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People do it simply, easily, and easily I can guarantee that I will not lose sleep Life is fun It's a pleasure to be human Lying flat is a very negative attitude towards life Do nothing And it is led by fate Simplicity Easy Plain in the I Ching It's a very positive Something full of positive energy Blamelessness is the highest state of the I Ching Reach the stage of yin and yang equilibrium What is health from the perspective of TCM? It is the yin and yang in the body For example, yin deficiency or yang deficiency Yin and yang reach a state of equilibrium You won't get sick I've often wanted to promote one in recent years A healthy lifestyle The simple theories of the I Ching are being used So I changed simplicity to three easy As a philosophy of our life I call it easy to live That is, how to live in accordance with the I Ching Simple lifestyle This easy to live has three meanings One is called simplicity We should pursue simplicity and simplicity in everything The second easy is easy The third ease is plain easy People do it simply, easily, and easily I can guarantee that I will not lose sleep Life is fun It's a pleasure to be human The reason why people have so much depression There are so many things Because people are too complex Think too much So simplicity is in line with the theory that is now popular in Japan What is it? It's called disengagement It means throwing away what you don't want From Western philosophy it is called Occam's razor It's called Okan Razor Put things that you don't use, things that don't make sense Chop chop This is a theoretical statement However, in life, we must also be able to break off and give up and leave This is called the principle of simplicity As for the easy Nominally, it's called easy in English But easy is not simple What is easy? First of all, everyone has to learn Be a person with calmness Don't be taut, let go easily What is calm? Easy to take calmly The second tolerance is inclusion You are not inclusive The mind is narrow-minded It's hard to have an easy mindset Everything became hard The third tolerance is tolerance What does it mean? It means tolerance Be lenient to people The last one is Pingyi Pingyi is actually very deep Sounds simple How can you be approachable? You have to know in Buddhism There is the so-called six-degree jackfruit There is the so-called humiliation Don't be arrogant Be wary of arrogance and doubt We say five poisons Greed, foolishness, slow doubt If a person has an arrogant heart Always high above You can never do it easy And what? Endure Something unreasonable Sometimes you have to endure humiliation in every way Have a tolerant mindset Then it's easy And how? Do what the Buddhists call selflessness Because you have empathy Often people-oriented Not self-dominant Don't think about yourself in everything The I Ching mentions simplicity, ease, simplicity It's easy to misunderstand I thought that the popular saying now is called lying flat Lying flat is a very negative attitude towards life Do nothing And it is led by fate Simplicity Easy Plain in the I Ching It's a very positive Something full of positive energy Lying flat is negative Lying flat is passive But the simplicity in the I Ching is easy and easy It's very proactive Not passive That's a big divide Easy means a lot of things to think But don't just think about yourself Think about each other For example, to your loved ones To your parents To your brother A lot of people think about each other We call this empathy empathy This is a fundamental aspect of simplicity One thing mentioned in the Six Degrees of Boromi can be achieved easily It's called almsgiving Almsgiving is for the good of people You don't have to give alms There is also a kind of fabusch I'll tell you about the I Ching It is also a practice of giving I hope people understand the I Ching Can live better That kind of merit of almsgiving Greater than financial almsgiving Better than donating money The I Ching is a scripture Another book that explains the I Ching is called the Yi Chuan The Yi Chuan and the I Ching are different According to legend, the Yi Chuan was written by Confucius However, some people objected that it was written in Confucianism during the Warring States period The Yi Chuan is divided into 10 chapters This is the so-called "Ten Wings" One of the most important chapters is the Yi Zhizhi Divided into two parts Explain the principles of the I Ching from a philosophical level Now a lot of people Studying the I Ching often wants to seek luck and avoid evil "Yi Zhizhi" mentions In the judgment of the I Ching In addition to the murderer, there are other verdicts Why Geely? The previous stage of Geely What did you do And only then there are auspicious results? We say repentance A person is willing to repent and reflect Know how to change His result was Kat How to get lucky? First of all, we must know how to repent If you don't regret it, you won't have luck So the I Ching says to make you repent How to call it avoidance? The problem is that there is a stage before the murder It means that the murder has not been reached But a little fierce We call it miserly Miserly means to be shamed Receive humiliation There is a little negligence You have to be careful If you don't correct these small mistakes There will be a murderous result Therefore, the I Ching mentions the principle of seeking luck and avoiding evil It has a lot to do with our practice Confucius is actually very powerful He understood that he was fifty and learned "Yi" Let me study the I Ching for 5 to 10 years Confucius said that it is no big deal He didn't say anything about the murderer It is not that people who learn the I Ching become auspicious It's okay To paraphrase the verdict from the I Ching, the name is blameless Blamelessness is the highest state of the I Ching It means neither good nor evil It's not bad either To be blameless is to achieve the most ideal state of the I Ching The I Ching is actually talking about this He mentions yin and yang Go to the stage of yin and yang equilibrium It's called blamelessness It is equivalent to Chinese medicine saying health What is health from the perspective of TCM? It is the yin and yang in the body For example, yin deficiency or yang deficiency Yin and yang reach a state of equilibrium You won't get sick It is just a reconciliation of yin and yang Wellness is also about this The I Ching mentions blamelessness as the best phenomenon Not Kat Many people say that luck is good and evil In fact, it is to achieve blamelessness Confucius understood this very well It can be no big deal My teacher Teacher Mou Zongsan has passed away Previously he said these two verses from the I Ching Spoke for three hours Don't look at so little text It is easy to know at the beginning Kun to Jane Energy A lot of people get it wrong I don't understand the explanation It was proposed Dry to know Among them, Yi (ji6) is pronounced as easy (jik6) It means that you understand the I Ching I know a lot of things It is called dry to be easy to know This ignores the simplicity Jane can mean choice Kun to Jane is not a simple solution It's about making choices So this thing is important A scholar named Gao Heng has died Wrote Yi Dabiao He said not to read it as dry to be easy to know (zi1) Read as dry to easy to know (zi3) The wisdom of wisdom That is, knowing the simple truth Wisdom is born I think it's okay to give birth to wisdom But you mentioned dry to be easy to know It is the beginning of mentioning that stem Zhu Xi said dry and moving The beginning of everything In fact, it also starts simple See them all at a glance It's because of people Match the opening line in the Bible You know what the realm of doing is easy to know Mentioned in the Bible and the Gospel of John How to say In the beginning, the Word was with God In the eyes of God, the Creator The world is simple You guys think it's too complicated There are so many creatures Knowing is the beginning of everything One yin and one yang Followed by Zenya It's actually quite simple It's because of people Especially our brains Complicate things Turn simplicity into complexity To know is to know everything at the beginning Start simple You understand the simple truth You will be able to grasp the key to the change of everything Dry is easy to know is the body Kun to Jane energy is used How to choose? It's not just about calling you simple It's about everything In the most efficient way Pursue this easy-to-know ideal goal I am reminded of a saying in economics today How to take what you have Achieve the perfect result Let's talk in today's terms It's about doing anything All to calculate cost-effectiveness That is, the cost is not too large The more money you do, the more money you use The effect is only a little That doesn't work At a higher level of economics That is, how to maximize existing constraints In English, it is the maximization of the constraint This is what economics mentions How will you have the conditions you already have Maximize it to exhaustion In the middle, it represents Kun to Jane into "Yi Zhizhi" Dry is the starting point Kun is talking about the end point The entire I Ching is a trigram Evolved into 64 trigrams There was an expert on the I Ching in the Jin Dynasty named Han Kangbo Dedicated to the interpretation of "Yi Zhizhi" He mentioned that dry knowledge is easy to know, dry knowledge is the beginning Representatives don't need to be laborious "Kun Zuo Cheng Thing" means that no labor is required Simple with minimal force to achieve the highest results Develop simple, easy, easy In fact, it is mentioned in the "Yi Zhizhi" "Dry to easy to know" and "Kun to simple energy" echo each other I hope you get from the I Ching Absorb a lot of life philosophy Life preservation Have the opportunity to share gossip from the I Ching next time Each trigram contains a special philosophy If you like to hear me share the wisdom of the I Ching Please subscribe to health goodbye!
Channel: 健康嗎 Health Code
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Keywords: 健康, 養生, 中醫藥, 保健, 食療, 食譜, 中醫 診斷學, 疾病, 疾病分類, 運動, 針灸, 醫藥, 西醫, 中醫 西醫, 中醫師 健身, health, healthcode, healthcare, health tips, good health, mental health, men's health, women's health, 男士健康, 女士健康, healthy, 健康嗎, chinesemedicine, covid19, fengshui, 兔年, 兔年運程, 易經, 生肖, 健康保健, 岑逸飛, 風水, 心靈健康, 陰陽, 斷捨離, 資訊爆炸, 身心靈, 趨吉避凶, 繁體中文, 廣東話頻道, 玄學, 2023, 癸卯年, 易傳, 卦爻, 簡易, 容易, 平易, 躺平, 易筋經, 哲學, 睡眠, 失眠, insomnia, philosophy, mentalhealth, mentalhealthawareness, addiction, easy, simple, simpleandeasy
Id: 0uCFBJSmfbg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 40sec (760 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 15 2023
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