揭示佛教末法預言|淺談佛典《佛說法滅盡經》|Prophecy of The Latter Days| 佛陀首次對世間末日的預言,字字句句令人悲嘆不已❗️令人為之流淚的一部經 |大悲菩提寺 妙音法師開示

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今天在這個影片我想和各位分享一部佛經 Today in this video, I want to share with you a Buddhist scripture 這一部佛經 This Buddhist scripture 一般我們非常少能夠接觸到或是閱讀到 is something we rarely get to touch or read 這一部經有佛陀接近涅槃之前 This scripture talks about what Buddha said to future generations 對我們後世的眾生所說的一些祂想為 just before he was nearing Nirvana 未來的整個局勢的變化 about the changes in the overall situation in the future 整個世間不管是佛法的流傳與否 regardless of whether the Dharma spreads or not 世間整個萬象可以說是一種預言 The entire world can be seen as a kind of prophecy 預知未來的一些發生之事 foretelling some events that will happen in the future 這一部經是什麼經呢 What scripture is this? 叫作法滅盡經 It's called the Sutra on the Annihilation of the Dharma 這一部經從字面上就是說 From its name, it talks about 法即將滅盡的經典 the Sutra that predicts the end of the Dharma 佛陀在這個經典當中對我們弟子們 In this scripture, Buddha deeply and earnestly 語重心長的說了非常多 spoke a lot to us disciples 後世末世末法當中所出現的亂象 about the chaotic scenes that will appear in the last period of the Dharma 不管是在佛門也好 whether it's within Buddhism 不管是在世間 or in the mundane world 不管是天地節氣種種 or regarding the natural seasons and various aspects 包括人的生活種種 including all aspects of human life 在這一部經都有略述 are briefly mentioned in this scripture 我在這個部份 In this part 我會和各位分享有幾個重點 I will share with you a few key points 佛陀說法滅盡經 Buddha spoke in the Sutra on the Annihilation of the Dharma 就是法即將滅去 that is, the Dharma is about to end 就是正法佛法滅去的時候有幾個徵象 that is, a few signs when the true Dharma is about to end 首先首楞嚴經跟般舟三昧就會先滅去 Firstly, the Shurangama Sutra and the Pratyutpanna Samadhi will disappear first 十二部經尋後復滅 The twelve divisions of the scriptures will then vanish 盡不復現不見文字 never to appear again, no texts to be seen 沙門袈裟自然變白 Monks' robes will naturally turn white 吾法滅時譬如油燈 My Dharma disappearing is like an oil lamp 這個就是其中一段的經文 This is one of the passages in the scripture 這個經文就是佛陀跟我們說 This passage is what Buddha told us 佛教這個法佛法即將在這世間隕歿 that the Buddhadharma is about to perish in this world 不再復見的時候 never to be seen again 就是會有幾部經 that is, several scriptures 甚至之後隨後有很多的大乘經典 and even many Mahayana scriptures following them 十二部經等等都會消滅 including the twelve divisions of scriptures, etc., will all disappear 在這個世間不復再見 never to be seen in this world again 沙門袈裟變白 Monks' robes turning white 它這個含義的意思是什麼呢 What does this symbolism mean? 沙門是指出家修行 Shramana refers to those who leave home to practice 就是聽佛出家和佛一樣 That is, to follow the Buddha's example and leave home 修學佛法的人追隨佛陀 People who study and practice the Buddha's teachings 修學佛法這些修行人 These practitioners studying the Buddha's teachings 他們的沙門本應不是白色 Their shramana robes were not originally white 白色就是屬於在家 White is for lay people 或是一般的這種顏色 or a common color. 因為在古時候佛制時代 Because in ancient times, during the Buddha's time 這個袈裟它的顏色是屬於壞色 The color of the kasaya was considered a dull color 壞色就是屬於較不是這麼鮮亮的顏色 A dull color means it was not very bright 就像我們現在不管漢傳也好 Just like now, whether it's Mahayana Buddhism 藏傳也好南傳也好 Tibetan Buddhism, or Theravada Buddhism 他們的出家人的衣服都不是白的 Their monastics' robes are not white 不是光鮮亮麗的顏色 Not bright and shiny colors 是屬於比較壞色混色的染色的 They are more of a dull, mixed, dyed color. 那是因為我們要破除對外在的執著 That's because we aim to break away from external attachments 這種愛染之心 This attachment to love and desire 這個是一個佛陀的善巧方便 This is a skillful means by the Buddha 這個經是佛陀在拘夷那竭國當中 This sutra was spoken by the Buddha in the country of Kusinara 佛陀那時候即將進入涅槃之時 At that time, the Buddha was about to enter Nirvana 之前和弟子就是阿難 Before that, he spoke with his disciple Ananda 還有他們其他的大阿羅漢 And other great Arhats 比丘們眾弟子們所說的 The Bhikkhu Sangha disciples 那時候阿難看到佛陀 At that time, Ananda saw that the Buddha 已經即將要入滅了 Was about to pass away 他非常的惶恐 He was very anxious 而且他也發現 And he also noticed 佛陀的光身上本來就是有光 That the Buddha's body, which was originally luminous 但是祂那個光不再這麼樣的顯明 was not as bright anymore 而且在那個時候 And at that time 大眾都看不到佛的光 The masses could not see the Buddha's light 阿難覺得非常的奇怪 Ananda found it very strange 何故如此呢 Why was this so? 其必有故 There must be a reason 那他就請示佛陀 So he asked the Buddha 說為什麼佛陀的光不再現呢 Why the Buddha's light was no longer visible 一定有什麼原因 There must be some reason 佛陀剛開始是默不應聲 At first, the Buddha did not respond 一直到阿難尊者請示了佛三次之後 Until Ananda respectfully asked three times 佛陀才告訴阿難 Then the Buddha told Ananda 祂就說在經文說 He said in the scriptures 吾涅槃後法欲滅時 After my Nirvana, when the Dharma is about to end, 五逆濁世魔道興盛 the era of the five turbidities and the rise of the demonic path will come. 魔作沙門壞亂吾道 Demons, disguised as monks, will disrupt my teachings. 佛門敗壞的一些風氣 Some corrupt practices will emerge within Buddhism. 所以有一句話叫 Hence, there is a saying, 獅子蟲食獅子肉 "The lice on the lion feed on its flesh." 獅子是百獸之王 The lion is the king of all beasts, 這個百獸之王其他的這些獸類 and none of the other beasts 是不敢和牠對抗的 dare to confront it. 但是唯有獅子身上的 However, only the lice born on the lion, 所生的蝨子牠身上的蟲 the parasites on its body, 會吃獅子的血跟肉 will feed on the lion's blood and flesh. 這個比喻是 This metaphor is 為什麼末法的時候 why, in the Dharma-ending age, 獅子身上的蟲 the parasites on the lion 獅子身上的蟲 the parasites on the lion 會食獅子肉 will feed on its flesh, 就是吃獅子身上的肉 meaning they consume the lion's flesh. 就如同佛法即將在末法當中衰敗 Just as the Dharma is about to decline in the Dharma-ending age, 所呈現的就是 what is shown is 有很多所謂的出家的修行沙門 that many so-called monastic practitioners 或是這些修行者 or these practitioners 他們的離經叛道也不再持佛戒 will deviate from the teachings and no longer uphold the Buddhist precepts. 很多的這種不是非常好的這些景象都會產生 Many of these not very good scenes will emerge. 所以這裡佛陀也講了很多 Therefore, Buddha spoke a lot about this, 不僅愛好這種美麗的袈裟五色之服 not only indulging in beautiful kasayas of five colors 不再穿壞色衣染色服 and no longer wearing dyed robes of poor color, 也要喝酒吃肉 but also consuming alcohol and meat, 甚至貪味沒有慈心 even being greedy without compassion 而且彼此互相攻擊 and attacking each other. 就是互相會抨擊對方 That is, they will criticize each other. 這樣子的一個情況 Such a situation 是產生在佛門當中 arises within Buddhism. 所以為什麼佛門的亂象 Therefore, why the chaos within Buddhism 現在我們也看到了很多 is something we also see a lot today. 因為很多人他修行可能是帶著 Because many people practice with 有一些自我的目的性的方法 some selfish motives, 所以當有一些境界 so when they reach certain states, 他的心就會被這個魔迷亂 their minds will be confused by demons 沒辦法自主會做出非常粗格的 and they cannot control themselves, leading to very coarse 一些行為舉止 behaviors and actions. 這樣子其實就是 These actually 很直接的敗壞了 directly tarnish 佛教清淨的門風 the pure reputation of Buddhism 或者是說這種比較 Or it's like saying these kinds of 沒有辦法自律自治的 individuals who cannot self-regulate 這些少數分子 These few 就會影響到整體的 will affect the whole 整個佛門的形象 the entire image of Buddhism 這也是讓人家覺得非常可悲的 This is also considered very sad 這是確實是有的 This indeed exists 所以這個就是 So this is 現在我們在末法時期 now in the Dharma-ending age 就會有很多這種 there will be many such 讓我們沒有辦法去想像的 things beyond our imagination 以前以一般正常的邏輯性 Previously, with normal logic 能夠想像的事情 things that could be imagined 現在都會發生 now happen 因為現在末法相似法似是而非 because now the Dharma-ending age is full of semblances 很像佛教其實不是佛教的很多 very much like Buddhism but actually not Buddhism at all 反而比這種正信 On the contrary, less people support 老實修行的佛法 the genuine practice of Buddhism 更多人去擁護 less people protect it and less believers 更多人去護持更多信眾 So how to explain 所以要怎麼去說 the whole cause and effect 整個因緣果報 Actually, Buddha has already 其實佛陀已經在 in the Sutra on the Annihilation of the Dharma 法滅盡經裡面 given us 經文已經給我們開示了 the teachings. 這個就是佛法到末法的時候 This is when Buddhism reaches the end of Dharma 已經會有產生 it will already have produced 這種很多的亂象 many chaotic phenomena 而且佛陀也在經文也有講 And Buddha also spoke in the sutra 在法欲滅時女人精進 At the time when Dharma is about to end, women will be diligent 恆做功德男子懈慢 constantly doing good deeds, men will be lazy 不用法語 not applying Dharma words 眼見沙門如是糞土 seeing monks as if they were dirt 無有信心 having no faith 法將殄沒 Dharma will be completely extinguished 登爾之時諸天泣淚 At that time, all heavenly beings will weep 水旱不調五穀不熟 droughts and floods will be unregulated, crops will not ripen 疫氣流行死亡者眾 epidemics will spread, and many will die 這一段在經文裡面 This section in the sutra 佛陀就很直白的 Buddha very straightforwardly 也是說佛法正法將隱沒 also says that when the true Dharma is about to end 不再存在的時候 will no longer exist 就會有這些很多的情形 there will be many such situations 例如說現在應該算是末法 for example, now should be considered the end of Dharma 佛教的末法我們會發現 in Buddhism's end of Dharma, we will find 很多女眾修行的人 many female practitioners 學習佛法的人多過男眾 more females learning Buddhism than males 早期在佛教屬於正法 In the early days when Buddhism was in its true Dharma period, 非常興盛的時候 very prosperous 很多都是男眾在學習佛法 many were males learning Buddhism 但是到現在就會趨向於 but now it tends to be 比較多是女眾在學習佛法 more females learning Buddhism 而且也歡喜去做這些佛教相關的功德 and also happy to cultivate these Buddhist related merits 修學等等 studying, etc. 男子就比較懈慢 Men are more lazy 就是比較不在這上面去上心用心 that is, less attentive and dedicated 而且在末法的時候 and in the Dharma-ending age, 也會縱使見到沙門 they will, even upon seeing a monk, 也就視如糞土一般 regard them as no more than dirt. 就是看到一些這些出家修行的法師師父們 That is, seeing these monks and masters who have left home to practice, 不會懂得想要去珍惜 they will not understand the desire to cherish 去護持就把他們當作 and support them, treating them as 就是很沒有價值的 essentially worthless. 對他們也沒有任何的信心 They will also have no faith in them. 這個就是佛法將沒的一個徵兆 This is a sign that the Dharma is in decline. 再來就是那時候就會 Then, at that time, 諸天都會泣淚 all the heavenly beings will weep. 其實天界有很多天神 In fact, there are many gods in heaven, 眾神們都是學習佛法 all of whom study 也甚至護持佛法 and even protect the Dharma. 所以祂看到在世間上 So, when they see in this world 佛陀的教法 the teachings of the Buddha 已經受到這麼大的衰敗的時候 suffering such great decline, 祂們也會流下悲傷的淚水 they too will shed tears of sorrow. 那再來世間的水旱不調 Then, the world will experience irregularities in rainfall, 五穀不熟許多的天災人禍 crops will fail to mature, and many natural and man-made disasters will occur. 可能旱災沒有雨水 There might be droughts without rain, 所以穀物就沒有辦法收成 so crops cannot be harvested. 那麼就會造成這些飢荒 This will lead to famine 糧食的危機 and a crisis of food. 先看看現在我們這個世間就是極端氣候 Just look at our world now, with its extreme climate, 很多地方該下雨的時候沒下雨 many places not receiving rain when they should, 不該下雨的時候造成大水 and unexpected downpours causing floods. 所以就讓這個世間不調了 Thus, the world is out of balance, 種種都不調了不調和 everything is out of harmony. 那就是沒有辦法風調雨順 It's impossible to have favorable winds and rains. 這些五穀雜糧就不能夠很好的收成 These grains and cereals cannot be harvested well. 那再來疫氣流行死亡者眾 Then, epidemics spread and many die. 像看看我們在這個新冠疫情 Just look at this COVID-19 pandemic, 到現在也是一直感覺好像沒有完全的消失 it feels like it has never fully gone away. 從過去非常嚴重 From being very serious in the past 到現在又有點感覺 to now, it feels like 好像要捲土重來的狀況 it's about to make a comeback. 所以就在這個末法的時間 So, in these end times, 這就很多流行病或者是疫情 many epidemics or pandemics 種種就會在這個世間上 will occur in the world, 就會造成非常多的人 causing a great many people 因這個疫情疫病而死亡 to die from these diseases. 所以再來就是日月轉短 So next comes the shortening of days and months 人命轉促四十頭白 and life hastens to its end by forty 這個意思就是說 This means 末法的時候人壽命很短 that in the Dharma-ending age, human lifespan is very short 而且很快就老去了 and one ages quickly 男子通常只有壽命到六十 Men usually only live up to sixty 女子壽命比較長 Women have a longer lifespan 也就不過是七八十甚至到百歲 but that is merely seventy or eighty, or even up to a hundred years 所以這個就是一個世間人壽的現象 So this is a phenomenon of human lifespan in the world 也是一種象徵 and also a symbol 所以剛剛我說的這個法滅盡經 So what I just mentioned, this Sutra on the Annihilation of the Dharma 這是佛陀在即將涅槃之前 is what the Buddha expounded to Ananda 給予阿難尊者的一個開示 just before his Nirvana 這個開示是非常語重心長的 This teaching is very profound and heartfelt 也可以說佛陀預知了未來 It can also be said that Buddha foresaw the future 會發生的一些 and some of 這個世間的變化等等 the changes in this world, etc. 那我想今天在這個線上和各位分享 So I want to share this with everyone online today 這一部佛陀所說的法滅盡經 This Dharma spoken by the Buddha is the Sutra on the Annihilation of the Dharma 希望也帶給各位 I hope it also brings to everyone 對佛法有產生一種珍惜的心把握的心 A sense of cherishing and grasping the Dharma 我們能夠身為人 We can be human 人是人身寶是很難得的 Being human is a precious and rare treasure 還能夠聽聞到佛法 And we can still hear the Dharma 還可以想要修行 We can also want to practice 修學佛法然後想要成佛利眾生 study Buddhadharma and then want to become a Buddha to benefit sentient beings 這都不是這麼簡簡單單的因緣 These are not such simple causes and conditions 都是跟我們過去生中 They are all related to our past lives 我們曾經發下的 What we have vowed 累世累劫的積累的福德善德 The accumulation of merits and virtues over countless lifetimes 而有現在的這個果報的呈現 Resulting in the present fruition. 所以我們應該要好好的珍惜 Therefore, we should cherish 我們擁有的暇滿的人生 the leisurely and full life we have. 要好好的學習佛法 We should study Buddhadharma well 讓我們的人生更有意義更有價值 To make our lives more meaningful and valuable. 希望這個分享能帶給大家 I hope this sharing brings everyone 一些或多或少的利益 more or less some benefit. 也祝福大家六時吉祥 And I wish everyone auspiciousness at all times 阿彌陀佛 Amituofo
Channel: Great Compassion Bodhi Prajna Temple 大悲菩提寺
Views: 1,474
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Keywords: 佛說法滅盡經, 預言, #末日, #佛法, #佛教, #末世預言, 佛陀預言, 世間佛門亂相, 敗壞, 大悲菩提寺, 難過, 不捨悲痛, mastermiaoyin, 白衣說法
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 38sec (998 seconds)
Published: Wed May 22 2024
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