The Perfect Mario Speedrun Explained

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Wow, this video is extremely well-produced

👍︎︎ 41 👤︎︎ u/DickBatman 📅︎︎ Jun 17 2023 🗫︎ replies

A long, cozy Bismuth video on a late Friday night? Sign me up!

👍︎︎ 25 👤︎︎ u/Madous 📅︎︎ Jun 17 2023 🗫︎ replies

The explanations of the tricks in this video are amazing. I learned a lot more than I even knew I wanted to know. Even after nearly 40 minutes I was still hoping to get more details on the TAS long jump in BiTS at the end.

👍︎︎ 14 👤︎︎ u/JohnnyLeven 📅︎︎ Jun 17 2023 🗫︎ replies

Suigi getting pissed off over 0.1 seconds time lost reminds me of impatient drivers when the light turns green lol

👍︎︎ 11 👤︎︎ u/VioletMetalmark 📅︎︎ Jun 17 2023 🗫︎ replies

This was a great explanation: I thought I already knew everything there was to know about tricks like LBLJ, Cannonless, and Pole Glitch but Bismuth actually taught me quite a lot. Also a thorough breakdown of how much time Suigi actually lost.

👍︎︎ 11 👤︎︎ u/originalusername4567 📅︎︎ Jun 17 2023 🗫︎ replies

suigi saying runs dead over barely any time loss

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/PositiveLadder2359 📅︎︎ Jun 17 2023 🗫︎ replies

Great video.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/MiserableSnow 📅︎︎ Jun 17 2023 🗫︎ replies

A masterclass!!

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Flibidy_Dibidy 📅︎︎ Jun 17 2023 🗫︎ replies

How does one achieve 8 rotations per second on the Bowser fight?

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/emc3142 📅︎︎ Jun 18 2023 🗫︎ replies
on March 22nd 2023 green sweet G set a new world record in Super Mario 64 16 star with a time of 14 minutes and 35.5 seconds to get a sense of how historic this speedrun is here are the top 130 Runners of 16 star tons of competition at the top level with Brothers insing out each other by fractions of a second aside from a Gap near the 15 minute Mark and then there's squeegee sitting on another planet dozens of speedrunners including suiji himself have called the speedrun perfect but what does that mean what sets this run so far ahead of everyone else and is it really perfect this is the Super Mario 64 16 star world record explained this video is sponsored by surfsharkvpn the way it works is pretty simple by connecting to the internet through a VPN you can choose an IP address from anywhere around the world and data exchange through that connection is encrypted but why is changing your IP address good TV shows and movies are often region locked isps throttle your download and upload speeds if you're using more bandwidth and they'd like you to be using online businesses often have different pricings for different countries those limits are based on your public IP address by changing that address you can bypass region locking and throttling and get deals that can easily save you more than the monthly subscription your VPN pays for itself the encryption of your data is something you don't know you need until you wish you did if you ever use free public Wi-Fi networks you're putting your passwords at risk no matter how secure the website you're using is surfshark closes that loophole by encrypting your sensitive Data before it's sent through the public network the best way to find out if it's good for you is to try it right now at no risk thanks to surfshark's 30-day money back guarantee make sure to use the promo code bismuth for an extra three months for free the link is in the description below let's get this spoiler out of the way this speedrun is not literally perfect it will become very clear very quickly though that this is an unfathomably clean run if you think the mistakes I'm pointing out from it are ridiculous that's because they are this video will break down the Run Star by star for the most part I will let part of the Run play out then explain everything there is to understand about it what tricks and glitches were used and how they work how much time squeegee lost a fetty and what faster strategies exist that could save more time also as always check out the additional notes Linked In the video description it's me Mario but first a quick look into the category of the route taken through the game 16 star is meant to be a run that's approachable to newcomers and generally considered more enjoyable to play than the true any percent speedrun of this game zero star the problem with zero and even one star is that they require a trick that's so prohibitively difficult that very few people even complete a run let alone try to optimize it as a result 16 star is over 12 times more popular than zero star but being an easy version of any percent doesn't preclude it from including hard tricks and optimizations so the category is still competitive at the highest level and its world record is held in high regard so why 16 Stars well the Run does Skip every Star door 8 30 50 and 70. however without the splj to skip the 30 star door the next best thing is using mips the rabbit to push Mario through the door mips only appears once Mario has 15 Stars the second Bowser stage is initially blocked by Dire dire dogs until the starboard Bowser's sub is collected which brings the star count to 16. in this run squeegee also skips the 8 star door aside from warm's Fortress the level is accessible from the main lobby tend to have stars that are slower to collect than the basement levels getting the basement key early allows the Star Distribution to skew in favor of the basement saving roughly 40 seconds first squeegee gets the basement key in the redcoin star from Bowser in the Dark World then he gets 3 stars from womb's Fortress before heading to the basement to get the rest three stars from shifting sand land four from lethal lavaland three from hazy Miss cave and one from toad bring his down to 15 to make bips appear afterwards it's just a matter of getting the key to upstairs then skipping the other star doors to finish the game yeah like everything in this game is harder than it looks really 10 seconds in and I have to step in this is lucky to skip one of the most well-known tricks in the game like it too normally speaks to Mario at the start of the game which is controlled by a large trigger area that spans the entire Bridge except for a tiny sliver on each side if Mario only steps on the extreme edge of the bridge lakitu never swoops in for a chat to get an idea of how thin this is we need a sense of scale one unit of length in this game is roughly on the scale of one centimeter Mario is a cylinder 74 units wide and 160 units tall the part of the bridge where he can stand without speaking to lakitu is 10 units wide so it's pretty precise but with enough practice this trick is surprisingly easy and consistent even for beginner speedrunners by the way speed is also measured using the same unit of length one unit of speed is one unit of length per frame this game runs at 30 frames per second so one frame is 130th of a second Mario's base running speed is around 32 units per frame but it gets up to 48 while long jumping or diving try to keep this scale in mind as I talk about units of length and speed during this video [Music] yeah this is the first big trick of the run the eight star door skip also called the lobby backwards long jump the trick begins with Mario jumping right through a ceiling this can happen because the Lobby's pillars have a bit of floor under them that's normally inaccessible the floor happens to come very close to the ceiling below so close in fact that by jumping into the right spot Mario can grab onto the floor like he can on any ledge when Mario is holding onto a ledge like this his apparent position is disjointed from his actual position even though he looks like he's hanging down his hitbox is actually the same as if he were standing therefore the instant that Mario grabs onto the ledge his position snaps onto the floor above allowing him to go right through the ceiling this is backwards long jumping or blj for short a long jump multiplies Mario's speed by 1.5 up to a cap 48 speed forwards and 16 speed backwards but while the forward speed is hard capped the backward speed is only soft capped in other words if a long jump were to give Mario more than 48 speed it will be fixed to 48. Meanwhile his negative speed can go beyond 16 but it'll gradually come back down to 16. this usually isn't a problem because Mario decelerates quickly enough that it goes back to negative 16 very quickly after jumping however if Mario is in a position where he can jump repeatedly fast enough he can increase his speed exponentially until it reaches thousands or even more the geometry of this area allows him to do just that once Mario is here this diagonal side has no wall some of it is bordered by the hitbox of the ceiling below and some of it is bordered by out of bounds it's quite precise to do this without being pushed back out but it is possible to have Mario long jump and reverse into the ceiling with his back against the ceiling he's prevented from moving into it and his vertical speed is zero down so he lands immediately as soon as he lands he can long jump again and repeat this process but while his vertical speed is set to Zero by the ceiling his horizontal speed is preserved so he can grow it exponentially after only 14 jumps his speed is on the order of about one thousand Mario then shoots out of the spot and into the black room behind the door this room is simply there for the cutscenes when Mario is coming in and out of the castle it has just a bit of floor and no walls everything Beyond it is out of bounds after completing a 180 degree turn he zooms across the hall and up the stairs and passes right through the eight star door the reason Mario can clip through walls and doors at this speed is quite simple he's just moving that fast Mario is in front of the wall then completely Beyond it on the next frame while hitboxes are 100 units thick but Mario actually needs 4 times that speed to get through to improve its accuracy with Collision detection when calculating Mario's move movement the game splits each frame into four equal parts called quarter steps since they get through a wall Mario needs to be in front of it on one quarter step and Beyond it on the next it requires a speed of at least 400 units per frame by the way this is a gross oversimplification the actual walls in this area look like this to get up the stairs he needs to slow down a bit Mario's speed up his slope is limited by how much he can move and still be within the floor hitbox of that slope with too much speed he tries to move into the ceiling below instead and gets stuck until his speed comes down thankfully jumping instantly bring his speed down by 20 percent the jump gets nowhere because the height of a jump is indirectly proportional to Mario's speed so with a high enough negative speed the jump gets negative height and Mario lands on the next frame finally he can get up the stairs through the 8 star door and into the Bowser's stage the lblj is a very hard trick that requires a precise position for the initial long jump then an accurate blj that gives Mario Just Enough speed to clip through walls but not so much as to clip back out and ruin the whole thing then quickly turning around and aiming for the lobby stairs while controlling the speed to go up the staircase finally redirecting his speed towards the 8 star door and phasing through it all in a few seconds suiji lost roughly half a second in this segment when he turned around behind the door he spent a few frames unable to turn when the trapdoor opened Mario moved to the side which is slower standing in the middle lets Mario be carried down with the trapdoor and being on the side forces him to slide down into the level entrance instead finally there is a faster strategy for the lobby blj where Mario turns around much faster behind the door which could save another half a second or so but it's very inconsistent the start of this run is hard enough as it is and making it that much worse for half a second just isn't worth it so that's just how it goes oh [Music] here we go this level doesn't have one single trick to it it's more of a constant stream of absurdly precise movement where one mistake ends the Run less than 15 percent of all of squeegee's attempts even make it past the first Bowser but while it mostly boils down to clean execution there are two things I need to point out first the wall kick to this red coin works out because the outside wall pushes Mario before the ceiling can stop his upwards momentum on this Frame Mario is just under the ceiling hitbox on the next frame after one quarter step Mario finds himself both in the ceiling and in the wall at the same time when processing collisions the game always goes in this order walls floors then ceilings the wall head box is processed first which pushes Mario out at this point he's no longer inside of the ceiling so the collision with the ceiling is ignored this requires a precise side flip with slightly different height spacing Mario isn't so lucky and ends up missing the wall hitbox instead getting stuck under the ceiling the second thing to point out is these Wall Kicks a wall kick has two parts first Mario bunks on the wall losing all his speed then if a is pressed within a 5 Frame Window he jumps automatically gaining 24 speed in the direction reflecting off the wall but if a is pressed on the first possible frame of the wall kick window Mario doesn't have time to lose all of his speed and he kicks off the wall with the same speed he had previously this is what squeegee does he long jumps into the wall and gets two first frame Wall Kicks to preserve his high speed as he climbs up there's one very small time loss in this stage when he jumped into the pipe suiji held a slightly too long and spent more time in the air than he needed this lost him roughly 0.2 seconds there isn't any significantly faster strategy that could reasonably be used in this level here we go 42.0 or 241.9 guessers [Music] for the good luck glitch after getting the key suiji is trapped in this hallway but thankfully you can pause and exit out of levels to go back to the Castle's main lobby he did it so quickly the menu never even appears but he paused and scrolled down to exit course I don't know if I should go for long jump or not but surely it works now right here we go yeah that what just happened there this is another Flagship trick Canon list it turns out that the breakable piece doesn't complete the wall seamlessly its bottom corner is misplaced by one unit vertically this creates a gap fractions of a unit wide between the solid wall and the breakable wall which in turn allows Mario to grab the ledge in short to check if Mario should be able to grab a ledge the game checks for a wall in two places Mario can only grab a ledge if the game detects a wall on the lower check but not on the higher check this is what happens here the higher check lands exactly in that ridiculously small Gap in the wall so Mario hangs onto the slanted floor as soon as he does his hitbox touches the star for one frame before the wall pushes him out which is enough to collect it remember from the let's grab through the ceiling from the instant Mario grabs the ledge his hitbox sits on top of that ledge once Mario is in the Star Dance animation he can never fall if for some reason he's no longer standing in the floor he snaps down to the floor below Instead This is why he appears at the bottom of the wall after being pushed out also the music suddenly stopping isn't directly caused by the odd way Mario grabs a star it's because of this piranha plant the lullaby pauses the main level music so it can resume later however at the same time the Star Dance theme plays over the lullaby and stops the main level music completely when Mario gets pushed out in downwards which should be the lullaby stops playing but it stops the Star Dance instead since the main level music was stopped there's no music left to play from the moment suiji gets this trick the Run goes from mindlessly going through the motions to a serious attempt Canon less eats up half of the attempts that make it to this point it requires a very precise position that's hard to reach consistently without an exact setup for Mario's speed and angle using a long jump instead could save up to 0.7 seconds but its consistency is closer to about 25 percent [Music] normally to get the star you are required to do the first two stars in the level then find the owl industry and have it carry you to the cage instead suiji does a precise double jump wall kick to just barely make it onto the fence this trick called Owl this is hard but consistent so top level Runners like suiji have no problem nailing it nearly every time after every Star squeegee selects the option continue don't save because saving lacks the game for six frames every time since the menu has a 10 frame window where you can move the cursor but not select an option it doesn't cost any time if it's done fast enough not saving is three and a half seconds faster over the whole run [Music] [Music] oh my God it's fine it's gonna cringe there are a few things to talk about here first this high speed slide kick is frame perfect the Z press can't be buffered meaning that it can't be pressed any earlier than on the frame Mario lands if it's pressed late Mario's speed is set to 48 instead of staying around 100. after that squeegee intentionally slides out a bit before recovering to slow down a bit when Mario hits the Big Bird it stops the upwards momentum of his long jump coming in too fast to hit the bird means that you don't get as much height on the long jump and you land early on the pyramid here squeegee tried to do his speed kick but missed a speed kick Works similarly to the slide kick it can preserve higher speeds than the usual running speed of 32. it's done by pressing B while holding a and with the stick close to neutral if the stick is held forward Mario will dive instead which would be catastrophic here squeegee pressed B too early so the kick never came out which thankfully only lost him about a third of a second yeah thanks to glue for the sub this trick is known as pillarless because it skips having to stand on top of all four pillars to open the pyramid top it involves three major glitches the bloated bobbound glitch hands-free holding and a ground pound clip when Mario's holding an object what you see in his hands is actually a visual copy of the object itself the real object stays where it was grabbed until it's released remaining loaded regardless of distance but it's made invisible and intangible this is known as the object being in limbo bobbons are different while they are made invisible they remain tangible and they follow Mario by hovering in front of them why so that the smoke coming out of them looks like it's coming from the visual copy in Mario's hands this however has a few side effects just before it explodes a bob-bomb dramatically increases in size for a few frames when Mario grabs it in that bloated State the invisible hovering Baba is pushing him back since it stays just in front of Mario as long as he's holding it it follows him around pushing him back continuously this is the bloated bob-bomb glitch next is hands-free holding here Mario jump Dives to re-grab the babam and lands onto a downward slope this puts Mario in an unintended State his action state is no longer defined as holding an object but he still has a held object attached to him therefore he can perform all sorts of actions that he wouldn't be able to do while holding an object like double jumping or ground pounding on top of being pushed backwards by the bomb this is what creates this crazy looking movement her hands-free holding is a volatile State that's very easy to lose because Mario is always trying to drop the object if he can therefore the movement to reach and scale the pyramid is precise and deliberate once he reaches the top of the pyramid he ground pounds completely through the top piece and into the hole he can do that because in the first part of the ground pound where Mario does a flip his collision with level geometry is essentially disabled this allows the ball bomb to push him through the slope he also lands directly in the tiny hole which is another impressive bit of execution oh my God so slow jeez Luigi is very disappointed here because he lost time to an easily avoidable mistake he Taps A and B in quick succession to select a star as early as possible but he did it too early here and both button presses missed the input window he realized his mistake and repressed a but lost a third of a second although the star itself went perfectly he was kicking himself for making that blunder overall shifting sand land went very well he only lost a third of a second in two different parts his pillar list was especially Flawless even though he still had more than half the run to go less than four percent of all attempts make it out of the stage and he did it on a pace that he had been on less than 20 times ever thank you [Music] this star is quite straightforward I have nothing to add to it [Music] [Music] [Music] I just killed my run this is lava boosting when Mario touches lava he bounces out quite high it's possible to hit the lava waterfall at the peak of the first bounds gaining double the height since Mario takes three sectors of damage every time it can usually only be done twice in a row it's very easy to accidentally hit the waterfall multiple times so squeegee has to be extra careful to avoid that it's actually possible to save 0.4 seconds by conserving momentum gain during the lava boost but it adds a significant layer of difficulty on top of an already tough star the jump here is especially precise if Mario goes any closer he will grab the pole losing all his momentum there's almost zero margin for error speaking of Errors there's one right here when sweetie dove into the volcano he caught the rim losing a quarter of a second in the process [Music] [Music] this star went flawlessly but it could be done very slightly Faster by clipping through the bridge with a lava bounce this route only saves about 0.2 seconds though this works simply because the Bridge's only solid part is the floor both the walls and the underside have no Collision [Music] here we go once Mario gets on top of the wall he punches before diving this is because trying to walk off the ledge would cause Mario to hang off it instead a punch gives Mario a flat 10 speed and since the top of the fence is so narrow he falls off immediately allowing him to dive it's about six frames faster to do it this way than to jump off after a near perfect lethal lavaland squeegee was now in a pace that he had only ever seen less than 10 times going this deep into a run on world record pace is exceedingly rare and by now the nerves building up were starting to make him feel uneasy but he wasn't out of the woods at all the worst had yet to come [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] here we go [Music] it looks like him talking to toad was very slow but it actually was pretty much perfect toad takes a moment to fade in that you have to wait out before you're able to talk to him also it seems like a weird choice to talk to toad now instead of before or after hazimee's cave but there's a good reason for it toad only gives a star if Mario already has at least 12 and mips only appears if Mario has at least 15 Stars when the basement is loaded Mario only has 11 Stars when he comes in and if toad were his 15th star he would exit hizzy Miss cave with only 14 and mips wouldn't be there [Music] oh cringe most of hazy maze cave has no ceiling if Mario jumps high enough he can simply go over the walls so long as what's beyond it isn't out of bounds with a triple jump on the box Mario easily clears the ball and ends up directly above the cavern at the bottom of the stage suiji actually comes very closer to death plane from the pits in the first room and he has to be careful to avoid it dude come on man [Music] here we go here squeegee accidentally lands on the floor instead of jumping cleanly into the level this cost about the same as the volcano a quarter of a second the 15th star of this run uses a very peculiar trick C up sliding when c-ap is pressed while Mario is running he slides to a stop but if he's on a slope that's Steep and slippery enough the slope will overpower friction resulting in an eth acceleration once he has gained enough speed he cancels his C up sliding and in quick succession does a speed kick and a double jump followed by a triple jump despite each jump taking 20 off his forward speed he still has over 50 speed during the triple jump making this the most efficient way to preserve his momentum that's humanly viable to be worse [Music] yes [Music] yeah wow yeah yeah yeah yeah this is the first staple trick of 16 star mips clip the way this works is quite simple when Mario drops an object like mips it appears a little bit in front of him however that would be out of bounds so as a Fail-Safe it's placed directly on top of Mario because mips is colliding with Mario in their position is exactly the same Mario is pushed out in the same direction that he's facing and he ends up inside the door you can actually see mips being out of bounds when its shadow disappears once Mario is inside the door he has to crouch the turn otherwise he'd open the door instead then he can re-grab mips clip out on the other side and keep going normally this is done by jumping out of the door and turning around but something happened here that's both very rare and very fortunate suiji's perfect angle in position allowed Mario to both grab nips and punch the door frame at the same time this pushes Mario back and clips him out into single grab action saving a full second this had just promoted the run from Once in a thousand to once in a lifetime at this exact moment squeegee's heart rate jumped and his Focus was absolute he was faster than he had ever been before and it would remain that way until the end of this run the second mips clip through the 30 star door is a bit easier than the first but sweeji uses an especially fast method he jumps into the door and bunks on it which drops mips and pushes Mario inside the door this time though Mario can't stay inside because this door is slightly thinner than the first one through arcane's subframe while Collision nonsense the wall hitboxes push him out on the other side hustle since the door he bonked is the same as a wall he can walk it off of it even though he's now on the other side when he does he now faces the inside wall allowing him to walk it a second time to Face Forward again [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] first what's that this is called the punch clip or more accurately a sealing down warp under normal circumstances Mario can't enter ceiling headboxes when he attempts to move into one most of the time he doesn't move at all but if he's underwater he will move into it and then get pushed out through the bottom of the hitbox another particularity of ceilings is that their hitboxes extend infinitely upwards until they are stopped by a floor above them while a floor hitboxes extend a fair amount below the floor itself this extension is purely vertical therefore if a floor is steep enough its hitbox will be relatively thin horizontally this allows Mario to move completely through the floor in one frame which puts him inside of the ceiling hitbox below he gets pushed out through the bottom all the way down in the tunnel while it is technically possible to clip through swimming normally using a punch all but guarantees it once Mario touches the floor hitbox he gets put right above it the best possible position to ensure a clip if Mario is swimming normally though that also rotates him parallel to the slope preventing him from actually going through in the punching action Mario doesn't rotate like that so he keeps moving in the same direction on the next frame and goes through the floor hitbox the second half of dire dire docks is one of the laggiest places in the entire game an overwhelming majority of top level Super Mario 64 speedrunners agreed to play on Nintendo 64 and squeegee is no exception however the console is more prone to lag than Wii virtual console and other emulators so he puts a large amount of care into using camera angles to produce a strain on the processor and keep flag to a minimum this makes movement more Awkward than it has to be but the time save is well worth it lag reduction using specific camera angles is used throughout their whole run but especially in dire dire docks Bowser and the fire C and Bowser in the sky if the camera angle looks awkward for seemingly no reason lag is almost always why there's actually a camera angle that reduces lag even more when Mario jumps up on the submarine but it only saves a handful of frames at best and it's even more unwieldy than the methods Luigi used the climb on the submarine is already tricky enough as it is every Bowser stage is an absolute Gauntlet of pure platforming and Bowser in the fire C is no exception nothing particularly stands out but the Run could go south of every single step [Music] [Music] what is this magic this is a rare case of an upworp contrary to popular belief it has absolutely nothing to do with the pole it's actually caused by this ceiling and its special property Mario can hang down from it at any given point the game tracks if the ceiling above Mario if any is hangable or not so that Mario knows whether or not to grab it when he jumps into it but there's one tiny error that throws a wrench in this process inside of a frame the hangable property is updated after collisions are processed therefore when Mario collides with the ceiling the game checks the hangable property from the previous quarter step as Mario hits the underside of this wooden piece he's still considered to be under the hangable ceiling above so he grabs that ceiling squeegee immediately lets go by releasing a which is why Mario falls on the pole making it look like the pole is involved in some way the section at the top could be 0.1 seconds faster with better lag reduction but squeegee opted for a slightly laggier camera angle for safety here [Applause] [Music] the way he grabbed Bowser looks slow but it's intended it allows him to grab Bowser slightly closer to where he wants to throw him which saves time on the throw itself [Music] oh [Music] [Music] thank you here at the shape of the staircase allows Mario to grab onto the higher floor through the ceiling it works roughly the same way as we've seen in the lobby this is another backwards long jump except this time Mario lands prematurely because he moves onto a Higher step of the stairs it's harder than it looks to get a blj this perfectly suiji positions himself right at the bottom of the stairs and his long jump pattern is deliberate he lets two frames go between his first and his second Jump Then jumps every other frame this is required for Mario to stick to the stairs before his speed gets higher Mario needs to jump while he's on the inside half of a step otherwise he would jump over the stairs instead of landing on the next frame at the top of the stairs he has the perfect amount of speed to turn around and go directly where he needs to go next I can't overstate the Mastery required to pull this off consistently the second time around two jumps did miss the stairs which lost him about half a second but how does the infinite staircase work and how is he able to skip it with the blj well it's actually really simple there's a trigger Zone that warps Mario back down the stairs if he doesn't meet the star requirement it looks like the stairs are infinite but move the camera a bit and the magic is dispelled this zone is 154 units wide and only Triggers on every full frame so it doesn't take that much speed to break it it is possible to set up the first bljs slightly faster but again it's extremely hard given that so much of the trick is based on precise speed and positioning even despite that the bljs in this run were among the best ever in a run on world record pace and in all of his 16 star attempts Ouija had done faster bljs than this only 8 times ever regardless of the pace he suddenly jumped from being under a second faster than he had ever been up to this point to four and a half with only Bowser in the sky to go his nerves shot through the roof oh [Music] foreign jump it's a shortcut that saves 1.4 seconds over the next fastest strategy but it requires a pinpoint precise long jump to clear this Gap by a hair everything matters here Mario speed position angle and timing of his jump this triple jump wall kick works the same way as in Bowser in the Dark World Mario enters the wall hitbox at the same time as he does the ceiling and the wall pushes him up first it's quite difficult but most up-level Runners are consistent at it the wall kick onto the elevator here is much harder since the wall is Tiny and the trick depends on the elevator cycle the elevator rotates from the moment the stage is loaded so suiji needs to play the whole level at a consistent pace so that the platforms are in the right place when he makes it here if he had slowed down at any point he would be at risk of failing to land on the elevator and losing the whole run this long jumper cross is incredibly nerve-wracking because this Goomba is Infamous for his lack of cooperation with world record-based runs luckily the Goomba left him just enough space to land safely this time because of nerves ouija's Final Approach to the pipe was sub-optimal losing him a fraction of a second foreign [Music] [Music] Bowser throws are extremely nerve-wracking the window to hit buzzer with each throw is generally two frames although it can vary a bit most of the time one of the two frames gives a more direct line than the other frame suiji nailed these throws almost perfectly the second throw was on the second frame which caused buzzer to bounce and lose a few tenths of a second note that it's possible to do these throws half a second Faster by spinning this stick about 8 full rotations per second but sweeji himself stated that he was physically incapable of doing it only a small number of people are actually able to pull this off once the final throw hits the hard part is done but there's still work lift first squeegee reduces lag by looking away from Bowser then he runs to Dr Bowser because text boxes preserve speed when he gains control again Mario already has full running speed allowing him to end the Run slightly faster and with that he had beaten Super Mario 64 with 16 stars in 14 minutes and 35.5 seconds a new world record by almost 6 seconds this run improved his margin over second place to over 15 seconds that's more than the difference between second and Ninth Place as well as the difference between 10th and 30th Place by now there should be no question that this speedrun is one of the greatest of all time strategies so Advanced that almost no one else does them done with the Precision and Mastery never seen before zero mistakes Beyond a few microscopic blips none of which cost more than half a second as we've seen throughout the run the room for improvement is incredibly small about a second and a half on the lobby blj less than half a second in buzzer in the dark world one second in one's Fortress most of which coming from a faster cannonless setup one second in shifting sand land because of the two tiny mistakes Ouija made about a second in Lethal lavaland with faster strategies in avoiding the rim of the volcano half a second in hazy maze cave mostly from when he didn't jump cleanly into the level about half a second with better lag reduction in dire dire dogs and Bowser in the fire C combined less than a second with perfect bljs and a faster setup on the first one and finally a second to a second and a half in Bowser in the sky tighter execution and faster throws in total there's roughly 8 seconds to save that are more or less viable in 2020 circular Mark 994 made a human Theory task of this category using all the most advanced strategies used by real-time Runners with perfect execution and got a final time of 14 15.95 less than 20 seconds faster than Swedish run the fastest task of this category made by crack hex and a large team of contributors clocks in a 12 19.92 but we have yet to see squeegee pulled this off in real time until the robot overlords take over this might be the most perfect Speed Run of Super Mario 64 will ever get to see thank you [Music]
Channel: Bismuth
Views: 382,398
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ZMp0VwztcNw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 40sec (2620 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 16 2023
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