's not really excellent here this not too many places where you've got long acceleration corners but here you do particularly down the hill that Magnussen is pulling away gaps out over two seconds now it was not even a car length Jonathan Bomarito in third place in the 67 Ford and Alabang nish as the stints have got longer the Fordyce kind of started strong gone away come back again we still don't really know what the balance of power is do we we don't know who's got the best car right now no we don't know so the circuits changing is repeating in quite a lot as we're on board with that 67 were Bommarito at the wheel looking back towards the Porsche behind them which is Michael Kristensen at the wheel and then right behind that is leets the other second Porsche with a Ferrari right minded of Sandberg the thing is I think they're so closely matched but they produce their performances at different points of the races we've got burden off the circuit on the inside coming down into the first chicane in fact that has now taken their place away from Sonya's Khiladi elites as world champion James colada there is Sam bird and Sam bird has got dick Muller in the 68 car behind [Music] he's dead oh really go to the essay in interesting information the only car on double stinting tires Jonathan Bomarito took over he'll have had fresh Rosa peel a took over HeLa pod fresh rubber Magnussen took over HeLa pad fresh rubber and here we go looking in the inside of the Ferrari the Porsche trying to come back at James Calado so last year's world champions in manufacturers and drivers Collado and teammate Alessandro player greedy in the 51 and the Ferrari team this year's world champions Porsche and one of those two gold baddie Porsches will have the world championship driving team in it as well at the end of this race you know looking at this race itself at the moment though in the Corvettes up ahead it is actually that 63 leading Corvette which has got yang Magnus know that we're looking at the average is over the stint so far and you were talking about the tires and their degradation they're basically about two three tens quicker every lap over a stint now I think they make their stint times up at the beginning because Magnussen's half a second quicker than anybody right now however later on I think it's a Ford that does come back them so the Ford is kinder on the tires now the GTE cars they've got 60 tires or 15 sets available for the whole race so they do have to conserve them later on and they'll do that when more rubber goes down onto the circuit well they're double standing them now new driver new tire and you don't do a single stint in these cars and then presumably in case it gets down to nip and tuck at the ends they'll try and triple stint if they think they can produce the performance at the end of the race 31 that's the Roberto Gonzales car just ahead of Stephane Rochelle me so the Mexican red highlights car just ahead to the black and yellow Jackie Chan DC racing of Monaco's Stefan Russia army this is a battle for fourth in lmp2 there with the Jota sport Jackie Chan DC racing boys and right ahead of them United also run heaven rather is the dragon speed car dragon speed with an lmp1 car the number 10 car in the gulf livery and with their lmp2 car under pressure now yeah but Riquelme speeding for much longer in this he started so hoping tongue started that car and then raquel he's got into raquel meets up to speed whereas for Gonzalez he's just got into the car after anthony davidson so raquel me certainly knows how the circuits evolving and he you look at are they're quite a big difference in the pit stop time yeah 34 seconds more spent at rest in three stops by the number 31 car than by the number 37 car a 38 car so if you do that and extrapolate it out to 25 off the tops during the race then suddenly that's a that's an amount of pace that you're never going to five yeah but that's a huge amount to lose in the pit stops I think there's probably related to one or two pit stops as opposed to every single one certainly for dragon speed a hope side the case knowing that team considered Lee won the Daytona 24 hours and they've also been winners in the LMS races so far then I think that we've got to say that a top team yeah and so be a surprise if it was just basically bad stops absolutely agreed black and white flags for Alex Lynn in the 97 Aston and for Matt Griffin in the 67 am class Ferrari for abusing track limits Jamie Campbell - when you're in the middle of a battle although you know you're supposed to stay on the gray stuff maybe sometimes kind of hard isn't it you're in the wash behind another car on the day BRE and on the dirt but you've got to avoid getting that penalty yeah and I think they've probably done it three or four times already black and white flag means of warning if they do it again it will be a penalty so probably on the exit of Tech ruch yeah the place that we're seeing most of them go offline yeah they it's a silly penalty to get you don't want to get these silly little drive throughs and stuff and goes for for the gain is minimal compared to the loss and of course we're seeing it on our timing screen it's on the TV screen but in the drivers data screen in the cockpit or the rebellion spins and boyd's the barriers in the driver's cockpit will also tell him track limits turn seven or wherever it happens to be so there's no excuses that was tracked limits definitely is there I didn't see the beginning of that but I very much presume he got up onto the Carib on the outside which either you basically drag down the barrier on the left hand side that alternatively if you try and bring the car back on to the circuit with the belly of the car on the curb it can spit you right Sydney to help in flashing the headlights and you could see the lmp2 leader there's another ten dragon speed car and that golf racing car is working its way back up the order from stone last after being in the garage with an over fueling issue or over fuel consumption there's tea drive 36 on the left-hand side that's the Libra and p2t Drive is the orange and black car that second in lmp2 the gap was down 2.2 it's out to 2.3 seconds but Allan McNish a lot of that may just be the way that they have fallen upon the traffic yeah but I think it's also the fact that the freshness of the tire from the Dunlop is maybe not quite there any longer and but it's quite clear that the signature car is pulling away again not much after say 2.3 seconds can heaven float very very quickly number 10 dragon speed car being reported to have a front light out again they've been spotted by the police so that must be repaired not immediately but at the next pit stop before they go back out and car 17 has to repair the front lights as SMP while Louise Beckett you reported earlier about the 17 SMP racing car [Music] [Music] well whatever was wrong with it before the new nose doesn't have working lights what doesn't any longer have working lights thing here is that you know part of it is that Ferrari just cuts across the chicane yeah that was Sandberg there came into it's gentlemen basically aborted the corner completely the the thing is that you hit so many of the curbs here and the curve X at a tech Rouge you get massive vertical frequency vibrations and you know electrics are sensitive but the best of times never mind racing car electrics and so they can quite easily come from running on the curbs too long when you don't need to that's part of the experience of the basically the design team of that car but also of the drivers as well but it is it's kind of one of the basics you've got out lights on a car on a 24 hour race yeah it's mandatory even though it's daylight it is still mandatory hey I see flashes are the lmp2 car that was the one that Samford worried that suddenly the door was going to be slammed on his nose and he was gonna be punted off and Jamie when you've got a car that you've not raced against before and that car has not been part of the WEC season and suddenly he has a bit of a meander into the Dunlop curve you throw out the anchors and you just get out of the way right yeah it's you've got mutual respect between all the drivers but it is trickier when you don't know the driver particularly well so when when the new guys come in a bit like for the Corvette boys as well but they all race together at Sebring earlier on in the season so it's not too much of a broad really we've talked a lot about you I think you see much of that mutual respect coming across depended on the situation of course not toward a fellow Scot obviously then then it's that's clam is the only thing that counts there with the 91 car we talked about the 7 & 8 Toyota battling for the championship but so too are these guys the 91 and a 92 Porsche team both know that one of them will be drivers champions as Porsche are now manufactures champions so that's a really tough battle I always say if you can't beat your teammate you never get a win anything but you've got three teammates to beat and three and two other guys on your side for the team to manage the balance between them look how close this is that's not easy right no this is a big this really is a closing for a battle from p4 in GT Pro all the way down to p7 it's what nine tenths 4/10 three tenths here they all are and close racing and let's not forget they're having to contend with these lmp1 cars coming by them as well can I only just says that no with my racing drivers helmet off and my team boss's hat on this is your worst nightmare you've got your two cars that are fighting like hell against each other with any thought or consideration for the bigger picture because that's what they're paid to do now here's a chance for the 92 car just 91 car of it just gets his nose in front as he follows that multicolored rebellion through the 92 had to move off the line ideal line and the 91 car whoosh straight through thank you very much and it's turns of the card like that that you can't manufacture that could offer you an advantage you've got to be aware very true but at the same time he didn't fight it very much shows the you know his teammate came down then say that's the one clear rule you have an F team is that yeah you're allowed to fight your teammate get a load to race your teammate but you don't compromise them in the same way you probably would if it was someone else but right now just looking at this particular battle they're actually catching very slowly slightly not on this last lap with traffic but Healy and Magnussen up ahead Bomarito who's his first time here at l'amour in that Ford number 67 which is the lead car in this particular train he's really getting to grips with it knows his averages have been very good with well quicker than the people behind and just the snick behind the card directly head being pealing nearly two are a little way clear Magnussen and peel a as you say but Jonathan Bomarito just keeping himself out of trouble he's tantalizingly close to the Ferrari of James colada who's fourth and then you got the two Porsches leaps ahead of us as we ride with christen Wow now Kristensen had just got by this settle our pal or the course a car in traffic now he's come back past him on the quicker part for the straight and Sam bird was right there in the Ferrari as well looking to go by back with the United Auto Sports this is their 32 car Ryan Colin versus the 43 for our lrm sports and another rookie and the first Indian driver here at Lamar for a couple of years yeah Ryan Colin when they switched over from Alex Brundle and Alex Brundle had a problem with the support around about the steering column the comfort support and I had to be replugged in so they had quite a slow stop but lost about 10 11 seconds as they were relocating that but Colin back in taste right but he's got a bit of a fight on his hands now by Minear that's for sure yeah Arjun my knee chasing him down for aa m-sport this is the 38 Jackie Chan TC racing car in from what was fourth in the class their fifth in the class rather top five yet to stop and that's following a sequence that's hemmed all the way through top five or six and lmp2 stopping a lap they eater and that's probably because they stopped a lap later on the very first stop so rebellion also in with the number three car as you see there's been a driver change at SMP racing Vitali fetch off in the 11 car has handed over to stopple van Doorn and Dawn having his first race stint here at LeMond he's done a good job actually hasn't asked me though not there Todd driver change it rebellion he's taken over the number three car Mike Conway and Sebastien Buemi still out front for toyota gazoo racing they said he's saying about van Doorn doing a good job I see him in the other weeks in another category and I tell you is doing a good job there but then again considering what he did in all of his junior CDs when he won in everything and got points and his first ever Grand Prix in Bahrain substituting for I think Jenson Button at the time in what was an uncompetitive McLaren then I think we can see he's got enough talent in his pockets I think he was unfairly removed from form of because he was one of these kids that won everything all the way through the single-seater ranks and completely dominated more or less every championship he did so good to see him in a in a leading car given the opportunity as well as popular ye obviously lmp2 leaders are in senior to Cal be met Nicole a PS been in since the start does he get out the daughters not open not the driver's door and Jean Eric van is him behind him as well third place Jordan King for Jackie Chan DC racing 237 car yet to stop for seconds was the gap between the leading to lmp2 cars when he popped into the pits one ones having a driver change it one not yeah you're annoyed getting into the 26 car so the Dutchman his first race at lamothe and he has been absolutely blown away by the week so far he came back from the drivers parade I probably shouldn't tell for this but he came over for the drivers parade so emotional with being overall by the whole thing actually he had a little sip Haneda a teary moment to himself can I actually be getting ready to race at labahn well Frankie if he if he stands on the podium what's it gonna be like I tell ya well there'll be a lot of Dutchman who are struggling he raced of course in the European LeMond Series last year that's when we first came across him and he raced his first season and won the LMP three championship and now up into lmp2 and Bommarito has been overtaken by collide all we said that so the Ferrari has got through past the fort as the number ones in the pits yes Bruno Senna remember we saw him having a spin and Andre Lotterer has been strapped in at the same time the reason to go into the actual box itself for the pit box itself is because then they're unlimited on the number of people that can work on the car but it'd be good to know what was going on with out number one another black and white flag for calf if 49 tereshchenko again at tete Rousse few drivers giving black and white flags now mr. 37 runs Oh Jordan King at the wheel of that Jackie Chan DC racing fourth place overall in lmp2 and he no runs out drops the fifth as Gonzalez has gone past on the circuit and so no King back on his way interesting though jim-jim rollers joined us here back again for stint number two after being refreshed physio and everything else but looking up ahead at the leaders we watch Jordan King coming through the esses Conway and blaming God we pulled away massively at the beginning of the race but the last two stints Blaney's matched in tall fertile within a tenth of a second per lap and stabilized that gap at 40 seconds and that's what they've got to do they've got to just keep them in sight that's all they've got to do keeping them honest keep them honest you don't have to have to catch them they just got to keep them honest do you think there's a sort of the hair at the front of the field go for it guys and uh parades are sort of going we just got to get to the end yeah I think there's certainly a risk assessment but that would be all the way through the race you know in that respect it was it was a bit bizarre it was two seconds cotton we was quicker through the first in two seconds per lap I watched from outside here at the Ford chicane where we are as the one comes back out after quick pitch not something to do with the lead of the car Andre Lotterer in gold stalls Louie says they put a new nose on ya maybe Louie's kid if she can have a little chat with Martin Haden there whether there was anything at the rear as well so happy at lmp2 class leader gets caught behind the Corvette let's appeal a Magnussen's in that one and then P Lee is directly behind in the Porsche when you were racing with the Corvettes did you always find they were quite defensive if you were about to overtake them in a in a place that they didn't want you to overtake I've got to be honest I think they were I would see the majority of the time they were quite strong in their position and you have to understand their racing as no the second place my car is into the pits driver changed to Fernando Alonso new tires goes on fueling still going on but I think they were defensive but they did it in a cleaning consistent manner so again you thought mess with me and the other thing is you've got to remember this is you know this better than me in reality they're doing their own race yes and you know it's fine doing your own race in an LM p1 for $9 those are just about to do it well you're only overtaking cars if you are overtaking and having to look in your mirrors then that's doing two things at once that in racing drivers are not always the best at multitasking and there's a prototype driver isn't it better to have even if they're gonna be strong and defend their position to a certain point to have them be consistent no they're not gonna do anything silly yeah Jimmy I was always a big fan of consistency and that you knew what you were up against you could build up that mental picture of what it was going to be like the worst thing with the closing speed of maybe 60 or 70 miles per hour 100 K quicker than the car ahead if the car then this I had decides to change tact you can't get out of it you know you can't change the rection you're just you're waiting for the impact one clever thing the Corvette I think was the first GT car to have was a mere system the rear view camera rear view camera which actually gave the Pacifica's at nighttime when the lmp1 car is behind you you can't actually tell with the bright lights where they're gonna go so what they have is this camera system inside the car and it actually gives like arrows and the distance that the car is behind so they have really good information to read up to - they're available to them and it is radar controlled black and white flag for the number 91 record Richard leads in the Porsche in fourth position he's to have taken fourth position off Jonathan Bomarito they own the Fords track limits maybe he used the little extra track to get by there's the project one car in the am category being overtaken by the number 93 Patrick P lay in second place some tents down so we've got a couple AMC cars at the front here yon Magnussen in the 63 Corvette and Patrick fealy and the Brumos tribute live read portion for most tribute liberty you know the grand marshal here Herlihy woods who started his career with a boner Abreu moss in 1967 I interviewed Harley last night at the official dinner telling his story yeah and he's a three-time winner of this race and five-time winner of Daytona 24 hours so can sadly say an endurance legend pitstop for the number-7 Mike Conway coming in after three stints he's out [Music] that's cuz Kobayashi is getting in yep cleaning the windshield all standard stuff let's go down to Louise who's gotten Bart Hayden we've seen there has been a vibration reported so what have the d-team done sir so early on we had a puncture with Bruno we saw it so we slowed him down I didn't actually let go properly obviously lost as a lap or so and then in the middle of his tires and the left rear started to feel a bit hard on him so if it came in and when we got in the wheel not that seemed to be a little bit loose which is really odd after 25 laps so we've put a new sound [Music] thank you it's a little bit concerning because I've lost the Lamont 24 hours with a wheel coming off after a significant period of time and it was locked in torqued up and then you know you didn't be you know he's spun coming out of the esses if we'd remember and that was Bruno Senna at the wheel at that time you looked at coming out of the asses we saw the big black marks in the previous camera shot and I'm just not sure whether the whole thing is related if it is then it's not going to solve itself it's only going to get worse and then if it does then usually it's the rear quarter suspension upright change to ensure that you get rid of the hub good battle now at the front of lmp2 the 36 signature t6 sigma tech car Nicolas Lapierre is what did you got about seven tenths of an advantage over the number twenty six your s G Drive then order behind the wheel of that car so that battle is is hotting up that's sixth overall on the screen right now is our fifth place car that's the SNP number 17 working his way through the traffic that's the 32 United Auto Sports Car calling behind the wheel of that car [Music] craft car back in the pits the number 39 car that was originally our pole-sitter until they ran afoul of the officials because they didn't stop at the Weybridge we saw Fernando earlier on to his engineers on the pit wall sort of going why is my car two seconds off the pace it'll be interesting now 44 seconds is the gap between Kobayashi and a lot so be it very interesting to see how Fernando gets on and deals with that I think he's got a championship to it but ultimately he wants to win this race yeah he would like to have a double here as opposed to just one victory and a championship it will be interesting to see that team of course one two at Fuji and he wasn't very happy about that most battles still in pro only 1.3 seconds between young Magnuson in the Corvette and delay in the Porsche some 14 seconds back is the the next battle which is about five cars all battling it all within you know eight ten seven tenth two tenths just right there nose to tail as we said they would be all day Kobayashi on his out lap Fernando Alonso will be on his out lap shortly stifled and or and we just saw in the number 11 car it'll be interesting to see how he goes given his experience now I will think pretty well in terms of speeds ease very inexperienced when it comes to LeMond endurance racing he's very experienced even although he's young years and overall but Auto Jeff has been loving quick I've got to say in this car run teary who's member of when is the first a night he was throwing it a tone to the point where you shut your eyes hoping that he was coming out the Porsche curves he wasn't hanging on that much and the SMP is a quick car I wouldn't say it's maybe the most comfortable to drive but he's sort of muscling the car around there we have got van Doorn into the second chicane and accelerating oh but it's only five point four seconds - on it chef in the sister car interesting to see if they can sustain that level of throwing it around if you like like you say muscle fire think if do you want a comfortable car to drive to to be able to attack the circuit you need to be secure within that but these guys that like Alan said throwing it around the other night when when you have a different mindset for qualifying obviously you are willing to sort of take a few extra risks but it'd be interesting to see because these guys are quite young then you know they put a if their cars tricky to drive they've got to sustain that level of concentration for two three four stints maybe and that's where you suddenly start seeing still three and four mistakes coming here and all the physio and nutrition and water and everything else at nine o'clock in the morning and you've been working that hard all night that's you're gonna be prone to mistakes aren't you yeah it is and it's also the mental fatigue of the concentration and that's the thing where you know Jamie knows as well as I do that it's the mental concentration mental fatigue with an easy car allows you to maybe run at 96 percent not 100 percent 10-second time penalty now added to the pit stops for the 26th the 60 and the 93 for not respecting full-course caution procedures so that's our that's our second place car @lmp to the G Drive it is the second-place car in GTE Pro the Porsche with Patrick pilet behind the wheel and the 60 which is one of the Kessel racing cars with the pnz Ola behind the wheel of that car frustration more than anything else I would say from the team's perspective the 10 seconds and both of those gap you know position it will stay in second for the g-drive racing car the lmp2 which is just the one came into shot at the back here we're looking at the leader popping through a Nicolas Lapierre of the wheel and it'll be he'll still stay in second with that ten seconds stop penalty added to the next pit stop so he comes in he'll stop for ten seconds then he can go to work on the gap is that a better way to do it or you let him do the work and then hold them like they would in the United States well you know we like to do everything the opposite of what you're doing the United States Jim so that's why we do it the other way around I don't think it really matters I mean isn't yours frustrated in the car sitting for ten seconds either way yeah you know if I had a 1 minute penalty once in Sebring and I can't area that that would that felt like about one hour when you're sitting there but yup I nighter here in the car young driver 20 years old but he's been very good in the tests at the end of last season tested for this team and also for another came through the LMP road till the more series and he's been I would say one of the new revelations a new start of the future and Louise has caught up with Mike Conway who's turned that Toyota over to Kobayashi Michael may have come back in the number 7 and you put in such a good performance those first five minutes you've got sister just talk about good circuit version nor the gap I saw at the start the you know the rebel ends and here some peas were go around seven oh just glad I had a bit of a butler to stay away from that but yeah he got through it and you this contrition able to increase the gap yeah happy without reading long day ahead of us but yeah nice to have a good buffer that we have already surprised what Toyota surprised by the competitiveness of the rebellions at the start I think we knew they were going to do that we we have bigger feel guards and their top speeds very strong you know the SP as well so you have expected him to be close and if they stuck with us in Sector one we knew we'd possibly get past into into turns eight so yeah I just I was lucky at a gap I just got clean clothes sector and maintain it I'm feeling good out there yep it's good there now it's fully on so it's nice to see that now a neck not being in the dark next time out so yeah looking forward to that [Music] while Louise was talking to Mike Conway we got to see Constantine tkachenko take a wild ride in the AR see Bella gravia Bella better Strava car coming out of the second chicane all four wheels off the ground there's your 93 car yep in the pits so he'll be serving the penalty here hasn't done it so far but again they went straight in with the fuel [Music] maybe they'll do it afterwards Kobayashi's stretched the lead out on Fernando Alonso to 49 seconds now a bear she's slightly eating away of three-second Wow difference in lap time on this particular lap that's going to be terrific yeah 49 and a half seconds now remember Fernando is 40 42 seconds behind when he started his doom so it's to be still not super happy with the number eight car you know looking at the top speed on that particular lap there though there was a tiny 11 km/h cookers for Kobayashi so I think there's a little bit of a toy effect on that one quick in the middle sector there's no police back out onto the circuit and he's definitely served his penalty at one minute 17 seconds and stuff dropped him down to 7th position behind the Aston Martin of Sorenson number 95 there's Bommarito in the 67 fort sitting now in third place he's 21 seconds off the leader Magnus and so he had a bit of a head of steam at the beginning of the stint but it's kind of struggled a little bit or they've dropped back in certainly in comparison to the Corvette but I'll have to be honest I think the Corvette is this speed of the field at the moment do you think that no I don't think so no the Ford was coming on strong at the end of the scales was they let's say you know I think it Epson floors a little bit through here in here who's got a oh my goodness hold on hold on o-69 big spin big spin that's Richard Westbrook at the wheel goes to the inside thought the car was going to give him the space it didn't Thomas fuller at the wheel of the spirits of race car slide he squeezed him at the apex probably didn't see him Westy was taking a avoiding action yeah lost six seconds only in that first sector so a pretty good recovery I'm sure it's going to be a I would see a teeth rattling right through the rest of the spin with a slightly flat spotted tires full course yellow is coming up in now don't know what this is for but the circuit is under full course yellow everybody down to 80 km/h as the 20 LM p2 Matthias passionately hit the United Auto Sports lmp2 a Paul di Resta up the back side as they both slowed down into our - excited debris debris hiccup now that's a bit of Tyre Lee yeah that is a lot of tire and fine that's a lot of debris Porsche curves what's happened here we go oh yeah I was jumbled racing entry and lost the right rear on hill these tires when they go like that they do a horrendous amount of damage now to the bodywork the driver really has to go much slower than he thinks and Nick DeFelice at the wheel of that one he came through we didn't see where he's picked up that puncture on the right rear it's not the most lauded tire because that is the left rear round here however saying that it still got quite a high lot of load especially if it is at high speed so especially in the poor neck services yeah we've done that it is but I think this tyre Jim has probably failed earlier on and he's just started to delaminate itself so everybody basically the pause button is we've got some nice little slow-mo reactions and reflections in the pit lane think think [Music] for those of you asking you see on that seat there was like a white mesh and that just loads the airflow to come up through the back of the seat which cools the back of the driver a little bit it's actually quite refreshing for about 10 seconds until you're up to speed and you're not to sweat levels like young Magnuson taking this opportunity while the FIR of course caution is out to come into the pits just for a top-up yeah that was wood that convened the emergency service because no I don't think so let me just check when he was lasting I was he was he wasn't on the fuel for very long at all no affording I think that's just a top-up okay making making use of top of your tank while see all the other cars are only going very slowly Thomas is now so it's almost a free pit stop yeah I just wasn't sure I said it that way because frankly I wasn't sure the pits go I think it I think it actually is that emergency service here's collado coming into the pits as well because I think the pits are closed when there's a full course caution let's see what they do here yeah it is it's a top up because they had done 14 laps on the stint Jamie both of the the cars there so this could be very fortunate for Bomarito who's been able to stay out there and he's popped up self up into second now it goes green first time for that whole course caution for the 63 it's entry is no one they leave the pit exit open under full course yellow but the pit entry is actually closed unless you do require an emergency an emergency is one tire or five seconds worth of fuel and then you have to come back in and fill again under full green that's unfortunate isn't it just the luck of the draw you're on your last lap you were coming in yep and a full-course yellow comes out this has been a switcher position there because these were the no I apologize Paul duress has actually pulled away from the car that Matthias peshwa - oh he's battling with Stefan Riquelme in the 38 Jackie Chan DC racing Orica up ahead of him says Orica versus Lee Ji a battle there and it's also Michelin versus Dunlop Scotsman versus Monegasque Duncan Vinson is now taken over the pit bike when he's moved to the number 93 pit dr. Earl Bamber Duncan welcome to the show and that was that 93 cars coming off a 10-second penalty yeah we've got el bumper here at first of all you're enjoying the races there look at their timing ski but the temperatures just suddenly go right off it's very warm state now the whens himself anything you guys are going to take into consideration no I mean generative being a bit good better in there warmer conditions so it suited us right now we always knew it'd be a hot day it's quite difficult at the moment to do the double stints as well for everybody so it's a bit of a mix-up entire cycles now we're on our first double so let's see how that goes when will we see you jumping into the car now I go in next so maybe 10 11 laps okay oh Ned TF sport car there's going very slowly in their lifetime say Jimmy yeah didn't see why I didn't see any punch or anything it was coming down from Mulsanne through the kinks as we know ride on board with a Ford Porsche that's all with the finale behind that's like 50 years ago in 1969 with the gap at the end of the race was 120 metres in two seconds Jacky Ickx taking the victory for Ford gt40 over the Porsche denying Porsche the first ever victory Mahan's Herman at the wheel we saw the 69-42 in the pre-race jacky ickx and Jackie Oliver was driving looking splendid in the car livery nice beautiful soul sleek lightens everything else but this Ford GT as well I've gotta say does look nice I faster you Whitney look look now you can see through the car you know it's phenomenal how it was designed and I would say there that the Porsche behind is trying to look through the car look to see how he's going to get past that car but the Ferrari know of it a little sniff on the outside there's a 17th and 9th [Music] some birds in the Ferrari Richard Leitz in the Porsche looking up ahead at joy hands in the fort and coming up behind them is Oliver Gavin nope Tommy Milner now in the number 64 car so the Ferraris trying to sneak a toe off there off the fort now now the porch gets it now it's back to the Ferrari that's round the outside and yeah we got it done I know Samberg quite well and he's never afraid of an overtaking opportunity so that's Indianapolis complete now we'll see if Leeds can get him back at or nagi cannot coming up on to that TF sport car that's still going slow in the Porsche curves so they'll be trying to spot where they can get ahead of that car and the Porsche curves honestly are probably the worst place you can come across a car going slow because the speed differential is so huge and it's very very narrow there Scott Dixon going out the pit lane I think that's Westies car no yes probably Westbrook had to pit because of those tires from this spin Wow Gaston's have fallen away and they considering where the 95 car was the pole position car in the class is now sitting down in 13th place with Sorenson at the wheel and Lin in 16th leads got the on middle section Porsche curves all wrong ended up with 4 wheels all the way off the racetrack and lost about a car lengths on to the Ferrari say about sorry just coming back to nicotine an average of two stints was three minutes fifty two point seven Sorensen's average on hazel a stent there's a 350 for two seconds slower when team so I'd say that most of it has come from there but why don't know [Music] this battle is now spread out a little bit but they're about to come up on the it's like the car guys Ferrari in front of them as they head onto the Mulsanne straightaway that's a good spot to catch him they can make work of him before they get to the first chicane [Music] and a pig never ceases to amaze me those closing speeds [Music] was that the hardest part of dealing with the traffic was the closing speeds this is replayable marito leaving and the TF spork whoa TF sport car coming in to the pits it was the one that was running slowly on circuits [Music] close call the hardest part for me where the traffic was basically when you had cars that were on so at this point of the race was generally quite good because you had I would say more than lead in more experienced drivers in the car when we got local time 7 o'clock at night and then they were running through the less experienced drivers in prior to getting to night time in darkness then that's where you had to be careful because they were 100% capacity just basically getting up to speed with a circuit and not really necessarily totally globally aware of what was that about 30 seconds stop and go penalty now for the number 20 high-class racing Matthias Besh behind the wheel of that car seventh place in the lmp2 category and that 30 second stop and go will be for speeding under the full course yellow we saw him he was said the driver of the closed right up and pulled the rest as they came locked up the rear and nearly hit the rest in the bank and so possibly it came from that point here's the Ferrari popping back into the pits this is Colorado Saudi pure GD apologies in the 51 it's no comfort zone to the speed leading limit line we just you just saw him throwing it into the lush again now as he comes in of course this the pit lane speed limit doesn't start until the 60 board and there's there's time to be gained there you know you can lose one or two seconds compared to Europe and if it's every stop it's something that they practice on the Wednesday and the Thursday to maximize everything it's gonna add up the sixty-three with John Magnussen behind the wheel is still out on the racetrack he'll real to retake the lead here of course it takes these GT cars 35 seconds to fuel so they are imperative to get driver changes brake changes tire changes anything they're gonna do to the car done in that 35 seconds as Magnussen goes by you see that well retake the lead you see them cleaning everything you can see on the windscreen there the little green tabs in the top right-hand corner there basically I'm tear off we call them it's a film of plastic which they stick on to the wind screens and every couple of hours or so they'll rip one off so the drivers have a clear view Magnusson back out front still waiting for now Calado do driver change he has come out and he's also lost second position to Bommarito so Jonathan Bomarito in the red and white number 67 Ford his second Patrick fleet Pillai has taken over third as collado has dropped all the way to fourth with that pit stop at 67 Ford has been up and down the order started second looked like he was going to be leading at the end of the first lap dropped down to fifth and six back up to second down to third but it's hanging in the game and it is it's 12 seconds behind the lead car is we've got Magnussen breaking down into the first chicane but 12 second Bynes are probably coming out after we down this straight from Terry rouges Bomarito [Music] it's like the front of that we're vet doesn't want to turn in well not speed Yun's cutting into the corner probably doesn't think if you were the front tires you'd be screaming as well I don't think that really bothers young magnets too much there's the Toyota just coming past that leaked second-place Toyota Fernando Alonso at the wheel just behind Magnussen coming through the second chicane Fernando's dropped to over one minute behind Kobayashi Coby actually 63 seconds of the road man in the last well six seven laps since the lot final pit stop since both of these drivers took over Kobayashi has been one second per lap faster pit stop for the car number 67 that's the fourth we've been talking about Jonathan Bomarito is under investigation I'll presume that's if it's under investigation would be an unsafe release yes which is what yeah but I think in that respect it was the case of car being released but not necessarily viewing that the t sport car was going to turn in across its nose towards its own pit box let's head down to Duncan who's got Richard Westbrook love read Richard I didn't see it myself to spend by Harold McNish making squeaky noises it sounded like quite a big movement you had it there yeah I was making a fee noises as well yeah just came into the cake and the cheated the Ferrari GT I'm obviously in CV and I could see the closing and yeah I got on the brakes and lost the car but managed to keep out of all the cash beam carry you you and up and down the top sectional it looked that you're gonna leave the end of the first lap but now you're dropping back down and I take everything's okay it's just GTE Pro so here it goes yeah we're all on different tire strategies we change tires after the first in because we wore them out change to a different compound and now we're back in the mix but if we were going south for the first thing that's for sure but it's really tough out there it's really dependent on the conditions tired you know and you gain once then and then you lose the other depending on who's where you are with the double staying on the ties so it's really difficult you know difficult to follow to see who's got an advantage at the moment because when you put on you tires you go to the foot to the front but when you're on the second a second setting it's ours falling back so and everyone's on a different strategy so yeah difficult times right now did you notice that when you started just then there's a lot of cloud cover and then towards the end of it the Sun come out to direct the car no not at all actually you know you're in the trees a lot of the time so you know there's plenty of cloud cover on the track there so knows there's not not really an issue thanks your team but I choose interesting listening to Westie days he's what he's the position there is yeah this is this is a change of position this is 4th and 3rd exalted shoves his way past Gonzales that's a that's a pretty aggressive move not unfair of an aggressive go west west Westbrook was talking about they they stopped at the first stop because they ran out of tire but he said he also changed compound yep so different compounds can have different effects in the weather it's more temperature related I think maybe they split the strategies and they weren't happy with the car so they've switched the compound and now he seems are they're happy with it unfortunate about his spin to be interesting to see what happens to that car now
Channel: 24 Heures du Mans
Views: 74,090
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 24h du Mans, 24 Heures du Mans, Gibson, ford, racing, 24 hours of Le Mans, Le Mans, toyota, corvette, ferrari, FIA World Endurance Championship, endurance, 24 Hours of Le Mans, FIA WEC, ACO, oreca, #WEC, Automobile Club de l'Ouest, WEC, Aston Martin, race, porsche, motorsport, replay, ligier, #LeMans24, 2019, Le Mans 24 Hours
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 0sec (3600 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 08 2019
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