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Hello everyone I am Haijuan Many friends complain their pancakes are dry and hard Today Haijuan will share the easiest way with you to help you solve the problem Your pancakes are gonna be thin and crisp Pour 400 grams of plain flour into the plate Half use 130g of hot water and stir the dough while pouring The other half uses 130 grams of cold water to make noodles Stir while pouring Stir until there is almost no dry powder Take a look Knead into dough The pancakes must be softer This is the first key point of the pancake Look at the softness of this side Simply knead the dough into a dough No need to rub smooth Wake up ten minutes Next we will make a shortbread Put 30 grams of plain flour in the bowl Let's cook the noodles in ten minutes Look at this face , although it is soft But not sticky Easily and softly Look at the dough is smooth At this time, continue to wake up for 30 minutes and take out the resting dough No need to rub anymore Make the gluten bake spring cakes dry and hard Divide directly into four equal parts Married an area simply arranged into a circle All done Flatten the dough Roll into a pancake Apply a layer of pastry on the surface of the mask Then cut a knife from the middle of the dough Roll up from one side Loosely rolled No need for such special effects This way the pie level can be better Then pinch the bottom Big head down and small head up Squashed Just one dough is ready The country's first ready-made flour paste is pressed and rolled into a round cake shape The thickness of the pie is about 0.3 cm Preheat the pan in advance Brush a little oil Put the dough into the cake after the oil is hot Brush the surface of the cake with a thin layer of oil Lock the moisture inside The whole process is going to be a big fire Prevent the baked cakes from being dry and hard Heat is particularly important Don't slow down Seeing the cake battered, we turned it over After flipping We can turn the bottle of beer Let the crust heat more evenly The softness of his handle Flap until the bottom of the cake changes color to give three sides Pretty The whole process takes about a minute It must not be longer than two minutes It's baked so that both sides of the crust are like this Use two spatulas to lightly hit the golden yellow Remove from heat Are the home-cooked cakes made by the family members super? Take a look at the softness How soft it is Tear one apart and look inside All are small bags Soft and delicious Don't know how to make homemade cakes You can use this method Ensure that you can be successful at once, soft and multi-layered Share today's video here See you in the next video
Channel: 海娟美食
Views: 159,260
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 美食, 面食, 美食教程, 海娟美食, 面点, 家常面食, 早餐, 懒人早餐, 快速早餐, 做点心, 早餐饼, 饼子做法, 早餐食谱, 糕点的做法, 中式早点, breakfast, Pasta practices, Homemade biscuits, Haijuan Food
Id: GaZ24_pm6rc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 42sec (342 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 26 2020
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