아듀2020! 올해를 빛낸 길거리 음식 베스트 Top10 /Goodbye 2020! Top10 Best Street Food of the Year/Korean Street Food
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Channel: King Food 킹푸드
Views: 7,646,419
Rating: 4.6231537 out of 5
Keywords: 길거리음식, 한국 길거리음식, korean street food, street food, Asian food, Cooking, Korean food, King Food, 킹푸드, 만두, korean street food waffle, korean street food toast, korean street food recipe, korean street food dessert, korean street food noodles, korean street food tteokbokki, 조경제 만두, 화과자, 왕호떡, 계란말이 토스트, 석봉토스트, 뚱와플, 카페천국, 명랑핫도그, 왕떡볶이, 항아리 삼겹살, 칠성시장, 칠성시장 수제비, 전주 한옥마을, 전주 화과자, dumpling, homemade sweets, Hotteok, Sweet Pancake, Egg Roll Toast, waffle, Corn Dog, Tteokbokki, spicy rice cake
Id: IXUQj3EpYx8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 99min 25sec (5965 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 23 2020
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