✝️ Dan Mohler - STEADFAST CONFERENCE 2/4 - Jan 2019 - Saturday Night

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yes singing with all their heart huh I like that whose gift thanks for being here no bunch of you showed up hey everybody over there good got the wings for tonight hey good to see you that's just fun being together huh I'm in Texas right yeah cuz I thought Dallas isn't Dallas playing tonight you guys are here man that's enough I'm gonna trash stuff up I was like well I'm in Texas it's the wrong week ain't nobody coming nothing good Oh fingers me and Gregg get a couple people over but I was wrong so the rest of the night I'll purpose to be right a man and go no I'm just having fun with you I just realized Dallas was playing day I don't follow a lot of football just because I travel every weekend watch football cuz I'm away in a freakin but he hit me today that they were playing uh some good songs huh we really ought to believe him I mean he really loves us people like like his love is amazing like his love sees what he created you for it sees your potential your purpose your destiny no preacher in my life that's because I didn't know you got no preacher of my life ever told me that Jesus died on the cross to redeem my value they just always told me down in the cross because I was a sinner and what it left me was a hopefully forgiving sinner that had no hope of change just forgiveness that's how I heard to go my whole life he got it across because I'm a sinner no he died on the cross because I was a lost son and he wanted to read him a truth and put his life back inside of me he had to die because I sin my sin cost him his life I don't make light of that that's a serious thing he chose to die in my place he died as me he died for me he died for you he was made to be sin so we could become right in the sight of God he must think a lot about what that looks like he must think a lot about his life inside of us don't miss that in Christianity don't just turn this into a prayer for heaven and hope he blesses you the rest of your days okay I'm waiting to go to heaven I'm gonna ride through hell now but I'll make it one day don't don't don't do that he must think a lot about what it looks like when he's in you and your surrender he must think that's a big deal and worth paying for because see if you don't preach the gospel really clear it doesn't compel people to love him it come people feel indebted to the Lord they feel like they owe him something for what he did but if they don't totally understand why he did it and see what he did they can never see his first love and you can't love God first unless you see his first love so it doesn't surprise me that we preach kind of a piece of the gospel and it never really just goes BAM so sometimes we just get tricked incorporating him into our life or thinking you know I probably ought to get back to church hey read my bye for a while you know I probably ought to pick it up anybody ever hear this stuff think this stuff do this stuff monster short sign that we haven't got it you know praying blessing our food now I lay me down to sleep it's like we're reaching be careful because I've already come on no I'm good I'm happy you see I'm happy right you know I ain't mad at nobody last night I wasn't mad at nobody this morning with you man just telling you who you are I got on a plane and flew here because he invited me and I picked the amount of us stack of a bunch cuz I knew him from way back and haven't seen him for a while and how's the man I've just come to see you guys if anything ever be awesome an office has had a bigger vision than that I was glad to see y'all but I flew here to tell you who you are you might already know it'll be good to be reminded you might not know it'd be good to shout it out I didn't come to correct you I didn't come to set you straight don't have judgments about you I don't believe you're in this service because you're a hypocrite I know mad at nobody I'm excited that he shed his blood for the redemption of our lives and I want to make sure we understand I'm excited that he wants to put his life inside of me not just pave the way for me to walk into heaven someday whatever that really means I think he wants to put heaven into us and we're waiting to go to heaven and he wants heaven in us that's why your identity always under attack that's why that song meant so much that young lady it life is always trying to tell you who you are people conversations memories upbringing childhood home life everything is trying to shout out to you who you are and what you're worth and what you'll be and none of its true unless you believe you'll make it seem true and find it wasn't in yet most people at a very young age are nothing more than a product of what they've been through and how they've responded that's what people cling to their stories their past yesterday they cling to their story whether it's good or bad because it's the only place they ever found any sense of identity and they've identified themselves along the way so it's part of them their past is part of them and in the gospel that's totally unscriptural your past is dead it has nothing to do with who you are now nothing to do but you have to die to live like it doesn't matter that my dad was an alcoholic it's you're relevant that he never said I love you it has nothing to do with nothing now that Christ has come you say well I can't receive the love of the Father because I didn't have a loving father why are you relating the two why does it even make sense to relate the two to the church why do we even make it make sense why am I trying to find the love of God through a loving father when the love of the Father comes I say I can't receive it because of the picture of my dad I don't find the love of God through my father if he's not living in the spirit I find the love of God through his son it's totally irrelevant that my dad was an alcoholic it's a strap a strategy of sin trying to sweep away another generation get me to get angry hardened my heart feel sorry for myself get mad at God for letting it happen and all of a sudden the good news comes and I don't hear anything good because I'm mad and what about me and where was he then I'll tell you where he was at the right hand of Almighty God speaking better things through his blood over your life and you're busy being offended and living in a very shallow form of wisdom called the world I'm not mad I'm not mad at all can you tell I'm fired up the Spirit of God is inside of me there's nothing I can do about it now [Laughter] [Applause] [Laughter] talk about how many of us a diamond doesn't have just made an excuse about yesterday well I'm only this way because and I'm only this because and if this one that I wouldn't be why we letting everything matter more than what matters most why are we finding ourselves through what was instead of what is why are we letting today be ruled by yesterday so tomorrow is yesterday real messed up and it happens all the time to good people that mean well you can't make up for what wasn't you can't take back what happened nobody can take away the way they touched you wrong my dad can't rewrite the years it's happened it's there it's a it's a memory it has to it doesn't have to have any power over the day except to teach me what to never be people say well I I smoked pot because I grew up with my parents smoking pot well how was it at home probably a good reason not to smoke pot well I drink cause my dad dad drunk probably good reason to never drink and then we just say well generational curse brother I don't drink I didn't drink before I was a Christian you know why I saw what it did to my family and I was mad and I got bigger I got older and I stood up to my dad and I was ready to punch him out I was so mad at my dad but I never lost my cool that way I challenged him a little bit but I had to pick him up drunk in the bar and he couldn't even walk and he cursed me the whole way home and tell me he'd never be I'd never be nothing why because he knew he wasn't nothing and he had nothing to give me and he was mad at everything he was a dry cup and if I'm trying to drink out of a dry cup of course I'm thirsty and then I met someone that said if you ask me I will give you a drink and one drink this one drink and you will never ever first again he's talking about fulfillment he's talking about identity he's talking about knowing who I am through him he's talking about walking in the knowledge of truth whoa yeah now called to get my identity through my daddy matthew 23:9 I got scripture on all this stuff for I wouldn't preach it he said call no man on earth your father that don't mean I can't send my dad a Father's Day card it doesn't mean I sin before the Lord what he's saying is don't limit regulate and identify yourself through natural biological means you came forth from the beginning and your roots go back to him and you have one father and he's in heaven and you get tricked and see what I can't receive the love of God because well you don't know what it was like when I was growing up brother stop it you're 35 you're not growing up it's time to put that away here I'm not being insensitive because I had that daddy that never said I love you I had a mama that was sick I carried her to bed when I was a young man I changed her diapers don't you tell me I don't understand hardship he said well I was touch strong wonder if I was that were rich useless too change our horror stories it means nothing it's not about what we've been through it's about what he went through and we don't even talk about that we just talk about our story but it's his story where you find life why am i writing a book about all my journeys and horror stories be careful with those books and what I had to go through to get where I'm at went what be careful what about what he went through to make me something that I never knew I was he knew and he's showing me now are you with me come on guys I'm having a good time man I these guys man they're relentless they just want to sit and talk the gospel all day so they brought me to their house I guess what we've been doing all weekend I'll be laying in my bed tonight speaking the gospel probably in my sleep you know it was beautiful when I got saved my dad freaked out on me he was so challenged by because it looked like I was saying something boss he comes home look like I just might have a hope but he didn't have in front of him and he screamed at me and point of men you listen to me and who you are who do you think you are coming in here telling me in China and I'm like I don't even know what's going on right now I thought they'd be happy but because I was truly saved and I didn't get saved for their applause when he didn't receive it I didn't change sometimes we say things for approval and when we don't get the approval we're shatter when you're shattered your motive is exposed when you buy a gift for someone and cry when they don't like it you didn't buy the gift for them you bought it for you to feel good when they praised you oh I'm going the lease is unhooked there's no turning back though the best you could do is get up and walk out and you won't because I'm preaching to good my dad freaked out on me he screamed at me and in my face pointing in red-faced and I didn't even know what was going on I stood there and I was like oh I was 12 14 hours old the Lord you know my I know what I do so I had to go to work so my mom was upset and she said guys the Lord wouldn't be pleased with this I said mom I'm sorry I don't even know what I did sorry dad I didn't mean to I just came to tell you guys I got born again I thought you'd be happy so I just came to tell you well I'm sorry if I made you mad dad you just just get out of here so I left I was heading out the foyer I got to the door and I said lord I don't even know what's going on right I'm 12 14 hours day I said lord I don't even know what's going on and like the answer to a question like if I had earbuds in your dad's walking in a pride that he doesn't see he has a belief like lung belief lifelong belief that it's not right for a child to teach a dad it's only right for a dad to teach a child he felt upstaged by you in front of mom no I just turn around went back in and I opened the door and when somebody's frustrated when you walk out and they're still frustrated guess what they do take it out on the closest person and usually the most innocent fragile person so guess what my dad's doing he's screaming at my mom on my behalf and I popped open the door and he heard the door and he looked up in there I'm standing and I said hey Dad I said I just realized something in my heart you felt upstaged by me like like insulted like I was trying to teach you or tell you something you've always had this belief that it's wrong for her son to teach her dad it's only right for dad to teach his son dad I wasn't trying to teach you anything I was just sharing some good things that happen but the honest truth is Holy Spirit's amazing that's what he told me to say I said dad I'm not three and I'm not 13 I'm 33 and you know what there just might be a time in life where I bump into something see something you ain't never saw and there might be something that I know that you've never known and it's just okay I love you and I walked out four months later I'm over there visiting cuz I went off and cuz momma sick and helping carry her the bad I'm coming out and my dad grabs me by the back of the arm on the porch when I'm leaving I turned around he grabs me by the arm turn around he's crying I said what's wrong are you okay he said I want to tell you I've been watching you and you're a different man he said for the first time in my life I heard my daddy say this and I wasn't waiting for him to say it and I didn't even need him to say it was good for him just say here's what people say I just pray for my parents to appreciate me I just pray for the day by dad says he loves me my dad never said he loved me and I would say that's idolatry you're letting your whole disposition weigh on the performance of your dad and you're hinging on prayer calling its spiritual its insecurities you're keeping a vacuum alive and you need to push it aside and say whether he says it or not it doesn't matter because I'm fulfilled in Christ and I'm walking in love I don't need it anymore I'm giving it come on here's I know that's right because the other way around is fruitless and never produces anything good and it gives you an excuse to be weak or broken or hurt or discouraged or depressed and none of that sounds like the kingdom and none of that's ever produced life he looked me right in the eyes he said son I'm so and thank God I wasn't going I looked him right back in the eyes and I said that's awesome I said so what about you if you see this is a good thing in me then what about it being a good thing in you and they started backing up and I'm just no see you guys like that you like that fire thing you're like oh he's want people to fry don't you I'm coming over here you guys are tamer so maybe playing the answer you play in me you play in me guess what happened to my dad he got saved through my salvation not sure beats being a hurt son mad at God harden my heart hardened my heart lost years never make up for my childhood you were never there for me well how would you know you were drunk hello and all the sudden I'm reduced to letting where a man isn't determine where I am to let what a man doesn't see decide what I do see and worse yet I'm letting one man determine me and unfortunately his name isn't Jesus you see how deceived that is and it's happened to many of us over and over and over we said well I wouldn't be this way if they didn't were there the one that started it well you need to talk to them well they shouldn't know how come why wouldn't even walk did you ever hear Jesus talk like that so he didn't teach us that so where did we learn that it's called in the of every man living for himself if you become a Christian guess what the first prerequisite is for Christianity it's not come to the order and pray this prayer after me it's denied yourself you know what God every one of us in so much trouble waking up and living for ourselves when you're made for His image for his goodness for his glory the biggest problem on the planet I'm not the wisest man that you ever met I know my hair is white and I'm wise but I'm not a politician I'm not a philosopher I know I just love Jesus so I don't have all the answers but I love him and I could talk about him good but I do feel like I'm on to something on this I I don't believe the problem on the earth a big problem on the earth is politics I don't believe it's the president they don't believe it's racial conflict I don't believe it's Isis and terrorism I personally believe the biggest problem on the planet is that everyday people even Christians wake up and live for themselves instead of His image the biggest but why would God give you grace to travel a road you weren't created for no wonder people are weak and tired no wonder people think life is tough the wonder people say I can't go much further because you're living outside of why you're here and you're not being in power by His grace are you with this is a big deal he said deny yourself pick up and say prayer go to heaven and cry out to me when you're in despair deny yourself it's the biggest problem in your life it's not the people around you it's the absence of me in you we blame everything around us man we got excuses we got ourselves so justified for not being like him it's alive I deny yourself it's got us all in trouble glad you're here glad they're here I love recovery man I love Redemption it's a picture of the gospel it it's not about where you've been and what you've done it's about what you're becoming it's about your heart changing it's about saying you know what I live for myself for 30 straight years man in the grossest craziest way but when I was 30 I died to everything I was so everything that he is can come alive in me now you're 31 and before God you don't even have a yesterday and then remember what you did and people remember what you did and people relive what you did and heaven doesn't even remember it it's in that sea of forgetfulness far as the East is from the West he's made you holy blameless and above reproach in his sight when you come sincere and say forgive me Lord uh what was I thinking what was I doing I'm all yours I am everything here dies it's that quick man BAM so I'm determined not to let any of the psychological impacts and effects roll over into my life so that nothing from yesterday that he called dead is lingering and influence in me today come on if yesterday's dead why should I let yesterday in the pain and the stuff and the things roll over and influence me today I got a new way of thinking a new way of living see you could have done me wrong yesterday and I'm thinking how to get even pay back and what's the way to even the score in new life I don't see for what you did wrong how can I love you how can I forgive how can I most sincerely pray how can I give to you if you're despitefully use me use me how can I pray for you if you've done me wrong it's a whole different world man it's a whole different life you can't carry the old into the new you can't put new wine in an old wineskin you cannot read the scripture it will burst and the wine will spill out everywhere he's new line his new life he's a new and living way he's a fresh drink from God he's the quenching of my thirst and you cannot put new wine in an old wineskin don't incorporate him into your life guys don't just don't just try to get clean so you never use again the goal isn't never using again the goal is becoming the many pay for you to be the goal is living up to what he paid for and letting your lives be redeemed by the goodness of God through the blood of Jesus Christ you're not here just distinctly because if you become the men you're created to be your wonder why you were using yeah and you ain't gonna try to not use you're gonna enjoy hope houses in the house where are you guys from Hamilton thanks for being here I was in a Recovery Center last week they house 150 in a house I was there all weekend pouring out my heart my favorite there's my favorite place to minister Recovery Group because the gospel so redemptive and in addictive lifestyles of so many lies so many lies you're getting grain with so many lies it degrades you the reason most people are in addictive behavior is because of low esteem low self value they blow up their their own Worth and their own sense of honor and then you live up to the low level in which you see yourself and which others see you and after you have no more answers you just stay in a place it's kind of like avoidance to now whatever the gospel blows all that out of the water man and puts you on solid ground and God through his blood says I know where you been and I know what you've done but I know who you're created to be and I'm willing to come and you work with you stand by you never leave you never forsake you and get you to that finish line if you're willing to run with me sit man I was in that ministry last we got I told them I told the leader I love him so much I said he said you're such a blessing I was there a year before too and not told him they told me I could come back any time I said are you serious don't just say that because I'm coming back the reason I want to every year because I don't go to places over and over again because I feel like the message is foundation when I got to get out and plow as much ground as I can and so as many seeds as I can I'm Danny gospel seed man I gotta just keep that's what I do man that's my life right there buddy I just throw it seed all over the world and I go to sleep and wake up and go how do you do it God Kingdom of Gaza for man scatters seed qinger God is another man complains and has issues and complains and justifies why he's not doing good King of Goddess scatter and see if you're complaining you ain't scatter and see if you're discouraged you ain't scatter and see if you're angry you ain't scatter and see if you're frustrated you ain't scattering seed you got rightness in your heart you ain't scattering see if you think someone is unfair and you're taking person you ain't scatter and see you ain't barren no fruit to him and in this he's well pleased did you bear fruit don't you be deceived in the sour and miss why he lives inside of us don't she let things matter more than what matters most because it's all about walking in the light as he is in the light and any mentality and he moved any emotion and he thought pattern that quenches the light is certain deception because if you don't shine then why did he liked you up who likes a lamp and puts a basket over yeah pretty good word in it I knew if he'd give me a mic I preach the gospel he changed my life I'm not preaching my doctor name sermon I cry out these things everywhere I go I feel like it's preach the same thing over and over and over that's what I see it's what I've become it's what I've tasted it's what's good I live with me you did see me for a weekend ago is he for real I live with me and I like it I'm going to bed with me tonight I'm waking up with me tomorrow I'm gonna look in the mirror it's gonna be me and I'm good with it because I like me now man I used to not like me I needed you to like me to feel likeable I was always at your mercy you got the power to make me or break me and I was only as strong as the weakness around me that day's been over for a long time I sleep so good at night it's ridiculous people say you have dreams old men during dreams got their dreams you get dreams hey I knew your old guy you're a fossil I don't get no dreams I don't even have one knowledge of one dream for years and years ago people said well I need to pray for you I said leave me alone God don't need to put me to sleep to talk to me I'm listening when I'm awake here's what happens to me they provided me this amazing room it's amazing yesterday how was the room I'm like how was the room I was looking for places right my credit card or kidding like I came out the middle of the night I was looking for a striper gave me this amazing room you know it's gonna happen tonight and we so excited and ramped up because of the night I'm so alive in the gospel I'm not like oh I have a breaching all day the morning people - how so afternoon hues so glad the service is over oh thank you Jesus for this pen I don't even know what that is I just see that at all on my life I've never like crawled into bed and hugged a pill and they love to the pill it's at Oh God because when you do that you can't get up in the morning because you can't face what you could hardly get through we caught with depression I just think it's wrong believing yeah we're gonna be on a boat together like six or seven days let's go beef oh no I already love it was it her that was gone thinking about putting on some men's clothes and coming this morning he rebuked her he'd go put on some pants in her he was going to dress up like a man he said no you are did you think I could just dress like a man again wear it no that's hunger I'm gonna go in that bed tonight I will be ramped up I'm gonna go to bed birthday you do everything by faith I'm not joking I'm gonna go to bed birthday I'm gonna lay down and I'm gonna be like oh my lord this thang oh I'll be out cold about five hours late it's about five out that's exactly what happens I don't move I don't roll I don't shift I don't I lay down and I go it's like a battery charger it's like I can't picture it red light red is this green madam and then about five hours that's my life every day you know why respect don't think for myself at all I don't think how many pee gonna call me track me down won't ask me questions want a piece of me I gave my life to Jesus I gave my life to people enough already way and what's on my plate and it's so early oh my goodness I haven't been in bed that long and I got a long day I'm gonna be tired why'd I have to wake up and pee in the overnight stuff like that we do that stuff I'm not gonna set my day because of those things would set my day in yeah I'm gonna wake up every day to the rest for the rest of my life and know that nobody owes me a thing nobody has the power to break my heart I woke up for one reason to pursue being more like it and to live by his spirit and to walk in love and if I didn't wake up for that you got to wonder what you're waking up for because if you're just waking up for a better day for somebody new you're right you're already set up to be failed then they're going to read be your reason for not being okay now you're going to have a story an excuse and then the three people that understand your language that are walking in pain to become your friends and then they're your support system so there's no hope for change just sympathy you all got that did you ever notice how hurting people gravitate to people that are hurt and here's what they do oh you're not gonna punch me right now they go oh I can't believe they did that to you and then you know what they do come on man we need to pray father would you just come and comfort and would you do and it sounds so spiritual and it seems like it's God because we think it's compassion you're empowering him to stay there you're not asking him listen man I hear what you told me they did and I'm sorry people make those kind of stakes dude but let me ask you this why are you letting it hurt you so bad why are you so affected because that has nothing to do with you your life your day man you're letting this matter way too much I'm concerned for you buddy don't let what they did decide who you are Jesus already settled that man and then you pull him out of that thing see he doesn't need a prayer of sympathy he needs administration of truth because honestly he don't want to rub in his head and kissing him on your head you enjoyed that too much you enjoyed that so much see I don't know his personality and I don't know you guys but you really like that I don't thank you man you had no idea what was coming but I got your approval you said you wouldn't punch me I believed it so I took the extra mile I knew I might get struck I wouldn't kissed him but it was fun but do you follow my drift we go to the home group and it seems so right meeting in the home it's good right but we know sister sally has been struggling we know her husband isn't it amazing sometimes the sweetest woman in the church she like loves Jesus more than anything and you mention his name and she weeps and she's like precious like you ever make these people that like Jesus people like and they'd like to walk by a flower it ain't even in season and it'll just open up and she's the one that has the husband that don't want nothing to do with God who treats her mean and doesn't even appreciate the gift he has in her you ever see that scenario well you know what it does because of all the facts surrounding it it makes us angry and we see her as a victim and we feel sorry for her and we see him as a bum or a villain or a creep or a jerk so now we can't even pray for him effectively because we're mad at him and we can't even minister to her because we hurt for her we can't help her here's what we do it's our best effort and it doesn't change things I've never seen it change things we're ready to leave the homegroup everybody's hug in the food's all eaten up the worship was great the word was awesome and before they leave one of the people says Sally honey how about the house things at home do you need prayer and Sally goes and now you got your answer it's still happening a little Sally bless her heart you hurt for her for real you hurt for her but they no amount of sympathy is going to change things and here's what we do we say Oh Sally it must be so hard I'm so sorry you have to endure this but Oh with this we'll just believe in God's gonna change him honey you got to try to hold up I know sometimes you just don't know honey it's okay listen Oh baby and we call that compassion because we're hurting for because we understand pain because most of us have some pain some of us know how we'd feel if we were in her shoes so we relate to her when you relate to her you really can't help her when you're understanding where she's at in the sense of that would be me too how can you help the best you can do is play a sympathetic prayer that sounds spiritual because you mentioned God and asked for peace and comfort and dadada and the best Sally can do is go and the best highest grace she can receive is the fact that you care but it doesn't change a thing it doesn't empower her to go home doesn't empower her to face her husband it doesn't empower her to be okay you say well Dan what do you do you kneel down in front of her while she's sobbing and you say honey I'll be sensitive as I can I am truly sorry but your husband makes the choices he makes that he devalued you and says things that a man ought not say and now she's really sobbing and your eyes fill with tears because she realize it's real and you say but sweetie I need to encourage you and challenge you in a few things listen where he's that has nothing to do with what you can enjoy and walk in Jesus your life is not limited to the spirituality of your husband your life is limited to your violet valid relationship with the King Jesus and you cannot afford to let wear this man's not decide where you are you don't have to be broken you don't have to be a hurting woman you do not have to cry yourself to sleep there is actually a way to cry for him to feel for him without enabling him there is a way to see the love of God for him through your own very own eyes and then you begin to minister truth to her and now Sally's finding strength in the truth all of a sudden the hurts are being challenged the unforgiveness is being because you think she's so sweet there ain't no unforgiveness but man it's there and all of a sudden Sally is finding strength in the Lord because until then she's not even herself she's quiet in the kitchen she hears the door come in open because it's time for him to get home to work 15 minutes for his home she's already worried what's he going to be like today is this going to be another day is he going to be happy is he going to be mad he's even going to say hi to me it's all going through people so when their husband walks in or their spouse walks in they're not even themselves they're too quiet mess waiting to see and read the barometer of their spouse and their spouse comes in and they hear a loud door slam and then they hear and to speak going back to the back room and all of a sudden her heart fails and she's weeping and she knows it's going to be another long night of anger and frustration and no fellowship all the time people and they show up in church and they're desperate for that to change but they don't understand they can be strong in the Lord in the midst of all they don't have to be in this place where they're vulnerable waiting on their spouse to respond in a proper way they can be as outspoken sometimes without being overbearing hi honey welcome home hope you had a great day yeah a great day like I had a great flank and bleep and a what do you care anyway oh I care sweetie I'm glad you're home and then you don't push it after that you just keep doing what you do with little notes and things of kindness coming out of your heart a little note written here and there but just you live in free in the midst of their mess is so convicting to a spouse but it's rare as a pastor it's very rare that I see that walk down I usually see people nothing more than a product of where their spouse is and isn't it's like a tag you're it and if the spouse is doing good the spouse is doing good if the spouse isn't doing good a spouse isn't doing good I refuse to live that way my wife doesn't owe me a thing you say Dan you don't know what I'm going through well we got to stop comparing all these stories and thinking we're going through the most hell everybody's got problems and stories and stuff in their history we've got to stop comparing it all we got to stop saying we you don't know what I've been through because what you're saying is I'm excusing myself from hearing what you're saying okay so now what you're saying is tomorrow's yesterday cuz nothing will change anyway are you with me come on then my wife was in the worst identity crisis Wow I was a full-time pastor and it lasted eight years and she wouldn't even come to church where I passed her because she was so introverted insecure and felt condemned and I'm her husband preaching identity all over and I can't even minister to my wife because she looked me in the eyes and said you're supposed to tell me that it doesn't mean it's true and that's a sweetie it is so true you are so much more than what you and in eight years I don't know what it's like to call you guys and say you better pray for me man things are getting tight if she don't change soon I ain't gonna I can't last much longer buddy I got enough on my plate ago people pouring on me the last thing I need is my wife not running with me she's supposed to be my help make my support she ain't good and I'm ready to fall apart if God don't do something soon I'm gonna fall apart don't even know what what that would look like in my life when she's messed up for eight years all I do is love her more because she's lost she's hurting she needs help she needs Jesus he's in me now's not the time to be a frustrated husband now it's time to be everything I say I am everything we sing we are everything we say I don't have a problem in those eight years when my wife's in that situation she's in trouble I don't have a problem she's in trouble see I know countless people that won't make it through eight days or eight weeks of that without a blow-up without rightness without arguments without shout downs you need to get a grip honey you need to come out of this thing you don't even realize what you're doing to me I'm carrying this weight I'm pastoring a church I got people wondering where you are and how you are I'm so uncomfortable I'm trying to explain you and talk around you and protect you you need to just come out of this lioness and stop serving the devil and get back with God and start loving me no feel this in the room come on you man up with me you be strong with me and handle this come on you guys okay we've heard all that language sometimes we've counseled that languages ministers well you just don't know if somebody's gonna change can't affect their will if they choose that way you just gotta sometimes you just gotta move on you just uh man if Jesus talked like that you're toast on toast hello if you can't find that attitude in him then why is it permissible in us if were made for His image and he says the things I do you'll do if you believe see we didn't learn that mentality from the Lord we learned that mentality living in selfishness through the fall of man became by sheer instinct the language came naturally you felt like somebody owns you something from the time you had comprehension you could be hurt from the time you can remember because that's all you had in Adam but now you're in Christ are you hearing me I don't know how to change my mind cuz there's nowhere that says I should you say eight years is a long time truth doesn't know time heaven earth it's all passing away but my word will with me come on if I said I love you to her in the beginning of the eight years then why would love be any less at the end of those eight years my Bible says where sin abounds grace abounds even more that love covers a multitude of eight years worth the sin says overcome a harsh word with a kind word be peacemakers blessed are the peacemakers not the fighters not the issuer yet listen are the peacemakers for they are call your day of issues over if you're married here you make a choice right now but I'm done with animosity in my home I have no need to be right I'm done disrespecting my spouse control manipulating with emotions I'm done shouting them down but little and them and being negative yeah if you're married don't elbow your spouse when I'm talking to your dead giveaway I'm talking to you because you're listening to this sermon for them that's a giveaway self-centered so you've gotten no good out of this you just holding them accountable instead of your own heart see it starts with me I hold myself accountable not my wife I'm not going to stand before the Lord someday and say oh no wow you really are all that whoa really I see it now duh you know Lord I don't really done better if it wasn't for my stuff like I mean how many times did I pray to you like why didn't you answer my every why don't you ginger you know why you're laughing like that cuz it's silly it ain't gonna happen that way so if it's not gonna work then why would you let it work now why would you love yourself to sleep and let it work now if it ain't gonna work then do you understand the honor love that no matter what's going on with my wife love doesn't change her value and always makes a draw on her potential and never takes personal her deficit why because I love you isn't do you love me I love you as I love you that's all it says that's why God never changes you whoo preaching the gospel my friend changed my life gospel changed my life I'm not ashamed of the gospel I don't even need people to agree with me and I'm not being arrogant I'm not saying I don't care what you think I'm not saying that I'm saying I'm convinced in the things I'm saying cuz I've walked with him I've lived with him I walked through the eight years I walked through the years when my son was drug addicted and my daughter took off and made bad choices everybody's home now our family looks like heaven on earth and everybody's doing on amazing but I'll tell you what if you don't understand what I'm preaching in that season you become a statistic you live with a hard heart for years and you blame your current life on all the mess of your family and you stay stuff like well I really wanted the Lord and I was trying to nobody else wanted Jesus and they all just took off and I'm so mad and hurt and God didn't even intervene and I'm confused and I don't know where he was that would be a sad story you ever hear that story from anybody pastor do you ever hear that Greg from anybody stuff like that isn't it amazing how that's the way we're geared feeling sorry for ourselves all about a justification for where we're not where we don't you live your life that way and stand before him someday and go oops you catch it now I know I'm aggressive I know I probably looked like a madman to you on the outside I know I probably look a little strange of time don't you let that keep you from hearing what I'm crying out for my heart don't you be distracted by my mannerisms and my passion hear what I'm crying out of my heart don't you have any reason on this earth to be affected don't you start fires unless their God fire you put fires out and don't you throw logs on the one you're trying to be extinguished we're praying for God to quench fires in her life and then we're throwing logs on but our words and her ass we're praying for our spouse to change in the bedroom because we're insecure and need him to love us and then we're watching them like a hawk to see if our prayers are working zero stop praying that way it doesn't even pass through the drywall I promise you they're self-serving prayer they don't they're not in the bowls of incense before his throne those prayers don't even pass through the ceiling they fall right to the ground heaven never here there's two times prayers aren't heard and answered when they're prayed without faith and when they're pray to mix your own lust and desire when you're praying for your state instead of his kingdom sake and the sake of others your prayer falls straight to the ground you need somebody teaching because we tend to pray for our sake often when I was lost in my marriage and wasn't saved and my wife was freshly saved and trying hard and taking the kids to church and I didn't want nothing to do sure she pray for me for 13 years to change 13 years to change and I was mean bad terrible hostile nothing was ever good enough I felt like I didn't like her most the time and I didn't feel like I liked my kids thirteen years she prayed and cried and pray and after thirteen years she said I'm done with this man her sisters were divorced she never wanted to be divorced she didn't want to follow the statistic and be another so she was determined to make it work since we got married yet that girl went the extra mile what a good girl I never saw it I never appreciated it but now I see it oh my goodness talk about land on your life and giving you a cloak and tunic and trying to keep peace when I was so out of order coming together with me because that was added stress if that didn't happen giving herself to me just to keep peace not because she wanted to just to keep peace how long can you do that and stay okay you you you got the courage to give up on me in our marriage and tell me that she wanted out and I laughed and said finally you've come to that place because I've been wanting out for a long time I don't know why I wasted my life with you anyway I can do way better than you I think you're half crazy anyway and I just mouth her like you wonder you said I can't even pitch you like that because I'm born again hmm I don't have to try to not be like that that's not even in so she was so hurt by me and so mad I could see her heart in herself when I was talking like that we were on the back porch and I just let her have it I wasn't gonna let her be one up on me she was gonna initiate the divorce I was gonna throw it in her face a bit little her and make her know that I was extremely happy about it and I could see her just hardened herself and say I'm done crying because of him she walked away get it she gets in the bedroom analytical analytical human thinking it's in the bedroom I'm so done with him I am so done with this marriage that is it we are getting divorced I am done crying I'm done being stepped on and hurt I am out of this thing and then she looked up at the ceiling and told me she did this and yield I am done with you too I prayed to you for 13 years 13 years I prayed to you and you've done nothing you have allowed me and these children to suffer through hell and you've done you ever hear people talk like that rationalize like that that means they never had covenant in the first place they were a Christian for their sake not his name on the night she got delivered five months trying to live in the same house to save finances to everything was done it was the most awful thing I've ever experienced in my life we wouldn't talk to each other we wouldn't look at each other we'd used the kids we'd put the kids through hell she'd walk in the door and I'd slip out the back and once a work I'd come back a day later two days later I'd never say a word as soon as I pull up in the driveway she's slipping out the side door getting in her car and just taking off and then we just lived that way for five months it was absolutely horrible and all of a sudden I go to work and get born again in the aisle by the spirit of the Living God without any human being for seven weeks I'm changed I called her the night I got sick she was at home smoking a joint with a young girl and drinking a mixed drink my wife you don't know how crazy that is but that's absolutely insane my wife picture she said that home if he just liked my husband to come home were these days and say I found the Lord and the girl that's counseling her 10 years younger I called her a biker chair because I was jealous of her because she walked around little string bikinis and she'd do her flowers facing the road with her behind motorcycles would pull up on the weekend not leave and I was probably just mad I didn't have a motorcycle because I was lost sat in lycra but I'd peek out the garage blind checkout see if he's pulling weeks before I was saved I got so changed when I got saved I used to go the swimming pool with my kids joined the pool would take him to pool and I play with my kids I just sit there look at everybody's wives and see who was perfect just peed on my wife knew it she hated me for it I didn't care now I'm safe now go to the pool I'm so in love with Jesus I'm playing with my kids people are going what happened to you you're not the guy that came here the last two years I said you're right I'm not what happened to you Jesus he changed my life I'll never be the same he took selfishness out of my heart and he showed me new eyes to see my kids and love and got it out of dying for weeks a I'm at the public pool for weeks safe I got towels all around me with parents and people sit and asking questions talking praying for people one month old in the Lord and they see Jesus in my life they're asking if I'm a pastor and I'm four weeks old but all around my blanket all summer long can we sit beside you it's so good to hear you speak can we ask you a few questions who would bother you if we pull up our towel come on guys my whole place was surrounded with people because they saw the change my wife fought me tooth and nail she's drinking smoking telling this girl be just like my husband while she's saying that I'm getting transformed by the Spirit of God at work 15 minutes after she made to come and I rang the home phone she said hello I said hey she said what do you want I said I don't even know why I'm calling I'm so overwhelmed I I'm just oh my goodness Kim God is real he's real click my wife is so sweet so quiet so timid that night when I went home she was a wild cat I don't know where the button was man it was like that seems like that Wolverine dude like when I walked in the room the house she was waiting standing there waiting you make me I pray for you you this you that and you wait - it's over and you try to pull something like this you're just trying to make the family think I'm the witch and under-bed girl it's all my fault and you're trying to come out smelling like a rose I know you are and I'm standing there going in my hope God's real God's real I don't even know what's God's real and I go to my bathroom cuz he's real that closed my door and I be with him for seven weeks I be with him she told me she went completely out of her way stretch your mind she went completely out of her way to break me break my heart and prove that I was it you wanted to catch me on one thing that didn't look like Jesus one out one accusation she could go AHA and relieve our own convicted conscience seven weeks 150 times she tried to go out of her way to break my didn't have a heart to break I had his heart and his heart has lasted the test of time and it's in me now and I was just a few weeks old and I'm at work Chris I'm getting visions of my wife and details of where she's at and exactly what she's doing visions seeing them week saved three four week and I'm like oh my goodness Lord she's so hurt that's so not my wife oh my goodness God have mercy on her father I just thank you for having mercy on my wife oh thank you Father about three days in or four days into these visions the Lord said hey do you know why I'm showing you these things I said yes so I could pray for her he said I'm showing you because I can I'm showing you because I can meaning I won't me respond like him cuz if he told me those things before I'd have been a mad man I'd have been hurt I'd have been angry I'd have had rights and then he began to reveal to me there's so many things I want to show my people and instruct and help but they won't care me through me they'll hear me through them and they won't respond like me so I can't invite them in and I felt so honored that God would give me these visions so I could pray and not be caught off guard and respond just like him cuz what he was saying to me is your hearts become one with me and when I tell you these things it's like telling myself it was in that season when I got the revelation he said Dan I can tell myself anything you become one with my heart and you're in and that fun seven weeks in seven weeks in my wife goes to the bathroom to do her hair she's got a little curling Island plug plugged in she's pretty enough she's got plans she's doing something a couple days before that she left to go be with her sisters and she was gonna they were they were at that time an hour and something away from how she was gonna be gone for days and she told me she's leaving and I said okay she left about six hours later she snuck back he's coming in the back she parks down she's sneaking cuz she's trying to relieve her conscience she wants to walk in unannounced and catch me in some posture that looked like the old me she wanted to catch me in a tone towards my children that was yesterday she went to see me sprawled on the couch watching garbage yelling at my kids to shut up because I can't hear or get out of the house oh you ought to be glad I let you live here that's how lost I was I'm sitting there she sneaks in the back as quiet as a mouse she's a little thing anyway he sneaks in she peeks around the corner I'm in the living room I see her face come around me and I go are you okay I'm fine and she storms up the stairs and then the purple purple out and left saw me she yelled at God the hallway to his sister's in the car screamed a call it's not fair why how come cuz guess what she caught me do I'm sitting indian-style in the living room with the Book of Psalms open teaching my ten and five-year-old the power of worshiping Jesus Holy Ghost oh she caught me alright yeah so a few days later she was in the bathroom it's curling iron and the Lord Himself walks into the bathroom just like you walks right in hurt hard-hearted unforgiveness anger no he's mercy and compassion saying she's deceived and she don't know what she's doing and this girl's a whole lot more than what she's living right now he walked right in the bathroom like he thought and she said she went because it was undeniable that he was standing there and she just dropped her curling and froze he said to her I love this story he said Kim why are you so angry with that man separating me from what she was angry with that man can't you see and she said it was like somebody tore something right off of her eyes years of unresolved years of conflict years of her years of pain she said was so overwhelming he said can't you see that is not the man you're angry with in fact him that is not even the man you married what he said he said I have made him she's on the ground she's fallen fetal position he hovers over her and now he's making peace with her rant remember her rant thirteen years he hovers over and he says it's true Kim you prayed to me for thirteen years but you have no idea and understand how you tied my hands from moving because you only prayed from pain you never prayed because of love for your husband you prayed because you were hurt and couldn't take it anymore and you knew if I changed him your day would be better you didn't pray because of love and I will never answer that prayer and empower you to stay there when it's not who I now you tell me how many spouses have prayed for their spouse because of pain hurt because they can't take anymore and it's self centered and what you're saying is if you don't change them I can't be okay and he's saying what kind of idolatry is that I thought I'm enough hope you're listening he said that to my wife who knows that I was wrong for 13 years who knows that I was a wretch of a husband did I make that clear who knows that I owe her sincere apology who knows on the talkshow she's a victim and I'm a villain and everybody sides with her poor thing right who knows that she don't owe me a thing because I put her into the mess I never loved her I was a bad boy I forced her hand who knows but watch what happened when God talked to her like that she got up off the floor and ran looking for me I'm out in the yard working beans in the garden doing another row of beans another rotation I love the garden we can wear Kanner's I got 300 jars on my shelf man I love it blessed is the fruit of my ground who I look at my beef Master tomato plant and it's got a hundred and twenty-eight Tomatoes on one plant and I got 20 up she come running out running I hear the door boom I look and there's my little tiny wife coming hard crying out of control and I thought she got a bad phone call I thought somebody died I thought we lost somebody I thought it was tragic she's running at me she don't come at me she's been off she's coming but I can hear her talking repetitive repetitive when she gets closer I hear what she's saying guess what she's saying and now I go so for the first time in five months plus seven weeks I'm holding my wife and she's wrapped around me I was bawling it's so emotional it was an ugly scene stuff everywhere seriously it was bad turn off the video you got fluids where they supposed to be done but if so bothered me that she said I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm so sorry but what is she sorry for I live like a rap man I never loved her I was mean and insensitive and selfish and I dried up her cup and drained her battery she ain't needed to be sorry for nothing I didn't pursue to live like Jesus for one single day in my marriage and yet she's crying over and over and over how sorry she is not tried to stop her pastor and I said would you stop it that's bothering me that you're saying you're sorry you have nothing to be sorry for are you kidding that provoked all this for how long I've been waiting to hold you and tell you I'm sorry but I didn't know when the time was but my heart was ready Kim I'd never do she said stop it I'm sorry it was like our first argument right now it wasn't an argument at all it was so powerful I said what could you possibly be sorry for it was the revelation she took responsibility for her own life got her eyes off of me all of a sudden she's not a hurting wife all the sudden she's not sorry for herself all the sudden she doesn't need sympathy she doesn't need a partner and a friend to accommodate her in her pain she heard from the Lord and it stripped her out of every lie so guess what she said she looked me right in the eyes and she said what are you possibly talking for she said for 13 years I pray for you but it was never because I felt it was only because I felt pain and all my prayers were selfish and so centered and protecting of the kids and God couldn't move because it was all about me and she fell on me bawling like she was the worst I'm like then I said listen to me for never and I said listening God was giving me visions and I know a lot of things what do you know I know this you know how can you know that you can't possibly I know everything probably cuz God told me he could show me cuz he made my heart too low she said oh my god you get nervous I said I know everything probably I know this this man well this changes everything I said he changes nothing that's not who you are you were a hurt girl you were blind but now you see welcome home I love you and we never talked about nothing again she fell into me crying in a hell I thought so sorry for my life and what I drove her to and what I was rocking and all of a sudden I just said to her she said you mean there's hope for a married I pushed away I said honey for the first time in my life I can look you in the eyes and be for real I said can I renew my wedding vows to you right there spontaneous baby I didn't know this was happening I didn't have baggy eyes stand up on I crumpled in papers trying to be elements just came in me the Lord can have renewed my wedding W she said huh I want to renew my wedding vows into a little Brandeis everything about his little hey I said when we got married I had a little trailer a little red car I live a yellow truck never a little why everything in my life was a little now I know I'm in Texas where everything's bigger but when I was in Pennsylvania everything was way little and I held her little shoulders and this is what came out of my mouth because it was coming out of my heart and I had a revelation that I probably couldn't teach at the time but I somehow understood here's what I said you'll catch it because of our Talk's today and yesterday you owe me nothing in this manner but to receive the love of God for me and as long as I draw breath on this earth I will serve you and she said okay and then I said wait I want to grab a pen and paper and make sure I write down your No to me and crying I just however you see why those eight years weren't a struggle because I already became what I vow eight years of her dysfunctional believing and living doesn't erase her potential and purpose in love she needs help not frustration come on guy you be challenged I didn't know where we were going tonight are we okay you're getting some I'm not rambling right okay cuz all sudden I felt like the oh my goodness am I even making any we all right okay so cuz this one little stories in my heart yet and then we'll close are you sure you're ready for one more can I share one more let me just suck you all in and get permission can I give you one more story but this one's intense this one is intense I thought I knew the heart of God until this happened and then I said wow now I know the heart of God and I probably still need to see it more this man and lady was in our church and they just kind got into life and had two children and life and work and dishes and laundry unresolved conflicts and going to bed angry and just life man was unfolding they weren't keeping trapped in their spirit they weren't she's they were coming to church but they weren't doing him with me so she's stealing things as a woman he's feeling things as a man nothing to do with Jesus there's teaching out there to say man has needs women have needs God made us this way no no stop Adam made us that way stop blaming your life on another person but they're not doing what they're not speaking my language they're not meeting my needs stop being to see you're making your life condition on another person and his name's not Jesus it's deception not Christian I know that's strong I'll probably get in trouble for being that forthright somebody will know me and they won't be happy I promise you it's right because when you look at the fruit that other mentalities producing you can't find kingdom and you can't find life so she gets on the internet and started chatting around and talking on the on the computer they're not fellowship and they're not sitting and talking they're not going out to eat and taking their kids to Mom's they're just existing now she's not pursuing Jesus but now she has vacuums and she has knees so does he she gets talking to this guy and this guy's saying things she needs to hear and things her husband isn't saying and that somehow that works she files divorce papers ASAP hands them to him as served to him totally shocks him no communication about it says I'm in love with another man and I'm flying to go live with him never met him just talked to him on meaning he came to me falling apart freaking out I don't even know what's going on you got to talk to her man she said she's getting on a plane she wants a divorce and she's leaving it's gone go be with this man live with this man so I tracked her down sat with her and she looked at me real monotone and stoic I said Dan you're not talking me out of it I'm in love he hasn't given me anything that I need elastic whoa what the where are you at spiritually honey what happened to Jesus like when does that ever become your reason to walk into darkness and sin and depravity and it's not your answer I mean it can't even be love it's it's emotion that sentiment it's you being driven by your vulnerability and your needs sweetheart it's not love you're licking a wound that's going to create a greater gash that's the pastor that's a pastor and she said well I'm doing it she said I've been good all my life it's about time I have some fun fine you're gonna get on a plane and give yourself to a man you don't even know and call it love because you're hurt and wounded in your marriage doesn't sound like an answer honey that doesn't sound fun well I'm doing of five days bust into the office he comes through the door and then she cry and I'm like oh here we go loving God understand but I gotta be his past I'm not being mean I'm not being cynical when I say this I care about that I wish it wouldn't happen I I don't like when people make those decisions and put each other in those pickles man the kids pay everybody has to walk through it it's uncomfortable it's yucky and and I can cry about it for with you but not long I'm serious it's not joke I'll give you 20 seconds 30 seconds I'll cry and you'll know I care but I can't stay there because stay in there is not going to change anything I mean I'll be sensitive to all week I've been in there sits where I've been fresh in adulteries driving in houses fresh when it happens and they're falling apart and wailing and I'll weep with them because it's real and we got to walk through it but let's get with it I've been in all this stuff he's coming through the hall he comes straight to my office my doors closed I got a lot on my desk and I'm hanging up I think I was on the phone I said hey I gotta go I'll call you back I got something going on here I'm thinking here we go I gotta be sensitive but I gotta be strong with truth and I gotta love him the whole way through this thing Jesus you got him he busts in the door he was sharp he busted in the door and he already knew what I was thinking cuz he said don't worry pastor my tears aren't what you think cuz I thought he was I said okay he said no I heard from God I said what'd you hear he said well you haven't seen me for the last five days or heard from me cuz I've been shut up in my bedroom and I've been screaming and crying and pulling my hair and punching the walls I haven't had no appetite I ain't been eating doing nothing but just screaming to God at the top of my lungs I said what do you God how could you let this happen God you got to bring back my wife go what's happening God how could you let her leave God you gotta bring her home he's freaking out for five days the Lord must be patient cuz five days goes by and the Lord comes in the bedroom he said it was majesty like the majestic Lord came in the bedroom and he said would you stop praying that way what what he said you don't have a problem he said I was never so mad in my life at any individual he said I heard the Lord say loud and clear instead it sounded audible to me would you stop praying that way he called his name would you stop praying that way you don't have a problem and he said the veins were popping out of my neck as I screamed at the ceiling what do you mean I don't have a problem is this joke to you I don't have a problem I have divorce papers my children don't have a mother my wife is in the arms of another man and I don't have a problem that's what he said and it's real and he's factual but it's analytical it's like my wife and God status calm as could be and said it's exactly what I said you don't have a problem your wife is in trouble and then this is the connotation he gave his heart how is it that I can live inside of him and for the last five days you only have the capacity to cry for yourself and never consider the state now you tell me that in God but the church itself we have a hard time swallowing that testimony and we feel for her and give her permission or him and give them permission to be whatever and God say it how can it be so that I live inside of you and oh you can do is cry for yourself and never consider and it set him free and he come running to me crying because he's no longer a prisoner to her sin and now he's free and now he can function now he can get out of this thing and be a daddy again while later she showed up cuz things didn't work out he met with her and had lunch told him what God said and told her what God said and said he loved her and she said how can you love me after what I did he said love is not conditional when it's in the kingdom of God changed my heart I don't see what you did I see you as my wife so they got back together and then found out she was pregnant from somebody else and he said it doesn't matter I love you we'll raise the baby as her own love isn't conditional I bet he'd heard from the Lord that sure beats me myself tonight I can't believe they did that and they got me so wrong have you been had done as long as I am you understand why I'm still mad yeah but you show me any life that's ever come out of those things in that language but I'll show you life that came out of that story how is it I can live inside of you all these five days and very strong question from the Lord isn't it amazing I was sure people I was she ain't stepping on me like and I ain't gonna be nobody's doormat I ain't gonna enable our sin you don't even know what you say he's still ranting because you're thinking for yourself he didn't enable no sin he revealed the loving heart acropole and he brought redemption into the picture you with me sure beats being a statistic in having a sad story here's the truth about our stories it's why showed no sensitivity what we've been through I'm sorry I've been through enough to write here's what happens if we're if we're all hooked up to our story we'd have to go around the room one by one and hear everybody's story and decide who's been through the most out and then what turn around and sing it's all about heaven it's irrelevant don't let your story keep you from the truth it does no good to say yeah but you don't know what I've been through you're doing yourself injustice because the person beside you might have been true twice the hell there was in a service preaching life this one time and it was so intense it was ridiculous I turned into a madman you say oh I've seen that no no this was over the top and in my mind I was saying Lord I feel like I'm being almost controlled right now I can't stop this this feels too strong it's going to hurt somebody I don't like this my mind was saying that and I'm preaching like fire about our past and letting it matter and doesn't matter what you've been through and bam and this little girl sitting right about here went into convulsions little Spanish like girl this Kaval shion's and she threw up then she was being delivered it was intense I said the two ladies just hold her don't pray over too much loud just hold her God's doing her work she'll be fine this is Holy Spirit she'll come out of this fine I just kept preaching if I'd have known her story I would have never been able to say a word I'd have been in fear and trembling I didn't know her story God knew her story and he just wasn't about being quiet I didn't know her story if I knew her story there's no way out of preach the way I was preaching I was already bothered I felt like it was too harsh and too straight guess what her story was she was 6 years old walking her little puppy you know in the jungles in South America Guatemala and she heard screams in her village her parents turned Christian teaching them Jesus she's got 11 siblings in a jungle he's walking her puppy right outside the edge of the city in the little jungle following her little puppy and she her screams and she runs and she freaks out and crawls in a bush and she said she was holding the mouth of her public six years old she watched men with machetes executed her dad her mom and all of her siblings and then she watched them string them up with cables at the gate of their City little village on a cable string him up dad mom and according to age and lifted their voice and said let this be a sign to all of you what will happen if you ever consider this Jesus that news and they all walked out of the village and there's the little girl and her whole family is hanging by cables execute now you think you have a tough story but you probably haven't been why'd she go into convulsions cuz when I was preaching can you imagine if I knew the story I would have never preached that I'd have been afraid to preach that but I just wanted to hold her and on preaching like a madman and I'm in front of her almost the whole time guess what happened she's hearing me preaching the Spirit of God came upon it she's been hard and hurt and angry god she's got her life into all kinds of things because she's bitter because why did God let them kill my parents why did God let them kill my siblings I lost my whole family because God didn't save them she's six years old she's growing up with this nobody's helping her people are frightened know what to say to her now she's 20-some years old she's in convulsions she already threw up everywhere she's sobbing and then I asked her when it was all settled what's going on she said I just got a revelation today and then she told us her story what everybody speechless when she's telling the story the execution and I'm waiting for the punchline cuz I'm like this is stuff and she said in today when you were preaching I realized how deceived I've been I've been mad at God for so long because I've said he let this happen she said but today I realized I didn't lose 11 siblings that day she said 11 siblings didn't die that day I realized today 12 died she said I've been dead since that day and I've been deceived and I've allowed what the enemy did to my family to take me as well and that is the end of those days today because today I have turned my heart she had a serious sickness in her body she had serious symptoms when she went into convulsions and threw up and all this stuff everything was gone and her symptoms were gone and she had no disease God ain't playing he talked so aggressive and so intense that I wouldn't have had the gumption to say those things if I knew her story but God knew her story and knew exactly how to reach her heart and then an opinionated people said well you need to be more sensitive maybe God was being very sensitive to her and insensitive to the lie and he delivered a young girl that day here with me good okay I got a little later tonight than I was last night but it's funny because I'm sorry but I'm not sorry you guys getting something out of this and that even so you cheer me on yeah and I feel better are you taking something with you - no there's nothing I preached since I've been in town that you can't live if you wrap faith around it apart from any other conditions or factors in your life there's nothing I preach the night that you can't personally give yourself to even if the people around you want nothing to do with what I'm saying in the end you are going to have to answer what did I do with him when I heard what did I do with this gospel please run well please go after him please guard your heart out of your heart flows the issues of life please don't give anybody the power to dictate who you are and how you're doing but Jesus settle that see how he sees you like we sang righteous and redeemed Freddy wake up every day in that place so that you can look through clearer eyes and see people for who they're called to be whether they're living it or not yeah I want to do something I wasn't even thinking of this but I'm thinking of it now so it's not my fault it doesn't work out thank you what is happening right now yeah it doesn't work out who enjoy praying for the sick last night that was here huh how's that fun [Applause] we're gonna do something tonight and then at the end I'll release you guys to pray for anybody needs prayer for any other things but this is a specific thing tonight okay it's a passionate in my thing in my heart I do it a lot I see a lot of people healed and set free from things and it's amazing to me the mercy of God I never get familiar with it the mercy of God it's humbling he doesn't judge you for where you've been he judges you for what you've become you can't go back and change the thing you've ever done so why don't you let it die and let God meet you right where you're at today you can't make up for yesterday you can't go back and change one thing you gave yourself to but who you are can change and you can let him change your heart and when that happens God will never see you for where you've been he will see you for what you've become are you with me now this is what I found out over the years and realized it was a couple years into my salvation when it got big in me first time I ever preached it was that new life for girls I was sitting in my desk and they asked me to come in the year 2000 and preach in their chapels and it's 2019 I go once a month all these years some 2000 so now I go once a month no matter how much a travel I'd go up there make sure I preach to them girl he said I want you to take me gumption in there and he said I will redeem and I will restore and girls started getting healed and hepatitis and STDs we started seeing cutter scars disappear from people's bodies I saw four or five suicide attempts butchering vanish vanish because of redemption here's what happens people live their lives in the flesh they get to see sometimes they're a Christian you say well why is this a special-order call because sometimes people think they deserve what they have because they say I should have known better or I knew better and did it anyway so they take that responsibility upon themselves and carry the thing that they invited because it was their fault hello mercy triumphs over the goodness of God leads us to change what would affect you more to carry the STD and use it as a testimony of the day we knew this and now I know better and hey this is my mark to bear dadada or God just takes it when you know you learned it what would change you more you already know the answer I've noticed that people get saved and then they're still carrying the things that came upon them in their former life and I don't like it I think we should talk about it attack it and command it to get out of our people it's called Redemption people think they deserved it we say you made your bed you sleep in it well brother you reap what you sow well that's true to a point when you repent you reap what he said it's true to a point but when you repent you reap what he said he made a brand-new bed super clean sheets crawl in his sleep he [Laughter] robed you with garments of salvation he clothed you with righteousness here's what the Bible says if any man be in Christ he's uh in 2nd Corinthians 5 it's 17 it's there If any man be in Christ he's uh old things behold how many things so what passes away everything before him what becomes new all things you get it whoa so if someone was a prostitute and promess Q and shooting a needle in that thing caught up with him in bidam and now they have hepatitis or HIV or HPV or something but now they're born again are they a prostitute anymore but they're heroin addict anymore when they stand before Jesus through the blood well prostitution ever even be mentioned it's as far as East in the West separates see forgetfulness it won't be there so if God won't judge them for where they've been then why is where they've been judging them if old things pass away and all things become new why is it still judging them maybe because we don't understand it has to go maybe because we think we earned it or deserved it what should a new better or had conviction and sinned and willfulness that might all be true but at what point does repentance kick in and even if you learned a hard lesson you learned a lesson nonetheless and grace is greater and mercy triumphs over judgment the gospel doesn't give you what you deserve it gives you what he paid for now I've seen countless you sent a passionate I am right now I got a little passionate last night I told you Jesus was going to come in the room and do all kinds of things didn't I I didn't look nervous either did I why because it's his nature I know him enough to make those statements you see how passionate I am right now because this is business this is some real I can't even count the STDs that have left people's bother I can't count the hepatitis that has disappeared I get emails I just trust they're true why would they send them they're not asking anything return I get emails about HIV and AIDS after these kind of services I just met a girl who last year when I was there at the Recovery Center who's an intern now preaching to new students she stood on the beach of Florida as we were baptizing girls and she said are you telling me God can take it it's out of my body I said honey he raced Jesus and she fell on me and wrapped her arms around me I was weeping I said are you a prostitute anymore oh do you do heroin anymore oh if you could go back and change your decisions would you write a new script then I'm not talking to the girl you're talking about I'm talking to the girl that's changed and I just held her on the beach Father thank you for the redemption of the blood of Jesus sounds so simple but I understand what I'm saying so it means something it's so simple but it's not simple he paid for she has to go for her quarterly exam turn of the year she's on the AIDS list she's positive they keep track of folks they monitor they make sure you're not living loose they got responsibilities when you're positive can't be sleepin with nobody without consent and verbal act acclamation that you have positive HIV it's it's illegal she goes for her tests and they said your test is negative and she said Amen so the government tests you three months in a row you have to be negative three months in a row and they'll then they deem you negative February negative March I get the email negative completely removed from HIV list no HIV in her body I went there this year and saw her she's lit up like a light bomb she's restored to her 12 year old daughter who was in love with her mama who said she thinks I'm a cool guy another 12 year old mom he's cool adults say I'm weird kids understand yeah and all I saw was a picture of redemption here's what we'll do tonight if you brought anything into your life and into your body through a former life and former actions if you've hurt yourself through your conduct and your decisions it doesn't matter if it was willful it doesn't matter if anything what matters is that today sitting here you say wow I see it now for what it is and if I knew then when I realized now I wouldn't have been there then and if I could go back and change things I would but I can so I'm gonna trust he changes this are you with me I know people that hurt their organs in lifestyle decisions in lack of temperance and indulgences and things there's people that hurt their memory their concentration their long-term short-term memory there's people that got mad and went out and binge dand they've never felt the same sense in their mind there's stuff like this happening in people there's people that went out and just got a little higher than they'd ever gotten before and they just knew it affected them and something's not right are you with me there's people that hurt livers and kidneys there's people that have things in their blood because of places they've been in things they've done but the truth is now they're being restored they love God they're born again these things have to be confronted by us the church and be told to leave their legalists they won't leave unless you expose them with truth and tell them to go tell them you I've seen this a lot are you with me so I need you to be humble I need you to be real humble somebody want to play something for me strings cheese I don't need a whole lot of help I just need somebody just give me a little music here just something sweet something perfect thank you my friend thank you little buddy I get to hear you play yeah just something soft and sweet here's what qualifies you for coming up here other than the blood of Jesus you sincerely saying if I can change if I could change what I've done I will change what I came but I believe you love me when you say if I could go back and change it I would you're no longer the person that did you the first thing that changed that's how simple it is I've seen it a lot you're in this room you got anything in your life you'd be amazed how many there are don't you sit in your chair and act a shame thanks for breaking the ice you getting up - no it's good just receive it slow if you got anything in your life anything in your body anything in your blood anything in your organs because of former decisions you come up and receive the mercy of God if you cry you cry but don't cry the wrong tears cry because he loves you try because he forgives you cry because you have his mercy get up here if you need to be up here don't you not come don't you be ashamed don't you think what somebody's gonna think it's nobody's business everybody in this room practically has done things that deserve a mark some people just didn't come out with one there's no mercy out there some people did things a hundred times and did get mark somebody did it twice and got hit four for life it ain't fair it ain't mercy it's darkness it's this it's the room you weren't created to live in man I'm proud of you guys thanks for coming come on don't you stay in your chair if this is you don't you be afraid of what a friend is gonna think or a family member you get up here if this is you you know if it's you your heart's pounding get up here for your heart expand I'm waiting for a few look I got plenty to pray for but we want everybody I'll know when we're ready I promise thank you I love you guys I respect you I'm proud of every one of you receive his love receivest mercy let your tears be good tears tears of redemption you know now that if you could do different you would he's doing change on the inside of you in that right if you could go back and do some things over would ya well then I ain't talking to the person that went out and did those things okay now listen carefully yeah thanks I was just gonna say I'm waiting for three people and a know it I got one too I got three now that was good let's just say three and he got up and I said three and you all got I don't thank you I heard that so clear he said what missing three in that suite I just heard him say we're missing three why'd he say that cuz she's serious I got enough to pray for I don't need to wait for three he told me you just thank God right now every one of you that he loves you and forgives you and believe that he loves you and forgives you some of you I'm telling you you're already healed it's just I just know when you come up here and already things happen thank you that he loves you and that he forgives you thank you that he's not mad at you Thank You meadow never bring up where you've been and what you've done thank you for changing your heart changing your life come on thank you stretch your hands to these people they're your they're your brother's your sisters that are humble humility brought them up here the cheers are awesome it's awesome good healthy father I thank you for moving right now for the power of your spirit through every one of these people Holy Spirit come right now touch every single person thank you thank you make it every person okay take it all away know that one thing remain but the reason they came up here he found no more in their bodies and in their lives Holy Spirit thank you for what you do and the redemption of the cross come in this room yeah the redemption of the cross come in this room and make your people clean spirit soul and body blameless til he comes in Jesus name presence of Lord come Holy Spirit come yeah right on your people and make them clean redemption of the Lord come in this house completely whole not one mark not one trace man one mark not one trace clean before you go yeah godly sorrow in their hearts cause repentance in their lives clean as if they've never sinned as if they never lived one day away from you absolute wholeness in their lives in Jesus name well thank you although I'll thank you right now for what you do and Holy Spirit come thank you completely clean so proud of you guys you have no idea separated today from yesterday spirit soul and body in Jesus name let your love come and touch your children thank you Father thank you for fighting on Thank You spirit of the lord spirit of [Music] [Applause] once you do me a favor if you're up here lift your hands didn't even if you're kneeling just the friends do would you please yeah it's just a sign of yielding just lift your hands the best you can I know some of you are feeling a little wiped out or down and stuff dad and just thank him for loving you thank him for making all things new thank him that you're leaving here changed that your heart is his come on make your vows to the Lord thank you for being so awesome for giving you more than hope restoring your future your destiny your purpose thanking that no matter how far away you ran nothing is lost because he's the Redeemer thank you that you have more than hope in him thank you for the restoration of your lives thank you Jesus name Gianni Versace [Music] do this a little different than we did last night I know it's getting late but hey man it's Saturday night you know sitting in your chitters out there who needs physical healing who would say I have something in my body I need to be change that needed to be you keep your hand real high look around Church and people that are sitting if you were here last night you already know what to do I'm not doing it the same way just go find somebody with their hand up go find somebody and say hey my name's so-and-so I'm just won't believe for you pray short very specific and just tell that thing to go just tell it to go go find them go find them get your hand up if you need some other kind of physical healing and you're up here just wave your hand somebody will come and then you came up for done deal we declare in Jesus name wholeness in your lives good hey Matt yeah get your hand up if you need prayer for healing in this room go find somebody church and don't speak life over them say be healed in Jesus name ask him what it is then speak directly believe him you're dismissed yeah if you guys if you want to slip out beer ever and slip out I just love to see the body get activated I love to see people get involved Jesus really really likes it when you get involved he really likes it who likes you
Channel: DAN MOHLER - Non Official Channel
Views: 10,304
Rating: 4.85567 out of 5
Keywords: Dan Mohler, Power and Love
Id: sT9faV7KkLg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 118min 16sec (7096 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 16 2019
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