極簡飲食哲學 煮食從不落油鹽糖 家中只得電飯煲|食廿穀米代替白飯20年 治好心臟病失眠胃痛|家人相繼患癌離世 周華山博士:病從口入 飲食要按時令|健康嗎 @HealthCodeHK 【Chat醫D】

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Food currently has the biggest evil of eating or not eating But there are people for health For 20 years, only Yagu rice was cooked The family has not eaten white rice in 20 years No nutrition So many years The kitchen has only one rice cooker You're done reading No pot If you want to eat something very potty, go outside Influenced by family members Cooking rice is never made with oil, salt, and sugar Mom is a very traditional Teochew Very large amount of pickling Several people at home have cancer That's when I started eating While adjusting Eating Yagu Mijian with meals is not healthy Not so afraid of the cold Very little pain Haven't tried a cold in 30 years This episode of "CHECK ED" Tell you about Yagumi Actually each of us All according to their needs Tailor-made for yourself Suitable recipes for yourself Dr. Zhou Huashan, who used to be a university lecturer 98 years in the mountains of Yunnan After five years of living an extremely simple life Returning to Hong Kong, I have always been minimalist Eat homemade Yagu rice every day Healed a lot of physical problems Today we will go to the street market with him See how it goes together Over here Finally said that black is good for me Because I'm cold So eat something to keep warm So if it's dirty, you must buy it Trouble with no black sesame seeds I bothered to give a pack of big ones I will also buy snow fungus Because snow ears are good for the throat Good stomach I cough a lot Sometimes I also buy large dates Also good for the throat This is cut and steamed Look at where the bottom is 13 yuan two Isn't it very cost-effective Carrots and chilled melons Trouble you Sister troubles you Seasons are the most objective There are different materials for going to the market at different times Or the physique that is most suitable for our human body Of course I know some myself If I don't fit physically, I won't buy it Bought everything you need today Now start cooking at home Yeah Put the grain in the refrigerator and take it out I'll take it out and I'll go as I please Go as much as you like See what you get today The frozen ones were given to me by a friend There is just snow ear here There are Beiqi large fungus lotus seeds Great southern apricot peanut soybeans A lot of black beans cloud ear big southern dates Yellow ear cold angle Every food is packed with nutrients As long as it's not hot, I'm fit When I saw Chinese medicine TCM practitioners will tell me about my physique What is suitable for eating with a cold physique and a humid and hot physique Since then, I have been asking the owner of the grocery store a lot at the grocery store So soon became his own doctor My principle of matching is generally freshness There's to be a little bit of everything, not too much There is very little portionage for one person For example, such a big piece is already a big piece Already cut more Look at me alone, there are a dozen or twenty kinds of vegetarian dishes I like monk fruit very much Because I work and talk every day I cut it for a long time, and I cut it often So I eat more monk fruit I also like tangerine peel Chill repellent, constant qi, red beans, mung beans, micro beans You see how many berries are abundant Berries are taken the most sweet Sweetness and nomenclature Because I work on the computer every day I have to keep my eyes I just boiled the cereals for a long time For example, tangerine peel takes a long time to cook I put it all in Close the lid for about 30 to 40 minutes Almost cooked The last 10 minutes or so I put the vegetarian dish in one go Then it's ready to eat Today is Chef Michelin Cook it for yourself Now is the time to open the meal Usually I play music that I like Let yourself take a break here Mom is a very traditional Teochew In fact, what she eats is extremely unhealthy Many are carcinogenic A lot of pickled stuff The eldest brother died of cancer Eating until cancer is all after being diagnosed Only 10% survival in one year 11% My eldest brother died 10 months after he was diagnosed 51 years old Very young So it makes me reflect Too full to eat Will eat supper and so on It's all some who eat cancer Some of them eat cancer It's all some who eat cancer Some of these bad eating habits Possible causes Teochew people like to drink very hot kung fu tea The soup was also very hot In fact, the skin of the throat is very wounded and easy to lesion So since then I've been eating tea and rice all the time Gradually, I discovered some foods that worked well for me There are about 30 types of food I practiced for several years before I sometimes read newspapers or media Let's just say it's called ten grain rice I think I'm more than a Totani boss At least 20 grains I felt very comfortable And the original taste of the food is very healthy My body changed At the same time, diet is definitely one of the important reasons Seriously ill mouth Began to have stomach problems at the age of 20 I remember seeing a doctor for the first time in college and getting such a big bottle of medicine Eat several bites a day At that time, the foot was heard upstairs and downstairs Aaaa Go back to my girlfriend aaaa Also in a big hotel In pursuit of her stomach gas girlfriend The man's eyes were there Do you understand? That man boss I had a bad stomach gas What now? oh It's been 20 years, I think Also, I have congenital heart disease I haven't tried a bad heart rhythm in 20 years Insomnia is now no I used to be more domineering than the average person Obvious in winter I often wear a coat These people wear T-shirts But not now I am very happy The body's immune system functions are reactivated I already have the ability to go Adapt to the entire external climatic environment These are what Chinese medicine often says Evil cannot be done if righteousness exists When I am strong enough inside There is nothing wrong with any virus Zhou Huashan's eating of Yagong rice It is a physical constitution that has been studied for many years Analyze the efficacy of various ingredients Then take seasonal freshness and diversity as the purchasing principle Crafted with care If you want to try dental rice I don't know which ingredients are right for me It is best to register with a TCM practitioner first or a dietitian consultation If you have any ideas about dental meters Leave a message to let us know There is also a membership system for healthy mothers Hurry up and subscribe to receive a great gift See you in the next piece Bye
Channel: 健康嗎 Health Code
Views: 302,211
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 健康, 養生, 保健, 醫藥, health, healthcode, health tips, mental health, healthy, 健康嗎, chinesemedicine
Id: 5MRjxT0CG38
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 56sec (416 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 21 2023
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