Cheese Tteokbokki made from Rice [Korean Food]

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Hey hey everyonee! It's been such a long timee! As you all have known, PussyCat has been very sick so I've been busy I'm truly thankful to everyone who has been very supportive of me and PussyCat in these last few weeks! After 2 weeks, he hasn't fully healed but he has definitely gotten so much better and has been running around much more. He did lose a lot of weight, but I probably lost 3kg from taking care of him all day too :)) It was super worth it tho, I'm so happy rn :))) To make the cheese tokbokki, you need to wash your rice and then let it immerse in the water for about 10-15 hours And for all the people who accused me of lying about PussyCat for views, I have uploaded pictures of his medical papers and bills as proof on my FB Every treatment process I have posted on there since I can't post pictures on YT. If you have any doubts, please go on my FB page Nguy?n Duy Hoāng If you had the audacity to tell me that I'm faking it, I hope you'll also have the courage to apologize as well :) When you're done, take out the water. Don't leave the rice there for too long or it'll start to ferment :))) After that, rinse your rice again until the water is clear. Spread it out on a tray to dry because wet rice is harder to blend than dry rice I'm using a blender for blending powder. This blender is quite small but I think it's neat. A bigger blender would do a better job, though Because you have to blend this into a powder, you have to stand up staring at your blender a while :)) My eardrums were about to burst from the noises :))) If you don't have a blender that can turn the rice into powder, you can soak, dry your rice and then bring it to a shop for blending powder. It's easy and super cheap too It's their job so of course they a blender for it :)) The outcome is super smooth and it doesn't cost much The next step is to sieve your powder. You can put bigger pieces in the sieve into the blender again until it's all smooth and uniform After that, I'm putting in 1/4tsp of salt into the rice flour Put all of your flour into a big bowl because it'll cook easier afterwards Next, pour in 150ml of water Mix it up so the flour can absorb the water. The amount of water can depend on the type of rice you're using since different types requires different amount of water You can now wrap this up for the next step, quite literally :)) I just got this cute little chick as a present :)) Isn't he just so cute :))) If you have a steamer, put it to use, nimrod :)) If you don't have one you can just put it in a normal pot like me I'm going to leave it there for 30min untill it cooks I'm just going to clean up here so I look super productive :)) When the flour is all nice and cooked, spread a coat of oil onto a flat surface and then place your dough on there for the kneading process The dough right now is super hot so be careful I'm going to start to pound this for 5 min. This is going to make the dough super soft and squishy later By using homemade rice flour, the dough wouldn't turn bad and it feels totally different from store-bought flour When you're done with torturing your dough, you can start kneading him back into a ball :)) Cut your dough child into small pieces and start rolling them into long snakes to cut them into the rice cakes :)) The size depends on your preference. I prefer smaller ones which cook faster and won't be too much to chew at once You should bathe your little dough babies in a coat of oil so they don't stick together and be deformed :'( You can store them in the fridge for 2 days and in the freezer for up to 3-4 months Frozen rice cakes will harden when you abandon them in the fridge but they'll warm up to you if you barge back into their lives and cook them again :)) Using the power of editing, it is now the next day :) We'll start making the super simple but ultra delicious sauce :))) I'm putting in 2tbsp of Korean chilli sauce and 1―tbsp of sugar into this super high quality pan I bought :)) It's kinda small and the walls are kinda low but it's really good :)) Next, I'm gonna put 1tbsp of Korean chilli powder. Korean chilli powder is both redder and less spicy than other chilli powder. Put in salt to taste Aaandd 1tbsp of oyster sauce into that pan Lastly is 200ml of water and you've got.. a mess. Mix it up so it all dissolves and demessify :)))) All of the spices you can change to taste. But I highly recommend using the given measurements since I've made this several times before :)) Now let's put my new pan from the US on the super high quality Korean stove :))) All jokes aside, I really like this pan because it's heat conductive and usually doesn't burn from long periods of cooking. I bought it only for making tokbokki :)) Turn the stove on at low heat and bring it to a boil While you're waiting, cut some mini sausages to go with the rice cakes. You can also use Korean fish cakes but the ones I can buy aren't very good so I'm just gonna use sausages When the sauce is starting to boil, put in the sausages I'm also going to dump my frozen rice cake babies into the pot :)) they are a bit hard but they'll become softer later Mix and dip your rice cakes into the sauce and turn the stove to medium heat and leave it for 5min. Remember to mix it around from time to time so it doesn't burn I like green onion so I'm just going to chop some Boaro green onion After 5min, the rice cake will have cooked and the sauce will have also thicken. You can now put in your green onion :)) Mix it all up and, this is optional though highly recommended, put in some cooked noodles. Just saying, but it is super tasty :))) And for the fun part, c h e e s e. I'm putting in 100g of shredded cheese but you can put more if you want I'm still craving for more while making the subtitles :'( After that, turn down the stove to low heat, put on the lid and wait for 2min for the cheese to melt I stg this dish should be illegal because of how tasty it is :'(((( The rice cakes are super soft, and doesn't tastes raw at all. The sauce is still very tasty even though it's been very simplified Plus the cheesy flavour of the... well cheese, I'm seriously going to pass out :)))) It's too good for this rotten world :(( The noodles go so well with this sauce as well. Remember to only cook the noodles just for a little while beforehand since it's also going to be cooked in the pot Cheese is definitely the hot girl in your English class :'(( Ayo, cheese fan check? And hereee, introducing you to PussyCat's new lil bro :)) Since PussyCat hasn't fully healed, they can't play :(( They've only met for 2 days :((( When they're both well and healthy again, I'll let them meet you guys :)) Again, thank you all so much for the love and support towards me and PussyCat :) It's winter rn so be careful cat parents and other pets owners too! It's really heart breaking to watch them being ill and sad :((( Don't forget to share and subscribe to help me grow my channel! Wait for me to show off to you guys my cute new kitty in future vids :) Thank you so much and bai baiiiiii~ Translated by: Souk (@someoneuknow04 IG)
Channel: Nino's Home
Views: 11,749,002
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tteokbokki, tokbokki, cheese, mukbang, korean street food, spicy rice cake, rice cake, oh nino, ninos home, ASMR, 焦糖, レシピ, cake, candy, food instagram, ケーキ, お菓子作り, 音フェチ, satisfying, yt:cc=on, recipe, cooking sound, How to make, eating sound, vlog
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 4sec (484 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 26 2020
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