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Hello, I'm Qiu Ping. I am still in Hangzhou, Zhejiang. I saw a lot of Shanxi merchants' courtyards in Shanxi this year. Most of them are magnificently built. The scale of construction is grand. I also saw a luxury house in Hangzhou today. It was a famous merchant in the middle and late Qing Dynasty. It can also be said to be the richest man at that time. Hu Xueyan's former residence Hu Xueyan is believed to be very familiar to everyone. He was as rich as a country at that time. His mansion, so to speak. The scale is not as large as that of Shanxi merchants. But the architectural layout inside Decoration can be said to be even worse. How luxurious is this mansion? I saw it when I looked up the information on the Internet. It is said that this mansion is worth 5 billion yuan. Why is it so luxurious? Because inside It uses wood. Basically, they are extremely precious. For example, mahogany, Huanghua pear, pear wood and so on. Crucially, it also has a two-storey building. Made of gold nanmu This is very precious. So now let's go inside and have a look. Is his mansion really worth 5 billion? This is Hu Xueyan's former residence. It was built in the Tongzhi period of the Qing Dynasty. 1872 A.D It covers an area of 10.8 mu. GFA 5,815 sqm In front of the former residence of Hu Xueyan. The street is called yuanbao Street. Why is there such a name? It is obvious that the street is high in the middle. Low on both sides This is obviously the shape of a gold ingot. The type of gold ingot Inside the courtyard wall is Hu Xueyan's former residence. Let's look at the architecture of Jiangxi School or Zhejiang School. They are basically high-walled courtyards. Of course it's here This wall can also be called a fire wall. The height is nearly 9 meters. The length reaches 100 meters It looks very low-key on the outside. It's just that Zhejiang architecture is also good. Just walked through the gate. Tickets here are also 20 yuan now. As soon as you come in here You can see a courtyard of more than ten square meters. There are many carvings on the walls. It's all lifelike A big house like this. Brick carving, wood carving and stone carving are indispensable. And this compound Many also use imported materials. And there's a lot of gold in it. On this wall. The most exquisite is this brick carving. It should be a lion dance ball. After almost 100 years. Still lifelike It is both elegant and solemn. At the same time, it can be said that the charm still exists. Hu Xueyan was born in 1823 in the Daoguang period of the Qing Dynasty. I was poor when I was young Family is not well off So he began to learn the means of making a living at an early age. I went to a bank at that time. Then there is a saying. He works very hard in the bank. It's safe to get the favor of the bank manager. Then he gave the bank to Hu Xueyan. I don't know if it's true or not. Anyway, it was 1860. Hu Xueyan opened the first bank. Later, it was also opened in Shanghai, Hankou and other places. He must have been in Hangzhou at first. By 1866 Hu Xueyan is promising because of his hard work. Recommended by Zuo Zongtang to take charge of Fujian Shipbuilding Bureau From 1867 to 1881 Hu Xueyan helped Zuo Zongtang borrow money six times to raise money. The total is 17.7 million taels. There is an introduction next to it. It began in 1872 Hu Xueyan began to build a mansion here in yuanbao Street. Zuo Zongtang's Letter in 1873 It is equivalent to asking for credit for Hu Xueyan. Make Hu Xueyan's mother Got the seal of Zhengyipin. We often talk about the lady of life. Zuo Zongtang recovered Xinjiang at that time. Hu Xueyan raised money for Zuo Zongtang. It can be said that Zuo Zongtang can recover Xinjiang. Hu Xueyan also made contributions. It is equivalent to solving Zuo Zongtang's worries. Zuo Zongtang and the Governor of Shaanxi Province in 1878 He asked the imperial court to reward Hu Xueyan with a yellow Mandarin jacket. At this time Hu Xueyan's career reached its peak. He was a famous red-top businessman at that time. The richest man in the country During that period Emperor Tongzhi himself wrote a few words. To Hu Xueyan's home At that time, he was already a second-grade official. Wear a yellow Mandarin jacket But prosperity is bound to decline By 1883 Hu Xueyan's industry is affected by Racketeering everywhere. And other reasons Lead to the failure of capital turnover Squeezed out by foreign businessmen Eventually, they were forced to sell half of their assets cheaply. By 1885 Hu Xueyan died of depression in poverty. The former residence of Hu Xueyan At that time, it was called the first luxury house of Chinese tycoons in the late Qing Dynasty. According to some sources, When he built this compound, The cost of silver reached 500,000 taels. I guess it was a lot more than that. As soon as you walk in. It feels magnificent. It's really exquisite. I don't know whether the glass is from the past or the present. The color is different anyway. This is relatively rare. This is a relatively large screen wall. It must have been carved before. There's nothing in the back You can see it as soon as you come in. This is the same hall as we said. Actually, it's called the sedan hall here. We usually look at some courtyards. The car halls are relatively small. Especially Hui-style architecture. Or the sedan hall in Shanxi. It's not too big. And here, do you see? It's super big It should be five rooms wide. Two rooms deep It's very big The door is seen open now. Then Hu Xueyan was sitting in a sedan chair. Including guests coming to the sedan hall. It's all in and out through here. This is the east wing of the sedan hall. It is a temporary resting place for sedan-chair bearers and servants. Usually we're talking about. Sedan bearers are not allowed to enter the courtyard. His range ends at the hall of the sedan chair. So the sedan-chair bearers were here at that time. If Hu Xueyan wants to go out. They're just waiting. After Hu Xueyan went home. This is where they rest. Because in the past there was a sense of hierarchy. There are also two eight-lift palanquins in the church hall. In feudal society What kind of person becomes what kind of sedan chair. There are explicit provisions. Because Hu Xueyan was a second-grade official at that time. Thus, Hu Xueyan can enjoy the treatment of the eight-lift sedan chair. The guests who came to Hu's house at that time Basically, all the sedan chairs are parked here. The material inside the sedan hall. The column includes the upper beam. It's all made of precious apricot wood. This red apricot only grows one centimeter in 10 years. Think about how precious it is. This sedan hall is very wide. It's also very grand The area is about 218 square meters. This is a sedan hall Than the houses that most of us live in now. And broad Built so big from his sedan hall. I can imagine. The Hu family was very lively at that time. The house is full of distinguished guests There are a lot of guests coming and going every day. And basically people with status come here. There are many plaques on this sedan hall. Especially in the middle. Unusual It's called Mian Shan Cheng Rong It was given to Hu Xueyan's mother by Emperor Tongzhi. Did you find out? The word "good" in the middle is missing two points. It is said that Emperor Tongzhi wrote it on purpose. It means that good deeds can never be done. Encourage the Hu family to do more good deeds. Because after Hu Xueyan succeeded, There is no such thing as being rich and heartless. He did a lot of good deeds. He has done a lot of good deeds for the people of Hangzhou. Open Qiantang River Yidu Won the good name of Hu Dashan. At the same time, he went to Zhili Shaanxi many times. Henan, Shanxi and so on that suffer. Local donations for disaster relief Be enthusiastic about charity and do good deeds It can be said that Hu Xueyan did not live up to this plaque. Go on after you come out of the hall. You can see a rather exquisite brick gate tower. This can also be called the official gate of the Hu family. There are also a few words on it, Xiu De Yan Xian. This is also the family motto of the Hu family. Hu Xueyan has high hopes for his descendants. I hope my children and grandchildren Be able to become a virtuous person. And continue the virtues from generation to generation. Unfortunately, this mansion was built after the death of Hu Xueyan. It was used by his descendants as a way to pay off debts. It's mortgaged Later, it changed hands several times. We often say that wealth lasts only three generations. The Hu family has never been rich for a generation. There are also some exquisite stone carvings on it. It all means the same thing Some nice moral. Good wishes and so on. The former residence of Hu Xueyan faces south. The sedan hall is here It should be on the central axis with the brick gate tower. The gate is now closed because of the brick gate tower. Let's just go in from the side and have a look. We often talk about brick and wood structure. Civil structure And his compound. Basically, wood, stone and bricks are all used. Came in This is a main hall in Hu Xueyan's former residence. As you can see, it is very large. I got to know the glass. It should be the old one. Back when he built it. This is the blue glass. This building is called the Atrium. People live up there The first floor is the living room. Most of the building materials are rosewood According to the records The second floor used to be Hu Xueyan's mother. And her first wife. The residence of the first wife The first floor is where important guests are received. And a place for very important banquets. At the same time, this building also has a name called Hundred Lions Tower. Mainly due to the railings on the second floor. A lion cub carved from rosewood It is said that there were 100 at that time. And the lion cub's eyes. All inlaid with gold. Of course, there are not many now. What you see in front of us are some lions. These lions were all gilded at that time. It can be said that they are basically made of gold. It can also be seen from here. At that time, Hu Xueyan was indeed as rich as a country. Life is also very luxurious. Look at the layout inside. At that time, most of the wood of the Hu family All imported from Southeast Asia. Including the blue glass we saw inside. It is also imported from foreign countries. Like the two palanquins we just saw. It's mahogany I forgot to mention it just now. And a little bit of this Hundred Lions Tower. The doors are all openable. You may open the middle door at ordinary times. If it's a big holiday. Or Hu Xueyan's business. At the annual meeting The following shopkeepers come here to report their work. It will be in this hall. And then entertain these shopkeepers. And open these gates. Or the Hu family. When the wedding was held. This door is also all open. Because this is the most important building. Put it in a more popular way. This is Hu's house. Used to entertain extremely distinguished guests. And a great happy event in their family. A place where a banquet is held. There is also a room on the east side of the Hundred Lions Building. Go and see There are a lot of houses on his side. There should be some servants living here. And the bed This side belongs to the kitchen There are two kitchens in Hu's house. One big and one small This side belongs to the big kitchen. As the name suggests Most people in the Hu family eat. It's all made from here. Kitchenette It must be Hu Xueyan. And his concubines, mothers, and children. That's where it was made. This kitchen is typical of Jiangnan style. It reflects the characteristics of safety, hygiene, energy saving and convenience. We say that the earth stove is often seen. But there are relatively few earthen stoves like this. This is called the Seven Star Stove. We can see there are several pots here. There are several small ones in the middle of the picture. Basically, use the residual temperature of the cauldron. Bring the contents of the small pot to a boil Maybe a lot of people haven't seen it. Such a stove The space is very big. Look, there is a coir raincoat here. It's the equivalent of our current raincoat. I wore them when I was a kid. Because they were herding cattle at that time. They all wear coir raincoats and bamboo hats to go out. It's very rare now. It's basically a showpiece. These big families I am very particular about this diet. Although the Hu family is as rich as a country. But what they eat. It's not big fish and big meat. Only certain holidays are possible. This fish will be more. I usually eat light food. Mainly the vegetables and fruits. This may be what we are talking about now. Regimen is the same. Because in ancient times In fact, they already know how to keep fit. It can't be the big fish and meat. Now go to winter to have a look. The whole building faces south. In the middle is the central axis And then both sides Most of them are inhabited by some members of the family. There is a sign here. Did you see the Nanmu Hall and the Music Hall? What kinds of courtyards are there in Qingyatang? Then what are these words of the courtyard? It should be where Hu Xueyan's wives live. There is a Nanmu Hall here. It should be made of gold nanmu. Let's take a guess. How many wives does Hu Xueyan have? According to our current statement, All call it wife That's a total of 12. Ahead is the Rongdong Courtyard One of Hu Xueyan's wives lives there. So Hu Xueyan has 12 wives in total. Is it every wife? There are separate living courtyards. Actually, no There should be three wives with separate courtyards. The first one is the original wife. The other two were called concubines at that time. You look like what we see in front of us. It's where her concubines live. It's more favored. The two concubines have separate courtyards. Above is the residence Below is the living room. The whole Hu Family Courtyard Basically, people live on the second floor. The first floor is the lobby. At their house Only the favored have the right to a single room. That is, a separate courtyard. This courtyard There's a patio and a bridge. There are also long corridors, rockeries and so on. Then this piece. It was where his two concubines lived and entertained. Because she became the concubine of the Hu family at that time. Basically, I go out less. Most of the activities are in this compound. Then they don't go to some places. To build this compound. That's all for consideration. You're like these cloisters. They are tired of playing here. You can sit down and rest The consideration is quite thoughtful. Keep going. This is a very important place. We are talking about Nanmu Hall. Made of gold nanmu. You came here Apparently, the entire building. The door, the window, the pillar, it's all different. As glittering as gold. So the whole hall. All of them are made of gold nanmu It is said that this is Hu Xueyan. The residence of a favorite concubine The second floor is the residence, and the first floor is the hall. This is the layout inside. On his side. Most of the first floor belongs to the living room. Or a place to entertain. Look at the words above. The sky is round and the earth is square What kind of stone is inside the wood? This is very common in Zhejiang-style architecture. This one is called Zaifu Hall. The building inside It's all made of gold nanmu. The pillar must be So these partitions that we're talking about I don't know if it is. Anyway, let's follow it, right? We were in Hubei before. I saw a house made of gold nanmu. It's actually about the same size as this. Three, too. But he's a floor. So this is still two floors. The golden nanmu in Hubei at that time The house is worth 800 million. There are expert estimates. So the whole two floors here are all gold nanmu. Can you guess how much it is? I feel even worse If it's 800 million over there, Is it 1.6 billion here? Or a billion. Another interesting thing about this compound is that It's all connected by this kind of cloister. In either direction. It is regarded as the house and courtyard in the whole compound. It's all connected. Generally, if there is such a cloister, It can be said that sunny days can not be exposed to the sun. Can't get wet in rainy days Hu Xueyan's former residence belongs to the high-walled courtyard. You can also see a lot of carvings on the top of this. They have a lot of carvings in their house. This group of carvings The length is about 100 meters This is relatively rare. Next to the Nanmu Hall One of the buildings is bigger. There are seven rooms up and down. We just said that. Hu Xueyan has 12 wives. There is also a concubine who is favored. Living alone. And here Where the unloved concubines live. Above is the bedroom Below is the living room It happens to be corresponding. One person, one room, one living room. Isn't that interesting? This is equivalent to what we call a dormitory. At the same time There is also a cloister in the middle of the house. A channel What Hu Xueyan means is that You concubines. You can communicate with each other and move around. Otherwise, it will be very lonely. Wait a minute. We can see it when we go in. And at the back of this building. And the vault of the Hu family. A place where treasure is stored. No one would have thought. The most important treasury of the Hu family It's the place where the concubine lives. Let's take a look inside. Now this is the layout. I guess it wasn't before. It's obvious from here. Each of his rooms is connected. It is to facilitate the daily communication of these concubines. Otherwise it will be very lonely. The material of his building. It is also extremely exquisite. All are made of high-grade materials. The pillars are Araucaria It is imported from Southeast Asia. The partition window in that part is made of red sandalwood. Doors and windows are made of rosewood Metal components such as boxwood are made of brass. Extremely luxurious indeed. There are too many windows in his family. I guess every day. There are special people to open and close the windows. Because if this window is open, It takes some time to shut down. Usually big families are like this. And he's here It is different from the Shanxi Merchants Courtyard we saw in Shanxi. It is basically invisible in Shanxi. The window is so big. Like the wood above the window, it is also more precious. I looked around like this. Most of the material in this It's all imported from outside. The next seven rooms. Hu Xueyan is also called the hall. A place of recreation for concubines. A place for piano, chess, calligraphy and painting His building is called Harmony Hall. Is it Hu Xueyan who wants his concubines? Be able to be harmonious and happy There are also exquisite carvings beside it. This is very big Up to one meter in diameter Carved is a phoenix. It means husband and wife are beautiful and rich. Anyway, the meaning of these carvings is good. We've actually seen a lot of sculptures. The south is also good The north is also good They are basically the same. This is the back where the concubine lives. The Hu family's treasury is in this place. No one can imagine It's a pity that you can't go in here. This space is relatively small. Right here This vault is really beyond the imagination of ordinary people. It can also be called a cellar. About two meters above the ground It covers an area of about 7.6 square meters Smaller Of course, this may be put in the Hu family. A place of particular financial importance Think about the heyday. Hu Xueyan's property is 20 million taels of silver. So at that time, It can be said to be as rich as a country. 20 million taels of silver should belong to working capital. His property is not counted in it. I guess it may be so. Here comes another place where Hu Xueyan is as rich as a country. It's on this second floor railing. There are many Aquarius It's also covered with gold foil. This average merchant family. You don't have the ability. The key is this gold foil vase. It's not just in this area. On the railings in several places. There is Ruyi on it It means peace and good luck. It was a real eye-opener. We said at the beginning. I went to the Shanxi Merchants' Courtyard before. It's all big to see him. The building inside is magnificent. Come here It really just feels like nothing. Those mansions of Shanxi merchants are here. It's a drizzle Everyone knows the former concubine. She must have a maid. Of a personal servant But here They don't live together. Because the rooms above can only be occupied by concubines. The servant is in her other place. Let's just go a little bit. There is a separate courtyard. This is the piece. In fact, with this concubine, that old seven. It's connected. There are three rooms up and down. It's for the concubines and servants. The room is small, you see. I don't know how many people lived here at that time. In this Hu family. There are two places where the servant lives. One is the Hundred Lions Tower Bai Shi Lou belongs to Hu Xueyan. Where the first wife and his mother live. There must be a servant in that place. Then there are all his concubines here. The magnificence built by the Hu family Another unique thing is this kind of telephone style. We know one of the great inventions of modern times. The telegraph and the telephone. This is equivalent to the telephone in the Qing Dynasty. Look, there's a bell down there. There's a trumpet shape like this on it. If we have seen some movies and TV plays, Like one of those cruise ships If someone up there shouts. You should be able to hear it down there. So is this one. They have this in the concubines' rooms. Maybe this kind of communication tool at that time. It's all over the Hu family. For example, the concubine shouted from the top. Xiao Hong, come here. His bell will ring. Then you can hear the sound. This is one of the more ingenious Now it seems that this is relatively simple. There's actually copper pipes buried in there. If there is a sound, it will ring. Basically, he is also continuous. A lot of people say it might get mixed up. So, for example, room one. That's connected to servant number one here. That's probably what it means. Over there is the old seven Hu Xueyan's concubines lived there. This area is occupied by servants. So if we go this way, We arrived at the new room seven. Where Hu Xueyan's children live. There is a Buddhist temple on the way. Because Hu Xueyan's mother believes in Buddhism. Naturally, there will be a Buddhist temple. In fact, we are not just Hu Xueyan's family. A lot of these compounds There will be a Buddhist temple. Especially the period before that. A lot of the old lady is old. She believes in Buddhism. It means to pray for the prosperity of the family. The man in the family. It's all safe and wait Because Hu Xueyan often goes out. The whole family actually builds the pattern. The forms of construction are similar. I just admire his window. Too much, too much. The layout of the new seven rooms is the same as the old seven rooms. It's all two layers. A room above to a living room below. Above is where his children live. Although Hu Xueyan said that there were many concubines, But his children. Not very much. His building materials here are similar to steel. The one I saw is the same as the aunt's building. It's been so long. We can clearly see that Inside the entire former residence Most of his building materials are More precious wood. Rosewood and Nanmu Red apricot wood and so on You can imagine it from here. When Hu Xueyan built the compound, It cost a lot. No wonder the compound is worth 5 billion. I think it's really possible. You are like the gold nanmu hall we just said. It's in Hubei I have just said that it is worth 800 million yuan. And there's the first floor. That's about equal to two. The golden nanmu in Hubei. Then there are more than ten billion here. Then add these other precious woods. I think 5 billion is really possible. The former residence of Hu Xueyan that we see now It's been repaired. It was renovated from 1999 to 2001. At that time, the total investment was 600 million. It has been repaired and completed So that we can see this mansion today. It is called the first luxury house in China. Middle and central axis and east side Mainly Hu Xueyan's mother. And where his family lives. Where does Hu Xueyan live? He's in the west. It's called Zhi yuan. It's also a back garden. Zhi yuan I hear the scenery here is very beautiful. It is a typical Jiangnan garden. Go and see In this garden. Is there a lake with clear water and sky? Very interesting There are small bridges and flowing water by the lake. There are open corridors and dark lanes Now take a closer look inside. Here we can probably see Panoramic view of Zhiyuan Let's take a closer look. There are lakes, mountains, bridges and houses here. Basically, you can see the reflection into the pool. It's very interesting to have a shadow in the shadow. This is also a good place to punch in and take photos. A lot of people come here to take pictures. Especially taking pictures of ancient costumes. Because it belongs to the typical Jiangnan style. Everybody knows that Jiangnan style is especially suitable for punching in and taking photos. There is an endless stream of people taking pictures. Everyone is lined up to shoot here. According to the records Hu Xueyan also lived in this courtyard at that time. He lived separately from his concubine. It's in front of us See the more magnificent building. It's all chicken wing wood from mahogany. A building constructed from. Also known as the Redwood Hall The first floor is the living room. The second floor is Hu Xueyan's bedroom. It is said that there is an eight-treasure bed inside it. Extremely extravagant Better than the emperor's dragon couch. We can also imagine from here. Hu Xueyan was here. It's very comfortable and comfortable. Stand on that building. You can also have a panoramic view of the whole courtyard. You can see the beautiful scenery of Jiangnan gardens. There are lakes, mountains and rivers. Whoever lives here is very comfortable and comfortable. Hu Xueyan can be said to be very remarkable. His starting point is relatively low. But the achievement is extraordinary From self-made to wealthy It is the only one in Chinese history. Merchant with the top of the second grade Known as one of the top ten businessmen in China His decline There are many reasons. But there is a part Or is it his extravagance? You look like the house we saw him in. It probably cost 100,000 taels of silver to build. Plus furnishing A total of more than one million taels of silver were spent. I just said that half a million yuan may be less. So there was such a sentence at that time. An official must read Zeng Guofan Business must read Hu Xueyan There is another reason for the decline. Because of the background of the late Qing Dynasty. At that time, Hu Xueyan encountered a big business war between China and foreign countries. He was squeezed by powerful foreign businessmen. Market chaos As a result, his capital turnover is not effective. The latter is equivalent to bankruptcy. The Hu family declined like this. Feel his inside story. Still not as powerful as Shanxi merchants. This may also be Hu Xueyan's business. It is different from Shanxi merchants. But Shanxi merchants are also good Including Hu Xueyan The end of them The rest may be much the same. You look like since the fall of the Qing Dynasty. Shanxi merchants also declined rapidly. This is mainly due to the background of the times. So this Hu Xueyan's former residence We're almost done. It was really an eye-opener. This is probably the most ornate decoration I've ever seen. The most luxurious compound. It was really a worthwhile trip. So after seeing the Hu Family Courtyard. Do you think it's worth 5 billion? Anyway, according to my personal guess, Personal views are really similar. That's all for this video. Thank you very much I'll see you in the next video.
Channel: 行迹旅途中
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Keywords: 行迹旅途中, 大山, 悬崖村, 无人村, 四合院, 古城, 中国古迹, 旅游, 乡村, 行跡旅途中, 石山, 大山奇观, 深山, 懸崖村, 無人村, 中國古蹟, 旅遊, 鄉村, 大山奇觀, 長江, 奇觀, On the journey, mountains, cliff villages, uninhabited villages, courtyards, ancient cities, Chinese historical sites, tourism, rural areas, stone mountains, mountain wonders, mountain cracks, deep mountains, Yangtze River, wonders, Dalam perjalanan, gunung, kampung tebing, halaman, monumen Cina, pelancongan, kawasan luar bandar, keajaiban gunung, retak gunung, gunung dalam, keajaiban, 旅行, 杭州, 豪宅, 历史, 清朝
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 40sec (1900 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 06 2024
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