Winter Camping in a SNOW storm - Ultra light tarp

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welcome everyone to another camping with Tony  and Bruno in the snow stick around this one's   a good one you're gonna love it right let's go  Bruno what are you doing come on let's go camping trucks all parked up I see Abel is back  here again good to go with AB camping okay plan today hike to the top of mountain set up  ready for the snow tonight should be a nice walk   up we'll catch you up there so you know what  it's freezing literally at freezing it's cold Bruno is just having such a great time hey Bruno what you doing come on find the track see if he remembers this  time the way onto the track   yes he did good boy straight in  there look at that he's learning and that's where we're going up there that's cold it's got about maybe 10 centimeters  of snow coming tonight if that   hopefully no rain no wind just snow late at  night have some good food and maybe make up   for all the failures they had on my last  Camp up here so this is a Redemption camp   Okay so it's a two-hour slog from here so I'll  bring you back at the top if I'm from Bruno right we're at the Ridge Top of the ridge  here finally busted out of the hardest of it   there's still a climb to go but nothing  is steep that's all just came up one hour 40 minutes gained about 600 meters okay so  we're about um at a push 20 minutes   to the camp spot Narnia where we're going there's a little trickles of snow  here and there but it is cold   it's really cold up here it's less than zero uh centigrade so bring you back at Narnia all right here we go we're at nine here ah what a beautiful day stunning absolutely beautiful so I that's Abel who's come up before me he's he  came out a couple of hours before he's way   over there somewhere about 45 minutes further  up okay he spelled out hey with my firewood   oh that's funny right so my fire would look soaked  so what's the plan Bruno what are we gonna do   well first thing I've got to do sorry first  thing I've got to do is get warm clothes on   it is freezing it really is cold the sun is  beautiful but man it's called I could barely   talk so I'll bring you back after put warm clothes  on oh welcome back everybody to camping with Tony   and Bruno uh who's going to be pestering me now  for his treat so let's get Bruno's treat first okay treat for Bruno come on then sit sit good  boy sit pretty okay good boy go on then right   so what's the plan plan is this is a Redemption  Camp because the last Camp was such a nightmare   everything that could go wrong went wrong but this  time I'm going to change it up um I'm actually   going to come across last time I went that way  this time I'm gonna tie off to this big tree here   there's a tree here I've got a nice nice spot  here I'll have the tent behind me it's on a bit   of a slant but I'll have my head up the uphill  and I'll be looking out up the track so let's   get on with it I think I'll put the tent up first  I've got the hillberg Niak so let's get that done so I just looked at the temperature it's minus four degrees Centigrade   I thought it felt cold it's colder  than when I last came up here but occasionally you get a glimpse of that sun oh just feels magical okay I've got my tarp in there which is the   um super skinny top I can't remember what  it's called the dutchware gear dyneea tarp right so I want my tent door facing that way yeah I mean I can always just pick it up and  turn it around whenever I need to anyway it's   it's standing it's not a big deal now at the moment there's no wind  and I'm hoping it stays that way and in my last video I used uh two sets of double poles because I   thought there was tons and tons of snow  and rain wind coming in which there was   this time it's not going to be so bad so I've  got the standard one set so a pair of poles so they just slot in and the ends and then tighten up now everything is freezing cold my hands are  freezing already I could put my gloves on but then I won't be able to feel anything the  best bet is just to get on with it get it done   and then get a hot drink on and to those that say fire first get  your fire done get your fire done   now get your shelter up first because  you just never know what comes in   these are the tops Anything Could  Happen okay let's get the poles in Bruno out of there   he's looking for his other treat that's in  there because he's got we've always got two all right so the point of double polling putting two  sets of poles in which is what I did last time just to give it loads more strength rigidity uh it does help a lot in the wind  but it's mainly for snow loading   and we're not forecast to get anything  like it so I think 10 centimeters at most unfortunately it's all coming in the  middle of the night when we'll be asleep usually you're meant to Peg this down  first but as I say there's no wind all right that's it and then  you just tighten these up uh Bruno that's my firewood can I have my firewood  back please I can have my stick Bruno don't get   another stick don't get your own stick that's my  dry firewood hey leave that come back I need all   of this I've got to burn it all I know thank you  for helping but I need all this we're gonna get   you a stick in a minute we'll get you a stick in  a minute okay you're filthy okay leave the stick   leave it leave he's absolutely filthy right  so let me just work out the angle I need this Bruno no no no I'll get you a stick oh man leave that one here I'll get you a stick   I have one of these oh that's rotten  hold on a decent one okay ready right let's keep them occupy  for a couple of seconds okay so I've got the front there there's no wind coming so I really  don't think I'm going to be gying it out where do I want to sit well you know what we can work all that out once  I've got the tarp set up so I'm dead underneath   it so let's get the tarp get my guy lines and get  my Ridgeline set up so I can find the exact center that noise is Bruno eating the tree eating stick right let me get started and just in case you're wondering we're in New Zealand I know that some people  won't realize and it's winter in New Zealand   uh June July August okay got  a dyneema dutchware gear tarp extremely light extremely strong  although in my previous camp   I got I forgot to un guide at night and it  ripped these pieces off so I've glued and   taped them back on again all right so what I  need to do is I need to get the exact center   to work out what we're dealing  with so let me just get that done Bruno no no no no leave it believable you're eating snow more water I've got some water for him in  the bowl there but he really loves the snow so simply attach I think I can have this up quite high this time okay so that's one end let's do the other end I'm losing the Sun I'm gonna have to  put my beanie on a minute it's that cold hopefully these guidelines reach  otherwise I have to double them up yep all good solid enough okay so question is now how much I want  to tighten it where I want to have to tent   um so I can adjust that quite easily  with my my guys I just put on my toggle here then we can work out where  we want to have everything I want to have enough cover at the back  so the vent doesn't get covered in snow all right look at that so later I will probably  lower this down but right now that's pretty good so I just need to move the  tent so it's exactly in line with the ridge line I might have guide that up too high  but I do want to be able to stand up I'll guide further down later I think let  me just see first because I really want to   be able to stand up under here I don't  need that much coverage I can move the   tent back quite a bit I think all right  yeah so we need pegs and we need guys so these are going to go on all four corners and the further away you Peg them the   more movement they will be  but the more room you'll have so you can see there's a tiny  bit of Breeze at the moment but it's enough that if you  didn't have a windproof layer   oh man yeah wind chill would be insane okay so I think we're definitely  going to drop this tarp down um and move the tent back a fair bit okay so let's let's guide it down a lot further  uh Ridge put the ridge line down a lot further yeah so I think we'll start  at the back one and lower that okay that's better that's much better okay and then tonight I can lower this front one down but for  filming and stuff it's better to have it up   okay let's Peg out that's my guy lines and then we'll line the  tent up underneath properly so make sure the ridge line is nice and taut which it is okay oh struggling struggling  because I can't feel my hands okay so these are going to be 95 degrees my stomach is making all sorts of noises starving okay does that work I think  so and same with this one tell you what I think we're looking good we are looking good right let's do the back two and then tighten  everything up God knows where Bruno is he does this disappears Bruno come on Bruno good boy where were you hey where were you oh no no no  a few miles away down the hill right and tighten up the  other one you've got a stick so just when I thought I was  the worst in the world that   guy like you know tripping over guy  lines Bruno came along he's way worse I could tie this off to the tree but I'll stake it for now but if I need the stakes later  then I can tie a couple of these   off to trees okay so let's just go  around and make it nice and taut it's a great success look at that what a camp oh it's so much fun getting it sorted early okay now I can work on the tent and I  could decide exactly where to have it   and then Peg it down so what I'm going to  do is I'll bring you back after I've moved   it to the right place and then pegged it down  in its corners right okay first things first let's get my let's get my chair set up this is Bruno's bed uh now as some of you may know  my chair on the last video   snapped broke nightmare really ruined camp  for me to be honest I was so disappointed and that was helenox now they have since sent me   a brand new chair and I'm gonna give them  back the other one because they want to   investigate and find out what happened  they were very quick to sort it out I didn't have to chase them up  they contacted me it was all good   Helen Ops is a good company that's just the floor  whether it's in that one piece of aluminum I don't   know their aluminum that they use is made by DAC  which is the best stuff the poles on this tent   are made by DAC DAC so maybe it's something they  take back to deck and say look what are you doing also in the last video my tarp collapsed  all the vents got covered up with snow   and it was like a swimming pool inside the  condensation because it couldn't breathe   this time let's hope that's not the case now I absolutely love this tent I have to say I can't think of much more that they could do  to change it right I've got my cooking gear   with a new stove which we will get  cracking soon to get some coffee on we've got our food which is also Bruno's food which is the Neo air extherm NXT very very warm probably the warmest pads there are   this is the 2023 model and  it is good and it is warm okay camera gear ah a little food   bits for the chair and then in the bottom  I've got my dry bag with Long John's beanie   won't believe the amount of stuff I can shove  in here this is a zero degree Fahrenheit quilt get that out let that Loft up for  tonight got Bruno's quilt his blanket let that get all lofted up as well   and my pillowcase which is a Zen bivvy pillowcase  which is just shove your down jackets in to make   a really nice soft pillow thank you and  that is everything that's in the dry bag I've got a couple of liters of water   if we get desperate for water we can go to the  town and get some or um not snow I've got my   ouch pouch that also has a thermometer on it yeah  minus four oh yay fire lighting kit toilet paper and share that's it oh an umbrella for the camera and this Z packs light very very light  backpack this weighs nothing it is incredible but what I'm most excited to show  you is my new chair by Big Agnes   so I've got this on actually  I've got it from a local supplier   but you can get them on Amazon I got it  from a company in Nelson called gear shop   shout out to Hamish from gear shop but I buy  the I bought this I buy everything usually okay what am I doing just have to find the notch so the good thing  about this chair is there's no plastic hubs   uh not that that's what snapped on the  helenox that was actually the aluminum   but the aluminum on these is thicker way thicker this is much much thicker  than than the helinox chair   okay so I haven't got to the good bit yet so  the chair goes on as usual like all of them nice strong sturdy chair there you go and just when you think  it can't get any better than that   I got an insulated quilt for it that's right no freezing my backside  off anymore Tony let's get warm now I haven't tested this yet in the cold and I'm desperate to see what it's like the  first thing I always do is get in my chair   let's see is it warm oh it's comfy now this is a low one they do a  higher one as well so I've got no neck support   but to be honest it's so comfy it doesn't matter   as long as my back is supported Bruno what  are you doing I can't whistle it's so cold Uno I've got to keep a bit of an eye on him come on Bruno he will come he's a long way away there you are good  boy where have you been you are filthy   oh you've been running through puddles and  having a great time thank you hello my lovely   oh you're warm okay so urgently required let me see what time okay it's 4 P.M  we've just just tread on everything more water right we'll get him more water   and we will put on uh the my new  stove I'll walk you through that   I'm gonna put my beanie on I think but situation  here is up Bruno no I need that come on drop good boy no leave my sticks alone you move this sticks   Victory where why do you have to get  the ones that I've sworn and cut up   um what was it gonna say oh yeah I've got a  new stove I need to get coffee on urgently   really do I need a hot drink so I'll bring you  back when that's all getting ready to get going   [ __ ] hardly talk well I might as well get it  all done now so we'll give Bruno some more water you're thirsty all right I'm sitting on his bed I'm half on  because I don't want the chair to sink into the   ground right now it is so cold that we're gonna  have to do the old inverted trick with the um with this stove my new stove I'm trying  to remember who the stove who made it   I'll tell you in a second nothing in here for  you Bruno well your dog food is in here but okay what we're going to make is I need a mocha so we'll have a couple of coffees hot chocolate  and a sugar mix that up we're gonna get toasty he   can smell my dinner that's what he can smell it's  driving him crazy okay so I've got my gas canister double line cup so here is my stove   it is the uh uh Prim Optimus and I can't remember  what it's called I can't remember what Optimus   this is honestly I'll have to uh put it on the  screen I'll put a link link in the description um because it doesn't have the name anywhere  Vega oh I can't remember something like that   it was the only one I could find that  worked up you know that has the prongs   oh yeah it is the Vega to work upside down so  you screw make sure it's closed screw the gas   canister on oh my hands are so cold I'm gonna  be able to wear my gloves soon you screw that on yep okay all good you have to really do these ones tight  because there's a piece of plastic here the   works for the smaller containers perfectly but  some of them have bigger lips and you need to   just probably file that down a little bit if  you've got one of the bigger containers I read   a lot of the reviews and it was clear to me  what was going wrong it's not their fault but   as in the people who bought it but it's  just a floor in the maybe Optimus maybe   they didn't realize that certain gas  canisters are bigger or not I don't know okay and then and you might be wondering why  I didn't bring my covia Hydra and that's because it's heavy and I have  said that before it's heavy very heavy   I love that stove but it's so heavy I  don't have to shout anymore now because   I've got the wireless microphone on okay  is my lights are working yep okay fuel on uh come on stay stay all right so the only thing about this  is the cable is really dim it really pulls on the cable and  I don't know why it tips it over   see like that look at that that's just daft  it's the only one I've seen that does that   all right we're good that'll be  fine let's boil up some water ah okay we'll Crank that up it's quite loud so I've got this upside down it's inverted because  it's too cold for the butane to work properly   as a gasified mixture so you need to do it  as a liquid fuel it's the only way I have   mentioned this a few times but when you're in  really cold conditions you can do one or two   things you can heat the butane canister up which  works does work but it will get cold very quickly or just invert the canister and then  you have to bother with that at all and I think by inverting it like  this you you use a lot less fuel as long as I've got enough fuel for dinner but  as a contingency I could always light a fire so I'm making a mocha just got hot chocolate some instant coffee and some sugar because I need the calories after  that high cup just over two hours   a lot of calories it's a long way right now beanie is coming on temperature is dropping so fast are you okay you're filthy  Bruno you are a messy puppy   aren't you look at the state of you he was  white Ann's gonna be furious mummy's going   to be very cross with you and me mainly  me she doesn't really get crossed with you hey now here's what's going to happen  if I put his bed here for him to lie on   he'll walk off and go and get a stick so he doesn't want his dad  that's not what he's angling at   I don't need my gloves on it's just cold I  know I'm rambling a bit but it's cold it's cold   and I got cold on that walk up there was no  point me wearing layers coming up because   I would have just sweated even more than  I did and then those clothes would be wet   I'd rather be a bit cold hiking up I don't know if  you can see that but he's about to take away one   of my pieces of wood but you know that's mine so  this wood has been sitting out here for a few days it might be saturated I don't know  if it will burn it'll be smoky a smoky fire I think what I'd have to do is make  the fire further away so it doesn't come in here   because I just hate smoke just drives  me crazy I'd rather not have the fire this shouldn't take long to boil  it's actually not a very loud stove kind of I hope I've got enough gas feels like there's plenty in there should  be about half full famous last words oh here we go spoiling that was pretty quick I love these transa kettles so the residual liquid that's  left in the hose Burns off   that's why the the flame is still on  hello my lovely it's not time for that yet do you want me to put your bed out  I don't think you rely on it though gosh there's a lot of fuel still left in there just for the triggered out there I'll stir it I  know a lot of people get crossed when I don't stir oh and I've got a treat for myself for later we're good I like it God I hope I've got enough   fuel for dinner and breakfast and coffees I  didn't really think about how much I was bringing oh no I hope I've got enough we'll see fingers  crossed I've got enough otherwise I'm going to be   making twig fires and heating water up and stuff  on those which isn't Fun Endo what do you need   um is it because I'm talking to the camera bug right ah last tiny bit of sun okay  everyone I'm gonna have this coffee   uh and I'm just gonna chill for a bit  warm up throw the stick for him a bit um we've got plenty of water and I'll bring  you back a bit later maybe at dinner time   thanks for coming everybody Redemption Camp nothing is  broken yet fingers crossed oh lovely okay bring it back later everyone okay welcome back everybody oh let me just  turn the camera thing around there you go can you see me yeah I've got beanie on oh  it's cold okay so I'm gonna do a fire now   and I mean Mother Nature has given me the  perfect place for it right there so what   I'll do is let's see if I can like this and set  this up in the comfort of sitting in my chair   rather than kneeling on the floor oh okay I have to beep that sunk into the ground hey yeah  and it's pulled the rubber stopper off the bottom it's in the ground oh no that rubber stopper  is gone that's in the ground deep in the ground ah I'm gonna have to get a peg  to get the rubber stopper out   so I've got some things arriving I  can't remember what they're called but so nothing's broken yet still  Redemption I've got some things   arriving that you you put on the feet so  they don't sink into the ground like that   every chair does this without  something like that oh come on wow that went deep this is really soft ground  that's why I was sitting on Bruno's pad earlier   I got it almost there we go oh man come on no failures not this  time all right let's get all the mud out yeah so   from what I gather Big Agnes don't  sell a ground sheet for this skirt   to stop it sinking into the ground I looked I'd  have bought one straight away if they had it but   they don't it's a bug bearer of mine is when  they don't sell those they just assume you're   going to sit on hard ground but the second  you go on Sandy ground or anything like that   and here where there's zero  rocks to sit on that doesn't work these should be glued on I think okay  so what we're gonna have to do then   is rethink that because that's the softest spot  here I'm gonna have to put it on Bruno's pad luckily I'd finished that um I'll have to set up  on Bruno's pad these things luckily are so strong   that it will hold it like that by the way sit rep  I was sitting in the chair it's so warm with this   thing on and it is comfy the first time it's sort  of done anything silly since I've been using it   see problem solved okay I've collected quite  a lot of sticks so what I want to do is   just get it so hot that it's just  colds by the time that we do dinner Bruno's barking at something I don't know what he's barking at he's having fun though here he comes  good boy what were you barking at hmm   okay now right now Bruno everyone is  watching the bottom of my chair let's   see if it sinks into the ground as I  lean over and it is perilously close   if it was a cheaper pad I would say it would  probably puncture it and go into the ground   but it's holding you know what I could double  fold it let me do that excuse the ass shot okay this will definitely hold it better look at that okay now we're laughing now  we're laughing all right am I on everything's okay everything's  good this chair feels so much more solid   than that helenox one but that was a super  light chair it weighed absolutely nothing but it's you know should still be strong  enough okay lots of Twigs lots of sticks   we've got to get this right first time I  haven't had a fire failure for a long time usually a fail because you haven't got enough  Tinder and kindling but the Tinder are really   small stuff you've got to have a lot of it and the  more kindling the more Twigs you've got the better fires like to go out in these conditions  when the wood is slightly damp   and this green stuff that's on here does burn old  man's beard okay so this really thin Twiggy stuff bottom all right we'll get  some firelighters in there I won't resort to using fat wood yet I'm going  to save that in fact what I'm going to do is   one fire lighter let's do this come on we can  do this we can do it everybody one fire later I think we can do it one far later I think so I think so let's just rest it there okay all right Moment of Truth it's going to smoke a lot at the beginning as I said it will smoke a lot at the beginning  that's the old man's beard is caught straight   Bruno's barking at something over there usually does it to warn me okay gotta get that bottom layer going hey Bruno what are you barking at okay got another lighter just in case don't go to uh here's a tip for all  you people out there that want to wax   don't bother just let it fire and put your  hand over it and enjoy the smell of your hair maybe I should start my own salon guaranteed results now I'm not gonna have  a fire tomorrow I never bother with fires   in the morning well I never it's very rare  that I bother with a fire in the morning because by that point I'm usually  sick to death of the smoke some of this Wood's quite damp now I  get the same comment quite a few times and I'll be honest it honestly I'm not joking it's  always from women the same comment every you know   they said why don't you put the [ __ ] the wood  by the fire to let it dry out help it dry out   it won't make a scrap of difference honestly it's  just that's just surface inside if it's wet it's   wet wood has to season when you've chopped it  down it then has to season six months a year   uh if you're buying wood sometimes that's  been Kiln dried yeah so it would take   days of sitting extra fire to dry out because  it's got to get all the way into that wood now   splitting the wood is the best way and then  drying it out but again it'll still take a   long time to dry out so honestly it doesn't  make any difference putting the wood next   to the fire even when it's roaring it's all on  the surface it won't make a scrap a difference   I wasn't saying that to be insulting  I'm just saying that every comment   so far about that has been from a  woman and I don't know why that is just an observation so I don't know if you can  see Bruno loitering over here it's not that he's thinking oh  lovely a fire he's just seeing   me burning all of his sticks  and he just cannot believe it and the next suggestion I get is oh you  should make it crisscross perfect crisscross   well it's difficult with these things and also  crisscross doesn't help when it's wet it doesn't   nothing helps when it's wet when wood  is wet the only thing you do is Chuck   tons and tons of air into it  using your heat pad inflator that's it that really is all you can do  and just hope that the fire gets so hot   that it burns all the liquid that's in  there I can hear it sizzling okay so I think I think that's about all we need to do it is on  fire it has caught it's the flame is above now the   firelighter so now all you've got to do is sit  back and wait and hope that the rest catches   and that it sinks down onto  itself try not to mess with it I mean I can see water coming out  you're such a good boy aren't you   hmm that needs tightening doesn't it okay so I got away with that with one firelighter although I don't want to jinx it now  until I've got some coals because I've   had a fire at this state before and then  it's just gone out it just couldn't do it fire gods were not on my side now the  beauty of this is I can sit right next to it because it's not raining and I don't have to have it under the top and  then get covered in smoke so the smoke is just   going straight up it's hello my lovely it's  when you have the tarp and the tent everything   there and then then you sit there and the smoke  just comes straight at you it's so irritating   oh he's falling asleep on my my lap have you worn yourself out he does three  times the distance I do to get up here   because he's just running  back and forth the whole time this is nice now the surface of this will dry as this fire  gets really hot the surface will dry and he   might just lie on the Moss he just doesn't  like artificial stuff he doesn't like this bed   he'll lie on it because he has to once he's in  the tent but I know that then it's waterproof   it's warm really warm and I know that he  won't lose any body heat to the ground at all   and then he'll kick his blanket off  I try and keep his blanket on him   as long as possible because I want  it to build up heat to dry him off   um but he just gets hot and he kicks it off  even when it's minus five or whatever he gets   hot he's got a very good coat it's like a  dwr coating and inside there's this thick   thick Downy Downy layer it's so warm in there you  could never tell and that just keeps him toasty   even as a pup he just doesn't feel the cold okay  so great success we have a good fire that's a win when you can see it roaring  like that that's a good fire oh great success now I am really happy I'm  really happy because we look at this evening   that we're having it's beautiful I can see in  the distance the stuff that's coming in tonight yeah it's gonna snow tonight   but not till late Bruno they're birds leave  them we've been trained better than that   um it's gonna snow I think from about 7 00 p.m  8 P.M we'll see it'll probably be a bit later um and then I'll be thankful of having this   roaring fire coals they won't put it  out the snow won't put it out at all   so now I can start chucking some bigger  stuff on now this is giving off some heat I didn't bring a saw with me   so this stuff is whatever was left and I've just  gone around and snapped dead branches off of trees none of it is living obviously  because it wouldn't burn Beechwood which is what this is a hardwood   makes it harder to light but it means it  lasts longer and it gives off more heat and I'm not near anything that could catch fire nothing above nothing to  the side so we're all good I want massive coals a massive coal bed  which is why I'm really loading this thing up so in my last video up here Narnia and my  chair snapped it did ruin my Camp I I did   love it the next morning absolutely  loved it but that night I was just oh   I wasn't happy I was cursing helinox at that  point I was sitting on the floor eating my dinner   and I just thought oh God nightmare that was  uncomfortable my back was sore this this is what   it's all about and this is what I was saying  about it being Redemption a Redemption camp and that was in thunder lightning  wind strong wind hail and snow   all those conditions and my chair broke and my  plate melted it just then at night the top snapped   oh man something tells me this is going to be  a superb camp and that we're going to wake up   to sum a couple of inches three inches two  or three inches of snow that's all you need   to make this place look like nine year  and to look beautiful that's all you need   you are so lovely aren't you hmm all right everybody bring that later probably  bring you back when it's time for our dinner in fact his dinner is soon but I'll bring you back for that welcome back everybody okay it's time for  Bruno's dinner so let me get that for him hey Bruno I know it's your dinner time oh that's not your dinner that's coffee oh why did I put your dinner right at the bottom okay here we go right so what we'll do is we'll put  Bruno's water is separate to mine pour that back in the bowl water is precious because the tan is half an hour away  and I don't want to have to go all   the way there to get more water I know  you can't see me but you can see Bruno right let's give Bruno his dinner ah look at my roaring fire it is superb okay Where Are You Bruno come  around sit Sit Boy wait go on then oh hope you can see me so I have even though  this is redemption Camp nothing's gonna go wrong   I'm sure of it I've forgotten my  my lap my light for the camera   that's a first I don't think I've ever done that that bird noise you can hear that was a bell  bed yeah I forgot my light I can't believe it um so when it gets dark I'm not gonna be able to light the place up as  I usually would so I'm gonna have to rely on my   two lamps that I've got that are running on  low at the moment but I'll crank them up later   um and give you some ambient light and mess  with the cameras at camera settings I prefer   to just sort of use the light from the camera but  I can rig up my headlamp which I might have to do   I sometimes I forget stuff sometimes I'm in a  hurry so look there's my big pile of sticks that   I've gone around snapping off of trees that are  dead um I've got a roaring bed of coals here now   I've used up all of the wood that  I've that I left here from before um and it's it's it wasn't that damp it was  okay I mean look I've got a baking hot fire   I mean look at these coals they're  so much heat so much heat in fact oh   because I hate wearing beanies anyway so sit  rep on the chair this cover that you sit on   is super warm usually let me turn this way  for you the crotch shot she said um usually   I would be my back and my back side would be cold   but sitting in this chair with this cover I've got  to say it's toasty and this is thick insulation   very toasty I think they have chairs where you  hang it from underneath like you were in a hammock   um but I prefer this where you just sit directly  on it it's nice it feels warm straight away   so my shoes are pretty much bone dry now you're right there Bruno have you finished it all there's no more um I will put water in there  afterwards but to be honest there's a little   tiny spring just over here not enough to  fill water up for me but for him he's been   going to it when he's been getting thirsty and  getting water from there so it's not a big deal ah this is hot now I could easily cook my dinner  on here tonight which I might do   just might be a bit too hot that's  all and it makes such a mess of your   pans when you cook on Open Fire it's so  much more controlled when you cook on gas but I might need to save the gas for breakfast  it's all a conundrum it's a total conundrum I   don't know what to do what do I cook on here  I've still got a little while before I need to   cook dinner anyway anyway I'm going to sit back  chill enjoy the heat from this fire it is Sublime   and bring you back for my dinner he loves playing with the snow  that's here from last time   and you might be wondering why is  there snow just here in this line   so and nowhere else there's a bits and Bobs  of snow but here it's quite that thick line   that's the snow that fell off the side  of my tarp so it built up to a big pile and that was the most of it was on  that side when I lifted the top up I   pushed it onto that side so that's  why there's that much snow there um there's no sign of the storm that's  meant to come in the middle of the night   yet but that's again not for a few hours so  anything could happen I'm toasty warm now   I I have to say I was cold it was freezing  when I got here and I was cold but now I'm   so happy and I'm glad I went out and got extra  sticks and I'm glad I got the fire done early so   I've got this better cold it's just all added up  nicely if I did want to have a fire in the morning I would set that whole lot on fire just put it  here and go for it the snow is going to fall   on it tonight but I'll bring it under the tarp  tonight um just in case I don't know it depends   how long we're here for I don't know that I need  to add to this it might be a waste adding to it   given how hot this thing is now if I put all  that on as well I don't need that extra heat   it's warmed everything up and these coals  will last another I don't know hour or so all right I think we need to get dinner on so let  me just do some organization I'll bring you back okay so I have decided to try and do the fire on there to try  and do the cooking on the the fire there   let's see how this goes I'm not promising anything okay all right so what I'll need to do is  make a little bit of a base like that there yeah that'll work okay so let's just heat  the pan up a little bit first not too much there you go that should be enough it gets  hot so quickly that's a good base just there   okay mind out Bruno now I know he's gonna pester  me as soon as I've got dinner out and ready to go just what Bruno does someone said oh it's not pestering it's  just hungry all dogs are hungry all the time   they just are Facts of Life  okay burgers oh yeah two burgers all right let's incinerate let's get that pan hot I'll tell you what that's the  perfect base for it right there   absolutely perfect so I hope you can  see me I hope you got enough light   um I don't know if this thing is  tracking it should be let me have a look I just hope it works in the dark  I hope the engineers at Sony   are that good okay pan is smoking  that's the noise we wanted here we go we are laughing so I haven't  bought a plate with me I will use my pad here to make my burgers and then eat them off there  you know why I didn't bring a plate because I melted my plate in the  last video and unfortunately my new plate didn't arrive  in time for this video uh and so I just couldn't be bothered hey what  am I going to flip these Burgers over with handy dandy Fork what was that show Handy Dandy the handy I can't remember what it was there's  some kids show my handy dandy something   is it Dora the Explorer I'm rambling Okay so we've  got two plain Burgers not cheeseburgers this time   oh I'm going simple and tasty want to taste  the burgers because these are Gourmet Burgers now my buns they were a bit squished but  they've sold out quite nicely can't have flat buns yep that'll work nicely okay not gonna  bother with anything fancy no toasting them   nothing like that it's gonna be Gourmet Burgers slapped into burger buns with lashings of tomato  ketchup and that's it and it's gonna taste superb   and he is Gonna Come and have a Sniff and try  and get to my bread he should know better no   no away you've just had a massive dinner go on  off you go go away that cheeky boy cheeky boy well this is saving me a ton of  gas um so this will be superb for   breakfast and hot chocolate tonight it means  I'd have to worry about the gas so much   and then in the morning if I do light this fire  it would be a shame to waste all this lovely crisp   fast burning wood then um maybe  I'll cook it on that as well okay oh this fire is so hot these oh God they smell absolutely delicious  oh yeah these are cooking really quickly so incinerate your Burgers because it's mince meat   you want to really cook mince meat well  Bruno Go away You're not getting any and I'm going to talk about it later  why but if people don't know why it's   important to have well done Burgers  cooked to a certain temperature inside   I'm going to talk about it later at cigar time  but I watched as well I mean I knew that because   I'd done food prep when training for a chef but  still it's uh it's good to know it really is   so I hope you can see me um the  camera is flashing it's struggling I'm gonna you know what I'm gonna do  I've put my headlamp on there let me   try this and see what happens and you be  the judge and you tell me if this works   hold on okay so we will see this might not work but it's an attempt um okay not that one oh my  God that's horrible that one does that help is that better leave a comment you know how people say  leave a comment but a lot of people watch   YouTube now on TV you can't leave comments on TV  so what I do is when I'm watching on TV I've also   got YouTube on my phone and if I want to  write a comment I just load the video on   my phone go to comments type in the comment  and then press play again on the TV it works oh these Burgers smell so good so what I'm looking  for is the fat and blood coming out the middle of   the burger bubbling up to the top and then for it  to just stop doing that then I know they're dumb   but these are looking good this is going  to be superb listen food tastes better   on the tops food tastes better camping  but on the tops food tastes even better so what I'm going to do is put  the tomato ketchup on first oh my God you know what he's  circling he's like a flipping   he's like a wolf circling his prey  I don't know if you can all see him I've got the camera quite zoomed in right so don't  leave any because I've carried it all up here I can tell he's watching my every move and it's  not because he loves me he does love me but it's because he's a greedy guts uh Heinz tomato ketchup I love it okay   this is running clear these are dumb it's  that quick because oh that fire is so hot can I get them can I do this without dropping  anything I know it would be a Tony normal don't drop them oh yeah oh yes I need that to cool down a bit because I I  could put them in there and eat them from the pan yeah let's do that oh no hang  on let's check the bottom cool the pan down sizzling let that cool down okay let  me just sort the fire out hang on oh I'm so hungry I am so looking forward to  these Burgers they're going to taste brilliant   you don't need cheese you don't need anything  else just a matter ketchup and you're good   oh I could have put some mustard in there  as well I guess but my Coleman's mustard oh there we go ah right now I  might have to just move the camera   just a second because you're gonna get  all the smoke let me bring you back okay how's that have you got me all yeah good  right is this pan cold enough there yeah it is all right let's get our burgers in the pan off  the floor because we know that at any moment   Mr B down here could strike and there we  have it two which will be delicious Gourmet   The Gourmet because they're called  Gourmet Burgers that bought them   Gourmet Burgers with lashings of tomato  ketchup at 1300 meters let me fix that okay wait did I just cook an entire meal and  not drop it I think I did how hot is that   oh it's just warm that's it lovely okay  Trigger Time everyone people who don't like   the sound of me eating skip now oh I'm so happy  look I've got a roaring fire and this is so hot   and I've got Burgers I've got Bruno  with me it's beautiful it's not raining   I'm warm and it's winter and  we've got snow coming bon appetit I can't explain it so I'm just going to eat gosh it's so hot fire the trousers might get too  hot we don't want to melt them there we go Ah that's hot I'll put a footrest I did that on purpose that fire might not look like much but man that is cranking off some serious Heat and the smoke is blowing away  from me see isn't that amazing it's the first time I've not been smoked out   because I haven't got it too close  to the top it's got room to swirl um oh and to those who say and they won't use  his name they'll just say you're a dog um and so I mean why don't you give your dog   some of your burger he's had his dinner this has  got onion in it he can't have it but he's had   his dinner he eats dog food I eat human food he  eats at a separate time to me sorry get over it um crazy good what a contrast to my last camp water contrast not a breath of wind no rain no hail no snow   a lovely warm fire toasty warm  and I've got fantastic food this really is redemption and if there's  10 10 centimeters of snow tonight and we   wake up with a snowy morning then it would have  been that would have been it absolutely perfect hmm you know what we've got  to do is put Bruno's light on you heard me say his name all I can do is hear him I can't see him at all so let's get its light on that was so good Bruno come here let me put your lights on where is he sorry come on Bruni come here let me  put your light on no there's no food I'm afraid   but I will put your water back in the  bowl no no immediately goes to my plate should put some water in your  bowl now why are you damp I mean running through the bush  and there is snow on the trees I   can see some Stars just a tiny  bit of star through the cloud come on where's the snow we still got  another cup an hour I think till the snow all right everybody I'm gonna get  him some water sort that out and   I'll bring you back for cigar time okay  welcome back everybody right it is time for cigars now I've been warming up my drink   oh that's nice and warm now  you'll have to guess what that is I'll tell you at the end hopefully I'll remember I'm also going to make a hot chocolate because why not hello my lovely you know I was sitting here just  then thinking uh about Brucie hey um I always say goodbye to him hopefully we did  it in style if you didn't see that that was a   couple of camps ago three camps ago and I wild  camped up at the spot that Bruce and I usually   went to in the snow and stuff and spread  his ashes so he's up here his spirit is here   all around I feel them all the time okay come  on Bruno mind out we're in the way of the fire   and I don't want you to get burnt or anything  right so let's put that straight in there   okay that'll work now I need a little hook stick to oh Bruno he wants to stick go on them that'll work just fine let's pull that out of  there now that should cook that water should   boil really quickly one thing you know when you  um boil water no no Bruno come back come back here here come here come on bring me the stick bring me my  stick Bruno that's my stick can I have my stick   back please I need it I just made that for my  pan come on my Kettle come on give me a mistake   oh you know at home he takes  our slippers he takes our shoes   he tends to bring them back he just  wants to say hello he's just being loving so yes one thing when you're um   when you're doing water on um on a fire and  you're not using a kettle you're using an open   pan but the Smoke's gonna go where the Smoke's  going to go there's nothing I can do about it   um it will tend to taste quite Smoky as  well just so you know in case you've got   the bright idea of doing the same thing it's not  the best tasting not so bad in a kettle but still not brilliant has that helped  with the smoke I think so can you see how he's trained on  it right so while that's boiling   we'll keep my drink here it's nice and warm let's  get the cigar done and the second we see it boil   somebody shout it's boiling and tell  me so we're doing a Monte Cristo number four yes yes I know why  don't I chop them before I come out   I just don't and yes I know but I'm not  roasting it properly it's difficult up here   I'm desperate just to smoke the flipping thing   same old comments I do appreciate  them honestly but it's just especially when they're new and  they've never seen the channel before like who is this imbecile it's me and I don't care he is laser focused on my stick can you  see him here yeah I think you can yeah   so this is the wide angle lens the picture  quality is not as good as my big lens   but that thing weighs a ton this is much  lighter this is almost half the weight and honestly every 100 grams makes a huge difference up here it really does  so cigar time what do we got to talk about that's my stick and it's staying right  there I know what you're thinking   I know what you're thinking it's my  stick that's my stick not your stick   can you see his head Tails He's got the  biggest head tilts of any dog I've ever had ah   that's my stick not your stick  it's my stick so you leave it alone cigar time and for those who say oh please don't drink  and smoke cigars I'd like to start this cigar   time with my uh new favorite of do me you do  you I won't judge you you don't judge me and   just leave me to be me I love cigars  what can I say yes so a few things um I don't know if you picked up  on that he's starting to cry   because he really wants the stick and I'm  talking to the camera and it winds him up I'll give it to you after I've lifted my  Kettle off the fire okay afterwards not before   to be patient patience is a virtue track his head  and watch what he does when I put the stick down I hope you can see him after I did all  that come on Water I want you to boil   it's so hot should it boil by now okay so yes hmm I want to say my thank yous as usual  to um everyone's watching and thank you   I knew you were going to go for it no uh thank you to everyone for you for uh  contributions thank you to everyone   who who's uh Gone on to buy me a coffee on  board a street some buy me a coffee uh all   our YouTube members thank you very much you  get videos in advance super thanks um merch   everyone who's bought merch thank you very  much and all our patreon members and anyone   else I've left off of that list but also thank  you to everyone who likes and subscribes uh   much appreciated it keeps the channel going and  lets me know that what we're doing is is working   um the other thing I want to thank people  who've signed up to our mailing list on   our website a B Outdoors a b camping and sign up for mailing list and   you get advance notice of when videos are live  before YouTube notifies you every time definitely   um and same on Facebook and Instagram you  know I'm on both of those and I release as   soon as I release it I put it up on there as  well so thank you to those thanks to everyone   who signed up to a b camping plus my other  channel I will be putting more content on   there and I will be doing my first live stream  soon uh probably when I go to get the truck done   I can hear you crying I know you want  the stick but you'll just have to wait   let me see if this is boiling yet hang on I don't actually want it boiling I just  want it really hot let me have a look it's not hot enough yet Bruno no it doesn't  and it's the perfect stick I'm sorry it just is it's the perfect Kettle stick keep an eye on   him yes thank you to everyone  who signed up to that as well that is him whimpering he'll  be around he'll get over it   get everything he wants it doesn't get his  own way too many entitled people and dogs   and pets and everything out there as it  is I don't give in to entitled anything   um regarding the members area so look I'm going to  say it again I've said this quite a few times now   for one people should stop taking it personally  and think it's a money grab it really isn't   I upload videos and I have to store them  somewhere I have to upload them in advance   because they're massive files huge 70 gigabytes  YouTube needs to do its thing on them check   they're okay blah blah blah blah I need to  set them up do the thumbnail everything else   and then I leave them there in advance they're  already loaded up I could do one of two things well first of all sorry um I don't then  just go and automatically release the video   because that's not how YouTube works  it's not how the YouTube algorithm works   if I release video after video whenever I do  or whenever I film one it's going to impact   cannibalize the previous video so I made it clear  quite a long time ago that my goal is really just   to do two long videos a month and that's what I  do and if that means I've uploaded one a month   before it's up there a month before but I'm  not going to release it to the public because   that's not the channel that's not what we  do and that brings me to the members area   people have asked me for early access to the video  if if they can pay to have access and I say fine   it's up to you if you want to do that then fine I  don't encourage anyone to do that but that's fine   so they are there in What's called the repository  or the members area no Bruno you don't want this and and people who've paid Early Access and  they get to see them week two weeks three   weeks in advance it's not personal it's  not anything to do with YouTube premium   it's also Nobody's Business If I'm making money  from that or not whether I get paid by YouTube   or whatever nobody pays me they pay YouTube  even members they pay YouTube they don't pay me   and I get some money from it but the members  area is not what this channel is about makes any   revenue from so just get over it it is what it is  and I do wish some people would stop complaining   there were some vicious people out there saying  I'm unsubscribing I'm canceling because some   people got access and I haven't got access I don't  see why I should have to wait 10 days that ladies   and gentlemen is an entitled individual they've  been told their whole lives yes yes yes well no it's an owl Bruno it's just an owl all  right here we go hey where did my stick go   oh my god did he just sneak that away while I  wasn't looking I don't know what where's my stick did you take my stick where  is it where's the stick Bruno   oh you lot must have been going ah  he's behind you taking your stick   where is it where's my stick where's  the stick Bruno where is it nightmare oh you all teamed up on me for  that one didn't you oh God here   it is maybe a little thief oh he's making a  repository of sticks over there unbelievable   stop crying honestly get over it oh yeah yeah oh what a crybaby you really are I can't  believe you snuck that when I wasn't looking   and you lot you could have told me oh dear he's taking it again  there he goes oh fine he wins no I do you're not the There You Go destroy my  stick anyway okay so yes entitled people   please stop being entitled get over it it's not  personal it's where I store them it's the rules   it's it's the YouTube algorithm blame YouTube  If if it didn't mess up the previous video   then I could upload them earlier but I can't it  absolutely destroys your previous video If you   upload your next one too early just the way it is  and I'm sorry I'm well I'm not sorry there you go   okay you've got your stick stop crying  go away no you win you got it now go away   if you want me to throw it you have  to bring it to me bring me the stick   no he's not gonna bring it oh he's playtime it's  also because I'm talking to the camera and not him   um okay let's quickly go through some of  these things Twitter now rebranded as X come here come here here come here   drop it oh God Twitter now rebranded as X um  look it's just Elon musk's thing he loves x   whatever who cares what difference is it  going to make we're all probably still going   to call it Twitter and there still isn't another  platform that competes with it so it is what it is right I've got his stick now and  now I'm going to throw it away you will find it and he has found it um yeah oh the banking crisis in the UK and  everywhere else where they're just canceling   people's bank accounts so I mentioned this and I  said look it doesn't matter whether you dislike   the people who are getting canceled just like  Nigel farage oh I got some venomous comments   about oh well I don't care and it shows your  right leaning he deserves everything he gets oh   my God this has got to stop please everyone stop  just stop being that person where you just want   retribution it's unreal what's going on out there  there are some bitter bitter people who really are   and they said well it wouldn't have happened  to him if he'd been a nicer person you have   no idea so in the UK over a million bank  accounts have been canceled in the last   what was it two three years because the bank  doesn't like something about that person   to the point where then they all get  together and say well none of us are   going to give that guy a bank account no  matter who it is Guy girl what doesn't matter   just stop with it just please can we all  just live our lives and not be canceled   everyone's getting really really sick to death of  cancer culture absolutely sick to death of it I'm   sick to death of it I'm sure most of people  watching this are six to death of it as well   and it seems to all be coming from one side and  please just stop with the council culture oh my   God move on live your life you do you and let  others do them and that's the point enjoy your   life get on with your life stop focusing so  much on retribution of people you dislike oh   God just enjoy life there's so many miserable  people out there with nothing better to do   than to want somebody canceled and  destroyed and get Glee and joy out of it what has happened what has happened  anyway there you go whatever on a more silly note there's been a lot  of press lately especially coming out   the states because of course it would be  the states because all Hollywood movies   this is what happens aliens land in the States  on all Hollywood movies that's where they land   and it's usually in Nevada or  something surprise surprise look   there's all these whistleblowers saying aliens  are real definitely definitely real they're out   there there's evidence there's proof there's  this there's that there's that show me then   show me one scrap In the Flesh evidence of  an alien or an alien spacecraft in the flesh   not some grainy video not some report from some  Air Force captain trying to get his name out there there's still no evidence that the public have  seen it's all hearsay it's all congestion all   these whistleblowers and you know what so many  people want it to be true that they're starting   to try and make it become true the aliens  have been on this planet while we've been here   you've got to look at two odds there's the  odds of aliens in anywhere near our universe   space is very very big by the way and  the other Rod is what were the odds that   spaceships aliens came to  Earth during the last 100 years because all the universe and all the solar systems   and the galaxies a gazillions of years old  trillions we can't even measure it how old   everything is so why did they choose the 100 years  the last 50 years when we had the technology to   make movies and have science fiction writers  to decide to come and visit oh and not leave   any evidence except everything that's grainy and  nothing in the flesh is there an alien life form   somewhere please show me and then I'll believe  it otherwise no I think it's a load of rubbish I need proof and TV and whistleblowers and stuff  isn't proof that's it's just you need facts   and anything else is just subjective it really  is I know that's going to get some people's backs   up because they really believe in aliens you  know really believed in Aliens L Ron Hubbard L Ron Hubbard believed in  Aliens so now ask yourself this if you believe in aliens then  you believe in Scientology because the foundation of Scientology  that's the belief process behind it   was it was all from Aliens look it  up he's a science fiction writer   what was that awful film that John Travolta  was in and that's what it was meant to be about   something Earth I can't remember what it was  awful and he did it for the scientologists   so John Travolta made the  movie because they asked him to   and it was terrible anyway this is  that's what it was about that just that um look part of me will we get another puppy will  I get well specifically people say will you get   another puppy for Anne look yes but it's too soon  he's still a puppy he's not even a year old yet and she's fine and fine she's so busy at the  moment and she's got stuff to do and she's   going off to see Brandon in in the UK um so maybe  later uh yes we will definitely get another puppy   but once he is 100 trained and mature and  controlled and can pass on knowledge to the   puppy you don't want to get another puppy now  because all they'll do is play and destroy the   place they'll destroy our house and sorry  that's not what we're about so yeah not   until he can give some good life lessons I'm  sorry about the smoke the wind has changed oh my God and you know what's gonna happen  I'm gonna move the camera now it's going to   change again isn't it all right I'll bring  you right back I'm going to move the camera   let's give it a go and see what happens okay  camera is moved I'll bring the chair around   get a bit closer to the fire get nice and snug   uh oh gosh doing the splits  try not to knock anything over Bruno honestly he's desperate to steal a stick hmm I love this insulated chair this  is great so look Smoke's changed it's gonna follow the camera it just does   I can't help it Bruno nope nope nope you're gonna  stand in the fire nope nope tail in the fire okay another puppy yes at some point but it  could be a year away honestly we don't know   so it will happen eventually  but yeah you can stop asking was that all too controversial I don't  think there was anything controversial   in there was there except me telling Council  culture people to stop canceling everybody   and let people just be themselves without have  worrying about what you're going to do to them concentrating your own families concentrating  your own friends leave everybody else alone   there you go um ignore them that's the best bet  just like I ignore all those stupid comments   like I ignore trolls now right did anyone guess what  the drink was cheers everybody um Bruno no you're being very clingy it's lovely  but you've got your stick it's over there I'm not   giving you a new stick I know that's all you  want oh so demanding see it's gone for a stick who's right there the Smoke's going straight  to the camera again anyway oh my God look at that and you know there's going to be  some expert out there because there always is   there's always that one person who's  a flipping expert at everything   tells me how to do this is at the  tops this the wind is swirling the breezes shifted Direction that's the problem unbelievable I'm not changing it again huh oh God Bruno  please okay away go on go away go away go   on you've had enough attention go away that's the  other problem with puppies is they're so demanding   right at the least time and you've got to start  to teach them it's not about them sometimes   adults need their time it's like kids right now  look I don't know what to do about this smoke that's just insane it's oh my God  it's gone straight at the camera put Bruno away I'm not throwing it afterwards but we've got a lull okay quick  while there's a bit of a breeze okay so TV hijack finished ah  I can't do this I can't it's   just that's driving me crazy because I  don't know if the camera's focusing on   me or not and it's so irritating  when you don't have a clear shot wow it really is tracking straight to the camera  all right do I do one last attempt to fix this or do I bring the camera over here and just do  it so yeah you know what I'm gonna bring the   camera over here give me a minute all right  let's try one last time people one last time because I'm getting fed up with getting up  and moving the camera how is that I can put   my feet up now is that better I hope so because  I'm really done with moving it okay um yes TV   hijack wow that was really good I enjoyed that  probably could have been one or two episodes less they dragged it on what was it on Apple TV um yeah it was good I liked it Idris Elba is  always good he was good in Luther loved Luther apple pie moonshine   again I had some and I wanted to finish it and  I just love it it's delicious it's so toffee um yeah hi Jack definitely recommend it although it might put you off flying hmm I won't give any spoilers definitely feeling the fire  has gone down now it's cold   my feet aren't as warm as they were but they're  not cold this is still giving off a lot of heat   but it's working I'm glad I've got a fire what  else have been watching staircase the staircase   with Colin Firth so this is a based on true  story about uh Colin Firth in this case his wife   um fell down the stairs and died and uh there  was blood everywhere it was awful and the police   think that he did it something happened that he  murdered her and it's all about that and it covers   good boy so he's lying down nicely here now  you I don't think you can see him he's right   under the camera snuggled up on the Moss because  the Moss is now warm from the fire and the Sun   and that's it he's going to sleep just  like that there's no point in getting   up and show you because then he'll  get up so I just want to let him rest   himself and clean himself yes so Colin Firth  played the role and I think he did a great job   the ending was weird but it was a very interesting  show because they gave lots of Alternatives of   what could have happened and you think that that  each one must be the case yes no actually that   must be the case although that must be the case  and you just don't know to the end what's going   on it's very good staircase so I recommend that  I think that was on Netflix I can't remember and lastly the last one which  is what I spoke about earlier   was a show on Netflix called  poisoned well was it show or a movie it was a movie and um it's about I guess it's PR  well is it all just a US yes it is the us it's   about the U.S food industry uh specifically  is it the USDA and the FDA I've got splinter hmm there you go got it um and oh my  God it's it's quite scary and it   goes back it details over the years  of some of the big food Health scares and the deaths that they've caused   and I brought up Burgers because one of  them was about people who had eaten a burger   or were eating burgers at Jack In The Box back  in the day and a director would come out from   the state about what temperature they needed  the burger to be out internally to be safe   and Jack in the Box ignored that and said well  then it won't taste as good so we'll just do it   our way people died it was crazy and then there  was this one about the peanuts and peanut butter   the CEO of that company got sent to  prison I think it was like 15 years   he got sentenced to all sorts all sorts of  companies doing terrible things with the food   uh right up to you know the pot the biggest  poultry providers everything and then you   realize that the USDA and the FDA are powerless to  do anything about certain issues and I also seem a   bit indifferent the lobbyists are so powerful  anyway basically the gist of poisoned was the   America's food supply is dangerous it's not the  best in the world anymore if it ever was I'm sure   it was but it's not now they showed feedlots where  cattle are grain raised not on grass like here in   New Zealand not in farms they're in feedlots it's  quite depressing to see actually and the runoff   the waste flows straight past the lettuce Farms  and in some cases is used for irrigation as well   and the lettuce has got E coli on it because  of that and the experts in there were saying if   there's one thing they would never eat of leafy  greens it's Iceberg was it romaine lettuce or   Iceberg letters remain one of the two you love  to watch it I tell you what definitely that's   made me be more aware of what I'm eating and  whether to trust or not I used to eat those   salad packs pre-mixed salad packs not anymore  not after seeing that could be E coli in there   and yes you meant to wash them to wash it all off  and blah blah blah but would you take the risk   better to buy it and make your own salad from  the different stuff and wash it all thoroughly   um but it was scary it really was and the  salmonella from the eggs and the chicken God   people are getting sick  really sick from this stuff   and it happens more often with certain things  so there's definitely something going on in   the industry and profit first and everything  else so watch that poisoned it's very good yeah so finally I hope you enjoy this  camp this up until two days ago   was going to be a car camp at 1700  meters I was going to do this thing with my diesel heater elevated tent or cozy  on like a martian landscape 1700 meters um but it was a chance it was going to  be windy and windy up there is bad   and it would have been awful to film not  great conditions and also no snow and if   there was it would have just been a blizzard  whereas I wanted to come back up here because   there is some snow going to fall tonight  and this place just looks so beautiful in   the snow this little spot this little  Narnia it really does it looks lovely   so I'm hoping fingers crossed we get the snow  tonight that we want now tonight with the shelter   I'm not going to lower the guy because it's  actually the perfect height now the mistake I made   last time was basically I was so pissed off about  the chair that I was too lazy to go and unhook   the guy the tie outs that I had and that  made a flat roof anyway what happened was   that just built up built up with snow and a  plastic Carabiner the Thai hook snapped and   the whole lot Came Crashing Down and buried Us in  the in the tent and I dealt with it in the morning this time that won't happen because  it would just slide off the sides that's the plan anyway but I know it will  just slide off the sides so we'll be fine   there's no flat area for this to build up on  which means the tent will be real ventilated   I'm hoping which means we won't get any  condensation I will still close the door uh yeah I will close the door but I might just leave it half zipped  open just to let any condensation out because I think it works better like that   I do like this tent that was delicious here  it was just a little drink a little tiny one   sorry Bruno did I wake you up I wish you could  see him but honestly I'll get up and he'll move   he's curled up here right by the fire and he just looks toasty lying on the on the Moss  it's so sweet it really is all right everybody I'm gonna kick back enjoy my cigar I'll bring  you back for bedtime thanks again for coming welcome back everybody to bedtime we're all  tucked in sorry I'm on the phone I'm going to   stand for it um yep we're all tucked in cozy  I'm in my zero degree remote equipment bag   I wasn't going to take any chance it's not  I want to be toasty and Bruno is exhausted he actually wanted to come to bed didn't you  what no let me rephrase that he wanted to come   into my bed he refused to get on his bed and  came straight for mine and tried to get in mine   because he's cheeky but he's all tucked in and  he will get hot and then kick it all off again   because that's what he does life with Bruno Bruce  used to do exactly the same thing it gets super   hot kick all the blankets off and then just lie  on the top because it is it does get warm in here it gets a lot warmer in here than outside so  even though outside it's going to be now I   don't know minus five in here it will be nice  as long as the vents don't block we shouldn't   have any condensation fingers crossed it's been  a great evening I've had a good time cozy oh   got a full tummy I'm happy very happy right  so what time will the snow start I don't know   I don't know we'll hear it because  you'll hear the patter of snow   so maybe I'll be awake and I can uh capture some  of that sound for you but I'm not going outside I might be able to stick the camera out just  to have a peek but yeah no need to go outside   I've got my pee bottle in here no reason to  go outside all right everybody bring you back   if something happens like snow otherwise  we'll see you in the morning Bruno lovely all right everyone good  night see you in the morning welcome back everybody oh that's bright oh  it's out loud almost midnight as you can hear you can hear the snow let's have a look outside and see you see he's kicked the blanket off he's much happier now all right let's see what's going on outside see any snow really oh there's snow all over the  ground but I can't see snowflakes   but it is snowing I can hear it can vaguely see it interesting well we'll see what  it looks like in the morning all right bring you back in the morning set rep it's 3am been waking up every hour  which is bashing the top you can hear it and it's quite loud you go to sleep listening  to that and then you sort of realize an hour or   half hour whatever it's gone really quiet must  have stopped snowing no it's still coming down   you just go out bash yourself off and it's really  loud again so you just got to keep remembering   that once it gets really quiet probably  a good time to bash everything off again it's not so much that it's building  up besides the tent this time   but who can tell I can't see outside so  we've got quite a bit of condensation again   there's just nothing you could do wet dog me  as well it's winter it's wet out it's damp   outside I'm gonna get condensation just  make sure you've got a good sleeping bag it's already getting a little bit quieter so probably in half an hour I wake up and Bash  the top off again this should be interesting   to see in the morning it's a few inches  all right everyone catch in the morning all right it's gone it's a bit later now it's   going quiet again let's have a look  out and see what's going on out there he knew what was out there  he'd want to go and play   thank you okay so let's see if it's still snowing like to put my light on yeah  it's still snowing in fact yeah you can see it coming down you  can top so if I just tap the top I know now you can hear it again see where I had the fire  it's a little Hollow there unless it's doing a good job of keeping the snow  out there's my I moved my firewood in by the chair Okay so yep it's still snowing all right  bring you back in the morning I covered him up again he hates it I  just can't be able to see him uncovered but he's gonna pull that off I'm sure he is he likes to move off the pad I  don't know if it gets too hot or   it just doesn't like the feeling  of having something covering him   I mean he's plenty warm enough it's  just me being silly being a dad I know if Anne was here she would cover him up   it's such a softy thank you for my kisses all  right everyone I'll bring you back later it's   another hour later I think we're at  about 4 30. it's really coming down let's have a look outside see what we're dealing with here a bit Breezy as well yeah it's very light it's not Fluffy at all so loud it's bouncing off the top now which is good well if it stays like that's good if it's thick thick flakes weighs  everything down really quickly and then get up and hit the top a lot right no more recording at night now I'm Gonna  Leave it and I'll see you in the morning Bruno good morning good morning everybody down give him a lie down  morning everyone oh rough night   rough night that was a rough night because  then the wind kicked in out of nowhere   for about an hour really strong winds seems to  have calmed down now morning my lovely morning oh morning Bruno morning I'm not very excited it's  a new day you can't have that hand it's filming   come and lay down come and lay  down come on lie down thank you   right so come on brother  lie down lie down all right Okay so I think the tarp is loose big gust of  wind I think took one of the pegs out   not the Ridgeline obviously but I'm not  sure it seems to be calm out there now   so time to get up assess the damage see  how much snow fell oh I'd have a coffee okay done with a couple of hours more sleep  there's no way Bruno is going back to sleep   right everyone I'll bring you back thank you thank you my lovely all  right we'll bring you back when   I've got all my gear on and we're  ready to go outside I hope you know you're warm all right bring it back all right  let's have a look and see what the damage is let me do this first mind out  well inside of the tent Frozen right Bruno wait wait Bruno back come here here  on your bed on your bed no not on my bed not on   my lap you know he's got ice all over him now  Bruno I can't get to the tent now yeah come on   good boy stay there all right let's have a look  it's very cold out there for all this to be frozen   on the snow right inside ah wow oh my God it came right in look at that oh the top is actually the top is  okay that top is secure but man it   came right in all over the chair look oh  okay I'll bring you back on the big camera oh it's cold welcome back everybody oh let's get the lights on wow I'd say we've had uh about  six inches six inches of snow tighten up the guy line wow tarp did really well really well and it  really blew in oh let's check out my chair it's not wet though just cold okay you know what we  need to do is get the fire cranking I need my gloves I need oh he's gonna want his  breakfast we need a lot of stuff   welcome to Narnia Bruno is so happy ah  right let me bring you around the Fireside   well I'll tell you what oh the wind is  biting it's just a breeze like last time   so I think shell layer on  windproof shell layer and gloves it says minus five still it was one  degree or two degrees in the tent not surprising really there's so much  snow there's more snow than last time   there would be more snow on the  trees but the wind ripped through gonna have to sorry microphone's  gonna get a bit noisy oh let me sort of microphone out I don't  know where you're watching this right now it's probably summer where you are winter in New  Zealand seasons are reversed as I've said before   southern hemisphere is different all right  you know what we need is a stonking fire   let's get the fire sorted out no Bruno  Bruno's digging around in the fire pit here okay this is where the fire was   good yeah this is where the fire was okay so  let's just scrape this out to the side a bit and then do our fire here we go man it's cold okay firelighters  and we'll move the wood over here   Bruno Bruno is all Frosty Frosty faced I tell  you what it could be a beautiful day though if we don't have any more wind oh no the firelighter stuff is under a ton  of snow ah there we go with Bruno's water oh dear oh that was cold all right gloves on definitely  for this because the wood   it's a good job I put the wood under  the cover actually under the tarp it just snowed all night I thought  we'd get about at one point I just   didn't think it was going to snow much at all  actually I thought ah it's going to be a dud but no it really went for it okay he's like Oh no you're not going  to burn the sticks Dad don't do it oh okay that's all of it now can I sit  on the chair is the ground Frozen or not we shall find out in a second if the ground  is Frozen then I can sit on the chair   but you know snow is a great insulator so  it doesn't always work out that it does   freeze right I need a bigger bigger fire as  possible straight away no messing around here Bruno that's my okay well that one's Bruno's I guess okay all the Twigs we need it all look at Bruno he's just loving it out here anyone whoever questions whether  he gets cold or out here or you   need boots or he needs a jacket no just  look at him he doesn't feel a thing okay can't do this bit with my gloves on firelighter oh please let me sit on my chair that would be  that would be so nice if I can find out Bruno   okay we're gonna dump it all in here mind  out Bruno no no no no no not this time this is all mine I can feel myself sinking  I've Got That Sinking Feeling come on come on okay right do this as I said we're not messing  around it's all going on and then I'll Chuck that Big Lot on oh yeah it's success and then I might be able to cook  boil my water on there as well I don't have to melt any snow because my  water hasn't Frozen because I had it inside but ideally I want to be able  to sit down I'm going to have   to bring his bed out I know I am  because that was sinking just then all right this is going to get the  temperature up really quickly smother It screw it won't matter let's get it all on smoke that's the fat wood chucked a couple of pieces of fat wood in there I'm gonna have to move the camera  definitely let me Zoom you out ah I'm definitely gonna have to move you right we're back oh I'm actually now very very glad   that I kept these sticks and didn't just  keep having a massive fire last night Brianna what are you doing this isn't  for you it's not that time yet you'll   get your breakfast in a minute oh there's some  frost on the top of the ice on the top of this oh he's chasing Sparks okay if I just rest that on top just give  it a head start hopefully it won't collapse okay I feel human now fire has an amazing way of just making even  the worst conditions seem absolutely perfect   and now it feels good all right let me top Bruno's water up just in case   that's what he was getting at you want more  water yeah there you go we can always melt snow I'm gonna have a hell of a  challenge finding the temp pegs   because they're all under  there under the deep snow oh okay we're gonna have a roaring fire I can tell I can tell already this is good I just wish the breeze would stop but it is the tops it is what it's  like up here you just never know   last time was very strange  it was very calm this is not so bad especially with a fire   but look at this place look at the snow look at  the trees it's just stunning absolutely stunning and Bruno's having such a great time  aren't you Bruno what are you doing what are you doing you love a puppy he just wants his b-r-e-a-k lost but  you can wait for that it's very early   it's the crack of dawn he doesn't eat this  early you've got snow all over your nose beautiful ah hello lovely right I need to get my coffee cup I need my coffee cup I need coffees okay coffees come on don't hide here we go oh what's happened to the fire I  turned around and the fire's gone out did that just spill a load of water on there oh no   I think it did oh okay quick emergency action find  out this is what you need to do when that happens you need to do this get some air on it I haven't spilled water on it not very peaceful I'm sorry  but you've got to do this come on no no I think I killed the fire with my  kettle oh you've got to be kidding me oh no come on water must have bubbled out and put it out come on don't give up you can do it  smoking is a good sign come on come on I just need one Flame okay what I'm gonna have to do I'm going to  take some old man's bed some teeny tiny kindling   Tinder get that over the coal get that  cranking because it has really gone   out that must have spilled a lot of  water okay let's tip this up in there okay come on come on this will suck so much if I blooming  well gone and ruined my fire all I need is a flame One Flame of this stuff   it's it's trying to go I can see it trying to  go and get the driest stuff off the top here I can't believe that just happened just as  I turned around as well it's always the case I could try lighting this actually let's see  what happens it's always something isn't it okay always bring two lighters which I  do the other thing I've got if necessary   are emergency matches in fact  that's what I'm going to use yes good thinking I've got windproof waterproof  matches that burn like flares in my emergency kit   and I also have some duct tape that is a good fire lighter as well  and alcohol pad but let's just try   this first let's try one emergency  match first and see what happens because we're not far off it oh nope we're going to use duct  tape trick oh man ah unreal   so I always put duct tape on my water bottles you believe this oh that was just Czar freakish  coincidence that I turned around just as the   water bubbled over and now that's getting cold  but my priority is getting this fire going again oh it was really going well it's always when I turn around okay you know this little ball of  duct tape might just do the trick it's a big ask to get this fire going again okay come on and this is why I always say  shelter first fire last because   can't assume that your fire is going to work okay duct tape is on we got action now it's gone again I think it's just got wet in  here now and nothing is going to bring it back   from the death I can't believe it shouldn't  have used all my firelighters okay what I'm   going to do is I'm going to think about this  and bring it back I've got to work it out   all right everyone if at first  you don't succeed try try again and I managed to use my stove to get it going ah  thank God for the fuel stove oh brilliant so all   I did all I did was Crank that up underneath  let me just turn the camera so I could see you yeah and just use it like a fire  lighter and it worked oh man   I'm not doing that again  putting the fire out that sucked it sucked because I knew I had no more  firelighters left okay just leave it alone now   it's good to know though isn't it that you  got options you got options now a fuel stove   would have worked as well so if I had my  alcohol stove that also would have worked um but as it turned out didn't need it  okay that was a close call I've got to say that was a close call no one said I was brilliant at this stuff I  also you take your eye off to do stuff and   just anything can happen but look at that now  it's absolutely roaring and that's after it   dumped a load of water in there from the kettle  oh and I can feel it and it's good we're all good ah and breathe perseverance honestly it's someone made a comment once on the on the  comment section saying I'm very patient and   I work through the problem it's not patience I'm  not actually a very patient person I'm determined   I'm just very determined I don't give up not easily anyway try not to panic and try and move fast to resolve issues but that's it it's a lesson  it is and I've gotta stick with it now Bruno   can smell his his bee in there he really really  is hassling for it so let me just get this sorted   and then I'll give him his breakfast you heard  the word breakfast did you hear me say breakfast it's cold oh thank God I've got a fire that would have been very crappy indeed oh imagine if Redemption had gone wrong that really would have sucked so the sugar bags of paper   the other ones are not that's why I'm burning  those ones all right where's Bruno's breakfast I know that's what he wants that's why it's glued to me okay keep an eye on the fire  this time Tony keep an eye   on the fire don't take your eyes off the fire it's good we're getting there I I want to put  more on top here I just don't want to disturb it there's some big pieces in there but  if I pull them out it will disturb it   okay that has already been on fire  so we know that works and this one the name of the game is heat I'm not letting the fire go out if anything you can all learn from my mistakes  my screw-ups I mean that's no different to when   you're sort of cooking something on a pan at home  and you walk away to do something you come back   and it's burned okay come on let's get some  coals here let's get some serious Heat going all right looking good there's a  good there's a good base in there now   and it's just gradually working its  way up right Bruno wants his breakfast where do you want your breakfast Bruno hmm oh   I don't want to look away from the  fire so let's make this really quick here you go you can have it with  your water gonna come Bruno have it good boy right while we're doing that let's put the stove on for my actual hot water ah what's going on in there lots of little fires going on in there seems to be okay right stove to the rescue again and that's why we have inverted to it light it wouldn't light otherwise there we go oh the fire might not look huge   but I tell you what it's giving off heat which is  all you need just those occasional flashes of heat   but that flame is going to climb up and it  is gonna then cook me it's going to be lovely and it's a lovely morning and I think  the Sun is going to come up and hit us Narnia Redemption gonna have a coffee I've got  a fire oh beautiful and you know what this means   a beautiful walk out as well through this snow  this six inches seven inches six inches of snow a lovely walk out it's going to be spectacular now I was going to have waffles for  breakfast but I am not hungry at all   those burgers and then I had some protein bars  afterwards late at night I'm just not hungry it's it's interesting isn't  it I just I ate so much   last night we'll see after how I feel  after a coffee but I've got a feeling   that after the coffee I'm definitely not going  to be hungry oh here we go see suddenly boom oh yes I'll feel that on my hands oh that's nice that is very nice oh we are cranking now superb ah he's still going surprised so let's see if my boots dry off quickly or not ah all right smoke so who would like to be doing this  right now just on a mountain in the snow   knowing that you're safe you're warm you've  got food I've got spare food if I need it I mean there's nothing stopping me getting  halfway down and then cooking up breakfast   unless I ran out of fuel how are we looking here oh  yeah we're good we're done okay God I almost spilled my Kettle in I have turned it off it's just there's fuel  in the line it takes a while to burn that off so that's all the water I could  actually put some snow in there but I need clean snow don't knock my  coffee over okay it's clean snow up here I don't know why that fight that there's  something wrong with this stove it keeps burning oh there we go finally doubt yeah I don't know what what's up with that okay um yeah let's melt the snow I'm lighting it again shouldn't have bothered okay so because it's liquid you need to have it above the flame sort of there ah we're good coffee time cheers everybody oh that's so good oh yeah having a functioning chair it's so good for my back that  was not nice leaning forward This Is The Life how you doing Bruno this is the life right how much  water we got in here not a lot   I didn't think they would be it takes ages to  melt snow absolutely ages what part of new Bruno it is not a good use of gas to be honest but the only alternative is to do it on the fire and put the  fire out laughs which could happen I'm just melting it up for one more cup that's all right so I think lessons from camp lessons from camp this is a epic success shelter survived a storm honestly  for two hours it was howling   you can see all the snow that's come in um  and it was on the chair survived all the snow um I've got food water fire it's just all working okay I put my fire out but I didn't  panic and I got it going again okay that will be a full one this time come on here we go melts very quickly once it's once you've got  some water it does melt really fast I have to say um all right everybody I'm gonna have another coffee   I'm probably not gonna do breakfast  I'm not going to eat I'm so full   it would just be absolute gluttony and I  probably wouldn't feel great afterwards I'm gonna sit enjoy my fire and I'll  bring you back for packing down the tent thanks again for coming everybody okay welcome back everybody oh that wind has  picked up again right time to pack up uh usually   I speed these things up but should we do this  in real time this time let's see we'll try okay this is going to be a chore  because everything is Frozen   and I know you can't see me let me  move the camera so you can see in here   okay how's that is that better good  yes so everything is frozen sorted   um and getting to stuff is going  to be difficult because all the uh   all the tent stuff is under  there right so the plan is so   just stuff it all back in the pack the  way I did coming here it's quite easy I think we might see Abel come through as  well because these from Abel and Victoria because I think he's packed up  there as well and might be on   his way might be on his way back as well  condensation was not too bad it's a bit it's just inevitable there's just no  way around that well in these conditions those who have been following my  channel a long time will know that once   I packed everything up and I packed my  car keys up as well nightmare that was I gotta say I loved this camp and now  the sun is coming out it's awesome   maybe it'll be a nice walk back haul definitely gonna have to put the  gloves on putting the tent down excuse the r shot man that pad is freezing cold okay pretty much that was it just a chair to go but   I'm going to leave the chair to the end okay  so I want to sit down and just rest my back and tell you what the uh the butane  heater saved me boy did that save me   I don't know what I'd have done without that to restart the fire okay we're all good right  so let's get the top down and the lamps in   and everything else okay I can feel my  back twinging that's not a good sign look at you Frosty face look at  his got snow on his nose look oh these solar lanterns are great I  think they buy a company called Lucy oh I'm not looking forward to having  a dig out the the tent is buried okay that goes in my camera bag right I'm gonna put my food and drinks and stuff here my   stove and that will all go in last okay gloves  on to do this next bit this isn't going to be fun this is the cold bit oh my back through now twinging that's two  pretty brutal camps in the space of a week okay let's do this so I need the pegs out this is why you need waterproof gloves  ski gloves anything like that we'll do now you can see the tent more what that looks like caked and the last camp in the last Camp because it  rained everything froze solid and then it snowed   uh ice oh it's a nightmare it really is as it is I'm gonna have to take everything  back home and dry it all off we'll take ages okay so what we'll do is zip the tent up because I'm just gonna stuff  the tent back in the bag I'm not going to fold it just got  to get the snow off the top of it considering it's a three season tent it  did really well okay let's unhook the top attached to the trees just  gotta remember they're there oh pants are falling down everything takes longer with gloves on and then obviously last that goes  in I'm gonna have to pack all of my   pack all of my gear my clothes because I'm wearing  so many layers I'm not walking out with this one now and fold the top up remember to fold your top up  so the air can vent out the end just like shoving your sleeping bag in you in your backpack you don't  want to have air trapped okay now I've gotta find tent bag there it is oh man oh okay now the tent so oh my God there's a lot of snow here  look at all this this is pushing right in I'm glad I didn't guide out one there's five five pegs so three four and five all right we're good holy moly that's a lot of snow oh gloves nightmare oh my back not good I think there's  gonna be some car camping from now on Where Are You Bruno yeah definitely uh gonna be doing some  car camps all right so what we'll do is shake off the tent like Taylor show you how easy this is with this tent it says with gloves on Bruno where Bruno is okay so yeah this  tent Falls in half like this you know Bruno come on don't know where Brew noise he will come   he's just obviously found  something more exciting than me Bruno come on Bruno here he is good boy oh you're  covering the snow where have you been   where have you been so far away haven't you so  excited oh he loves the snow look how easy this is come on it honestly doesn't get any easier than  that okay and or as usual do it from The Middle come on you can do this ah so yeah the beauty of this setup is that  because they slide in your poles don't freeze   you have to deal with frozen poles  Frozen pegs all that nonsense Frozen clips I mean not frozen pegs Frozen  clips it's a giant pain in the backside I'm glad I've left my chair there because I might  after this I need to sit down and just chill   Okay so because I need to fit the  tarp in as well I might actually   fold the tent because it's  actually it's not bad at all what you got Bruno what she found it doesn't have to be neat yeah sorry Bruno mind  out you know you're getting caught up find out   okay now this bit it's just  too hard with gloves on so I'm gonna freeze for a second now I've got a bigger backpack arriving it's  also very lightweight from I can't remember   what they're called swd I bought it a month ago  but I think there's a three month waiting list   to get them made because they're custom that's  95 liters whereas this thing is 70 liters   which means I'll be able to  put everything in the backpack but with this pack I've got  to put it on the outside okay not so bad poles and pegs the hilleberg stuff sacks are a little bit  oversized sometimes it helps like now packing it up at home it'll fit  in perfectly here it doesn't oh so there's more storm coming in I just saw the weather advisory so  I don't want to be up here for that   not packing up in the storm and  I could see it clouding over now   oh yeah coming from over there  so I think uh later this morning   is meant to be more storms dump of snow and wind  and all sorts don't want to be here for that all right I've got to pack the big camera away put my chair in the pack and I'll bring you back oh is that fun all right everything packed up  all good to go look at that isn't that beautiful there you go you can see how well  actually some of this is blown off but you could see yeah it's a good six seven inches of  snow fire I've just poured all my water on it but   I'll cover it in snow just so it's definitely out bad Bruno and that will melt down stomp it down there we go good what do you think Bruno if you  had fun oh look there's your stick   this is the stick that I've been throwing oh Bruno you're having so much fun it's  freezing cold how are you not cold look   at this look how deep the snow is here if I  stand in it oh that came up to almost my knee wow tent did a great job considering it's a  technically three season tent didn't I Bruno okay everybody oh what a camp so what I'm gonna do start  my walk down ankle is quite sore back is   sore I'm not looking forward to this at  all uh I'll bring you back on the trail for a bit of Narnia a bit of walking bring it back  all right come on Bruno let's go oh bye bye Narnia   it's been nice look at it through there just  beautiful come on go on then Fresh Tracks it's a great sound walking on the snow come on I didn't see Abel he might catch me up I'm gonna  go quite slowly just because everything is painful ah Bruno leading the way oh he just loves it oh so everybody that was a great cat honestly I  loved it I loved pretty much all of that except   for the fire going out but I rescued it that  was definitely Redemption ah it's so deep here   definitely Redemption that was great success   chair that Big Agnes chair was so comfy with that  cushion on oh it's lovely the fire last night and   the fire this morning last night was beautiful  it was epic and this morning having the fire   stunning yeah a couple of coffees  mockers definitely didn't need breakfast I've got another protein bar  that I could eat on the way down now I've just got to avoid getting snow   down the back of my neck as usual all right  everyone bring you back further along the trail I've got to go up to go down I'll tell you what it's a hell of a  lot colder than it was in the last camp   just looked again it's minus seven now I think last time it was only zero this is  cold probably cold gotta gotta get moving   let's put the camera away the phone  because having my hands out holding it whoa   so cold one last shot of Bruno Bruno   come come come look at this come on look at  you come on right let's go go go come on in go on go find a stick come on let's go come on Bruno oh steep all right bring it back everybody welcome back everybody half an hour track is brutal everything's covered it  wasn't this much snow last time I'm nursing   my ankle she's killing me but luckily I've got  really good boots on so they're protecting it um yeah I don't know what altitude  we're at right now elevation but uh   this is more snow than last time and it's a lot  colder but the track is completely covered so   there are sticks Roots slippery bits puddles all  sorts I mean look at it look at what you're having   to navigate you can't see what's under the surface  and it's so slippery because it's all frozen solid yeah so having to take it easy for a multitude multitude of reasons all right  everyone I'm not going to film on the way down now   this is going to be like this all the way because  I think it was I think it would snow down to 200   meters and we're parked at 500 meters so I'll  bring you back from the truck definitely because   I'm not going to film anymore it's too treacherous  my ankle is throbbing like crazy I might have to   stop and take some ibuprofen you never know um  but I'll bring you back at the truck hey Bruno   so I've been walking down found  Abel well he found me caught me up   how was your Camp uh Colin miserable but quite  nice head burgers this time so I wasn't suffering   with the heck at first that's some brutal wind  that we had yeah it came in this morning it was   pretty rough yeah chilly but that's why we come  out exactly well I trade waiting for you but you   were too slow uh right and I've never seen snow  down here at the damage section just shows how   cold it is but look at it it's beautiful all  right everyone bring you back at the truck   all right so we've just come down to the river  and I had to video it I know I said I'll bring   you back at the truck but I have never in 10  years of camping here seen it like this magic why   the hell did we walk two and a bit hours all the  way up to a mountain we could have just camped   down here look at that look at the tops stunning  what do you think Bruno perfect just a spectacular   all right everyone bring it back at the truck all right back at the truck covered in snow another great camping with Sonia Bruno a b camping look at all that and it's been cooking in the Sun  as well all right everyone I've got to change into   some dry clothes and come back to you in the truck  on the way out all right everybody so in the truck   well it's gold it's just beautiful outside with  all this snow Abel's headed off already Bruno's   in the back tired very tired boy my ankle  is absolutely killing me it's so painful now   uh yeah I'm definitely feeling it so thanks  again everyone for coming I hope you enjoyed   this trip we certainly did it was I loved  it this is one of my favorite camps ever   um just everything went well I just really had  a great time thank you again for coming thank   you again to all our YouTube members uh super  thanks everyone who's bought us coffees on buy   me a coffee bought a streets Patriot members  and everyone who's bought merch all our likes   and subscribes please remember to go to our uh  email list on a b camping and sign up   to get uh notification new videos follow us on  Instagram and Facebook and uh don't forget to   go to a b camping plus And subscribe to that so  you get to see all the smaller stuff that we put   out including things I won't put on here and live  streams I will be doing live streams from there   all right everybody catch you next  time on AB camping from Tony and Bruno   who is now ready to go to sleep did you have  fun you're tired but you had a good time   look how to ideas all right bye  everybody thanks again bye Bruno okay bye everybody catch you next time
Channel: AB Camping And Outdoors
Views: 596,789
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: camping in a freezing snow storm, camping, camping in the rain, wild camping, stealth camping, camping gear, tent camping, hammock camping, camping gear review, camping list, camping gear and gadgets, asmr, rain, camping gear 2021, best new camping gear 2021, nature sounds, nature, rain camping, rain sounds, rain sound, heavy rain, rain and thunder sounds, camping gear rental, ab outdoors, ab camping, tent camping in rain, camping with dogs, car camping, truck camping
Id: EhhjNOGsV-o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 200min 44sec (12044 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 25 2023
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