那些病徵代表即將精神崩潰? 普通人也能發現精神疾病的小技巧 signs of psychiatric diseases and some easy ways to identify them

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in the last few years many people experience major changes in life you should know some signs that you may suffer from psychiatric illness first I'll explain a myriad of symptoms that suggest psychiatric problems and I'll show you 2 things to look for to see if you/your friends have psychiatric illnesses firstly emotions like depression/mania and anxiety are common presenting symptoms especially these emotions are changing dramatically depression is shown by frequent crying, hopelessness and lack of drive; anxiety is self explanatory people with mania will talk non stop about their grandiose plans and may engage in irrational risky endeavors psychiatric illness may affect thoughts: eg delusion which refers to firmly held belief which cannot be changed despite evidence to the contrary eg persecution delusion that someone is going to harm him an elderly man thinking co-inhabitant is trying to poison him is another example of delusion schizophrenia patients may have thoughts of reference: a delusion that people on TV are talking about him in severe cases there are auditory halluciations: hearing voices talking to him notice that visual hallucinations(seeing images) do not indicate psychiatric illness in depression concentration is poor; he is not hearing what he hears and may appears to have poor memory obsessive/compulsive thoughts like repetitive washing of hands/checking of water tap are also common as far as behavior is concerned depression and schizophrenia may present with withdrawal from social contacts some may be talking to themselves but they're actually responding to auditory hallucinations on rare occasion schizophrenia may have aggression against self or others psychiatrists make diagnosis based on the constellations of symptoms a patient has for most psychiatric illnesses 2 principal features prevail: detachment from reality and functional impairment irrational unfound delusion is a sign of detachment from reality manic patients may regard themselves invincible ignore warning and engage into risky endeavors as for functional impairment there may be decline in academic performance and absenteeism for students for adults absent from work, poor work performance are common presenting symptoms retired people may suddenly become disheveled and their home turned into a mess for no reason if there are significant changed in these 2 aspects suspect psychiatric problem lastly a word on dangerous psychiatric symptoms which require immediate medical attention first depression with a plan for self harm with/without a will is a red flat sign secondly schizophrenia with presecution delusion/halluciations may belief someone is going to harm them that they must act/attack to protect themselves thanks for watching and please hit the subscribe button if you have not done so some people said they can't use the Chinese/English subtitles try hit the gear icon on the top right hand corner and click CC subtitles in the menu then choose Chinese or English as you wish; that should work for most people I hope you all have a happy xmas and I'll see you in the next one
Channel: Dr. Rex 醫學幼稚園
Views: 149,335
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dr. rex, depression, schizophrenia, psychosis, hallucinations, suizide, 精神病, 抑鬱症, 雙向精神疾病, 思覺失調, 精神崩潰, 劉榮幹醫生, 儒學幼稚園
Id: jKqIaGW7RiM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 30sec (570 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 23 2023
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