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Hello, I'm Qiu Ping. I am now in Anyang, Henan. This place is Cao Cao Gaoling. Cao Cao was buried here after his death. Everyone is familiar with Cao Cao. Can't get any more familiar. It is said that when the experts were excavating Cao Cao's tomb, Cao Cao's skull was also found. Later, according to this Restore the true appearance of Cao Cao So today we come to this place. It's possible You can see what Cao Cao looks like. And his underground palace is also open. Let's learn about the story of Cao Cao today. Now we have come to this scenic spot. The same is charged. There are tombs here now. Museums and so on Now we see that this is the visitor center. In the bigger house inside. It is the location of Cao Cao's tomb. Including the museum, is over there. We have to buy tickets and have a look now. You can see a lot as soon as you arrive at the scenic spot. There are various factors about Cao Cao Not far ahead, there is a statue of Cao Cao. Now the scenic spot is also playing. Some songs of the Romance of the Three Kingdoms Because of the elements of Cao Cao in these places The elements of the Romance of the Three Kingdoms are essential. The admission fee is 50 yuan. I don't know what's going on inside. Now we're officially in. As soon as we get here. Do you think this building is very familiar? It was built in imitation of the Que Tower. We generally say that emperors use three Que. Let's see how many this is. Is it two Que? Cao Cao was not an emperor in his lifetime. He was posthumously awarded the title of emperor by Cao Pi after his death. About the Tomb of Cao Cao It has always been controversial among the people. Because in Chinese history, It is said that there are seventy-two suspected tombs in Cao Cao's tomb In the Romance of the Three Kingdoms There is such a description of Cao Cao's arrangement of his funeral. He ordered people on his deathbed. Outside Anyang today. 72 suspected graves were constructed So that others do not know where he will be buried when he dies. In case their tombs are dug up. This 72 suspected graves may be mainly Through the romance of the Three Kingdoms It is widely spread among the people Of course, Luo Guanzhong's Romance of the Three Kingdoms Is not the originator of the seventy-two suspected tombs. According to some sources, Cao Cao's 72 Suspected Tombs It probably first appeared in the Northern Song Dynasty. You look like the tomb of Cao Cao we came to see today. Up to now There are still some people who are controversial. Said this is not Cao Cao's tomb. There are other people. Even saw a joke on the Internet. Some experts say that this tomb It is the tomb of Cao Cao when he was a child. This is more funny. But this Gaoling of Cao Cao It was determined by the State Administration of Cultural Relics to belong to Cao Cao's tomb. That must be through a series of certifications. It was confirmed by textual research. When we were walking in this place, Found a lot of these sculptures. You can see that there are four directions to go in. So, actually, this That's what we usually see. The appearance of the underground palace in the Qin and Han Dynasties These channels It represents the tomb passage. Because the mausoleums in the Qin and Han Dynasties and before We usually call it a vertical tomb. And then the top belongs to the mound. It is to dig the bottom well in advance. And then four of those. This tomb passage represents the highest level. The four tomb passages are at the level of the Son of Heaven. Like the words of those princes. It's usually in the shape of a The higher the identity level of the tomb passage. We just saw that Que Lou. That's basically the gate. So come here is what we always say. Shinto Sima Dao If we look at it now, The mausoleum of the Ming and Qing emperors Or the imperial tombs of the Tang Dynasty There are many stone statues on both sides of the Shinto. And Cao Cao this is certainly not. Many reasons. One may be due to the age. Because it hasn't been for almost one thousand seven hundred years. Another reason is Cao Cao at that time. He has a different idea about the afterlife. What comes into view now is the sculpture of Cao Cao. It's called Wei Wu's whip The approximate height is 15.6 meters. This should be the scene of Cao Cao's trip. Or patrol Because he's wearing one of those general suits. Let's explain the word "Wei Wu". Wei Cao Cao was the king of Wei before his death. He was also the founder of the Cao Wei regime. Wu's words came after Cao Pi proclaimed himself emperor. Cao Cao was awarded the posthumous title of Taizu. His posthumous title is Emperor Wu Here, Wei Wu represents Cao Cao. Let's continue to talk about Cao Cao. Before going to Cao Cao's underground palace. Let's talk about Cao Cao briefly. Maybe most people know about Cao Cao. They are all deduced from the Romance of the Three Kingdoms. Lots of people At first, I watched the Romance of the Three Kingdoms. Will feel Cao Cao this person. The ability is there But it seems very bad to do things. Because of the Romance of the Three Kingdoms It can be said that the author stands on a personal point of view. He described Cao Cao as a treacherous court official. To describe Liu Bei as orthodox It's a little personal. Cause most of us to watch the Romance of the Three Kingdoms. Cao Cao is also a treacherous court official. So what is the real Cao Cao? Let's talk about it briefly. He was born in 155 AD. Died in 220 AD. It was a long life at that time. The word Meng De, so we often say Cao Meng De. His surname is Xiahou People from Bozhou, Anhui today An outstanding statesman, strategist and litterateur in ancient China Calligrapher: a powerful minister in the late Eastern Han Dynasty He was also the founder of the Cao Wei regime. Let's watch the Romance of the Three Kingdoms There is often such a misunderstanding. Cao Cao belongs to the Three Kingdoms. Actually, no Cao Cao also belongs to the Eastern Han Dynasty. The Three Kingdoms of Shu, Wei and Wu It was Cao Pi who proclaimed himself emperor that marked the beginning of the Three Kingdoms. Before that, they all belonged to the Eastern Han Dynasty. Cao Cao in his youth He felt that his dream was to be a ranger. More debauchery At the age of 20, filial piety and honesty were elected as officials. Then it will develop all the way. One of the turning points in his life The first year of Jian'an in 196 AD He welcomed Emperor Xian to Xu County. At this point, he gave orders in the name of Emperor Xian. Take charge of the government This is very famous in Chinese history. Hold the emperor to command the vassal From this time His strength increased dramatically. Defeated yuan Shu before and after. Tao Qian, Lu Bu and other forces By 200 A.D. In the battle of Guandu, he defeated yuan Shao, who ruled Hebei. Basically unified the North. In 208, he was promoted to the position of prime minister. It was also that year. He failed in the battle of Chibi. But at this time, he should It didn't break any bones. Only that it delayed the pace of reunification. Take Hanzhong in 215 AD. In 216, he became the king of Wei. Anyone with a discerning eye knows that The Eastern Han Dynasty is the land of the Han Dynasty. It's almost over. Because of this title. In fact, it is equivalent to the next step Ready for a change of Dynasty. This is one of the reasons why many people say he is a treacherous court official. Because he controlled the emperor at that time. Emperor Xian of Han He is a complete puppet in his hands. By 220 A.D. Cao Cao died in Luoyang. He was 66 years old Later xelloss inherited his position. Before long, xelloss proclaimed himself emperor. Cao Cao was given the posthumous title of Emperor Wu. Buried in Gaoling This is Cao Cao's simple life. Many people are saying that Cao Cao is a treacherous court official. There is a great misunderstanding about him. In fact, Cao Cao can be said to be the hero of the world. All his life Take the Confucian thought of governing the country as the idea With the goal of unifying the world In the troubled times of the late Han Dynasty Support the stormy Eastern Han Empire To pacify the people in troubled times Restoring social order in China's core regions Is the land of the Central Plains in the north. Cao Cao is good at using ingenuity. More than 30 years of fighting north and south External border trouble Formed a unified military structure in the north. It is also a military strategy The end of the Eastern Han Dynasty It was a troubled time at that time. Cao Cao supported Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty to pacify the country Unify the world Unswerving determination In the process of governing the north, Implement the policy of opening up wasteland and building water conservancy projects Suppress the strongmen Shake lightly Economic development has been restored Advocate etiquette and law Rectify customs Promoting social stability Advocate thrift Practice what you preach Open a new trend of thin burial for future generations Move the capital to Xuchang Seal the capital Yecheng To flatten the separatist forces in the north Through a series of political measures The society in the north has been restored and developed. Cao Cao was at that time. It's meritocracy We all know that there was an aristocratic family in the Eastern Han Dynasty. It was for filial piety and honesty at that time. If you want to get ahead, It has to be someone else or a connection. And Cao Cao is meritocracy. As long as you are talented. It doesn't matter where you come from. In this way, he will suppress the strongmen. Strengthen centralization of power I remember this interpretation in movies and TV plays. Cao Cao said that without me, How many people want to be emperor? Without me The land of the Eastern Han Dynasty was destroyed long ago. And so it is. Because of Cao Cao. He unified and stabilized the North. Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty, at least this sign is still there. No one dares to proclaim himself emperor. Of course, there is a yuan Shu is an exception. That man is a madman. For Cao Cao's achievements and behavior. There are many comments from later generations. The differences are so great It is rare in the world. In fact, everyone's differences. It may be mainly caused by the Romance of the Three Kingdoms. If you don't have the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Just look at the history of the Three Kingdoms. Cao Cao is indeed a great man. That's a brief introduction of Cao Cao. Let's go to the underground palace to have a look. This one is in Anyang, Henan. Cao Cao's mausoleum is in the front. In this underground Let's take a look at the topographic map here. Why is his mausoleum in Anyang? Did you find the position in this area? There are mountains and rivers. It is a geomantic treasure land Normally speaking Cao Cao's mausoleum should be in Luoyang. Because he was the center of his rule. Have arrived in Luoyang. But after he died, But not buried in this place. It's here The main reason is that Yecheng is not far away. We saw the ruins of Yecheng over there. Because the place where Cao Cao made his fortune should be Yecheng. Hold the son of heaven to command the princes Then Yecheng is in the east of Gaoling. The whole mausoleum faces east. We often say In the Han Dynasty, including the mausoleum before. Many of them are sitting west to east. Because he wants to watch his empire. Then Yecheng Gaoling is symmetrical like this. I guess it may be so. And did you find out? There is a lake in here. The water flows from there. Also through the area of Yecheng. In the distance is the Taihang Mountains. The water of the Taihang Mountains Build cities and villages before It's all near the water, near the river. Under this Is the site of the mausoleum. I saw the sign saying Shinto. We've seen a lot of Shinto before. Shinto generally refers to a temple. The road in front of the shrine and other places of worship. The Shinto of Gaoling corresponds to the tomb passage. There are pillars on both sides of the Shinto. So this kind of shape It directly influenced the formation of the mausoleum system in the Northern Wei Dynasty. That means go straight ahead from this place. Arrived at the location of the underground palace. Shinto is a ground building. There are underground palaces and slopes inside. There are also many architectural sites on both sides of the Shinto. Ruins and building areas of Gaoling It is divided into north and south areas. There are basically some pillars here. The site of the pillar foundation below at that time. This is the tomb of Cao Cao. It covers an area of about 740 square meters. It was built in the 25th year of Jian'an in the Eastern Han Dynasty. 220 AD Cao Cao's mausoleum has a tomb passage and a tomb door. Seal the door, wall and corridor Front and back main chambers and four side chambers This is similar to what we saw in the Ming and Qing Dynasties. Many tombs of vassal kings Kind of like that It is a large brick and stone tomb with many chambers. After we saw a lot of tombs, Like the Western Han Dynasty, many of them belong to cliff tombs. Is to dig a cave in the rocky mountain. For example, Cao Cao robbed and excavated the first tomb. And those tombs in Xuzhou belong to cliff tombs. The Eastern Han Dynasty began. It was slowly transformed into a brick tomb. The plane of the tomb is in the shape of a The tomb faces east. It is a double-chambered brick tomb with a sloping tomb passage. The slope tomb passage is 39.5 meters long. 9.8 m wide The deepest place is 15 meters from the surface. Just now we briefly introduced the tomb of Cao Cao. Did you find out? Its overall size is not very large. Compared with other tombs in the Western Han Dynasty, including the Eastern Han Dynasty. It feels a lot smaller. This is mainly related to Cao Cao. It can also be said to be related to xelloss. Because in the Han Dynasty, Including the previous mausoleum. It's all built in luxury. There will be a lot of funerary objects inside. You look like the tomb of King Liang we saw before. It is said that there are hundreds of thousands of taels of gold buried in it. There is also a more famous one. It is the mausoleum of Emperor Wu of Han Dynasty. Built for 53 years. There are also a lot of funerary objects in it. Because of the Han Dynasty Including the previous mausoleums, they all pay attention to rich burial. Basically, the country or. The owner has a lot of property. Placed in the mausoleum You look like the familiar Cao Cao. At that time, a special team of grave robbers was set up. Toujin a captain It is the period of robbery and excavation in the Han Dynasty. Including the former imperial tombs. Mausoleums of princes, generals and ministers Use the treasure inside to pay him. Speaking as Cao Cao. If there are many funerary objects in the mausoleum, It must be easy to steal. So he built the tomb. I just want to be hidden and safe. So at the time He gave such an order. Talk about my grave. First, do not build sealing soil. Second, do not plant trees Third, do not release funerary objects. Pay attention to thin burial Then his son. Xelloss is to follow this way to do. The mausoleum built by Cao Pi at that time was also like this. So in history, When Cao Cao was buried, when the funeral was held. There was a funeral procession at every gate. Let everyone not know. Which direction is Cao Cao buried in? There are 72 suspected tombs. This is Cao Cao's way of hiding. So start with him. Most of the mausoleums of the Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties The way of construction is based on his arrangement. For example, we can see one in Luoyang. The Tomb of the Second Emperor of the Northern Wei Dynasty The structure inside is also very small. I saw that there was only one tomb. You can see it in Luoyang. What is the tomb of Sima Yi? Tomb of Cao Pi Including the tomb of Cao Rui. Their sealing soil is relatively small. About the 72 Suspected Tombs of Cao Cao And at the time of burial. There were funeral processions at all four gates. These are some folk legends. Under the circumstances at that time This should be a situation that does not exist. Cao Cao died in Luoyang. He was buried in Anyang. Hundreds of kilometers apart. It was not possible to do so at the time. Besides, Cao Cao's position was so high at that time. Actually, it belongs to a person in power. His burial could not have been like this. As xelloss Build a mausoleum for his father. Will definitely choose a good place. So as this kind of imperial mausoleum, The address is basically open. It's impossible to say that it's very covert. Seventy-two suspected graves, I guess. In order to say that Cao Cao is more suspicious. To make up this statement. But Cao Cao led the wind of this thin burial. It's really true. This side belongs to the unexcavated area. Did you find out? Even though we were talking about his mausoleum. It belongs to thin burial No big terroir. But on the whole, the area is still relatively large. At first glance, it is not the tomb of ordinary people. Because after all, after xelloss proclaimed himself emperor Give Cao Cao the posthumous title of emperor Even in his lifetime, he belonged to the king of Wei. It's a princely rank. His tomb is as shabby as it is shabby. There must be a process for scale and shape. There must be some buildings nearby. One more thing Cao Cao created the country of Cao Wei. After Cao Pi proclaimed himself emperor They have become a Dynasty. Especially having unified the North. The identity is different As an emperor No matter how shabby his tomb is. There will definitely be some construction here. This piece belongs to the wall. At that time, the mausoleum should be said to be the inner wall. Because the inside of this wall should be sealed earth. We often talk about an imperial mausoleum. It has an outer city, an inner city and an imperial city. It's the same here. The middle one is the core area. We can see a building ahead. The underground palace is in this. They all belong to rammed earth structure. It has a history of 1800 years now. Cao Cao died in 220 AD. What we see here belongs to the site area. When Cao Cao was just buried. There are still a lot of ground buildings. Later xelloss to follow his father. An order not to build a tree, not to seal the earth, not to carry out a rich burial. About three years after the mausoleum was built. He burned down all the buildings on the ground above the tomb. It's all destroyed Cao Cao is a thin burial Xelloss he also asked at that time. Thin burial is also used after death. Don't put a lot of things. The two fathers and sons are aware of this point. It's still the same. One more thing We had many tombs in Xi'an before. You can see the owner wearing gold and jade clothes. Or silver and jade clothes In the Eastern Han Dynasty, there were fewer. Completely stop is xelloss ordered. The burial is over without the use of jade clothes. Keep going. Cao Cao's underground palace is in this. You can't visit the real underground palace. But here There is a 1:1 copy of Cao Cao's underground palace. We can go and have a look. This is the original tomb of Cao Cao. The location of the underground palace Because it is protected, it is not open. There is a slope here. It is also a tomb passage of more than 30 meters. There is a tomb passage in this tomb. A-shaped The door of the tomb can still be seen in the distance. Wait a minute. Let's go to the next one. Take a look at the copy of the underground palace. What's it like in there? Let's take a look at the plan of the underground palace. Is it very much like a character a? This is the tomb of princes, generals and ministers. This is a slope, and the tomb passage is also tens of meters. After the tomb passage comes, there is a tomb door. Then go in and you will find the location of the underground palace. Did you find out? It consists of two chambers, front and back. Then the left and right sides belong to the distribution room. Four in all It is also commonly known as the ear chamber. On the whole, compared with The tombs of princes, generals and ministers in the Western Han Dynasty It's still much smaller. In fact, it is mainly composed of the tomb chamber and the tomb passage. This is the floor plan This is the elevation You can see it clearly. This is with us around the Qianling Mausoleum in Shaanxi. See those funerary tombs It's about the same Because that also belongs to the earth tomb. From the Pre-Qin Dynasty to the Tang Dynasty As long as it's this kind of earthen tomb. It's pretty much the same Tomb passage and then inside is the tomb chamber. This is the same as the cliff tomb of the Han Dynasty. It's still a little different. It should be normal Is it different from the cliff tombs of the Western Han Dynasty? In the Eastern Han Dynasty Many tombs have been turned into brick tombs. There is a big cave in the rear. This is the robbery hole. Regardless of Cao Cao and Cao Pi What method was used to guard against theft? The end is still stolen. And the number of thefts is very high. Now we have come to this copy of the underground palace. Take this step and go in. Inside is what Cao Cao's original mausoleum looked like. It is equivalent to that we are walking now. Above the sloping tomb passage A lot of bricks can be seen here at the tomb door. It's called a parapet in this place. Because it is next to the rammed earth. In order to make it stable, it doesn't collapse. I got one in the front. Brick walls come out. Then we can see that there are a lot of grooves here. This was made of wood at that time. It also plays a supporting role. It's just that it takes a long time. The wood will rot. On both sides of the tomb passage. The length of this parapet is about 5 meters. The width is about 4m. The door of the tomb is coming from the tomb passage. Inside is the location of the underground palace. This piece belongs to the copy. Make a corridor between the tomb door and the slope. Make it convenient for Dajiang to walk. You can see that this is the tomb door. There are two arches, one big and one small. Then the corridor that seals the tomb has three floors. 123 is very strong And then the tomb door is right here. And then this is not a groove. It's kind of like what we call a tomb wall. Its entire first line of defense is relatively strong. There are several formalities. These bricks are also modern. A copy of Cao Cao's underground palace with the present bricks. We are here now. The antechamber of the underground palace In the back is the back room The coffin is in the back room. Both sides are ear chambers. Just now we also introduced a total of four ear chambers. Now it looks like the underground palace is empty. At that time Even if it's a thin burial There are still some funerary objects in it. As an underground palace, you can see all these bricks. This is a typical tomb form of the Eastern Han Dynasty. Take a look at the ear chamber next to it. There's nothing in here. We can see the wall. There's a rope here. I heard the tour guide introduce to other tourists just now. When the underground palace was excavated, There is a rope in it. I don't know what it's for. And copy this underground palace. I copied this rope, too. I don't know what it is anyway. It doesn't look like it hangs anything. Go a little further. Came to the back room. This is also the core of the underground palace. At that time, Cao Cao's coffin was placed in this position. We can see two grooves in the ground. At that time, Cao Cao's outer coffin was made of stone. It's just stuck in this position. This is what the tour guide said just now. Most people don't know what that is when they come here. Thought it was Kanai, but it wasn't. There are two large caves in the back room wall. This is the robbery hole. We just saw it outside. Here's what's going on inside. According to expert research This robbery hole should have a very long history. Probably during the Jin Dynasty. That is to say, Cao Wei Jiangshan did not perish for long. Mausoleum of Cao Cao It should have been stolen. According to speculation This is probably the Sima family. Seized the land of Cao Wei. Take revenge on the Cao family. Thus destroying Cao Cao's tomb. Because it is impossible for him to dig Cao Cao's tomb. It can only be said that through some other means. I heard the guide talking about the cave next to it. It should be 2,006 years. The grave robbers came in through there. That is to say, Cao Cao's tomb. No matter how defensive he was in life. After he died. It was soon stolen and excavated. There are two ear chambers beside the back chamber. What we're looking at is a little mound of dirt. According to the guide There was a coffin here. There are bones in it. Two skeletons were found in the whole tomb of Cao Cao. According to textual research One is about 60 years old. One is about 9 years old. Then this place That's where the child's bones are. We just said it at the beginning. There is a joke on the Internet. He said he found the tomb of Cao Cao when he was a child. In fact, it is mainly due to here. There are two skeletons. One is a child's. I also asked the guide when I came here. The tour guide also said. This is purely an entertaining joke. This is the other ear chamber. At the time of archaeology. A cranium was found in this place. According to the identification, he is about 60 years old. We came here Then I heard that he was about 60 years old. Then you must know this is Cao Cao. So how was it determined at that time? This skull is Cao Cao. This tomb is the tomb of Cao Cao. During the protective excavation of the tomb, Some cultural relics were found inside. Those relics are basically in the style of the Han and Wei Dynasties. Some small stone tablets were also found. There are words on it, King Wu of Wei. At first, I didn't know what the stone tablet was for. The back is in Luoyang, Henan. Some tombs of Cao Wei were excavated. It was found that there was also a stone tablet inside. Finalize these stone tablets. It identifies the owner. In Chinese history There are only three people with the title of King Wu of Wei. One is Cao Cao Another one He was a figure in the period of the Five Hu and Sixteen Kingdoms. According to the records The other two, King Wu of Wei The age at which they died One is in his 20s. One is in his 30s. Cao Cao died at the age of 66. So this skull. And Cao Cao's age should be consistent. One more thing At that time, Cao Cao's highest title was the King of Wei. After his death, his posthumous title was Wu. So we call it King Wu of Wei. After Cao Pi proclaimed himself emperor, he was awarded the posthumous title Cao Cao is Emperor Wu. Cao Cao had been buried at that time. The stone tablet of King Wu of Wei seen in this underground palace It is consistent with the identity of Cao Cao's burial at that time. Another point is that the tomb is not sealed. This is the same as the historical record that Cao Cao's tomb is not sealed or planted. They corroborate each other. And at the time of archaeology. According to the architectural traces around the tomb, It can be seen that it was not burned. It's an artificial demolition. This and the historical records of xelloss ordered. Demolition of ground buildings in Gaoling The records are consistent. One last point It is the structure inside the underground palace. The tomb is a typical style of the Han and Wei Dynasties. It's built quite simply inside. We're talking about simplicity. There are not many funerary objects. In line with Cao Cao's request for a thin burial. Comprehensive research and textual research found that Finally, it was determined that this place was Cao Cao's tomb. Cao Cao was buried in the underground palace of this tomb. Now this tomb. It is a national key cultural relic protection unit. It can also be said A mystery that has puzzled people for 1,000 years. It's finally revealed The Discovery of Cao Cao's Tomb It is the legend of the 72 suspected tombs before. Completely overturned The mystery that has been passed down through the ages has also been solved. That's what we just said. Seventy-two suspected tombs began in the Northern Song Dynasty. This is popular among the people. It's just that more and more people believe it. It will be handed down forever. What we usually know about Cao Cao Word of mouth is not very good. It feels like a cunning and mean image. I believe that if you come to this tomb of Cao Cao. And in this museum. Learn about Cao Cao's life. It can be concluded Cao Cao is not our imagination. Or the kind of character in the impression. He was responsible for social stability at that time. Social development has played a great role in promoting. We've actually seen a lot of tombs before. Princes, generals and ministers of the rank of emperor In their eyes Basically, death is as important as life What to enjoy in life What do you also enjoy after death? Almost every tomb. There is a lot of gold and silver in it. And the discovery of Cao Cao's tomb Prove that Cao Cao is not that kind of person. He really means what he says He said he wanted a light burial. Is that really a thin burial? We can conclude Cao Cao is a man who does not seek wealth and honor. Maybe he thinks his ambition His ideals are more important than these. Then we can see the tomb of Cao Cao here. It is also a different understanding of Cao Cao. That's all for this video. Thank you very much I'll see you in the next video.
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Id: PiT7ghOISxs
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Length: 30min 34sec (1834 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 15 2024
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