韓劇「低谷醫生」反映現實有幾多?Dr. Rex 全面分析 Dr. Rex watches K-Drama 'Doctor Slump'

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recently there is a very popular K drama called Doctor Slump have you watched it? if yes you know the plot if you haven't I'll given you a brief introduction the story is about 2 school rivalry: a boy and a girl they competed with each other academically and both got into medical schools the boy became a successful surgeon but was ruined by an alleged medical negligence the girl worked hard to advance yet encountered multiple setbacks with a twist of fate the 2 old rivalry bumped into each other again the girl often forced herself to take hot chillies to keep her awake or wash her face with cold water in order to be able to study hard the boy completed with her in every way: who arrived at school first when the girl had a cup of coffee the boy would have 2 etc eventually the girl won and become the top student of the school the boy now ranked 2nd but felt like hell I must admit many medical students are like them and I was one of them we have what is called type A personality ie hyper competitive in everything it is not know whether medical schools selectively enroll type A students or that people become type A after admission students are shamed for lack lustre academic performance I was not a brilliant student so I have to work extra hard I studied during and day and I worked until mid nights when my classmate were already asleep in the small hours of the morning I drank coffee and even got out in chilling winder nights to stay awake with time my academic performance did improved but this is simple too much and is not sustainable even after graduation I often compare my position and salary with my classmates and were often upset seeing others had nicer apartments or cars it took me years before I learnt to relax and let go a bit in this K drama the boy was involved in a medical negligence case and ruined his career the girl was bullied by superior in hospital and suffered from depression In reality I think the lawsuit of the boy is very rare but it is common for doctors to become burnt out if involved in medical negligence accusation medicine is a risky business there will always be unsatisfactory outcomes young doctors especially would sustain heavy blows if they get sued despite trying their best to help the girls were bullied and her superior stole the authorship of her paper this is commonly seen in large hospitals where office politics is endemic it is not enough just to do well academically some mediocre consultants are apprehensive of competent young doctors some prefer to promote less competent doctors in order to ensure his position is secure as a result of that many young doctors become disillusioned after a few years doctors are usually idealistic many find it hard to face the harsh reality sadly some will eventually develop depression or anxiety if there is any medical aspect of the drama you want to know more leave your comments if many people are interested I can make a video on that the 2nd edition of my new book is now being printed the book contains handy information on many medical/psychological issues you may buy it from Cosmos, Eslite, Chung Hua, Commercial Press or Greenfield bookstore or you can order online from HKTV mall overseas readers may order it from Hong Kong Book City website a little later please subscribe to my channel and hit the bell; give me a thumb's up and I'll see you soon
Channel: Dr. Rex 醫學幼稚園
Views: 61,029
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dr. Rex, Doctor Slump, K drama, 低谷醫生, 韓劇, 朴信惠, 朴炯植, 劉榮幹醫生, 醫學幼稚園
Id: jKfPaGdZFqk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 19sec (619 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 06 2024
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