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There is a very strange thing about modern people Sleep time is much reduced On the other hand, there is always not enough time Because the external things are endless This echoes what Zhuangzi said My life also has an end and no end to learning Learning means more than just learning It's that external information is forever intertwined Remember the heart within each person It is the starting point or foundation of freedom Hello everyone, I'm Tao Guozhang Originally taught philosophy at Chinese University Have been retired for a few years It's an honor to talk to you this time About Taoist philosophy Taoism is divided into two schools One is called Taoism Later, during the Han Wu period, it was called Wudou Midao Zhang Daoling Zhang Jiao's part When everyone plays games Three Kingdoms is exactly that stage Taoism, on the other hand, is earlier Lao Tzu Zhuangzi is the mainstay Today I want to talk about it Lao Tzu's part of our spiritual cultivation He believes in the cultivation of the mind It's called the void and silence Or vanity Or do nothing It is the work of Taoism In terms of self-cultivation, we can do exercise Play Tai Chi But the mind cultivation aspect Need for our lives There is a deep understanding Including what we need to understand It turns out that our sensual life Or a life of view Loved chasing the outside Lao Tzu has a saying He said that the five colors are blinding The five tones are deafening The five flavors are refreshing Galloping Hunt is maddening This chapter is very famous It means the imperial prince of the Warring States period at that time Constant pursuit of beauty delicious Or wonderful sounds Or colorful Colorful decoration This kind of stuff is just external Many of the princes liked to hunt Galloping Hunt is maddening Chase the rabbit We will be highly excited Lao Tzu thought that this was not conducive to our nourishment Physically there may be exercise But emotionally overly chasing outward A dissipation is produced Say in modern language For example, ladies love department stores See the big sale again So I bought a lot of things that I didn't need This form leads to inner dissipation For example, modern psychology refers to shopaholics Sometimes we have to look for something new We compare ourselves to others In the end, many so-called disturbing minds are derived A strange place for modern people Is the sleep time is reduced a lot On the other hand, there is always not enough time Study some B.A. degrees Read some business I attach great importance to how to use my time Like what Examples they like are: A pile of sand Some ground coffee Some small stones Ask students which ones to put in the bottle first If you put sand first Or something smaller There are many gaps between the large rocks Wasted If it's just right time management It's about putting bigger things first Only then put small stones Crushed sand Only then put the grains of sand Then put the ground coffee Shake it Shake until full Individuals to this time management Some opinions People sometimes need a kind of inaction A kind of vacancy for inaction Life sometimes has an order Not every moment is useful In a more English parlance This is the German philosopher Heidegger He was actually influenced by Lao Tzu He pointed out that modern people are too concentrated in order to Everything has a role For example, when waiting for a bus When queuing The most important thing is to look at the phone Spend every minute Even holding a mobile phone to the car Listening to the phone chatting all the time These hours are running out There is a very strange phenomenon It's just that there is not enough time Because the external things are endless This echoes what Zhuangzi mentioned My life also has an end and no end to learning This learning does not mean learning It's extrinsic information Always intertwined You pay attention to the events in Ukraine You are concerned about Hong Kong politics Focus on personal health issues These are over-processed Sometimes my physical condition is better But you're tired There is no such thing as easy ease The ease of life Or nature Taoists like to talk about nature This is natural Not others That is, do not be subjected to external things To dominate, you must do this You have to remember everyone The inner mind is the starting point of freedom Or the foundation Confucius often said that nothing is incomprehensible Sometimes in tough places Sometimes while waiting for the bus Of course you can use the Internet See additional information But every minute is used Your mind is very tired So Taoist intelligence gives us a reference Exactly what I like to say about dissipation Excessive use leads to consumption and dispersion We will produce one As modern people say Inability to concentrate It always feels urgent There's always something attracting Always afraid of what information to lag behind This is the reason why modern people are tired How to cultivate this kind of kung fu It becomes more quiet or inactive There is a passage in Lao Tzu's Tao Te Ching Quite an interesting article Thirty spokes for a total of one spoke When it doesn't have a car Obsessively When it is not useful Hewn into the house It has room use The first sentence means: The previous wheels were solid So it's easy to walk and tatte When we apply a certain view Thirty spokes are the transverse posts of the wheels The middle is empty As a result, it can absorb shocks and walk smoothly Because the middle is empty So there are cars for it This makes the use of this car relatively smooth Obsessively It's like we do some clay Pottery and other things When we pile clay It has to be slowly hollowed Only when there is a utensil can it be filled with water Pack good wine Finally, there is the chiseled house It means when we have HDB flats Portals and windows are definitely required Circulate air In this case "None" is not something we can aspire to For example, our state of mind It's not about thinking about stock going up and down every day The rise and fall of gold Or keep thinking Which handbag to buy Which brand Or our state of mind It's not about slandering others Even denigrated by others You can then enter the state of nothing If you still need to buy stocks Or a preservation of value This matter does not get in the way But you need a certain situation Being able to let go of the clinging to the matter Your state of mind isn't just clinging to stocks It is not a time to stick to so-called monetary interests You'll see that nature is richer And you see certain changes in mood in art Or when interacting with people Experience more emotional communication between people So nothing to think It's a magic thing Taoists wish to point out The surface layer is inaction Inaction is silence Let go of the outward chase dissipation This is the first layer But in the deepest layer This brings us to the example just mentioned There are some things you have to understand When it has a missing one Or when hidden I can better appreciate its usefulness Wufang means Taoism Fang means Fang There is no specific direction If you can cultivate your own mind There is no one specific direction That's what the Taoists say For learning, it is increasingly a daily loss Damage after damage to inaction Do nothing and do nothing The last two sentences are the most profound It means chasing that life outward In Buddhist parlance Constantly cling to the words of others Adhere to the value judgments of others Obsessed with your own money These are certain Of course, sometimes it's like the Internet We have a lot of knowledge Sometimes constant chasing Look at the mobile phone These are for learning day by day There are more and more apps on the phone There may be 50 pages Some of what I see is exaggerated There are 30 40 pages These processes seem to use a lot of resources But at the same time, it is also a burden It's easy to understand To use my previous thinking, it is Learning for is additive thinking It also increases daily More and more knowledge Of course, this is not to say that increasing knowledge is bad It means excessive knowledge Excessive information burden It is inside modern people Many times the reason for the uneasy mind So for the Tao is subtractive thinking Reduce your phone's apps a bit There is no need If you don't need to use it, you don't need to use it Not even every WhatsApp Ding, and immediately replied My phone is about three pages long I'm interested in this kind of stuff Probably overdone This is not accurate Young people always love novelty Loved some of the new information Or something fun This is a reference Especially listening to music We keep pressing a lot of the time Change discs for other songs Let's try to be patient Finish listening to a piece of music When you can listen to a piece of music Even listen again You will find (benefits) It was a mage who proposed us Modern people actually have a way It is to learn patience Patience means: Don't be afraid to repeat Don't be afraid to be too slow Even Taiwanese like to talk about slow living I would think about that Sometimes we have more contact with nature Even sometimes by yourself No cell phone when other things are a nuisance Try going for a walk on your own I think modern people need these things What Zhuangzi said about things is not things It means when you come into contact with things It is not materialized and controlled by this thing It is very capable In modern society The beginning of cultivating the mind This start, of course, is There are many more layers But at least we can be in The era of material-rich information explosion Even when people interact When becoming more and more alienated Try to grasp this inaction and do nothing This is where it is important As for the damage and the loss It's just constant cultivation That is, continue to work hard Do one thing a day Do one thing a day I think it is Preliminary can talk about Lao Tzu A modern wisdom If you like our Chinese philosophy Questions of thought or the human heart Can I subscribe to the Health channel Bye
Channel: 健康嗎 Health Code
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Keywords: 健康, 養生, 中醫藥, 保健, 食療, 食譜, 中醫 診斷學, 疾病, 疾病分類, 運動, 針灸, 醫藥, 西醫, 中醫 西醫, 中醫師 健身, health, healthcode, healthcare, health tips, good health, mental health, men's health, women's health, 男士健康, 女士健康, healthy, 健康嗎, chinesemedicine, 健康要訣, 健康元素, 道德經, 莊子, 老子, 健康保健, 自由, 陶國璋, 虛靜, 心靈健康, 無為, 虛無, 古語有云, 資訊爆炸, 身心靈, 時間管理, 時間管理大師, 哲學, 哲理, 慢活, 慢活生活, 心靈雞湯, 心靈, 心靈舒果, 心靈疲累, 情緒, 情感, 情緒管理, 中國文化, philosophy, soul, soulmate, soulmortal, mindset, mindfulness, mindfulnessmeditation, chinesephilosophy, free, mentalhealth, mentalhealthawareness, mental, slowlife, timemanagement, 羅志祥
Id: 5gBFYlJB06g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 25sec (745 seconds)
Published: Sat May 13 2023
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