☠️ These Moors Are Too Eerie To Be Camping Alone

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yes people welcome back to another video if you're new here I'm Le from good block Outdoors so we start this episode on the penine way now I'm actually following an old pack horse route and I'm heading to a place called black storm rocks I've got to get a bit of a wriggle on really in this one because I've left it pretty late to come out and I've never been to this area before so I ain't got a clue where I'm going to pitch me backpack's full of gear the tent of choice is a hillberg solo black label got a few bits to cook and just chill out and have a nice relaxing evening the weather's not looking great as you can see plenty of low Ling fog and Mist I tell you some there's a fine line between atmospheric and era and this area that I'm walking through at the moment is definitely crossing the line to era it's dead silent I'm actually on the border between West Yorkshire where I live and greater Manchester like I said I've never been to this area before so I ain't got clue where I'm going to pitch but there's plenty of open space but I just want to head to this black storm Rock see what it's like when I get there I've seen a few pictures of it on Google Maps and it looks like people do a bit of rock climbing and a bit of bouldering so hopefully it'll be a decent little spot so the last Camp I did was actually the beach camp which you have seen last Monday but that were actually filmed like 3 week ago or something I've not been out since I've literally been out once since I did the cber away I just hav had the time we work working fulltime and then trying to get out on a camp is not good and the weather has been absolutely Grim so sometimes you're just not feeling it it's one of them I've got to be feeling it to come out not just doing it for the sake of it where tonight I feel like it's long overdue so I'm just looking forward to chilling out and resting I'm actually going to Black pool next week for my mate's birthday our yearly Jolly boys out and he's got a caravan there so we just go over every year course it's free and it's a laugh and it's somewhat different now I think I've Just Seen A trig Point does that mean we're hitting the summit the summit of what God knows anyway if you want me to do something filming in Black pool next week let me know in comments I'll do a little Vlog cuz it'll be a laugh get some decent content go check out some food places in that black pool is grim though a't it proper Grim but I'm from Bradford at least it's one level above Bradford cuz it don't get much Grimmer than that sorry if you're from Bradford or black pool but it is what it is so I found a big jocker can now it says this Stone this aing Stone I don't know if it means all them or actually that stone itself but it's a medieval guide stone for travelers 600 years ago not bad eh not bad so I'm not sure where we are now I'm going to head through this little gate here and keep on going head through this gate that ain't even a gate I think I meant fence oh no there water a gate at some point someone has jacked [Music] it all right onwards so I will following this Air Road from my area went s through alifax heading towards Manchester way and the car park that were out were absolutely full and it we next door to the pub car park the pub car park were pretty empty so the carat all be in the pub so where are all the people I ain't seen anyone out here proper Grime Ain it that hashtag murky 2015 some pretty cool rocks here don't want to fall down [Music] there I like it I think we might be pretty close to Summit is it a summit you call it the summit it's not a mountain it's just a big hill well here I am a black stone rocks or Black Stone Edge what have I been calling it Black Stone Edge I think trig points up there so I'm just going to go tap out on that in a minute and then look for somewh to pitch this tent [Music] views there them vs trick points just up there going check this little spot out down [Music] here you know what that could be a spot you know re can I get tent there views on man just got to get over him unreal I think we're on a path here looks like it be right let's get turn [Music] up [Music] there it is hillberg solo what a lovely tent so the trig point is just literally there so all that's left to do now is just put the top cap on which Just Clips on there like [Music] so Buzzy always a good feeling when you just set up Peg bag away right let's get some food on go so I'm going to keep it super simple for some food for now anyway I've got some turkey rashers maton unsmoked so they'll be nice I'm going to have them in a buty on some of these warut and soft white with some smashed avocado with a touch of chili I reckon that's going to be banging and I've actually got a new stove to try as well now it's not a sponsored video it's not a review video or anything like that I've never used this stove before I've never even lit it before it's sort of like a jet boil style or the top half is anyway and then this bottom half is unlike my Soo wind master that sits on top of the gas this has a separate tube pipe which you then screw onto the gas which I guess is good if you're cooking inside your tent because your Flame's going to be lower if that makes sense sometimes when you've got your stove on top of the gas it gets quite high so it's near the tent walls or whatever now this stove looks quite interesting to say the least it comes with obviously the pan on the top whatever you want to call that the pot which sits nicely in place it can't fall over and you also get this attachment pop on the top so then you can use it with a regular pan like a frying pan like so so I'll have to see how we get on with this they've not told me to say anything about it or out or praise it or out they've just literally sent me it for free and said use it so if I rate it you'll see it again and if I don't rate it you won't see it again it's as simple as that and I'll let you know once I finish using it today what I think give you my honest opinion it's called the fire Maple Ma radiant stove yeah the radiant stove so that just Clips onto there like that and then your pan sits on that really stable as well so let's have a go at ligh in it so you just turn that I think y there you can get gas there we go we're on now you can't really see the flames I can see the burnt hairs on with th but that should light up bit like an element if that's what you call it like a toaster so it's not so much of flame there you go look at that glowing now one thing I've notice straight away is doesn't seem to get too hot so for cooking using a pan I'm not 100% sure on it to be honest to use as a jet boil style stove just to boil water I'm sure it'll be fine doing that but as it stands I'm not hearing no sizzling in fact I'm going to test it because I brought another stove with me which is the X boil stove so what I am going to do if I brought it with me I hope I have now oh yeah it's here so same again kindly sent this out for free from X boil so I really appreciate that I don't need them for now so what I am going to do is pour some fuel in here and just see how hot it gets compared to that the heat on that is pretty underwhelming we expecting some form of Sizzle and I don't know unless it's this turkey bacon it's on full beans as well I'll have to test it boiling water and then I can make my decision on that because that is its primary aim to be used with this so let's get this alcohol store fired up we'll see how long that takes now see if it starts sizzling tell you what the heat off that though it's lovely if you want it for just a little radiator it's a beauty I bet it guzzles gas though there you go straight away I can hear this sizzling away now now maybe it's not supposed to be used with a frying pan so yeah we're cooking away nicely now with this proper Flame [Applause] oh red do it's going to be a right sloppy mess that right I need to put this thingy out now simple as that right bonana petits let's try this it's going to drip out everywhere I know it m that's nice hopefully that turkey cooked properly sure it will be oh that's lovely that smashed avocado Touch of chili you can definitely taste the chili as well plenty of flavor really nice that I think fa I have overdone the turkey it's not the sort of sandwich you can eat cleanly especially when you've got a beard and I've got two more slices in there so I can make a third butter yeah it was too bad that I'll give that a 7 out of 10 really average little meal that somewhat different I had them turkey rashes for years now I fancy somewh sweet this is where gets real pancake Shaker mix just add water how much water right fill line H jeez see better days aren it that right let's get that filled up to the fill line why can't we just have normal caps on stuff these days what is that don't even twist just asking to be spilled open is that so I'll fill that to the fill line which is there all right that's about the fill line oh I've done that mistake you're supposed to shake the bottle to loosen the mix before adding the water damn now I know for a fact it usually takes a while to do this we going to shake it up good and proper no lumps left in it these little pancake rolls here little baking tray that right so to go us pancakes we've got chocolate spread healthy and golden syrup healthy and somewhere I have got make sure I use the right one some lemon juice it's not pancakes without lemon juice if you ask me so I'll definitely use that I could have got some bacon actually with my avocado and had bacon on pancakes instead of that turkey shite it nice that turkey but yeah I mean it's not baking is it come on so I've got oil I've got this oil as well actually so I reckon use this instead so let's fire this x boil alcohol stove back up where's my lighter see I'm no good with these sorts of stoves because I am useless when it comes to keeping track of stuff like lighters and my keys are there make sure I keep track of that oh come on you got later I've got one in my first a kit somewhere as a backup but be nice to find that one there it is found it Little Cricket as well well mini Cricket is that Lit got used that already if I've used that already we've not got much fuel have we yeah no we're all right we got plenty get that on there spray a bit of that in there got another lighter there shout out Ben and Lexi getting me that from Barcelona so I I've got another lighter [Music] whoa jeez looks like a blooded ja yeah do you know what I'm going to have that one [Music] now squeeze that's awful to Paw why is it doing that oh snapped that one a bit I think it's too thick that mixture I knew I'd forgotten summer I've got some fruit strawberries mate plop plop plop that's what I'm talking about strawberries go with pancakes don't know why I didn't just bring a normal knife and fork that's better that with a missing ingredient it's starting to rain a bit now so I'm just going to scram this last pancake and then get everything inside start getting me bed in and that set up it's still really early but obviously with it being more or less winter now it's getting dark at like 4:00 so plenty of tent time could you I've got plenty of stuff to watch right so I've come in tent now had a little tidy up I'm going to give this store another chance to redeem it itself and I'm going to make a nice little Brew so like that as a jet ball stove I can't see why that would ever be a problem it looks it looks really decent and if the boil time is relatively quick then it serves a purpose and it will be good in all winds I reckon because that fully Shields that element that heats up so that's a good positive so I'm fire it up and we'll see what it's like let boiling already so now I've just seen it boil water the stove definitely has its uses it did that that really really fast so if you're just on a camp where you're coming out and all you're doing is having a dehydrated meal making a brew basically just boiling water then it spot on is that you might have noticed I've brought a different mat with me as well today I didn't really need it today to be fair but it's just going to be an extra fo winter it's just a close cell phone mat like a z light just cut a few bits off a end to make it a bit smaller I have got my usual firmest new uh X light as well but it's good that you can just get this out straight away get his son off at Cold Ground so let's have a look in my main dry bag I keep my sleeping bag in this as well it's basically like a pack liner so I've got spare t-shirt don't really need that right now NE track down pants they're good in this weather got me Flex tail pillow got me down booties I got me four cloud decathlon down jacket and a spare pair of down tough socks they actually sent me them for free which I buzzing about he asked to use one of my photos and I said yeah of course you can use it and then they said send us your address we'll send you some socks I'm like thank you very much so that's all my main stuff that I do not want getting wet and that all just goes in this massive dry bag and then in my sack this is one of the best times when you've had your scran you've got all your down gear on and you could just kick back and relax I've actually brought with me the firm arrest tracker chair so it just works for your air mat you might have seen this before last year I hav really used it much so it just turns your air mat into a bit of a seat or at least something to lift your head up a bit so that you're not lied fully back but it's chilling man and then I'll just put my phone on a little tripod sticker film on you know how it is in fact I just want to say some thank yous I've been meaning to do this for a while I get so many well not so many but I get quite a few buy me a coffee donations and PayPal donations and all this stuff and it's meent so man honestly I can't believe it that people actually send me some door from time to time so I just want to give a shout out to a few names here these are just the names that are on the buy me a coffee so some names don't really make sense like nicknames or whatever so Pamela Paul clubley Alan Robertson big shout out to you Phil kelshaw Mark overall Wendy Allison or Allison Rick J Wright so Richard Wright Mick bolstridge J arre audre J adre Chris Gizzy Allison Clark sorry if I'm butchering these names man so Allison Clark RE Jones will McManus Joshua Scott Kyle ransley stick in the mud Allan C Diane Shaw Debbie B Nick Marto Colin Pier the bubble that's Allan cheers mate Bobby S so all these guys are sent me donations I've put the link in the description and I'll pin it on the comments it really honestly I appreciate it so much I look like I've got a little PE head and I'm far away like that big big off body and then just a little PE brain right back but yeah Big shout out to you lot man and if there's someone else that's donated and I forgot to mention you then I apologize for that but I think that's about everyone I find it pretty mental that people send me some door like I said but it's it's much appreciated and I don't make any money off this really I might get odd bits of gear sent and like YouTube ad Revenue but it's pennies man honestly it's not a lot not enough spending hundreds on diesel every month to get to L restrict and that and yeah cost a lot of money right all pitched I'm just there I'm in the uh chin again chin one again as you can see just watching a bit of Andy beavers he's out with Scott the lone Explorer in Wales so you go camping and then you watch someone else go camping while you camping but it's what I'd be watching if I were at home anyway he's G with his laces he's got with a St game usually pretty sh at us to be honest not very enter theal I like this stove now what H Smokey jaw yeah make sure if you're cooking in your tent plenty of ventilation man yeah this this um stove is pretty decent actually I really like it I like the Simplicity of it I like the fact that it's very sturdy when you just put it on the stand like that just a straight forward Lacy strike unlucky no bend on it at all any bend on that that's fine his way to the post I like it and I'm one of them me when I'm not using the stove I always detach it from the gas I don't know why it's probably fine but just in case this were leaking any gas through and it were coming out of the stove do you know what I mean better to be safe and sorry and then there's my little snack berry fruit salad healthier than a tuba Pringles but nowhere near as nice he oh how if you're just going to chill there I'll leave you be but don't start getting involved in that oh I love winter man this what summer now they just be flies and midges everywhere so I can let one lonely stranger chill up there it's a bit of company in it is he all right look at his legs oh love it place I reckon now I'm just going to chill out for a bit I've just watched England game against North Macedonia wor it man that is a b in it what a drag hard work watching that so now I'm just going to chill out stick I'm a celebrity on it's sad sad as but I'm watching it stick on and celebrity on and then just probably getting early night yeah I need to be up pretty sharpish actually morning so I think I'm going to get up about 7:00 a summer I need to go see minana cuz it's her birthday so I'm going to drive over to her house see her for a bit tomorrow so I want an early start get packed away get off of this whatever I'm on this hill can't remember what it's called some rocks or some or some Edge I don't know man I don't know but anyway just going to chill out for a bit and then probably get some sleep so I'll bring you back if all happens between now and me going to sleep if not I'll see you in the morning people you all right buddy well morning people it is bitter this morning fingers are freezing regret not putting my gloves on when I packed away that tent just then visibility wise it's looking pretty good that way over towards Manchester on a proper clear there apparently you can see North Wales I'm guessing snow down here the mountains you can see Manchester clear as day over there in the distance you won't be see it I can so I was saying last night that I'm have to go visit Manana today so I wanted to pack up nice and early cuz I've still got to drive home get changed and obviously drive over to where she lives so it's just going to be a quick getaway this morning back to car not a long journey either which is good so just a nice steady one in fact should we just set off now and you never know we might get a sunrise once we get up to top of here oh man that bag's heavy once again I just got my liner here beenin liner I mean liner double check for a leave no Trace yeah leave no Trace all good all good in the hood right let's get out of here once again it's looking pretty eery around here especially at this time of morning you never know might see some early morning dog walkers or fell Runners you know fell Runners are like it's freezing man that wind not very pleasant it's nice to be able to actually see some views compared to yesterday and it was just all [Music] foggy right guys this is about where I filmed the intro so it's probably a good time to wrap this video up sorry I've not done much filming today obviously it's early in morning it is bitterly cold and there's not really much to film to be honest so I hope you've liked this video I know it's been a bit shorter but make sure you drop a comment and let me know what you thought of it don't forget to subscribe if you haven't done already and I hope to see you on the next one weekly videos every Monday 700 p.m. peace out in a bit
Channel: Good Bloke Outdoors
Views: 43,406
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ndYLpGQdrPo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 37sec (1897 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 27 2023
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