Heaven, Education, and Eternal Learning | Sabbath School Panel by 3ABN - Lesson 13 Q4 2020

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hello friends we have arrived to our very last study of this quarter lesson number 13 on our study in education we're looking at christian education and it's been an exciting study indeed this week we're going to be studying heaven education and eternal learning you may not have a copy of this lesson at this point you can simply go online to absg.adventist.org and of course we always want to encourage you if you can find a local seventh seventh-day adventist church i'm sure they would love for you to continue this study with them until then we want you to get your no notepads your pens your pencils anything that you can write with and get ready to take some exciting notes and learn more about jesus in this very very epic bible study [Music] adventure [Music] hello and welcome to 3abn sabbath school panel we are so thankful that you are joining us again for this week number 13. we've been going through our studies on education and it's been such a blessing and we thank you for joining us again each and every week for your love your prayers and support of three abn ministry and fourth arabian sabbath school panel where we love to study god's word again we're on lesson number 13 it's entitled heaven education and eternal learning and i guess i will introduce our family our panel family our family panel however we say that michelle quinn it's a blessing to have you oh it's always a blessing to be here thank you praise the lord and we have pastor john loma king it's always good to have you brother and mine is called then shall we know in a few moments you'll know what we know and of course it's always a blessing to have miss yvonne shelton it's a blessing to have you it's a wonderful blessing for me to be here thank you praise the lord praise the lord and of course miss jill moriconi how are you i'm doing well excited to open up god's word and to learn from each one of you amen amen amen you know every time we get to these lesson number 13 it's almost like i don't know i thought the energy just picks up because it's kind of like a movie you watch a good movie or you hear a good story and you're just waiting for that that powerful you know grand finale ending and i i believe that this is going to be it because just the topic heaven i mean when you're talking about heaven that's right i mean i get excited about that because you know this world is not our home my friends and i want to be the first to tell you we're we're striving towards heaven and we've been educated through this entire study on christian education and i want to get right into our memory text in just a moment but first we're going to have a prayer and miss yvonne would you have a prayer for us i would be happy to father god we just praise your name we just thank you so much for the privilege of being able to do these programs and to study your word and we pray for your presence we pray for the anointing of your holy spirit and we thank you again lord that you are with us in jesus name amen amen praise the lord thank you our memory text is one of my favorites in fact i quote this often because it helps me to be reminded that even though we try to picture or imagine what heaven's going to be like god is there to remind us look you can imagine all day long but you have no clue i have no clue you can't even begin to create in your mind what i have prepared for you first corinthians chapter 2 verse 9 and this is what the bible says eyes has not seen nor ear heard nor have entered into the heart of man the things which god has prepared for those who love him amen and kind of sabbath afternoon into sunday's lesson is dealing with a topic that some people don't like to talk about seems to be kind of an uncomfortable subject and that is the topic of death because ultimately people don't want to face the reality that unless jesus comes back again each and every one of us will see death and people have questions about death they they wonder they speculate as to is that the end and some people believe that once you die that's it there's nothing else beyond the grave or there's nothing else beyond or after the point of death and that's essentially what the point of our lesson is all about sunday's lesson which i think can some sum up sabbath afternoon and sunday is entitled the fate of the dead and we're going to be reading some texts and i have a lot of them here in fact i don't even know if i'm going to get through all of these but we're going to do our best to the bible has such an abundance of messages and passages and scriptures on not only what happens to us when we die at the point of death in other words the state of the dead but the beautiful promise and i like to i just like to call it that the beautiful promise because some people when they think of debt they think of you know oh that's the end that's it but yet the bible you know paul says to die is to gain you know and a lot of people don't know this they don't they're not aware that god has promised us that beyond the grave he has something prepared for us so the fate of the dead sunday's lesson i want to start in a passage that many people probably wouldn't start but i think it's a great starting point i want us to go to second corinthians chapter five let's go to second corinthians chapter five and i want to read a passage that's actually often misunderstood based on one verse from this passage but i think there's also a beautiful powerful message that comes from this particular starting point today so second corinthians chapter five and i'm gonna begin right there in verse 1. the bible says for we know that if our earthly house this tent and i just want to pause there and be clear about what we're talking about when when paul's talking about the earthly house this tent he's referring to our bodies he's referring to this carnal body this earthly house this carnal earthly beaten and battered body that we have as we're traveling through this life on the road to our next life he says this tent is destroyed we have a building god a house not made with hands eternal in the heavens so paul often refers to our bodies as the temple of the holy spirit another word for temple would be tabernacle and so our bodies is the tabernacle or the temple of the holy spirit and he's simply opening up in this first verse saying you know what we groan in this body we desire what what god has prepared for us in the heavens and you know what one day he's going to change this tent this vile tent into an earthly heavenly tent uh and then verse two goes on to say for if if we're in this we groan earnestly desiring to be clothed with our habitation which is from heaven if indeed having been clothed we shall not be found naked again he's just reaffirming the fact that we desire to be away and out of this earthly battered body and to have that new heavenly body that god is going to create for us notice number four for who for we who are in this tent grown being burdened not because we want to be unclothed but further clothed that mortality might be swallowed up of life so this is verse 4 that we just read and i think this is the key to understanding probably one of the most misunderstood texts which is actually verse eight okay let's read through and when we get to verse eight you're gonna see what that is verse five let's continue on it says now he who has prepared us for this very thing is god who also has given us the spirit as a guarantee so we are always confident knowing that while we are at home in the body we are absent from the lord for we walk by faith not by sight he's saying while we have this carnal body we can't be in god's presence so we're going to need an upgraded body when do we get that well verse 8 some people twist it it says we are confident yes well pleased rather and king james version says willing rather to be absent from the body and to be present with the lord i want to insert that and to be present with the lord because many people read verse 8 and they automatically assume that god is saying that immediately when we die at the point of death as soon as we take that last breath some ghostly apparition of some kind that's in our body is somehow liberated or separated from the body and immediately finds itself in the presence of the lord and we know that the bible doesn't teach that but i believe verse four is is the key to understanding what paul is saying here in verse eight let's look back at verse four he says for we who are in this tent grown being burdened not because we want to be unclothed but further clothed and here's the last part notice that mortality might be swallowed up of life the question is when did paul believe that this mortality might be swallowed up of life let's go to first corinthians chapter 15. first corinthians chapter 15 and this is where we ask the question what is the fate of the dead what what do we have to look forward to we're going to answer those questions in this particular lesson with the time we have left first corinthians chapter 15 what did paul believe in reference to when that mortality is swallowed up of life in other words when this body this earthly body is shed we get our new bodies and we are now present with the lord when does that happen at the point of death notice what paul says in first corinthians 15 beginning with verse 51 he says behold i tell you a mystery we shall not all sleep but we shall all be what we shall of course he's that when he says we shall not all sleep he's referring to death there we shall not all die because are there going to be people alive and well when jesus comes back right that's right but he says whether regardless of whether you're asleep in the grave or you are alive at jesus second coming we shall all be changed when in a moment in the twinkling of an eye as soon as you die no no what does the text say it says at the last trumpet that's at the end of this world or or in this in the case of at the second coming of jesus when he comes back it says for the trumpet will sound and the dead will be raised incorruptible is there hope for those who have died in jesus name it says the dead will be raised incorruptible and we shall be changed for this corruptable must put on incorruption and here it is and this mortal must put on immortality so when this corruption is put on incorruption excuse me so when this corruptable has put on incorruption and this mortal has put on immortality then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written death is swallowed up at victory in fact he goes on to say oh death where is your sting right yeah oh grave where is your victory there is hope my friends beyond that if you know jesus christ this promise is for those who know jesus and you say but ryan what about if you don't know jesus john chapter 5 verse 28 and 29 jesus makes it very clear he says do not marvel at this for the hour is coming notice hasn't yet but it is coming and which all who are in the graves will hear his voice that's right and then he describes these two groups he says and they will come forth those who have done good to the resurrection of life that's at the second coming of jesus that's it that when the trumpet of god sounds what we just read in first corinthians 15 but then there's a second group and those who have done evil to the resurrection of condemnation so there will be two resurrections but my friends i'm here to give you hope today okay g the reason why jesus hasn't come back yet several reasons but one of the reasons is he's giving us time he's merciful for us he wants us to be ready he wants you to be ready and right now you have hope whether you die now before jesus comes soon in the near future or if you're there alive to see jesus there is hope beyond this life and the next i want to look at first thessalonians chapter 4. the reason i want to go here is because the people of the people at the church of thessalonica actually posed this question to paul they were worried because paul had talked a lot if you go read the books of first and second thessalonians i mean the common theme that keeps popping back up is paul's talking about the second coming the second coming the second coming when jesus is going to come back and get his people but here's the thing they posed the question to paul they're saying hey what about the loved ones that have died that believed in jesus but you know what they've expired they're in the grave they're buried what about those people and paul says hey you know what let me clarify notice we're going to start in verse 13 and first thessalonians 4. it says but i do not want you to be ignorant brethren concerning those who have fallen asleep how does paul describe death not once but twice already asleep right so death is asleep okay he says lest you sorrow as others who have no hope in other words those people who don't believe in jesus and his resurrection power they have no hope he goes on in verse 14 for if we believe that jesus died and rose again even so god will bring with him don't miss this my friends even so god will bring with him those who sleep in jesus now many people look at this text and they say well that's right my loved ones are in heaven and he's coming back to get those on earth and he's bringing them with them from heaven that's not what paul is saying here in this verse he's saying that when he comes back to get those whom he's going to resurrect and whom he's going to redeem from the earth he's going to wake those brothers and sisters who believed in him and put their trust in him he's going to wake him up out of the grave and they will come with him and the others to heaven that's what he's saying here and of course he goes on in verse 15 4 this we say to you by the word of the lord that we who are alive and remain unto the coming of the lord will by no means precede those who are asleep did you get that yeah we won't proceed everybody's going to get to go go to heaven together and they confirmed this and i love verses 16 and 17 and 18. you got to throw 18 in there it says for the lord himself will descend from heaven with a shout with the voice of the archangel and with the trump of god and the dead in christ will rise first then we who are alive and remain i love this shall be caught up together does that say before them no it says with them at the same time my mama who is sleeping in jesus she's not going to get to go to heaven before me we get to go to go together we get to put our feet on heaven's shore at the exact same time i'm excited about that then we which are alive and remain are caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the lord in the air and thus shall we always be with the lord and i love these last words therefore comfort one another with these words my friends comfort one another to know that if you know jesus christ and you have sealed up your faith in him then jesus whether you die now or you get to see him alive he will come and get you again because he has a place prepared for you in heaven amen and amen and i'll tell you we are tracking i have monday a new existence and it begins with revelation 21 verse 4. it says god shall wipe away all tears from their eyes and there shall be no more death neither sorrow nor crying neither shall there be any more pain for the former things that passed away i'm sorry i can't just jump into this without doing a chronological review of how we arrive at this point in second peter 3 10 it says the day of the lord will come as a thief in the night in which the heavens will pass away with a great noise and the elements will melt with fervent heat both the earth and the works that are in it will be burned up the day of the lord is an eschatological term for the second coming of jesus christ the righteous gonna burst forth in the first resurrection is john jesus said in john 5 29 and they're going to hear that trumpet they're going to come up and put on immortality and i have to go back to second corinthians 5 4 where you were talking about when it says we were in this tent grown that's one condition we've got a tent on but watch this not because we want to be unclothed that's the second condition when we're in the grave we're unclothed but because we want to be further clothed with more ta immortality so what's going to happen this immortality gets our mortality gets swallowed up by immortality and revelation 26 is telling us blessed and holy is he who has part in that first resurrection because over such the second death has no power that's right that means you know jesus said either we're going to be gifted with eternal life or we're going to perish so those who are being raised up in that first resurrection they're going to be priests of god in christ and revelation 26 says we shall reign with him for a thousand years so he comes down with the trumpet the dead rise and those who are a living righteous we rise up so where are we going to spend that thousand years we're going back to heaven with right him now there is a second phase of his judgment the executive judgment we know that the living or destroyed by the brightness i mean the living evil are destroyed by the brightness of his coming but after that thousand years when we're up there guess what all the wicked are going to be called up for a second resurrection jesus described that in john 5 29 the resurrection of condemnation that's right there's going to be a great white throne judgment satan and the beast and all sinners will be cast into the lake of fire it is a climactic conclusion when you think about this when god first destroyed the earth what did he do he covered the earth with water there was a flood it was the the earth was a lake of water but in the second go-round when he's going to destroy everything and make everything new he is going to cover the earth with fire the earth will be the lake of fire everything will be disintegrated all the physical for earth that we know in its present form you know what isaiah calls this god's strange act the bible says that god wants all men to be saved he doesn't want anyone to die but when he purges sin to purge the consequences of sin he has to purge sin and those who have clung on to sin those sinners will be purged as well but everyone who refuses to repent is going to be cast into this lake of fire but listen what happens malachi 4 1 says behold the day is coming burning like an oven all the proud all who do wickedly will be stubble the day which is coming shall burn them up says the lord of hosts it will leave them neither root nor branch now you think about this roots are usually protected underground aren't they even in a fire a fire can destroy a vineyard and then if the roots aren't just aren't destroyed under the ground that will come back but the destruction of the roots is a vivid picture of the total obliteration of the evil people there's a total destruction of the wicked he goes on in malachi 4 verse 3 says you shall trample the wicked for they shall be ashes under the soles of your feet on the day that i do this says the lord of hosts so the destruction of the wicked is inescapable they're not going to have everlasting life only those who come up in the first resurrection that's right who hear that trumpet are going to come up and as paul said in first corinthians 15 54 be clothed with immortality and let me say this i had someone the other day asked me well do seventh-day adventists believe in predestination and eternal hell and i said can you imagine for one minute if someone believed that god predestined who's going to be saved and who's going to be lost but then he says to those that were going to be lost oh you're predestined to burn unceasingly to be in torment forever he would be worse than hitler pol pot mussolini any other time i mean how could a god of love and i want to ask you this question if you believe that if you believe which i think a deep bible study will show you hell is over they're going to be burned up but let me ask you this question do you believe that jesus christ paid the full penalty for our sins well if you think that we have to burn unceasingly then he didn't do you see what i'm saying he paid the full price so that is a powerful thought now now we get to that point revelation 21 it says now after all of this has happened i saw a new heaven and a new earth for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away and there was no more seat and i john saw the holy city new jerusalem and and that's new jerusalem is the capital city of heaven and he says it's coming down out of heaven from god prepared as a bride adorned for her husband genesis opens with eden lost they're kicked out of eden revelation closes with eden restored the shining city comes down with all the saints in that are clothed with the righteousness of christ it descends from heaven and the city and its occupants are described as a bride adorned for her husband listen verse 3 revelation 21 3 and i heard a loud voice from heaven saying behold the tabernacle of god is with men you know what that's what god's wanted all along his covenant has been i will be their god they will be my people i will dwell with them and he's and it says he will dwell with them they shall be his people god himself will be with him and be their god and at this point god's with his i mean his eternal purpose is to be be with his creative beings god will verse 4 god will wipe away every tear from their eyes there shall be no more death no more sorrow nor crying there shall be no more pain for the former things have passed away since dreadful consequences have been completely abolished no more death those in the first resurrection put on immortality there is nothing in the new earth that is going to be sad or disappointing or deficient nothing's going to be wrong in the new earth and then revelation 21 verse 5 says then he who sat on the throne said behold i make all things new and he said write for these words are true and faithful and then jesus says to him it is done i am the alpha and the omega the beginning in the end i will give the fountain of the water of life freely to him who thirst one more thought eternal life you're not going to be floating around on a cloud up there jesus said in john 14 2 that he's gone to prepare a place for us we're going to have a condo in that's our city home but isaiah 65 17 tells us we're going to have a country home too that's right he says for behold i create new heavens and a new earth and the former shall not be remembered or come to mind and then isaiah 65 21 says they shall build houses inhabit them they shall plant vineyards and eat their fruit hallelujah haul the fire department in here get us all excited and run around this table praise the lord you can already see we're excited about this topic we know you got to be too we're going to take a short break we'll be right back [Music] ever wish you could watch a arabian sabbah school panel again or share it on facebook instagram or twitter well you can by visiting 3abnsabbascoolpanel.com a clean design makes it easy to find the program you're looking for there are also links to the adult bible study guide so you can follow along sharing is easy just click share and choose your favorite social media share a link save a life for eternity hello and welcome back to 3abn sabbath school panel we're we're still on fire we're going to pass it over to john loma kane pastor john loma king and he's going to keep the fire going then shall we no i want to begin with first corinthians 13 verse 12. you know right now there are lots of things we don't know and we don't understand and the apostle paul opens the door to us and says for now i love those words for now we see in a mirror dimly king james says through a glass dimly but then those two words are an entire sermon for now but then that's an entire sermon but then face to face now i know in part but then i shall know just as i also am known friends come with me to the closing scenes and the drama of the ages listen as the gathering crowd as they take their rightful place on the sea of glass what a day that's going to be we've just been told about it but god has been planning for this event for 6 000 years that's right you talk about an event planner yeah he says i need to get this thing right i'm going to get some mansions together and i'll tell you what when it's all settled and done i'm going to come back and bring you home the conductor of the universe is about to raise the curtains on the victory of the ages amen and i know you want to be there and i want to be there because paul says for now yes we see dimly but then face to face i will know even as i also am known in the book education ellen white gives us a glimpse she says heaven is a school it's a field of study the universe its teacher the infinite one a branch of this school was established in eden and the plan of redemption accomplished education will again be taken up in the eden school so what what's what what was preempted and eden on earth will continue continuing heaven what we did not understand because sin interrupted the process we will begin to understand in the kingdom made new and you know when the bible talks about this uh behold i see a new heaven and a new earth you had my text so i have to take some other ones i saw a new heaven and a new earth for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away i love those passages though because through the ages paul talks about it this way notice what he says in colossians 1 verse 26 and 27 because those things that were a mystery when you become a child of god he starts raising the curtains slowly right he starts giving you a glimpse you know one of the reasons why children like christmas is because parents often say now write out write down a list of what you want and when they write down that list all of a sudden they can't wait for christmas to come well the bible is a list that's right of what we can look forward to notice how the apostle paul says in verse 26 of colossians chapter 1 the mystery which has been hidden from ages and from generations but now has been revealed to his saints the lord is raising the curtain when you see an excited christian because the lord is raising the curtain on the no more death than no more nights that's right yes no more tears and no more heartache no more sin we are seeing that we are seeing that tree that never fades the flower that never dies he speaks of us he says to them in verse 27 god willed to make known what are the riches of the glory of this mystery among the gentiles which is christ in you the hope of glory amos says the people of god has been given an advantage he says surely the lord god does nothing except he reveals his secrets to his servants the prophets so even though we haven't seen heaven he is saying i'll tell you what it's like but they won't know until you give your life to christ you'll always be on the opposite side the wrong side of the mystery but when you give your life to christ all of a sudden the curtain begins to be raised slowly but surely the apostle paul confirms this first thessalonians chapter 5 and verse 4 he says but you brethren are not in darkness so that this day should overtake you as a thief but everything is all about time everything has a timetable connected to it first corinthians 4 verse 5 the time is going to come when the things that are not known will be known listen to the words of the apostle paul he says therefore judge nothing before the time until the lord comes who will both bring to light the hidden things of darkness and reveal the counsels of the heart then each one's praise will come from god we will know on that particular day that we have no other reason to praise other than the fact that there are two words in the bible and i love this first corinthians chapter 13 you know no temptation has overtaken you but such has come to man but god that's right look at those two words but god when you look at the bible you see but god he says whatever's on that side sin could have swallowed you up hell could have burned you up right crime could have locked you up that's right the world could have dried you up but god i'm gonna tell you god so i know where i was that's right but god that's the line between my past and my future yes but god and ellen white gives us a glimpse into this she says in great controversy 677 she says all the treasures of the universe will be open to the study of god's redeemed unfettered by m what by my my mortality they will wing their tireless flight to worlds afar can you imagine where you going ryan come on help me out where are you going where are you going the wing the wing to worlds afar tireless tirelessly she's in worlds that thrilled with sorrow at the spectacle of human woe and rang with songs of gladness at the tiding of the ransom soul there were worlds that rejoiced when one sinner came home those worlds that were sad when they saw a sin of fall but they rejoiced when that one sinner was redeemed she goes on she says with untethered delight the children of earth enter into the joy and the wisdom of unfallen beings beings that said i don't know what it's like could you tell me what it's like to be redeemed and they all gather around to say they hear the story of moses the story of the lamb the story of redemption the story of the blood of christ and how its efficacy has never been diluted by time they share the treasures of knowledge and understanding gained through ages upon ages and contemplation of god's handiwork with undimmed vision they gaze upon the glory of creation sons and stars and systems all in their appointed order circling the throne of deity upon all things from the least to the greatest the creator's name is written and all are the riches of his power displayed but this is what i love got to take a breath the great controversy has ended that's right yeah amen sin and sin is on no more glory amen the entire universe is clean that's right one pulse of harmony and gladness beats through the vast creation from him who created all flow life and light and gladness throughout the realms of illimitable space from the from the minutest adam to the greatest world all things animate and inanimate in their unshadowed beauty and perfect joy declared that god is love thank you he said what then shall we know we don't know this that's right we are reading a book whose pages have not yet been cracked to our experience that's right we are reading the desires of a lamb who says i'm not willing that any should perish we are we are reading the resume of the movie theater of eternity that god has already bought us a seat to sit in he said you haven't seen how i made the world i'm going to show you how i got it started for a thousand years we're going to review all that happened and when we're done here i'm going to give you a front row seat in the recreation process is that okay i want to be there i want to be there he says in matthew 25 then the king will say to those on his right hand you in row 1 c 2. you're in table 4 seat 5. you're in table 6 and ellen white says in that great and glorious dinner day she says we will look and the tables will seem as though they will stretch in infinitely but she says no matter where you sit you'll feel like you're in the presence of god and then the ground will begin to shatter as the first adam silhouette breaks into the dinner setting and the last atom we see the shadow of his undim glory lighting up the streets of gold as the first adam and the last adam embraces [Music] and the saints begin to say sin will be eradicated that's right brother death will be exterminated pain will be eliminated sorrow will be terminated war will be assassinated hate will be obliterated sinners will be extricated life will be celebrated satan will be annihilated and jesus will be vindicated then we shall know but for now my brethren but for now my sister be patient let patient patients have its perfect work because jesus has to get one more person at that table maybe your brother maybe your sister maybe your mother maybe your dad he's holding off because he knows that then is going to be great but how much more beautiful it will be if you give your life to christ then if you give him your life you will also know hmm amen i'm just ready to shout i'm serious it's you have to just hold yourself back because as i'm listening to each of these presentations it's so amazing to me that okay last night i had my whole presentation done and then the lord laid on my heart to come from a different direction and i had to re-do this presentation and now i see why now i see why so i have wednesday's lesson the school in the hereafter and it opens with the second corinthians 4 17-19 and it says for our light affliction which is but for a moment is working for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory while we do not look at the things which are seen but at the things which are not seen for the things which are seen are temporary but the things which are not seen are eternal and so today what i'd like to do is to contrast the christ-centered school and the hereafter with the humanistic schools of today particularly those that teach new age philosophies and these have crept into our society at an alarming rate according to britannica.com more than one out of five adults in the west give credence to astrology an equal number have practiced some form of meditation three to five million americans identified themselves as new agers or as accepting the beliefs and practices of the new age movement now we might say oh well that's fine for them but that doesn't happen with christians oh no according to the pew research center while eight out of ten christians say they believe in god as described in the bible six out of ten believe in at least one in four of these new age beliefs and practices reincarnation astrology psychics and the presence of a spiritual energy in physical objects like mountains or trees overall roughly six out of ten american adults accept at least one of these beliefs so let's kind of look at the new age movement and then let's look at the school of here the hereafter in the new age movement the new age movement has united a diverse body of believers with two ideas first it predicted that a new age of heightened spiritual consciousness and international peace would arrive and bring an end to racism poverty sickness hunger this is supposed to be due to a consciousness and secondly the individuals could obtain a foretaste of the new age through their own spiritual transformation and this is um if they're on a path of continual growth and transformation it's called the sadhana s-a-d-h-a-n-a and the new age philosophy included tools and practices such as yoga acupuncture meditation techniques astrology tarot reading crystals and mediumship to promote its agenda of personal transformation so let's contrast this now with the hereafter and i made a little acronym out of here after i love acronyms okay so so let's make the comparison a little bit more interesting so let's take the h in hereafter that is hope amen all right that's right while the new age movement emphasizes the human potential to become as god we have hope in jesus christ who is god that's right we have the hope that the things that are currently hidden to us will become clear we don't have to tap into some spiritual energy in order to become god we can never be god we are the creatures he is the creator we can never become god we can seek the divine savior for ourselves without a medium we have the hope of eternal life we have the hope that life as we know it with all of its pain and sorrow will never return the e is for eternity that's right we will have forever to learn about anything our hearts desire from science to astronomy to physics etc this will be our eternal reality learning and growing and sitting at the feet of the met the master teacher that's right jesus christ himself our is revelation that's right spiritual wisdom will be revealed over time ephesians 1 17 to 21. it's kind of it's a long passage but i'll read it it says that the glory of our lord jesus christ the father of glory may give to you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him the eyes of your understanding being enlightened you know they're always talking about enlightenment enlightenment in the in the new age movement um i lost my place that you may know what is the hope of his calling are you interested in yes go ahead thank you read it read it you may know what is the hope of this calling what are the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the saints yes and what is the exceeding thank you julie what is the exceeding greatness of this power toward us who believe according to the working of his mighty power which he worked in christ when he raised him from the dead and seated him at his right hand in the heavenly places far above all principality and power and might and dominion and every name that is named not only in this age but also in that which is to come and so this revelation that we have in christ is just that it's in christ we don't need that temporary and superficial jesus consciousness or christ consciousness that's a substitute for the real deal the real deal is trust in jesus christ and he will reveal to us what we need to know the e is for exceedingly more than we can imagine first corinthians 2 9 our memory verse says i has not seen nor ear heard neither has entered into the heart of man the things which god has prepared for those who love him notice the phrase here is that god has prepared it's not what we do it's what god has done that's right for us that's right and then the a is for assurance we can be assured of the fulfillment of god's promises to us if we just hold on to jesus by faith hebrews 6 11 says and and twelve and we desire that each one of you show the same diligence to the full assurance of hope until the end that you do not become sluggish but imitate those who through faith and patience inherit the promises that's right this assurance brings with it a security again it comes with a belief in and trust in jesus christ amen the f is future we have a future with god himself revelation 21 3. behold the tabernacle of god is with men and he will dwell with them and they shall be his people god himself will be with them and be their god that's right some new ages believe that the here and now is the most important time but our lives are not determined just by the here and now jesus has a plan for us a future for us and he promises a life with him where we will have an eternal destiny that is wrapped up in him t is trials tears and temptations they're all a thing of the past revelation 21 4. i mean this is amazing to me because the lord is he just brought all of this together in summary and god will wipe away every tear from their eyes there shall be no more death no sorrow no crying there shall be no more pain for the former things have passed away some new agers think that you must have a change of con consciousness to be happy and fulfilled and that there's no such thing as sin all of these teachings will be removed along with our trials tests and temptations e is for enlightenment one of the goals of some new agers is enlightenment they're always talking about enlightenment but true enlightenment will come when we sit at jesus feet and learn directly from him that's right psalm 1 psalm 18 28 says for you will light my lamp the lord my god will enlighten my darkness that's right thank you for now we see through a glass first corinthians 13 12. what for now we see through a glass darkly but then face to face now i know in part but then i shall know even as i even also even as also i am known and then the r because i'm racing with decock the r is redemption that's right new age philosophy doesn't include the concept of redemption or that a savior has paid the price for our sins and made a way for us to study his ways and his will for eternity we will all have all of eternity that's right to study his ways to study the plan of redemption we'll hang out with our guardian angels and ask them what what they thought of the savior's sacrifice we can ask the savior what was going through his mind as he watched adam and eve taste the forbidden fruit nowhere in new age philosophy is there room for the concept of sin or a savior new age is temporal the word of god is eternal the word of god will stand forever and we have a connection we have a link we have security we have the assurance that one day if we just hold on to jesus if we're just faithful and we hold on he is going to take us up out of here and we will be together in the school of the hereafter that's right amen powerful praise the lord the lord thank you praise the lord thank you amen thank you pastor john and shelly and ryan and yvonne i i'm overwhelmed at the goodness of our cause yes how he loves us with an everlasting love and he is not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance that he put this plan of salvation in motion before the world began so that you and i have the opportunity to spend eternity with him that's right on thursday we look at the great teacher we started this quarter with education we actually the whole quarter was on education in the middle we had a couple lessons on jesus the master teacher and we end with jesus as the greatest teacher the world has ever known i want to look at seven lessons pastor john that we can learn from jesus as the great teacher and all seven of these lessons come from john chapter 16. so turn with me to john chapter 16. i had not planned on pulling them all from john 16. it's just the way as i started to study they just all popped out there man john 16 number one lesson number one that i learned from jesus as the great teacher or as the master teacher acknowledge your students limitations that's number one john 16 verse 12 i still have many things to say to you but you cannot bear them now have you ever tried to force feed someone else a doctrine a truth something in the word of god when maybe you thought they're ready for this i'm ready i'm gonna give it to them whether they're ready for it or not but jesus said i have many things to say to you but you're not ready you cannot bear them now so acknowledge the students limitations understand what they can bear and what they cannot at that time number two allow the holy spirit to be the teacher that's right the next verse john 16 verse 13 however when he the spirit of truth has come he will guide you into all truth that's right now i hope i explain this correctly the way it was in my mind when i was studying this last night jesus is divine right right clearly he could have said i got this i'm the teacher you don't need anybody else i got this and yet he still allowed the holy spirit to come and to teach and to lead them into all truth now i understand he was getting ready to leave them that's why he had the holy spirit there with them but to me it teaches me don't be embarrassed or worry if you don't know it all or if you can't do it all ask the holy spirit allow the holy spirit to be the teacher you're not the one instructing you're not the one bringing conviction you're not the one showing or teaching truth it is the holy spirit who is the teacher that's right lesson number three anticipate their unspoken needs and wants john 16 verse 19. now jesus knew that they desired to ask him and he said to them are you inquiring among yourselves about what i said a little while and you will not see me and again a little while and you will see me now if you read the context the disciples have been asking these questions but jesus already knew what they were thinking that's right he knew what was in their heart he anticipated their unspoken needs their unspoken wants what they wanted to know and so he just asked them is this what you're thinking is this what you're asking i already know he anticipated that lesson number four adjust your instruction based on the situation oh good john 16 verse 25 these things i have spoken to you in figurative language but the time is coming when i will no longer speak to you in figurative language but i will tell you plainly about the father that's right he spoke in that figurative language because they weren't ready at that time but then later he was going to speak to them plainly so based on the situation sometimes they're ready for an entire bible study other times we have to say what are they ready for now and what can i share now and then tomorrow or the next week we will present something else we will continue that study lesson number five alert your students to dangers in the way john 16 verse 1. and normally i read from the new king james version but i like this from the nlt the new living translation i have told you these things so that you won't abandon your faith alert them to dangers in the way as someone ever warned you about something coming up something in the way something that you needed to be cautious of or you needed to be careful of so that you would not abandon your faith is god calling you to warn someone in your family someone in your community someone at work that they are ready to shipwreck their faith they are ready to walk away from god they're confused and broken and alone and hurting and god is calling you to warn them alert them to the dangers in the way lesson number six approach the student differently based on the situation john 16 verse 4 these things i did not say to you at the beginning because i was with you so in other words he taught different things to his disciples when he was with them than when he was ready to be apart from them i remember when i went to college my mom writing me letters those old-fashioned handwritten letters and the thing she told me in those letters when i was away from her were different than the things she gave to me every day when we were together all the time and when i lived at home why because it was a different situation and she knew i was away from her and she needed to adjust her counsel to me at that time lesson number seven final lesson affirm your student with words of hope and peace john 16 33 these things i've spoken to you that in me you may have peace in the world you will have tribulation but be of good cheer i have overcome the world we are always called to share hope to share help to share peace to share jesus with a lost and dying world that's right all true education points back to jesus as our savior he is our creator he is our redeemer he bridged the gap between heaven and earth to reconcile us back to the father we are justified by his blood reconciled by his death sanctified by his spirit and we will be glorified when he comes again i want to talk in the closing moments about heaven turn with me to revelation chapter 4. this is the picture of the throne room in heaven we're going to look at a couple verses revelation 4 and then of course revelation 5 is when jesus the lamb of god shows up in the throne room after the cross after the crucifixion he ascends to his father and he's there the redeemer the worthy lamb that was slain from the foundation of the world that's right revelation 4 verse 8 holy holy holy lord god almighty who was and is and is to come god is holy god is eternal verse 11 revelation 4 verse 11 you are worthy o lord to receive glory and honor and power for you created all things and by your will they exist and were created that's right god is worthy god is our creator that's right god is our sustainer now we get to revelation 5 where jesus shows up in the throne room revelation 5 verse 9 you are worthy speaking of jesus the lamb of god you are worthy to take the scroll and to open its seals for you were slain and have redeemed us to god by your blood out of every tribe and tongue and people and nation and have made us kings and priests to our god and we shall reign on the earth christ is worthy that's right christ is our redeemer salvation was freely purchased not freely purchased but freely offered to you and to me and he has made us kings and priests to god you know i think about genesis began with that perfect world we talked about it at the beginning of this lesson adam and eve and we saw sin enter this world we saw the great controversy unfold and for thousands of years satan has sought to hold people captive but jesus came that we would be free jesus came to bring deliverance to forgive and cleanse and cover our sins so that we could spend an eternity with our father in heaven worthy is the lamb that was slain from the foundation of the world amen praise the lord folks as you can see sometimes we just have church that's just how it goes sometimes let's get some final thoughts well i'm just thinking about first corinthians 15 verse 54 that talks about when this mortal puts on immortality at that last trumpet is it's when it's going to happen you know i know there are many people at home that you've got pain you've got sorrow there's sadness there's worries but when we are resurrected in that first resurrection we're gonna have a new existence and there will be no more of that no more disappointment paul said it and i appreciate it i have fought a good fight i finished my course i kept the faith finally there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness which the lord the righteous judge will give to me on that day but not to me only but also to all those who love his appearing that's my hope amen amen titus 1 2 said we have basically we have the hope of eternal life that god who cannot lie promised before time began we have hope in the hereafter because we have a savior who has given us everything we need to have eternal life amen amen romans 5 8 god demonstrated his own love for us and that while we were yet sinners christ died for us hmm praise the lord praise the lord man this has been this has been just such a spiritual blessing i don't know about you guys but i can't wait to move into my heavenly condom you guys are invited to come over to my heavenly condo when we get there praise the lord amen amen folks this has been such a wonderful blessing of a study education um i've learned so much i don't know about you guys but uh we want to thank you so much for joining us all the way through this journey but hey we're we're just getting started because next week we're going to be right back here again and we're going to be diving deep into our new quarterly study on the book of isaiah so get your bibles ready meet us back here next week we hope to see you there until then we just want to say god bless you we're praying for you we thank you we love all of you and until next time may god bless you abundantly take care [Music] you
Channel: Three Angels Broadcasting Network (3ABN)
Views: 57,984
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Keywords: 3ABN, Three Angels Broadcasting Network, yt:quality=high, 3ABN Sabbath School Panel, Education in the Garden of Eden, Education, Bible Study, God, Jesus, Learning, Student, Teacher
Id: ehSOR4UQ0Ew
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Length: 58min 35sec (3515 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 20 2020
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