醫生最不喜歡病人說的話是什麼? 我曾經被女護士追求?醫生會患上抑鬱症嗎?things you don't know about your doctor

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today let's talk about something you don't know about your doctors do you know what doctors hate to hear from patients ? in general doctors have a big pride and like to excel in every way sometimes patients may say ' I come to see you because Dr X is on holiday' etc that often irritate a doctor as this hurt his pride as the patient regard him as inferior to his fellow doctor even if this is true you may not need to say it outright many people asked me if doctors are often dated by nurses I would say yes and I had been asked phone numbers several times when working in hospital once I was working in gynecology ward it was usually not busy often there was only one nurse on night shift with me on call there was a nurse who was very helpful during our shift one night she asked me to stay and look at her photos after seeing my patient in those days it was trendy for girls to have a photoshoot in a studio sometimes the costume can be a bit sexy but I had a girlfriend already then; but many doctors are married to nurses eventually but I think it may be better to have a non medical partner as that way the couple complement each other in idea and skills there are exceptions of course the point is whether they like each other lastly do doctors get depression? yes definitely and doctors have a higher suicidal rate then people in other profession doctors are usually not comfortable to be helped and they often are not good patients in a doctor's career frustration and disillusion are not uncommon I remember when I took the MRCGP exam in UK years ago burnout was a common questions in the oral exam burnout means the lost of drive and passion after many years of working this was actually asked in my MRCGP oral exam doctors are usually idealistic and ignorant of the dark side of human nature when in practice frustrations like getting complaints while doing no wrongs, are common many doctors would be shocked to learn medicine is more than just treating patients doctors in private practice may encounter patients who cheat and is not paying in public hospitals office politics and rivalry with peers and superior are draining in short burnout are common and some may plunge into depression most will learn to be less idealistic and accept that is part of the job and it is always good to develop interests other than medicine however doctors may be skilled in treating patients but some can be poor in building loving relationship with family and they are reluctant to seek help so sometimes tragedy happens these are the downside of being a doctor if you like this video please give me a thumb up and leave your comments and hit the subscribe button and bye bye
Channel: Dr. Rex 醫學幼稚園
Views: 133,249
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dr. rex, burnout, patients, hate, nurse, 抑鬱症, 姑娘, 自殺, 劉榮幹醫生, 醫學幼稚園
Id: KkJQqYT-otY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 45sec (525 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 27 2024
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