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Turkish Flatbread (Bazlama) 160ml Warm milk 160ml warm water 10g Instant dry yeast 10g Sugar Melt the yeast and mix 500g Plain flour 8g Salt After mixing the flour and salt Mix all together Now it's the turn of the human kneader If the raw powder is well lumped 18g(3tbsp) Olive oil Massage the dough until the oil seeps in. The dough became smooth Apply olive oil on top (to prevent sticking to plastic wrap) Ferment in a warm place until it doubles in size (36℃~40℃) 1 hour later A moment that feels good Divide into 6 equal parts Fold inward to release gas Make it round Cover it with plastic wrap to keep it from drying out. Sprinkle with flour Flatten it out with a roller Release a little force on your hand and gently push That way you can make a round and pretty shape. 18cm in diameter and 5mm thick Check that the pan is hot by spraying water on it. Add the dough (medium heat) If there are many bubbles Turn over When the back starts to turn yellow Turn it over again From this point on, it will start to swell, reduce the heat to low. After roasting well on both sides Cover with a cloth so it doesn't dry out while baking. Melted unsalted butter (or olive oil) Spread the butter Crushed Red Pepper (optional) Chopped parsley It has a mild personality that embraces any kind of food, and has a gentle taste. Wow~ Fluffy and soft, I really like the taste of fire as if it was grilled on a direct fire I want to eat Korean spicy chicken wrapped here Good as a sandwich pocket The more I keep imagining it now, the more the flame of the food show is burning
Channel: 매일맛나 delicious day
Views: 14,199,805
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Keywords: 간단요리, 매일맛나, 자취요리, 맛있는레시피, 쉬운요리, 초간단요리, 인생레시피, 황금레시피, 간식, 아이디어요리, 터키식납작빵, 플랫브레드, 바즐라마, 피타브레드, 노오븐빵, 후라이팬빵만들기, 터키플랫브레드, 노오븐베이킹, 후라이팬브레드, Pita Bread, Turkish Flatbreads, Bazlama, Grilled Flatbread, Flatbread Recipe
Id: -Amnvqt1wes
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 30sec (390 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 24 2021
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