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Hello, I'm Qiu Ping. I am now in Yi County, Baoding, Hebei. Today we come to the Western Tombs of the Qing Dynasty. This is one of the two mausoleums of the Qing Dynasty. It was Yongzheng who was buried. Jiaqing, Daoguang, Guangxu and other emperors First of all, we came to Tailing. It is also the first tomb of the Western Tombs of the Qing Dynasty. Emperor Yongzheng was buried. Yongzheng can be said to be known by everyone. There are many stories about him. There are heads and tails. The most interesting story about Yongzheng is The succession of Yongzheng What the hell is going on? Another point is that Yongzheng died and was buried. That is to say, he was finally killed by Lv Siniang. The head was taken away by Lv Siniang. Behind Qianlong and the princes and ministers. When Yongzheng was buried. Had to use a gold head instead. So the Yongzheng buried in the Tailing Mausoleum What the hell is going on? Let's learn about the story of Tailing. Tailing is the first tomb of the Western Tombs of the Qing Dynasty. It was built in the earliest and largest scale. Geomantic pattern is the most complete So why is the geomantic pattern the most complete? Because in ancient times, it was good to build mausoleums or palaces. Must pay attention to Feng Shui. And this Tailing It follows the layout of the Big Dipper. Let's take a look at its guide map. This is Baocheng Baoding. Come here is a Shinto. Did he see this Shinto? It's a little crooked. This is mainly due to If we say that Baoding is straight with the whole Shinto. It's like a sword. It is definitely not possible to shoot directly at the emperor. So this side takes a curved form. At the same time, his mausoleum The whole follows the layout of the Big Dipper. So the geomantic omen of Tailing is very good. Now we are ready to take a look at Tailing. This mausoleum is very large. The first thing we see is the five-hole stone arch bridge. This is also the first building to enter the Tailing Tomb. It is also the first star of the Big Dipper. We know a lot about the story of Yongzheng. The most familiar is the issue of Yongzheng's succession to the throne. In many movies and TV plays, there are some interpretations. It's all told at that time. Kangxi actually wanted to pass the throne to the 14th elder brother. But Yongzheng may Knowing the news in advance, he usurped the throne. Changed the imperial edict to the fourth elder brother. And so he ascended the throne of God. Is that really the case? Normally speaking, it is impossible. Because of the Qing emperor's testamentary edict. He has several languages. What we said The biography in the film and TV play is in Chinese. In fact, he still speaks Manchu. He can't change this. So do you think this succession is true or false? Anyway, I feel that it must be a normal pass. Because the fourteen elder brothers were fighting in the frontier at that time. Impossible for the emperor Said to pass the position to a man far away from the frontier. But there are still many mysteries in history. For example, you are like this Tailing. Why was it built here? It was not built in the Eastern Tombs of the Qing Dynasty with Kangxi. Normally speaking, The cemetery is basically in one place. Especially the words of later emperors. It must be next to the emperor in front. You are like the Ming Tombs. Of course, Zhu yuanzhang doesn't count. Because Zhu Di moved the capital to Beijing. The emperors' tombs in the back are all in Beijing. There are several theories here. Yongzheng's mausoleum was chosen from the very beginning. The Eastern Tombs of the Qing Dynasty However, it was later found that although the scale was large, the situation was not complete. That means Feng Shui is not very good. So the Yongzheng people abolished him. At the same time, he ordered the selection of another polar region for ten thousand years. At that time The man who chose the tomb is what we call the Thirteen Master. Is Yongzheng's younger brother. At that time, I came to Yongning Mountain in Yixian County. Said to be the wife of Qiankun Juxiu The place where Yin and Yang converge Yongzheng was very happy to see this memorial. I think the Feng Shui here is very good. It was built in 1730, the eighth year of Emperor Yongzheng's reign. The Western Tombs of the Qing Dynasty Almost formed This is a normal historical record. There's another saying It was Yongzheng who tampered with the testamentary edict and ascended the throne. He did a lot of bad things. Have a ghost in your heart So he didn't dare to build a mausoleum beside his father after he died. So he stayed away from Kangxi. Another mausoleum area In this case, it is hundreds of kilometers away from Kangxi. Another saying is that during the reign of Yongzheng. Ambitious Make great efforts to make the country prosperous It laid the foundation for the prosperity of the Qing Dynasty. So when building the mausoleum, He wants to show his power. If it is built in the Eastern Tombs of the Qing Dynasty He would not dare to surpass his father and grandfather. It can not achieve the purpose of highlighting itself. So open up another mausoleum area. This is the Shinto of Tailing. Let's take a look. It's very wide. It's 11 meters wide. The length is from this stone bridge to Baoding. That's 5 Li in total. Such a wide and long Shinto is very rare. It may be that the Changling Tomb of the Ming Tombs is comparable. Let's take a look at its composition. It's all made of green bricks. And in the middle There are also three roads made of huge strip-shaped stones. The strip-shaped stone in the middle also has a saying. We'll talk later. It looks like it's just a green brick. In fact, there is a mystery under this. There are two layers of bricks under the green bricks. One is paved like this and the other is erected like this. And then there's that lime underneath. The glutinous rice milk is all made. So this is very strong. Can be well preserved for hundreds of years. That's the reason. The whole mausoleum faces south, which is normal. It is not unusual that there is a stone archway in the south. But you can see it from the picture in the air. The whole south, east and west. And the big red door form a quadrangle. This is very rare. It is also unique in the country. We saw a lot of stone archways. But such a big stone archway is very rare. It is in the form of five doors, six columns and eleven floors. The width is more than 32 meters and the height is more than 11 meters. Extremely rare It is all carved out of bluestone. Such a huge stone archway is very rare. But there are three here in Tailing. And it's incredible that It's actually with the big red door. Form a quadrangle I don't know why. I feel It made sense when it was built. Just like the wordless tablet of the Qianling Tomb. Then design and build three huge stone archways here. Does it highlight Yongzheng's great achievements? Because everyone knows. When Yongzheng succeeded to the throne. The Qing Dynasty actually had a lot of problems. History governs corruption The treasury is in deficit But after Yongzheng succeeded to the throne, He went through a series of reforms. For example, spread out into mu. A whip. These. Greatly improved the treasury situation at that time. It was also a relatively prosperous time for the feudal Dynasty. So at that time Yongzheng may feel that he has made great contributions. The same as great achievements So as to build these three huge archways. To highlight the achievements I guess it looks like this. So do you think so? There are many animals carved on this stone archway. Lion Fenglong and so on In general, there must be dragons and phoenixes. Under the propped up pillar. It was carved with dragons. Kirin, wait The key is to look at one. This is more interesting. What do you think of the above? This is an evil beast. Put it here to ward off evil spirits. Then there is a shorter one on both sides, which is called Shoushan. Longevity is better than Nanshan It's all very interesting. It's beautifully carved. It's really spectacular. You look like the quadrangle in front of you. Basically, it can't be seen in other tombs. Why are there quadrangles? This is a principle that Tailing follows. A matter of death is a matter of death That is to say, what is the status before death? What are the conditions? It's the same after death. At that time, many palaces were in the form of quadrangles. He also built a quadrangle here. This is the Big Red Gate. This is the main gateway to the Western Tombs of the Qing Dynasty. It is also the main gateway of Tailing. Put it in a more popular way. Go in here Began to officially enter the mausoleum area. So this is equivalent to a gate. We often say the same as the city gate. There are walls on both sides. It's called a geomantic wall here. Let's see if this place is big. The depth is more than ten meters and the height is more than ten meters. The width is also more than 30 meters. It is indeed very grand and magnificent. It is in the form of a single-eave roof. The top of the hall is the highest level of ancient Chinese architecture. Imperial palaces and mausoleums are generally common. Other places unless the emperor allows. This big red door is actually connected to the wall. It's called a geomantic wall Why is it said to be the general portal? It's equivalent to The Great Red Gate is the same as the gate to the city. The Fengshui wall on both sides is the whole Tailing. It's surrounded The Big Red Gate There are three gates here. He also has a meaningful function. This is the time when emperors and empresses were buried. The coffin went in here. That's why it's called Shenmen Did you see that? Coming in from the Shinto all the time. This path of stone strips This is the empress. This is where his coffin went in during the burial. All the way to Baoding You can't deviate from the underground palace. Keep going. Actually, it's still far away. I didn't even make it to 1/3. There are many buildings ahead. There are 74 single buildings in total. The one ahead is magnificent and tall. Double-eave Xieshan style building It is one of the few imperial tombs in the Qing Dynasty. The Stele Tower is called the Great Stele Tower. It is also called Shengde Shengong Stele Tower. It is a building dedicated to eulogizing the emperor. For example, after the death of Yongzheng. He did so many things. Then Qianlong will definitely. To sing his father's praises. So such a building was built. In the Qing Dynasty Not every emperor is qualified to build the Great Stele Tower. The Western Tombs of the Qing Dynasty Only the Tailing Mausoleum and the Changling Mausoleum in the reign of Emperor Jiaqing have large stele towers. But Daoguang and Guangxu did not. Why is that There was an unwritten rule in the Qing Dynasty. The emperor could only expand his territory during his reign. If we lose an inch of our land, You are not qualified to build a big monument. The Qing Dynasty began with Daoguang. You lose your territory. So he doesn't have the big monument. And it's not just that there's no big monument. There's one other building in there, neither. Wait a minute. We can see. The Great Stele Tower is actually equivalent to a courtyard. At the four corners of the Great Monument There are four corresponding Huabiao. His watch is also called Optimus Prime. Or the Panlong Pillar Because you can clearly see the top of this pillar. A dragon is coiled up. Such a beautiful one is really very rare. The pedestal is the seat of Sumeru. It's also carved with dragons. Because this is the tomb of the emperor. So the dragon can be seen anytime and anywhere. At the very top It's the roar at the sky. It is made up of spigots. It means looking forward to your return. And came to a huge stone arch bridge. This one has seven holes. It is also the largest in the whole mausoleum area. That's the most interesting thing here. Does it look like a flat peach? There are a lot of lines on it. This is called an incised line. There are 24 articles in total. It represents 24 solar terms. Which means all the buildings in his mausoleum. It all has meaning. There is also a saying here called the flame column. The whole bridge is covered. In fact, if you go to the imperial mausoleums and palaces of the Ming and Qing Dynasties, Everyone can see these. The Forbidden City also has incised lines. We usually say that we can see stone elephants when we go to Shinto. Tailing is no exception. But his stone elephant lives here. Just before The stone elephant seen in the emperors of the Tang Dynasty There's still a difference First of all, there are not so many stone elephants. What are the stone statues in Tailing Mausoleum? Lions, horses, elephants, etc Then there are the princes and ministers. Are civil servants and military commanders. A little less. The lion we see here is very small. Where did its tail go? Is the tail damaged? If you look at the stone statues. Go to the imperial mausoleum of the Tang Dynasty. Or the Ming Xiaoling Mausoleum. It's really magnificent. In the place of Tailing. His five pairs of ten elephants are relatively few. It can't be compared with the Tang Dynasty. Because of the imperial tombs of the Tang Dynasty. Only the stone elephant of the civil servants and military generals It's basically ten pairs. Not including other animals. So the strength of the Tang Dynasty is very strong. Look at these stone statues in the Tailing Tomb. The horse is so small If you have seen the imperial mausoleum of the Tang Dynasty. You can obviously feel his own stone statue. It's really nothing compared to that couple. These are the stone men. This should be a civil servant. Is it very short? The city road begins to turn here. We talked about the principle at the beginning. If you don't turn here and go straight. It is equivalent to an arrow shooting at the top of Baocheng. Shoot at the emperor That's not allowed. So I turned a corner. It also follows the principle of the Big Dipper. So this kind of imperial tomb The meaning is very much. Every aspect of it. Has its meaning in it. Some distance from the Shinto. Came to the second gate of Tailing. This is called the Dragon and Phoenix Gate It means that emperors and empresses are in harmony and always in harmony. Start here It is the place of the main body of the Tailing Mausoleum. The buildings are very dense There is a stone tablet in it. The temple name and posthumous title of Emperor Yongzheng are recorded. This monument is very huge. The top two words are Sejong. This is the temple name of Emperor Yongzheng. The general name of the temple is Sejong. It proves that the emperor is still relatively great. He is also a connecting link between the preceding and the following. And you can see it at the back. Mausoleum of Emperor Xian Emperor Naxian's posthumous title belongs to Yongzheng. So Sejong, the following are among Emperor Xian. This is actually an honorific title for him. So what we can actually say is simply that Mausoleum of Emperor Shizongxian Up ahead is the Lone Gate. Behind it is the Long En Hall In the Ming Dynasty, it was the Enmen Endian. This is also in line with the Ming Dynasty. This is Long Enmen. Let's see if this building is very grand. It's also a yellow glazed tile. The building on the top of the hill. It is like a dividing line of the whole mausoleum area. That's us. The first thing I saw was some ground buildings. Is to guide the building to the end here. It is also the beginning of the main building. After entering through the Lone Gate. You can see a magnificent building. It is called Long En Temple. This should also be called the whole mausoleum area. The most important place besides Baoding. Let's see if this building is beautiful and gorgeous. Brilliant It's like a house. All made of yellow glazed tiles. Actually, it's called a silk burner. It is used to burn colorful paper or cotton silk during sacrifice. A place Since it is a silk-burning stove to burn things. So guess where its smoke outlet is? Maybe a lot of people can't imagine it. This one has nothing. It exhausts smoke under this. There are holes It's exquisite It's really like a house. This is the Lone Gate. It's huge. Its total area is 959 square meters. 95995 Supreme This is the main place in the emperor. The memorial tablets of emperors and empresses Then the emperor's sacrifice after that. Also came to this place. Zhongyuan Qingming Festival every year Wait for five festivals. Will hold major sacrificial activities here. So the emperor. These five days. It is very likely that they will all come from Beijing to offer sacrifices. There is also a Danbi stone in front of the Long En Hall. You can see dragons and phoenixes So do you see the arrangement here? The dragon is on top, the dragon head is on top. Feng is down there This is to follow the rules of the empress. Now let's go to the hall and have a look. This Longen Temple Mainly the memorial tablets and portraits of the emperors. Even a queen counts. As soon as I came to the main hall. A huge stone can be seen. This can be called a stone of worship. That is when emperors of later generations came to worship Yongzheng. This is as far as he goes. For example, Qianlong will come to worship Yongzheng. When he gets to this rock, he's done. Of course, it's kneeling here. After the worship, he returned from here. Can't go any further. Including the back of the hall. This is a ritual system. That's why we put a huge rock here. Then let's take a look at the buildings inside the hall. These pillars are all gilded. It's spectacular The pillars here should not be made of gold nanmu. Arrived at the Muling of Daoguang. It's all made of gold nanmu. But we can also see the wood. Unusual It's not just any wood. Every piece of wood is huge. It is estimated that it will take two or three people to hold it. These woods should also be found in the mountains of the south. Coming out of the Longen Hall is the gate of the mausoleum. It is also the last gateway of the whole Tailing Mausoleum. Because the Tailing Mausoleum as a whole is the front court and the back bed. Then go in here It's the Yongzheng Emperor. The living place is the place where he rests and sleeps. Because it's an underground palace. This place can also be said to be the whole mausoleum. The most important place Now let's move on. This is also called Junmen. But it's the same thing. He doesn't come here to offer sacrifices to the emperor. It will be over when we get to the Longen Temple. And then as soon as you come in You can see the magnificent building. That is Fangcheng Minglou. The famous buildings in Fangcheng began to exist in the Ming Dynasty. It's also on a grand scale. In front of Fangcheng Minglou, there are five stone offerings. And the wicket Then there's a story here. There is a saying. This is the second wicket. Why is it called a wicket? Two pillars, one door, one floor. It also roars at the sky. This also means good luck to ward off evil spirits. In fact, in the imperial mausoleum of the Qing Dynasty, the gate of the two pillars I haven't seen much. Because there was no emperor after the reign of Emperor Jiaqing of Erzhumen. Daoguang, including Xianfeng and Guangxu behind it, did not. Why is that Just like the big stele tower. There was an unspoken rule in the Qing Dynasty. If you lose your territory, Not the Great Stele and the Second Pillar. This is Fangcheng Minglou. Below is Fangcheng Above is Ming Lou Minglou is the north of the whole mausoleum area. It is the tallest building in the mausoleum area. It is also the last building on the ground before entering Baoding. Fangcheng Minglou Because it is relatively high. There is a slope from below. We can also call it a step. Look, I'm standing straight now. We walk normally like this. But if you want to climb this slope, It's not the same. If you want to go forward. You have to bend over and keep your head down like this. If you go straight like this. When you look at me, I fall back. This is because this place is called It means in ancient times. If your courtiers or others see the emperor, Bow your head and don't face the emperor. Confronting the emperor is called offending. That's why he designed it like this. If you go. That's the only way to get up there. So this is also a manifestation of the feudal hierarchy. Keep going. The gate is usually closed. There is a small courtyard after the entrance of the passage. It's called the Dumb House This is only since the Ming Dynasty. Why is it called the Dumb Court? Because this is the mausoleum area. The core of the underground palace is here. So at that time, that is to say Build this underground palace Including the inside entrance. It's all built with dumb people. And it operates at night. Just don't let the entrance to the underground palace. Be known by others So in this dumb house. The most important and core is the screen wall. This is available in Ming and Qing Dynasties. I am now under the famous building in Fangcheng. This is an aisle. Behind Fangcheng Minglou is Baocheng Baoding. Inside is the underground palace. The core of a mausoleum is the underground palace. What is the core of the underground palace? Entrance to the underground palace So it's in this aisle. In fact, it hides the secret of the entrance to the underground palace. Let's take a look Both sides are made up of huge stone strips. It's still a pattern on it. This piece in particular is very obvious. So this is actually the sign of the entrance to the underground palace. What do you mean This is the piece. We come here in the middle. It's the entrance to the tomb. If you've seen the other tombs, There are tombs and corridors inside. So now we Go straight ahead from this position. Is to take the tomb path Take the tomb path for some distance. It's like having a door. In the Ming and Qing Dynasties, it was called the Diamond Wall. Through this doorway. We can see a glass screen wall here. In fact, this screen wall was in the Qing Dynasty. In fact, it is also the symbol of the underground palace. Right under this is the King Kong Wall. We just said that the entrance of the tomb has been coming. We're at the Diamond Wall. If you have seen some documentaries or seen them. Those underground palaces in the Eastern Tombs of the Qing Dynasty You can find out The King Kong wall inside it is very spectacular. So in the Qing Dynasty With this, it means that the diamond wall is below. Of course I know now. It must have been known only to the royal family. So like the Chongling Tomb of Guangxu not far from here. At that time, the grave robbers passed through the glass screen wall. Directly below the robbery hole Went through the Vajra Wall and stole the Guangxu Underground Palace. Wait a minute, we can also see it. So has this underground palace been stolen? Actually found this place in 1980. There is a huge robbery hole. At that time, archaeologists were thinking about rescue excavation. As a result, it was about two meters below. It turns out that these seals are still original. It proves that the grave robbers were digging. Tailing did not succeed So it was resealed. It proves that the Tailing Mausoleum was not stolen. As long as you come to the imperial mausoleum of the Qing Dynasty. See this wall We'll know the King Kong Wall is here. This Vajra wall is equivalent to the underground palace. The gate is the same as the wall. You can go to Fangcheng Minglou from here. There is also a huge monument inside. Anyway, the imperial tombs of the Ming and Qing Dynasties You basically see a Everything else is pretty much the same. This Fangcheng Minglou I don't know if it was built later or the original. Let's see this one A huge monument This tablet is also called the Ming Tower Stele. It is carved in Manchu, Chinese and Mongolian languages. It's about the mausoleum of Emperor Sejong Hyun. This Sejong belongs to the temple name. Emperor Xian belongs to the posthumous title Of course, this is the same as the big stele we just saw. The long one is the same. This is just a shorthand. Look at the buildings below in Fangcheng Minglou, they are very spectacular. This way is Baocheng Baoding. The underground palace is under this. I don't know when this tree was planted. There must have been no trees before. If you go to the Eastern Tombs of the Qing Dynasty. There is no tree above the Cixi. After a few hours of walking around the Tailing Tomb Finally arrived at the last building. Baocheng Baoding The underground palace is below. Yongzheng was also buried in it. There has been a legend for hundreds of years. Yongzheng was killed by Lv Siniang. After Lv Siniang took his head away. Yongzheng can't be buried here without a head. So at that time Hong Li or the minister came up with an idea. Use gold according to Yongzheng's appearance. To create a skull that connects to the body. Buried here Of course it's a legend. But legend is legend. There has always been such a saying. There must be some basis. In fact, we don't know whether it's true or not. Because the underground palace was not stolen. It's not open I don't know the real situation. Only later I don't know when the underground palace will be opened. To see what's going on inside. Do you think this statement is credible? Personally, I think it's basically impossible. Because the emperor of a unified Dynasty in Chinese history It is almost impossible to be assassinated in the palace. And we do Even if we always say that there are assassinations. That basically means falling into the water or something else. It's even more impossible to cut off the head directly. The Forbidden City is heavily guarded How is that possible This may be the Yongzheng reform at that time. Offended a large number of people. And then they made this up. Including Yongzheng's succession And Yongzheng's death are all legends. So what is the real story about Yongzheng's death? There are usually two kinds. The first is that Yongzheng died of exhaustion. Because he is very hard-working. Work until midnight every day. In the long run, there will be problems with the body. Another is that he is the same as Li Shimin. Basically, take the elixir. Causing what we call a toxic episode. In the eighth year of the reign of Emperor Yongzheng, he had a serious illness. Later, it is equivalent to cultivating immortals. I often take pills Finally, the elixir was poisoned According to some accounts, he bled to death from seven orifices. So there are too many secrets about Yongzheng. The answer to the riddle of succession The riddle of death, the riddle of burial. But overall Yongzheng is definitely not in those movies and TV plays. Or the way the novel is interpreted.
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Keywords: 行迹旅途中, 大山, 悬崖村, 无人村, 四合院, 古城, 中国古迹, 旅游, 乡村, 行跡旅途中, 石山, 大山奇观, 深山, 懸崖村, 無人村, 中國古蹟, 旅遊, 鄉村, 大山奇觀, 長江, 奇觀, On the journey, mountains, cliff villages, uninhabited villages, courtyards, ancient cities, Chinese historical sites, tourism, rural areas, stone mountains, mountain wonders, mountain cracks, deep mountains, Yangtze River, wonders, Dalam perjalanan, gunung, kampung tebing, halaman, monumen Cina, pelancongan, kawasan luar bandar, keajaiban gunung, retak gunung, gunung dalam, keajaiban, 旅行, 雍正, 陵墓, 清朝
Id: vjYRL4z9Mvg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 35sec (1715 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 01 2023
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