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Hello, everyone. I am Hai Juan. Today, I will share a delicious pancake Learning this ratio we can also make a variety of cakes like pocket cakes, shredded gold cakes, sugar cakes and so on I'm going to start with 500 grams of regular flour Add four grams of salt and eight grams of sugar The main purpose of the sugar is to make the pancake in a nice color. we're going to use 200 grams of boiling water first It changes the gluten the technique makes the pancake very soft Stir well and then add 160 grams of normal temperature water and stir well There is almost no dry powder in the mixing Knead into dough If the noodles are sticky at this time, we can appropriately dip the hands in some oil or wake up for a few minutes and then knead it will not be so sticky Knead it into a soft, smooth dough and cover it and let it sit for 40 minutes to an hour We're going to make a pastry bowl and we're going to put in 2 tablespoons of flour Two small spoon of oil Stir well and make into pastry. Set as ide Sprinkle a little dry powder on board to take out the dough A piece of dough is very soft Tidy it up and split it in two Half for the lengthened pie and half for the other pie One portion is cut in half and folded in at the corners to form a circle Flat the area between the pieces and roll them out into round pancakes After being removed, the surface is smeared with pastry Spread the oiliness evenly Like to eat salty sprinkled salt Slice it from one side and roll it up a little looser The air is pinched tightly Push the inside out with a pinched cornice on the outside to prevent leakage I bought the coffee directly pressed flat Rest under plastic wrap for 10 minutes The other side is cut on the other side Divide into two groups and rub the other piece long Make five small sentences All areas are evenly arranged into a circle from the outside to the inside And the same thing for small areas Squeeze between one of the areas taken The cake Put some pastry in the middle of the piece an d smear well Tighten the mouth along the edges like a bun and salt it Then straighten it and press it flat and put it under the plastic wrap and let it sit for 10 minutes One of the small area of ​​the child pressed flat rolled into the shape of the wrappers And then I'm going to pass the smaller surface through a layer of pastry that's going to be very uniform And at the edges Each chapter is overlapped and coated with pastry Repeat the last one at a time and I'll get up and press it gently Then ride along the edge of Lvshun Brigade I'm going to make this dough a little bit bigger with aluminum Put some dry powder on the bottom of the same plastic wrap and let it sit for 10 minutes When the banquet is well awake, they drive away in turn Lengthening C area between flattening before pushing back pulling Drop all the same techniques before and after the pull Roll it out into a round crust and be careful that you don't want to roll the elongated pie too thin it's too thin and then it will c ome out with no layers Roll it out like this and grease off a little bit of the round crust. Heat the pan and brush it with oil Heat until the oil is hot. Turn to medium heat and add in the crust Let's sort out the shape See the surface of the pie crust bulging slightly brush a little oil Give bread on three sides Turn the flat skin to make the thin heat even See the pie puff up slightly again upside down Cook for about 30 seconds on the wrong side and look at both sides and they're golden brown Look at how soft this pie is This is the area of ​​the pocket cake. You should not change it directly to a strip Don't press out gently Divide the face and feel it again gently Are wide And that's ready to go in the crust when the oil is hot The surface carries a little oil Your rice noodles Turn a To eat the urine Continue to turn until 30 seconds Look at the pancakes that have bulged up and weigh them on both sides and you can puff them out of the pan Another one also cried up out of the pot la st pancake area To make it bigger by pushing it back and forth Don't rush out at once. Try to rush out at 1, 1 The other side is also flip up and down Roll it out like this and then we can put it in the pan and we don't need to brush the oil and then we can put it in the pan The surface of the baked cake is slightly discolored. Turn the dough and rotate the crust to heat evenly Flip the bottom color again After the rice noodles , we saw the pancake puff and then we took the first one flip it over Cut off the second one, ten seconds. Keep turning Then we move on to third layer and we flip it over The last two were uncovered It's a kind of dough technique . I made different kinds of cakes. Which ones do people like? This dough can make more than three kinds of cake oils Cut this piece open and see the layers Take a look at this particular layer and see how soft it is Take a look at this sack of pie Look at it Spring is coming, add some green vegetables and potato shreds are a good choice S pecial softness Which style do you like these three weeks If you like to eat pancake still don't know what's wrong according to the proportion of seafood noodles As soon as the guarantor does, so soon as he does This kind of flour can be made lengthened cake golden fillet cake shredded cake bean paste cake pocket cake grass wonderful cake spring cake sugar cake Try it on and i am sure either works. Thank you for watching. I'll see you next time
Channel: 海娟美食
Views: 906,335
Rating: 4.8379741 out of 5
Keywords: 美食, 面食, 美食教程, 海娟美食, 面点, 家常面食, 早餐, 懒人早餐, 快速早餐, 做点心, 早餐饼, 饼子做法, 早餐食谱, 糕点的做法, 中式早点, 我的美食日记, 美食vlog, 美食日记, 年夜饭必备菜, 年夜饭食谱, 年夜饭, lunar new year, Chinese lunar new year, chinese new year, new year's eve, new year's banquet, 喜闹元宵, 家常饼, 面食做法, Gourmet, pasta, pastry, homemade pasta, breakfast, lazy breakfast, dim sum, breakfast cake, pancake recipe, breakfast recipe, pastry recipe, my food diary, Gourmet vlog, gourmet diary, 麵食, 麵點, 家常麵食, 懶人早餐, 做點心, 早餐餅, 餅子做法, 早餐食譜, 糕點的做法, 中式早點, 我的美食日記, 美食日記, 年夜飯必備菜, 年夜飯食譜, 年夜飯, 喜鬧元宵, 家常餅, 麵食做法
Id: waKMp30IlTU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 2sec (782 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 26 2021
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