如何調伏嗔毒 | How to Deal With Inner Aversion in Buddhism Practices | 以佛法對治嗔恚心 | 妙音法師 | Master Miao Yin

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Hello everyone, In today's video I would like to share with you about aversion. The topic of discussion is how to deal with aversion one of the Three Poisons in Buddhism Those who are studying Buddhism should know that Buddhists practice the cultivation of patience This is also called khanti in the six paramitas, or the forbearance paramita Khanti is very important cencept to Buddhists it has a profound significance As we all know The Chinese character of forbearance is written as a "blade" on top the "heart" So when we are facing a circumstance where troubles and worries suddenly become unbearable like a sharp object stabbed into the heart. We must remain calm and this requires practice Greed, aversion and ignorance (delusion) are called the Three Poisons in Buddhism In the Tibetan Buddhism, aversion is depicted in a picture of the twelve origins of the Three Poisons. The Three Poisons are shown as three animals in the centre Aversion is represented by a poisonous snake. It is the most important of the three poisons. Why is it the primary poison? It says so in Mahāprajñāpāramitopadeśa -- The Treatise on the Great Perfection of Wisdom Aversion is the deepest of all sins and of the three poisons none is the severest The implication here is that among the three poisons Greed, aversion and ignorance (delusion) The most important of the three is aversion. Its sin is deepest amongst all sin means a mistake or fault So who shall be blamed for? It's the mind of aversion When we are studying Buddhism we are constantly doing good deeds But when we are facing a circumstance where troubles and worries become an unbearable burden One thought of aversion will burn up all the meritorious deeds We often hear that "One thought of hatred will open a million doors of obstacle" As long as one thought of aversion appears it will open up the can of worms and all the obstacles will be followed by Aversion or hatred can be on a personal level or on the national ground the confrontation between parties is caused by aversion Therefore, when we study Buddhism we have to understand that the root cause of worries is aversion Aversion is a thought that arises from the inability of of a having a peaceful mind. When one raises strong resistance against something in a certain circumstance then unhappiness, annoyance, anger, resentment and hatred will also arise. This is a negative mentality. It results in all kinds of evil deeds in the body, speech and mind. Some people provide offerings, support, or do good deeds, but the aversion can turn all the merits of these offerings into water and flow away. Originally, it is not easy to steal away the good karma that we have accumulated but the Thief Aversion can steal all the good karma, good deeds, merits and Dharma wealth we have accumulated in this world leaving us not even a penny So a fire of aversion can burn up all the meritorious deeds I don't know if you have ever heard of the story of Emperor Wu of the Liang with the Patriarch Bodhidharma. Emperor Wu of Liang protected the Dharma and the Three Jewels very much. He knew that Bodhidharma had come from India to teach in China, so he was very happy. He talked to Patriarch Bodhidharma: "In my whole life, I have made great contributions to Buddhism. I have built temples, make offerings to monks and printed sutras everywhere. I have done everything I could possibly do for the good of Buddhism without any reservation Do I have many merits?" Nevertheless the patriarch Bodhidharma answered "no merit at all" and the Emperor was very angry He felt that he had done so many things. "How could you say to me that there was no merit?" As a result, Emperor Wu of Liang had the fire of aversion burning in his heart The lesson given by Patriarch Bodhidharma is that we should not give rise to inner likes and dislikes due to the forms or external conditions We shall realize the true meaning of offering in the threefold wheel of essential emptiness: there is not a oneself doing it (the good deed), nor the other person receiving it, nor the object to be given This is called the threefold wheel of essential emptiness in Buddhism. The Emperor developed a great anger. because of the aversion All the good deeds he has done became useless. Just like what the Patriarch Bodhidharma has replied. This story can give us some inspiration about our real life Such circumstance often can happen in our daily life. So we have to gradually understand that the nature of aversion is bad What is its source? We have to see through it, understand it, and finally combat against it. In Buddhism, there are many ways to treat aversion. One of them is to cultivate our compassionate mind an compassionate or empathetic heart When you compare and weight the situation of the other person to your own there won't be be that many rights or wrongs because the distinction drawn between you and the other is no longer present then it won't give rise to aversion We should always remind ourselves of what the Buddha has taught us about compassion and empathy If we have such a heart of great compassion then our mind has the purest empathy it's a compassionate mind with penetrating insights Another method we can use is when aversion arises we pay attention to it and understand its cause Then we can use the chanting meditation or the breathing meditation to subdue the aversion I know a lot of people who learn Buddhism, Still the hardest thing for them to overcome is the mind of aversion Some people recite the sutras in the temple, make worships and are filled with happiness. As soon as they come out of the temple and return home, when they see that their troublesome children they become angry and begin to use bad language When something bad is happening at work, they start to complain The fire of aversion arises in their hearts and continue to grow So their practice is not really to the point. In daily life we have to start practicing the treatment of anger, aversion and hatred We need to understand that the nature of this emotion is not good, Not only it's unbeneficial to others it is also harmful to oneself. When someone is angry why do you blush furiously your heart beats faster and your muscles tighten up? You could become hysterical the words you say and the things you do are completely different This is like a crazy madman How can we be aware of the thought at the moment it arises and then deal with it? Now we have several ways as we 've just suggested Try to practice compassion Also you can practice breathing meditation i.e. breathe, breathe deeply, in the present moment, or you can recite the name of a Buddha or Bodhisattva that you feel attached to. For example when you are about to become angry or when you want to start cursing someone you can recite Amitabha or Avalokitesvara thinking that the compassion and wisdom of the Buddha and Bodhisattva will resist the growth of hatred, evil thoughts and angry mind so that the negative emotion can gradually go away If we can continuously practice in this way it's like fake it until you make it We often do a lot of things in some ways until we realize and achieve the good results This is what the saying means This learning can help us facing negative emotions Not only it can improve our interpersonal relationships, but also avoid many conflicts in the future. I hope this video can bring you some benefits Thank you for watching See you next time Thank you!
Channel: Great Compassion Bodhi Prajna Temple 大悲菩提寺
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Keywords: 不動佛發願因緣, 阿閦佛本生故事, 大寶積經不動如來會, 妙音法師, Akshobhya Buddha's Pure Land Story, Akshobhya Buddha, pure land, 不動明王, 不恚佛, 無怒佛, 無嗔恚佛, 金刚不动佛, 大目如來, 萌發「對眾生不生瞋恨」, 「不恚有情」的誓願, 廣目如來, 對治嗔念嗔恚, 南無不動佛, 不動如來, 阿閦如來, 五方佛, buddhist teachings, 不動佛心咒, 不動佛心咒超度, 不動如來心咒意義, 拔濟苦難陀羅尼經, 不動如來陀羅尼, Master Miao Yin, Pandemic, 佛法開示, 調心法門, 安忍行, 不生氣, 不發怒, 大智度論, 六度波羅蜜, 十二緣起圖, 梁武帝, 達摩祖師, 什么是“贪嗔痴三毒”?, 贪嗔痴例子, 五毒心, 三毒心, 貪, 嗔, 癡, 慢, 疑, anger, 嗔恨, 嗔念, 如何對治煩惱
Id: 76A5TqPjHhU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 10sec (790 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 22 2021
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