◦ Unplugged Unboxing + Basically 24 HR ReadAThon | July 1-7 ◦

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hey everyone it's me again welcome back to another weekly reading vlog kind of a weekly reading vlog I'm honestly not sure how this one's gonna go because first of all it's Wednesday hello yes I know second of all I'm not gonna be blogging on Saturday because I'm participating in Brits 24 hour read-a-thon which is gonna be so freakin amazing so I just wasn't even sure if I wanted to blog this week but I realized that it's actually a pretty exciting week like tomorrow's fourth of July and then I just feel like it's gonna be a good week to get a little bit of footage right now I got cute while I got all dolled up and stuff because I want to film I wrap up and try and get it edited and posted by tomorrow there's so many things that I have to do today I worked in the morning I had a third and final interview with that job that I really want and I'm waiting nervously to see if I get it I will find out by Friday that's another reason why I wanted to vlog feels like if I do get it then that gets to be in the vlog if I don't get it and we can all watch me cry I wasn't reading a Monday or Tuesday I hadn't picked anything up on audio I was just kind of like chilling listening to music watching booktube videos but today I picked up champion by Marie Lu on audio I just don't have any real plans for the week because I want to save like any book that I might try and read for Saturday right now I'm gonna go check the mail because I haven't done that in a while and then I'm going to do my wrap-up and then maybe I'll get some footage because I need to start drawing out everything that I wanted my bullet journal I'm gonna do it a little differently this time around because I want everything drawn beforehand that way when I'm just doing my actual filming of the bullet journal video it's just me outlining and I think it'll go by faster and maybe I'll get some footage of that will we'll see I'm gonna go check the mail and then I will update you guys later I'm only like an hour into prodigy or sorry champion by the way so yep well I just finished my wrap-up that was so long I've been trying really hard at getting better at like summarizing books and reviewing books in general I just feel like it's a part that I really struggle with on this channel and I really want to get better at it so I'm definitely going to be like implementing new tools but today this took a very very long time to film because I am trying to get more in depth when I talk about books right now I just wanted to say I checked the mail and I had a couple of packages so the first one was from Amazon I'm actually full excited about this and it's like a kind of nerdy thing to be excited about so well everything I talk about on this channel is under anything to be excited about let's be friggin honest guys I got beads these are like little black diamond D beads and I'm going to use them to organize my art supplies I hate that my art supplies is always just kind of like I don't have a good way to organize it and the more I bullet journal the more I use it so I just need a better way of organizing it and I've had all these empty bath and Bodyworks candles for a really long time that I was gonna use for makeup brushes but instead I'm gonna put my colored pencils in it and I'm gonna put this beauty stuff in so that it sticks nicely I might need another package I thought this would be more I feel like I didn't have to get black diamonds like why am I being so bougie I probably won't next time and these are a lot smaller than I thought they'd be but we'll see how that goes maybe I'll film a clip of me like putting it all together oh I've been doing so many arts and crafts that all my like arts and crafts tools are always just out and about and oh did I just like snap the tip I totally did cool that's actually be unplugged book box I think this is the Jun one they reached out to me asked me if I wanted another one of their boxes and if I wanted to unbox another one we could play like My Luck sings which is really cool like it when people say they like my unboxings I like it more when you guys say you like my unboxings but it's also kind of an honor when companies say they like my unboxings and I really like this month I just love their aesthetic so much they like black box with like the different colored book with the cord coming out of it I love this box actually a cool white Abay it's just such a unique bookish box everything in it is meant to help you unwind to help you like unplug from the world obviously and I love I love everything they put someone to work into this they put so much thought into it obviously so I'm honored that they wanted me to unbox another one of their boxes because your girl is broke but she still loves getting amazing things so let's get into it yeah oh my gosh it's turquoise just like that well this month's theme is stars only visible in darkness and this card is stunning I have been so into stars lately guys I've always loved the Stars I've always loved a straw in general and horoscopes and things like that but lately it's just been hitting me so much harder I don't know if it's because I just wrote accordionist in fury and like night triumphant stars eternal kind of thing the back has all the good spoilers that we're not gonna look at because I'm never gonna be slow I don't like being spoiled how cute oh my gosh she can't even see anything on the already gushing first thing look you tiny what is this let's open it up I'm gonna rip it because there's not really a better way to do this it's an enamel pin till the end of the line and that's definitely Bucky's arm right Bucky Captain America's best friend oh so they've been having collectable pins in their summer solstice collectible series and this one is inspired by Sarah's favorite fandom which is best friends since childhood Bucky Barnes and Steve Rogers I love that I'm obviously a huge Marvel fan so anything that has to do with marble I'm always gonna be pleased Oh out and I love that it's Glary it's just so cute this says tracker jacker repellent and it's a lotion bar I don't want to open it up because I feel like it's gonna melt I love love love these kinds of items obviously that's kind of what they focus on but this always reminds me more blush and I'm always a huge lush junkie so getting my fix somewhere else is definitely good for my wallet and it smells so pleasant it's lavender and cedar and lavenders one of my all-time favorite smells guys lavender is one of my all-time favorite everything like color smell life and it says may the odds be ever in your favor that was a really bad accent oh let me try it again maybe odds be ever in you maybe odds be ever in your favor but that better was was my very F V in that moment I felt it I like how it smells and I like that it's a lotion bar so obviously you use it as lotion and it's good for the environment because it's not using all that plastic to be held in we love an environmentally conscientious brand katniss faced some of her darkest days before like me to turn for the better this natural bug repellent was created by badger oh it isn't it isn't bug repellent that's actually super cool we don't have a lot of bugs in Vegas but whenever I travel anywhere else I'm always bombarded with the amount of bugs so you guys have to deal with like what the hell that's so unfair I cannot imagine but one day I want to go to Australia and I'm gonna take that with me because Australia seems like the scariest place for bugs I don't know how you guys do it like if you're from Australia I applaud you and I am in all of you and can you kill spiders on your own because I can't so it says winter is over not winter it's coming I love it it's a game of Thrones inspired sunscreen and it's coconut breeze scented and says apply generously to prevent dragon burns I'm a huge fan first of all we love sunscreen in this house and I retweeted something on my Twitter recently that was they were stating a fact that Nevada has one of the lowest skin cancers ratings even though like we live in a desert and someone retweeted it it said something like Nevadans have learned to fear and respect the yellow demon in the sky and I was dying because it's true I don't go outside in summer and if I do I'm wearing sunscreen I love that I love that this is like a summer themed box I like that it's preparing you to go outdoors even though they know we just want to stay inside oh my gosh what is this I'm excited sometimes it's better not to look back what's that from feels like a lunch box it is insulated I feel and it has a little water holder oh so it's miss Peregrine's I haven't read miss Peregrine's yet that's why it's and this is a exclusive cooler that is perfect for summer days out we're all guilty of dwelling on the past but this quote is a reminder that though we have some bad days it's time to focus on the light this was designed by team unplugged in the little pocket like that is so I don't have any like lunchboxes so this is actually perfect and it's very trendy and aesthetic oh I'm into that I'm definitely going to try in one day maybe leave my house and go outside and maybe have a picnic or go hiking and need to bring my snacks my favorite part about the unplug box is their playlist I am so bad at finding my own music so I love that they just kind of give it to us they're all like star and like moon and night sky themed so I'm definitely gonna have to check this one out and we have the back which is a gratitude journal and I really like that they have these kinds of activities Terra only like pamper you physically but pamper you mentally as well right I think mine was actually missing an item but it says right here there is a Reese and candle in the boxes as well and it's I'm kind of bummed that it wasn't in my box because I love Reese and so much Reese and from quarter thorns roses by Sarah J mass at the high Lord of the Night Court where he certainly faced some dark times before seeing the stars of his life this candle is made for unplugged by flicker wicks candle so that's really cool honestly though I don't mind like when things are missing in boxes that are sent to me I really really don't mind this was already given to me for free I like I appreciate everything yet so let's get into the book okay this is like something i'ma like I looked at the cover and I judged it by the cover and it looks like something I'm gonna like because not only does he look like he has like a samurai sword and I've been so into Asian just culture lately after the Asian read-a-thon last month he looks like he might be an assassin and this might be fantasy because there's two moons and I'm into it it is called the chosen by Taryn Masaru oh this is the same guy that wrote the novice like books introducing an epic new trilogy from Taryn Masaru author of New York Times bestselling summer series throughout history people have vanished with no explanation a group of teenagers is about to discover why Kade is settling into a new boarding school contemplating his future when he finds himself transported to another realm I love Pocket realms oh sorry portal that's what it's called portal when he finds himself transported to another realm he soon realizes that this new world is populated with the Lost remnants of the past prehistoric creatures ancient relics and stranger still people overwhelmed by his new surroundings Katie that has little time to adjust for soon he and his fellow classmates are forced to become contenders in a brutal game controlled by mysterious overlords but who are these beings and why did they choose these teens Katie must prepare for battle because hiding is not an option okay this already sounds like something I'm gonna love it's kind of fantasy its portal fantasy so I'm excited this is gonna be really cool I can tell them I'm actually really excited this is one of like the best feelings I've had about a book that I've gotten in a box and we have a little signed book plate from the author and we have the letter from the author let's look at next month's theme card so next month's theme is off the grid oh this was July oh this was the July box cool Wow I got it super early today's only like July 2nd well it even said it on the card July and I totally missed that Wow an August theme is off the grid and it looks like it's gonna be kind of sci-fi themed all right so that was all amazing thank you again to Unplugged for sending me your box I had a great time packaging it as always and I appreciate it I will leave their information down below in case you guys want to check out the brands so now I kind of have to focus on getting my stuff done because I obviously hold my wrap up and I kind of want to get it edited and tried to get it uploaded by tomorrow but I also have a lot of bullet journal things that I really really really want to do so I'm gonna head out for now and I will see you guys in later in later okay so we are doing a car update right now because I'm off to UM work right now I got Duncan in because your girl's freaking tired I think I slept 4 hours last night I just stayed up so late doing all my drawing for my bullet journal I'm really enjoying how that turned out actually did like an under the sea and I'm so into it I edited some of my Rob Bob but like not all of it it was 3 5 minutes of footage guys your girl just never knows when to stop talking I'm going to work right now we're doing like a parade thing it's early in the morning I think it's done by 10:30 or something God but I'm frigging exhausted I'm actually so impressed with myself for being able to leave my house with enough time to get Duncan I don't even know this person this is early morning person this early bird getting the worm that's me that's me Ben go out because it's the fourth of July and my boyfriend wanted to you know cool I'm really not sure I want extra shot of discretion week opportunity because I don't feel much with coffee like I drink coffee for food because I think it tastes good but overall it never leave energized he's doubling in his position maybe that'll do it I'm gonna listen to music on my phone it was amusing okay so it is later in the day and I am already 4th of July I am red white and a little bit of blue with that little I ended a star because I just felt like being fancy so yeah I'm actually about to head out to go to the pool with my boyfriend and his friends I'm excited I know I don't seem excited but it's only because there's like so much stuff that I want to do here at home and I just know that I don't have time for it today like today's holiday and I shouldn't be thinking about it so yeah I'm gonna get going and go to hang out and I know I'll have fun once I get there so I just need to get there that way stop like thinking about like all the things that I could be doing at home I'm becoming such an introvert guys such an introvert okay good-bye-ee [Music] hey guys so it is currently well it's technically Saturday now but it was Friday all day today and I just didn't update you guys I had a really busy day I slept in and then I went to breakfast with my boyfriend then I came back and I hung out with my dad and then I took a nap right after and then I woke up for my nap and I went to dinner with a friend and I right after that I went to my dad's house to go hang out my dog I think last week or the week before I said that she was being taken to the vet because she just wasn't doing very well she's pretty old but they said she was fine I think though that whatever medicine they gave her like I have a theory that she wasn't able to process it and it has sped up whatever was wrong with her because she just isn't she isn't looking very good like she's very much more lethargic she got she's really bloated like her whole body has bloated it a lot and she can't really like walk that much she's laying down she seems like she's in a lot of pain which is really sad so I came over today just to like see for myself and yeah she doesn't look very good so I'm hoping that she gets better but I think tomorrow we're actually going to the vet seeing what's up seeing she's gonna be okay it's a really sad thing to think about I've had her for so long at this point and she's just very old so I understand like if if she's not gonna be okay it's just also like I can tell she's in a lot of pain right now and I hate seeing her like that just sad so yeah that's kind of why I feel like a little bit more down now but I'm trying to snap out of it mostly because I'm starting the 24 hour readathon for Brits basically a read-a-thon it's being hosted oh I talk more about it I'm trying to make a whole blog for it we're gonna see where that goes because if tomorrow bad things happen at the vet I just don't know how they're my blog and my read-a-thon will go I don't know if I will want to focus on it we're gonna we're gonna just see where it goes but I did want to give you just an update before I film my clip for that read-a-thon just because I didn't talk to you guys today and this vlog is like a day long I didn't want to mention I did get a phone call from that job that I said I was gonna get a phone call from and I got it which is super cool but it doesn't start until August 23rd yeah that was kind of a bummer just because obviously I've kind of hated my job lately nothing against the people or the company or anything like that I just have not been happy there and so finding out that I'd probably have to stay there what today's just been very odd because even though I was excited kind of that I got the job I was let down then it starts so late I was very in between what I wanted to do and then my nap was really weird because I napped like all day and that I haven't done that in a really long time but I had sleep paralysis and I just was really really like disconcerted I woke up feeling so weird for a minute but I'm watching Megamind to get in a good mood and we had an earthquake like well back I I don't know it was just such a weird day for me I mean it wasn't like a serious earthquake I live in Vegas though so there was a I believe 7.1 magnitude earthquake in California in the same place that had an earthquake yesterday I hadn't felt that aftershock but today I didn't feel it it like swayed and it was really weird yeah and then I just went to my dad's house and my dogs doing so bad and I'm just like today is not my day yeah this has been a very odd reading vlog I am so sorry oh my god I really hope my dog does okay because it's gonna be really depressing to try and be a booktuber if something sad like that happens you know I'm here today to do the--basically read-a-thon 24 hour read-a-thon vlog that I wanted to do this is basically Brits 24 hour read-a-thon that she's hosting today on July 6th of 2019 it is Saturday and I really want to get to a to a whole bunch of reading today I was really excited to do this all week I've actually been so like in-between my whole weekly reading blog just because I was looking so forward to doing this one so it is already the start of the read-a-thon and I look messy because it's been a whole day guys it's gonna hold it right now I think I'm just gonna listen to champion by Marie Lu on audio so I'm gonna start listening to that I think I'm gonna be doing some drawing for my bullet journal so I might get some footage of that and we'll just see how much I can get done I I don't know what my plans are my hopes are for this read-a-thon I'm hoping maybe like I'm gonna say three books so yeah let's kind of just get started because it's already obviously 1221 let's let's get this started [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] it's been a day so hey everyone I have not really talked to you at all today and this was the day of the 24 hour read-a-thon of Brits 24 hour read-a-thon I've decided that I'm actually going to be mixing in this footage with my reading blog footage just because there's so little of it I had a very long not great day if you guys follow me on Instagram or on Twitter then you know but I had to put my dog to sleep today and it was really sad I mean we basically expected it we knew she was sick and she wasn't feeling good we pretty much knew that eventually was gonna happen and but you know that doesn't make it any easier so that was today I basically just did that all day I was with my dog and then was sad about my dog and then went shopping because I can be person that when I am sad I believe in retail therapy so I got some markers I got a hundred pack because I was really sad so I needed as many as possible of these super tips these are really cool for bullet journaling and they're not very expensive it I got like some pens from Michaels I got some jelly rolls I did a lot of shopping I did a lot of bullet journal shopping I mean it was all I kind of in preparation because now I'm actually going to sit down and finally do what my spread for July it's been a minute I've had it like all drawn out I just haven't gotten around to it you know so I'm excited about that I did actually finish a book just now and it's the hazlewood actually enjoyed it I think I might be giving it a four point five maybe four point two five I didn't love the ending is the only thing I think that's the only reason that it got knocked down but i loved the rest of the story I just found it so interesting and now I have one more book left in my loans for Libby and that's gonna be a crown of wishes by roshni Chuck she I'm really excited about this because I really enjoyed star touched Queen when I read it last year and I just never got around to the second one so I'm gonna listen to that while I do my bullet journal video so I wanted to check in before that just to kind of let you guys know what's going on but I'm really glad that I have this to focus on that can't just like sit down and let myself grieve that instead I can be like oh I have to clean my house oh let me rearrange my my book room and it's just nice to be able to concentrate on something like it's nice to know that I don't have to because I know that you guys would totally understand whatever but it's nice that I do have it there that I have like this kind of distraction like this very fun thing to do I love bullet journaling so I'm gonna let you go I'm gonna do my bullet journal I'm gonna try and fit in as much as I can of one more book but I did finish two during this 24 hour read-a-thon so I'm pretty impressed with myself it's Sunday I've been listening to crown of wishes since last night actually last night before I went about I finished crown of wishes but the audiobook and I'm assuming the book too I don't know where it is in my shelf right now or else I would have pulled it down by now it has a novella from point of view of the characters in Star Trek Queen because I've actually pretty surprised kind of wishes actually follows different characters and star touch Queens and we do get to see them kind of at the end like the characters and start touch between but I just thought it was all about them I still really enjoyed it I think that what I'm gonna end up doing is giving it a 4 star because I mean the ending was good it just wasn't incredible but I feel like I just wanted more action or something but that's just a personal preference overall I just really loved Rushdie Chuck she's writing she does a fantastic job kinda give you an update I find I did it last night and I used so many memory cards so it's gonna be so much fun to get down on the for the basically read-a-thon I'm kind of doing a wrap up for that right now and then if I finish anything else besides up and we'll talk about it but for Brits basically 24 hour read-a-thon I didn't do that good but to be fair I just had a lot more other stuff going on if they didn't dedicate myself to reading as much as I would have liked to but I still finished two books which is pretty dang good I finished champion by Marie Lu which I gave four stars and then I finished Hazel wood by Melissa Albert which I also while I gave 4.25 stars I'm really glad I picked up Hazelwood I loved it so much more than I thought would I'd heard so many mixed reviews about it right after it first came out and I was nervous but I wasn't going to enjoy it because of that but I really enjoyed it I didn't like the ending that's why it got knocked down I really loved the fairy tale aspect I think that it was so interesting to see where our character was going with everything because you just don't really see it coming like everything is such a big mystery throughout the book so when everything starts to get revealed towards the end it's just very satisfying and I loved the fairy tales I'm kind of hoping that one day Melissa Albert will actually just come out with tales from the hinterland which is what the Hazelwood is kind of based off of and then I started kind of wishes I got about like two hours into it before 12 o'clock hits in the middle of the night obviously and I was enjoying it so that's that's that I'm not dedicating myself to reading I just kind of want to finish the novella for kind of wishes there's so many videos that I have right now already filmed that I just need to edit and get uploaded I think next week I'm really gonna focus on uploading as many videos as possible and that's sort of it for this little update I'm gonna do some editing and we'll talk more later I'm sorry I can't stop staring at my bullet journal I'm really really happy with how it came out basically after this I am going to be going to my mom's house for dinner and then to my dad's house just to see my dog Bubba is an apparently very sad after my other dog got put down yesterday it's like obviously he wasn't there with us but he definitely knows dogs know you know and he's just buried down and depressed and he misses his friends so I told my dad that for the next few days I'm definitely gonna be coming over and checking on him playing with him I'm really sadness I'm doing a lot better today though in general I feel a lot better I feel more myself I feel like reset almost after what happened it really helps to actually do my bullet journal video last night it was so just relaxing to be able to doodle and use all my new art supplies but I bought yesterday these micron artist pens that's what they're I think basically called and previously I'd had these favorite Castle ones and these ones never worked really well for me they worked well enough but it was one of those situations where if you don't hold it perfectly down like straight on the nib then it's not doing the drawing and that was always really frustrating to me they don't smudge though so that's good but these work so well so so well I mean we'll see as it goes I don't know I after do my bullet journal last night I realized that I really want to get back into just drawing and I think the bullet journal is the perfect place for me to kind of do that and explore without having to set myself down too drying everyday I'm gonna check out because obviously I still need to edit come back so not like my normal blogs I think I'm actually going to close this one out here on Sunday I know insane that's mostly because I did just actually a finish death a night which is the novella in crown of bushes I actually went and found my coffee and it's not in this one so yeah it's kind of cool that the audiobook had that extra little bit in there because otherwise I wouldn't have read it and I really enjoyed it I give it 5 stars let's go over the books that I finished this week I already talked about tambon which are championed by Marie Lu and upside down isn't it and hazelwood by melissa albert this is the exclusive I'll create Edition I do believe I actually had a pretty good reading week I already kind of told you but I gave this one 4 stars and I give this one 4.25 stars I really enjoyed both of them actually for both of them it was mostly the ending that lowered the rating because I felt very attached to the characters I felt very attached to the story which is pretty surprising for champion since I know I wasn't feeling that with prodigy I'm pretty glad that I went straight into it I did really enjoy it I just like where the story went I really like how June and day reacted to things that happened and I like the action in this one I think there was a lot more action kind of similar to how legend was rather than prodigy because I think prodigy was a lot more not sitting around and waiting but I guess planning and then he the would again I loved loved loved the hinterlands stories I hope that Melissa Albert eventually just makes a whole book of tales from the hinge Allah I think that it would be so fascinating it's just fairytales that are dark and creepy and don't play by the rules of how fairytales should be and I've always been a huge fan of fairy tales so reading this one was especially fun for me crown of wishes by roshni chachi I gave this four stars again I really enjoyed it I love how roshni talk she writes I think she just has a very beautiful lyrical way and I love learning the mythology this Eastern mythology I've recently found that I love learning about Eastern cultures and Eastern pathologies and Eastern theologies and things like that because obviously we've been very exposed to Western ones in the West and they're so popular now but it's so much more interesting to see a story that obviously has been told so many times but that I know nothing about and I love that so I'm really glad that I finally went ahead and read the second book in this man I read death and Night which is the novella it's like over 100 pages that follow death and Knights story which are characters that we get to know in the star touched Queen and I really loved hearing their kind of how they met men to see how it started and how these gifts were given to the person and it was just very sweet and I liked it I actually gave it five stars it might be a little under a five star but really it was just so beautiful to watch them come together and I loved how fiery they both were and how stubborn and how they didn't really want to love each other but you know things happen and it was very magical and I like how short it was I feel like we've got just enough information of everything siren yeah three and a half books if you want to count up the novella as a half but it's really four really happy with how this week turned out obviously it was a rollercoaster of a week it's been not the best I'm actually kind of nervous to go back into my footage and edit it and kind of really compared to yesterday and I'm nervous to see like the emotions that are gonna be stirred up I hope that enjoyed this video I hope that it wasn't too sad thank you again to everyone that gave me well wishes and that gave me so much love and so much support for my dog's death yesterday it was hard so yeah thank you guys so much for watching this video and I will see you in next week's hopefully everything's a little bit more a little less chaotic really I'm glad I'm ending it right here because I actually don't have another audio book in my Libya account and I don't feel like physically picking up anything right now so this is really all I'm gonna have read for the week I love you guys so so much thank you so much for watching thank you for being amazing and I will see you in my next one goodbye [Music] what beautiful creature
Channel: Brittany the Bibliophile
Views: 18,617
Rating: 4.9733109 out of 5
Keywords: audiobook, audible, scribd, libby, library, free books, unplugged, unboxing, book box, 24 hour, readathon, reading, vlog, basically readathon, bullet journal, BuJo, reads, read, reader, book, books, fantasy, young adult, ya, contemporary, dystopian, brittany the bibliophile, bibliophile, bookworm, bookish, nerd, dork, fun, funny, best, popular, booktube, pretty, booktuber
Id: 84d0LKEI7Bg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 21sec (2001 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 10 2019
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