Camping in Rain - Tent & poncho awning - FINALLY I camp here!

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better sort this out first little hole there little hole there get ready for some milk bottle [Applause] Bushcraft so today I'm going to be wild camping somewhere that I've wanted to camp for around 3 or 4 years it's not here but is a pretty good backup of someone's nickm spot so I was here yesterday and filmed another little video for the extra Channel which should be out now actually and in that video I was searching for an elusive wild camping spot that I'd seen on the video of Patrick Dickinson's around four years ago and today the day that I finally get to go camping there we've been blessed with a rainbow I've brought me trial with me so we'll try and find a PO of gold to be fair when I got out the car it was chucking it down and then we not the drops in so now I'm all kitted out in me waterproofs so it's currently around 12° C we are forecast a little bit of rain and winds later of up to 30 mph right I'm going to get my tent up and then I'll tell you all about this little gem of a location I don't want that blowing away so I'm assuming you can hear the wind but I'm going to switch microphones hopefully it'll make things [Music] better so I'm hoping that sounds a lot clearer so I'm going to pitch the tent with the door facing Sheffield also the wind will be coming over the top should make it feel more comfortable night move it down a little bit [Music] for couple of M Poes ni job done [Music] [Music] these side guidelines make the world a difference [Music] Man Down [Music] hope there's no Bears or sharks around I can that'll be a duct tape job better sort this out first this is going to sting a bit I think they use Whiskey in the cowboy films come on ah yeah oh well got to clean it don't you little bit of a wipe for that on the the wound and just Bob some of this tape around it don't want it too tight like new look looks like it's going to be one of those days tripod's broke as well just pulls out on the end and it's loose there we fixed it 10 is up just in the nick of time I think [Music] that look like a hot pot or stove mark this spot's been used pretty recently that's better time that to [Music] [Music] Perfection looks lovely out there stting to get a bit heavier now though so I've taken a little microphone off so you're hearing it straight from the DJI again you get to hear the weather a bit more from the [Applause] camera right it's still a little bit windy but I wanted to sit outside a bit again today and it's going to rain so I brought a little Poncho with me Poncho tarp it's probably a bit too windy for the tarp really but I'm going to have a go see what it looks like and see if it gives me a little bit more outdoor space so I've added tops to tents before not on this one though so we'll see how it [Music] goes all right so there are some little tie up points on the top or should I say poncho [Music] there we go oh right I'm just going to get it basically Tor and I'll adjust it a bit [Music] [Applause] later [Music] [Music] so I've only got two trecking poles I'm going to use my selfie stick this one locks it's not too bad in this wind usually I put the trekking poles with the points up but if it blows down at all later on you I don't want the holes falling down and ripping me tent in the past I've not been a massive fan of low down chairs they're hard work getting out of but they're great when when it comes to being able to sit inside your tent or under a low top gets you off the ground especially when it's cold there we go so I'm Outdoors out of the rain that's could do being a little bit higher I might raise that corner a little bit apart from that I'm happy with [Music] that I've lightly rigged that door up as well so there's no water going to be dripping in we' got a view out to Sheffield I can get a little bit closer to the tent so I'm fully protected this is all [Music] [Applause] right on Old [Applause] School can't believe nobody's making [Applause] [Music] these there's a tiny little bit of like fine Mist that's coming that the wind's blowing through this Gap you might just be able to see it there on top of the [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] tent [Music] [Applause] better save some of this for your [Applause] [Music] finger so first course a bit of fine dining sweet and sour pot Noodle and then I'm going following that up with some I think it's Peri Perry pork steaks so it's only qu to 7 starting to get dark [Music] already it's much quieter than that petrol stove that I used last time it's much easier to use as [Applause] [Music] [Applause] well [Applause] 90p and it's as good as some of the dehydrated Nails might not be the same nutrition wise but just want a few calories and some to warm you [Applause] up [Applause] [Applause] thinking the TP was a good idea been no bother to be Sting the tent but I like being outdoors like being amongst it tarps are brilliant now it's time to make the magic upen the secret ingredient makes all the difference this is for all those people that don't live in the UK this is a day sensation only a five a day if you go to university hitting the spot so the only downside to this is the packaging it can be recycled though so take this home with me right it is quiz time can anybody guess what this is so it started out as a milk bottle I think it's a one liter one little hole there little hole there get ready for some milk bottle Bushcraft there you go what do you reckon so this allows me to stick my camera outside in the rain with the microphone attached and it' be protected if I didn't show you you wouldn't know it was on I'm assuming you can't hear any difference in the audio or you see any of the bottle in the corners of the lenses so camera's out there in the rain I'm under the top nice and dry you may get the odd spot of rain on the lens though right it's time for the main course Perry Perry pork let's get that pan warmed [Applause] up he wind can't make it mind up it's back not too far off now don't know about you but I like my pork look frazzled that looks frazzled enough to me really nice although plastic cut is not the best if you could smell and taste through the Telly You' be all over this this is one of them brilliant little gadgets which is nice to have bit too expensive though really this is made by Soo you just fold it that's it job done open it up again no FF it's cool though make a good Christmas present [Music] looks quite cozy isn't it look at the light show there's our house quite busy over by higor it's getting a bit cold so i' had to dig out the big guns uh temperature is going to be in single digits tonight it's been quite a chill night going to have a beer and share what bit of gossip I've got with you so we're on the real stuff tonight no Aldi fake cheers let me know in the comments what you're drinking tonight so first bit of chitchat is I'm going to be going to the national outdoor expo again next year I got a couple of things lined up it's going to be held in March much and it is Birmingham at the NEC last year's event was brilliant met so many lovely people um I can't wait to go again to be honest with you so really looking forward to that soon as I get some of the details of where I'm going to be at what time it'd be lovely to see you all so I also think I've got another couple of talks lined up um one of them is going to be a webinar and the other will be an inore talk uh in haage in the Peak District so possibly end of October into November so keep your eyes peeled for that I'll let you know if anyone wants to come along and have a chat so I've not set up my sleep system yet and I've had a few messages about the sleeping pad that I've been using the ca Summit Comfort light I think it is um asking why I'm not using the therm rest Neo or the XM and to be honest with you it's purely down to comfort so for me the the baffle system on the seat Summit pads are more comfortable I don't get any pressure points on them um so I just get a better night's sleep so the thermes are a little bit lighter they pack smaller and the xtherm is definitely warmer although I've not been cold yet on this CA Summit pad but I'm not sure what the R rating is on that the r value but soon as I get below freezing again I'll probably be taking the X there so I've seen some of these budget ones can't remember what it's called now I don't think it's nature height but it claims to have a an R value of 5.8 something like that and it's considerably cheaper than the thermes stuff if any of you have got one I'd love to know how you get on with with it and if it really does go down to the temperatures that it claims I've always been a bit dubious especially when it comes to the cheaper Chinese stuff about some of the claims that they make when it comes to our values and you know warmth ratings of pads and sleeping bags anyway so you've probably noticed I'm back on the alcohol stove today the petrol stove that I used I had a lot of comments about it on the last video I didn't really like it and the few people have said that the petrol doesn't run as well as white gas which is um you can get some stuff I think it's called nap napta or something like that which is for cleaning panel beaters use it for cleaning car panels or you can get the Coleman sort of white gas stuff I think they've got slightly different octane to petrol so it it it's more efficient when it comes to those kind of or more controllable when it comes to those kind of stoves so I said I wasn't going to be using it again I am going to get hold of some of that fuel and give it another bash so we'll see if it is user error using petrol although you can use petrol um apparently it's not the best sort of fuel to use for that kind of stove although you know that worked brilliantly for me this evening again never fails to impress although if you're in a hurry for a boil that's probably not the one to to go for so I've got a new jacket on the way a synthetic you know warm layer um I had a few people asking me about doing down free camping um a lot of people don't want to use down fill whether that be for ethical reasons or they just want the benefits of synthetic materials you know it's performs better if it gets wet for example so it's probably more ideally suited for the conditions that we've got here in the UK so I bought my synthetic quilt again last time I used it I was really impressed um so yeah we're going to try a synthetic jacket as well I have got a Montaine prism jacket but um it's a little bit snug for me so I don't get to to wear that very often uh like that jacket so yeah we'll we'll see how we get on when the new jacket arrives and hopefully um the people that wanted to see synthetic base camps um that helps you out so the next one is quite a big one for me so you can probably tell I'm not getting any younger although this this camera is like very forgiving um and I've started getting a few concerns when it comes to to me Health really um I don't live the best lifestyle I'm not outrageous for anything I like the odd beer um I don't eat brilliantly but you know I do eat vegetables and I do have the old bit of fruit in the here and there but I eat too much and I know that I eat too much processed foods and you see all these things on the news and you start to Google stuff and you start to worry anyway I've got a a text from my doctors so I've I'm booked in for my health check so I'm a bit concerned that you know they're going to test me for blood pressure they're going to test me for diabetes they might get little finger out in the rubber glove and I'm just myself with that one quite literally um yeah I don't know what what to expect from it and you know you worry about what they might find um I don't feel poorly or anything like that so it's just it's one of those things it's some of it's in here and you only have to look in the mirror just uh to say that you could be better um well then there's the other side of the story as well you know I don't want to you know at my age now suddenly live on peas and carrots um yeah I want to to enjoy life for a little bit um I'm not going to give up everything so unless the doctor tells me I've got to so we'll wait and see what they say so watch this space and yeah listen out for health checks is anybody else you know pushing 50 or just turn 50 and you've had to go for one of these health checks what do they actually check for um and did they find anything uh and now far do they root up do they like just use the finger end or they go all the way up to the Elbow um I'm panicking about it now so I might need a new a few more beers just to settle the nerves I'll keep you posted anyway right cheers again only bought two not greedy is it W um so as a few of you may know I'm a I'm a Sunderland fan when it comes to the football and they played in Sheffield last week against Sheffield Wednesday couldn't get tickets because our away following is pretty awesome but um I don't know if you saw on social media and stuff like that there were two two Sheffield Wednesday fans the it was disgusting what they did they they were holding up a picture to the sundland fans of a little boy Bradley um it was a mascot for Sunderland and he died um of I can't remember the disease um some kind of cancer or wasting away disease um but there's a brad Bradley Lowry and they were using a little boy like that to try and taunt football fans it would one of the lads has been charged um and has pleaded guilty to a public order offense well he might even go to jail for it which is I don't know I don't know if that's a fair punishment um that's why I'm not a judge but why would anybody do that I just can't get me head around how how some people behave yeah there um there's levels of decency that has dropped below Pon scum anyway enough of that one so the van it might get its last OU in at the weekend we shall see um we haven't done that much with it on camera it's mainly get used we have lots of questions where's the van where's the van um I've done the nc500 in the van and a lot of people obviously haven't seen those videos there's a full series of them um go check them out but I go camping in me tents and I'm doing tarps and then you all get to see that the van stuff is for me and Joe and the dogs um we spend time with my sister my brother um just good family camping experiences um my sister's got like a a big Paddock which is all fenced off so we can go in there we take the van they put their Caravan there the dogs can just run wild and do whatever they want it's um it's brilliant last year the van was parked up there for about 3 months and we just went most weekends and just to get away from City Life and then you could be anywhere it was it was brilliant and we love it um but yeah the van stuff is mainly going to be for us and there'll be the odd time that you get to see it on on the videos but for the most part um it's our thing when you get into social media it's easy to fall into the Trap of literally sharing your whole life um yeah I'd never want to to be in that position but you see stuff and you find stuff out about me but it it's I edit the video so you get to see what I want you to see it was a time where I wasn't comfortable in Sharing anything when it came to my personal life um but I'm getting more and more open when it comes to that I'm happy to tell you what's gone off last last week I told you about my daughters going to uh universities I've even told you today that the doctor might be doing some invasive investigation with me so yeah doesn't get any more open than that so I want to finish off with talking about this camping spot really so if you saw my video on the other channel where I go searching for this it's it's been a mystery for four years or so um I've been searching for somewhere that is really close to home you one of those lights over there is probably our house I know I'm not a million miles away from other parts of the Peak District but I want somewhere where if I need to get out you know just for me own sanity that I can go somewhere that is 10 minutes away and have an easy walk up so there's virtually no elevation to get up here um it is straightforward walk I get to view my home City I'm in the Peak District we've got stanage Edge and higor I know it's lovely to see all these beautiful locations but it is a bit dough when you think about it driving three and a half 4 hours sometimes to go for an overnight camp and it's the camping experience that I enjoy the most to be honest with you I love being part of nature whether that be in this little patch of Heather here or or up in the mountains I get the same buzz from it it's cost me nothing to get here you if I drive up to the Lake District Chuck 60 quid in the tank I would think that most people that go out and enjoy wild camping have or want that place that they can go to that is just a stone throw away but they can get away from it all recharge their batteries enjoy some time out of the rain underneath your top so yeah that's what this place has given me tonight and and hopefully many more times to come cuz it's a cracking little spot and I can wave to our last it was also awesome I'm not sure if she can see me from here it is pretty awesome right so I'm going to nail this I'm going to stare at those city lights for a little bit and then I'll get inside the tent and get set up in [Applause] [Applause] there [Applause] [Music] so the bad news is I've not got anything set up in there yet and it's get here not very nice out there now got zipped up that's a sleeping pad I was on about earlier seat the Sumit yeah Comfort light insulated when the weather's like this you appreciate having plenty of room inside your [Applause] tent being able to set up and pack away when it's raining massive bonus but I'm going to go easy on you did not show you me blowing up my sleeping pad this time there we go show you the lantern instead that's me all tucked up look I brought everything inside I am going to do a brew inside the vestibule in the morning I've not used a stove inside this tent yet and I just want to show you that there is plenty of room for [Applause] [Music] it all right I'm going to turn in and try and fall asleep to the patter of [Applause] raindrops and wind so unless something blows down in the middle of the night I'll see you in the morning not going to [Music] lie have had better night sleep [Music] air plugs required again Sunrise is due 713 although I'm not expecting out a little bit of color tp's still up is a bonus it fresh this morning everything stayed really tall I'm [Music] impressed the wind's bowing the top down a bit though although it's cloudy it's quite clear see some of the views just about make out the ox sounds and it back in that quilt for a little bit get the kettle on as you can see there's plenty of room there for a stove there's nowhere near the inner or the fly sheet but I won't be wanting to use a really Lively stove in here definitely no bother for a brew or a pot noodle it wouldn't be frying me pork steaks in here though I don't want this getting splattered in pork fat [Music] H just gone 8:00 so peaceful up here and I'm looking down at the city where it'll be full of action at the minute with everybody rushing around trying to get the kids ready for school heading off to work I'm not rushing today I'm impressed with this how long have I had this now six seven year I don't know might not be that long just works every time starting to look a bit better but still does a job and we managed to cook all right with a little pop can it's not just about boiling water little cup just fits on top of this set as well perfect so I'm going to do me summary of how the gear performs I pack it away today rather than it's part of the walk down cuz there isn't much of a walk to be honest with you after singing the Praises of the sea Summit sleeping pad I didn't have the best nights Kip to be honest with you so the place that I've pitched it isn't perfectly flat so there's the OD little hole and rock and although this pad is comfortable it's quite thin so it molded to the shape of them but wasn't flat I think a thicker sleeping pads would have been better on this occasion I might give the RAB ionosphere a run out next time see how that fears M quilt though this is brilliant it's made by lightway I forget what the model is so I will have to link it in the description below for you comfort rating on this is supposed to be minus two so I'll have to wait for a colder day to test that see if it's accurate all the other stuff down jacket pillows and stuff work perfectly as always so I'm really starting to appreciate the benefits of a chair mentioned last night I'm not getting any younger and I don't sit comfortably directly on the floor this ground chair although it's harder for me to get out of than say my Skyline stool that I've got but I could set this up and use it in the tent if I wanted to can definitely sit under this low TP with it no bother at all yeah it's just going to give me a more comfortable seating option and when you're in the tent for Long Long Dark Nights it seem to be that time where we're you know in your tent for 12 14 hours it's not nice always having to lie down for that length of time although 12 hours Kip sounds good doesn't it I was doing mega long distances I might think twice but it's not that heavy I think I'm going to bring it more often than that Poncho shelter down so it's a Flames Creed Poncho SLT did a great job last night and it was quite windy although if you look at these tie outs I don't think they'll they'll take a beating when it comes to you know gale force winds but but a stiff breeze handles it really well and having that bit of a Awning or porch gets you out of the elements so the hood seal bit on it is not very good so I wouldn't want to use this as my only shelter but it kept the rain off me last night while I was sat outside so did the trick a bit of a pain to set up in the wind definitely recommend putting the poles face down if is windy you don't want them flipping down like that and that tungsten tip going through your tent so I've got a 3X3 tarp that would actually make a better porch or rning I did like the idea of the Poncho being multi-purpose you know rain gear as well as as a top but now the colder months are here and it's wetter I'll probably be wearing dedicated rain gear anyway so I might being the bigger T next time we'll [Applause] see getting it back in the bag should be fun you never make these big enough i' rather have a bigger bag that you can cinch down although it's gone in don't think I really need to say too much about the tent cuz you've seen it in the last few videos now all I'm going to say is that it's moved with the Peck in order for me this is in my top two favorite tents now it's a bold statement isn't it easy to pitch it's strong and there's plenty of room inside [Applause] [Applause] on just checking we're not left out behind really enjoyed that definitely will be back at this spot it's so close to home yeah it could be miles away anyway I'm going to sign off hope you enjoyed the video thanks for watching and all that stuff and if you want to see the video on my other channel where I got a little adventure to originally find this location I'll put a link on this end screen now
Channel: Paul Messner
Views: 120,573
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: camping, backpacking, Paul messner, wild camping, tent, outdoors, hiking, uk wild camping
Id: Xz-o8dMh_6Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 17sec (3257 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 04 2023
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