2017 24 Hours of Le Mans - Race Start - REPLAY

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[Music] [Music] the LeMond 24-hour race the sports car race everyone wants to win so much history so many motions over the years since 1923 motor racing legends have been made here at the Circuit de la Sarthe in France outtie Bentley Jaguar have all won this race it's part of the 2017 World Endurance Championship nine rounds this being the big 24 hour race with double points available for the LeMond 24 hours here in 2017 it's Porsche who come here to Livan in 2017 as the reigning champions having won the past two races here last year taking the lead just three minutes of the race remaining when they took that lead and then the victory from Toyota Toyota they fought hard battled so hard to win the LeMond 24 hours but they have smashed the lap record in qualifying to take this year's pole position with a stunning lap record is this the year is this the time for Toyota in front of a record crowd Ford they are on the bounce as well they won here last year with the debut of their Ford GT but here is the trophy that Porsche won last year coming back down the grid they took it back to Germany for the 18th time 12 months ago will it be a 19th time come the end of this race in just over 24 hours time just 30 minutes before the start of the 2017 LeMond 24-hours my name is Toby moody I've got a three time LeMond winner alongside me and a world sportscar champion Alain McNish the weather conditions are perfect the is on between Toyota and Porsche for the outright victory it doesn't really get much better than this it certainly doesn't right no looking out and it all the fans the grandstands are completely full the grid lines full and the adrenaline is flowing through everybody's veins mine included I've got to be honest with you Toby but I think we're set up for an absolutely fantastic but titanic battle all the way through this 24-hour race here you can see the circuit three big sectors run towards tetra rouge which is the first sector that's a lot of corners then the big long straights all the way down the Mulsanne straight to Mulsanne corner and then back towards Indianapolis and Arnage and then finally through the famous Porsche curves and as you can see there the beautiful Porsche 911 as they put that trophy back on to this time know if Porsche win this race they'll have won three of these on the bones that means they take that trophy back to vie sack just south of Stuttgart and keep it there forever well the race really is on as the big bosses are there to hand that trophy back to neutrality for 24 24 24 hours as the two Porsche crews look on Neil yarny Andre Lotterer and Nick candy Timo Bernhard Earl Bamber Brendon Hartley in the number one and the number two cars on the grid as we now get closer and closer to the start of this race the tension is rising minute by minute four classes of course in the Lamont 24 hours LM p1 LM p2 with a bumper entry GTE Pro and GTE AM making a total of sixty cars on the grid for this 85th running of the Lamont 24-hour race they're all lined up they're waiting for the national anthem in fact they're waiting for the national flag of France to arrive with the French army that is going to be coming in in one of their latest helicopters ready for that flag to be waved to start this race what's going through a drivers mind at this point Allan McNish with 25 minutes remaining before go well every time I was in this position it was pure and simple concentration there was a lot of butterflies in my stomach I just wanted to get it on with it now you know you've done all your preparation you've done all the endurance tests away from this circuit in the quiet of just you and your team on one circuit and then suddenly you come here and it's building up and the tensions building up and you can see there the poor position when a community could be actually who delivered an amazing pool position quicker than anyone else has ever achieved around this circuit on Thursday night no for him they just want to get on with it because they want to get on with the action something they've been training for and waiting for for a year especially Toyota after the heartache of losing on the last lap in 2016 yes you and I were together just last year we could not believe what was happening in front of our eyes I'd indeed and indeed could most of the motorsport and sporting world as they looked on cruel that is obviously the word that springs to mind but yes indeed now then as I said there are four different classes this is the first of the classes that we're going to focus on it's the GTE AM class this is the number 77 Dempsey proton competition Porsche 911 four liter flat six engine in the back of this car with Christian Reed Marvin dent and Matteo Kai Rowley they are starting fourth on the grid in GTE AM as the army gets ever closer with that that came and helicopter here is the ferrari scuderia Corsa 488 GTE 3.9 liter turbo v8 in the back of that that has got Bill sweedler Cooper McNeill and Townsend Bell at the wheel they won here last year Townsend Bell winner of his class at Daytona Sebring and Lamont they won the Imps a championship two years ago that is a car to keep an eye on and they're very happy of the Americans with the whole feel and set up with that 488 Ferrari over the four five eight that they won the class with here 12 months ago so they will be starting third from the grid in GTE AM second on the grid is the number 98 Aston Martin for a half liter v8 in the back of that 5.5 liter v8 in the front of that should I say Freudian slip portal Ilana petrol army and Mattias louder driving that Aston Martin nearly to the pole position but in the end they were just picked with a few moments to go in qualifying that pole position in GTE AM was taken by the l'arbre competition Corvettes with the art car Fernando Rees brand Ella and Phillip on at the wheel Fernando Rees going very quickly in that and indeed returning from Aston Martin into the Corvette for 2017 gonna have to keep an eye on him you certainly won't miss the color scheme [Music] [Music] haha [Music] what a resounding rendition of the Marseillaise here at LeMond as we've now got 21 minutes remaining before the start of the 2017 LeMond 24 hours here at the Circuit de la Sarthe the French army about to drop in with the French trickle or the French army with this radical caiman helicopter they're going to drop out right in front of our commentary position and they are going to deliver the flag from the helicopter normally based in valence towards the South of France and it's great to see them dropping in here we go a live camera onboard the helico and as they come down to Terra Firma what a sight to see thumbs up from everybody on the floor and what an entrance what an entrance that this flag is about to take as we are about a hundred metres up in the sky kicking up the dust with the wash from underneath those huge rotors but after a fantastic Marseillaise the national anthem of France French army just dropping in with this flag superb stuff under perfect blue skies it is absolutely scorching here in France temperatures into the early thirty degrees Celsius for most of the week for practice for qualifying for the set up there yesterday it's going to be a very very hot weekend for the 180 drivers that are in this race and the near quarter of a million fans who are lining this circuit and what a view from the underside of that helicopter and he makes his way up towards that non locker cane and down towards Ted Rouge fantastic so we've seen the first of our four classes on the grid here the GTE AM class it's really a class for cars that are a year old in the GTE class now we're going to move on in a few moments of time and catch up with the GTE Pro Class Alan one of the most hotly contested classes in the entire world endurance championship it certainly is you've got some big-name manufacturers in the Aston Martin Ferrari Ford Corvette and Porsche all fighting it out and I tell you they're going to be absolutely fighting it so because it was probably the closest in terms of the time difference between each manufacturer there and I think you've got 12 cars that could win this particular battle well 12 cars towards the end of qualifying over a near four-minute lap were covered by just over a second and a half I mean it was just fantastic here you have the board this is the GTE Pro Class winners here in 66 winners here last year yeah and they've got AJ Foyt 2-1 in 1967 in the Ford GT and he's here to cheer them on I think is the first time he's been back since 1967 I won it in 66 67 68 69 can history repeat itself again and there we've got John Todd PFE opf eons ahead of the ACO and there's chase Kerry the head of Formula One the chairman and CEO and then Mark Webber to the right-hand side of him and he is the Grand Marshal of the 2017 from all 24 hours brand-new Porsche 911 RSR for 2017 for liter flat six mounted in the back of this but the engine and gearbox up the other way around from years before this is a mid-engined not a rear engine 911 it's rapid it sounds wonderful can they win the class in a tremendously hotly contested class as the other guys are getting ready in their lmp1 and lmp2 cars will come to then in a few moments time and continues to build here in France it is it's a hot out there as we said before as you know see the Corvette is one thing that these cars are actually got air-conditioned inside them but just think the drivers have got helmet they've got the orbitals and if you've got air conditioner a lot of airflow it means that ultimately you've got less aerodynamic performance engineers thought like that so the drivers are going to have to work in this one Mark Webber multiple Formula One Grand Prix winner winner of the Monaco Grand Prix and former world sportscar champion with Porsche back in 2015 here's our Grand Marshal yet the Corvette eight times they have won their class here at them on last one here two years ago back in 2015 here is the number 95 Aston Martin third on the grids in the GTE Pro Class this has got Niki team Marco Sorenson and Kiwi Richie Stanaway at the wheel of this one this is the professional drivers only in this class and very very quick indeed has been have been all of those of those drivers in that GTE Pro Class they were third on the grid next up we're going to have quick glimpse of the number 51 Ferrari second the a of course of Ferrari that has got brick James Calado Italian Alessandro and Pierre Guidi and Italian makayley Rugal Oh in that car Lucas - grassy from Brazil was due to drive that car but he fractured his leg and so was unable there is a quick glimpse of thomas pesquet the french astronaut who landed back from the international space station just two weekends ago after spending six months in space sending the crowd a message from his recuperation his rehabilitation back here on planet earth this though is the pole position car this is the GD number 97 Aston Martin of Darren Turner Johnny Adam and Daniel Sarah Pro drive with Aston Martin getting back on top and making it to Aston Martin's in the three but GTE Pro and it's going to be dad and tunnel or take that start using the experience of Turner because this is the one time is that with a whole long 24 hour race to go you do need to start with someone with experience and it's going to be tunnel it takes it they're greedy is a new guy to Ferrari and he's going to be starting alongside them so expect the metal the grid now cleared little by little soon it'll just be the one driver sitting in the car and a couple of mechanics around him now we're going to get into catching up with the G the lmp2 cars of which there are 25 on the 60 car grid we've got four different chassis manufacturers this year but they're all using the 4.2 liter v8 Gibson engine as we catch up with the repeal of the Signet Eck Alpine the number 36 car winners here last year with Lapierre Menezes and raquel me quick cars they are this year they've really had the leash unleashed from them and they are very quick in a straight line these lmp2 cars in 2017 well they've got another hundred horsepower by regulations over last year which means they're doing three hundred and forty kilometres per hour on the straights which is about 207 208 miles per hour and their overall lap speeds would have put them in out right Paul position ten years ago here is the 12th position car on the grid this is the manner Gray's Hershey and Jeff John Eric fern former Formula one man who's really enjoying his time here in the World Endurance Championship I remind you this is the third round of a nine race world endurance championship but there's double points because it is the big one it is the 24 Hours of LeMans here is the number 13 rebellion Piquet Jr in that car with Hanuma Hansen and Matar spesh as the trophy goes to the podium who is going to take that trophy above their heads in 24 hours time here we have the sister rebellion in 10th position the number 31 car frost and center in the same car Nico Prost and Bruno Senna with Julian canal winners all three of them over the disciplines of motorsport that they have done to get here to LeMond Julian canal particularly here in LeMond moving on we go to the all new team for 2017 the Jackie Chan DC racing Orica this has got hope in Tong Thomas Laura and only Jarvis the man who finished second last year in the World Endurance Championship he was with Audi he won the last race last year outright without he in Bahrain but he is a very quick and experienced man to be in that lmp2 car he will be starting ninth on the grids' next up it is another manner it's the number 25 car this has got Gonzales trauma and Vitaly Petrov you've heard of him former f1 podium man in the past they will be starting from 8th position in this hugely competitive class as Mark Webber prepares himself to get in the car the pace car you know what that feelings like Allen yeah as grand emotions almost yeah but there's a grand marshal in 2014 the year after I retired it is an amazing feeling because you're used to just looking at your small little visor and the people ahead of you and the car ahead of you but when you're actually in the pace car you feel the energy in the intensity of the whole grid preparing for the start of the race quick clips there's the number 26 G Drive the car in seventh position his sixth place this is the first of the lmp1 cars this is the collars car Ali Wehbe Dominic cry hammer and Marco Bonanomi good to see him back here at LeMond the Italian who was so unlucky a couple of years ago retired out of the race caught up with someone else's accident when there was a downpour on the back straight now we see the first of the potential outright winners of this race it's the number nine Toyota this is Nico Lapierre Kuni moto and Jose Maria Lopez multiple world altering car champion who this is essentially the third Toyota so three Toyota's versus the two Porsches maybe that gonna give them that advantage that that extra advantage that they need Lapierre in the car he'll be starting he's super quick he is gonna be doing at least the first in maybe the first two with that Gazoo Racing Toyota chase carry standing in the middle of the grid waiting to give these guys their cue to start their engines here is the number two Porsche starting from fourth to second row on the grid it's got Timo Bernhard Earl Bamber and Brendon Hartley at the wheel Timo Bernhard he knows how to win here Earl Bamber he won here a couple of years ago but for Tandy oh sorry apologies for Hartley he still got to crack the Lamont 24-hour nut will this be his year Porsche number one Neil yarny Andre Lotterer and Nick Tandy in this Porsche nine one nine hybrid a car [Music] start your engine says Jay scary as we now can have a closer just ten minutes to go before the start of this year's LeMond second on the grid is the number 8 Toyota the leaders in the world championship they won the first two races who Amy Davidson and Nakajima they won at Silverstone they won at Spa but for Toyota can they win the LeMond 24-hours can they finally do only one of the Japanese manufacturer has done it before and that was Mazda in 91 but the Toyota on pole position is Conway Sarah's on and Kobayashi who set an absolute track record to put his car on pole position here for the 2017 the loss 24 hours la patrie de France come over our heads with a spectacular flyby that pole position that Kobayashi did in qualifying some 2.1 seconds faster than the previous lap record the highest average speed ever allan mcnish faster than when the ball psalm straight had no she canes it was three miles long and some other corners were quicker quite stunning it was an absolutely stunning lap as you said delivered at exactly the right time an average of two hundred and fifty two kilometres for our 157 miles an hour with top speed well over 200 miles per hour 320 kilometres per but I have to say the thing about it was he had one opportunity one clear lap and he delivered it delivered him so well it actually sent a bit of a short wave I would have said I learned about the whole place including the Porsche garage because I'm pretty sure they immediately knew then they could not respond the conditions were perfect for him there was a tail went down the Mulsanne straight therefore there was a headwind but the Porsche curves when he needed the maximum amount of downforce yeah but he delivered that that's the thing about this place is you don't always get the opportunity of your perfect conditions but when they do come around and they come around maybe one seventy two or three years you have to take it for Kobayashi he delivered last year it was such a bitter disappointment for the Toyota team also for Kobe actually because he spun out when he was fighting for the leaf and so therefore the wizard may be a little bit of kobayashi getting his own bike on the circuit of the hall as chase Kerry prepares to wave the flag to start this race Toby moody Allan McNish and Peter the French up here in the commentary position PETA another LeMond 24-hour expert surberg ring 24-hour class winner multiple champion Macau f3 winner from over his years in racing you're not racing here today Peter but wow what an atmosphere we have got here today in France yeah definitely um you know the thing is for me arriving here it's like half of me wants to be out there because it's such a big greater than there's a lot of stress on the drivers you know there as Alan said you know there's stomachs and not it started to release now I don't think I think it going as a car start moving everyone is no thinking it's the recent finally starting they've been here for a week the teams have actually been here for two weeks from the test before so it's finally this 24 hour race is getting started and as a driver is this is the moment that you're waiting for of course the third driver in the car it's still got another with depending on how many since they do it could be another four or five hours until they actually get into the car but for the start driver finally they're getting going the pressure of the season arguably Alan the pressure of the season about to be related it's not arguably its fact you know this is the pinnacle of the sports car season it's like Monaco Grand Prix in Formula One or the Indianapolis 500 in the Indy Car Championship out in the state it's one of the top three the Triple Crown and there's only one driver ever being able to achieve all of those three victories being Damon Hills father Graham Hill in the 60s and right now you're in a position where you've got your whole hear your whole season depends on the next 24 hours you don't know how you're going to end up you know that it's going to be tough you know that things are going to come out of the that you just don't expect you're going to have to recover but that is part of the myth and the mystique of limo the hitting as you say 210 211 miles an hour three nearly four times a lap here around this eight point five mile thirteen point six kilometer long circuit it's utilizing some of the public roads that you can see here here is the second chicane on the Mulsanne straight these are this is a quick photo race it is but that's one of the things about it is partly and mostly on public roads so you get the traffic that's been driving up and down the old unit it's only suddenly when the practice session is on qualifying and then the race that becomes an actual racing circuit so the trucks are usually open Tanya that means that the road there's a little bit bumpy it means it's not in ideal conditions it means that it when it rains you get little rivers and floods not going to be today or tomorrow that's for sure but it has got its own little character the circuit is a living creature they are coming down the Mulsanne straight towards the Mulsanne corner about the furthest point away from the pits and paddock area where there is not a seat left in the house that is empty people coming from not only all over Europe met some fans who come from New Zealand this morning which is about as far away from them on as you could possibly get there you have them on the banks on the side of the of the Mulsanne corner the g-drive guys they know how to win a World Endurance Championship in lmp2 they did that a couple of years ago the Jota sport guys they know how to win the pond they've done that with the mighty 38 chassis that was so loyal and successful to them over the years as we run aboard with the signa tech alveen the number 36 car do masked menaces and man now the car that essentially won the class here 12 months ago this is at the point when you're starting to try to build up the tire pressures and keep the temperatures into them in the hybrid class in lmp1 you're making sure that your hybrid system and the battery is fully charged so that when the flag is lifted in a couple of minutes plane then you've got all of your over 1,000 horsepower to accelerate off towards the start and finish street [Music] normal petrol engine in the Toyota likewise the Porsche the Porsche has a 2-liter v4 turbocharged petrol engine pushing out just over 400 horsepower but the electric motors the electric path of the Porsche giving another 500 horsepower it's four-wheel drive as is the Toyota that has a v6 turbocharged engine that has some 1,000 horsepower you racing drivers you get used to power but when you drive these things you you have a smile on your face they just take off out the corner like you wouldn't believe they're probably one of the quickest things on the planet in terms of acceleration and right now they're like caged animals in a respect because they're not there's nothing to go their speed but not designed to do warming up watch the designs re and so year they're preparing them and keeping them with drivers the same situation you know when you come round and you see the flag lifting up and the races on that's your natural environment through Indianapolis on the right hand side of your screen then through the 90-degree right-hander Arnage then another flat out drag up towards the mighty Porsche curves the car stuck to the ground with the sheer amount of our force there's six times LeMond winner jacky ickx who's here there's Anthony Davidson with the pick Toyota bigwig alongside him the pressure is on are they the favourite Allen is the reef Averett the can't be a favourite it's L'Amour it is L'Amour but I think certainly from Oh probably back crowd favourite after what happened last year I don't think there was a dry eye in the whole place to the bitter disappointment they had they delivered with a poor position they've got the speed they've got the car but they've got 24 hours ahead of them but they've got three cars compared with Porsches - so what can Mike Conway do the number 7 car he starting the pole car I remind you an absolute track record set by Kobayashi a three minutes 14 point something the track record during the race is a three seventeen point four that was that two years ago by Andre Lotterer we certainly expect that to tumble in this race I think you can sense anticipation in that Toyota guard äj-- you know these were the guys that are trying in pain last year as Toyota son himself they're supporting his team he's the guy that after the 2016 disappointment said we are coming back total commitment three cars is part four that they've historically all they run with two no mistakes this time they want to take the trophy home to Japan for the first time ever as I drove for them in 1999 I saw how much evening to join win this race woman Farkas human grid formation I need the leaders of p1 p2 and GTS to start the human race formation thank you gentlemen no preparing coming down - bye - Elena stone the lead car will pull off just as they come through the final Ford chicane see they're doing about 20 kilometres per hour notes all be down to that final chicane look at the heat haze what a classic LeMond shops as we prepare 60 cars for the 85th running of the Lamont 24 hours the Grand Prix don't you're all about to get underway arguably the most famous motor race in the world Mark Weber former world sportscar champion pulls off in the pace car two Toyota's on the front row two Porsches on the second row they're held under starter's orders and it's green and we are go for 2017 the Toyotas creak ahead of the start it is a Toyota 1 & 2 Mike Conway in the number 7 cars lead they go to the Dunlop chicane for the very first time the Porsche number 1 of Neil yarny tries to look and see if he can get through the third Toyota hasn't had a great start as the lmp2 cars streamed through already the leading Toyota of Mike Conway has half a dozen Carling he disappeared Neil Yanni's jumped into second place ahead of Sebastien Buemi in the second so you're to be your right it's lapier they stopped behind Ali Wehbe in the third was also card number 49 drops straight into the pits and in fact that college car that was in says positions going slowly the front books of this drop down the noses drop down and he's pulling to the side in the rest of the LM p2 s are streaming past them and that could be a puncture on the left front as well that's the only web in the gray and yellow flash deliberate collars car the LM p2 cards look at the battling look at the battling only job it leads into the verge again there is the collars car it's in trouble but knows has been updating a leader Conway of the key building to a speed of over 210 miles an hour as he goes down the middle part of the Mulsanne straight he's gone through the first chicane now towards the left right left Akane which is the michelin chicane we're on board with the Cygnus X alppain that's number 36 he is trying to go around the outside in the middle of the pack up one of the SMP racing cars mid pack a lot of work to do that for the number 36 Jarvis jumped into the lead in that respect in lmp2 which is a very strong one because they think in long runs through the course of this race they're looking very good to be in the lead at this point is where they need to be I caught way into the hole side corner band in the green flag being shown nothing in front of him he's got a great clear run Neil Johnny the Swiss driver with a number one Porsche right behind him look at that look at the technology in those five cars look at the speed as we thoroughly tower to Indianapolis it ain't going to get any better Lamont like this we're going to have a few more hours of this and good Toby as they're coming down flat oh and can we sort of check nodes a little bit at the moment I don't think that's a particularly because Porsche were actually working their tires a little bit differently they were taking a little bit more cautiously on the out laps or I think this is just murky essentially no than lap one right now look back from the second place Porsche of Neil Johnny the camera on the shark fin of the rear of that car looking back and operate the way me and then team a ban had in the number two Porsche he's in fourth position at the moment into the Porsche curves for the first time competitively in 2017 very quick coming through here you also the cut circuit schemes they did a warm up this morning so no they'll be trying to find out where the grip is but obviously with enough confidence the fact they were absolutely plateau through the double left-handers that's a 270 km/h and then no coming through the Porsche guards you can see there Brendon Hartley and Nick Tandy just over there little chat about it but so right now con we sort of take it a little bit of a break Yanni's still able to hold Queen easily on to second place affirming the first lap completed by Toyota the winners last year did 384 laps around this 8 and a half mile circuit here in France there is the leading GTE Pro Ferrari down under via greedy ahead of Darren Turner and Nikki team in their absence margins respectively the lady for the moment is in 4th place in class the number 69 Richard Westbrook at the wheel in GTE AM it's Fernando Rees in the art car leading petrol army and Cairo Lee in the Dempsey Porsche now in in talk about Ferrari pure greedy a young guy young charged indefinitely charged to the floods down tunnel and alder hand in the Aston Martin sitting there in second the fourth is pretty close up it is actually up into third place Westbrook has now overtaken boy hasn't sorry - it's actually still in fourth with Nikki team in third and so right now it's sort of settles down there but there's a stream of cars just running through in front of us volatility well the leading Toyota a Porsche may well have strict right to the distance but do not underestimate the speed of these GTE cars in both of the classes for the logical in 2017 car or 2016 car in the amp class these are still very very quick rate because they are linear so know the caller's car just in front of us sorry to not cover your skin Bertha is actually just coming into the pits and that was the car we saw it like one that took fourth position but then had a problem with the front split of the car mates no coming don't you see the right-hand edge bouncing up and down and that was a disappointment for them but ultimately they've had a bit of a difficult sort of weekend yeah they've got the three liter and this and v6 mounted in the back of that that we used to be in the listen lmp1 car but without an engine change as you say here overnight ball some body work that's Ocean City leads better damage rather the head and that looks like it could have gone 9 and 2 car that was very close with the four of the colors so it looks like the Toyota of Lapierre and also as you can see Toyotas on himself the Toyota flappy Aaron the chorus part maybe had a bit of a collision so now the story unravels doesn't it they have you GTE Pro battle here is the colors into the pits old nose off new nose going on the mounting points shouldn't have been damaged and they'll get that thing sorted and then it'll be on its way it's not a quick nose change this I'm sure if there's a little bit of extra damage as well and Nikki team has overtaken so no we're looking at the LMP a Sunday the GTE battle nikki team has jumped Darren Turner so dad into another poor position man there's no drop down to third place still the Ferrari of pure DD that is leading in that category up the front thought you've got Conway who's no two and a half seconds away from the Porsche of Neil Yanni and then when he and the sister Toyota is another father second behind and then Timo Bernhard in the fourth car there with Lapierre a little bit further back Lapierre with some damage on the front and the Luiz in the pit lane is telling us that the Toyota are getting prepared for the potential stop and the other thing about that Toyota that was damaged is I think there was a light out Alan and if you don't have all of your lights illuminated then you have to come in let's see what happens maybe it's just the angle of the camera I think it was actually below the light that it had to hit it was on the bodywork and it was on the right hand side and so I'd say it was below the light there in this respect it's daylight it's not as if it's actually I need the lights too much as but it's the wrong lickable at night and so there but Mike Conway has just put in 8 3 18 9 3 2 the fastest lap of the race so far just to stretch his leap to two and a half seconds and when he david turn looks on he will be getting into the number 8 car soon he's currently in third position with Sebastien Buemi in here is lmp2 Oh Lee Jarvis lead lmp2 ahead of Bruno Senna ahead of Vitaly Petrov a Piquet Jr what the lineup that generic burn then even well colored Wow what depth of field they have got in lmp2 the organizers of this race the organizers of the world enduro champion got the lmp2 rules absolutely spot-on as we ride in 3rd position with Sebastien Buemi getting ever ever ever ever closer to Neil giardi who is the leading Porsche at present in second position because Conway is two and a half seconds up the road in the number seven Toyota 3 Toyotas who Porsches yeah he's in the slipstream no as they starts to come up over the hill towards the Mulsanne corner sort of look at he's not really going to have an attack in here what he's got to try and do is boost the hybrid energy coming out and he's got a nice clean run out of it but you can see the Porsche is actually very very quick off the corner and no they've got the long run don't Indianapolis which the overtaking been down a place you need the help and assistance of the car ahead he gets it in the middle of the road and so you thought actually very much of the Royal development with it on board with blue Amy wants four into the right-hander and Indianapolis through the left but a banking helping you through there before then into the slowest corner of this racetrack on our it goes least to me that's where me does have the legs on a number one but he seems to remember back to the first story it got a bit squirrely through the corner itself the rear end got loose and nuts when Yanni was able to jump him so maybe just didn't get tires up the temperature quick enough and yannis was able to jump ahead and he's able to stay there so it's interesting there's speed of these two cars on the streets themselves are very similar well the interesting thing for me is if I looked at the qualifying pizza it was actually when it was hotter the Porsche looks a little bit more competitive so that Toyota is able to stretch its advantage at the moment and they're a definitely in very good shape but very early days in that respect I think when we're getting to the second stint of the race that's what we're going to see how the temperature of the tire degradation of affecting the different performances you know I'll try a bit though and when we do have these cars coming in for the first time it's the first sensor they're going to stop for the first after the first thing and they'll be stationary for a little well the cars themselves get very hot at that time and we'll get the first signs of whether there be any issues throughout the grip really I forget the Heat's off coming into the pit so now is what on board they're in lmp2 battle or six late for the Jackie Chan DK racing car does it comes thrown in towards jumping in towards the four chicane posting right in front of our commentary box as we see the flick left right over the curbs accelerate out over the start/finish straight back though with GTE Pro look at him first second third fourth bit it's as quick as that Niki team now taken the lead ahead of the Ferrari of PA Queenie and also the Aston and Darren Turner that's the Bratislava car 49 the leash EA that's had a spinner the first chicane down the back straight on the way out so on now the lmp1 cars are lapping of the car so that's first second third Aston Aston Ferrari Ford in GTE Pro that's the leaderboard is the number 69 car and it's got Brit Richard Westbrook at the wheel he'll be sharing with Robb Briscoe and Scott Dixon yeah you said about traffic in lmp1 cars that's the opportunity for Sebastien Buemi maybe to get a bit of a run on second place Porsche of Neil yani you use the traffic to your advantage and try and compromise the guide that your racing wheel to wheel for position with but right now those two Aston Martin's even although they never got the jump at the beginning since I've got the leg no this that into the straight only son 12 minutes but we've got themselves back up into first and second of course Aston Martin are the only manufacturer and GT Pro that running Dunlop tires the restaurant Michelin and I think the feeling is that perhaps and in the heat of the day and the hot temperatures the Dunlop power might be a little bit stronger than the Michelin it's also that point of how much you want to stress and rate at the beginning talking about stress then Sebastien Burmese benefit stress on Neal Yanni as the no running stone in towards Indian I was fairly fairly quick right-hander use it to recuperate hybrid energy liftoff let the car roll through it takes the kinetic energy from the front axle stores at the battery and then notice they come out of the slowest corner Arnage then they deliver that harnessed energy into extra acceleration through the front wheels now down towards the Porsche curves the helicopter cannot keep up cannot keep up with these cars 210 plus miles an hour and then wow what a sight to see these cars through these corners similar to maggots Beckett's at Silverstone I stood on the right-hand side of that shot for the first part are qualified just as Kobe actually was about to deliver his poor position lap I tell you what it makes take your breath away the energy intensity their vibration everything as the thunder posture is absolutely sensational out on the break though into the porch again as they are coming up to complete their poor lap this o is the ever tight GTE Pro battle still it is nicotine leading from Darren Turner Aston one two Ferrari in third Ford then in fourth and we have the Corvette Garcia in fifth place in all this talk of the Bo P balance of performance with these cars of course we know that they're all AC or are trying to balance these cars out for the whole championship and look at them all Linus down so it kind of the first the first indications are that they've got it right you know it seems and they say anyone's game at the moment the people who are missing from what I said in that top farmer Porsche at the moment Kevin Astra is the leading Porsche and GT Pro at the moment in the number 92 Porsche it's got the white Sun band and the predominantly white route that you can see in the distance there through the heat haze as they come out of bowls are as we ride on board with the leader of GTE Pro the Dane Niki team back though with the Fords this has got Richard Westbrook very different engine note of course with that turbocharged v6 with the Ford compared with a big bang a 5 and a half litre v8 with the Aston Martin that are pulling away relatively speaking now they are that's the one thing is all of this category they've got very different engine concepts and you hear it as well as sort of the sound and the acoustics of it they're very very identifiable even just it's shocking your eyes you know which cars coming fast Porsche in my opinion it funds the best best sounding car here . in my opinion mr. Bruck sir your opinion why i said ii agree with that yes yes they do sound very good but they're not leading the race i know i stood my hahahaha and if you're a driver you don't care what they sound like do you lmp2 is led by halle jarvis at the moment with the DC rating jackie chan car this is the battle though for six position six position as we're back to the battle at the front and you can see Conway just stretch and he's lead only by a tenth of a second per lap at this moment in claim over Yanni and Bernie and beware me stuck behind Iike when II can't actually do very much about Neal Yanni he's quicker but he can't he's not quick enough so he's gonna have to wait until they get to the back of the GTE AM battle and then maybe try and use traffic to help himself through here's the continuation of that battle with the number 35 Ramsey OTG the out pain he's got up to sixth position as we speak so he's in the blue alpide we come back onboard with the number 37 it says Thomas gommendy first year racing in the Fulham on 24 hours after he won the Michigan Road to the Mont race here 12 months ago trying to go to while trying to go 3 why it's going to be a bit tight as they go into both out there yeah it is an colos dropped by a couple of places and no he's dropped back three places as well as he's got a little bit wide at Mull sign and that's less rusinov so come past in the g-drive car so there's been all change in the position they're fighting for 6th 7th 8th in lmp2 a manuel collards over 20 races that he's done here at the monitor at the 22 races he's even with their young Lamar so they're the two most experienced drivers here I guess Cole art was going to do the race Lamas thought oh no we're not having that you're not moving ahead of me in ranking so they're both going to be 23 today for the LaVon start collards he's driving with the father-son combination Francois and Matthew sorry Francois Poirot doe and Matthew voxi ba whilst that yam Lammers is with van air and Rubens Barrichello in the yellow documented Jambo sponsors at olara you will not miss it just a little bit further back it is meanwhile that's Tracy Krohn the Ferrari coming in the D H racing for 880 te that's just coming the pins know what the problem was there with the am that's was Johnson at the wheel very early because normally would expect the first pit stops for the LMP ones to be between lap 11 and lap 13 and then in lmp2 s it will be a little bit early on that there will be lap seven to eight I would see and then in GT cars to be a similar ten lmp1 where they'll be a both lat pendulum in fact we see the first of the lmp2 cars that's just got to dive into the pits right now see on this lap we're on though so that's one of the the g-drive jota cars coming in rio hirokawa who's coming to the pits already a bit of an odd time to stop after 19 minutes of runny-nosed it isn't isn't you're getting out to the cycle so if he was stuck in traffic then no it pulls them out of the cycle ok it's not maybe ideal on the optimum for a race strategy because it might incur something but over the course of this race then it's always better being clear here if you can 69 for their and Richard Westbrook is fighting with Antonia Garcia he was attacking fewer Guinea just a lap ago but there seems to be get he's made a bit of a break and keeping Aston Martin's honest as we look back through towards the Corvette as its under stone towards Porsche corners and we look back through Allen the radical aerodynamics on that Ford GT the way it's coltd the flat six screams its way with the Porsche engine right behind the Corvette so American turbo American muscle car and then I sack German engineering - yeah and hear them coming through the long right that they're slightly Reese Kulp turd Porsche corners the exit with have not changed the surface of the track at all all they've done is move the barriers back and not to load the drivers to see a little bit better and also take a wee bit more liberties over the said with the corner because they know they've got a get-out-of-jail-free card if need be right now though Westbrook's coming under a bit of pressure because of stack up behind them that go with the overall leaders of this motor race bike odd way Neil Johnny Sebastien Buemi yeah and only he's actually been on top a wee bit with the traffic as no he comes in you can see them and yannis is closer behind it'll be less than a second as they flicked Lake through there's only one GT car between them and that's a load they guy need to catch up but it's also draw we've got a signature out paint in the gravel one of the signature is the number 36 so that's the Gestapo menaces and the wheel he was around 10th in class and what has happened here he's gone straight on am also not the first not the last yeah locked up the right front as he's gone in there he hasn't hit the barrier but that has dug in back down into that's just frustration here what on board comes in - you're turning a little bit and if he's turned then he's just locked up and he's trying to get out it off the brake off the brake hoping hoping praying but reality is once you're in that gravel trap that is no way to get back out that is not the last time we're going to see that Peter of course winner last last time out last year so very frustrating for him first first in and off the time I'm sure he'll get my cab sure I'll be okay but and it's going to pip well done the auto and we know how competitive lmp2 is this year far more than any other cars on the grid and yes it's a real setback for those guys in look at this train that's a restart of the race the replay as they drop over the line the flag thrown by chase Kerry the new boss of Formula One no you're the fan pleased that his cars jumped up into the lead with Mike Conway that headed the charge there in the number seven and here we'll see a replay maybe of what happened as the nine of Lapierre and is in there in as a bit of a movement and it actually looks like it could have been from the number one car as he's going to Tim get sideways there a little bit you see that and then the course goes by that's where he just got a little bit squirrely and that loads the number one of Yanni to slide around Oh Shh oh we didn't see where lap here and where he got actually tangled up with the number four right here's the nine collars collars hit a bollard the bollard then went into the right hand front of the number nine Toyota so there was no contact but there was debris thrown up by the floppy bowler that's signifying the track limit and that kicked up and hit the Toyota now we know the full story you've only done a kilometer and half into five and a half thousand kilometer race and you've run wide there's no one into a slow zone so we've got to slow zone down between the final chicane on the back straight towards the Mulsanne corner because we've got to get out the number 36 Alpina that's gustavo menaces because he did this he locked up he went into the gravel as Alan was explaining a moment ago so they're going to have a four-wheel drive a JCB to pluck him out because I can't leave him there like they used to do in the 50s they've got to get that car out of the way to beat it the stones are it's sorry this is a replay of the number 26 G Drive or occur that's a potential that's the pole position one of the early proposition guitars in the class Alex Lynn teary a and Russ enough and that's the potential lmp2 class winner already in the garage are you allowed to spin there I take a shortcut of a pit like I thought no things will be a little bit of a vision of faculty we've actually passed the pitlane entry if you've got a terminal technical issue you take the risk because your penalty of stopping up the circuit is much higher obviously but in that did just look like there's a bit of damage there's a noise I think that we'll have to actually just have a little look at because normally he shouldn't be in a position to do that just to finish our thread about the slow zone down towards that Mulsanne corner wind Mendes is helping that means that the cars have got to stop to do 80 kilometers an hour meanwhile Alan yeah can we get back to this battle it'll come back this laws because I'm sure we're going to have more of them you see the cars no coming through the GT battle and it looks like Conway's actually delivered because there's no two GT cars in between him and there Neil Jonnie Jonnie all no go round the outside of them on this long long right-hander this is 160 miles an hour he's running around Oh site they've gone we've been able to dig a bit of a breather a bit of a gap as no they've cleared that whole gaggle of traffic so no for these guys as a longer to the back of the lmp2 battle which is their next opportunity the loser note of all of this is Sebastien Buemi in the third base only in the third place in the second Toyota Olly Jarvis leaning lmp2 Bruno Senna behind him in the white and metallic blue liver it's lmp2 cars then you've got Vitaly Petrov e-learning class in the number 25 Manor racing or occur we run aboard with Jarvis no fat Oliver Jarvis he's got the Porsche cordless coming up is important to clear those GT cars before he got to this point because know he can take his old lady can let the car run through here that is much much more momentum and speed through here you'll have to lift off because of that car that we just saw ahead of it later on but this looks like it is menaces who's no been taken out of the gravel trap he's been picked out and he's on his way back to the pits and he is down at the moment in 58 position out of 60 cars lot of work to do bit of action up here to a 13 e right behind Darin children in the Aston Martin Nikki team has disappeared he's no four seconds this is a battle for second place and no doubt Antonio something to block a little bit but behind him got another Ferrari looking down the inside of the Corvette as well at Samford looking down in this side of Antonio Garcia second to ninth position in that crocodile pretty cool is the fantastic I wonder whether darn Turner got fell foul of that he was going by and whether he kind of got held up a little bit and it was good for a nikki team because he was able to stretch his guard no pressure on him Dan's got to defend a little bit so he's not going to be quite as quick Nelson Piquet Jr in the rebellion lmp2 car comes into the pits so he's not going to get out fuel going in no tires being changed just to clean the screen but a fuel and they'll be on is weighing in a moment the former formula e world champion it's not there the cat refuel and put tires on at the same time quite a few of the lmp2 cars will be coming in on this lap as well because we're on lap 7 going into lapping normally if you do 9 10 laps and so therefore I could see some coming out of sync on your ideal strategy just as we said before others to try to get into a bit of clear air somebody going very wide very wide on the exit of the Kesava man who says he may well indeed shake his head like that as he gets out of the car and it looks like Matt rau getting in Matt rau he knows how to win races so they put him in the car that door will be snap shut and he will be on his way in the moment they go second then the third place Ferrari in GT Pro Alessandro here qui D what a race as expected in GTE Pro well after having one and a half seconds covering the top 12 in qualifying then I think we're in for a decent haul battle there's no question right now I think you're right there though Peter because Nicky team is 4.1 seconds head and act left under with these mirrors completely an utterly full of the gaggle that's right behind them as there is no a Corvette and battle at the back worth which looks like Booker and Gavin are fighting out Gavin trying to go down as a reporter is risky that one though to pull it off at this early stage yes I'm just looking down to the pro-am bottle as well ever said much about that yet Fernando Ruiz I think he's got a 12 second gap no on Pedro Lamy so you know he's very much in command of that throughout battle and I think his teammates when they get into the car perhaps aren't quite as strong as la me feed me so we might see them close back up again of course we got cleansing Bell in the third position in program as well so a good little battle going on down there as well but yeah battlefield oh yes they start another lap that is the eighth lap completed for seven flat qualities completed for the GTE row last nose-to-tail bumper-to-bumper look at the depth of field look at the different styles of engineering the different ways to try and kill a cat that Alan was talking about earlier in the race between the turbocharged engine v8 meaning he's blasting this as we come back aboard with the leader of this motor race Mike can't wait so I'm interested to see in the next lap or two whether we're me can cut Johnny back up again or whether Johnny does have enough feeds to see to keep those gas bites of where me that they've made in the traffic a couple of pit guys 1371 coming in no and that's Thomas a lot off coming in Oliver Jarvis Saudi in the 38 car that's a car that was leading he's into his hit position and I would expect Jarvis to stay in the car and to do another state that I would expect as you see the Dunlop tire guy they're just looking in looking to see if there's any solid damage and also how the tire is actually working and how it's looking to stand up to these very very high track temperatures up to just under 50 degrees Celsius but there's no tire set out there so they suspect this to be a fuel oddly stop for these guys as it is on his way goes the iconic colors of a thinner crash helmet the green yellow and the blue nephew get on his way that is Stefan bunker getting ahead of Sam bird the board ahead of the Ferrari as they come out of the Richland chicane on the end of the Mulsanne straight nose to tail one side of the road for one crocodile the other side of the road for the other this is GTE Pro going down the back section of this ain't no half mile some on the circuit [Music] yes no we're looking again back through the back of the Ferrari there as they're running down and that's released it looks to me a little bit people as if the Fords are sort of slowly coming into their straight is we've got another pit stop there by the 17 VGA number 17 and that's by a father-and-son combination of lafarge we've actually seen that car around a few dramas and troubles the Norfolk gravel traps through the course of the qualified before jumping back in towards this GT battle as you say all the marks are there right now are fairly close there's very little between them perhaps and slightly stronger of the front but all of the rest of them up through the gears does it sound good does it sound good sound Turner again stretching his legs so no I guess trying to catch is teaming up Dickie keep still a four second gap between them so they're like Japanese constant and Sarna pulls away from Pierre Edie behind they've Wilcox in the middle of your shots ever a man who knows about engineering both rally cars and also GT cars Rubens Barrichello xand documented jumbo to Lara the he is sharing the car we got Lamas and Prince Bernhard they go out of the pits having done a fuel only so they will get back up to speed in no short order here there are a couple of the GTE AM cars that they are going past one of the proton Porsches and looks like one of the receipt from roar is they're still doing for this lecture fireplace but everybody's struggling to keep up but Peter said a moment ago with four hands Oh Reese who is somehow 13 seconds ahead a Patrol Army's Aston Martin attempted bail in the weather tech Ferrari in third position that can the Californian in the number 62 meanwhile this is a great jewel that we've got between election and James Allen the Russian and the Aussie they come into the garage this is a battle that will sure get going again by the time they've come out this is all the p2 s now coming in because they're basically right on the limitation of fuel and there you can see also a car that think is being driven by John Eric Vernon at this moment in time and they pops in for the bit it I think all of these guys are only going to be looking at doing fuel I would be very very surprised if anybody actually put any tires on because you'd only under limited allocation for the LMP cars you've got basically got 12 sets for the GTE you've only got 16 sets of tires and so when you're stopping in under 40 minutes then ultimately you won't have enough tires for the whole race weekend so the whole race duration so you've got to be very conservative with that so right now they'll all be going for double sticks minimum on their tire there's your new leader in the lmp2 class that is Bruno Senna he is in the number 31 rebellion they know how to get around LaVon formerly in the lmp1 class now in this lmp2 run now we come up to Ted Cruz he looks over to the right hand side looking looking looking now it's injuring Striders goes down the Mulsanne straight that is the settlor to star over number 47 la corte Sergio tow and Percy key there you go on their way this though is that number 40 damage Eames Allen the pits or come in now he's coming out as we have the number 30 guard with a punch ah that is the graph or occur it's got a puncture on the front left he's coming to the Porsche curves got about two three kilometers of the lap still to go the carcass of the tire may have broken free but at least it's in one loop still Allen yeah there's got to be a little bit carefully it got very far to go you've got to be careful that the tire doesn't disintegrate completely as that we do a heck of a lot of damage and mean a lot it up here time into the bit Porsche I mean to defend it as it goes in waiting the Corvette as well like to load the floor onto the ice I don't think he'll meet all to get it done in darkness because it's a right-hander but it does to compromise the entry for the Corvette you look to try and get the power zone and accelerate past him don't towards the Porsche curves great racing this battle for sixth position between Garcia and Stefan butcher Garcia chasing the Porsche in front of him cast here the feed yellow Corvette as it is still Dane Nikki team leading the GTE Pro category ahead of Darren Turner we ride on board with a number 66 digit 7 look at the German former Aston racer yes like three driver for us in might for many years actually so it was a big shock when he moved over to Ford Ford came in last year he moved over to them together with Richard Westbrook obsession and so ya do very well last year of course poor wedding with the American entry the 62 European cars to American cars so Luca doing the full wet championships in one of the European cars and then two American cars doing the American shell feature got a bit of a formal battle going on here have we not mr. McNish between man and Piquet Jr yeah was in that battle before t quite a few paddocks in reality and they all supported the next Formula One drivers and know in the lmp2 category here at long we are with the Thomas gommendy the youngster who was brilliant in qualifying he's the third car in this train at the moment the one of the Jackie Chan racing cars yes that Jackie Chan the team that got two cars then the full championships and was launched in Shanghai just a week before the opening race of the 2017 season stuff took place norsu just looking at the shakeout after the pit stops you seem to understand as the lead and this is actually the battle for fourth place but the big loser out of that pit stop six was actually the reef Buddha when he went in being Oliver Jarvis and they had well what was a 1 minute 26 stop so it's 20 seconds 22 seconds longer than everybody else so I'm not sure if they changed tired I didn't see it now be very surprised if they did but that was a slow stop by the Georgia crew goodbye to the p1 just looking at the Nicolas Lapierre don't 27 seconds no behind Conway damage to his car we know from that first lap I think it has had to have an effect on that car he's the last front downforce it seems to me anyway and I think he's just gradually slipping by so when they come in now for the pit stop I think they'll try and do something about that and bring him back onto the piece again because they can't afford to keep losing that kind of time lap 11 for the p1 so maybe in slightly earlier than normal as well yeah he's in slightly earlier partly because he's got the problem then I think it also be dragged that it would also affect it you're right in the white cluster later the second thing is they Toyota won't necessarily want all of their three cars coming in in the same laps or stagger them out because he was the last of the Toyota crew then they will then have to then try and take the worst of the pit stop options in that respect oh it's been a big smash into the front right of that car they've got a spare nose just had a shot to the left-hand side it's going to be pounced on in a moment time once the fuel has gone in to power that v6 Toyota internal combustion engine that they've got in that car remember they've got another 504 course power coming from the eccentric the hybrid power that they've got on the rear horse I'd love to see that nose going on it's already gone on and they're on their way yep new nose on the number nine Toyota Nikola Pierre on his way now that these are bad times from him [Music] backhoe with lmp2 this is the number 38 car this is only job is battling with Nelson Panthea peachy okay we're up here in our common shoe box let's catch up with the we've a kid who is getting pretty warm down there in the pit Louie take it away a crew and they said that there was a problem with the starter in that pit stop and that's the reason for it taking longer in them losing time we just walking down the pit looks like the number two crew are getting ready for that car coming okay thank you to heed the number two crew that's the Porsche of Timo Bernhard currently fourth overall at the moment so starter motor problems all ready for that red top DP Jackie Chan racing car it's not the first time sorts of all sorts of even problem in that category because this place a cost cap category and therefore they have seen it quite often where their struggle to start after pit stops in fact that team were party or helped a little bit to the winning the European Lamar Series title last year because their main competitor the g-drive team at the new GTI genie actually had to start at issue having to feather the throttle little bit nervous as they went around one of the other cars there that gives a bit of a chance for patchy adichie to leap away in the blue signa tech al p there's the number seven car that further leading toyota the one with the red nose just behind the graphic coming in two shots he is leading this race Mike Conway at the wheel that's 12 laps now done for Mike Conway he yet to come in we expect thirteen or fourteen Lancelin here with us we do and but number two has dropped in that Timo Bernhard in the fourth place Porsche is no intimates with Sebastien Buemi in the third place Toyota so yes Conway because he is leading he gets the best chance and options on the strategy see here will go the longest which is your ideal strategy and teammates because they are behind they'll have to take the war strategies as you can see no.2 in the pits and also a number eight cleaning the windscreen getting the bugs off that windscreen they don't want to use one of the tear offs from the windscreen that has been laid on the sort of f-16 fighter jet kind of windscreen that these lmp1 cars have got they'll keep that for another another pit stop later in this race how many layers though they put on these these windscreen darlin and you get the different some teams have got about four or five but you can use up till about 8:00 and after that you start to get a lot of distortion coming in they're very very difficult thing to do is to put on that in fact there's only one company that I know that actually can do it and do it effectively without getting any bubbles in or any wobbles in yet perfect so the the guys using the the fluids and the chemicals to get the bugs off here's a super slow-mo and isn't it a super slow-mo isn't it of the Porsche and the Toyota coming through the final chicane here right in front of our commentary position and you can see the slide in the car can't you Alan you can see that as he's coming through managed to have one wheel on the tire and you reported that car number twenty six when it's spun ahead of us and that it shouldn't have came back into the pits in the way that it did because if we remember they sort of drove a little bit only a few meters the wrong way up the circuit and then came into the pit entry and is now being reported to the stewards for an incorrect pit entry so full house here great to see the young fans the fans for the future maybe even the drivers of the future here at Lamont as we ride with Sebastien Buemi this is an out lap for the third position car he's halfway down the Mulsanne straight as we speak talking about fans of the future did you come here for early on Peter did you come here to Livan as a fan or you came here first and foremost as a driver later on in your career I came here in 99 for the first time as a driver I think you know for me coming through my single-seater career it was never really a race for me it wasn't on my vision I was always intent on doing single seater racing as long as I could and trying to make it to Formula One I then got the chance after winning in Formula three in Japan and in Macau to join Mercedes and join the Lamar program and so that was me coming for the first time in 99 and seeing this all for the first time and racing against Allen of course yes that's nearly 20 years ago the Hopi birth to this I lie with Marsh one coming into the patient pipe of God each team radio as well so I really knock the draft or sister goes like for scaring me because that driver cooperated for Phil Gramm though they look like both the love for Allah yeah that's Neal Yanni looking for a clarification they've got brick locking lights and acceleration lights on the dashboard you might if when we go on board with it you'll see it on the right-hand side of the screen and they flicker when the wheels are starting to lock and he's not sure whether that's happening you can feel that through the brake pedal as well when it's starting to lock that's just a little early indicator and so therefore Ray's not sure whether it is true or whether it is purely a sensor fault in this occasion a sensor fault the thing is when you have them you start to have to trust them all the time but when you're battling into the Mulsanne corners the one he talked about there and you break it a hundred and ten meters from a corner trying to take out 150 miles an hour from the car then you have to have total confidence in the cars going to actually stop it's not that's exactly what happened to gustavo Menezes in the lmp2 let's have a stagger see how the stagger unravels there's your leader coming out there's your number one that's in second place coming out now it's not now bird the Toyotas have left that Porsche so it's a Toyota once who was the leader goes wide the leader goes one getting their opportunity but number eight that is Sebastien Buemi is he going to be able to go around the outside on the inside Alan's saying no don't do it don't do it long way to go yeah long way to go he wasn't quite a long far enough along sight to be able to have a look at it but Blaney is fully up to speed Conway though is not and now is the time that Grammys cut well he's got a nice draft on him so I'd expect him to slipstream up behind Conway and this will be an overtake phylidia first one we've seen in the race so far Conway he's on his 14th lap he's in the rhythm of the car but way me has got full fuel so it's got extra weight in his car in second place but he's closing closing closing he's got the draft he's got the slipstream as we come up to the first chicane the fourth chicane on the Mulsanne straight yep Conway just been into the pits come back out and this is it and this is a load way me to have a nice run on him as he's accelerated out that's the danger part for Gordon we know pretty much as long as he gets through the next again he should be or key but Blaney wants to try to take the advantage because if you don't if you're the second in that team train as we spoke about before as we see a replay here of gone we actually just got a bit deep into the Dunlop corner the first breaking for him and then blaming not being able to get it done if you are the second car or the third car in that team order then you get the worst strategy the leader always gets the best strategy yeah Thank You Alan obviously they've both done pit stops so that's absolutely level pegging getting ahead of myself total one to here at L'Amour after 47 minutes of running in this 24-hour race coming up behind the golf Porsche that is out of the way the golf racing car Foster Barker and Wainwright's at the helm of that one as we chase the leader is getting closer burway me in the number 8 Toyota getting closer getting closer is he going to duck out he's going to be braving to Indianapolis he goes part of another Porsche so he's going to where's the next shot where's the next shot who is going to lead Conway goes to the inside but we're screwing around the outside into Indianapolis that's a maneuver certainly is that was quite bravely him but he required it to be his teammate I think if not was a portion he's overtaken it would have been a bit of a suffer ask but Conway knew risking it at this point isn't that good but Blaney has taken the lead of the race I know it'll be interesting to me whether blamin can actually start to stretch his lead and pull away a little bit more there you have your new leader Sebastien Buemi now that leads just the 10 car lengths or so is coming up behind one of the Ford GT e Pro cars familiar passing place around the outside of that right hander now Conway will tuck inside and there's the Porsche getting really close really close that Porsche could be taking second position here's a replay of the change of the lead as be on the left-hand side barrels past him into Indianapolis that's the maneuver it's a bumpy little place down into there and as he used the traffic just to get a nice draft and as you can see the sort of phone sitting in off each other and you actually feel the car moving around with the your teammate beside you but as you see no can we drop back a little bit and so it's Neal Yanni in the Porsche that's in there there's also just a little bit of traffic up ahead and this traffic is going to compromise them can you want be able to clear both of them before Tino gets down through the esses the price of lava lmp2 car gets disposed there's a Ford GT in there as well there's your third-place Porsche on the extreme left hand side of your screen input in the white Neil Johnny Swift leads Swiss with driver in 3rd position with a Brit sandwiched in between with Mike Conway onto the Mulsanne straight building speed once more [Music] so after 15 minutes of running there you have it one two and three here in LeMond for it sensing a the project leader for the lmp1 Porsche looks on intently analyzing taking in all of the data and working out how Porsche can get three on the trot here at Lamanna after 2015 2016 who will get 2017 down towards the second chicane they go on board this is an lmp2 battle and that looks like bruno setup oh no it's not it's the Nelson Piquet Jr battling with Thomas gommendy as they accelerate out of our dodge we got news from Louise in the pit three well just keeping a close eye on the number 7 and the number 8 having a great minimus of myself a member your man from England well I think they are both disciplined enough to manage this no issue or whisper word about number 9 who had to change the front end due to damage but Nick where is no back on page but Saturday night they will sort it out without making any or taking any bigger risk as necessary what's that 9 damage from the start it was just after the start we don't know exactly what happened maybe we say debris into the car I haven't seen a hit myself yeah I think it was slow in pace and now he's back on track ease in the similar similar lap time as the other four in front of him I very much think you might ask okay Rob - the general manager at Toyota Motor Sports in Cologne in Germany where this car is built and he was also very much part of the Formula One program for Toyota as well well we can tell them the damage was because of the collars car hitting bollards which then post into the front of Nicolas Lapierre as he says Lapierre now back on track I tell you what there's a fair few of these GTE cars coming into the pits right now it looks like went into the window of the GTE battle you know replay on one Neil yani round the outside three abreast you've got to be careful going out there because a lot of debris out there is easy to pick up a puncture especially at this point of the race there are a lot of GTE Pro Carly Carly the him in the box every in fact every GT Pro car there was a couple stopped one lap earlier obviously for for pit space so they staggered Amazo and said before but all the lead cars are knowing Nikki team downtown are g RG d so positions probably will remain the same it depends on these soft canter ferrari get ahead of the answer martin refueling team it's also a little bit about whether you can get released into clear air as you can see because it's possible for an unsafe release there I think the Porsche has jumped the Ferrari looks like yep it definitely has 92 Kevin extra we're on board with him now as he comes through the Dunlop chicane there you have Townsend Bell in the pits he's putting some fuel in he is at the moment but they're all in the pits leading the GTE AM class but let's wait for them to get back out that was your Aston Martin of the TF sport crew that is also Christian Reed Kai Rowley and these two in the garage in the pit should I say and as you go for a sync Porsche coming in all of the ABS in at the moment so let's just wait for them to get back out as we look down from our fly camp way above their head yeah under scorching temperatures here in front I have not seen a cloud in the sky today and in fact we haven't seen very many clouds since we got here or Tuesday evening as I think I've been here 10 times now and I've never seen a week like this here in the mall you know without a drop orig never right 2000 was the last time that I remember it like this when it was so so hot and the two things that happened a lot of reliability issues and there was a lot of driver mistakes come Sunday morning because a heat fatigue yes that's something we haven't thought about so far obviously as this race goes on long race you've got a long stints during the night and then you get into the morning and you think okay and we're almost there almost there but you drivers are going to keep focused on board with Kevin Astra third position in GT Poirot at the moment looking back at the fourth place man in class so let's not repair Queenie a big jump for them they managed to get in front of the Ferrari and the sport I can't remember which position it came in the pizza but definitely they've moved up to third no well done to the Porsche crew for getting them out quickly well that's a new car and parts of designing and developing in new colors you maximize all parts of the potential one part is the way that the fuel flows into the fuel tank and that was an area that we actually saw the lmp1 Porsche where they found something a couple of years ago just prior to Levon and they were able to refuel quicker than anyone else three planes because for the driver he doesn't have to take a rest to try to counteract that but II see no pity in terms of straight-line speed and acceleration has blasted back past them however he's going to know that at the next stop the Porsche is still gotta be able to refuel quicker so greedy had to use risk and speed to overtake whereas for the Porsche he was able to do it just purely by sit down a bit we have seen pretty much all all week that the Porsche of the GTE Pro Class is the slowest in a straight line so we just proved it again there the Ferrari blasted by the Porsche and actually yesterday they had a little bit of a balance a performance brake with it eight kilograms of weight lifted off the car to try to help them a little bit I think they wanted eight kilowatts of power instead of eight kilograms of weight however they got the e kilograms of waste you're talking about the refuelling and the speed of the refueling in the the LM p1 and in the GT Porsche you know the way that the fuel goes in it's like like water go down the plughole it goes quicker than just trying to pour it out of a bucket into a plug hole that the swirl pot effect isn't it it certainly is but you know it is a fact as the weight design that is a restriction to try to control the speed so that it's only at gravity feet they can't allow to force-feed the fuel into there from a safety point of view but there is still trying optimize every single part of the race from when the trickle or goes at Sydney o'clock and Saturday until the checkered flag comes down as three of morphine Sunday you have to maximize every single part of the race island before the flag comes down every single advantage you can get in the workshop before you get to the race track as well you better believe it but there you see one of the lmp2 cars just running a little bit wide getting onto the gravel is he came out of the Ford chicane and started getting so he's got to be careful now breaking into Dunlop because his tires are not going to be optimum and he's actually doing quite a sensible thing and trying to sort of get out of the way a little bit for the traffic cones and about them dropping down through the answers this is the s de la Forte a difficult little corner left and then right over ill and no back in there's your GT I'm sort of battle right now as oh we've got a couple of Aston Martin's there and also and the car that was leading earlier on the car effect that Fernando Rees is in that's it you can definitely see I think we're going to have no problem seeing that day or night there's been a switch where Townsend Bell is now leading in the Friday car just dropped out a shot then the to Aston Martin's of Rob Bell and petrol and then Fernando Rees the leader in the frosted has dropped don't--i for Fernando Rees was one of the first to stop actually he was one of the first arm cars to stop I think we're going to see this p2 car running white again I'm not sure
Channel: FIAWEC
Views: 132,204
Rating: 4.9377861 out of 5
Keywords: fiawec, wec, fia wec, endurance, world endurance championship, racing, le mans, 24 Hours Le Mans
Id: b00gYutqcdo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 88min 30sec (5310 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 14 2017
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