Hello everyone 今天我想在這個視頻
In today's video, I would like to 繼續和各位分享楞嚴咒
continue to share with you
the Shurangama Mantra's 的殊勝功德和它的利益
merits and benefits. 楞嚴神咒
Shurangama Mantra is 在我們佛教當中是最長的咒
the longest Mantra in Buddhism, 也稱為咒中之王
also known as the King of Mantra. 它總共有多少字呢
How many characters does it have? 是2622個字
It has a total of 2622 characters. 所以在這麼長的經咒當中
So such a long Mantra 它是蘊含著佛陀所有的慈悲以及智慧衍發
contains all the compassion and
wisdom of the Buddha 所以這個咒是由佛頂所湧出
This Mantra emerges from the
top of the Buddha's head. 這個神咒的不可思議的力量
The power of this Mantra is incredible 這個楞嚴就是究竟堅固的意涵
Shurangama has the meaning of
ultimate solidity. 也有一種非常穩定堅若磐石的這種涵義
It also has a connotation of being
very stable and rock solid. 因為這個咒語是佛陀在楞嚴經當中
Because this Mantra was expounded by
the Buddha in the Shurangama Sutra 對阿難尊者所宣說
to Venerable Ananda. 祂說這一部咒
He said that this Mantra 這個咒心是蘊含著十方諸佛
contains the incredible blessings of 不可思議的加持力
Buddhas of the Ten Directions. 對於我們所有現在後世末法的眾生
For all the present and future beings
in the Dharma-ending Age, 是非常有正向的利益的
it has very positive benefits. 在這個當中 這長咒有五個會
This long Mantra has five chapters. 它分別是代表佛教的五方
They represent the Five
Directions of Buddhism 東西南北中總共有五方
There are a total of Five Directions of the
east, west, north, south, and center. 他們也說是金剛部 佛部 蓮花部 羯磨部
They also represent the Five Buddha Families
of Vajra, Buddha, Lotus, Karma, 還有寶生部 種種是
and Jewel. They are all 有不同的
different. 這個楞嚴咒
The Shurangama Mantra, 其實跟五方佛
in fact, have some extraordinary
and secret 也是有一些他們殊勝秘密的因緣
causal connections with the Five Buddhas. 因為有一句話說
Because there is a saying of 道高一尺 魔高一丈
"As the path ascends one foot,
the demon rises by one yard." 有佛也會有魔
Where there are Buddhas,
there will also be demons 所以在這個末法劫世的時候
So at this time of the Dharma-Ending Age, 其實也很多魔障 魔
in fact, there are many demonic
obstacles. The demon 他不一定是看到猙獰可怕面孔
doesn't have to appear with a
hideous and scary face, 可能是像那種我們一般想像的那種魔
like the kind of demon
we usually imagine. 不一定的
Not necessarily. 這種魔可能是內在的煩惱魔
This kind of demon may be the
demon of inner vexation, 心魔
negative mental states,
afflictions, or 障礙還有種種的見解
obstacles and various views. 這都可以說是魔
They can all be considered as demons. 只要與正法所相違背
As long as they (mental states) go
against the True Dharma, 偏離的時候
deviate from the right path, 這個魔就會出現
this demon appears. 所以因為佛陀
So, because the Buddha, 他當初出家苦行求道
he was a monk who practiced asceticism, 最後在菩提樹下
and finally, under the bodhi tree, 夜睹明星證悟成佛
watched the stars at night and
enlightened to become a Buddha 在最後那一刻
At the last moment, 他明了自心證悟宇宙的實相的時候
he realized the truth of the
universe in his own mind, 其實就是有魔王波旬來考驗佛陀
In fact, there was Mara, the demon
king, who came to test the Buddha. 他讓很多美女化現
He made many beauties appear 在佛陀面前去引誘佛陀
in front of the Buddha to
seduce the Buddha. 但是佛陀的心清澈如明鏡
But Buddha's mind is as
clear as a mirror. 如如不動非常的定靜
very still 他最後能夠看破
He was finally able to see through 看透這一切幻象的究竟實相
the ultimate reality of
all these illusions 所以他能夠突破這個魔境
So he can overcome this delusion, 不受魔的干擾
be free from demonic interference, 最後證悟成佛
and at last enlightened as Buddha. 因此我們才有現在的佛法
That is why we have today's Buddhism 有佛法僧三寶
With the Three Jewels of
Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha, 我們可以積聚很多的資糧 淨除
we can accumulate a lot of
merits and cleanse 很多的業障
a lot of Karma hindrances 在我們修行道路上
On our path of cultivation, 這是非常非常重要的
this is very very important. 所以佛陀在開示楞嚴經
Therefore, when the Buddha
expounded the Shurangama Sutra, 其中宣說楞嚴咒
the Shurangama Mantra within it 也是有祂的秘密涵義的
also has its secret meaning. 在其中相信各位聽過阿難
I believe you have heard
of Venerable Ananda. 尊者在有一次獨自行化在外的時候
Once Venerable Ananda was traveling alone, 摩登伽女見到了阿難
Mahaprajapati Gotami saw Ananda 因為她跟阿難在過去生是
Because she had connection
with Ananda in the past 有很多生都是夫婦的姻緣
and in many past lives
they were a married couple. 這種夫妻的姻緣累生累世
Their spousal relationship lasts
life after life. 當摩登伽女看到阿難
When Mahaprajapati Gotami
saw Ananda, 就心生了慾念
she felt desire toward him 對阿難念念不捨
and was reluctant to let go. 於是她讓她媽媽施了咒術
So she had her mother cast a spell 讓阿難接近要跟摩登伽女
to let Ananda approach
Mahaprajapati Gotami. 要破掉了他戒體的時候
When Ananda was about to
break his precept, 佛陀知道了祂
Buddha knew it and 令文殊菩薩去到摩登伽女處
let Manjushri Bodhisattva go to
Mahaprajapati Gotami's place 對於阿難這個部分
to save Ananda and 做了一些即時的援助
provide him with timely assistance. 所以當阿難尊者
So when Venerable Ananda 得到了文殊菩薩
received assistance from
Manjushri Bodhisattva 這樣子的咒語宣說的援助之後
in expounding the Shurangama Mantra, 佛陀就開示了他
Buddha gave him a teaching of 這個楞嚴咒這段的因緣
the causes and conditions of this
passage of the Shurangama Mantra. 所以我們也知道現在很多
So we also know that many 我們漢傳為主的佛教
Chinese Buddhist monasteries, 只要是早課共修
during the morning prayer, 一定會持誦楞嚴咒 楞嚴咒
must recite the Shurangama Mantra.
The Shurangama Mantra 是非常重要
is very important. 所有佛寺道場修行最重要的課題之一
It is one of the most important
practices of all Buddhist monasteries. 要誦完一遍楞嚴咒
To finish reciting the Shurangama Mantra once, 是需要花一些時間的
it takes some time. 它不像有些短咒非常快就可以念誦完
It is not like some short Mantras
that can be recited very quickly. 人家說要能夠背誦得了楞嚴
People say that it takes six
months to be able to 要六個月
remember the Shurangama Mantra. 六個月精進不斷的
With six months of continuous 這樣子持續的念誦
practice of reciting the Mantra, 才有可能把這個咒語背誦起來
it is then possible for one to
remember this Mantra 所以表示這是一個非常艱難
So it shows that it is a Mantra that is 去持誦的一個咒語
very challenging to recite. 所以在楞嚴經當中
I have talked about a few
benefits and merits of 我之前有講了幾個利益功德
the Shurangama Sutra before. 在經文其實佛陀有跟我們開示說
In the Sutra, the Buddha actually
told us at the beginning, 【十方如來 行此咒心 能於
"The Tathagatas of the Ten Directions,
upon upholding this Mantra, are able to 十方 攝受親因
gather and protect all relatives and loved
ones in the worlds of Ten Directions. 令諸小乘 聞秘密藏
They enable all followers of the Lesser
Vehicle to hear the secret Dharma of 不生驚怖】
the Tathagatas without doubt or fear." 這個意思是說
It means that the Mantra can 讓一些修小乘者 二乘者
help practitioners of the Lesser Vehicle 都能夠迴小向大
turn away from the lesser and
embrace the greater. 然後聽到要修行大乘
When hearing about practicing Greater Vehicle, 就是發菩提心行菩薩行的
which is arousing Bodhicitta and
practicing Bodhisattva deeds, 都不會產生畏懼心
they will have no fear. 加強了我們對修法修行的力道
It strengthens our efforts in
cultivating Dharma practice. 就不會趨於小乘
We will not tend to the Lesser Vehicle, 就是比較為自己
which focuses on benefit oneself 了生脫死這樣子的一個自了漢
and liberating oneself from the
cycle of birth and death. 所以這個是其中一個非常殊勝的利益
So this is one of the very
extraordinary benefits. 再來 【誦此咒心
To continue, "Through reciting and
upholding this secret Mantra, 成無上覺
the Tathagatas attain Buddhahood, 坐菩提樹 入大涅槃】
transform afflictions into enlightenment,
and transcend to enter Nirvana." 這個其實就是告訴我們
This actually tells us that 我們如果能夠持誦這個楞嚴咒
if we can recite the Shurangama Mantra, 我們終究會成無上正等正覺
we will ultimately attain
supreme enlightenment. 再來 【傳此咒心
Then, "Through transmitting this
secret Mantra and teaching, 於滅度後
at the time of passing away, 付佛法事
enjoin the future generations
to practice Buddhism, 究竟住持 嚴淨戒律
so that they may perpetually maintain
the Dharma, uphold precepts, and 悉得清淨】
keep their body and mind pure and immaculate." 所以剛剛提到說
So as I just mentioned that 在末法的時候
in the Dharma-Ending Age, 是很多魔 天魔外道非常的盛行
many demons, celestial demons and
heretics are very popular, 而且他們的力道會越來越大
and they are getting stronger. 就像滾雪球一樣那麼大
As big as a snowball that
keeps rolling and growing. 如果說我們現在能夠
If we can 誠誠懇懇的
sincerely and earnestly, 非常的堅定
with great determination, 要把這個楞嚴咒
make efforts to recite the 好好的努力持誦的話
Shurangama Mantra diligently, 我們就是可以在佛陀滅後
We can, after the death of the Buddha, 就是講說現在的末法的時候
during the Dharma-Ending Age, 還是能夠將佛陀的法
still propagate and perpetuate
the teachings of the Buddha, 讓它能夠弘揚
allowing them to continue to 繼續永駐在世間
flourish and remain in the world. 也能夠讓戒律能夠更精嚴
It can also make the precepts
more rigorous and strict 不至於渙散很多的亂象
So as to prevent the occurrence
of numerous chaotic phenomena. 佛陀也說過在
Buddha also said that 末法時候
during the Dharma-Ending Age, 白衣昇座白衣說法也是很多的
many lay people are preaching Dharma
without respecting Buddhist precepts. 很多人對於這種
Many people 似是而非的這種佛法的亂象
find it difficult to discern and
examine the pseudo-Buddhist teachings 其實很難去做一個揀擇跟檢視
that seem plausible but are
actually misleading. 所以常常會覺得說
So people often feel that 自己好像遇到了一個佛法
they encountered a Buddha Dharma 其實它是一個相似法
but in fact, it is only a Similar Dharma, 不是究竟的佛法之道
not the ultimate path of Buddhadharma. 所以這樣子其實是浪費自己的暇滿人生
So this is actually a waste of
one's own precious human body 也浪費自己的生命
and a waste of one's own life. 所以能夠持這個楞嚴咒
So being able to uphold the Shurangama Mantra, 就能夠嚴守戒律
one will be able to strictly
abide by the precepts 身心皎潔清淨
Body and mind pure and clean 所以它也是白淨法
So it's also a White Pure Dharma. 一種讓我們自己修行人
It allows Buddhist practitioners 能夠嚴持戒律
to be able to strictly
abide by the precepts. 一個很好的
It is like a very good 像一個盾甲一樣
shield 像軍人要上戰場
for a soldier going into battle. 古時候軍人要上戰場的時候
In ancient times, when soldiers were to go to the
battlefield, 一定要有盔甲
they must have armor, 穿盔甲保護著
wearing armor to protect themselves 要有武器
and have weapons. 就像類似這樣的含義
It is a similar idea. 再來就是
Then 祂也跟阿難說
he also told Ananda 祂在經文這麼說
in the Sutra: 【阿難 若諸世界
"Ananda! If in all worlds, 隨所國土 所有眾生
all lands, and among all sentient beings 隨國所生
born in those lands, one
reverently writes this Mantra 樺皮貝葉 紙素白氎
on birch bark, palm leaves, white
paper made from bamboo pulp, white felt, 書寫此咒 貯於
or any other clean material produced in
their respective lands, even if the person is 香囊 是人心昏 未能誦憶
mentally confused and unable to recite it,
as long as they carry or hang the written 或帶身上 或書宅中
Mantra in a sachet or on the walls of their
residence, due to the blessings of the Mantra, 當知是人 盡其生年
they will live out their natural lifespan, 一切諸毒 所不能害】
and no poisons will be able to harm them." 這裡就是跟阿難說
Here Buddha is telling Ananda that 這個咒是無比的殊勝
this Mantra is incomparably extraordinary, 只要我們能夠去書寫它
as long as we can write it, 甚至好好恭恭敬敬的
or even respectfully 供奉這個楞嚴佛頂神咒的話
enshrining this Shurangama Mantra, 縱使修行者
even some practitioners 心還不是這麼清明
their mind are not so pure, 還是很多的煩惱
still with a lot of vexations, 種種 不能背誦
with all kinds of reasons
unable to memorize, 只要把寫好的神咒
as long as they put the written Mantra 裝在一個袋子裡像
in a bag like 是香囊
a sachet, 香袋裡隨身佩戴
wearing it 或是掛在住宅的一處
or hanging in a place in the house, 就是乾淨的地方
a clean place, 也會得到神咒的加持
they will also be blessed by the Mantra. 甚至一切諸毒所不能害
There is no poison that can harm them. 就是一切不好的
All bad things 都不能加害於
cannot harm 這個持誦楞嚴咒的行者
the practitioner who recites
the Shurangama Mantra. 然後再來
Then continue, 【阿難!我今為汝 更說此咒
"Ananda, I will tell you again the
benefits of reciting this Mantra. 救護世間 得大無畏
It can protect all beings in the world
and grant them great fearlessness, 成就眾生 出世間智】
as well as help them attain
supramundane wisdom." 所以佛陀這裡又在跟阿難尊者宣說
So here the Buddha is telling
Venerable Ananda again 祂說它是一個救護世間
that the Mantra can rescue 讓一切的眾生
all beings in the world. 六道的眾生都能得到大無畏
All sentient beings in the Six Realms
can attain great fearlessness. 又有能夠成就眾生
In addition, it can help all beings
attain accomplishment, 這個最究竟的利益
the ultimate benefit. 再來 【若我滅後 末世眾生
To continue, "After I pass away, in the
Dharma-Ending Age, practitioners may face many 有能自誦 若教他誦
obstacles. To avoid them, they should recite
this Mantra and teach others to do the same. 當知如是誦持眾生
Know that by chanting this Mantra, they
can benefit from the transformation like 火不能燒 水不能溺
fire cannot burn or water cannot drown, 大毒小毒 所不能害】
great poisons like epidemics or minor poisons
like snake bites are all repelled and cannot harm. 這裡佛陀也是跟我們開示道說
Here the Buddha also taught us 在這個末法的眾生
that all beings in this Dharma-Ending Age, 如果有人他願意自己
if someone is able to 自身的持誦不間斷的
practice recitation themselves uninterrupted, 甚至他也鼓勵或是教別人
even encourages or teaches others to 也來持誦這個楞嚴神咒
recite this Shurangama Mantra, 這個人種種的很多的障礙
all kinds of obstacles that
this person encounters 都能夠漸漸消滅
can gradually be eliminated 不會干擾此人
and will not interfere with them. 佛陀也說
Buddha also said that 此咒有持誦的人
those who recite this Mantra, 就會有【八萬四千那由他 恆河沙俱胝
there will be "84,000 nayutas and
kotis of Ganges sands of 金剛藏王菩薩種族
Vajrapani Bodhisattvas and their kinds, 一一皆有諸金剛眾
who 而為眷屬 晝夜隨侍】
accompany and protect them
day and night like their family." 所以這個就是說
So this means that 能夠至心持誦
if one is able to recite sincerely, 就會有金剛王護法
there will be Vajra King Dharma Protectors 來護持此行者
coming to protect them, 非常虔敬誦持楞嚴神咒的這個人
the person who recites the
Shurangama Mantra very reverently. 再來佛陀也說
Then the Buddha also said, 【是善男子 若讀若誦 若書若寫
"The virtuous men who revere the Mantra by
reading, reciting, copying, memorizing, 若帶若藏 諸色供養
wearing or keeping it as a treasure,
offering it with various methods, 劫劫不生 貧窮下賤 不可樂處】
will not be born in poor and lowly families
or in unhappy places for countless eons." 所以這個意思就是說
So this means that 如果能夠剛剛書寫
If one can write 甚至在家裡供奉持誦等等
or even upholding and reciting at home, etc. 甚至種種的供養
even various offerings 這個楞嚴神咒
to the Shurangama Mantra, 劫劫不生 貧窮下賤
they will not be born in poor
and lowly families. 就是你生生世世
It means that you, life after life, 都不會生到貧窮下賤的種性
will not be born into a poor and lowly caste, 也不會生到下三惡道
also not in the Three Lower Realms, 就是地獄餓鬼畜生
which are the Hell, Hungry
Ghost, and Animal Realms. 我們不想要去的這幾個惡趣
We will not be born in the Lower Realms 都不會生
where we do not want to go. 再來這經文是這麼說
To continue, the Sutra said, 【是故能令破戒之人 戒根清淨
"Therefore, reciting the Mantra can restore
the purity of the precept roots for those who 未得戒者 令其得戒
have broken their vows and help those who
haven't received them to obtain them. 未精進者 令得精進
It can also encourage those who
lack diligence to strive harder, 無智慧者 令得智慧
and those who lack wisdom to gain it. 不清淨者 速得清淨
For those whose body and mind are impure,
it can help them quickly attain purity. 不持齋戒 自成齋戒】
For those who cannot uphold precepts or
observe dietary restrictions, they will 所以誦持楞嚴神咒
naturally perfect their precepts and
fulfill the restrictions in their practice. 有非常非常殊勝的
So reciting the Shurangama Mantra
is very very extraordinary. 能夠堅固自己的道心
One will be able to take care of
their own cultivation 最後成就自己的佛道 這個道業
and eventually accomplish their Buddhist
path and attain Buddhahood. 也能夠令持戒不清淨
It can also help those who have
impurity in observing precepts 甚至破戒的人
or even those who have broken the precepts 能夠恢復當初的戒體
to restore their precept-observing body, 戒根的清淨
purity of precept roots. 沒有得戒的也能夠使他得戒
Those who have not obtained the precepts
can also make them obtain the precepts. 他原本懈怠不精進的
Those who are lax and not diligent 能夠讓他的道心精進
can become diligent in
their cultivation 更令他向法
and turn toward the Dharma. 沒有智慧的人
Those without wisdom 能夠開啟他的智慧
can unfold their wisdom. 所以日積月累
so over time, 種種的宿業都消除
various karmic hindrances
will be eliminated. 最後就能夠戒行圓滿
In the end, one will be able to
perfect their precept observation. 所以總的來說
So in general 在楞嚴經當中
in the Shurangama Sutra, 佛陀已經開示過這麼多的
Buddha has expounded on the 種種的殊勝功德跟利益
many extraordinary merits and benefits. 總之這個就是在我們佛教常常聽聞
In short, this is a Mantra that we
often hear in Buddhism. 而且廣為人知的
It is the well-known 一部非常長的楞嚴神咒
and long Shurangama Mantra 它的功德力
Its merits 它的加持力
and blessing power 不是我們能夠想像的
are beyond what we can imagine. 所以我們應該
Therefore, we should all 人人要發心誦念持誦
make a determination to
recite and uphold the Mantra. 不斷的憶念憶持
Through constant recitation, 就能夠得到十方諸佛的加持
we can be blessed by the
Buddhas of the Ten Directions 也能夠淨除所有的惡業
and can also cleanse and
eliminate our negative Karma. 也能夠讓我們不只是現世 來世
It not only benefits our
present and the future lives, 最後我們可以終究達到
ultimately it can help us attain 無上正等正覺的佛果
Buddhahood, the supreme enlightenment, 可以利益無量的有情
to benefit countless sentient beings. 我今天在這裡很簡短的
Today I'm briefly 再和各位補充楞嚴
supplementing my explanation of the 神咒的殊勝功德
extraordinary merits of the
Shurangama Mantra 希望能夠帶給大家
I hope to bring you 或多或少的利益
some benefits. 也祝福大家六時吉祥
I also like to wish everyone
constant auspiciousness. 阿彌陀佛