(中英字幕Engsub)如何不費分文有效預防中風?stroke prevention methods which won't break the bank

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today let's talk about stroke basically it is the death of brain cells as a result of poor blood supply the symptoms depend on the site of the brain affected if the cells responsible for limbs movement are dead there will be paralysis; if the speech area is affected the patient may be unable to speak most strokes are caused by blocked blood vessels in the brain; the remainders are caused by leakage of blood vessels as we age blood vessels lose the elasticity and is more prone to blockage risk of stroke after 55yo is much higher than younger people a lack of exercise affects blood vessels elasticity increasing the risk of stroke diabetes, hypertension and high lipids all contribute to stroke smoking, alcohol, obesity are also risk factors severe stroke will be rapidly fatal less severe stroke will lead to permanent disability in recent years mortality of stroke is decreasing in wealthy countries because people are more aware of proper lifestyle to reduce the risk of stroke and diabetes, hypertension and high cholesterol are properly managed in most cases in the global south a lack of resources contribute to increasing stroke mortality sadly the true is in general richer people are healthier than poor people for prevention those risk factors I mentioned are important some exercise eg walking/running/swimming 150min/week would be beneficial in preventing stroke there is no need to run a marathon to stay healthy I used to live in Tokwawan and I often walked to my clinic in Mongkok as exercise avoid smoking and alcohol control blood pressure, lipids and diabetes and don't hesitate to use medication if exercise and dietary measures fail in summary there is no supplements and health food that are as effective as the general measures I mentioned some stroke are caused by abnormal heart beats eg atrial fibrillation clots are formed in the heart and transferred to the brain causing blockage and stroke in the treatment of stroke time is of upmost importance once there is symptom go to the hospital ASAP for a brain scan effective drugs may be administered to unclog a blocked blood vessels but it is only effective within 4.5 hours after the onset of symptoms many people comments about my hairstyle I know it is too long if you have any suggestion about what style suits me please comment thanks for watching and see you soon
Channel: Dr. Rex 醫學幼稚園
Views: 381,007
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 中風, 劉榮幹醫生, 醫學幼稚園, stroke, prevention, treatment, diagnosis, dr.rex
Id: l2smLzBOKIc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 49sec (589 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 16 2023
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