(中英字幕EngSub) 看完本片完全明白血壓高以及其治療方法 hypertension explained in very simple terms

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most people are mistaken about hypertension today I'll explain the problem in simple terms that everyone will be able to understand you may liken the cardiovascular system to a balloon filled with water: more water=higher pressure and salt(sodium)in blood will attract water to increase blood volume and that means more water in the balloon=higher blood pressure in most cases hypertension is thought to be a result of loss of elasticity of our blood vessels as we age; hypertension has few symptoms until complications arise; unfortunately these complications like stroke, heart attack and even kidney failure are very dangerous yes hypertension can damage small blood vessels in kidneys and affect their function some very mild hypertension may be treated non pharmacologically life style changes like aerobic exercise eg walking, running, cycling or swimming increase blood vessel elasticity reducing dietary salt intake will lower blood pressure by reducing water in the cardiovascular system if these measures fail drugs are often needed first line hypertension drugs target a hormone called angiotensin II the first one is called ACEI which by reducing angiotensin II relax blood vessels to lower blood pressure it often causes cough so a newer similar drug called ARB are commonly used today ACEI has names ending with -pril and ARB ends with -tan; both are first line hypertensive drugs and are effective in reducing complications if these drugs fail to control BP a second drug of different mechanism is often added examples like diuretics which by asking the kidneys to excret more sodium help reduce water(thus pressure) in the cardiovascular system another example of 2nd line drug is calcium channel blocker which relax blood vessels if 2 drugs regimen fails a third drug may be added; it doesn't matter how many drugs are being taken provided blood pressure is under control as that is the only effective way to reduce stroke/heart attack and kidney failure risks thanks for watching and please hit the subscribe button. I'll see you soon
Channel: Dr. Rex 醫學幼稚園
Views: 409,422
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dr. Rex, hypertension, 高血壓, 劉榮幹, 醫學幼稚園
Id: Bn0h-fJovAk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 19sec (619 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 12 2023
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