How to Pray Like Jesus (Impact Others Now!) | Mark Finley - Sermon

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have you ever wished that you had a more effective prayer life have you ever wished that your devotional life were richer have you ever rich wish that your devotional life would be be fuller at times do you go through your day and feel almost a little spiritually barren you wish that your prayer life had much more vibrancy to it i think all of us have felt that way at times as christians i felt that way in my own personal life this longing for a deeper spiritual experience this longing to know god in a more intimate way recently as i've been studying the gospel of luke i've discovered seven major instances in the prayer life of jesus that have made an impact in my own prayer life and this morning we're going to journey through the gospel of luke now who was luke luke was a convert to christianity no doubt luke was baptized by paul when paul visited antioch and luke was a gentile christian who was a physician touched by the gospel changed by god's grace the luke wrote luke the gospel of luke in about a.d 60. now the gospel of luke focuses more than on any other gospel on the prayer life of christ if you have your bibles take them in turn to luke chapter one and we begin with luke the first chapter i've outlined each text for you in the study guide and left lines where you could write notes if you so desire as we journey through this study you're looking at luke the first chapter and if you have your bible i invite you to turn to it if you don't have your bible you can look up at the screen and pick it up there but luke chapter one you may if i asked you who wrote more in the new testament than any other writer you would probably say paul well you are partially right notice i say partially right paul wrote about 13 books out of the 27 in the new testament but as far as content is concerned luke wrote more luke wrote his gospel with 24 chapters he wrote the book of acts with 28 chapters so as far as volume luke this gentile physician who never met christ personally wrote more in the new testament from volume we look at luke chapter one there there's an insight here that we want to take a look at luke chapter one verse one in as much as many have taken in hand to set in order a narrative of those things which are most surely believed among us verse 2 just as those who from the beginning were eyewitnesses and ministers of the word delivered them to us now notice what luke says he says i learned the truth of the gospel from eyewitnesses of christ now that's an amazing statement i can imagine that paul and luke visit ephesus where the mary the mother of jesus lived the last part of her life and paul says to luke would you like to meet mary and mary sits and luke sits at the feet of mary and mary begins to share with him the teachings of jesus and the parables of jesus and luke is taking notes because what does luke say here he says we learn from the eyewitnesses i can imagine that paul introduces luke to peter luke never met jesus but peter did and peter tells luke the story of the cross from an eyewitness account and luke is writing that down and paul introduces luke to thomas and the other disciples and here luke is writing all that down and luke says verse 3 it seemed good to me also having had perfect understanding of all things from the very first to write to you in orderly account most excellent theophilus that you may know the certainty of those things in which you were instructed paul says luke says rather look i learned these things from eyewitnesses of christ and theophilus i'm sharing them with you so you can write them down so you can know the certainty of the things that you have been instructed now the word theophilus is an interesting word so paul writes the gospel of luke and he shares it with theophilus now if you look at the word theophilus theo it comes from the word god and philosophist comes from the word phileo meaning lover of so the word theophilus means a lover of god or a friend of god so the entire purpose of the book of luke you'll never read it again the same way the entire purpose of the book of luke when you read the miracles when you read the parables of luke when you read the teachings of jesus in luke the entire purpose of the book of luke is so that you and i will become friends of god when we study the prayer life of jesus in these seven vignettes these seven scenes of the prayer life of jesus the purpose of our study is so that we are drawn closer to god so that we will our hearts will beat with this intimate friendship with god as we study here we notice something else luke comes from a greek background now the greeks had no idea or concept at all of a relationship with god you could never have a relationship with one of the greek gods in this gospel luke presents a revolutionary concept jesus the divine son of god dwelt in human flesh and he desires to have a relationship with us that is totally foreign from greek thought in the greek concepts of god god is distant the gods are far away and you can never have a relationship with them you come to them in confession you come to them the greek gods in in offering sacrifices the greek gods demand something from you they do not desire a relationship with you so luke in writing this gospel this luke who desires to portray a god that longs to have a relationship with us is portraying something that is revolutionary we begin our study of jesus prayer life and we're going to look at seven scenes in jesus prayer life and say what do we discover from those scenes the first time in the gospel of luke that we see jesus praying is in luke chapter 3 verse 21 and 22 it's immediately after his baptism and i call this section prayers in filling prayers in filling luke chapter 3 verse 21 and 22 now when all the people were baptized it came to pass that jesus also was baptized and while he prayed now notice the expression the three words you want to notice are while he prayed the heaven was open and the holy spirit descended in a bodily form like a dove upon him prayers in filling jesus ministry was before him the temptations in the wilderness were before him jesus would face trial and temptation the devil would tempt christ in every way possible and here before jesus faced the temptations of satan for 40 years in the 40 days in the wilderness the spirit of god filled jesus life notice what it says in luke 4 verse 1 then jesus being filled with the holy spirit returned from the jordan and was led by the spirit into the wilderness now you'll notice in verse 21 and 22 of luke 3 while jesus prayed the holy spirit descended upon him you'll notice in luke chapter 4 verse 1 that he's filled with the holy spirit what is the purpose of the holy spirit what was the purpose of this infilling the holy spirit strengthens sustains and supports us the holy spirit encourages enlightens and empowers us the holy spirit instructs informs and impresses us the holy spirit convicts corrects and converts us so the ministry of the holy spirit when we're weak the spirit of god strengthens us when we need encouragement the holy spirit is there to give us encouragement lift our spirits when we need enlightenment the holy spirit is there to enlighten us when we need instruction the holy spirit is there to instruct us when we need correction the holy spirit is there to correct us the holy spirit fills us as the spirit filled jesus as we pray as we seek god in prayer a divine transformation takes place in our life when we are discouraged the spirit of god brings encouragement when we need enlightenment the holy spirit brings light when we need strength and we are weak the holy spirit brings strength when we field in our life with a lack of desire to know god it's the holy spirit that brings that intimacy so we may be just having prayer we may be praying and as we pray we rush through our prayers but yet we feel this longing in our heart we feel this sense in our heart to be drawn closer to god that's the holy spirit so as we pray the holy spirit infills us notice what it says in luke chapter 11 verse 13 luke 11 verse 13 just as jesus prayed and was filled with the spirit of god so as we pray something miraculous happens in our lives as well you're looking there at luke chapter 11 verse 13. if you then being evil know how to give good gifts to your children how much more notice the words how much more how much more much more how much more much more how much more will your heavenly father do what everybody give the what holy spirit to those that do what ask him are you asking god for an infilling of the spirit every day in your life are you asking god to move upon your life in your heart and to give you the abundant blessings of heaven in the book amazing grace which is a compilation and you'll find this quotation in your study guide and if you're following along in your study guide wherever you are can you read this quotation together with me aloud let's read it together we're going to start with only to those are you ready to read how many are you ready to read you can see it on the screen you can see it in your study guide and if you're at home you either will see it on the screen or you'll read it from the study guide let's read together only to those who wait humbly upon god who watch for his guidance and grace is the spirit given the promised blessing claimed by faith brings all other blessings in its dream it is given according to the riches of the grace of christ and he is ready to supply every soul according to the capacity to receive now let's look at that and dissect that statement first sentence as we humbly wait upon god his guidance and grace are given through the holy spirit now the promised blessing what's the promised blessing it's the blessing of the holy spirit claim by faith brings all other blessings in its trade so as we claim by faith the promise of the holy spirit all other blessings of heaven flow into our lives it's given according to the riches of the grace of christ he's ready to supply every soul according to what according to what the capacity to receive so if we have a large capacity to receive we will get a large amount of the holy spirit so the more we seek god for the spirit the more we enlarge our capacity to receive the spirit and the more the blessings of heaven flow to us would you like a richer deeper prayer life would you like to be filled with holy spirit would you like the blessings of god to enrich your life daily jesus reveals this practical principle in luke chapter 3 right after jesus baptism he sought god and was filled with the holy spirit prayer is the channel to receive heaven's richest blessings it opens our heart to receive the holy spirit in his fullness now there's a second vital essential all-important lesson we learn from jesus prayer life and it's this prayer gives to us a new perspective now what's a perspective how do you define the word perspective a perspective is a way of viewing something it's our point of view regarding something now in the quiet place of prayer we clear out the clutter of life and we have a different perspective all of us have perspectives about other people are those perspectives always accurate because you think that somebody thinks something about you does it mean that they actually think the thing you thought they thought about you because i have a certain perspective on something doesn't mean that thing is right does your wife have ever have a certain perspective about something you said is that always correct husbands do you ever have a perspective about something your wife said is that always correct what is a perspective a perspective is a way that we view something luke chapter 5 verse 16 in prayer jesus received clear perspectives about his life about his ministry there's a fascinating passage in luke the fifth chapter you're looking at luke chapter 5 verse 16. but before we look at verse 16 we're going to notice something in verse 15 luke 5 15. then the report went around concerning him all the more now what report went around concerning jesus all the more he had just healed somebody of leprosy and the report went all through the land and so hundreds came to christ to be healed so it says in verse 15 then the report went around concerning him all the more and great multitudes came to him to hear and to be healed by their infirmities did jesus ever face temptations did he ever face temptations do you think that when the multitudes were coming to jesus that the devil tempted him with how great he was do you think the devil ever tempted him to desire to be an earthly king you think that was possible that's why in the next verse it says verse 16 because as the devil is tempting christ to to play to the crowd as he's tempting christ to have this larger ego as he's tempting christ to to desire to be an earthly king as all that is taking place what does jesus do jesus needs to gain perspective that he has come to this world as a savior of mankind to die on a cross and to wear a crown of glory crown of thorns not to be sitting on a throne of an earthly king with an earthly diadem so scripture says so he himself often withdrew into the wilderness and prayed why did he do that so that he would have clear thinking so that he would have a clear perspective time alone with god gives us a new perspective on life it helps us sort through life's clutter it enables us to be free from the strain of life's intense activity enables us to listen to the still small voice of god speaking to our hearts i remember a number of years ago where i need to clear my head i need to get away from some of the clutter have you ever gone through a real struggle in your life over some decision you had to make probably one of the greatest struggles in my life took place uh in 2004 in 2004 i had been with it is written television for 14 years we had developed an international ministry across america where one in every 200 americans were watching our program every week well over a million people we had probably at that time 30 35 people on our staff we were enjoying it is written immensely and i received an invitation from the general conference of seventh-day adventists to move from california southern california southern california where the sun always shines where the temperature is edenic to washington d.c area it was a struggle not because of the climate but because i love the ministry so much i love my staff so much it was a struggle probably one of the greatest struggles i've ever gone through and i battled with that thing and battled with that thing didn't have clarity at all didn't have clarity at all have you ever faced a decision in your life we didn't have clarity weren't certain what to do and i will remember one day i came to my administrative assistant i said i'm going to be going for a while said to teeny i'm going to be gone drove my car to newbury park we were in thousand oaks california at that time we were in simi valley but it drove my car to the trailhead at canao valley sycamore canyon began to hike on this trail there's something about hiking that clears my brain something about hiking taking deep breaths that clears the clutter and as i walked i prayed began to climb the mountain i was a little younger in those days and began to climb the mountain went up on the top of a mountaintop there where i had hiked with teeny and our kids many many times and just sat looking over the valley praying god this will be one of the most important decisions of my life i was fifty in my mid fifties at the time and um this will be a no how old was iatini 59 all right i was younger i have to always ask my wife how old i am because i forget so i was 59 at the time and i knew i knew this if i moved it would be a career decision at 59 and i wasn't going to have many more times of doing this should i stay at it as written should i leave i'm going to struggle struggle as i sat there overlooking that valley praying and seeking god the clutter began to clear and i knew that god was leading us to the general conference the seventh-day adventist said no idea i'd be a vice president one day and no idea that we would be having the impact on the world we had but here's my point i needed time alone to clear the clutter out of my brain i needed time in a quietness where god could speak to me where every other human voice was hushed and it was there on that mountain that day that i felt the deep conviction of the spirit of god to come to washington area and as i look back on that and i see what god has done at living hope and i see the congregation that god has given us here and i see the international ministry that we have from this place and i see our school of evangelism in our retreat center i know that god spoke to me that day jesus prayer life in these first two lessons reveals two things it reveals first that as we seek him he draws us close to him in those intimate moments and fills us with his spirit it reveals second that in the prayer life of christ we find jesus himself gaining a new perspective in prayer and jesus clears the clutter out of our brain and gives us a new perspective as we pray now there's a third scene in jesus prayer life we find it in luke chapter six and that is as we seek him in prayer and the still small voice speaks to us he gives us divine guidance now there's a close relationship between perspective and guidance and i should define that for you in perspective we have a new way of viewing things when we are guided by god we have the conviction to do things so perspective has to do with a new way of viewing guidance has to do with the power to do now here daily you and i are faced with multiple decisions and jesus was faced with multiple decisions and one of the things that faced jesus was the decision to choose the 12 disciples that was a critical decision in his life because he was going to leave the christian church in the hands of these 12 men and after he died they were to be carrying on his mission could there be any more important decision for christ we look at luke chapter 6 verse 12 and 13 how did jesus spend that night before that choice the third vignette in the life of christ on prayer luke records these for a purpose luke chapter 6 verse 12 and 13. now it came to pass in those days that he went out to the mountain to pray and continued all night in prayer when it was day he called his disciples to him and from them he chose twelve whom he also named apostles there is an intimate connection between verse 13 and verse 12. he prays all night now i need to spend time on that a little bit this praying all night because some are going to be confused the reason christ prayed all night was not because he wanted to mark on a time chart the hours that he prayed that was not the point at all the reason luke records this is not to tell you to pray all night the reason luke records this is to tell you to pray until you get your prayers answered this passage is not about the time we pray it's about effectiveness in prayer some people can pray all night and nothing happens other people can pray shorter and the spirit of god touches their life so this is about effectiveness in prayer jesus prayed until he knew that god was going to guide him that god was going to direct him in his choice of the apostles now do you know that the word guidance is not in the bible do you know that if you take the word guidance it's based on two words you're gonna like this what's the last part of the word guidance what is that it begins with d what is that dance dance when you think about dance what do you think about leaping for joy so what's the first part of that word guide so the holy spirit is your guide so that you leap with joy at the decisions you make and as you pray jesus wants to guide you now the word guide is all through the bible because it's more important to have a guide than to have your own human wisdom give you guidance are you with me church let's look at some of those amazing passages in scripture first we find psalm 119 verse 33 psalm 119 verse 33 there is somebody here today that you are looking for guidance there's somebody here today that you are needing to make some decision in your life the good news is that jesus praying for guidance is a model prayer for us that just as jesus sought guidance in the most important decision of his life up until that point in choosing the disciples so you and i seek for guidance and in prayer the spirit comes and brings conviction and we see a new perspective and the spirit says this is what you ought to do psalm 119 verse 133 we look at the text direct my steps by your word king james says guide my steps by your word let not iniquity have dominion over me jesus promises to guide our steps psalm 32 and verse 8 are you seeking for guidance you have a guide are you seeking for guidance you have a guide you can dance for joy knowing that you're not left alone to make decisions in life psalm 32 verse 8 i will instruct you and teach you in the way that you should go i will do what everybody guide you with mine eye isn't this good news in the perplexity of life when we are confused in making decisions jesus says i will guide you with mine eye how long will he guide us psalm 48 verse 14. psalm 48 verse 14. for this is god our god for ever and ever he will be our guide even to death god does not guide us spasmodically or occasionally when we come to him in prayer confused about some decision we ought to make perplexed about some decision and we say jesus all i want to know is what you want me to do he promises to guide us there are young people here today that you're looking for guidance you have a guide you have a guide she's going to speak to your heart as somebody today that you're watching on youtube you need to make a decision decision about your job decision about relocation decision about a home to purchase decision about a school to go to some of you are on the verge of a decision for baptism and as you get on your knees and seek god he will bring deep conviction to you and if you are watching this broadcast today and you want help and guidance in that as the spirit convicts you send us a message and we'll counsel and pray with you and if you're here in this church today and you feel led to follow jesus in bible baptism you're young you're old talk to us about that we'll pray with you over that notice what it says in the book desire of ages page 668 i place this in your study guide to start of ages 668 we're going to read it together you're looking at your study guide there jesus prayed for guidance in his prayers our model prayers to encourage us to seek him for guidance notice desire of ages page 668. we're going to begin reading those who decide to do nothing you ready to read church you're ready to read those who decide to do nothing in any line that will displease god will know after presenting their case before him just what course to pursue and they will receive not only wisdom but strength power for obedience for service will be imparted to them as christ is promised when we come to god and we are confused in what to do in the bible he promises us to guide us he says i will instruct you and teach you in the way that you shall go and hear when we make that decision not to displease god and we present our case before him we will know just what course to pursue and here's the good news not only will he give us wisdom to pursue that course but he will give us strength to pursue that course now there's a fourth principle that we need to discover and it's this about jesus prayer life this may be surprising to you maybe a new concept like all of us jesus at times needed encouragement like all of us jesus at times needed others to surround him and give him encouragement jesus was facing one of the most challenging times of his life before him lay the farce of the trial before him lay the confusion and challenge of gethsemane's garden before him lay the whip in the crown of thorns and the nails before him lay pilates mockery before him lay the betrayal of judas before jesus lay golgoth's hill and calvary's mountain in the nails in his hands before him lay that cross where he would bear the sins of all humanity and so he needed to pray luke chapter 9 verse 28 and 29 luke 9 verse 28 and 29 and as jesus was praying something remarkable happened in direct answer to his prayer you're looking there at luke chapter 9 and you're looking at verse 28 and 29 luke 9 verse 28 and 29 notice jesus is praying and as he's praying he's on the mount of transfiguration luke 9 28-29 it came to pass about eight days after these things that he took peter john in james and he went up to the mountain to pray and as he prayed the appearance of his face was altered as we pray the spirit of god gives us joy and happiness his robe became white and glistening then behold two men talked with him moses and elijah moses and elijah descended from heaven how did moses get up there he was resurrected from the dead and brought to heaven in bodily form how did elijah get up there he was translated without ever seeing death and the bible says verse 31 they appeared in glory and spoke so moses and elijah moses the one that was resurrected from the dead elijah the one who was translated without seeing death moses and elijah spoke to jesus what did they speak about wouldn't you have liked to listen in to that conversation wouldn't you like to know what they said well we can know something about it it says who appeared verse 31 in glory and spoke of his what his decease or his what death i suppose that moses said something like this to jesus jesus you're facing the cross but as you go to the cross take courage because many like me will be resurrected from the dead and live with you forever in heaven and elijah says jesus take courage many many will be translated without ever seeing death jesus hang on jesus don't give up jesus don't yield to the temptations of the evil one moses and elijah came to jesus to give him encouragement at that moment when we come to prayer and we're down-hearted when we come to prayer and we're discouraged when we're dead come to prayer and our energy seems to be gone when we come to prayer jesus speaks to our hearts through his holy spirit in words of hope and words of encouragement and we get off our knees with a new sparkle in our eyes and a new smile on our face and a new spring in our step because jesus pours encouragement into our hearts somebody say amen the fifth area that we look in jesus prayer life we look at jesus prayer life we find the infilling of the holy spirit we look at jesus prayer life we find a new perspective a new way of looking at things we look at jesus prayer life we find new guidance in our lives we look at jesus prayer life we find new encouragement jesus prayer life had a divine influence on others luke chapter 11 verse 1 luke 11 verse 1 luke has a purpose in recording these prayers of jesus luke chapter 11 verse 1. jesus prayer life had a it had an impact on others the disciples once came across jesus praying and here the bible says to us as these disciples come across jesus praying luke 11 verse 1 it came to pass as he was praying in a certain place when he ceased when he ceased the disciples heard him praying they prayed but they never heard prayers like that they heard the rabbis pray but they never heard prayers like that luke 11 verse 1 he came to pass as he was praying in a certain place when he ceased as he stopped praying then one of his disciples said to him lord teach us to pray as john taught his disciples they heard jesus praying and as they heard jesus praying they said here is a ma here is one the divine son of god that has an intimate relationship with the father here is one whose heart is connected with god here is one who prays real prayers i want to pray like that i can remember so well my father's prayers fathers mothers when your children hear you pray it's going to have an impact on them they're going to know whether these are formal prayers that you just do to rush through life for their real prayers a praying husband impacts his wife a praying wife impacts her husband praying parents impact their children praying friends impact their friends when jesus prayed it impacted in powerful ways his disciples and they wanted to pray like that when we pray our prayers impact others i will never forget i was 17 years old and the thing i wanted to do is throw basketballs through hoops played in all kinds of city basketball leagues my father had become a seventh-day adventist and i remember friday nights so well i would come home from playing basketball in some basketball league and lie on the floor in my stomach a foot and a half or two feet before an old black and white television it was hard to see the picture because it always snowed most of you are too young to understand what i just said we had one of the first tvs in the neighborhood snowed all the time although with white snow you know i'm leaning about two feet in front of that thing my stomach looked through the crack in the door and there was dad with the old black and white vinyl chair with the stuffing coming out kneeling down praying for his son i listened to those prayers and they had a great impact on my life one of the things you'll learn about jesus prayer life is that it had an impact an impact on those disciples they never heard prayers like that your prayers are going to have an impact on your children they can have an impact on the people around you a praying father or mother will influence their son or daughter you're a college student you're a roommate when you're you get on your knees and pray and you pray with your your your roommate it's gonna make a difference in their life not only because of what you pray but how you pray the earnestness the commitment to prayer now there's a sixth thing about jesus prayers jesus prayers not only impacted others that were around them listening but jesus prayers would ascend to heaven and angels would descend to influence minds prayers have an influence on others who may not even know it at the time for example luke chapter 22 luke chapter 22 verse 31 and 32 luke 22 31 and 32 luke 22 verse 31 verse 32. you're looking at luke the 22nd chapter one of the most amazing passages in all the bible on intercessory prayer luke 22 verse 31 32 jesus talks to peter luke luke 22 31-32 and the lord said simon simon satan has asked for you that he may sift you as wheat but i have prayed for you that your face should not fail and when you return to me strengthen your brethren there is somebody here today that satan is asking for you you're on the verge of losing your faith and satan is working in your life but the good news is that as church members and others pray for you that the spirit of god is going to come into your life in powerful ways and you will not make that decision that you would have made otherwise intercessory prayer makes a powerful difference in what jesus is saying in this passage is very simple jesus is saying satan is designed to have this man satan desires to have this woman and one of the reasons satan works so hard on young people is because he knows they have such potential for the kingdom of god and he wants them to lose their souls but thank god for a mother thank god for a father that are praying for their children thank god for pastors that are praying for church members thank god for elders that are praying thank god for church leadership that's praying thank god for a church that is a praying church because as we pray angels come from heaven they beat back the angels of hell and as they do light flows into the mind and men and women and boys and girls make decisions for the kingdom of god what do we know about jesus prayer life we know that jesus was a mighty intercessor he prayed for peter did peter deny jesus did he he did but was did peter repent of that why because jesus was praying for him this one last thing that we must not neglect about jesus prayer life jesus prayer life reveals to us the purpose of prayer the purpose of prayer is not to get god to do what i want but it's to discover what he wants the purpose of prayer is not to have god do my will but to meet for me to do his will and one of the most amazing prayers we find there are two that we want to look at luke chapter 22 and you're looking at here at verse 39 and onward luke 22 verse 39 and onward this is the gethsemane experience and here jesus outlines the purpose of prayer luke chapter 22 verse 39 and onward and coming out he went to the mount of olives as he was accustomed and his disciples also followed him and when he came to the place he said to them pray that you may not enter temptation and as he was withdrawn from them a stone's throw he knelt down and prayed saying father if it is your will remove this cup from me nevertheless not my will but your will be done three times jesus prayed that not my will but your will be done jesus was seeking the father's will not his own will we find that again mentioned in luke 23 verse 46 jesus final prayer in the gospel of luke is found in luke 23 verse 46. and jesus prays this way father into your hands i commend my spirit in other words father let your will be done father even with nails driven through my hands and blood running down my wrists even with a crown of thorns upon my head even with a spear wound in my sight even dying experiencing the condemnation of the sins of humanity even with all that father i trust you what is the ultimate purpose of prayer in the quiet place of prayer alone with god if we are shaking with fever from covet 19 we say god i trust you if a loved one dies with covenant we say god i trust you i may not understand this may be confusing to me but into thy hands i command my life into my hands i commend my spirit lord wherever you lead me in life wherever you guide me in life lord i trust you lord that's all i want in my life jesus prayers speak to us but here is the incredibly good news jesus has not ceased praying yet jesus is still praying for you he's praying that you'll be filled with the holy spirit he's praying that your mind will be cleared from the clutter and you'll have a new perspective he's praying that you'll be open to his guidance every moment of your life he's praying that you'll be encouraged daily in your walk with him he's praying that your prayers will be mighty to influence and impact others he's praying that your life will have an impact on those around you and he's praying that you'll never never never ever lose your trust in him in joy in sorrow when the journey is long when the road is dark he is praying that your life will be filled in trust praise his holy name his prayers have not ceased he's praying for you let's pray father in heaven in the quietness of this moment we long to be drawn closer to you in prayer we long to hear your still small voice speaking to us there may be somebody here today whose devotional life has become weak over the last few weeks and you're speaking to their heart in the quietness right now you're bringing deep conviction to them and with my prayer they're praying they're praying oh god deep in my faith they're praying oh god give me a new relationship with you there may be somebody here who's lost perspective and they're praying oh god give me a new perspective help me have the clutter cleared out of my brain there may be somebody that needs guidance and oh god right now continue to impress them and help them to know that you will give them guidance father deepen our trust in you and lead us from this place to know that you're still praying and you're praying for us in christ's name amen
Channel: HopeLives365
Views: 249,307
Rating: 4.8074141 out of 5
Keywords: how to pray, prayer, sermon, mark finley, jesus, god, christianity, bible, hopelives365, powerful prayer
Id: Ae-20kLOyOs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 7sec (3007 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 14 2020
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