Dan Mohler @ Grove CC - 4 - Saturday night - June 9, 2018

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[Applause] you guys are too much fun oh my goodness that was the most off-the-wall offering that was really fun comfortable no I'm not learning I'm learning how to receive I love to give some people are great givers and then they have a hard time receiving hey we got people in heavenly places [Applause] Wow awesome I couldn't see you last night it's a little better I can see you up there you're all smiling that's cool so yeah that was fun it's fun here you know sometimes pastors they don't realize it's happening but but you get tricked we as pastors can get tricked into just trying to have better services to where people are attracted and want to come and you can do that and it's nothing wrong with that but if you forget to empower people to be something different when they leave we're missing the point of why we come our goal is not to have more awesome it sounds so right we have Ralston visits where God attends and meets us and but there has to be a ministering of truth that brings freedom to our life you'll never replace a lie without truth and honestly we were trained by the wisdom of the world our whole lives we were trained by the way that seemeth right to a man let's just face that we we didn't learn from Jesus we learned from our parents we learned from hearsay we learn from shop conversations we learned from books movies there was a general way that seems right to a man that we all acquired and learned and functioned very well in true the only way to replace a lie and honestly it's not that everything was a lie it's just that some things aren't completely true so a half-truth is actually way more dangerous than a lie because you can't detect a half-truth because it's half true a lie you can expose sometimes I have truth just people buy into that and it doesn't produce life and here's what I'm trying to say right now there's a weapon of your in my warfare that is mighty in the breaking down of strongholds there's wrong believing that we acquired our whole lives about ourselves about others about God how'd we get it about God because we weighed life we viewed life we observe life and defined him through the outcomes of life instead of take a good sincere humble teachable look into his word look at his son and find him through here you don't find him through here in fact if you read your Bible a lot of the things you're finding here have nothing even to do with God and yet we're taught that everything that happens is God and it's not scriptural not scriptural it says men are reaping what they sell it's men are destroyed for the lack of knowledge the power of death and life is in your tongue so we so reap we don't get understanding we don't study to show yourself approved and things unfold and catch us off-guard we speak death when he's one life and then things have we have outcomes and we just turn it off because I don't know why God did that it know why God let that happen I don't know why and make sure you stay a million miles away from that deception because it skews your view from God and when you don't see him clear you won't draw near to him you with me see all these strategies are in place to keep you from drawing near to him their lives their twists their deceptions they're there to keep a man's heart hard to keep him proud in his opinion to keep from him ever truly seeking and thinking he already understands if you don't have a clear view of God why would you ever approached him with a humble heart why would you ever have intimacy with someone you can't see clear and understand come on that's in the world that's a fling at best I honestly believe there's so many strategies that are set to to to distort the gospel crush the gospel week we and a lot of it has to do with the image of God we talk about our image a lot but make sure your image of God is so healthy through the sending of a son Jesus Christ don't just read the Old Testament and come out with some view of God understand that all the old is pointing to the new and that the old is men under sin and under the law without the blood without blood speaking better things it's not the new covenant it's the old it's man apart from God don't forget that say well God's killing people God's judging people go no no sins doing that people are reaping what they're sowing they're under the law of sin and death God's not schizophrenic he's not like one day killing people and the other day saying you know I think I let him live he's not let's stop that he would never send his son if he wasn't good and didn't want to love us and restore some redeem us time goes by and generations past and there's a clear message sent it's supposed to be of what life looks like apart from God yeah man you read judges you read some of these books in the Bible it's just tragic day like the people that live in and they're in bondage for a long long time and then they cry out to God hey sorry we gave herself to other gods please help and God raised up with the liver and set him free and it says in the Israel enjoyed freedom for X amount huh and then in no time they're back to the gods the high places and that isn't you guys user in heavenly places the high places the next thing you know they're back in bondage for another 100 years and God oh and it's a terrible story line yeah understand when you're reading the bottom of a whole focal point of the baubles of the Lord Jesus Christ so he's there right from the beginning he's there right from the beginning nothing's made that wasn't made through him in the beginning it's a strange word it's amazing word you can't wrap your mind around it you can't grab it with your intellect when you look up the word beginning it means a point in time that goes back and back and back to where there is no beginning that's the word beginning whoa in the beginning okay and then a little finite minds but what are you telling what glare God come from what he's just always wise well who made God welcome and we just oh you know the Bible says men will mock and scoff the things they don't understand it's amazing what human pride does if you don't understand you probably shouldn't say a thing what pride thinks it knows so it mocks and scoffs what it doesn't understand ain't that something watch this slow to speak slow to anger quick to listen sue the Bible calls us to guess what most of us has been our whole lives don't want to hear it ticked off got a whole lot to say slow to speak slow to anger quick to listen isn't it strange that we grew up don't want to hear it really ticked off got a whole lot to say I covered some of this yesterday love lays down its life for another and we've all got trapped living at the expense of one another even those we say we love because honestly love has gotten reduced to I need you we say I love you but we prove I need you because I can just as quickly ticked off at you angry at you frustrated at you and turn myself away from you if need be but you say I love you and love doesn't seek its own and love takes no account of a suffer wrong and and love never fails so how do you fall in and out of love I think we've been trained by lies I think we've been trained by movies and emotions and sentiment and sensuality yeah and I believe the three words that have caused more pain on the planet or I love you because people are so vulnerable to it because they need to believe they're lovable and somebody's saying I love you doesn't prove you're lovable Jesus hanging on the cross proof you're lovable yeah because he didn't fight you he didn't argue with you he didn't shout you down while you were yet a sinner he came and gave his life and said I think a whole lot more than what you understand I think a whole lot more of you than what you understand of Yale that's what he's saying when he's hanging on the cross I've known you from the beginning I know why you're here I know why God made you I know your destiny I know your root value I know your purpose I know your legacy and it's worth dying for so here's my life will you take mine and let it live inside of you I'll give my life for your life yeah but he's not asking you to die is yes you live in him come on man it flakes me out its job I'm just done I'm just done with false humility and we're arms in the dirt it's wonder God considers on someone barely saved and he shed his blood and died on the cross while you're yet a sinner he has to know a higher value for you he has to see a greater purpose for you there's something he has to know that we maybe haven't seen and because we grew up in lies because all these things have taught us who we are and what were worth all along the way come on everybody in this room knows what I'm talking about from the time you can remember you needed loved appreciated stability security and a lot of those things weren't there for a lot of us so it started to fashion us and decide who we were at a very young age and at a very young age you were nothing more than how you responded to how it unfolded they laugh at you when you're little and you realize they're laughing at you for the first time and all the sudden you're self-conscious and you feel the shame and right there you're faced with either becoming introverted and broken or hard and a fighter but none of that is you it's how you're responding in the face of lies it's how you're responding in the lack of love and all of a sudden that's loading you and pottering you and fashioning you and it has nothing to do with the Lord and nothing to do with the real you and the whole goal of the enemy is that when you finally hear the good news you can't receive it because there's nothing good about you but people don't really care or your life doesn't matter are you going too far and their lies their lies from hell why you were yet a sinner he sent his son sorry I'm so aggressive it doesn't that's nothing to do with me you say all you get you don't understand I don't have a preaching style I don't have a strategy I'm not a psychologist this thing comes on me sometimes I don't even like it or want it but it comes on me and I don't fight it and I just believe it's just heart I believe it's his aggression I believe he doesn't like lies and I believe he sees what it does to people that he treasures and values and shed blood for and he lives in truth and he's slight and then the people he treasure are gonna succumb to darkness and he's light and you're created to live in the light and walk in the light that's he's in the light and let your light so shine the light ain't shining when you're believing lies you're made for the light the Bible says the eye the eye your perspective the way you see and what you see is the lamp of your body your perspective determines you where you live from this way determines what this looks like and you can see what a man believes and understands by the way he conducts his life that's why out of the heart the mouth speaks what's inside comes out this thing is a little more personal than a puppet show but it's kind of like a puppet show man gave God gave man a body to act out and flesh out what's on the inside and you know them by their fruits and get something and there's this war going on there's this competition going on because we're made for the image of God I found it in the Bible you're not talking me out of it nobody's trying to I'm not talking to you personally I mean in general you're not talking me out of this god made man with intention you didn't come from a tadpole a mud puddle a bang or a monkey God said let us make man in our image he wasn't so full of life and profuse with life and bored one day playing with the soil of the earth had sneezed and a man jumped in to say we're not happenstance you're made intentionally with purpose and destiny you have job description value identity in the day you were created that got lost through sin it has to get regained through Christ this is more than bless me Lord answer my prayer heal my body fill my bank account it caused me to be restored back to what you intended from the beginning through the blood of your son and by the power of your spirit changed my life into what you paid for and what you desired in the first place and I'm talking straight and strong anything else is a piece of the gospel you be honest how many of us have been in this thing a long time and didn't realize it only we're living a piece of the gospel and you know you're getting get understanding why because you're destroyed for what you don't understand but yet you grew up with the languages said what you don't know won't hurt you it's a lie it's a lie what you don't know it's destroying you taking advantage of you eating your lunch well what you see is what you get it's a lie don't you ever live by what you see it's subject to change the things that are unseen or eternal well you made your bed you sleep in it it's a lie it brings Redemption makes a brand new bed gives you new life puts clean sheets and says sleep tight son he doesn't give you what you deserve it gives you what he paid for its life through Jesus Christ you deserve death and he gives you life you deserve judgment and he makes peace he's amazing he's possessed me yes and all I got time to do is love him and love you yeah you only have to believe me time will tell I'm telling the truth you don't have no ability to frustrate me upset me break my heart I did not wake up to get anything from you you have no ability to get on my nerves I have new nerves I live from a new eye and not self-righteous I'm not judgmental I'm not gonna be a high place to look down on you and just because I prefer something different than you I'm not gonna make you less than my preference that's pride that's judgment that self-righteous ya man are we okay or am I too ridiculous because this is raging in me I don't know what's wrong somebody's fault are you guys okay can you tell I'm not like mad at you right just cause my voice is starting I'm like I'm I'm passionate about truth and I don't like lies because I see what it does to people made for God's image no the greats are me why because you have value you're worth the blood of Jesus not talking me out of it you're worthless but of Jesus he died to redeem your life period it's not up for discussion I believe that so I'm gonna see you through that truth and the eye the eye is the lamp of the body watch remember I said you're made for the light watch if your eye is single your whole body is flooded with light it doesn't say unless of course you're faced with many challenges and issues and your best friend just cheated on you and broke your heart and did something you thought in your spouse's and you just lost your job and your car ain't running all in the same week it doesn't say that it says if you see clear you'll be clear it doesn't say yeah unless of course well brother you don't know what I'm going through stop stop stop selling cheap stop stop he's not talking about what you're going through right now talk about what you see because the only way you'll get through what you're going through is seeing clear and if you let what you're going through change who you are then what you're going through is Lord this Lord means Supreme Being the governing factor the ruling factor the supreme what determines you Lord yeah so if you're only as good as it's going that's deception that's idolatry you're letting things matter more than what matters most if you're only doing as good as your circumstances you have understanding to gain you're doing as good as he is in you and you respond to your circumstances through that higher truth that's why you're not dismayed that's why you're not bewildered that's why you don't grow weary in well-doing that's why you walk in a manner worthy of him and you run the race worthy of a prize come on these are all scriptures so if that's not fueled by truth then we're in the works and we're gonna fail we're done anyway man are you alright I feel like a wild man right now I don't know what's wrong somebody's fault am I talking to faster you're grabbing this good good it's just on me can you tell I'm not prepared for this can you tell I'm way off my notes because I didn't have any anyway I never have notes can you tell that I can't have this all pre-planned I didn't go what were we were we what were we at your in-laws home I ran in there and said hi to my wife via text and talked to her on three texts and switched out my clothes and we got virtually back in the car and came back here I talked with people non-stop after the service barely made it to your in-laws to change and came right back here at 5:07 I get up here and have no clue what we're gonna say turn on the mic and turn into a madman it's not my fault it's the stuff I pray it's what I believe I'm honored that you would let me speak I don't have a need to speak I I'm humbled by it I'm not finding my identity through preaching to you I could be home and be just as blessed I I'm here because I want to be not because I have to be I want to be here that's different than having to be here I would love to tell you Jesus came in my government said go to Grove Community it didn't happen like that I'd love to tell you that but I'd be lying and that wouldn't be Christian I'm here because I want to be I'm here because what I'm preaching I believe I believe it's true I believe it's true for you and I believe it'll transform lives and make a difference across the board and in the end we'll be glad we ran well and we'll celebrate and rejoice and the gift that we had called faith yeah so wonder if I actually really believe this and I'm not a minister I think we just get weird with this thing and we think we're doing like this is not my job it's not even my way of living that's why I didn't come here for an offering you were freaking me out a little bit just because it's so not my heart and but he's so loving if you get to know him you can't hardly like you can't he didn't come close but I stopped probably oh wow I probably stopped 810 passengers a year when they're taking receiving an offering for me and take nothing because of the way they took the offering without exposing them and without them even knowing what I did because it violates me because I'm not here for that he didn't do that he's just nice and he's easy loving he had me nervous because I was like Lord I don't want to have to shut him down please don't let him cross any lines well I was nervous but you did you see me you're just so gentle that he's such a nice guy and I'm like I like him so much lord please don't please see because some pastors compel for an offering in it we want to send him in a matter worthy labors worth is hired nobody hired me stop using that Scripture [Applause] I'm not even laboring I'm having the time of my life do I look like I'm sacrificing thank you for coming thank me I'm here because I want to be I just rolled out my wife on Friday Oh hunter Sunday night I'm out of bed two nights a week I get to be with you beautiful people that are sincere and hungry for God my life is like a gift she doesn't even have time to miss me well I'll leave for two days just so things could calm down but I'm coming back I'll be back I'm here because I wanna be I just believe it's right to get my plane tickets I believe it's right to cover expenses I don't think the church has to do that because the last Church you're at you know what they say I'm gonna take enough rent for dad bless God he's here somebody empowered him to get here we want to empower him to get to the next place that's what they say everywhere I go so then they take the offering and I go to the next church and they cover all my expenses well then why'd you empower me to get there so what do I do with the empowerment just turned it into personal income not gonna happen I use what you gave to empower me to get there so I won't let a Church reimburse me I don't turn in expenses I buy my own plane tickets I would pay for the own hotel last week I paid for my hotel in somebody else's hotel so the ministry wasn't burdened with the expense I was honored to preach and at the end I said listen pastor the Lord spoke to me in the room I'm not taking a penny whatever you were going to give me if you want to split it between the psalmist and bless the girls and the musicians have at it but do what you seem best I am taking nothing from this church and then people try to preach giving sermons to me I already read my Bible one of the biggest lines that says well brother you need to receive it you ain't robbing us of our blessing and I'm like if you're giving me for your blessing why don't you stop being self-centered and don't give any more until you get your part right you're just given to get that's weird you ain't robbed me of my blessing I think you're already robbed by just the way you're thinking mm-hmm you give because you love you give because you appreciate you give cuz you sincerely want to empower you could just you're so kind he did this crazy offering thing I couldn't cut him off I was like well you got me nervous the only time get hurt when he brought up the plane ticket and that's a setup and whoa yeah and I'm like oh no could you tell I was nervous I was nervous yeah I was like a cat I was going to spring on you now you don't know how many times I've done it pastor gets on that tune and crosses a line to my concerts and I'll stand up and cry pastor I'm so sorry to put you in this business pastor listen I should have said something sooner it's been on my heart just sitting here that I should just that's just man I'm not here for an offering don't preach giving guys I know you love and you want to give and some of you feel like you're already supposed to give but listen let's not do that in fact you have a building fund that's poured into that I don't feel like I'm here for an offering and don't anybody try to preach to me I'm following my conscience what I believe is the Lord man I'm just blessed to be here and I'll sit down the past role will go okay well and I thought man I don't want to put Josh in that situation but he didn't put me there he actually did good I was blessed by your the buffering thing I thought Lord is this spot I almost gave to myself [Applause] almost gave to myself I'm here to church one time they had this offering and I said Lord I want to sow into this church I just want so into this church I feel like that's just something I feel it's in my heart I don't think you're saying it but I can do that right and I caught up and I took out some money and I went over and I put it in the basket and everybody's looking at me and I went and sat down past the formulator he said you know you gave to yourself I said what are you talking about he said we have a policy that on this offering every penny goes to you for you so we need to count it out man we need to get it at home but he said everybody was chuckling because you got up and gave to yourself I guess he said I guess he wanted a bigger offering I was in one church they made me sit on a chair because I became friends with them and they knew me and the pastor knew that it would make me squirm and that there's a weakness actually in my life in receiving at times that's probably the area that I that's probably the only area that I'm aware of that I really have struggled with and have mishandled sometimes along the way is receiving in the financial way so he made me sit on their chair I wouldn't had to he didn't force me but I'm trying I was trying to and he told me you know the Lord's dealing with you and humility and how to receive so we're just going to help that we're gonna give you an object lesson we're just going to give you an assignment and I said what he said we're gonna do this offering that our people love we have a wild song we play and it's about loving and giving I never seen anything like it they set me on a chair and I held a basket and I said pastor I can't do this and he said exactly that's why you're in the chair because you can't do it so it's time to do it and get a breakthrough he said these people love you and they're like they turned on the CD and it was some wild music man and these guys were dancing and spinning and coming up and blessed me and my money the basket it was like I was like Oh freak me out freak me out so nobody's gonna pull that on me again crazy stuff people have done some crazy stuff now I appreciate you guys you're a lot of fun you have no idea how I've enjoyed being here and getting to know leadership and you and you I honor you guys we had a great talk at lunch I think it just felt good yes thing I started out with CI it's the lamp of the body this it's perspective the weapon of what war for money raised up and lying we were talking at lunch it was beautiful I said I see you got to stay true to the vision of why you're here if you don't keep it in front of the people they won't continue to run in it and you have to continue to keep it in for the people so it just doesn't become their language but it actually begins to become their lives it's not Christianese we're not learning a language just because we can quote it doesn't mean we've become it in fact that's religion and that's detrimental to people's lives they think because they can teach it they're living it no when you live it you can really teach it meaning with authority where heaven backs it is I'm just preaching Bible knowledge I'm stirring your intellect if I'm preaching out of Revelation it's going to get into your heart it's going to reproduce after its own kind you can study your Bible and teach a sermon anybody in this room could study your Bible and actually teach his sermon whether you believe it or not I promise you but you have to be careful because knowledge puffs up love edifies to have the authority of heaven to preach that thing into the hearts of men it has to become your life you only speak out of who he is in your life you don't speak out of your Bible study you speak out of the revelation that you're living in that's why I can't hold back passion that's why I tell stories with so much and just because it's life to me it's not a Bible story it's not Shadrach Meshach Abednego it's not David and go it's my own story it's my own revelation he's the fourth man in the fire he's he's the Lord you say man I see passion in you and sometimes you think it's because everything's going so great all the time in life I'm like God has just made glassy seas in front of your steps no the reason you see passion is because of fire and he's Lord and faithful he delivers you out of it all a lot of the passion you seem is adversity it's things that have come to try to deceive and destroy and cut into and take away and you don't budge and you don't move because he's steadfast you don't move and it puts a passion in you and you come through a season of witchcraft and attempts and things that are trying to kill you and all kinds of stuff I could tell you and you don't change because you don't love your own life unto death and you have to know him at all cost and you're not letting go you're holding on you're not complaining and you're not crying and you're not living in fear cuz you didn't get saved for better circumstances you got saved to become like him you got saved to be transformed you got saved for the mighty Spirit of God to live in you and love through you and flow through you that's why you got saved I hope because if you got saved for you life is eating you up if you got saved for your own well-being then you're only as good as things are going right now and the next time I see you you'll only be as good as it's going right then and life will decide you instead of the giver of it see that even makes the babies cry don't do it the babies perceive how bad that is I'm sorry honey yeah I'm done you don't have to cry she'll be fine we're done with that oh no I'm not going there honey it's okay they're not gonna live that way anymore I've never way too much fun with you guys tonight one minute I'm so ridiculously serious and I feel like I'm going to explode in the next minute I'm chuckling and wondering what I'm doing are we okay am i okay do I need prayer it's dangerous here I need to write people pray for me I had scary some of you praying for me I'm not sure what you would pray it would be it would really come on me some of you guys could be scary let me finish this thought about light you're made for the light remember I just don't know what happened in the last half hour but I really don't it's a blur to me but your eye is the lamp of your body so your perspective determines how you shine yours perspective determines how you live your life so the why behind your life your reason for being the motivation of why you live your day is huge if you're just existing that's not cool if you have no strong purpose of being you'll get tossed around to and fro you'll be like the waves of the sea by the wind you'll you'll just try to survive you'll be reduced to making it whatever that means you know how many Christians are Christians to make it make it what to the end like to get through life he's not a survival kit he's not a genie in a bottle he's not a busboy a table waiter he's not a servant he's your father and he's here to empower you to live what he paid for and to restore what he originally created you for you guys at Grove know that well you're being taught so good here I believe it I've been around your leaders it's humbling it's awesome yeah any one of them could just be up here preaching just like this I know it it's just good to come in and now the mouths of two or more every words confirmed and established I'm not preaching things you don't know and haven't heard but God wants so sealed in you to where your non-optional single I not wide view lens multiple choice Nadi yeah but Christian a yes largest oh that is good I might preach that again the eye is the lamp of the body if your eyes single Katie if your eyes single your whole body's flooded with light but if your eyes not single then darkness encroaches watch and if the light in you is darkness it's a strange saying it's Matthew 6:20 to Luke 1134 it's there I read it it's there you can check it follow with me it's exactly how I'm preaching it if the light in you is darkness that means you're created for the light and the perversion is darkness so if what you're created for is instead darkness he says how great is that darkness he's not saying how evil are you saying how twisted is your view because the eye is the lamp of the body and if your eyes not single darkness encroaches so just how wide view lens started because that's what lets the darkness live and overtake what you're here for because you're here to shine not to survive you're here to shine let your light who's the light of the world and then he says you're the light of the world and says to let your light so if it's your light it came from him so it's his light let your light so shine he's being personal he's saying everybody's called to the light so let your light shine before men it doesn't say make sure you go to every church service and don't skip the middle week services and make sure you're at the prayer meeting I get that do that but do it for the right reason not to qualify to keep being groomed and sharpened and focused and look a little more like him than when you leave then when you can and make sure you marry coming and going you come to be empowered to go you come to be empowered to go you don't come to qualify you already qualified you don't come to be accepted you already are you don't come to be righteous you're made righteous you come to grow in the knowledge of him you come to get stirred up in loving good works you come to keep a single eye so I this weekend commissioned these leaders I said look if you're asking me the best thing you can do is keep this message in front of people and don't feel like you're risking being redundant and you still keep preaching topics and things but make sure this is the heart of why we're here because if we miss this we're gonna miss why he came you're not just here to have a hoedown time in the Lord ho dum times are awesome but here's what we don't understand if we become what we're preaching our times in the Lord are going to be immeasurable worship is going to be off the hook nobody's gonna have to plow the ground to get you engaged why because you're in him you're living in him you love him you're walking with him in fact it'd it'd be pretty hard to tone down if we try is there'd be great rejoicing because it's good tidings great joy joy unspeakable joy of our salvation he has to be talking more than our circumstances lining up to what we prefer because there's not great joy in that nobody's Ducks are totally in a row are they are there things you wish would change around you are there things you wish would reposition that's fine believe for that but don't let those things determine you and how you are and who you because none of those things should have that voice or that power and don't you be a Christian for God to change those things and expect him to change them for you to be okay he's not going to empower idolatry so if you need a person to change in your life for you be okay that's not okay because even if that person changes it's going to be something else it's just inevitable it's just a matter of time it's gonna be something else so throw out that list she's a sad day when you're a pastor and you've realized that there's something a person did or something a person said that's governing a person's life and it's like one person did this and now the one person said this and now but the one person's name isn't Jesus it's a sad thing don't you let what a man said Trump what he said don't let what a man does Trump what he did you live from this place so you respond to these things in a healthy manner you don't internalize these things and run to God and cry out for help you internalize this so you're empowered to respond this way you live from him you don't run your life through the eye of the needle to God you run God through the eye of the needle to your life and you respond to things through him you don't take things to him most people go fall on their knees cry overwhelmed hurt I'm not being rude bear with me I'm not being insensitive bear with me they cry on their bed and they said Lord you gotta change my family I can't take it anymore nobody loves me good example these people relate there's that's that's that's not it's you waking up in the morning and realizing you're loved you're complete in him you're secure in him you understand that your family really doesn't want Jesus but you're not there to preach to them and beat a Bible over their head and try to push and evangelize and get them to rejoice in what you've rejoicing because that gets weird and when they don't rejoice you're hurt and all of a sudden you're not even excited and they're wondering what trip you're on and it's psychological and it's weird it looks weird to the people that you're trying to evangelize them they don't want that it's not cool no no you lay on your back father I just thank you man I realized that my family is in her real desperate situation it seems like they don't know you or even want you and what it seems like they don't have the capacity to love or appreciate me or value me but it's just because they don't know you if they knew you they would value me because you sure of how you me and God I thank you that I can live from that value that I have something to give to them to offer them without a lot of speech without a lot of motives I can just walk in love towards them because actually my heart used to hurt because of them but man I'm realizing my heart hurts for them because they really knew who they were and saw who they were they would no way be living what they're living and your words on the cross forgive them they don't know what they do really keep coming to me and I believe that's my view of my family and I'm blessed to be in this family not honored to be in this family and I thank you by grace I'm gonna shine light in this family and God I take no account of a suffered wrong and nobody in this family owes me a thing because I'm securing you God and I just thank you and I hurt for them and I'm done hurting because of them and I cry for them and I'm done crying because of them because you made me complete now that's probably prayer how about if we take the probably out of there that's prayer that's communion with God the other ones are the heartbroken it has deception all through it and it's amazing how God's merciful and sometimes seems to intervene and should touch as a Grayson Aries but most people that are running to God broken and praying this way stay this way and are only as encouraged as things are changing within their home so they get so self focused and so focused on the problem that every time they pray they leave prayer and look right back to see if it worked and when things aren't changed they get devastated and heartbroken and hopeless because they just prayed again and nothing changed so they're just praying for the situation to change they're not praying for greater understanding more completeness and deeper expression are you guys with me okay some of you're looking at me funny first time I got that mixed bag of looks there started to look like a deliverance meeting huh guys yes pastor come on we don't even realize that sometimes we're like and then and then the friends we have and people around us they would they would sometimes tend to more understand your pain and how you must feel because if they were living in that they know they'd be feeling like you so the best they can do is sympathize with you they actually can't even help you because they agree with your pain come on I'm not talking about I'm sensitive here I'm talking about teaching people why they don't have to be broken and now they can be stronger my they don't have to be overrun while we're by where people aren't because if you let where people aren't decide where you are he's not the lordship of Jesus is not functioning in your life are you with me you don't hear that harshly right come on so because we don't understand that we get driven to pray for everything to change and lose our disposition in the process if it doesn't change it's not wrong to believe it for change but it has to change from the place of love faith works through love the goal of our instruction is love we're to love one another if God loved us this way ought we not love one another a man that loves has no cause to be stumbled to by his brother that means no cause for offense in his brother that means a man that loves can't be offended they said what they did what what he shouldn't know why did they do it I can't believe they believe that about me well that really hurts stop stop what do you mean that really hurts I hope it hurts you for them because if they really saw they wouldn't of did that and why are you losing anything what did you lose when they thought that how does that change you if that's not you what they thought when people fall out and do things you didn't expect I were you any less a son a daughter any less annoying it any less called with destiny and purpose why don't we let things matter more if they don't matter most let's keep our eyes on this thing it's a prize we ought to grow in it and apprehend it yeah so it's the light in you is darkness how great is the darkness a twist at your view that means you were created for the light it's amazing me the bible say if the light in you is darkness its perversion its perversion it's like men living at the expense of another creative for love it's it's like slow to speak slow to anger quick to listen we've lived the opposite it's Jesus making himself would have Philippines to have the same mind in you that was in him how intimates that that the Bible reveals the motive of Jesus or what made him tick you were to have the same mind in you that was in him and then it tells you what that mind is even though he knew he was the son and even with God he didn't consider it something to be held on to and honored for but he made himself of no reputation by laying down his glory he made himself he emptied himself and made himself of no reputation I talked about a little yesterday please understand this it's in my heart again it's not redundant we lived most of our lives seeking a level of reputation and the mind that took him to the cross sought none and even though he was the son of God the Son of God he didn't expect to be treated as such he wasn't looking for a red carpet he rolled it on a donkey he was born in a manger he called himself the son of man he laid down his life they were wrong his whole life of ministry and he didn't come across to be right he remains righteous and he gives every opportunity for wrong to be made right he got no one off once for all and anyone who follows me he opened the door for everyone though have ears to hear he didn't say except for those hard-headed stiff necked Pharisees that really get under my skin who if they didn't change by now they ain't never got ya I'm sorry buddy uh yeah he would never do that honey no see babies can't even take this they're like I can't believe anyone would live that way let it sink in and prophetic cry there's Oh mmm he's really helping me that little guy yeah he's amazing so we gotta learn of him people we if you're heavy laden if you're burden for have it laid and come under him they'll give you rest as yoke is easy as perdón is light what's he talking about because in the world you have tribulations but in him you have peace rejoice he's overcome the world we'd be of good cheer you vote he's overcome the world was he overcame the world why do we have tribulation he's not talking about not having trials he's talking about living in a perspective that overcomes take of me eat my burden is it's a lie my hillock is easy my burden is light it's it's called selfless living where you're not carrying the weight and care for your own life because you surrendered it to inherit his to live what he created you for it's a place of freedom it's bondage free it's it's it's not burdensome the commandments of the Lord are not burdensome love is not a heavy yoke it's the freest place you've ever been it's what you're created to be it's where you're at your vest don't be afraid to live there go ahead and let it all go and say I'm in right listen I found in a room this size there's always a whole handful of people that don't want to become loved they want to live by the rights they inherited through human wisdom they wouldn't stand in the emotions they were trained by all their life they leave self-centeredness in place and draw lines and put chips on their shoulder that can be crossed or knocked off not everybody wants to become loved but you know them by their love when a man doesn't slip in word he's a complete man he's been matured in love ain't that Sultan you want that in your life you don't want your words to stumble and fall the ground you want to be like Sam you're none of them founder that granny's words the ground to the pure all things are pure the pure heart shall see God he want to talk about pure hearts if it wasn't possible to have one [Music] he says be holy for I am holy if you couldn't live in holiness he wouldn't talk about it he said follow me he wouldn't say follow me if it was impossible what do you think he's sitting there with God just howling and laughing silly believer gullible things that follow me and he's Howard laughing because you try it didn't say sing to me in corporate worship which please keep doing it he didn't say pray to me when you're overwhelmed he said follow me we tend to sing and pray when we're overwhelmed and make that a priority well what about follow him follow him would change your motive in prayer it would change your whole prayer life follow him would absolutely release the most amazing worship we've ever experienced you just think about what an atmosphere would look like when everybody assembles and there's a few visitors and handful of friends walk-ins but the majority of the house has walked with him taste it seen nosy scoot have walked in love and pursued peace in their homes nurtured their families and came in and the joy of his love and being a shining light in their workplace imagine what that atmosphere would look like when we'd open our hearts and give him thanks for a gift and a life so amazing assess not burden down by trials not got a big long prayer list written out if God doesn't move today I'm about give up get into a place where you understand even though you believe in for things to change around you deep in your heart you understand it if nothing changes he doesn't and your reason for being is the same and if no one in your life changes you have a revelation and you still have to answer what are you doing with Jesus you're still called to have him and if it's all conditional on your spouse and your kids and your parents and your uncle's so-and-so and well then you're only as strong as the weakness around you instead the Christ to have sent you are you with me come on this sober and straight but it's clean it's clear it it's so powerful it makes you actually untouchable simply through your belief and God it's how you gird the loins of your mind it's it's how you stand in him and stand there for you know that is just fine I don't know what we're doing right now just don't man ain't got no notes actually I got a lot what time do we have to run no I'm just kidding just kid I started with the scripture out I'll finish it and then we're gone we're gonna pray for each other said okay yeah just listening I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do so I felt like the simplicity of what I heard was just finish the scripture in second Corinthians 10 when Adam sinned he went from living in the spirit to living in the flesh you have to understand this he went from living by the spirit and living in truth to living central emotional even sentimental his whole makeup got perverted spirit converted perverted to flesh we lived our whole lives sensually driven a whole lives not truth driven essentially driven we lived by our feelings our whole lives some of us even after we met Jesus we stayed that way because we didn't know there's a higher way or another way so a lot of times we minister to each other based on feelings memories impressions dreams flashbacks and we relate to what we've related to you have a flashback you have a memory and you think you still have a problem because you have a memory and you think as long as you remember it you're not free from it and you think it's supposed to blank out and go away and never come back you're not threatened by remembering that thing you're threatened by believing that's still you Wow you're not threatened by the flashback you're threatened by how you respond to sames attempt is to break you every time that stuff happens but he runs an amazing risk and he's worth he believes it's worth taking because he's he's seen how many people are so he believes it's a fair gamble it's a it's good odds to play he's gonna put all the chips down he's gonna come at you hard son and you're gonna try to flash you back at you to remember get you be condemned and try to show you who you were and continually bring that to your mind to your identity to your focus hoping that you buy into it and still think it's you because you're dwelling on it because you remember it because it flashed back you watched a video you should have never watched you just watch the porn video and all of a sudden you the porn video just runs through your head it's just recollected you're not conjuring it up you're not musing you're not trying to see it you're not constantly it just pops up who's ever had something like that just out of the blue almost start you it just came and you couldn't even didn't even know why it was damn like you didn't want it there you didn't look at it go home ember that is you no no you were almost like what happened to me one time I wasn't never addicted to porn and never gave myself to a lot of porn but just enough to have a flashback so I'm in a service and I got a microphone I guess what I am I'm the preacher and they call me Pastor Dan and the worship was ridiculous like ridiculous like we lost everybody and all you got is one little girl she's just one little girl and we're losing her fast but she's somehow she's like this and her fingers are hitting the high keys and it sounds like rain like supernatural rain like being deep oh yeah it's crazy like Jesus is in the room people laying everywhere we were lost our worship team and this lady's trying to hang in there and I'm standing there just gone oh it's so amazing it's amazing the timing and the strategy because I analytical because the way we think we said well Alain Delon can't come into the president's gone and desert editor well guess what flashed right through my mind what in that moment some stupid ridiculous video that I watched like 12 years before I can't even tell you what I thought about that video the last thing I want to save that video are you kidding me and in that atmosphere in that moment it's a strategy the stupid zhenia just flashed through me like I'm watching it yesterday I got a microphone in my hand I'm ready to preach it's ridiculous god it's all over the place the timing gets what it wants me to do oh my goodness Here I am I'm supposed to administer I got this thrashing my mind oh my gosh why is this even in me God God I didn't think I had any of this in my life I that was so long ago I don't want that I didn't want to see that god I'm so sorry caught a fish certify Oh God I'm subtracting minister I gotta pass the baton here right and all the sudden I'm at the Auto repenting for something I'm not he's got a little deeper revelation than buying into everything that runs through my mind some preachers say would you be able to handle it if your mind was put on the big screen it's not a fair statement not everything running for you your mind is coming from your heart those things that came through your mind that violated you those things you wish you never saw again there's things you would wish you long remember that just keep coming back yakety yakety yeah yeah yeah so guess what I did yeah probably ought to not run that video through me not a good idea because I understand truth understand Who I am and I'm in touch with my own heart I'm not selling that cheap are you kidding me you don't let a flashback sellout the anointing the gift the maturity the growth the tenure the history that I haven't got you're gonna let a flashback of a video question everything I'm walking in Tina you better get a little more strategic than that because guess what I did it was one of those atmospheres you're afraid to speak it was so holy this lady was just about gone the tinkering was ridiculous I'm telling her you know what I'm saying and then you're saying every time she touches a kid you're like oh I'm not going to make it much longer but guess what I did and people loved me and respected me in that setting and I'm standing there but this is war now I'm not even thinking about the atmosphere I'm not even thinking about cross Salaam they even think about where everybody else is you just ran trash through my mind something that I'm so not a part of something that I'm delivered from the old man are you kidding me who do you think you are you're gonna try to get me to attach to the responsibility accountability and repent first thought here's a good barometer for you when the thought bothers you it's not you when the thought bothers you it's not you stop taking the responsibility for something you're not stop asking for prayer stop confessing it as sin because it'll come back more when you confess it as sin because it'll make you think you're sinning sending sending sending sinning if it bothers you it's not you and you don't need prayer and you don't need deliverance and you don't need to forget it you need to respond in truth so guess what I did holy hush not a sound tinkering it was ridiculous you have to obtain the picture because it was ridiculous an understanding and I went in the middle of the holy hush that picture goes and I went what and in millisecond I'm like father thank you for changing my life forever I thank you for putting something brand new inside of me I think you delivered me of everything that I've ever done that I'm a brand-new man and only embodies for you in a heartbeat and I went ballistic there's ladies over there and everybody's going and I'm standing there on a rampage at the top of my lungs man god I worship you thank you for purifying and cleansing my life judging me and righteousness pouring your spirit in me and upon me and empowering me you're gonna come and try to fool me with that silly silly silly trick from the ages and get me to flashback and look back and be Lot's wife when I'm his bride I ain't going back I know inside my heart that is not me it's not in my heart I wouldn't watch it if you paid me well it was in your head brother it must be in your spirit sorry love you so guess what I'm freaking out freaking out you have no idea how dramatic the scene was it went from this extreme top so the people because they love me and respect me they they told me later they were a little taken back they were like whoa dude what's up with festered in what realm is even right now like that's nothing I'm at all and then they thought well he must see something he's on to something I think it's time for confession they all stood up and started speaking out who they weren't who they've become and what Jesus did so everybody stand up father I thank you for loving me thank you for watching me and it turned into this ridiculous holy time and then we stood up in truth away like Christian Hawks we're tearing out of our shirts so guess what happened it got a little tongue down I'm still hyper I got my little mic I'm supposed to teach I said sir you got something in the middle of your back it's a herniated disc it's not good at searching for a long time he's getting one right now it's going away you'll never have trouble ma'am on the right side of your right ankle there's a tumor it's something growing there it's a cyst yeah I see it but check because it's going Bam Bam Bam watch watch watch I don't think any of that would have happened if it wasn't for the video nothing moves you away yeah wait a move of God then I don't believe whatever happened if it wasn't for the video so what he's doing man he's coming and he's trying to break you it's putting all his chips down he's running the risk his gambling he says I know man and I'll do it now bring him down he's running the risk of break-in him or he's going he's taking that risk he's gonna try to break him but he's running the risk of making I just wonder if he's a believer what if he knows he's set apart and sanctified wonder if he understands his heart's changed whenever he understands that none of those flashbacks are who he is on the inside and every time they come he just goes this way and it's a springboard to more intimacy springboard and revelation the more truth springboard to the love of God and all of a sudden what Satan is doing to try to break him he's actually being a pawn and being used by God in truth to make and establish him you see how see the wild man I can turn into in a moment it's because of those things he is it's not going to sell me short sheep anymore the true scum made me free I'm not for sale I've watched countless good-hearted people that have long repentant get thrown into a tailspin because of a memory hmm young lady driving to work and remembering that line she crossed a year ago she's been living clean but she opened up her life she had a little vow promise ring on from youth group and she took it off because she was ashamed she cried and repented and can't believe she did it but oh well I'm getting better and he here goes by and she's growing and moving forward she's driving to work one day out of the blue and she's just pictures being with him she just pictures the scene runs through her head and she's grayed out by the time she gets to work that's tragedy she doesn't need prayer she doesn't need a prayer hotline she doesn't need minister she doesn't need delivered she needs to keep her eyes on the road and drive watch what it looks like soon as the vision Suzu memory hits her the temptation is to feel grayed out the temptation is to relive it the temptation is to field to file the temptation is to feel like you cross the line to feel dirty in the field whatever you don't go there because that's not you you won't cry you've been sorry before and you're driving and you say soon as it comes father I thank you for the transformation in my life I think you you've put a new and a pure thing in me I think you I'm chaste in your sight I thank you God you love me and adore me and you fill me with the power and person of your Holy Spirit and I am so your girl yeah [Applause] not don't wreck and then say well Dan said come on be honest how many people have had these flashbacks and they let him even a moment at a time a day of their life a week of their life or they tailspin and actually thought that there was still something hiding in them and wrong with them so they went for this long-term sessions of deliverance and costing their identity and trying to hit the root of something the whole time it was outside trying to get in and when you believe it's you its back in I just show you your Bible you have been have been have been delivered by the power of darkness translated in the kingdom of the son of his love the day you believe that is a very good day and the day you address every memory every flashback every impression and even every dream you see but it was a terrible dream it was a nightmare okay so wake up and rejoice in truth flip whatever message the nightmare was sending and turned it into a time of intercession prayer rejoicing and worship and if it's the devil doing it see if he keeps doing it and spurring you to God I need you to pray for me I have insomnia the devil keeps waking me up every night well if you know it's the devil waking you up why don't you wake up and say you know what God I'm so glad you woke me up and the devil sitting there going I'm just so glad you woke me up my life's not my own you'll give me grace for tomorrow I'm not even worried about work the truth is I'm up right now and you're my heart or one and I'm in you and you're in me where do you want me to pray how do you want me to touch the corners of the earth I'll do anything right now that you run out in your seat I'll pray I'll believe if you've got nothing for it I'll just go back to sleep and I'm so glad you woke me up the whole time you know it's the devil trying to get you insomnia and frustrated and complaining and I need prayer and I'm coming in working and a violent sleep tonight I ain't gonna be able to function we make themselves so vulnerable we position ourselves for this kind of stuff we said well if this happens one more time I just don't know what I'm gonna do and the devil says well that's easy it's coming one more time well if this out is one more time I'm just gonna die I'm just gonna quit I'm just gonna give up okay bang and then you say why's God letting this happen to me he's not your position for it stop love not your own life unto death and understand what that means it's not about insomnia and get woke up in the middle night I understand that's a tough place for people when you gotta function you gotta get your sleep but if you respond in God and stop fighting the wrong things actually the more attention you pay to the problem the devil he even likes that because you're distracted look these are cut off withering Brants coming to nothing look what happens when you give somebody a microphone don't just preach and preach and preach and preach if you give him a platform man he is gonna do something it's a cut off withering branch coming to nothing why would you give him a voice why would you give him anything your fights not with the devil your fights remaining in faith your fights continuing to believe who you are now that he came and believe in his love is greater than yesterday so if you think the devil is waking you up just wake up one or two nights in a row and thank God for waking you up and that devil is freaked out because he knows you're on to him and you're gonna turn it into a time of intercession and now the devil is responsible for you touching a nation in prayer and hearing God's heart I love that on his resume see well my buddy Todd if you know my buddy Todd he got this revelation cuz cuz well I taught him this revelation a very young age she was hanging around me and one day I heard him preaching cuz he was living this way and it was I was I was proud of him for that in a healthy way I was like this boys going after he ain't letting nothing move him he ain't letting flashbacks memories he ain't letting man he's going after God he's not letting his misunderstanding family affect him I mean when I did their wedding and married him in Jackie Jackie's mom was in the front row wailing saying I in the ceremony wailing [Music] it was that loud during the ceremony and Jesus didn't seem to mind so we figured it's okay so he smiled stayed general and loved everybody the best we could and they got married in the presence of the Lord and I think they're doing pretty good the last I checked they're all right critics say they're not but I know him and I think he's fine but he said this in a sermon one day and it made me laugh so hard I thought only Todd he said you guys got to quit there in the devil you're supposed to fear God and he's preaching like a madman he says you know revelation says one day we're going to see the one that deceived the nation's and we're gonna say this is he this is the one who wreaked havoc and deceive the nation's this is him because we're gonna see him as he is it's amazing that in Genesis he's a serpent in Revelation Jesus said it had a dragon where to get that kind of power and magnitude and authority because men have worshipped him with their fear God didn't make him that big men did and there's what Todd said in the sermon he said guys I know we have our ideas of what it's gonna be like in that day and what we're gonna do but honestly this is in my heart and I really think I'm gonna do this I think God's gonna let me do this like on that day when we all see the devil and everybody's like this is him he said man I'm gonna run right up to him and say dude and give him the biggest hug I'm just gonna hug you man and say dude if it wasn't for you I wouldn't have half the revelation I have and I wouldn't be half the man of God thank you dude [Applause] that's pretty awesome so how do you defeat that if you're the enemy and somebody actually believes that it is living that there was a thing that come on my life years ago it was assigned witchcraft man the Lord told me it was voodoo it was more pain than I thought the human body could experience you see but we feel righteous outcome and if you keep yourself there either one touches you not it was a testing time Satan coming because of the word I'm preachers like a madman he's saying okay hotshot you weren't even testing these things you don't even know how long I believe this is legit bam ba-bam and God sits back what are you gonna do son come on you got everything in here he doesn't stop it God doesn't stop this stuff he sits there and lets you win and gives you a chance to win that's a good way to get destroyed every time I was in a situation like that from the time I can remember getting saved I would get a picture of the Lord sitting on this alone looking down saying so where you going to you he said Moses why are you crying out to me Old Testament Moses raise your staff and splat to see we're in New Covenant still crying out witchcraft trying to kill me you don't love your own life you honestly think you're dying I honestly thought I was dying and all I could do is smile and gentleness come on me Jesus I serve you with every breath to the last breath I take I love you you're so the Lord my life I don't even know how to cry get upset and Jesus so empowered me in that moment it was three things right in a row why because one time two times oh okay three times that's how we think when is this going to stop this is never going to end why is it happening again I don't know how to ask any of those questions I don't want to even know how to ask those questions because I've never saw those questions to produce a life or power in anyone's life I've seen him cause quandary concern and fear I'm not gonna ask questions I'm gonna settle on what I know mm-hmm it was so dramatic you have no idea it was so intense it was so real and when it was over I cried for probably an hour so I cried on my dad and said Lord are we ready for real adversity are we ready to fight the good fight or lay down our lives do we understand what we're asking for and what we're called to but here's what that season did for me it built something in me it's a lot of what you see in me that'll happen way before I was preaching like I'm em down it built something in me it's my own story I don't have to live off a shat rax I got my own story see Jessie it's all over for me right now it's people say that Pastor was strutting you have no idea when you're Authority you're probably strutting to don't even know it but it was over a hole open in my ceiling I don't even tell people this stuff I don't know why I'm telling you stuff alright cuz it probably cuz you're not videoing are you good maybe the record will break right now break right now is it Facebook life is this this this hole opened up in my ceiling I don't talk this stuff I don't normally talk this stuff you never hear me talk about this stuff but a hole opened up in my ceiling and there's Crystal waterfalls pouring out of the hole it doesn't it's ridiculous I just got delivered from the third assault of witchcraft father was dying my wife was crying on the steps my children were sitting watching me crying believing I'm dying and so did I actually thought I'm dying I was losing consciousness and passing out I couldn't bear the pain anymore and I whispered with my heart because this voice came to me and said dad you're such a believer you don't need this kind of pain just go get help and it wasn't about 911 in hospital it was witchcraft I don't need a sedative I don't need morphine it's witchcraft and I know it it's not a sprained ankle it's not a wrench knee it's not a broken bone it's witchcraft I don't need morphine so it wasn't about hospitals don't say we're too proud to go there to stop every leader in my life in that three things season sat me down to tell me I'm in spiritual pride and ashamed to go to a doctor cuz it'll ruin my testimony I don't even know what they're thinking that stuff doesn't even cross my mind I'm engaged I'm in warfare and you teach me these crazy Bible stories when I'm little and when I'm old - asserted you tell me to use wisdom and then the preach in the pulpit we're telling me things with doors closed they would never preach from the pulpit well Dan look at your leg when would you ever tell the people to look at their situation why are you telling me that because you care for me and you're scared for me I don't share your fear it was intense what happened in that season I'm not mad about this I'm startled by it every leader in my life didn't even understand and felt like they had to assess me and locate me instead of lock arms with me and say I'm with you I believe so I believe I'm dying and I hear this voice Dan you just need to go get help and get rid of the pain you are such a believer look how far this is gone you don't budge you don't shift you can be proud and it was just this weird tone I was like you can be proud of your faith you are such a believer but you don't deserve or need this kind of pain that's weird language to me that's selfish try to tell Jesus that when they're lashing him beyond description that he doesn't deserve this kind of pain tell me if he'll bite because honestly he didn't deserve it I don't believe I deserve that pain I believe it was warfare it was a test it was trying to shake me to the core to get to the foundation of what I really believe but man it ran a risk to establish me mm-hmm it's what passion comes from in my life those things right there and when I heard this voice my wife I didn't know it but you know what my wife is hearing at the same time it's a picture your honey see her you sitting there with him you love that man right there you love that man so picture him laying there passing out in pain and it's the third round and you hurt for him because you're his wife you love him and it hurts you to see him in that much pain it's real it hurts you and you're sitting there and you've prayed and your children are lined up on the steps weeping and crying because they think that he's dying and you're sitting there and this voice comes to you and says you're gonna let him die in front of you and the children he's so hard-headed he won't go to the hospital and you're not going to intervene and speak up you're just gonna sit here and watch him die that's what she was here and I didn't know it she was hearing it you think this stuff isn't thought-out and strategic it's real that's why you give him no place he's a jerk he lives in darkness he has no part of you and you have no part of him don't entertain his stuff his things his ways his motives his lies you are not made for his camp there's nothing about him that you're made for the first time I had a demon encounter one walked in my bedroom and I perceived him and I'm reading a book and it manifested arrogantly right in my bedroom it was when this thing started and I looked up and then and with the devil standing right there I was more aware of my salvation than ever and you know what came out of my mouth what do you have to do with me and me with you I've been bought with the blood of Jesus Christ and I realized there was nothing about him that had anything to do with me and I felt so saved not one ounce of fear not one ounce of freaked out not one ounce of Shaba this warrior thing just comes on you because it has nothing to do with you okay I'm laying there this thing's telling me go get help it's the first time in my life I realized what the Lord not letting you be tempted with more than you can bear really means because the pain was unbearable there's my third round how much can your body take my heart's right my face right the pain is real it's stealing my consciousness my ability to speak it hurts so bad I can't even describe it and now I'm hearing go get help and I had just prayed and I said lord I said this is what brought the voice this is when the voice that waited to speak to I said this I said I was I felt like I was dying I said Lord I'm not sure what's going on but I know you love me and I just thank you and I prayed a little thing out and I said Holy Spirit it's just sounded so cool to me just sound like a cool prayer at the time I said Holy Spirit would you take my face to the Father I asked him to look to the right to see why I have a right because I don't think I can take this pain anymore I really need you to help me when I spoke that it spoke vulnerability and the voice came immediately to the response of my prayer Dan you need to just go get help it's not wrong to go to not alone it's not wrong to call nine-one-one a good image it's not wrong to get a sedative it's not wrong you don't need this crap you don't desert you're a believer you've proved that you don't need you just need to go get help right now so I looked up at my wife I didn't know my wife is hearing are you kidding me you're gonna let him die you're just gonna want he's so hard at it he refuses to get help and you're gonna watch him and let your children watch him die really that's what she's airing I look up at her and her big brown eyes are staring at me because that's what's going through her mind I don't know that's going through her mind I just know what I just heard and I'm thinking help right now sounds good and I for the first time learned what it means to not be tempted more than you can bear remind you this is a third time a sting hit not the same thing it was all three different they were all physical it was intense and violent and I looked at my wife and I look into her big brown eyes and her eyes and I was just ready to say you know maybe we should just go get some help and when I went to say it I couldn't it just didn't feel right and in my mind I hesitated and I didn't say anything and I thought but it's witchcraft I don't need help and as soon as I hesitated this wonderful voice this voice that I know it's so softened so still and so small came down on the inside and it whispered so gentle it said don't believe when he spoke it this fire don't have words fly and I know you have a hard time seeing me passionate and aggressive and emotional and picturing that I turned into a true madman I couldn't even lift my arm there was so much pain I couldn't even move and I just stood to my feet and this fire is raging and I said I not so passionate so loud it would offend most so dramatic why do you have to be so dramatic you have no clue I will not believe the lie I yelled it loud and it's things raging in me and I'm believing it's the fire of God it's coming up through me and this is the third time witchcraft out of my mouth I don't even talk like this it was so awesome I said how long will you like an uncircumcised philistine stand in the field of my life and hurl threats at the living god another thing when I looked up in this waterfall was pouring on me from my ceiling I don't even know I can't help you I don't know that's what's wrong the money quarter substantiate that's good Suey giftings and manifestations of the spirit and fueling empowered me it was so ridiculous I looked up I could see it with my eyes it was pouring and splashing over me it was so amazing you could never tell I ever went through a moment of witchcraft I was more vigor ated than I've ever been in my life I was more you couldn't I wasn't beat down I wasn't worried I wasn't three times around I was in him and he was in me that's amazing it costs mover some line it seems like nothing ever touched me since nothing I don't get ahead called I don't get a pain I don't talk about it much because people compare oh you have a revelation to Ryan health stop I have a revelation are not loving my own life and I don't know how to complain and I've refused to feel sorry for myself because he taught me that are you were thing not boasting in me I'm boasting in him and I'm telling you what's possible it's not a revelation to divine health when you're praying for that it's because you're maybe thinking you could get sick I don't even think about it you can breathe on me all day I don't even think about dog I don't think about don't think about what I eat and stuff like that I don't I just receive it with Thanksgiving and I'm good do what's in them no stop because I don't want the fear in my life that I see in your eyes because it's temperance I don't indulge I don't live outside of balance and self-control how are we potato chips but I don't need to hold back can't tell you last time I ate a doughnut but I love them but I can't tell you last 1/8 we put a piece of cake in front of if I didn't want for 3 months how we three times what you think I should probably because I love it but I might not eat it again for six months I'm good trust me here's what happened to me that night the Lord said I want you to pray for and bless your family why because they went through it with me my children sat there and cried thinking their daddy was going to die my wife sat there with eyes this big here in a voice that said you're gonna let him die and not intervene are you kidding me it was not the Lord this thing is real strategies and schemes of the devil hoping you never get rooted and grounded and established he whole mind you going to church he don't mind you singing loud raising hands blown a flag he minds when you love not your own life and believe the gospel he Minds when you don't live in fear and you refuse to give yourself to it because you don't think for yourself you think for the kingdom he Minds when you love people even when you know they're wrong he Minds when your life starts looking like Jesus that's what he Minds he doesn't even care you read your Bible he cares when you look like the word God said bless your family pray for them sighs okay so I said no no she stood up there crying I was a man man you have no well you do have a little idea but it's way beyond anything you've ever seen way beyond you if it was on a video it would offend most and if you just saw the intensity it would freak most people out that's why I laid on my bed and cried for an hour because it was real and I felt like as the people were not ready for it we love our lives a little too much and we don't handle adversity well we cry and ask God to deliver us instead of stand and fight the good fight of faith because the whole time that witchcrafts coming I'm already delivered because I'm not seeking my own I'm already delivered because I'm not afraid I'm already delivered cuz I'm fueled and fired up with eternal life hmm I'm already delivered he has delivered me I went to pray for my wife it was the most comical thing I got four feet away from mine she went and I went another step in she went like that and I said if you want me to ask her you gotta let me get her I mean I can't even tell you what it felt like it was like it was like energy radiates it felt like current it was just powerful and I touched her and she just into the carpet his blessed event spoke over her my son when he was five I got born again he would follow me through the room praying and he'd just watch me not just declaring and praying God would just rage all over me put my head on hey five and just keep praying walking and praying little later he'd get up I'm not kidding for a whole year I lined my wife and kids up before I went to work at the bed father I thank you for my family none of them Holy Spirit appalled there laying over top of each other and I'd leave for work oh yeah he's real I'm into him he's really into me that's that's human stop I touched my boy he's lizard down the steps yeah I went over to my daughter and got a word that was so ridiculous that was so what she was thinking and feeling it wrecked her beyond description I saw her thoughts her little 14 year old or whatever it was mindset - she was 12 a little 12 year old the challenges the things she was thinking as a little girl just came to me like powerful I was in the hospital and I was praying for this lady and I looked up she had a tumor in her head I looked up and that waterfall was coming through the ceiling that's the same waterfall I was in my house I've never seen it since didn't write a book on it I don't pray for it to come but man it was there a little Methodist girl sitting on a chair and she don't see it it's porn on the lady with the tumor when I'm praying I'm like nobody knows it it's splashing on her and the lady every time it's Placid she's going I look at it spritzing on to the Methodist girl I said it with my eyes and I'm thinking it's hitting her and she's gone she's got her eyes closed being real gentle and every time it hits her after we're done she says I don't know what was going on when you were pregnant but I never experienced anything like that in my life splashing in the river girl the lady worked for the hospital she just got diagnosed she was the cleaning lady she came in to clean the room we got talking and the information came out prayed it's fun you walk in there like two years later just to visit somebody else cuz that's just you just go believe and she's coming down the hall on floor six with her little mop and bucket and you look at her and go that's her you see hey hey like the hospital I said you're doing good she said it went away she never had a surgery it went so what do you do with me now crucify me call me a liar walk me in a closet find a way to criticize and not believe time will tell if I'm telling the truth make sure that's a good day for you to time hotel make sure that's a good day for all of you cuz every step you take is taking you a step closer to that day where every man gives an account for his life than what he believed you run with him because he's for you are not against you you love him cuz he loved you first you surrender and you give your whole self to him yeah I was gonna pray for folks and I ate up all my time I think you guys okay I got into some wild stories I'm not even sure what I'm doing are you okay with all that sometimes I guess you got to tell a few things so you understand why I'm so intense this thing's not a game you give your life the whole time the enemy would love to take yours god bless you Steve good to see you buddy the whole time Satan would love to take yours and Jesus already got it there's this war on the earth you got the nature of God and the nature of the enemy God's making man for His image and the devil deceived Eve and Adam followed her and they took on the nature of the enemy so Jesus comes becomes like us so we can become like him and he makes the great exchange so now we live for God in His glory and we give no place to the enemy we're not made for his nature were made for his image so there's this whole war trying to reproduce itself after its own kind yeah it's you to react to fuss to fret to fume discouraged angry frustrated ticked whatever and he loves the defeats on it he thrives on it he loves when you fight back and don't make peace he loves when your heart's hard enough forgiving cuz every time you're like that he believes he's winning and he's making what was made for the Simon because he cannot defeat God so he'll try to defeat God in you and reduce you to be what you're not here for don't let him you have a say in the matter y'all good and we're ending on the silver know who and you're just so nice I want to get you up here right now you know just you're the best dude I like you a lot let's just do this quick and closing I'm not going to do it the way I usually do it you guys get something others you can you can go after this right that's this close I'm gonna shift the gear right now if you're sick in your body you need healing in any way in your body make sure right now please don't think this is religious we're not playing Church and don't be afraid to participate please participate we're not playing Church this is real I'm just not gonna do it like I normally do it but I need to see who you are if you need healing in your body in any way and your body is less than hope and you want healing in your body if you can stand do me a favor and stand your feet please some of you would know if you healed some of you wouldn't know I get that I'm not doing what I normally do but I want to there's a lot of people especially Grove people how many Grove people do I have sitting in their chairs Grove community people sitting in their chairs especially Grove community because I know you're taught this stuff get up and get around grab somebody and stand with somebody that's standing please and anybody else that wants to but don't pray yet don't pray yet just go stand with them just go put your hand up with you stood up for prayer so we don't lose you in the crowd hey guys that are sitting run around find somebody with their hand up go run to them go say hey I'm going to stand with you thanks for letting me love we love love on you just go find somebody with their hand up when you when they grab you when they claim you put your hand down just put your hand down when they claim you put your hand down when you have somebody standing with you only leave your hand up if nobody has you look around guys there's a bunch of hands I still need helpers don't don't gang up don't be four on one don't be three on one I need everybody covered please there was plenty of people sitting I know we can do this if you're uncomfortable that's good I want you on the team because you won't be relying on your own confidence if you're uncomfortable that's all you're on the roster you're a really good candidate if you're saying now this is waking me out I've never done this oh that's great come on get the game anybody to stand with her got her is that are you waiting sir did anybody Mew yet I got a gentleman do I have a young man or somebody that'll come and play with this man and stand with this man right here you got it well that was easy are we covered got everybody covered we got people up there can somebody make sure you get to these people up there you got him they got your buddy you got him we covered somebody back there well huh what about the one that's going like this okay you got somebody else okay I was like what you stand in that thought there has to be an explanation so much fun listen it's only 9:30 you guys are gamers listen this would be fun this is be fun some of you if you were healed tonight if you were healed tonight your situation you wouldn't know it you wouldn't know if you were healed because it comes and goes or you'd need a test or some internal so if you were actually healed tonight there'd be no physical evidence you wouldn't actually know it you're just gonna believe you are who would that be let me see your hands there's always a handful so all those hands are up so look at your person that you're standing with in their hands raised so they won't know it right now in the moment if they're healed that means everybody else that's standing would right right so so let's do this real quick I'm gonna I wasn't gonna do it this way but man I feel like the Lord's telling me which is exciting because if he's telling me to do it this way man he is so in this right yeah like he's changing my gear I'm trying to think of you thinking a preached forever and again and a time and read day and then he's saying whoa it's listen stop I want you to do this so I feel that in my heart take three seconds and tell the person that's going to pray with you what you stood for if it's not too personal give the three second version just tell her got arthritis pains all through my body ever herniated disc I have a torn rotator cuff I can't hear out of me or whatever just Jo three seconds you got it everybody should know you got it okay okay you got it okay that's good let me have your attention we going to do this as the family don't pretty yet don't pray yet we're going to do this as a family okay this is some of this stuff's very vital so I want you to hear when we pray for you tonight I don't want you doing all the stuff we've been taught about receiving I don't want you stop all I want you to do I really appreciate that you love me and I know you do or you do never sent your son thank you I just want you if you stood to do the most vital thing in your life receive the love of God tonight if you're praying for them I want you to understand that you're a prayer never has and never will heal anybody so don't try to pray hard right or powerful it's a lot who's ever got self-conscious praying for the sick and you tried to pray right powerful and got heady about what you were going to say that's self conscious that would be works no wonder things don't happen a lot of times you're trying way too hard scars were sincere not making fun of us it's happened to me more than I can remember your prayer isn't what heals the sick it's your faith in what he accomplished in his love for them you could say be healed in Jesus name with a revelation and it's plenty it's not about praying right or wrong or we should all go to prayer college it's just finished work yeah I've seen people healed in my life and never hardly said anything I remember preaching the power his name with my hands in my pocket the Lord made me keep my hands in my pocket it was crazy he was teaching it wasn't a reverend it wasn't cuz it's not works it's revelation and i remember four stage cancer standing right there and just wept and said Jesus preaching the power of his name never even spoke to cancer never said a word but Jesus so man I said a word and four stage cancer came out of her body have I always seen that and had that result know that bothers me I'm gonna keep going after and keep believing him oh I've seen it happen a lot I haven't seen it happen enough when it doesn't happen it's too much ones too much you hold a baby and it lives that's phenomenal you hold a baby and it dies that's too much you don't change what you believe you don't protect your feelings and emotions you don't get condemned to believe you fail you stay in this presence and tell him you're willing to run and you're ready to go after this thing and you're not afraid to pick up another paint be God keep growing me if you help them they'd be healed you're in me I want to manifest you until my life looks like yours I haven't arrived I'm done thinking about it I'm coming after you come on I wish we get that aggressive so here's what you got tonight because I love you and I'm going to do you a big favor you already know you didn't forget what you're praying for right because I talk so long you remember I've given you six seconds to pray it's a gift because you can't go wrong in six seconds you can't even try card in six so if they told you I just have arthritis symptoms in my joints in my body and it's pain in my body and it takes a lot and I feel it almost all the time it's just an aching arthritis in my body right six seconds father I thank you for your amazing love for them arthritis you leave right now in Jesus name every trace of pain be going mobility be restored because you love a father who knows you can believe that if they told you they have a tore rotator cuff and they can't rotate and work the shoulder right and doctors are saying they're not sure it'll heal and they might need surgery but they're just kind of hope and it changes but it's really biting them when they aah father I just thank you for your amazing love rotator cuff you be healed you'll be restored no more pain total flexibility total range of motion in Jesus name I always acknowledge his love for them it's just something I do it's something I teach and encourage you to do because if there's one thing I feel like we're missing is receiving personally his love all the time faith works through love faith doesn't work because you have a need faith or just because you have a covenant are you ready but I know you don't believe this but I'm not going to talk for six seconds oh I'm uh I'm not gonna pray over top you I don't want people saying well we're under the umbrella of your anointing these things happen because you're here brother you have to relate and understand and accept you're walking in a gift that's what people try to tell me I feel like I'm teaching a truth that simplifies your life and gets you out of the way remember how many people felt self-conscious when they prayed in the past that's a problem so if we can get that out of the way Wow if you can get reduced back or pulled back to simplicity and reduced back to six seconds where you enough to try hard and pray over all their generations we just might see something cool in the room so how many people if you were healed tonight you would absolutely know it because there's something you can sincerely check without emotion and exaggeration okay so here's what we'll do I'll give you six seconds to pray here in a second or a minute and the people that wouldn't know if they were healed or not here's what you do when you pray for them if they're symptom isn't something that's obvious and it's something that comes and goes or there's no way they could tell right now it's the same faith it's not an easier place because you're not threatened by a manifested symptom stop it's the same faith it's healings the same so you just pray about that situation speak to the mountain it'll be removed that's what we're believing if that's you and you're being prayed for that while father as they're praying thanks for loving me appreciate what you do thanks for making me haul I so appreciate your love that's it I want you that simple tonight anything else that's not allowed tonight if you would know if you were healed when they're praying for you it's the same thing they speak directly to the situation rotator cuff be healed shoulder you be moving no more pain rotation Jesus name before you check your shoulder just take them just take us a good solid second or two of sincerity father I thank you for really truly loving me and I thank you for what you're doing in my body in my life and then sincerely without hype no music sincerely really give your body a check whatever that means I don't want hype I don't want exaggeration I don't want you saying what the big eyed girl that prayed for you is hoping you say you look at her and go oh my gosh she's so excited and sincere and I still hurt like crazy no honey it's better not accepted tonight because the big brown eyed girl we've already been teaching and we're understanding that faiths not a point in time it's not a hit miss win or lose and there's no way to fail tonight except if we fail to love so if we pray and release the kingdom and lay hands on the sick what shall they do recover so here's what's gonna happen in the room you're gonna see this when you pray for the sick in your life at times you'll see people healed instantly you're going to see people somewhat healed in the sense of wow I've noticeably changed and sometimes things seem to sit there and look back at you and don't change at all you can't be moved by the second or the third if your body doesn't change when you're ever prayed for you can't fall into lie and say what am I doing wrong here we go again I said I'd never stand up for another healing service but this guy said I need to stand and Here I am again nothing changed against and now I'm going home bummed out again because I'm the one that never gets healed that is probably not a cool and healthy response father I just know you love me and I thank you you're doing a work of me and love doesn't fail so my faith is in fell and I thank you your hands upon my life and you're the one doing a work in my body and you're the one that's making me whole thanks for loving me that's how your body changes not walking out of here wondering what you're doing wrong what you're doing and something must be blocking my healing cuz I can't receive okay we're gonna pray six seconds I'm gonna stay quiet and watch my watch I actually have a second hand timer so I'm gonna watch it and when I say okay guys wrap it up just affirm is love and we'll be done and then you check your bodies take your time be accurate don't be exaggerating really check your bodies and as soon as you know your body changed I want you to let us know okay I don't want hype I want sincerity but you watch and see what God does in this room it's gonna be fine through you guys because you're gonna pray from simple faith and you're not gonna strive y'all ready six seconds of sincere prayer because he loves them you ready go okay wrap it up just wrap it up just bring it right to a close finish that thought and just Rae up wrap that up because you love him Father in Jesus is he that was quick wasn't it in Jesus name now if you were prayed for just take a second and believe he loves you and thank him if he didn't love you he didn't ever send his son that's how you know hey man check your bodies for me all over this room please check your bodies as soon as you know you're healed I need you to go like this if you know right away but but even take a second guess or so yeah yeah good let me know let me see for sure you know for sure good check them check them take your time and make sure you for sure yeah for sure good deal come on how about in heavenly places anybody up there I'm looking man anybody else anybody here back there yeah right here good another win did I see another one back there yeah who else anybody show me show me show me who wants to tell me what's going on who will give a testimony or two or three quick here's what I want you to do watch watch if your body didn't change please don't disconnect stay with us I've seen this thing like popcorn it's so fun watch don't read into a belief because it didn't change he's a healer and he loves you stay there with us listen to a couple testimonies and when you hear the testimony thank God that he's a healer and thank God for what he did in their life don't get tricked into why do I have such a hard time receive it stop that's helping the problem no no I'm thankful I'm a child of God I am a receiver just the way he saved me is just the way he'll heal me so when you hear these testimonies thank God that he's a healer and then and that he loves you and then check your body again watch there's some folks that didn't receive seemingly anything or didn't change that'll change why they're listening to testimonies checking their body when that happens just start going like this so I know it happened moment okay like yeah don't be afraid to act like me just for a little where's the testimony you want to share what just happened that you raised your hand somebody a bunch of you raised your now yeah what's going on here okay that's significant okay okay so so just explain to us so we can appreciate and understand how do you know when you say I got really better what's that translate into what's that mean just movement mobility yeah that's good who else you know you changed when we prayed who raised your hand talk to me man zero pain okay let me ask you this what was it like before she prayed was it always paying could you always find paint it was just there and it wasn't hard to find if you looked for it was it 24/7 how many years how long two years and right now zero pain do you ever have zero pain in the last two years okay so you know it's changed I'm just I just want us to appreciate so we're not just oh wow his pains gone because it was a two-year reality for you and it's different right now anybody else who will testify you know you something changed I saw other hand yes sir right here [Music] [Applause] sir it's quite down he's just crying man this is the most beautiful picture I'm glad you cried don't ever be ashamed to cry I love it when guys cry that Ben thing you just did that Ben saying would you have even tried to do that before would you even of with that what would that have done before for you to bend like that excruciating so that's why you're crying because that's that real to you that that's [Applause] you know he blesses my heart I don't know him but you've been sitting there all weekend man in that chair just listening and watching I'm pretty just it's just a lot of fun to me and here he is just crying and there's no pain I just love it stay teachable keep growing God's doing an amazing thing and I say man Amen who else you have a testimony you know you were changed when we prayed for you come on I've seen other ants don't be ashamed to speak up who's anybody else you know your body changed yeah over here quick speak up honey okay that's awesome not even at all [Applause] that's awesome that's awesome somebody was over here yeah what's up go on okay never come back okay let me ask a quick question requesting I know it's getting late quick question who did we pray for you didn't raise your hand because it's not all the way healed but it's definitely somewhat changed noticeably different and it got better if you will who is that raise your hand high so we can all see we got some up there in heavenly places look at that we got some movement up in the high realms okay look at these hands this is awesome Steve yeah so you had some increase okay when I have increase in a person in momentum if I'm the one praying and I see their body got better they're usually an agreement you say hitless and this is pray one more time if God changed you fifty percent thirty percent 70 percent 80 percent let's just believe for the manifestation of a hundred percent and we just pray again right so I won't give you that Liberty here to do that but let me ask this final question who when we prayed for in the room please don't be hindered setback or troubled by this be honest and let's just do this because it's not a bad thing who in this room when we prayed for you nothing seemed to change and your condition seems exactly the same let me see your hands raise them up for me is your person still in the room that prayed for you is the person still around don't look for another person don't look around and say who I'm getting her man when she prayed that dude spot he changed stop now listen listen let me see your hands again nothing changed nothing changed your person here make sure your persons here if your persons not here grab another person and tell them what it is but if your person says I want the same person to pray with them to watch I don't want you to change your prayer I want you to pray the same thing you believe the first time the people that receive some what make sure you tell your person and have them pray for you again for six seconds but this is who I'm addressing right now the people that nothing changed I want you all prayed for again for just six more seconds let's just see what happens would you you have fun with this the same person pray and don't change your prayer don't grab for straws same prayer you ready believe he loves you go ahead six seconds do it all across the room okay start to wind that down and wrap that up wrap it up wrap it up thank you god you love us right you love me Lord check your bodies especially the people that had no change no change check your bodies right now the ones that had some change check your bodies too but I want the people that had no change I'm talking to that group check your bodies and let us know if anything changed that time anything whether completely changed or somewhat changed I want to see if anything changed that time check it out I'll give you a few moments okay right now I need to see your hands you should be checking by now anybody changed that was in that group that had no change the first time let me see anybody anybody back there in the back yeah is that you raising your hand you're saying something changed okay good nothing the first time okay did it change all the way or just somewhat all the way didn't change it all the first time that teaches the son right there right that truth doesn't change and faith doesn't change when you don't see a result faith has to stay the same all of a sudden they prayed the first time nothing second time it's completely gone that situation okay anybody else check your bodies you didn't change the first time but something got better or changed completely let me see your hands anybody okay okay yeah you for sure changed a little bit okay but that's good so here's the deal I'm not afraid to ask this stuff guys because you say well one is nothing changed in people it doesn't change truth and it doesn't change faith so when we pray again we're not risking anything and look he changed and he changed a little because we just kept believing wonder if we just keep believing wonder who else will changed whatever else will change more and are we learning something here come on the biggest deception is for you to take face value of what happened or didn't happen internalize it interpret it and not come out in faith is there anybody we prayed for the change somewhat that time and you got even better or all the way yeah anybody else yeah good yeah yeah three four mmm does that teach us something so results doesn't change truth and doesn't change faith lack of results doesn't change to change faith that's what I'm saying so we prayed and believed the second time little six second window and things change that didn't change before so what happens if we continue to live in that place what happens if you walk home tonight dry foam drive if you don't have to walk unless you live ladies sorry sorry I'm not prophesying all your cars won't start forgive me I don't know what came over me you drive home tonight you get to your home and you go to bed man be encouraged and be freshening up whatever you do at the sink you doing whatever you do Wow God thank you for that person that surrounded me today in faith I could tell they were sincere I appreciate the teaching you're doing a work in me your change in my body you change in my life man I'm glad I went tonight thank you for loving me Lord I've learned that people don't do that when they're alone they asked for prayer but they don't do that when they're alone the only one that can keep you from not doing that when you're alone is you so do that when you're alone tonight amen I'm done I'm gonna turn it over to him I love you it's been fun and I'm so glad I got to be the key back [Applause]
Channel: New Creation LIFE
Views: 7,921
Rating: 4.8378377 out of 5
Keywords: Dan Mohler, 2018, Grove
Id: HK41-ffIpRo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 135min 5sec (8105 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 21 2018
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