진짜 바삭한 쌀 닭강정 만들기 :: 매콤달콤 황금 양념비율 :: 부드러운 순살 닭강정 :: Sweet and Crispy Korean Chicken :: Dakgangjeong

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Sweet and spicy Korean chicken (Dakgangjeong) 350g chicken tenderloin Cut into bite-sized pieces Chicken with bones is difficult to cook at home, so tenderloin is recommended. 3pinches of salt 0.5teasp ginger powder 1teasp minced garlic 3tbsp of cooking wine (can be replaced with milk) 0.5teasp black pepper Mix it together Chicken tenderloin is soft and does not let you rest for long Rest in the refrigerator for 30 minutes 2tbsp of sugar 1tbsp fine red pepper powder 1teasp minced garlic 1.5tbsp soy sauce 0.5tbsp oyster sauce 0.5tbsp ketchup Where??... 3tbsp chili Pepper oil 3.5tbsp starch syrup Mix well 40g frying flour 60g rice flour 1pinch of salt 100ml of water The dough is like this Chicken tenderloin returns after rest Mix well Ready to dive into the oil Put it in hot oil There are many chickens in a small place It cooks quickly because it is tenderloin. Cook brown over low heat Golden, now it's time to take it out Moisture comes out of the chicken over time. After 2-3 minutes, fry again to make it more crispy The second is fried more quickly Take it out when it turns dark brown Crunchy Delivery of fried chicken to stomach Pour the prepared sauce When it starts to boil Boil for about 30 seconds while stirring Keep weak 1 spicy pepper (can be omitted) Mix evenly 2tbsp choped peanuts Red troupe dancing on the iron plate The crispy chicken is finished Let's sow a lot of peanuts Red chicken with peanuts, let's taste it Wow~ It tastes like sweet and spicy, crispy, addictive It's really good, I can't stop My stomach is a tireless warrior
Channel: 매일맛나 delicious day
Views: 4,867,402
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 간단요리, 매일맛나, 자취요리, 맛있는레시피, 쉬운요리, 초간단요리, 인생레시피, 황금레시피, 간식, 아이디어요리, 쌀닭강정만들기, 닭강정소스만들기, 바삭한닭강정, 신포닭강정만들기, 맛집닭강정만들기, 닭강정소스비율, 신포닭강정소스, 쌀로만든닭강정, Sweet and Crispy Korean Chicken, Dakgangjeong, Spicy Korean Chicken, Korean Street Food, 치킨만들기, 닭튀김, 순살치킨만들기, 순살닭강정, Tenderloin Chicken, Sweet and Sour Korean Chicken, 치킨물반죽, 양념치킨만들기, 양념치킨소스
Id: wZjJvTdKY2o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 58sec (298 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 28 2021
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