24 Hour Readathon! | Tea Parties, Room Tours, Watching Buffy & Reading All Night!

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hi my name is Lexi and welcome back to my channel today I will be attempting my very first 24 hour readathon so you might notice that we are in a different place that's because we are in my bedroom I thought that this would be like the coziest and most comfortable place for me to attempt to pull an all-nighter but I don't know like I might have to move if my bed gets too tempting to sleep in it's about to turn midnight so I thought that I would really quickly go over my TBR and then trying to show you like where I'm going to be doing the 24 hour thon so like I'll give you a mini tour of my room and then we can go get coffee and start with our very first book or with my very first book sorry I know you're not actually here but you know alright so let me go ahead and break down what I'm planning on reading so I've got two graphic novels here at the first is Tootsie dragon Society and this is by Katy O'Neil this was actually a gift from one of my best friends Jade it's just about these magical people who have pet baby dragons and tea leaves grow off of their pet baby dragons it sounds really cute and I've heard amazing things about it so I can't wait the next one that I want to attempt to read is Night Lights and this is Wyatt Lorena Alvarez this is about a little girl who every single night lights appear in her room and she plays with them and catches them and then in the morning she can bring them back to life through drawings next I've got quite a few middle grade because they're the shortest I'm hoping that I can get through a couple of these so the first one I have here is the mystery of black hollow Lane and this is by Julia Nobel I picked this up on a whim because the premise sounds amazing and the cover is to die for this is about a girl whose father disappears and she shipped off to this mysterious boarding school and she has reason to suspect that her father also went to the same exact boarding school once she's there she begins to find clues that show that there is a secret society at the sporting school as well next we've got the lighthouse between the worlds and this is by Melanie Crowder this is about a little boy who lives kind of on a lighthouse with his father one day his father is sucked in to the lighthouse the little boy learns that there is actually a lighthouse Guild's that his father is a part of and that the lighthouse is a lighthouse essentially between worlds so it has the ability to go in and out of worlds almost like a portal and he has to go and try to find his father and bring him back the last middle grade here that I'm hoping to get to is snow and rose this is by Emily Winfield Martin I am mostly excited about this because of the aesthetics I'm just gonna be honest I think that this book is beautiful the illustrations in it alone are just they are pure magic so this is pretty straightforward it's just a retelling of snow-white and rose-red the fairy tale and I'm really excited not a lot of people talk about rose red and finally I've got two adults now the first one that I have I am so excited about although I don't know how much I'm actually going to get through cuz it is a little bit bigger and that is God's grave by Jay Kristoff I read never night and I fell in love with never night I've been wanting to read this book for quite a long time but I just haven't had time to really pick it up this is just the continuation of never night though if you're unfamiliar it's about a girl named Mia and she goes to a school of assassins where she tries to learn to be the best of the best out of all the assassins and then the last book is actually my first priority so I think this is what I'm going to start with and it is an absent dream by Sean Maguire I am so excited this is the fourth book in the wayward children series which is like my favorite series this series is about children who go off to other worlds and then they come back and when they come back they are devastated because they want to go back to their nuria or wonderland or neverland whatever and so they end up going to this school and the school helps them learn to adjust to reality again this is about the principal specifically and her journey it takes place in the goblin market and then I've decided that I think I'm gonna kind of like bounce around between books so I do have some bookmarks let me show you so I ordered these off of an Etsy shop actually and I think they are the cutest things in the entire world and there are these like little animal bookmarks how cute are they so you've got a rabbit a fox a dog a bear and like this little mouse and then they all have cute little tassels I just think it's like the cutest thing in the world so I'm gonna use these like if I go back and forth between a couple of different books okay and that is my TBR so I'll go ahead and quickly show you like the set up where I'm reading and everything and then we will get ourselves a cup of coffee and start the read-a-thon okay well welcome to my bedroom [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Oh [Applause] [Music] okay you guys so for the first book I think I'm going to read in an absent during my Sean Maguire I am so excited to read this I'm hoping that it doesn't take me too too long and that the story is just like very fast paced but all the stories have been super fast paced so I am excited I have got my coffee and I'm hoping that awakes me up because I didn't think that I'd be this tired normally I stay awake until like 1:00 or 2:00 a.m. anyways and yet here I am at like 12:20 and ready to call it quits I would never last in The Hunger Games maybe I would but not like this non sleeping games so now that not the Hunger Games but the slumber games okay so let's start and see how I do with this read-a-thon also I have an ASMR room going just so that it like sets the atmosphere even more when I like is by the Guild's of ambience because they have like the coolest rooms and this one is literally like a thunderstorm but it also has like a fire crackling I literally listen to this any time I write or I like have to study something or when I'm stressed out and I want to read so I'm excited [Music] [Music] [Music] yes a little bit of an update so right now it is 222 and I'm honestly not tired like the cup of coffee really really helped me but I do want to get into like actual proper pajamas I don't know how late I'm gonna stay out I'd like to say that I'm not sleeping tonight but I might cave in an hour or 30 minutes I don't know I'm basically just doing this until I don't want to do this anymore and then I'll wake up early and like continue but I have two masks that I'm going to do tonight the first one is one that's like my holy grail mask and that's the blue tanzy mask and this is by herbivore it's a resurfacing clarity mask and it genuinely just like clears out all of your pores and it definitely stings a little bit and then the last mask that I'm going to use is from glam glow and this is like their mud purifying mask and again this one kind of stings a little bit is for 14 I'm pretty close to finishing this actually I feel like as invested as I am in this story I'm not like getting as much because my brain is over it this story by the way I'm just gonna say it I think it's my favorite out of all of them but yeah I'm gonna go to sleep and I will talk to you in the morning bye so it is 1044 according to my cellular device I ended up waking up around 8:30 so since I fell asleep around 4:45 ish I got I mean I'm just calling it for hours I basically got four hours of sleep am I tired yes so I wanted to get up a little bit early and like read the rest of this which I did I read this from like 8:00 until 10:00 so basically what I'm going to do now is go to Starbucks I might pick up something to eat for breakfast and a coffee and then come back here and just keep reading okay so I just got back from Starbucks I got a latte and I they're egg whites bites which don't really like look as appetizing as ice where they are I don't only want to get like food in my book or anything like that so I think what I'm going to do is actually try watching one episode of Buffy because I haven't watched Buffy yet once and I'm trying really hard to participate in these slaves on so yeah I think it's time to watch my very first episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer yay let's do it [Music] [Applause] [Music] the aftermath of me being scared now I have to wash my bedspread I'll do that later I guess yeah time to go clean everything up it's funny because it's not even scary so I've decided to just place down paper towels and try to soak out most of it and put books on top and I've moved the party over to my smaller tray [Music] okay so I just saw my very first episode of Buffy have a lot of thoughts so first of all I loved it so much it reminds me a lot of charmed actually and the sense of humor like throughout the entire thing was just so good I really liked it a lot I wasn't expecting some of the jump scares actually Kat was the one who told me that some of it had like a bunch of jump scares and just to like prepare myself but even with her warning I spilled my coffee everywhere which you saw aside from that I will say just like 10 out of 10 the first episode is so good and I want to keep watching them however it's almost 1:00 and I really really really wanted to try to read a lot today so I think I'm gonna force myself to not watch any more today so now I think I'm going to continue on with the read-a-thon just because I want to get like another book under my belt really quick I think I am going to now read the Tea Dragons Society so let's go ahead and read it now okay so basically while reading this like book all about Tootie and Dragons I just decided that I really wanted to make myself like a cup of tea so let's go downstairs and make ourselves like a cup of tea but also just wanted to show you my super casual outfit of the day so we've got a baggy sweater we've got a baggy shirt we've got leggings but also look at my socks can you can we can we zoom in on this I'm my own cameraman so the answers yes look at wow I'm flexible there are library socks they say like when a book is due my sister-in-law and my brother got them for me when I got my first librarian job and I'm gonna be real I'm obsessed okay let's go make tea [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hello I am in my pajamas once again so it is about 10:10 it might actually just be 9:30 I don't know and I'm not even gonna bother checking I am still kind of working a little bit on my coffee so the goal is to finish this book by tonight and definitely finish the graphic novel the other graphic novel night lights I'd really like to just read half of the lighthouse guild because I don't think that I can do a lot in the next like three hours but I think that hopefully I can like power through some stuff so we'll see I will update you and we'll find out exactly what I can read today hi everyone it's the next day and I thought that I would just go ahead and do a super quick summary of all the books that I got to and didn't get to so the first two books that unfortunately I did not have time to get to are the mystery of black Halle Lane and gods grave by Jay Kristoff these are definitely on my top priority list for April and I'm just gonna be moving them right on over there I don't think I have enough time to read them in the month of March but if I do I'll be getting to these because I really really still want to read them next onto the book that I did not finish but I got halfway through and that is the lighthouse between worlds by Melanie Crowder I was not expecting the twist that she put on this promise I thought that this was going to have more of a fantastical element but Melanie Crowder actually has made this more into a sci-fi she's added a lot of science behind the magic in this book which i think is really interesting and would totally remind a lot of readers of a wrinkle in time I'm only halfway through but honestly it's so fast-paced and so interesting that I think I'm just gonna finish this by the end of this next week so I can't wait because it's honestly so so so good on to the next two books so the first one that I ended up reading and loving was in an absent dream and this by shauna McGuire I loved this book I love this book I told myself that I wouldn't give any ratings during this wrap up because I wanted to have something to talk about for my actual end of the month wrap up but you know what this was a 5 out of 5 stars and it just needs to be said again and again and again if you have not picked in this series I highly recommend it you don't need to read them in chronological order honestly you could just start with this one it was perfect it was my favorite one so far aside from the first book in the series which is every heart a doorway this is also my favorite world so far which is very surprising because I loved down among the sticks and bones but I've just always had this weird fascination with the goblin market ever since I read the poem when I was very young so it was so wonderful to see Shaun McGuire's interpretation of that also side note this is not actually about the principal like I thought this is about a character named Lundy and I don't remember her from the first book which I mean I feel like such a fake fan so I have to go back and try to find out who Lundy is in the first book every hearted doorway because I loved her in this book and in this world next I read snow and rose and I thought that this was perfect this book was so charming and so whimsical I feel like Emily did such a wonderful job my favorite part of the entire book are Emily's illustrations I thought that they were timeless and so perfect I don't know I don't know it was perfect the entire time I was reading this I just felt like she had transported me into this magical little enchanted forest and I never wanted to leave I was the girl who was like obsessed with fairytales growing up I loved them I used to read the really dark original fairy tales by the Brothers Grimm and then the super charming beautiful ones by Hans Christian Andersen every single night before I went to sleep and I know them very very well so going into this world I already knew who rose red was and I already knew like a couple different versions of Snow White and I loved Emily's interpretation I loved how she kind of brought it to a new audience I definitely read like a classic fairy tale just in a slightly new twist and I'm really really loved it this is perfect for readers who love fairy tales and who love slower paced books so not that the pacing was off it's just supposed to be a little bit more slow it's one of those books that you just want to curl up by a fire with a quilt and a cup of tea and take your time I think this would be the perfect like bedtime story like a chapter at night too if you were a parent reading it to your child because every single chapter feels like its own little mini fairy tale and there are all these amazing and intricate little unique details again like I don't want to give too much away for this so if you want like my rating and more details about the plot and stuff tune in to my wrap-up also watch me not post a wrap-up now because that would be very unbranded and then finally I have to graphic novels to share with you the first one is Night Lights and this is by Lorena Alvarez I thought that her art style was so breathtaking and I feel like if you buy graphic novels mostly for their art style you're gonna want to pick this up personally I felt like it was a little bit rushed I wish that she had taken her time with a couple different things and developed the conflict in it like the main conflict a little bit more but that's actually a compliment because that shows that I was so invested in the story that I wanted her to make it longer like I didn't want to leave the world I'll have more thoughts about it once I've like processed everything a little bit more but I did really like reading this and then the last one that I read was the Tea Dragon Society and this is by Katie O'Neill and I had so much fun reading this book I don't know it was perfect it was really perfect if you haven't picked this up I highly recommend it I don't know anybody who has rated this lower than like a 5 star I just loved it so much I loved the character development I loved the cute little relationship dynamic in it I thought it was charming and whimsical and beautiful and perfect and the whole thing just felt like it was so full of magic and Wonder and hope and love all of the good things there's nothing bad about this book I just thought it was so so cute and such a quiet happy relaxing read so you guys that is it for my wrap-up I had most fun ever during this 24 hour readathon I was actually shocked at how much I enjoyed it it just made it feel like I was being more productive that I wasn't leaving the house although to be honest I never leave the house so it basically was just like a regular weekend for me thank you all so much for watching and as always I hope you have a wonderful day and until next time please keep your head in the south in your heart in a book and I will talk to you later bye [Music] yeah [Music]
Channel: Alexandra Roselyn
Views: 5,667
Rating: 4.9591837 out of 5
Keywords: #slayalong, #readathon, #24 hour Readathon
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 35sec (1415 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 22 2019
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