Behind the Scenes at 3ABN | 3ABN Today Live (TDYL210031)

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[Music] as you're well aware we're living in unprecedented times join us now for today's special program i want to spend my life [Music] removing pain lord let my words [Music] wanna spend my life mending broken people i wanna spend my life meeting broken people hello and welcome to 3abn live we're so glad that you've joined us this evening this is a behind the scenes where we're able to report what god is doing through the ministry of 3abn and it's great to spend this two hours with you each thursday we look forward to it tony you're part of our family and we just want to say thank you for your prayers and financial support for your ministry and of course we all know that it's god's ministry but thank you for being an instrument or a vessel that god is pouring through to the world and it's absolutely amazing you know we've talked about this many times here at 3abn about uh how the miracle of technology in the midst of covid three a bien is still able to present the truth and as we've mentioned many times before it's not three abn's message or truth it's god's message and his truth in the word of god that we're so privileged to present to the world and we continue to get reports sweetheart may i say on a daily basis weekly basis of people's lives being changed for eternity every hour every hour even every hour that's true all right and just think as we're here on this program tonight someone is tuning in to many of the different networks that 3abn has and finding truth and it's absolutely incredible when we sleep at night people are finding truth i want to just read this before we introduce our family that's here with us tonight this is a letter that just came in and i get so excited when we get these in this is just a sample very short it says this is my donation to 3abn i'm going to give monthly use this to help spread the gospel i've always been a freewill baptist and thought you were a cult but i love to follow the scriptures with you all and so they're enjoying three abn they're finding truth and they're on a journey so thank you for your donation and support but thank you also for this little note so encouraging so we just want to say thank you for being a part of the family i like the behind the scenes programs don't you me too and speaking of family we got family with us on the set normally we start at the other end but i'm going to start here because pastor john denzel just returned from cuba and we're delighted to have you here tonight and to give us some updates oh it's a blessing to be here and it's amazing what god is doing in cuba and all over where 3abn is able to be seen amen uh sitting next to you pastor john lowe mccain three being director of world evangelism and our pastor pastor of the thompsonville seventh adventist church and we just came through an incredible event we're gonna hear a little bit about the 9 11 event at our church america what's next yeah it's it's important to get the gospel out and the lord is amazing me all the time in the ways that he impresses me to go forward but it was quite an event quite an undertaking amen and we'll share the blessings in just a moment amen we saved the best for last we could say we have danny and dr ivan shelton of course through amy and founder and dare to dream founder and consultant and we're just always loved having you both here thank you for your leadership and mentorship we love being here and working with you all every day i mean what what a privilege it is to be alive in these closing moments of earth history and never take that for granted that's right what god has allowed us in the times in which we're living and i was talking to someone yesterday and it just hit me you know jesus says go ye into all the world well if you only go back say 20 years ago there was we're talking about 9 11 but there was really no other adventist network no way that anyone could get around the world unless basically on television three abn was the only network going around the world and so very few people if you go back 25 30 years hardly no one was going around the world or whatever they could do some programs but it was the year 2000 i think when we went in toronto canada around the world at bbc interviewed us and said you're the first network to go 24 7 around the world but i was talking to somebody yesterday and i said at that time we would say well you know think thank the lord for 3 abn abe will go around the world but right now anybody can you go on social media and you can be heard literally around the world so the lord is serious about coming back to claim his children and this planet earth so what he's done he's opened up the door for everybody if you want to you literally can reach out to a lost and dying world but i'm so thankful for all of you who support and have for so long and those new like this that are supporting three abn because we're it's 24 7 and numerous networks different languages for kids music whatever you want it's there and so god is just you know bobby davis asked me the other day what is it that that you're surprised about and i said well i had no idea when we started how many networks and the reality of reaching tremendous i don't want to give unrealistic figures but i'm told a billion or two people potentially could watch if they wanted that's just mind-boggling but we give god the credit for everything good we take the credit for bad things here at 3abn if something doesn't go right it's not god's fault it's ours if something doesn't go right in your life it's not god's fault it's yours right we need to line up with you with what you were saying greg with the bible because there the key is where we find the truth that's right absolutely this is dr evil this is such an exciting time to be alive like i i was reading somewhere i think it was one of my devotional things and and it was saying that um we don't have to be anxious about the future those who are looking forward to the coming of jesus are not anxious about what's going to happen because we know you know we're heading into a really dark time but we know that the lord's got us and that we're going to be taken care of and so our job right now is to share to get the word out and we're so thankful for you because you've caught the vision too and because you know how important it is to get the gospel around the world so thank you so much for partnering with us we couldn't do it without you absolutely and this is the time now is the time timing is everything as they say and this is the time to just get the word out so what a blessing and too much is given much is required yes so for those of us who know the truth who found the truth in jesus and have a message of hope for the world we're very responsible so those of you at home we take this seriously when you send donations to three abn we take this seriously to make sure that every dollar goes into evangelism so that's basically our whole focus yeah you know when you start you're headed here and there but you end up when it's all said and done evangelism evangelism evangelism thank you greg and jill for your leadership and what you all do it's a they do an incredible job please lift them up every day before the lord because you all have a tremendous amount of responsibility privilege it's a responsibility too so we know the devil hates anybody who's who's out doing the work and so you guys are you're in our prayers literally every day we work together we love you and thank you for what you do for the cause of god thank you for your mentorship you know each one of you and you know we appreciate that so much and thank you for your prayers because you know that's what keeps the ministry of 3abn going and we're all in this thing together and we do appreciate your prayers for each one of us you know we're all in a in a battle so to speak you think about what's going on in the world all the disasters all the turmoil we think of covid we thought it was kind of dying away and now it's kind of rare again i was talking to someone just this week about they were so um so discouraged and i know that there's many people that have gone through losses in their lives it seemed like they're being hit from many different angles but we want to encourage you today and i was looking for the scripture um earlier and i found it isaiah 41 10 it says fear not for i am with you yes be not dismayed for i am your god yes i will strengthen you and yes i will help you and i will uphold you with my righteous right hand a great promise isn't it that's the problem in the word of god that he is with you and don't be discouraged uh pastor john you're going to say something i could see yes well you know the letter you read is an echo something i've heard before many times because people seem to get us confused with some other religious group and they say i thought you were a cult and you know god does something marvelous as people watch 380 and they discover that the truths are based on the bible yes and uh i want to say that it's it's marvelous what god does this lady is saying that we are presenting the word of god i i'm remembering a testimony of somebody that wrote in said uh somebody asked me a question about the state of the dead and i i'm a seventh-day adventist for many years and i said well you know i really don't understand this truth the way i should and open the bible he says i don't know what to do turned on 3 abn and he said 3 abn was an answer to prayer there was a bible study on the state of the dead and i said wow thank god for 3abn because another thing i can tell you is that even seventh-day adventists don't understand the doctrines well they are solidified in the truths of the bible so god god does a work that we don't even understand yes as people watch three abn you know we you know you you prepare the program in this program now that program later this but god takes charge and somehow people watch as they watch they see a consistency in the message that they say this is the truth of god amen go ahead it's just those kind of things johnny that you said we don't have to fear for the future you know ellen white makes a statement we don't have to fear for the future all we have to do is look how god has led us in the past and when i hear those type of little stories and my mind floods over with all these stories i'm sure it does you and each of you how people watching three abn the lady who said wrote to us she wanted to come down and be baptized and we were able to have pastor baptized in her whole family but said i've been been hearing about it got a book on my door and said well wait a minute she would had been agnostic became catholic then said i just didn't do anything but i suddenly i started going to a pentecostal church gave my life to jesus and but i found this book on my door and it was about the sabbath i turned on this network from called 3abn they were talking about sabbath so i just first shut them off i said all that's old testament not worried about it but then she said the holy spirit began to convict me so i began to pray about it so she said all night i'd prayed off and on then in the morning she said i said lord if there's anything to this i'm going to turn on that network we only have one channel at the time i'm going to turn on that network and have them be teaching about the seventh-day sabbath she said i turned on the the television didn't know any times what it would be on turn it on she said you were sitting there with some others and you said today we're doing a special two-hour program it's like a sunday after live repeated doing a special two-hour program on the seventh-day sabbath wow i mean you can call that coincidence no you know divine prophecy but that happens over and over and over and over again and again because of you because of your loving your prayers and your financial support yes because we honestly we could do whole programs where this and johnny you when you were in the pastor answering the phones all the time or even the uplink when people would call i mean and you know we think of the rick odle stories where somebody tried to damage the dish and couldn't run in even get to it and there was no fence around it this truck would stop and that was yeah literally stopping so when you see all of this you can't be discouraged so if we die today we die in the lord amen so you have to be happy we can't look around us and be discouraged oh no this is terrible or i'm gonna whatever hey whatever time we've got on this earth it's just a fleeting moment and we have eternity when we make the decision to spend with your loved ones to spend with jesus and so it's not about all that happens today is this going my way where's god when i need him he's right where he's always been the creator of the universe ready to hear and answer your prayers and to accept your sins and forgive us from our sins so we should be encouraged don't let things around you discourage you so it's not about how long i live or did this happen to me or how my health or whatever happened no we have a creator god who created us who loved us made a plan of salvation for us coming back to redeem us from this wicked earth amen amen we had a guy a couple of weeks ago walking to our church and as i was walking down getting ready for the sermon i noticed i'm very you know mindful of who's there and i saw a guy i didn't recognize and i walked up to him and introduced myself before the sermon and i won't mention his name on air but he said i said well this is your first my first time here i didn't ask him where he was visiting from but after the service i said well let me just talk to him a little bit more and he said well he said this my first time in your church he said i was driving my car and i heard a topic on the radio about the sabbath and he said and i said he said and i went back home and took my bible out and started studying it and i realized i was wrong and god was always right he said that's why i'm here but it was even deeper than that he said i'm a seminary student i'm in taking theology i'm in seminary right now and while he's studying in seminary he listens to a 3abn program on radio radio my wife works with radio also and he said it was he said it just kind of caught my attention i turned it up and went and looked at it he said i don't know how i didn't get that before he said i realize in the bible god always begins with the first day he started creation with the first day yeah why am i going to church on the first day when he was the seventh one and i'm going on the first he said and that's why i'm here wow and i thought god is sending people here just like that and then we were in walmart in the carbondale walmart i was uh we don't normally go to that walmart but god does amazing things he synchronizes stuff in a way that you just declined okay goddess you know you need to cut that out tell me at least ahead of time yeah but god is amazing how he does that and i'm walking down the aisle and say he said wait wait uh i'd say an older older white lady i'd say maybe in her probably early 80s maybe late 70s and she said to me she said stop stop stop and i have my cap on i had my shorts on i was just casual she said you're that preacher on 3abn right she said my daughter and i watch you every week and we we found your church service and we watched that too and then i was walking further down and said mama there goes our favorite preacher and so there's so many things that god does and the way he synchronizes it and lastly we were coming home from the state fair and i know the way home you know it's just 14 all the way straight but whatever reason when i got to 182 i made a right turn i'm thinking when i got down halfway i said what if i make a right turn home is straight yeah why am i making the right turn i mean how many times have we been in the coin state fair and i just u-turned and came back and i said oh the gas price only 116. let me go ahead and stop right there pulling the gas station as i'm pulling in where are you going obviously we're right outside the oil right now but 3 16 and i decided to pull up there as i pulled up to get gas there's a guy walking right across in front of me and i decided you know i need to give him one of these cards to let him know about the america what's next event as soon as i'm walking up to him he said you're that guy i watch you every week on 3abn and i thought wow how does god do that yeah because you hadn't made that turn to the right we made that turn drove down far enough to make a u-turn and god synchronized it and he said here's my wife and here's my daughter and we had all of our some of our church members in the car because we just came back from the decline state fair and i thought god and so one of the uh angela actually and he and vanavok were there and they said see that's why you made that turn right because god needed him to be at this gas station so god is amazing he's amazing when he does stuff so i stopped trying to even guess that's why i get back to the point we don't have to even worry you know satan is trying to get us to fear what he can do to us rather than that's right the faith what god has already done for us praise the lord and so i'm not even worried god is still in charge amen right as you can tell we're we're excited this evening what god is doing and we're talking about divine providence you know we're talking about evangelism about what god is doing through the ministry of 3abn and talking about literature that's what we're going to be talking about here now is evangelism through literature but before we get to focus on truth mr danny i want to share one more story cause we could talk for hours on this right this has to do with literature the book 10 commandments twice removed this comes from my home state of west virginia that's where i was basically raised and a gentleman was sitting on his porch in the evening drinking a beer and so he was just there and he's looking out on his driveway he said what is that out there at the end of my driveway i can't quite tell what that is so he gets up off his porch with his beer can in his hand goes down there and someone had put the book there i don't know who on his driveway ten commandments tries to remove so there he goes with his can of beer and he goes up on his porch drinking his beer and reading the book ten commandments twice removed long story short his life was changed reached out to three a bien and he was making a turnaround in his life for what he believes god was leading him into all truth amen all we have to do is make ourselves available for evangelistic whoever put that book in his driveway god knows who that is that you made a difference in his life and i want to encourage you this evening too we're talking about stories here but you know what god has you here for a reason in this life in this earth many people may tell you uh you're just an accident you're not god has a purpose for your life you have a reason to be here and that's to share the love of jesus and we want to tell you this evening how you can get involved in a great evangelism project evangelistic project called focus on truth should we give an update mr danny tell us about what this project is in case it's brand new to somebody sure what i wanted to say first and foremost yes please the other stories but it is important what we do and don't worry about well how do i know like we're talking about people sending zip codes well how many people will really read it how many well those who weren't looking for truth we'll find they will find it reminds me of the lady walking on the beach discouraged didn't know what to do saw a book in the sand open it up ten commandments twice right amen gave a heart to the lord a garbage uh truck uh guy who rode her in the garbage truck poured when as he was pouring in the trash book fell out and ended up being ten commandments he read it end up giving his heart to lord join the church i mean you his word will not return void so this the focus on truth of course you'd asked yvonne and i a year or so ago to do the the book after coven 19 what next and because we're in our homes not going anywhere everything was shutting down including churches so the devil's happy about it but that until he said we and you know the lord showed us this is an opportunity don't look at it the devil can't stop the word because we work for jesus not not the lord so the devil can't i mean yeah the devil can't stop the work of god because we work for the lord that's right and so he can try to stop it but he doesn't so the idea came you know we put out that book six and a half million i think yes saw tremendous results it was just a little pamphlet to give people encouragement during this coven but we saw the power of television the power of radio because more people are home power the internet cable everybody's home and sending books to people in their homes we see great results from that so we we're doing a series a book called focus on truth we won't go over all of them but we started out with focus on the truth about we call it focus on truth the truth about salvation the truth about the ten commandments the truth about hellfire and so we figure that first of all the most important thing is is to let people know how they find jesus that's right once you make that decision to serve the lord now we need to know are you saved forever are you once saved always saved is this something that's where it's predestined you know let's find out what does the bible say about salvation and how do we get saved so now if you don't know all of that you haven't put it together these little books do it 48 pages so they're like an hour hour and a half read so then after that we've got the 10 the 10 commandments once you accept jesus christ as lord and savior give your life to him then then what's he want us to do should we keep all the 10 commandments are they done away with nailed to the cross so we go through a whole thing on that but then also it's very important and i see this as much as almost anything people who say and honestly this honest truth met many many people talking to people says well i'm not a christian i don't want to serve a god who burns people forever who's a torturer so god's character has been misaligned i mean misrepresented so ellen white makes another statement satan's last greatest attack against god is against his character that's right and so showing we showing this book the truth about hell fire that god is god of love does sin have to be done away with yes is god a torture no but this thing hopefully will answer your questions about this god because god is love and as a god of love he's not going to torture people forever and ever and ever without the the opportunity to come back and repent like beating your kids forever and ever and ever once while you might feel like it but you don't it wouldn't last very long it goes away from you i'm sure my dad felt that way with me but he didn't he led up on me to give me a chance to repent that's what a loving god would do so right these three books together and so where it's a series we actually have about nine to possibly 12 the topics that we're doing we're going to write some pretty strong stuff the you know the truth about the rapture the truth about abortion number of things that are coming that may be controversial but so what there's a great controversy going on between good and evil uh god and the devil the whole world's involved whether we want to be or not so which side are we on so it's time that we as christians stand up and stand up with the bible with god and give the truth the best that we know how to do it amen when we get to heaven will we have known everything we're going to see wow i'm surprised god even put us there because none of us know everything now we see through a glass starkly but it's our hearts when we submit and commit our lives to the and you submit along with us submit and commit our lives to the lord jesus christ that's all we have to do so he forgives us from our sins cleanses us from all unrighteousness then we go and tell what he's done for us our personal testimonies our greatest assets so we wanted to get these out and we are thanks to you and people who've donated in advance six million of these are in print and i think we've got about two million orders altogether oh yes we should right over so far so we want you to get them but the way that you can get these books it's not a you're going to see it's not as sales trying to do this is and to me only god could have put this together to get six million of these out of these books so maybe you all could tell us how to do it i was just going to mention that um these this project basically was um evaluated uh independently and some guy on youtube that was great it was really good and he said he's not not an adventist maybe not a christian i don't know but he he he goes on the air and he exposes stuff that comes and so is this marketing guy marketing guy yeah what about this yeah and he got this in the mail yeah he got it somebody sponsored a zip code and it went to his house and it went to his house and he did a um they they do he's an influencer so he wanted to talk about this and he said um he didn't talk about the content so much but he said you know if you're looking for information about any of these subjects these books are great for that and he said one of the things that he seemed impressed about was that we didn't ask for anything yeah usually there's an envelope inside you know usually when you send money yes send money yes but there was no envelope inside of the envelope that we send these in there was nothing requesting money instead there is this introduction to 3abn and and page the whole back page so once someone gets these books then there's this sense of continuity yes you know you're not just sending somebody information and then they have nothing after that they can find out what's next what what do i do next how do i find this jesus and so all of this if you how to find three abn is right here so i i was i love the fact that this was an independent guy i know nobody that we you know talked to about anything and he loved he loved what we were doing and it accomplished just what we wanted really because what he said was this came in such a nice envelope yeah it's kind of a setting it's kind of thick and the pictures of the books are on the front you have that free gift inside and it says and he referenced that so he said when i saw this you know and he actually said this again maybe i don't know if he's christian or not but definitely not any we've we've never heard of him but he does this i guess a lot yeah critiques so to speak but what he said was this i don't know about this information but this this is probably if you're interested in these type of subjects of all at all whoever gets it probably won't throw it away you'll probably put it in your library for and maybe read it later on down when you have questions so that's exactly pastor john what we wanted we wanted something nice enough to look good enough correct pictures inside that when somebody gets it they're not just going to throw it in the mail in the garbage you know because yeah i'll throw it in the garbage yeah so yeah you know i love paul says that one plants one water yes but god gives amen that's right and so right now um these books are being planted and they're being watered by the holy spirit and by you joining hands with 3dn to send them out to zip codes or to order cases and to pass them out in your community and the lord is bringing the increase so people are finding truth people are discovering how they can experience salvation how they can find jesus or what happens when we die is there an eternal burning hell or what about the ten commandments were they nailed to the cross they're going to discover all of that truth found in these booklets so right now the call center is open and there's two ways that you can get these books you can call us at 618 623 and say yes i want to sponsor a zip code mailing in my community now because we're in the month of september you probably noticed that postage is going up so because of that we have offered this for a special offer because of postage but it has increased so now it was 50 cents per home now it's 54 cents per home that's still less than that all three books failing everything right and it's still less than the cost of a postage stamp so but it is 54 cents per home now um for all three of these booklets to be mailed they'll be put in this envelope and to be mailed to the zip code of your choice so if you want to do that option that is available or if you want to order them by the case they come 250 in a case you can get a case of hellfire a case of 10 commandments or a case of salvation or you can order one case of all three whatever you would like to do the cost for that because of postage is now 19 for a case so instead of the 1650 it's 19 for a case so we encourage you to call us and you can either 350 books 250 books in a case that's right so you can call us right now at 618-627-4651 or you can go online and you can order the cases online or you can say yes i want to sponsor the zip code mailing you can't choose a specific zip code but you can sponsor the project in general you just go to and that's the way that you can order these booklets it's absolutely amazing you think about this evangelistic opportunity i mean you can just be at home call the call center tonight and they'll get the zip code figured out for you or you can order some cases and have them shipped as jill was mentioning to your home here in the u.s for 19 i mean that's incredible for a case of 250 of whatever choice booklets or you can get like you were mentioning and get 250 of each one of these uh topics an amazing opportunity we had a a baptist pastor just reached out to us and said he received the envelope in his home with all three booklets opened it up loved what he found in the books and actually ordered cases of these books to hand out in his community and to his church members that's amazing so i don't know which one of you sponsored his zip code but thank you so much but we know that these are just a taste yeah all the others that are finding this information are just being blessed and you know we're talking about again divine providence right it's not an accident absolutely that's right people are looking for injury and we've had paper shortage or they'd all been out i think close to a couple million out and there but pacific press has been working hard so each week they're getting more unable to print up more of these to get them uh get them out but it's slower than we wanted but paper shortage is like a lot of shortages all across you know america you know every time you mail these books out it's like getting a preacher to come to your house teach you three sermons yeah so how many times can you get a preacher to come to your house for 54 cents walking on the block plus when he leaves you only retain about 10 percent at most that's right that's why you still got them too yeah yeah stay with you that's true this stays with you yeah how many times you get a preacher to stay with you for 54 i think that's the best question some people wouldn't want no that's a different point but um you know paul says it says they mourn that to get him to leave some of them you know in second corinthians 13 8 the bible says we can do nothing against that's right only for the lord so you can't stop the truth the gates of hell will not prevail against that right yeah so when these go out it is in fact fulfilling matthew 24 14 and this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world as a witness to all nations and then the end will come and more than just these beautiful truths it's a vindication of the character of christ amen because a lot of truths people say well you have your truth and i have my truth nothing is farther from the truth yeah as that statement because the bible doesn't support two opposing views so somebody honestly has to be wrong somebody has to be out of line with the scriptures that's right but many people are afraid to investigate because it not only requires them changing the way they think but it requires them admitting that they were wrong and you know it's better to admit that you are wrong now than to see jesus coming and say oh i was wrong yeah you don't want to be wrong at the wrong time it's better to be wrong at the right time you can make a change that's good that's why all scripture is given by inspiration of god and it is profitable for doctrine for reproof for correction for instruction in righteousness there's nothing to lose look at the truth if eternity is in your purview if you want to live forever and know jesus as your savior these truths will clear up who he is he's not a tyrant that is worse than hitler he doesn't take joy in burning folk as a matter of fact he says i have no pleasure in the death of anyone and then he's not a god who says become a christian and live disobediently no god if the land you live in is the land of law god is a kingdom of law his character is a character that has laws to support it and then finally salvation who wouldn't want to be saved when they're drowning really honestly a lawyer a doctor a teacher would you see someone drowning and say well he's got a lot of money let him drown no everybody wants to be saved this is the hour to be saved don't say i don't really care about it and look back with tremendous regret and say you know i wish i only had i i segway on this passage you know jeremiah says and this is a passage i can never get rid of the harvest has passed the summer has ended and we are not saved no matter how much pleasure the world brings you the day is coming when everybody's going to say i should have made a different decision if you don't believe me ask noah so people should have been on that ark but they ignored what god was trying to send their way the lord is saying there's people in your community that want to know the truth that's right you don't have to go bang on their doors let the holy spirit do that through these materials so thank you yvonne and danny for putting that together this is the time to campaign and start focusing on truth which gets you to focus on salvation yeah amen thank you so much 750 books a box of each to get all three for like 56 bucks or something now three times 95 so 750 books incredible yeah and then pass them out to mail them yourself or the zip codes as you said how much is it now tonight 54 cents 54 cents and uh that's fine less than a postage stamp that's amazing so if you had just a stamp to put on a letter that envelope would cost you more money if you had paper and wrote a letter inside of it that would cost you money yeah right so this one inside the envelope is all of the books and so still yet for under the price of one that's only because of of you at home those who pre-gave money to say look we will sponsor these books and we want everybody to get them price shouldn't be an issue because right now the whole world needs to hear the truth and so thank you for your love and your prayers again and your supportive projects just like this one it's making a difference in people's lives and you don't have to leave your house some people don't want to go out you don't have to go out pick up the phone all you have to do is pick up the phone and call the call center i'm going to let julie go through the whole thing but how to do it about the how-to is julie's purview so i'm going to let her explain it but that's all you have to do because a lot of people don't want to go out you don't you know you don't want to have to go to the post office you don't have to do any of that just pick up the phone or go to the internet that's all you have to do and someone someone's life will be changed as a result of what you do and i think that's that's so important i know so many people right now who are saying what's going on like what's happening i was even talking to um a lady in a a salon and she was saying um she was i was saying things are happening in the world now and we need to know what's going on the bible tells us what's going on and i didn't know whether she would be receptive or not but she really was so i'm going to take her so that she will have this so that she can have answers people are looking for answers now because the world's changing so fast amen and we have the answers to the word of god and these are bible studies they are these are bible studies so we can introduce them to to the lord through these booklets so thank you for those of you who've already done it and for those of you who are on the fence about doing it get off the fence and do it and do it and help someone because it makes a difference you know this is amazing i was just doing some quick math and i may be wrong on it but for a little over ten dollars you can reach a whole a whole block because there's about 10 homes on one side 10 homes on another side because it's about a dollar eight four four two two homes that's correct yeah so that's amazing that you can do that you're talking about three booklets in each envelope reaching every home and we leave the results up to god that's right because he'll he'll he will guide people to the truth i mean the whole you got to pray for these when when they're sent out pray for the lord to bless that the people will read it and will bear fruit uh to god's glory that's right you know pastor johnny a year ago uh three have been had the opportunity to go to cuba yes we've been latino and i remember that you said and mr danny said you know this has opened up if we don't go through as in three event doesn't step through this open door somebody else will so three abn with the pandemic just starting and there are a lot of unknowns three abn stepped forward and thanks to you this project is just taking off in great ways as jill mentioned at the beginning of this program you just returned from cuba so give us an update because i know many people at home would love to hear what god is doing and you have some videos to share too oh yes yes we have some video uh i want to tell you that june 8th is a day that i will remember oh yes because that's the day that uh three avian latino programs were released on what we call they call the package el paquete they call it in spanish that's the day we launched that's the day that we launched in cuba to praise the lord is history made because it's the first christian channel to get in on the package well what is the package please remember that cuba does not have cable television you and your home or practically any home in the u.s you have access to hundreds of television channels if you want them and uh you pay a pretty high amount of money for cable television or even the streaming services but in cuba they have an alternative because internet is not easy to get and it's very expensive so the package is the most economical way for the gospel to get into people's homes and you're talking about that on june 8th through even latino programming was available in every single city in cuba like i said they do not have cable television so how do the people get the programming they buy them in their neighborhood from somebody that has the front of their house they've dedicated to selling the package it's easy to find if you don't know where it is you just ask somebody you know where and they they will tell you and so june 8th was the day and this is a miracle of god a miracle of the lord because uh it's the timing as well the timing as well consider you have people because of covet uh a lot of stress over there like everywhere you don't know wherever there's coping there's stress but i want to show you a video because you know i want to make sure people understand um i didn't i wasn't in thompsonville i wasn't in kansas so we're going to roll what i would call the video that shows some of the old homes old cars they have some new cars there as well but i was just sitting in the passenger seat as the taxi driver was was you know driving and you'll see uh some cars passing by and you'll see some homes that you can tell this is not kansas this is not you know the regular this is a cars from the 50s that you'll see there going down the road and some are in beautiful condition and so this is not this is a typical street in cuba but you're looking and you're saying well you know this this this is the way cuba is all over the place no there they have some very nice buildings and we're going to show you that in a moment but this is a typical street anywhere you're going it's amazing seeing those cars yes it's amazing it's amazing and i had to literally stop and take pictures of some of those cars because you don't see those here yeah no you don't so i have a few pictures maybe at a car show you would here maybe at a car show but this is just regular transportation yes regular transportation and the people keep them in working order and some of these old cars they have parts from different cars all 15 cars i saw a chevy with a dodge front on it that's right that's right now i'm going to show you the next video where you have some there are some buildings under construction cuba is building new buildings so here's a hotel under construction and you see that they have modern buildings you go downtown havana you will see modern buildings so i wanted to show you both aspects of this because as you notice people are walking down the street you may have heard of some protests in cuba in the month of july but it appears that things are back to normal and people are going about their everyday lives these are some modern buildings there that you can see uh in downtown cuba and so downtown havana that is indiana and so it's it's a it's a country to to to visit but when the doors of opportunity are open right now travel to cuba is very very difficult and expensive now i want to show you something that you are not going to find in kansas something you're not going to find down in thompsonville and this is a person just going down the street you can see this practically in any spanish country this is a guy selling something now you're saying what's he selling well he's selling plantain he's selling avocados he is selling some other vegetables and he goes down the street he doesn't have a a pa system he just says i got mangoes i've got avocados and he'll just yell this down the street people come out and they buy from him instead of having to go down the street to the store and this is a typical scene practically any country this is in havana cuba that you see this now i show that because more and more people are selling things in cuba because they want to make a little extra money question are prices going up in the u.s yes they are but they're going up in cuba as well now i when i was in in april in cuba the numbers of covet cases were into 800 900 right now 7 000 something and over 6 000 people have died because of covet that they they have they can trace to uh to covet in cuba in cuba in cuba now um the good news is that 3abn is there to bring hope to people that's right they are facing difficult times practically in any country they are but three avian is bringing hope to people and they are discovering god's wonderful truth now i want to show you a picture where can you get the package you can see a picture of a typical home this is actually a garage that they've converted into a little shop wow and you can just go there and uh and buy the package you can buy the whole package or you can buy portions of the package so for a little over a dollar you can buy about a tera drive a terabyte of uh what what you want to say soap operas tv show sports movies um praise the lord but if you just want drip and latino programming it's amazing the amount you just pay about a quarter about 25 cents and you just buy the program we are allowed about 12 to 15 gigabytes and uh that's a lot of programming actually because we have to bring it bring bring the uh compressor compress the file so you and then you're able to add more programming so this this is a tremendous opportunity to continue spreading the gospel in cuba and in the most economical way and i'm going to repeat something i i said probably in april or may or june and that is uh one of the um distributors of the package he says this is the fastest uh and most economical way to get information to people in cuba wow let's do the packaging through the package it's an amazing miracle what god is doing i know we're going to transition to america what's next but could you tell us just in 30 seconds we're already getting stories back of people who have seen oh yes the programming so tell us maybe one short one oh yes uh this is interesting to me because i went to buy the package twice once was on a thursday and they said well the new version comes out on monday so i bought it on thursday and when i went to buy it he says i would like the religious programming he says we just had somebody asked for that as well so the good news is that people are asking amen and i talked again to a gentleman that i talked to uh a few months ago and he says oh yes the people are watching and they're giving bible studies as they walk they get the program in their home and they share people come and watch this with me and the people have questions and they do bible studies already we see fruit from what's happening there already people are searching their bibles we're so thankful we're grateful that you partner with us in helping to support this incredible evangelistic opportunity there in cuba and the government i want to just add that too is very supportive of this government which is we see is the miracle of the lord i want to remind you before we transition to what happened last weekend at our church um if you would like to take advantage of this incredible evangelistic opportunity to partner with 3abn with a focus on truth mailing you can call us right now there's two ways that you can take advantage call us right now at i want to 618-627-4651 a zip code mailing in my community it is 54 cents per home for three booklets they're stuffed in this beautiful envelope 54 cents for that to go into each home so you can do that by calling us or if you'd like to order cases of this there's 250 booklets in a case you can order a case of salvation or a case of 10 commandments or a case a hellfire or several of each whatever you would like nineteen dollars for a case of that so you can call us for that as well six one eight six two seven four six five one or you can order the cases online just go to three abn dot tv now i know we don't have much time left pastor john but tell us about this amazing event that took place last weekend well um we had a weekend dedicated to two things 9 11 looking back on the 20th anniversary of 9 11. for those who may be watching from another country that wonder what that is is 20 years ago on sabbath september 11th this year was the 20th anniversary of the attack on the world trade center pentagon and the plane downing in pennsylvania it was uh it was earth-shattering in the sense that on that particular day it was one of the most startling events that ever took place on american soil that is in the contiguous states we know that pearl harbor happened but it was in hawaii and it shocked us to see that we are not a country that is as safe as we thought we were we became susceptible to uh terrorism we hear about it in the middle east in different places but when it hit you at home it was a wake-up call to america but in a sad wake-up call more than 3 000 lives were lost my sister works for the fire department they lost 343 firefighters and ems workers and police officers it was just a tragedy in new york city two buildings that i worked in when i was in just coming out of high school i saw them being built and i saw them come down unfortunately and what made it even more personal my wife and i were traveling back from london england that very day and our plane was diverted to canada one of the first planes to land there and it was a lesson that we learned because when we were finally released to go to san francisco where we lived in california at the time even if you are an american citizen if you were on the wrong plane you had to go back to that country so if you were on air france or air whatever even though you're american citizen you're on the wrong plane and i could not help and draw some spiritual parallel from that you got to be in the right church to get in to god's country and uh churches were jam-packed all over the nation people were all of a sudden awake and they were nervous and as i said a moment ago for that singular day and many many days after that satan had us more fearful of what he can do rather than have faith in god what he can do and my sister worked at ground zero for nine months picking up body parts and she told me she says um i could have left the fire department ems services just claiming insanity how do you how do you endure picking up an arm and a leg and taking it to a morgan that's what you do all week long and she had many health impacts from that wow but i decided you know the lord has given us an opportunity we had an ems uh emergency worker from the fire department here uh jeffrey samuelson gave a tremendous testimony we have the senator dale fowler and representative dave severin and also um a local pastor pentecostal pastor and his wife that the lord allowed us to meet that allowed his life to be changed and impacted by what was taking place we had our pathfinders presenting their colors conference president conference president was here elder uh ron aguilera did a wonderful message we had great testimony and yvonne saying her brains out america we are one and then the song let freedom ring but the focal point of that was how do you tie in 9 11 to the title america what's next the lord put it on my heart that if people had known what was coming if the nation had all all known if the people in new york and washington had known what was coming how different would they made their plans for that day so i chose the title and god impression by the way i got to give uh credited to um jonathan babb because he came up with the title america what's next in our think tank we said what could we come up with and he said let's try america what's next i had a different title we realized that was not god's will but um even though the event has ended the america what's next website is still active because the title america what's next is very relevant and i'll talk to you directly because we still want to know this title america what's next what happens in america according to bible prophecy will impact the entire world you know god was gracious to bring america into view uh you've seen in revelation chapter 12 when the church was trying to survive during the dark ages the bible says the earth opened its mouth and helped the woman that's right and so that's in revelation 12 and then you see in revelation 13 verse 11 and there's a there's a beast coming up out of the earth having two horns like a lamb but eventually speaks like a dragon that lamb-like beast the infancy of the united states coming up at a time when the vatican was going down and god gave america from 1776 to 1929 about 130 years free from the influence of rome and some amazing things happened and i need to say this in the context america was growing spiritually america was growing religiously getting back to the bible and god also raised up the seventh adventist church during that time in 1863 but america what's next is intended to be a website where people can now go and participate in what we call a master class because we just gave you an introduction to what revelation is talking about an introduction to bible prophecy but that introduction is only good as yvonne talked about the follow-up having people not only read the booklets but what do we do next yes and many of you have said i never heard that before there's some people that said i didn't even know the bible talked about america in bible prophecy i had no idea what the scripture said so we're giving you a chance to go to america what's and register for the master class and what does that mean we're going to have chosen speakers and chosen teachers and chosen material that's going to focus on three areas one on bible prophecy you know like pastor doug bashler mark finley and others who are on the cutting edge when it comes to really communicating clearly god's word as it relates to bible prophecy you see the point is we don't have to guess there should not be a 9 11 in the minds of christians because the apostle paul says concerning the times and seasons brethren you have no need that i should write to you first thessalonians 5 and verse 1. he's saying god's word is sufficient there's information so danny and yvonne we don't have to guess what's coming next god is saying uh you are not in darkness so that this day should overtake you as a thief so if you're a christian wondering what's next let me put your heart at ease there is no secret rapture coming god's not going to snatch us out of the world before these events take place we're going to see everything transpire so america what's next is an opportunity to go to that website sign up for the master class and the second portion not only prophecy but we want to clearly teach about jesus amen who is he yes why is he the central figure in human history and we're going to talk about the salvation that he offers and then another the third and final section more about what happens when you die about hellfire about the commandments these testing truths and scriptures so go to that website sign up for the master class so that the event that happened last week is not your last touch you need to know what's coming and god wants you to be informed the most important event in human history is still ahead of us america can tell you what's next can i ask real quick for the event that happened last sabbath how can people access that it should be on youtube right it should be no it was streamed live internationally on youtube we're also putting together a dvd for those people that want to have a hard copy of it and you can inquire about that on the america what's the next uh website also about that and then it's also on youtube but we're going to have it on our website broken down into segments so that if you don't want to watch the whole thing you can break down specific areas okay look forward to that good yeah amen thank you pastor yeah director of world evangelism i appreciate your leadership what you're doing this is exciting yeah amen should we touch on this quickly before we go to the second hour we're trading out guests too for the second hour so we want to remind you that you can call us right now at 618-627-4651 and you say yes i want to sponsor a zip code mailing in my community 54 cents per home for the booklets and the envelope or you can order it by the case 19 for a case so give us a call or go to and you can order these booklets to use evangelistically in your community amen amen yeah absolutely exciting times we're living in it isn't it mr danny you know so much going on but we know that the lord is in control and we have all these opportunities as mr mr danny mentioned earlier at the beginning of this hour and that is we don't have tomorrow it's not guaranteed we have this moment right now what can we do with it we can share the love of jesus with others thank you mr danny dr yvonne pastor john pastor johnny for being on we're playing musical chairs we'll be skyping in the next hour with pastor doug batcher the rafferty's beyond shell he will be talking about camp meeting and many more things happening here at your ministry 3abn stay tuned we'll be right back [Music] hello and welcome back to 3abn today live we're so glad that you've joined us this evening the first hour always goes by in a great hurry we know that the second hour will go by just as fast and we're talking about divine providence about what god is doing through the ministry of 3abn there are so many things happening a lot of times i get tongue-tied right you've been and watched three of me in a while i talk so fast because my brain's running so fast i'm trying to get so much out because there's so much happening here in the ministry of 3abn is so exciting i gotta just slow down and take a breath sometimes it's good to breathe well that's true too it is good to breathe yeah you're right absolutely but um the second hour we've played a little bit of musical chairs and we want to again thank you for participating in the project of focus on truth it's just amazing what god is doing already this project we launched in uh right around camp meeting time wasn't it around spring camping so just a few months and so many of you just jump on board with evangelism any opportunity that's given and this second hour is no exception we're going to be talking about more opportunities for evangelism or ways that you can participate one of those of course is with pastor doug batchelor who's going to be skyping in with us and yeah he's on with us and we have some others with us on the set this evening too we do we played some musical terrorists we have more of the three avian family here we have pastor james rafferty who is three being director of discipleship you and your wife reecey joined the team i'm trying to remember how long has it been may 20th may 20th but you remember good i should remember that we're so delighted you and your wife have a passion for evangelism a passion for the word and we're just so glad to have you part of the team praise god it's good to be part of the team and it's great to have you out here together you know you've come to three events for many years and recorded many programs here at 3abn and your wife has come from time to time but when you all travel here you're coming here as a team since she's part of the team here to join the team at 3abn it's a blessing it is so much easier now our kids are all grown so we're empty nesters so that makes it a lot easier so now reecey and i travel everywhere together specifically here but also to satellite meetings whatever else we're doing we're going together actually sometimes i travel with her traveling with me that a privilege you know to minister together as a husband and wife team is just a privilege we have our sister shelley quinn who is 3b program development manager and producer and of course your husband jd is in charge of our pastoral department but so glad you're here tonight oh it's always a blessing to be on with you thank you for you and jd i know you guys did a great job and god brought you here as everyone part of the ministry but to you guys and we just appreciate both of you so much we pray what you bring to the ministry we pray every night i think probably 90 percent of my i say the nighttime prayers because he's got his cpap machine on it in bed but i think 90 of my prayers is praising god and we always thank god for giving us purpose in our life for bringing us here yeah and thank you for using the word purpose we were talking about that in the first hour if you were tuned into the first hour about purpose you know god has you here for a reason amen you know you may unfortunately have had some people tell you you know you're just an accident you should never be here never been born you know what that's not true god has you here for a reason again talking about divine providence you have a reason that you're here on this earth and you may say wow look what 3avn's doing i can never do anything that big you know what god has you in whatever sphere that is it could be just one person it could be you could call people you could send letters emails social media now you can connect with so many people and you can put out encouraging messages all day long if you wanted to so don't say oh well whoa was me not much going on in my neck of the woods as they say there's a lot that god wants you to do and we're so glad that you're part of our family if you don't have family that supports you or anything we support you and thank you for being a part of the three abn family i want to mention we have one more person we want to introduce too don't we we do we're delighted to have pastor doug batchelor with us joining us via skype he of course is speaker director president pastor student of the word friend of the ministry of three avian of course he oversees the ministry of amazing facts international and pastor doug we're just so delighted that you're with us here tonight thank you so much good to see everybody there and uh thanks so much for the opportunity to visit this morning or this evening for you you know i i appreciate the amazing facts and of course we've partnered together three abn and amazing facts for i don't know seems like forever but for many many years and i just have to say that we appreciate your heart for evangelism and you believe in souls for the kingdom and uh and i have to say that that partnership between our ministry and your ministry has been strong for so many years and of course mr danny was on the first hour and i know he sends his greetings to you as well but i know that you all go way back why does evangelism mean so much to you pastor doug you know we're alive but this is temporary and the only thing that matters is sharing eternal life with people and so evangelism is all about how people find eternal life i can't think of anything more important than that speaking of evangelism you have an incredible evangelistic series coming up him panorama of prophecy um here shortly so tell us about that and how our viewers can become involved in this incredible opportunity yeah we are as a very very excited uh we've done a few meetings in the past like this with freebn that's right where we invite anybody around the country who has used to be satellite dishes but now just internet yes and or satellite and that they can in their church in their home bring people together we will be presenting a full evangelistic meeting 25 presentations going through the three angels messages and the the high points of prophecy and uh there's brand new lessons that go along with it called panorama prophecy and of course we've got a website called where people can go and and find out about the program so especially with everything happening in the world today and uh some international travel is still restricted people can do evangelism through 3am in a program like this amen absolutely i know we're really excited about it what i want to do is actually let's go to one of the little promos that's being done by amazing facts and then we'll comment on that let's go to that role right now turn on the news search the internet stroll down the block are you terrified yet every day brings a new crisis in this covet stress society and it's not only external disasters it's now in our very homes did you know the bible told us thousands of years ago that all of this would happen join pastor doug batchelor for panorama of prophecy a bible study spectacular right here on 3 abn starting october 15th at 7 pm pacific amen good job pastor doug on that that really grabs your attention and like you mentioned there's a lot of things and a lot of chaos going on yeah in this world but tell us how people can get involved because obviously 3a bin partnering with amazing facts we're going to air it right here on 3abn but how are ways that churches or individuals can participate well one way is of course go to the website and there's all the information there that they can register if they want to know about how they can download the lessons we're trying to make this easy for anyone not just in north america but anyone around the world that gets to signal via satellite or internet they can bring friends family into their homes and churches turn on the program and win souls and if their time zone is you know inconvenient they can record it and then play it when it is convenient but uh be doing all new presentations that uh we've uh we've shared in the past these truths and it works every time changes hearts so individuals can be involved they can watch from the comfort of their home or people can gather and invite people into their home or churches can become involved is that correct and they can join together every night and watch and participate like in the satellite evangelism yep make it make it a a social event where where people learn the truth and the holy spirit transforms us so tell us a little bit about the bible lessons because you mentioned that briefly so when you go to the website obviously they will be able to download the bible lessons from there is that how that works well they'll not be able to get them right away but as the meetings begin i think the lessons are available there are hard copy lessons people can actually order right now oh wow and they can have them of course we've only got a little more than a month before we begin and so they can get the materials they can you know there's online ads they can basically send to invite friends um and yeah this fault get everyone called in so many amen thank you so much pastor doug we're excited to be partnering together with amazing facts to be broadcasting this series to be airing it it begins october 15th so make sure you go to the website panorama of so that you can sign up you can participate and you can become involved in evangelism i love that yeah absolutely and you can always watch this course this series will be live here on 3abn i think was it 7 00 p.m i believe it is or boy i'm trying to remember the time now part time your time okay in california yeah okay got it yep very good so you can watch it here nine nine pm our time center time yep and it's about an hour and a half program they'll be able to get what bible q and a right um of course and they may even see a few three avian personalities on the program we're sending a few people out yes yeah and i love evangelism you know i we were talking about earlier in the first hour pastor doug about the focus on truth uh project that 3abn of course is uh doing and of course we believe in evangelism 100 we know that amazing facts does too that's what our ministries are all about about the opportunities that people have at home to participate there are so many ways you know there's no excuse i think mr daniels even mentioned that in the first hour there's so many opportunities and there's so much truth that can be shared and we have this opportunity because a lot of people are afraid of covet i'm thinking about big groups i like what you're doing because you can actually get people together in a sense by just organizing a group that they can watch at home whether it's on the computer or on three abn on their computer or satellite dish but we can still do evangelism it seems like in the midst of sometimes chaos and people are afraid some people just kind of like go back and are very um may i see like a hermit or become reclusive so to speak but there's no need to fear because satan wants us to be afraid and say don't do anything just wait till this you know maybe passes by but you know god wants us to still go out as mr danny says we have to be on the side of go not on the side of stop and we appreciate amazing facts being on the side of go as well amen well you know greg i couldn't agree more the world has seen incredible changes in the last year and a half and i think the interest of people in the future and prophetic issues in the bible is is peaking right now so this is like a prime harvest time and we just can't let that pass by amen amen we're mentioning the first hour as well uh that we've had people already responding to these little booklets being mailed out uh to a zip code of their choice pastor doug it's incredible we had a baptist pastor i know i'm repeating myself from the first hour but a baptist pastor received one of these envelopes with all three booklets the truth about salvation the truth about the ten commandments the truth about hellfire in one of these envelopes he was so impressed by the truth that he found because he said this is bible-based he actually ordered cases of these to pass out himself in his neighborhood so you're right people are looking for truth and the world is ripe for a harvest amen and that literature that you're sharing that's so powerful because people read it and they're they're transformed by the word yeah amen to that pastor james i know that uh you know pastor doug for many years and you're all about evangelism too amen and i actually uh came into the church uh via pastor doug's um well the amazing facts joe cruz which was the predecessor of pastor doug i've still got this is a new bible that i am just now it's not marked up yet but my old bible is exactly the same as this bible this is a 1984 kjv nelson bible that someone found me that's exactly the same because everything's in the same place it makes it easier for me to remember where stuff is oh yeah and i have in my old bible all of joe cruz's um little booklets little little study guides yeah i was on my way to england on a plane and i was wanting to do evangelism and reach my catholic family and i just took his whole library and started marking it in my bible it's still in there so evangelism is something that has been in my blood since i first became a seventh-day adventist and joe cruz and amazing facts ministry now with doug has been a huge part of that so really blessed and these studies are excellent the thing that i love about those studies those three booklets i have to say is the fact that in sharing a message on hellfire and in sharing a message um that is dealing with the law of god we have also included a message on salvation yeah and it's really time for us as adventists to be known not just for our commandments not just known for our state of the dead understand but also known for our jesus trust in jesus christ as our savior yeah praise god amen amen for that i just know that i love doug you know that more people talk about the way in which you share the word because it's so simple it's just right there there's no question about it and people are looking for something better yeah aren't they they are and and well we're going to give them that at camp meetings that's right that's right we're going to give them that at camp meeting but yeah you're right and that is very true shelly and yeah we just want to say thank you pastor doug i know you've got many things to do and it's getting late but uh thank you so much for again your support of three abn three event of course is supporting you we pray for you thank you for your vision and uh not going to the left or to the right but believing straight into the word of god and the needle to the pull that's what i'm trying to get at so thank you so much oh thank you greg and jill and shelly and james enjoy to join you this morning and talk about the biggest thing okay all right god bless you good thank you okay bye bye see you doug appreciate amazing facts yeah yeah great work and uh you know in these times where there seems to be so much confusion what a blessing and i'm so thankful for the 3abn family and for the supporting mysteries right rolling this thing together like amazing facts and others you know trying to stay true to the word of god you know we're talking about early the first hour it's not 3abn's religion or 3abn's beliefs it's god's word that three abn stands amen let's talk about folks on truth how people can get it and then let's talk about camp meetings i was just thinking okay okay so if you would like to partner with 3abn in this incredible evangelistic opportunity we've been talking about it all night but you can call us right now at the call center they're open call us at 618-627-4651 and you can do two things you can get these books out two different ways the first way would be to sponsor a zip code mailing in your community you this means all three of these booklets the one on salvation the one and the ten commandments and the one on hellfire would be put in this little envelope and would be mailed to the zip code of your choice for 54 cents per home now we just talked about the first hour postage went up in september so because of that the cost increased just slightly but it's still less than the cost of a postage stamp which is 58 cents now so less than the cost of a postage stamp you can get these so for 54 cents per home you just call us and say yes i would like to sponsor this many zip codes or this certain area or if you want to do the leg work yourself and you want to take the booklets and pass them out yourself you can order them by the case they come 250 booklets in a case and that cost is 19 for the postage and handling so 19 for 250 of these booklets you can order a case on salvation or a case on the 10 commandments or a case on hellfire or you can order a case of each and you can get three of them and you can pass them out in your community you can do that by calling us or you can go to the website our website again is you just click on the focus on truth banner mailing and um you can order that way so it's an incredible evangelistic opportunity to me that's one of the things i love the most about 3bn is that we're all about evangelism everything we do this is evangelism partnering with amazing facts that's evangelism our camp meeting next week is about evangelism too so talk to us about that oh well i'm just stoked so i just wanted to mention yeah please on when you order them by the case you don't have the envelope coming with you and so you need to these are just to be passed out personally well as i said everybody that i know is talking about they're searching for something better right now people really are on fire in terms they recognize their emptiness within they recognize the fires of this world and they are passionate about learning about god actually and we have a wonderful camp meeting the only thing that would make this camp meeting better is you could be here in person but because of covid our camp meeting begins a week from tonight it will be september the 23rd through the 25th and the title is something better better we're gonna we're going to i'll pass this over to james in just a second to let him tell you he's going to be doing four sermons that are on that his sermons are love languages heart transplanter faith factor and the finisher but let me tell you some of the rest of this you can tune in seven o'clock on central time seven o'clock thursday september the 23rd it will begin with a music hour and then a message from pastor rafferty on friday at one o'clock now i this starts at one o'clock we're going to have four seminars kenny shelton will be doing prophecies unsealed hope for the future my message is love without measure ryan day thy kingdom come and jill moore courtney mauriconi i can say that learning to listen so those are at one two three and four o'clock respectively again friday night at seven o'clock music hour and then pastor james now sabbath of course everybody says are you going to have sabbath school as part of camp meeting camp meeting is in camp meeting without sabbath that's right there you go so it is the title is the ultimate rest so we'll have the three abn sabbah school panel on from nine until 10 15. and then at 10 30. our guest speaker for the divine worship hour is dr ben carson and i love this man's humility he is such a precious person great testimony but such a humble servant of the lord at two o'clock the leaning church will be presented by pastor john lo mccain james will do a message at three and then we'll take a little break six o'clock another music hour another message from james and it's just gonna be a wonderful time in the word we are recorded this will be all done live and so even though we can't hug your neck we'll be hugging your neck through the the cameras james tell us about your messages well this uh theme comes from the book of hebrews and hebrews is an amazing book and it's very specific for a certain group of people you might say this book was written for people who were just uh kind of caught up in religion as a legalistic system religion just became something that they did and the emphasis of the book of hebrews was to get them out of that rut that legalistic rut that ceremony will rut and get them into relationship with god we're not theory we're not dealing with that now are we pastor james i mean of course not even we're so beyond that no boy that's applicable to for today certainly wow no matter whether you're a christian or a muslim or a buddhist or even an atheist because atheists you know we all have codes we all have moral codes that we follow the way we treat people the way we relate to life etc and we can get so caught up in our codes and in these principles you know in these teachings these doctrines that we forget about the relational part we need a connection with someone who is higher than us and that relationship has to infuse us with a spirit that is supernatural because we're fallen human beings and continually we trip over ourselves as well as others now when we trip over ourselves sometimes we want to blame it on others but many times we're really tripping over ourselves true and the other person is even close by right and the book of hebrews does just that it introduces us to this relational god you know the very first word we just read just a couple verses here hebrews chapter 1 and i'm reading from the king james i love the way the king james reads here god who at sundry times and in diverse manners spake in time past unto the fathers by the prophets has in these last days spoken unto us by his son whom he hath appointed air of all things and by whom also he made the world now i don't know what sundry means actually i do so i looked it up but sundry times and divers manners you know basically what this this verse is saying is in every way possible in in every possible occasion god has spoken to us he's communicated to us and and at the last he actually came in the person of his son to communicate with us communication is a vital language of love and relationship when we communicate we're telling someone that we care about them we're telling someone that we are concerned we're we're communicating because we want relationship of some kind we want to maybe want to sort things out it won't get to the bottom of something or we just want to communicate love and affection or encouragement whatever it is god is saying to us that he cares about us and he's using the two the one word repeat it twice spoke i spake and i'm speaking i'm just speaking through my son i'm speaking to you directly through the prophets i'm speaking i'm speaking and speaking you know when my wife and i get a little tiff we don't actually argue we just have intense moments of fellowship and that's a neat way of describing it greg and i call them discussions [Laughter] uh sometimes you know i i'm naturally inclined to shut down my wife's a communicator i'm someone who shuts down so sometimes we can go to bed you know we have a nice big king bed and and we can have so much room between us that both our kids you know could fit there in the bed with us and at some point you know if we haven't resolved it my wife will say to me james are you awake and of course i'm pretending to be asleep so i don't answer but i can't sleep either right so she'll eventually say i know you're awake honey and i'll say i am not awake i'm sleeping and we'll start our conversation communication you see god knows there's a problem and he knows it's it's causing us you know disturbance we can't sleep uh our society our world at large we're struggling we're struggling with god we're struggling with where he is is he with all of the things that are going on we're struggling with this picture of god what does god really look like who is god and the book of hebrews introduces us to a better god the book of hebrews introduces us to a better savior not a savior that expresses us expects us to save ourselves by our good works that's right all the things we're supposed to do but a savior who has stepped in and done for us he's become hebrews 2 says the captain of our salvation amen that means he accomplished what we needed because we couldn't do it he's our leader and so the the whole book of hebrews follows this theme all the way through it follows this theme of something better that phrase is used 13 times within the 13 chapters wow one of my favorite verses in hebrews is hebrews 7 22 that jesus has become the surety of the new covenant and you know how i look at that it's that he is the surety from god to us the person of jesus christ because ii corinthians 1 20 says all of his promises are yes and amen in christ jesus but he's also the surety the guarantor from us to god because philippians 2 13 says he's working in us to willing to do is good pleasure and philippians 1 6 says he will complete the good work so i love that he's the captain of our salvation i love that he's the guarantor of our salvation and the author and the finisher and the author the finisher of salvation so philippians also in hebrews 12 brings that out now aren't you you i think you said something about you're kind of tying in hebrews to some of revelation yes tell us about that so the book of revelation is you know it's an apocalyptic book i mean it's symbolic it's just like filled with all these scary images and pictures of course one of the images or symbols in the book of revelation so beautiful as the symbol of the lamb and that is found all through the book of revelation and it's a representation of the cross of calvary of where our savior died for us as our substitute in surety but the book of hebrews is also in a sense an end time book all of the themes that we're going to be talking about at least the the subjects i'll be talking about are all themes that are found in the book of revelation for example the first meeting the love languages is really the everlasting gospel of revelation chapter 14. yeah hebrews is simply expounding upon the details of the symbolism in revelation and let me just unpack that a little bit the book of revelation is really a distillation of the entire bible so all the book of the bible meets and ends in the book of revelation you've got a phrase here you've got a word there you have to take it back to the rest of the bible you have to unpack it what is a beast you go to daniel chapter 7 you're in pack daniel chapter seven it starts describing what these beasts represent right the everlasting gospel what's that well we've got to go to the bible and find out what it is because the everlasting gospel is just one little phrase in revelation 14 that is summarizing everything that god's revealed to us in the whole rest of the bible and so what are or what is the bible talking about when it talks about the everlasting gospel it's talking about god's love and how has god expressed his love well we found out my wife and i found out in our relationship journey together that love is expressed in languages there are different types of languages one language is gifts others another language is words of appreciation acts of service quality time that's my wife's favorite physical touch these are all love languages we talk about love oh i love you and oh we just need to love people well what does that look like that's just a word that's just a phrase how does it become practical and tangible amen well it becomes practical through these languages of love and the book of hebrews being a relational book is all about these languages of love it's all through the book of hebrews let me give you one example good okay so in hebrews chapter 11 and i'm stealing a little bit of thunder here from from the camp meeting but i think you'll appreciate this this is a sneak preview sneak preview in hebrews chapter 11 we call this the faith chapter right right and one of the the subjects we're going to be talking about is the faith of jesus and we have uh for probably a long time struggle to understand the faith of jesus i've heard a lot of people put the faith of jesus in the same category as the character the commandments of god the commandments of god obedience overcoming the faith of jesus the faith to obey and overcome but they're not exactly that they're actually opposites the commandments of god is obedience the faith of jesus is the gospel the faith of jesus is the way jesus looks at us that causes us to change our opinion of ourselves and motivates us to live for him that's beautiful it is the gospel incarnate in in in shoes if you will and we see the faith of jesus all through hebrews chapter 11. okay we talk about the faith of abraham and the faith of noah and the faith of well guess what these believers who stepped out in faith did so because of how god worked in them but they made mistakes i mean you look at noah for example who preached for 120 years but then he got drunk you know you look at abraham for example you know who came out of the land of earth didn't even know where he was going he was camping permanently i mean i like to camp every once in a while but it's nice to get home to a flush toilet you know what i'm saying oh yeah he was permanently camping and you know we think about the way he stepped out but he made a few mistakes along the way in fact he had relational problems you know he lied about his wife a couple times and kind of disowned her she's my sister you know and then ended up marrying another which is not what god said in genesis you know he said you know a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife singular not plural right that's correct but none of that is mentioned in hebrews 11. moses killed an egyptian buried in the sand not mentioned in hebrews 11 there is not one single time not one verse not one word nothing in here that ever mentions the faults or failures of god's people it's beautiful in the entire chapter i encourage people to look at hebrews 11 when they struggle with the idea of an investigative judgment because a lot of people think the investigative judgment is anti-gospel and it is exactly the opposite hebrews 11 is a picture of what the investigative judgment looks like when you put your faith in jesus judgments in favor of the saints absolutely and that's all you see in hebrews 11 you just see this this faith of jesus that has motivated us to live for him and has covered every fault and failure we've made because we put our trust in his righteousness i can't wait for camp meeting i know i'm excited so it all begins next week next thursday night september 23rd so you can go to 3b and camp and that will give you access to the schedule the meetings and what's taking place so you won't miss a thing because we want to encourage you to sit down you know people write in and they'll say i just popped a bowl of popcorn and we're sitting down just getting ready to watch three being camp meeting the whole family's gathered together and we're gonna watch so we're excited that you're our family we're sad that we won't see you in person but we're excited that you're our family and just want to encourage you to sit down pop your popcorn and tune in to 3abn for this incredible dynamic camp meeting that's coming i'm excited about it oh me too yeah i love cam meeting like jill said you know we're really sad that you can't be here but we're so thankful to the lord jesus christ for allowing technology to allow us 3abn to still reach you in your home and to who knows how many people that are flipping the channels putting in search words and finding 3abn and finding hope in this time we're seeing the light seems like there's so much hopelessness i want to also bring up to you because a lot of these messages shelly you said thursday night it starts and then friday starts at 1 pm central time correct that's great some of you may be working at home and so there's the opportunity of watching this video on demand you often hear vod well that's video on demand youtube think of youtube so these messages cam meeting will be on youtube but we also want to point you to 3 plus you can find all of these programs you can watch the live broadcast of course on 3abn plus dot tv but you can also find all of these programs video on demand that you can watch later and what's really cool because we're talking about evangelism this evening is that you can share these messages with someone else so something's blessed you in a particular way and you know someone is struggling in this area i'm thinking about these messages that pastor james was just talking about he's going to be sharing and we know all the others you may say oh i want to share this with my friend or somebody that i know well it's very easy just a couple of button clicks on youtube or on 3bm plus and you can send that message to someone else and they can view it and that's another way of evangelizing for sure you know i have to just say something that it just really excited me this past week okay i had two different people from the community they're not seventh-day adventists but one lady told me that she knew a young man who just got out of prison okay i shouldn't say too young he was in there like 15 years but anyway he's on probation he has discovered 3 a b in and she said he won't watch any other christian network wow but he's really earnestly paying attention got a bible now and he's watching 3abn then i had another woman who said she's also not adventist but she said i've been trying to introduce my daughter to the bible but she won't listen she doesn't like to be preached it would rather be taught and she said oh she is so excited because she's watching 3 abn and there's so much bible teaching and like you said we don't consider it actually upsets me when people talk about the fundamental beliefs of the seventh-day adventist church i think we should say the biblical fundamental beliefs thank you sir i like that they're bible doctrines they're not doctrines that we've come up with they're not the doctrines of men it's all bible-based and that's what makes it appeal to them amen yeah you know when i think about campaigning it's a bible study it's a time to bring your bible and uh to interact and to or take the notes down and to just study the word of god you know because when you're filled with it you need to be able to share it so amen talking about evangelism you know what i want to do right here i want to actually go to some music here but i want to just pitch to what we want to go to next it's just on my heart this evening because we received so much correspondence and you may be actually one of them right now that's listening or watching a lot of you seem to be not sure of life very hopeless not sure what's coming next and they're not sure which direction you should take you lost your job lost a spouse lost a family member many of you to covet it's actually so sad so many um letters that i send out to people that have lost a loved one to covet to heart attack cancer so many things wars going on we're hearing from people from afghanistan we can go on and on from the floods the hurricanes and things that are going on around the entire world and what i want to do is ask pastor james to just touch on that the hopelessness aspect where can you find hope shelley the same thing we want to go to some music and i love this song by reggie it says i fixed my mind on another time you know this world is not our home we've got something much better to look forward to and that's what we want to share with you after this music break right now and jill for something on your heart too about that but we want to just touch on that this evening because we know that there's many of you that are just trying to find your way god has the answer but let's go to the song i fixed my mind another time sung to us by reggie smith [Music] i have fixed my mind on another time on another times [Music] and here i mean to stand until god gives me [Music] and that is today today today until he comes i have fixed my mind on another time on another [Music] i have set my course on the narrow way on the net [Music] for i know the time is close at hand for which i watch and pray and that is today today today until he comes i have set my course on the narrow way [Music] this is [Music] to be there [Music] is [Music] [Music] rise [Music] [Applause] [Music] the [Music] the son of man [Music] this is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] for i've caught a glimpse of glory [Music] and i'm wrong [Music] i have fixed mind on another [Music] times [Music] amen thank you so much reggie i love that song of course we love reggie and lady love smith and they're dedicated christians in their heart for god but i love that song jesus is coming again amen this world of sin this world of sorrow this world of suffering and sickness is not all there is that's right we have hope of a better life hope of a better land hope in our savior the lord jesus christ so pastor james why don't you speak to those people who are watching right now who are maybe lost and alone and hurt and confused and seeking for answers amen i can really feel that that was my life that was my experience wow when i was a teenager especially and 21 when it was legal for me to do most of the things that i've been doing illegally before that time i found myself wondering if there is more to life than this wow you know and reggie's song the words of that song were so powerful to me right now because i just started thinking about that journey of 37 years you know and the amazing change that took place when i fixed my mind on jesus wow i fixed my mind on something different you know something better and that's the hope that we hold out as a ministry here at 3abn and individually as we interact with people that's the only hope that i think this world has to offer you know there's a lot of programs and you know there's a lot of good things that people do that can alleviate our sufferings temporarily there's always going to be more suffering more pain more poverty more war more calamities it's just going to keep coming that's right and the idea that human beings have a solution for that is directly contrary to experience to the thousands of years to the science which is you know the examination of reality and the thousands of years that we've been on this planet and to the word of god yes the word of god is crystal clear about this so going back shelley to what you said you know the fundamental beliefs the biblical fundamental beliefs i like that and the very first biblical fundamental belief that we hold a seventh-day adventist is the word of god amen yes that's number one that's right before anything else it's the word of god and we as adventists find ourselves probably in a lot of controversy maybe even the crosshairs on doctrines like the sabbath you know the law of god the investigative judgment the state of the dead you know hell but the most controversial belief that we hold is the belief in the word of god we don't always realize that we always see that but our position on the word of god is unique to every other religious body in the world it's unique most christians believe very strongly in the new testament but they're very weak on the old testament and a lot of christians don't believe the old testament really was written for us the jewish faith is very strong in the old testament but the new testament not so much muslims have a lot of belief in certain parts of the bible the gospels the torah etc but not the whole bible it's not you know nah and so we find ourselves uh with some of these other churches maybe jehovah witnesses who have their own bible mormons who have an addition to the bible catholicism who believe that tradition is on par with the bible we find ourselves in a very unique situation as seventh-day adventists because we believe in all the word of god yes we believe nothing to be added to the word of god as a basis for our authority our belief and authority and we believe that the word of god is has got to be the foundation for our hope not just for our doctrines but for our hope because john chapter 1 well let's just open there john chapter one yes the gospel of john oh yes it begins with this declaration that is very similar to genesis chapter one that's right in the beginning in the beginning in the beginning was the word and the word was with god and the word was god and then you go to revelation you know when we see in revelation chapter 19 our deliverance you know jesus christ is pictured there is coming on a white horse you know pastor wahlberg is a good friend of three abn and a personal friend of mine white horse ministries right he's in love with this picture of jesus coming on a white horse and it says there as heaven is open in verse 11 that he that sat upon this white horse was called faithful and true and in righteousness he does does doth judge and make war his eyes was the flame of fire his on his head was many crown were many crowns and he had a name written that no man knew but he himself and he was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood and his name is called the word word of god you see it begins and it ends with the word of god and that's our hope i was raised in a christian home and i said my prayers every night whether i was drunk or sober i said in our father oh mary and so i had this you know the hail mary is not a biblical prayer but the our father is you know it's the lord's prayer i had that little bit of bible that kept me for my first 21 years that little bit of bible knowledge that's all i had wow and god honored that little bit but i want to share with our viewers that my little bit of hope which i think my life was saved over and over again by god when i didn't really have a relationship with him that little bit of hope has now blossomed to a whole lot of hope why because i have a whole lot of the word of god that's good and you know there are a lot of people who don't believe we can navigate what's going on in our world today but i want to share with you please our viewers please think about this we can navigate what's happening in our world today through the word of god the word of god can help us to navigate every issue that we're facing and your hope is in the word of god let it be part of your life now more than ever let it be part of your life now more than you ever have before and it will transform you and you it will give you the hope you know the love faith and hope it will give you the hope that you need praise the lord in the greek thank you the word hope it's not like what we do in english like somebody will say are you all going to finally take a vacation this year oh well i hope so now in the greek hope meant eager expectation and we can put our eager expectation on the firm and true word of god just very briefly i grew up not believing that god loved me i loved jesus but i didn't believe the father loved me here's if i could say anything to you i would just say it this way philippians 2 6 through 8 tells us god himself came to earth and he became a person he took on our flesh he became the person of jesus christ and then romans 5 8 says that god demonstrates his love for us in this way that christ died for us while we were yet sinners and then romans 8 32 says hey if he did not spare his own covenant son his only son how much more will he not give us all things amen so here's where i want to take you because right now a lot of people are going where is god yes you know none of this is catching god by surprise and i just want to promise you that god is with you he promises he will never leave you or forsake you in fact i encourage you if you're feeling a little discouraged right now pray and ask god to give you a divine awareness of his presence he's always with us it's just that sometimes we're ignoring his presence but this is such a beautiful scripture and it's one that i use quite often for myself and for others but it's from isaiah chapter 43 yes and it begins like this isaiah 43 verse 1 but now even now thus saith the lord who created you jesus christ is our creator god who became a person to die for us he who formed you he says fear not i have redeemed you i purchased you back from this mess amen but get this i have called you by your name you are mine do you know that in the midst of all this god knows your name god knows the number of hairs on your head god knows your every fear and you know i love zephaniah 3 17 where he says the mighty god is in your midst and he will rejoice over you with singing he will quiet you with his love do you see god like that he's he's going to sing over you and listen to what he says when you pass through the waters i will be with you oh what comfort yes through the rivers they shall not overflow you eventually there's going to be a deliverance when you walk through the fire hey you're going to be like shadrach meshach and abednego the son of god is in the fire with you you shall not be burned nor shall the flame scorch you for i am the lord your god the holy one of israel amen your redeemer amen wow what hope amen from the word of god praise the lord thank you both what's on your heart i'll just sing it in john 6 37 whoever comes to me god speaking jesus is speaking to you right now whoever comes to me i will never cast out amen so whether you feel like you're not wanted you're not needed other people in your life tell you that the lord jesus loves you he wants you he needs you i love ephesians chapter one we don't have time to get into that but if you look at ephesians chapter one you see who we are in christ in christ we are blessed in christ we are redeemed in christ we have an inheritance in christ we are forgiven so in christ you are forgiven and you can be set free and you can be made new so just reach out open up your heart to jesus if you've never asked him into your life i want to invite you right now wherever you are driving watching this program listening to the program just say lord jesus i acknowledge i'm a sinner would you come in would you forgive me and restore me and you know what he will do that amen i want to remind you you can partner with us evangelistically to share the truth in god's word to share the hope in god's word the hope we have in jesus with those who you love and maybe those who you don't even know but who need to know about jesus so you can call us right now at the call center at 618-627-4651 and you can sponsor a zip code mailing in your community you can um we have the truth about hellfire we have the truth about the ten commandments and we have the truth about salvation and all three of these booklets will go in an envelope for 54 cents so you can sponsor that in your community or you can order cases so there's 250 booklets in a case and the cases you can get a case on salvation or you can order a case about the ten commandments or a case about hellfire or you can get one of all three and we'd love that too and you can pass these out in your community the cost for the cases is nineteen dollars because we're so grateful so many of you have stepped forward and partnered with the ministry of 3abn to pay for the printing cost so we're so grateful for that so you can order these online as well as calling us but if you want to go online just go to and you can order them online can't believe our time is all gone for tonight we're just so grateful shelley that you're here with us and pastor james and i know we'll have your wife reecey another time and we're excited about that too so thank you both for what you bring to the ministry and for your heart for god and heart free evangelism and we're so grateful for you at home that you're our family know that we love you know that we love to hear from you know that we pray for you and that the lord himself loves you we'll see you next time [Music] you
Channel: Three Angels Broadcasting Network (3ABN)
Views: 3,710
Rating: 4.8095236 out of 5
Keywords: Cuba evangelism, Christian TV in Cuba, 3ABN Today Live
Id: _aSm2mQ-zUw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 116min 0sec (6960 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 17 2021
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