Approaching Armageddon | 3ABN Today Live (TDYL200033)

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[Music] as you're well aware we're living in unprecedented times join us now for today's special program i want to spend my [Music] removing pain lord let my words [Music] my life meeting broken people hello and welcome to 3abn live we are excited tonight i'm shelley quinn jd quinn and we're just glad that you are joining us we want to take this opportunity because we hope that we always remember to thank you for your prayers and your support of 3abn without you we wouldn't be here this is your ministry i'm not going to delay this any longer because we have a special guest i've known him since 2002 and there's a story i might tell in the second hour but pastor steve wahlberg who is the speaker director of white horse ministry is with us tonight steve i'm so glad you're here i'm i'm thrilled to be here too and it's been three years since i've seen both of you we've had a long history together and yes just because of this coronavirus pandemic you know we're a little bit far away from each other and but i guess that's the way it is but i'm definitely close to you and you're close to me and thank you for having me here and thank 3abn what a blessing to be back it's it's a blessing to have you one thing that i have always appreciated about steve you were one of the first people i watched on 3abn god had already taught me the truth and the commandments and the state of the dead he was teaching me so much but i was clueless on daniel and revelation and i watched steve and that's what hooked me and we've got more history we'll tell you about it later but tonight this is going to be a very educational program let me tell you there is a place the name of this place appears once in the bible just once but most of the world knows this bible place do you know what i'm talking about armageddon and steve has just written a new book called approaching armageddon so tonight this is a life you can send in your questions and your comments and let me go ahead and give you that so that you can write it down now because once we get started you'll probably want this information you can call us at 618-627-464-6551 or you can email us at live at live at or you can text us and i don't have this one memorized yet the text number is 618-228-3975 i'll say it one more time because it's a relatively new number six one eight two two eight three nine seven five and those that are texters yeah yeah that's the number that you text in on when you text us so what we're going to do tonight we're going to get caught up on steve and his family and his ministry but then we are we'll talk about the signs of the times this is a very relevant topic and we will have steve who i consider one of the best bible teachers that's what i like about you is you stick to the bible that's that's what sold me on you and we're going to have him walk through the approaching armageddon but before we do we've got some music kind of yes we do one of our favorites jamie george excellent violinist yes he's going to be playing the holy city [Music] me [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] hey [Music] that fills your heart with passion he that's what i love about jamie he's he's a maestro on the fiddle but he's playing violin not fiddled but he's playing for the glory of the lord beautiful thank you jamie puts it all into it amen if you're joining us just now a little late our special guest is pastor steve wahlberg he is the speaker and director for white horse ministries and steve you got to catch us up on the kids when i first met you you had a little dog named rerun and no babies but we've watched your babies grow up and you're no stranger to 3abn i'm sure you brought a picture of seth and abby i did and in fact you know every time that we've been together on a live i it seems like i always show pictures of my family as their as the kids are getting bigger so uh sure enough we have a picture of kristen seth and abby and me and maybe we can put this picture up there uh seth is actually taller than me he's 16 abby's 12 almost 13. there's kristen and this is actually we it was a family outing we went to what they call an escape room in coeur d'alene where they lock you into a room and you've got an hour to get out and we got out and seth got the lightning bolt and it was it was just a lot of fun family time that's great so they're they're all doing good uh kristen's teaching seth is in he's now a junior and abby is in seventh grade and and he's already got a learner's permit he's learning he knows how to drive now and he will be getting his license soon so um it's amazing how fast kids grow and if you're watching hello seth abby and kristen amen and we we we want to just echo that hello kristin seth and abby it's really great i love you i love you all i love my family so i know you're doing thank you to have my my wife is such a wonderful wife and the kids she is i'm just a blessed man you are a blessed man so tell us a little about white horse media what is for those who are not familiar with you because we have so many new people who are tuning in all the time tell us a little about your ministry i know you've written over 30 books i know you personally tell us what white horse ministry is doing sure we picked the name white horse because of the book of revelation chapter 19 that describes jesus returning on a white horse and we we like the imagery of revelation uh and we just we're we're passionate about helping people to get ready for his coming and we added white horse media because we're a media ministry we reach out through television radio we have a big studio we have staff we we give seminars we have a team of us that that do different things and the lord has just blessed us in many many ways and we actually have a little video that i asked permission if we could show it and i got the thumbs up it's it's about a four minute video that just sort of orients everybody to uh to what the ministry is about you can see some of our staff and so this would probably be a good time just to amen and people can just get a quick overview of what white horse media is all about okay thank you [Music] welcome to the website of white horse media we picked our name because the book of revelation which is the last book of the bible describes in chapter 19 verse 11 jesus christ finally returning to this earth on a white horse just to clarify revelations white horse imagery isn't about the color of anybody's skin instead it simply means that the writer of the horse who is jesus is pure noble and true and that when he returns at the end of days he will utterly wipe out the global forces of evil most people today whatever their nationality religion or political preference recognize that many things are seriously wrong on planet earth there's far too much selfishness hatred prejudice violence and immorality the bible simply calls these things sin on top of that nature itself often spasms causing devastating earthquakes terrible fires killer storms and raging floods according to the bible these awful woes are signs along our pathway indicating that the return of jesus is getting closer in luke chapter 21 verses 25 and 26 jesus predicted that there would be signs in the sun and in the moon and in the stars and upon the earth distress of nations with perplexity the sea and the waves roaring men's hearts failing them for fear and for looking after those things which are coming upon the earth for the powers of heaven will be shaken doesn't that sound a lot like our world today words like distress perplexity men's hearts failing them from fear it sure does this may surprise you but many times a breaking news story on cnn or fox news has already been accurately described thousands of years ago in the prophecies of this ancient book as you enter our website you will discover many biblical teachings and prophecies that will help you understand what's happening in our world and what the future holds but it's not all bad news not at all in fact the heart of this book is wonderful good news about an all-powerful perfect just and good god who created us who loves us deeply and he wants to help us whoever we are and who made an incomprehensible personal sacrifice to rescue us from sin and even death so that we can someday live forever with him in a better land inside our website we explore a variety of topics such as ancient prophecies about the end times the antichrist israel babylon armageddon and the coming new earth we also have information about health about the evolution versus creation controversy about how to overcome anxiety and depression about the ten commandments and god's grace about how to find inner peace and even one popular and heartwarming book for animal lovers called will my pet go to heaven we also tackle many other topics on our main menu bar you'll find a link to our store which is loaded with life-changing resources links to our facebook page youtube channel twitter messages blog and podcasts our radio television and online programs are being watched and listened to around the world on a down to earth note we are a very friendly group with families and children nestled in the forests of north idaho and some of our programs talk about the practical benefits of country living and having a garden our sincere goal is to serve god and humanity to be faithful to his truth and to help as many as possible to understand what life's biggest issues are how to be ready for earth's final crisis and how to find hope for the future perhaps you've heard the famous saying truth is stranger than fiction on our website you'll find some things that some may consider strange at first but we're confident that if you soberly consider them with an open mind and a humble heart testing them by the bible and history you'll find that the information is solid and reasonable in the last chapter of the bible in revelation chapter 22 verse 7 jesus himself says these words behold i am coming quickly blessed is he who keeps the sayings of the prophecy of this book we hope that you will be richly blessed as you discover bible truth through white horse media amen and amen what a great goal to prepare people for the second coming of jesus because that's one of the most important things did you know the second coming is mentioned in the bible eight times more than the first coming of jesus and some people know so little about it but you do a lot of special projects tell us what you're working on now yes and again i want to thank three again for allowing us to show that video it just sort of orients everybody to what we're all about and we do have a new project that we're actually in production with right now and it's called the crowning act and it's basically jesus talked about how many would come and say i am christ and deceive many and there will be false christs and false prophets and we believe that the the crowning act of satan's deceptions in the final days during the final crisis will be to actually appear on earth as jesus and so we have this uh production called the crowning act that we're working on right now and i think we have a couple little clips about that as well that are designed to uh alert the public to this deception and then to show them that the real jesus when he really comes he's not going to walk around the earth and do miracles he's going to come from the clouds in power and glory with the angels and uh and they won't they won't miss that okay he said is this a just explain what the crowning is yeah it's it's a docudrama it's going to be about an hour when it's done wonder we've already filmed some of the portions and we'll be doing the rest of it in in the next in a very short time during this month and i believe we have a couple of pictures about that and i think a short video clip as well uh there's a picture of a news newscasters that are talking about uh how the quote-unquote jesus has come to the earth and then we have another one showing a little picture i think of showing you know people are going to be amazed and they're going to think that this person who's walking around the planet is jesus but it really isn't and i believe we have a short one-minute clip from that as well so maybe we can show that right yes of course we'd love to so we'll now show the crowning act father mueller is this what you saw yes this is exactly what i saw it was exactly like that then he he said to us blessed are they that mourn for they shall be comforted it was beautiful the light around him and the comforting words it brought much peace to my soul and then then he did something what did he do vel it it is hard to describe but i believe he began to heal the people of their diseases one by one whatever it was whatever their ailment was he healed them and then he began saying the blessings in the bible that we have heard and studied for so long it was beautiful my heart was touched it is wonderful i will never forget it christ has come he's come to the earth and christos is geckomen christos says gekkoman well you know i know this is a docudrama and that hasn't happened i mean there are people who are saying that they're christ but when satan impersonates jesus the bible gives us a lot of warning but so many people don't know that will the whole thing will be a re-enactment like this and then we're going to expose it and then i'm going to speak i've ordered pastor ivor myers is going to be speaking we're cooperating in our ministries and we're going to both give bible studies showing what the bible teaches about the real jesus and that when he really shows up he's not going to again walk around and do miracles he's going to come in the clouds and that so we're doing this so that we can in advance warn the public so that when satan does appear as jesus people will be warned and they'll remember hey i saw that amen that video on youtube and on television and i know this is not the real jesus so that's one of our projects that we're working on right now i mean how many years have you been in a media ministry i know that you were in when i was right it's been since uh probably about 1998. okay in texas we started in texas with the texas media center actually the producer of the crowning act is art humphrey who i understand was three abn's first producer years ago when 3abn just got started and so uh so art's involved with this and we have a couple other quick quick projects i think i'll i think we have a picture of um an article that i wrote recently about america in bible prophecy and how we've actually hired a publicist to help us to promote the book approaching armageddon and to help the public learn more about white horse media and so i wrote an article on the role of america going down through revelation chapter 13 and our publicist was able to get this into charisma news which is a big website and we're the the point is we're we're penetrating uh the the larger world with bible truth uh and and god is just really blessing what we're doing it's amazing charisma news they are a kind of a evangelical website charisma it's they have a major magazine they have a website they have a news website uh their their website is very uh frequented and popular they're very well known and our publicist was able to uh to let them know about this uh this article on the role of american prophecy from revelation 13 and they liked the article and they put it on their website and we're actually getting more interviews on the cornerstone television network and a big show called the bottom line that's coming up i'll be doing and i did one on kdka in pittsburgh and god is just doing all kinds of things to help us to get his word out into into this world which is what we need to be doing and it's wonderful that he's creating that bridge that it's not i'm going to say this and i hope you take it right it's not just a seventh-day adventist audience but rather you have now god is exposing these bible truths and what we're learning is that people don't understand revelation and when they can see it from the bible and understand that daniel is the key that unlocks it we're seeing a lot of people who are hungry for more information because they've heard so much that isn't true that's right and our biggest project right now is approaching armageddon which is what we're going to talk about we have this as a as a book we have it as actually a video course that has just been released and we have our publicity people that are trying to get this word out and and ultimately the bottom line is that at white horse media we have a strong conviction that jesus is coming and that what we're seeing around us that these are true biblical signs of of the approaching final battle and so we're trying to reach the public with the with the message that jesus is coming and what's going on in this world even though it looks chaotic uh is is fulfilling biblical prophecy amen so that the book the new book and this is hot off the presses because i just got my copy but i have read it you sent the uh manuscript to us and we love this it is called approaching armageddon discover hope beyond earth's final battle this ought to be quite a popular book because it's such a popular topic what made you decide i mean how did you come to write this book well i've written a lot of books and i and i think it's just a personal between me and jesus that god impresses me at different times to write on different topics and uh just a couple months ago as i was looking around at all of the things that were happening with the pandemic and with the riots and just the the anger among the nations and the fires on the west coast california oregon washington like never before i just looked at all this and i just had this deep conviction that it was time to write a book specifically dealing with the signs of the times and helping the public to know that these things are fulfilling biblical prophecies and jesus is coming that this is not all random it's not just you know chaotic chance occurrences that these things are have been predicted in the word of god amen and so that's why i just felt this strong conviction write the book like john in the book of revelation jesus told him write what you have seen and put it in a book and send it to the churches in asia that's in revelation 1. and the lord has just convicted me write and put this information in print and get it out and i talked to the the ceo of a big christian publisher called destiny image who have put they published other books of mine and uh and he was very excited about the project he said i want this book i want approaching armageddon it took me about a month to write it sent it the manuscript to them and within a month and a half here it is that's amazing so they put on a fast track because they believe in this project as well amen amen let me mention this right quick shelley if i can as we go along people are going to have questions and if they have questions they can send those questions in to live at they can send the comments in to 618. well that's a text well the text yeah the text that would be 618-228-3975 i'm going to repeat that 618-228-3975 if you want to text it and or they can call they can be called 627-4651 because we are going to put our dear brother on the hot seat in this second hour we'll be taking your questions but let's talk about because you said something interesting it's not just christians who know the word of god who recognize there is something going on in the world all of the biblical signs of the soon return of christ are accelerating they're intensifying it seems that from the calls that we're getting there are people who really don't know hardly anything about the bible and they're all going is this the end of the world so let's talk about the chaos that our world is in right and why people can have belief in the bible and what the bible says right you're right shelly there are so many people that know that something is going on something big is happening something big is comforting is coming but they you know it's very hazy and they're scared they don't really know and you probably know that uh belief in the bible is actually declining in america atheism is rising skepticism evolution and so the first this book basically is divided into three parts the first the first third basically establishes that we can trust the bible the first chapter is on how jesus fulfilled prophecy after prophecy after prophecy that was recorded and written in advance about him in the old testament the second chapter is about the dream of daniel chapter 2 that king nebuchadnezzar had that daniel interpreted and showed the rise and the fall of babylon persia greece rome the division of europe all the way down to our day and that this has happened historically and we can we can read about it in the pages of history and then the third chapter is on jesus prediction that not one stone would be left of the jewish temple but it would be all thrown down and he made that prediction somewhere around 31 a.d and for almost 40 years later it was fulfilled exactly when the roman armies surrounded jerusalem under prince titus they came in they destroyed they broke down the walls finally after the siege they got into the city they burned the temple to the ground and so 40 years after jesus made that statement the temple was in fact destroyed and not one stone was left and so that's the first third of the book is to really don't do i want you to go over this just a second because to me it's so fascinating the reason we need to know the signs of the time is jesus said when you see these things happening head for the hills and he warned the people before that's right the time that when you see jerusalem surrounded by armies flee for the hills that's right and when gaius came in let's let's kind of back up because you did that so fast the bible so much to cover i know but we're going to get there the the bible prophecies are so amazing because when gaius first came in and was attacking when the romans yesterday says this when he came in and was attacking it's interesting that suddenly he withdrew the siege on jerusalem exactly and the christians knew when the doors of the gates opened and when the zealots were chasing the romans exactly you know that history yeah and to me it's so fascinating because the christians said hey this is exactly what our lord and savior told us we need to take it seriously they got out then titus comes that's right exactly and here's something that a lot of people don't know the jews very much believe that the western wall or they promote that it's part of the temple that it was like the remaining wall but archaeology has proven that there was not when jesus said there won't be a stone that's left one on top of the other why did besides burning it out titus wanted to save the temple and all it was just covered with gold but what happened to the stones because burning doesn't necessarily mean that the stones are going to be that's right there was a lot of gold in the temple and when one of the roman soldiers threw his torch inside the temple it began to burn and as it burned and heated up the goal began to melt and history tells us that as the gold was melting it was you know flowing through uh in between the stones and the soldiers uh wanted to get that gold and they just you know they they did everything they they could to demolish that temple and the fire did it and people were watching from a distance and they could see the the the smoke and it was like a volcano and when the whole thing was over just like jesus said there was not one stone left upon another and some people think that the wailing wall is a part of that temple but most people don't think that those who have really studied this they know that that was most likely a retaining wall that was at the bottom that would to you know protect from the rocks going down it was it was a protection wall but it was not the wall of the original temple that temple was totally demolished josephus tells the whole story in his historical books on the war of the jews and anyway there's a lot of history behind all this and my purpose in covering this in approaching armageddon is to establish a solid fact that jesus fulfilled prophecies in the past daniel 2 has been fulfilled in history jesus statement about the the temple being destroyed he said that 40 years before it happened it did happen the roman armies under assassius they did withdraw mysteriously the christians saw this as a sign they got out and not one christian perished in the destruction three years later when the romans came back under titus and they just you know devastated jerusalem burned the temple to the ground these things have literally and incredibly and historically and verifiably been fulfilled in history and once we understand that we realize that this is not a book of mythology this is not just a book of stories jewish stories you know this is a book that has real prophecies and real history and once we see that base then the second section of the book looks at the cluster of things that are happening right now and what jesus and other bible writers have to say about what is going on right now in our world and it just fits perfectly and you know what i love about the way you write this book it sounds like a complicated topic but you make it so simple and there's a lot of scripture there's there's no well i'm saying this trust me i mean you go through the scriptures you lay it out put your comments in between and it is so clear and it's simple this is the kind of book that would be a great sharing book but i'm going to tell you you want it in your church as well because this is a good study for you personally so that you can share with others so here we see the bible can be trusted we see all of the the prophecies are currently being i mean there's many been fulfilled there's many that are being fulfilled but jesus told he promised i will come again so once you get past the the first third of the book tell us what the next section right and then the next chapter deals with the fact that he's you know he came once he fulfilled prophecies once he was born in bethlehem he grew up and ministered in galilee just like it says in isaiah bethlehem it says in micah 5 2 that he'd be born in bethlehem and then you look at his life and he was betrayed by a friend for 30 pieces of silver just like it says in zechariah he he rode into jerusalem on the donkey just like it says in zechariah he he died between two thieves he was buried in a rich man's tomb and you just put all these pieces together and there's nobody like jesus he fulfilled prophecy exactly to a t and so once we've established that he did come once for for sure he was a real person he was publicly crucified under pontius pilate he was uh publicly beaten by romans he was publicly uh he died and he was placed in a tomb that was guarded by roman soldiers and he literally did rise from the dead which is what turned these dejected discouraged depressed jewish disciples into fearless warriors that were willing to die for their faith amen now you have christianity is the the biggest religion in the world 2000 years later these historical events are just irrefutable and once we've established that then the next chapter is on how jesus promised that he not only did he come once but he's coming back again and i use an illustration like a football game or a basketball game that you know we always have you know the buzzer starts and the game begins and then there's half time and then there's the two minute warning and then there's the end of the game and that's like uh human history you know the the buzzer started the game began when god made this world in genesis 1. and we could say even though it's not you know exactly the middle of human history but we could say that halftime was when jesus christ appeared on earth and he came in fulfillment of prophecy he died on the cross for our sins he rose from the dead he went to heaven and then on the timetable that daniel 9 24 357 yes and then uh i believe we're in the two-minute warning period and we're approaching the end of the game and in in in you know sports uh there's always a winner and a loser when the game is over and it's the same with with human history you know we're all going to be either winners or losers depending upon our relationship with jesus christ okay so what you're saying is you believe we believe this is the time of the end yes we're in the endgame so explain what the bible means the time of the end yes and that that phrase and actually have a whole chapter on that in approaching armageddon where i explain and this is an amazing prophecy in daniel chapter 12 verse 4 where the bible tells us that eventually when you look at the the trajectory of of human history we're going to eventually enter a final time daniel 12 4 which is called the time of the end daniel 12 4 the angel said to daniel but you owe daniel shut up the words which are the words of god in the book of daniel and sealed the book which is again the book of daniel and it says even to the time of the end many shall run to and fro and knowledge shall be increased and i explain this in approaching armageddon that it's a it's it's significant to realize that throughout most of christian history and most of history itself people have not had bibles uh you know the majority of people didn't know how to read there were no there was no such thing as printing presses during the dark ages there were only a few copies of the bible in existence sometimes people maybe saw a little portion of the bible but rarely did human eyes set sight on an entire copy of the bible but daniel 12 4 says that in the time of the end the words of god which have been sealed are going to be opened up and knowledge is going to increase and the words of god are going to belt the world and i mean i've got my my phone here not gonna you know i've got a little app on my phone i've got my kids on the picture there and i've got a bible hub app where i can click and i can open i can look at different translations i can look at the hebrew i look at the greek i look at commentaries it's amazing and and this has there's never been a time in history most people throughout history have not had the privilege of having a whole bible in their hands but now the bible is by far the world's best-selling book it's been translated into more languages than any other book including harry potter no comparison there's no comparison to the bible and through modern technology and through apps and through satellite through 3abn through radio through television through whitehorse media and through all kinds of ministries the the knowledge of god's word is available like never before and when you look at the big picture it just you know it's it's a a strong reason to believe that we are now in the time of the end the time of the end is not the end but it's a time prior to the end where people have a chance to read the bible and then to get ready for the end and we are in that time right now amen amen so what would you like to talk about some of the signs go to matthew 24 because sure this is something that we get so many calls here at 3abn and i know you're getting a lot of these calls where people are saying is this the end of the time and like you said this is the time of the end not the end of time it's a time of a wake-up call if you will to look at what's going on to see all of these prophecies being fulfilled it's just absolutely amazing so let's if you've got your bible matter and shelly we need to we can we can only understand these things if we look at world events through the lens of the bible amen but we're not going to do that if we believe this is just a book of stories amen so that's why approaching armageddon builds a solid base that this book is not a book of stories jesus really fulfilled prophecies daniel 2 has literally been fulfilled in history and the destruction of jerusalem really happened just like jesus said and he said that in matthew 24 verse 1 jesus went out departed from the temple his disciples came to him to show him the buildings of the temple and jesus said to them do you see not all these things referring to the jewish temple verily i say to you there shall not be left here one stone upon another that shall not be thrown down that literally happened 40 years later and verse 3 says as he sat upon the mount of olives the disciples came to him privately and they said tell us when shall these things be and what shall be the sign of your coming and of the end of the world and then jesus launched into a long sermon in matthew 24 and in matthew 25 where he listed numerous multiple signs that would be happening some happened in his own day in the days of the disciples some have been happening throughout history but then there's a cluster of them all happening together right down in the final days and i i build my case in the book that yes a lot of these things have been happening in the past but in the final times there's going to be a whole host of them happening at the same time and jesus said when you see all these things then know that it is near even at the doors and one of these signs which we we're all familiar with right now in matthew 24 verse 7 jesus said nation would rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom and there would be famines and the next word there is pestilences pestilences mean diseases a word that people are learning like in pandemic like a pandemic that's right and it's true they've always been you know wars and famines and diseases the black death went through europe and earthquakes and things like this but we're also seeing them on a wider scale we're seeing them coming together and there's a verse in first thessalonians where paul talked about the day of the lord coming like a thief in the night and he said that it would be like birth birth pains upon a woman who's about to give birth to a baby and and he said that that the day of the lord would come like birth pains upon a woman and ultimately the people in the world who are not ready will not escape and if you think of you know pregnancy i mean you know many women know what pregnancy is like and when you have uh you know there's conception and you have nine months but then as you get closer toward the day of of birth then the the birth pains start the contractions and then they increase they increase and increase until finally she says it's time honey get me to the hospital quick and paul uses the birth pains illustration in first thessalonians chapter 5 verses 2 and 3 to illustrate what's going to be happening in this world prior to the day of the lord and i build a solid case in approaching armageddon that yes things have happened in the past but jesus in matthew 24 also said that things would would increase he said that in matthew 24 verse 12 he said because iniquity which means lawlessness shall abound and the greek word is increased like weeds in a garden it says the love of many will wax cold and we expect things to be increasing and people can see around us you know this coronavirus is a pestilence and i've never seen in my lifetime and i don't think this world has ever seen something like the coronavirus that has resulted in the entire world experiencing lockdowns churches closed businesses closed travel restricted schools closed i mean we've never seen anything anything like this and this is just this is just one of many clusters of things that are all coming together right in front of our eyes well you know just like the wars and rumors of wars etc etc you know i mean as you're saying you really do build a fantastic case here and i've got i've got a whole list of things and we don't have time to read everything but uh acts chapters let's let's take some time to go through because let's look at this let's look at acts chapter 2 acts chapter 2 verse 17. verse 17 says acts 2 17 it shall come to pass in the last days says god and then he gives a list of different things and in verse 19 he says i will show wonders in heaven above and signs in the earth beneath blood and fire and vapor of smoke the sun shall be turned to darkness and the moon into blood before that great and notable day of the lord come now if you go to california or oregon or washington they have never seen fire and vapors of smoke like they are seeing this fire season i mean i grew up in california and we've always had fires but uh you look at the do do you google the the news organizations and they're very clear that this is a record breaking fire season we just did a program on at white horse media in our studio it's on our youtube channel it's called western u.s fiery apocalypse and we look at these fires and we see how unprecedented this is and then we look at what the bible says and this is just this is another one of the clusters there's a lot of people on the west coast who have looked up and they've seen a red you know red moon or red sun because all the vapors of smoke and the you know the horrible smoke coming up from these fires the terrible damage and fortunately there has not been a huge loss of life but i believe that that's coming in the future i think god is warning he's warning people of things that are coming and we did a whole tv program on this recently and it's not just in the united states i mean think about what happened over in australia there's other places australian fires had horror horrific that's right and people are looking at this and they're saying we've never seen anything like this and it's not just you know in in approaching armageddon it doesn't just deal with one thing it deals with the pestilence of the coronavirus it deals with uh time of the end and what we're seeing right now which we've never seen with the increase of knowledge and the biblical availability you know of god's word and then we talk about the fires and the vapor of smoke and there's just one by one by one and so if it's just one thing or if it's just two or three or four but when you look at all these things and jesus said when you see all these things no he said no that it is near even at the doors it's very very clear so that's what that's what 21 talks about men's hearts that's right let's look at that one too yeah because that's such a good one right and uh and i i bring them that you know some people the skeptics say well these things have been happening for for thousands of years and my response is some of these things have been happening for thousands of years but there's a whole lot that are unique to the time in which we're living in and luke 21 i'm glad you brought that up because it's a perfect example verse 25 let's look at this luke 21 25 jesus said there shall be signs in the sun and in the moon and in the stars and upon the earth distress of nations with perplexity the word distress sounds like the word stress and we live in a stressed out age like never before that's true and then it says upon the earth there would be distress of nations with perplexity the greek word for perplexity means with no way out that there's no earthly solution to these problems and then he says the sea and the waves would be roaring men's hearts would be failing them for fear and look at this and for looking after those things which are coming upon the earth for the powers of heaven shall be shaken shelley and jd there's never been a time in history when people can literally look at the things which are coming upon the earth they can look on their phones on facebook on youtube because of satellite because of modern technology we have a real-time running scenario of what is happening in different parts of the world and and this is unprecedented uh if you go back you know a hundred years ago people were not able to look at those things which are coming upon the earth like people can do now we are the looking generation jesus predicted this two thousand years ago that the time would come when people would look at the things coming upon the earth and they'd be terrified and so this is another one again of a cluster of signs and then the next verse he says then shall they see the son of man coming in a cloud with power and great glory amen and when these things begin to come to pass then look up and lift up your heads for your redemption is drawing near so you put the pieces together we're the looking generation we're at a time of stress of distress of nations with no way out and jesus said as people are looking at these things coming upon the earth they're terrified and it won't be long until then they look at something else what they look at and what they're going to see is the coming of the son of the son of man the son of god who predicted all this in the bible and his word he never lies jesus said heaven and earth will pass away but my words will never pass away and can you imagine you know somebody saying 2 000 years ago that my teachings are never going to pass away but right now the words of jesus have not passed away they're in bibles all over the world they're on apps that people can just click and read and can you know just put those pieces together two thousand years ago he said that and his words are right here they have not passed away but you know what i love about matthew 21 is because here he's telling us this news that's going to make men's hearts fail and for fear but what does how does he end it he doesn't say well hang your head and wring your hands he says when you see these things happen look up your redemption draws nigh you know i can honestly say that in spite of everything that's been going on in my life and everything that's going on in the world instead of stressing me when i'm talking with people i'm quoting luke 21 25 quite often i write that at the end of my text to say luke 21 25 i don't know if i said that wrong but when people are so worried i'll just say look up our redemption draws nigh so let's talk about just and we've got about four minutes in this section we want to go to uh i want to focus in on armageddon in the second hour but let's talk about some more of the signs that show that it's at the door sure jesus said in matthew 24 37 as it was a noah's day it would be the same when he comes you go back to noah's day and the earth was full of corruption and violence uh in luke uh 17 verses 28 to 30 jesus said as it was in the days of lot that's the way it's going to be before he comes you go back to genesis 19 and you see that lot lived in sodom and it was full of sexual immorality so violence corruption sexual immorality these are are more of the signs and one of them that a lot of people don't really focus on is revelation chapter 11 verse 18 and i really see this happening a good one right now where angry nations that's right uh revelation 11 18 says that the nations were angry and i've never seen in politics and in just you know the civil unrest and the uh the anger that we're seeing in our world the nations were angry and then it gives a list of things that are coming and then at the end of the verse it says that god will destroy them which destroy the earth which points to an environmental crisis where humanity is destroying the planet through pollution so we've got angry nations environmental crisis violence like noah's day sexual sin like lots day increase of knowledge in the time of the end the looking generation pestilences and the list just goes on and on and on and when you see all these things happening at the same time i tell you i am really convicted that time is running out and then jesus is coming and like you said we need to not just focus on these things but we need to look up and we need to have hope and that's why the subtitle of my book is called discover hope beyond earth's final battle and the third part deals with armageddon and the hope that we have that jesus is going to come and he's going to get rid of all evil and make a new heaven and a new earth so the thing that comes to my mind a hundred years ago we were crossing this land and covered wagons we didn't you know your loved ones would move and you wouldn't even hear from them for months at a time what an exciting time to be living in by facebook you know exactly what's going on wherever that's right and so this is indeed a a map that's right and if you can sit here and take the time to connect the dots that's right then boy you begin to understand and look at things totally different amen and amen boy we're getting ready to uh have to go take a break here but what we wanted to point out is we're not trying to say or set a date as to when jesus will come because jesus said no man knows the date or the hour not even the angels in heaven only my father so we're not don't think we're going to be doing any date setting but we will look at we're considering this book approaching armageddon and in the second hour we will talk about the battle of armageddon there's so much misinformation out there and what i love about this book is it just lays it out very simply one upon another that you can see that yep this is the time of the end maybe we're not at the end time yet but this is the time of the end so now is the battle of armageddon something that some people think it's just going to be touching the israelis over in the eastern part of the world some people think it's going to happen before christ's return or at his return some think it's going to happen when the new jerusalem comes down well what's the truth if you will join us next we're going to be in the next hour this is a live program you can text us at live at or or that's an email or call 61862 but join us for the next hour [Music] you know this is an interesting dynamic has been this far apart yeah you know i mean we're getting the message across but it is a little unusual and taking care of business around here we want to welcome you back to our second hour of 3abn live we're so glad that you're joining us and i hope you've got a pad and a pen i hope you've called your friends to tell them to tune in because what we will do right now we have steve wahlberg pastor he is the speaker director for white horse media author of over 30 books but he has just written a new book approaching armageddon and this book is going to make a wonderful sharing tool it's a wonderful study i think everybody should go through this because can you explain amit asking our viewers if someone came to you and said tell me where is armageddon going to be what is it going to be we've just looked at all of these signs that we know the time of the end is coming and we know revelation 16 16 is the only verse in the entire bible that mentions armageddon but if you speak it if you go to walmart you speak that word people's ears perk up everybody seems to have heard about the battle of armageddon because there's been a lot of hype from hollywood and various places so steve i want to give you this time let's just jump in to and and take your time we're going to we'll get to questions but take your time and let's kind of go through a bible study is armageddon going to be in a small geographic area tell us how and when this is going to transpire sure i think it's safe to say that the word armageddon itself is one of the most well-known biblical words around the world i mean during the you know some terrible disaster like a fire a reporter will say this is a fiery armageddon or if there's an earthquake or if there's a hurricane this is a hurricane armageddon and uh you know the word is well known hollywood has made a series of movies uh about armageddon but they're generally way off track they're hollywood versions of armageddon and they don't really know what they're talking about as far as the bible goes and then when when a lot of christians and prophecy teachers think about armageddon they think about a little valley north of jerusalem called the valley of megiddo where they expect different armies will converge like the russians or the the chinese or you know the iranian armies and they're going to come for a final bloody military uh assault on israelis so they see it as a middle east centered battle now it's very significant that the word armageddon is only found in one verse in the entire bible which is in revelation chapter 16 verse 16 and i'll read the verse 16 16 says he gathered them together into a place called in the hebrew tongue armageddon and so here's the only place and the best way to understand what this is is about is to look at the context to look at the verses before it and the verses after it because they tell us a lot now we know from verse 14 that this is the battle of the great day of god almighty that's what armageddon is it's a it's a battle and it's the day of god it's god's battle and we know who the participants are because in verse 14 verse 13 says i saw three unclean spirits like frogs coming out of the mouth of the dragon out of the mouth of the beast and out of the mouth of the false prophet so explain those for people who don't know who yeah i don't know if i can explain all this right now but these are symbols that are used from chapter 12 chapter 13 chapter 14. the dragon ultimately is the devil and uh and and his deceptions and then there's the beast which is in revelation 13. which i don't know how much we should study about the beast right now but but just in in general this is somebody that a cohort of the dragon yes that's right and then the false prophet and anyway these are these are terms that are used in revelation 12 revelation 13 and when you get to verse 14 it tells us that these spirits that are coming out of the mouth of these powers it says they are the spirits of devils and they work miracles and they go forth to the kings of the earth and of the whole world to gather them to the battle of the great day of god almighty okay so it's we've got the whole world devilish gathering of the kings of the earth and the whole world are being gathered for the final battle and then in verse 15 jesus warns his people to to be ready and that he's that he is coming like a thief verse 15 jesus says behold i come as a thief so he points to his armageddon as jesus in verse 16 and and right before it jesus is warning about his coming and then in virginia just take one second because there's going to be somebody that's out there saying what do you mean he's coming as a thief why would he come as a thief he is saying a thief comes suddenly and unexpectedly i mean he doesn't send you a text before and say hey i'm going to be at your house that's right midnight tonight that's right so what jesus is saying and throughout the bible he's telling us watch for these things because this is when i'm coming back but it will be sudden and unexpected because no man knows the day or the hour so when he says i'm coming as a thief he's saying you're not going to know by i mean there's not going to be some cnn or fox news report or anything like that when he comes in the air we're all going to see it at the same time that's right and and in verse 15 jesus says behold i come as a thief blessed to see who watches and keeps his garments and it doesn't mean watching a lot of television although 3 abn's good to watch but jesus is talking about watching out for the evil spirits that are going to belt the world and lead people against god and so he says blessed is he who watches and keeps his garments which refers to his robe of righteousness trusting him and having his his white robe on us lest he walk naked and they see his shame and he gathered them together into a place called in the hebrew tongue armageddon and then when you read what happens right after that after the global gathering takes place verse 17 says the seventh angel poured out his vial into the air and there came a great voice out of the temple of heaven from the throne the throne of god saying it is done and there were voices and thunders and lightnings there was a great earthquake such as was not since men were upon the earth so mighty and earthquake and so great and the great city was which is the city of babylon was divided into three parts the cities of the nations fell and great babylon came in remembrance before god to give her the cup of the wine of the fierceness of his wrath and every island fled away and the mountains were not found so just in in a nutshell when you look at the verses before and the verses after the word armageddon is used it's very clear that this is much bigger than the middle east it's a global gathering of the kings of the earth and the whole world by evil spirits for the battle against god and then the voice of god thunders and then the great earthquake hits the cities of the nations collapse and it describes every island fleeing away the mountains are not found and the parallel of this chapter is in revelation 19 when jesus returns on the white horse to do battle with the global forces of evil when he smites the nations and it's it's quite a graphic description revelation 19 and we can read all those verses if you'd like sure verses 11 to 16 i saw heaven open and behold a white horse and he that sat upon him was called faithful and true and in righteousness he does judge and make war his eyes were as a flame of fire on his head were many crowns he has a name written that no man knew but he himself he was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood and his name is called the word of god and the armies which were in heaven followed him upon white horses clothed in fine linen white and clean and out of his mouth goes a sharp sword that with it he should smite the nations and he will rule them with a rod of iron and he treads the winepress of the fierceness and the wrath of almighty god and he has on his vesture and on his thigh a name written king of kings and lord of lords so here's a description of the glorious coming of christ like he says i'm coming like a thief and here's the description of that coming and it's interesting in verse 19 it says i saw the beast and the kings of the earth and their armies gathered together to make war against him that sat on the horse and against his army and the next verse shows that the kings of the earth that they lose when jesus comes so you look at the text in revelation 16 armageddon is the battle of the great day of god it's a global gathering initiated by evil spirits gathering the kings of the earth and the whole world to the battle jesus speaks and warns i'm coming like a thief hold on and then when he comes in chapter 19 it tells us that the world is gathered together to make war on him when he's coming but they don't win and so when you put these pieces together armageddon is the final battle when jesus comes and does battle with the world forces of evil who are gathered against him and he wins and he ultimately puts down the devil and his demons and the kings of the earth and all the world forces of evil that gather against him and it's interesting the word armageddon itself is a very interesting word it's actually a combination of r and megiddon armageddon and the word the megiddon part points us back to the old testament where there were battles in the valley of megiddo and people look north of jerusalem and they see the valley of megiddo but the word armageddon r means mountain and then megiddo means slaughter so it really means they're gathered to the mountain of slaughter and in daniel 2 there's this image of the metal man that that king nebuchadnezzar saw representing the kingdoms of the earth from babylon all the way down to the end and then the rock comes down and the rock hits the image crushes it it says in daniel 2 that the rock representing the kingdom of god and the coming of jesus becomes a great mountain and it fills the whole earth so the mountain represents the kingdom of god and the the gathering of the world forces of evil to the mountain of slaughter armageddon represent the gathering of the world to uh basically satan's kingdom satan's mountain that is slaughtered and put down and destroyed at armageddon by the coming of the hero of heaven who is jesus christ and then the good news of armageddon well first of all it's not when you read the context it's not middle east centered it's global it involves everybody and the the climax is when jesus comes and the good news of armageddon and that's why i have my subtitle is discover hope beyond earth's final battle the good news of armageddon is that when we see all these evil things around us and all the you know child abuse and the the horrific disasters and the violence and the injustices and the pain and the suffering and the heartache that's ultimately the devil's kingdom that jesus is going to come and he's going to put an end to all this he's going to put an end to the reign of evil and then beyond the battle when the dust settles revelation 21 is very clear that there'll be a new heaven there'll be a new earth there'll be no more sin sorrow suffering death pain jesus is going to win he's going to conquer evil evil is going to be eliminated permanently and god's kingdom his great mountain his kingdom of love and truth and righteousness and justice is going to come out on top and that's what this whole book is about which is really what the bible's about that we can trust the bible uh prophecies have been fulfilled in the past we can see the cluster happening around us right now we're moving toward the final battle jesus is going to come put down forever the world forces of evil and he's going to win and he's going to have a kingdom full of love and happiness and goodness for those who want to be a part of that kingdom amen and you know this is when we think about it you look back at revelation 12 7 let's let's go through the defeats that where christ has defeated satan let's look at revelation 12 verses 7 and 9 or 7 through 9. j.d why don't you read that revelation 12 verses 7 through 9. revelation 12 verse 7 through 9 and war broke out in heaven michael and his angels fought with the dragon and the dragon and his angels fought but they did not prevail nor was a place found for them in heaven any longer so the great dragon was cast out that old serpent the serpent of old called the devil and satan who deceives the whole world he was cast to the earth and his angels were cast out with him yeah go ahead and read verse 10 too and then i heard a loud voice saying in heaven now salvation and strength and the kingdom of our god and the power of his christ have come for the accuser of our brethren who will curse them before our god day and night has been cast down so so we know that satan was defeated by jesus in heaven that's right then we know on the cross that's right when jesus said it is faith it is finished the work of salvation or what his his sacrificial part of salvation was done but what we see when we're looking at revelation 16 and revelation 16 16 is this is the final final defeat of satan and his conspirators that's right you know exactly and shelly it's much bigger than a battle against israelis oh again when you look at the context in revelation 16 and like i talked about you know using the illustration of sports jesus defeated satan at the very beginning kicked him out of heaven and then the the buzzer began human history started he led adam and eve into sin but at halftime jesus defeated satan again he defeated him in heaven he defeated him at the cross and when you get down to the final two-minute warning which is all the cluster we see around us and when armageddon happens jesus is going to permanently put down the devil's kingdom when he returns and so all of it really points to the majesty and the power and the authority of the lord jesus christ he can't lose and if we're on his side we win he you know he never lied he never misspoke what he said about the destruction of jerusalem happened what he said about the signs of the times are happening what he predicts about the future will happen he will come people will see him and he will win this war and and someday and this is the hope that i have in the hope that we have is that we will be his subjects in his kingdom throughout all eternity and there will be no devil around anymore hallelujah amen hallelujah is right we've got some questions but before we do let me ask you a question because something struck me that i've never thought about before in verse 19 it says that the great i'm sorry revelation 16 and verse 19. i've never really paid attention to this before when it says that the great city was divided into three parts that this great city of babylon this false system is that tied into the three parts is that because yes that's right the beast and the mouth i mean the false prophet those are the three part the three parts are in verse 13 the dragon the beast and the false prophet these are the three components of babylon and these three parts are are destroyed when jesus returns and so it's not it's not the russians against the israelis it's god against satan and it's not middle east centered it's global and when when battle of armageddon takes place and jesus returns it says the cities of the nations fell and every island flees away the mountains are not found this is clearly a global event this is the final day when jesus comes and crushes the global forces of the devil and ultimately you know instead of it being something way over in the middle east it doesn't affect us we have to make a decision if we're going to be on jesus side that's why he says in verse 15 right before verse 16 behold i'm coming as a thief hold on to my garments keep watching watch and pray don't be deceived by the devil's global forces but be on my side so that when i come you are one of my warriors you're one of my people you're one of my as revelation 17 14 says the called the chosen the faithful it says that the the ten horns on the beast are going to make war against the lamb but the lamb will overcome them because he is lord of lords and king of kings and those who are with him are called and chosen and faithful when you compare revelation 19 1 uh 11 to 11 to 16 and then verse 19 and then compare revelation 17 14 they're gathered together to make war on christ and then you look at revelation 16 uh and you put the pieces together the battle of armageddon is a war against jesus christ it's a word and that's what's i mean you see it going on right now that's really boring that's right and it's going to get more intense as we get closer to the end and of course this is a humongous battle because we're going back all the good people and all the bad people that's right and the valley of megiddo is is a symbol and it points us back to the old testament to those old testament battles but revelation uses the valley of megiddo as a type for the global war between jesus and the devil and jesus followers and the devil's followers and that's really what it's all about it's not this is separate from the battle that i mean when the new jerusalem comes down this is not separate that's at the end of the millennium but after this revelation 19 where jesus comes to make war that's his second coming and and so the battle of armageddon is at the second coming this is when people are saying we let the rocks fall on me that's right the rocks fall on me the nations will see him and mourn and this is totally and this is where a lot of people get confused is they think this is after the second resurrection it's not this is when people satanic conspirators are destroyed by the brightness of his coming and it's such a beautiful thing what now what's going to happen to us i know i don't know if you even i don't think you went into this for those who are righteous when the battle of armageddon is this after we've gone up in the end when when when jesus comes and let me you know these days with technology that's so prevalent uh in nasa you know they're able to monitor what's going on in the sky if there's a if there's a an asteroid or a meteor that's heading our way they'll know it and i personally believe that when jesus and the angels all begin their descent that it's going to be picked up on the radar and they're going to see it and by that time satan's going to be in full control of humanity because everyone will have made their final decision and and when jesus is coming satan is going to be working with all the uh the high-tech weaponry that's available and revelation says they are going to gather together to make war on him who's on the horse and his army as they're coming and it's not going to surprise me if satan through the weaponry of this world they're going to try to nuke jesus as he's coming down from the sky but that can't have it's not going to happen and jesus is going to continue to come and then he's going to that is our sanctified imagination the bible doesn't refresh the forces of evil and he's going to deliver his people he's going to deliver the people of god he's going to raise the dead the dead in christ will rise and those who are alive and remain who are faithful will be caught up to meet the lord in the air and that's what matthew 24 says that when his when the sign appears in the sky all the people of the earth will mourn they will see him come he will send out his angels and he will gather together people of god amen amen okay so we do have some questions that we want to get to we've said a lot in the last step yeah and let me remind people of this right sure can i do that shall we absolutely okay yeah for those people that would like to if they have a question or a comment and everything if you want to text 618 228 it's on the screen if you have a question and a comment you can either submit it by e on email live l-i-v-e at also on the screen and then our parent is 618-627-4651 so we still have time so if you have a question that you're concerned about or that you're interested in you have a way of getting jeremiah's we got a question from a seven-year-old young boy why don't you read that this plus his little heart jeremiah seven years old seven years old and paying attention hello to jeremiah amen how do we get ready for armageddon the simple answer to that is give your heart to jesus trust him as your savior read his his bible trust his promises and when he comes he says he's going to come again and he's going to receive us to himself so the way to be ready for armageddon is to make sure that we are on jesus side in this war against the devil and all of his world forces having a relationship that's right having a relationship with jesus trusting him that he'll put his white robe of righteousness on us which means his forgiveness so we confess our sins we trust jesus he forgives us and then we walk with him and that's what he that's what he's talking about in chapter 16 right before armageddon is mentioned in verse 16 verse 15 says i come as a thief blessed is he who watches and keeps his garments lest he walk naked and they see his shame so it's talking about holding on to jesus and walking our walk with him and if we don't walk with him then we're going to be ashamed when he comes and to believe this means that's right and let me just make this comment right here we're talking about a little seven-year-old boy here there's some christians out there that may be a two-year-old boy so i mean this is for all of us and you prefaced this beautifully earlier that jesus does not lie and if you will get into this word and you will go through here connect the dots if he didn't lie throughout this whole book from genesis to revelation why would he lie about the biggest battle of all right jesus never lies amen he always tells the truth amen we can trust his word and we can trust him as a person so it all you know the bottom line gets down to our own personal relationship with jesus give him your life confess your sins trust him as your savior read his word and do your best to walk with him and that's the word is relationship i just want to say to you jeremiah god loves you so much and all he asks of any of us is that we open up our hearts and let his love come in that the bible says you know we wouldn't even know how to love god if he hadn't loved us first but he's loved you with an everlasting love he's always loved you and god is always wooing you jeremiah 31 3 says that he's drawing you to him so that just means open up your heart let god pour his love into your heart and then jesus says he's trying to get this relationship so then once you let god love you you love him and how do we love him jesus said in john 14 15 if we love him we will follow him we will obey his commandments that's how simple it is we don't obey to be saved but we obey because we love him and we are safe that's right and and shelley i want to stress that this book is not a doom and gloom oh no not it there's a lot of hope and there's a lot of focus on love and one of the signs that i list as we mentioned earlier jesus said because uh iniquity or lawlessness would be increasing and abounding he said the love of many would grow cold and then he said but he that endures to the end the same shall be saved and that enduring in the contest has to do with enduring uh with love in your home that we're we don't let our love grow cold our love gets warmer because jesus is coming and he loves us and he's full of love he's full of love and grace and we let that love grow in us and we endure the lovelessness that is growing around us that's i call that global cooling he said a global warming you know jesus said the love of many would grow cold and we can see that around us sin is growing is increasing love is dying but god wants love his love to grow in the hearts of his amen and then the next verse verse 14 talks about the good news of the kingdom being preached to the to all the world as a witness to all nations and then the end will come and we've got to maintain you know the love of jesus inside of our souls and share that love with others in the midst of the darkness of this world amen this is a great question right here that i think a lot of people hear or ask this is from tim in pennsylvania he has always been taught that there would be world war iii before armageddon will there be war war iii before armageddon yeah well we've had world war one we've had world war ii we've had different wars and whether there will be a literal world war three i can't say i do know that we're in a global war now against the devil and the the the forces of light and darkness are getting uh they're crystallizing and we're in that kind of a war whether there will be another world war that people will call world war three i really can't say but i do know that we're in a current war against evil and i know that the final war is uh the evil spirits gathering the world against god and against jesus when he comes and that he will win i'm very clear on that because that is what the bible says but the bible doesn't speak specifically of world war ii jesus just said there would be wars and rumors of wars and it's also interesting that right after jesus said wars and rumors of wars he said see that you are not troubled for all these things must come to pass but the end is not yet so he in the midst of all this he speaks to us don't be troubled i'm in charge i'm god i'm going to win this war i'm going to bring you through so let not your heart be troubled in the midst of all the troubles jesus says don't be troubled trust me i'm in charge i'm going to win i'm going to get you through this and i'm going to get rid of evil and it's going to be wonderful so hold on and wait for me because i'm coming here is a caller from fitchburg doesn't say what the state is but and we've covered this but if you would they obviously didn't quite catch it is armageddon happening after the first resurrection i wouldn't say it happens after the first resurrection when jesus and let me just read those those texts again revelation 16 we've already read in chapter 17 there's a parallel to armageddon that says talking about the powers of earth they will have one mind and then verse 14 says they will make war with the lamb so it's a war against jesus and the lamb shall overcome them for he is lord of lords and king of kings and then chapter 19 verse 19 says i saw the beast and the kings of the earth and their armies gathered together to make war against him that sat on the horse and against his army so 1714 and 1919 all describe a gathering for war against jesus that's what armageddon is and he comes he wins the war he puts down the forces of evil and then he raises the dead of the the righteous who are in first thessalonians who says the dead in christ will rise when he comes down and crushes the forces of evil he will raise his people and he will translate those who have been through this and who have maintained their loyalty to him we who are alive and remain will be caught up so the coming of christ the battle of armageddon the resurrection of the righteous the translation of the living righteous you know all of that happens almost you know simultaneously i mean it's very it's closely connected he comes he wins he raises the dead he he translates his people he picks us up he takes us up and he gets us out of here amen hallelujah that's it here's a question what's the difference between armageddon and the account in revelation 20 when satan is cast into the lake of fire yeah in revelation 20 that's what happens a thousand years later a thousand years later then there's the second resurrection of the rest of the dead it says in revelation 20 verse 5 that are like the sand of the sea they're all resurrected resurrected the new jerusalem comes down sits on the earth and revelation 20 describes all these different nations being resurrected and then being under satan's control to go surround the new jerusalem and to try to attack it and break through the wall so they can get at the tree of life which is in there and they can eat that fruit and live forever that's their goal but then a throne appears a great white throne and they're all gathered before the great white throne there's the final judgment and then the fire falls and satan and the entire wicked world are all destroyed in the lake of fire at the end of revelation 20. and then it says then i saw a new heaven and a new earth so when when the lake of fire occurs god uses fire to purify his planet and then he recreates this planet like it was in the beginning in the garden of eden and you know i've got a question that kind of goes uh where was that uh oh because what you just said is you know we think about a noah's day how the lord looked down and he just said enough's enough that's right there's just nothing but evil on the world my spirit's not going to strive with man forever his number's going to be 120 years noah preached 120 years while he was building the ark and nobody's listening to him so what happened was i guess we could say mankind had totally except for knowing his the eight that were on the ark they rejected god they rejected his spirit so his spirit quit striving with him and we know that's going to happen at the end of time as well but i do want to make this point god when when god removes his spirit at the end of the earth he's not going to remove it from you because in john 14 verse 16 isn't it he said he i'm going to give you i'm sending you my spirit he will abide with you forever you never have to face the time of the end without the holy spirit he will always be in you and i just wanted to say that here's something from rod in florida he says the bible talks about the parallel of corruption and noah's time in our time where's the corruption of our time where is the corruption of our time well it's the corruption of our time is happening all around us jesus said as it was in noah's day that's the way it would be right before he comes so we read genesis 6 and we read about the corruption and the imaginations being evil and the violence and jesus said as it was in those days it's going to be the same so that's what and that's what we see right now so the corruption that's in our day is is mirrored by what happened in noah's day and what happened in lots day and we can see it happening right now i mean it's it's all around us we can see the violence we can see the hatred we can see the corruption the evil imaginations the murder the sexual immorality the child trafficking so the parallel is perfect and that's why god gave us these old testament accounts so that we could then learn lessons about what's happening now and what's coming that's what paul wrote to the corinthians that these things happen to them to be an example to us right exactly okay here's one from natchez would that be louisiana probably probably did you see how i said louisiana that accent comes back i'm a seventh-day adventist i don't believe in the secret rapture theory of course no we don't either but i was wondering do you think satan as one of his deceptions will attempt to rebuild this the temple in jerusalem yeah that's a that's a belief that a lot of christians have and before i answer that let me also mention you know we talk about the thousand years and the second resurrection and the great white throne judgment and the final lake of fire white horse media has a little pocket book on that called the millennium it's just a little pocket book that walks people through all that now as far as the temple goes we have another book that deals with the temple which is called end time delusions and i know a lot of christians believe that the temple is going to be rebuilt they base that on a number of scriptures 2nd thessalonians 2 daniel in chapter 9 and some verses in revelation but there really is no clear scripture that says that the the ancient jewish temple that was destroyed by the romans and not one stone was left is going to be rebuilt personally i think that it would be you know israel is in the midst of an arab sea uh they're surrounded by people that that don't like them and the the ancient temple you know if they were to rebuild it on the temple mount the temple mount is under under islamic control that's where the golden dome of the rock is so how are they going to rebuild the temple there and if they were to do that it's not a temple that god could bless because if they rebuilt the temple and started sacrifices the sacrifices are over because when jesus died he put an end to those sacrifices so if they rebuilt the temple and restarted sacrifices those sacrifices would be a denial of the sacrifice of jesus christ and god could never bless that and so do you know could the israeli israelis come up with the husband to rebuild the temple in the on the on the muslim mount in the midst of a sea of arabs and restart sacrifices every animal rights activist in the world would be up in arms if they started you know sacrificing lambs again and i just think the logistics of doing it are are overwhelming and i think the scriptures that people quote to support a rebuild temple we have to look at those individually and i think they're being misquoted and my book end time delusions has a whole section on that called titanic truths about the temple where we look at those verses daniel 9 27 2 thessalonians 2 3 and 4. we look at the temple text in revelation and one more thing as we read in revelation 16 right after the word armageddon is used in verse 16 the very it says they gather gather to armageddon the very next verse verse 17 says the seventh angel poured out his vial into the air and there came a great voice out of the temple of heaven from the throne saying it is done so when armageddon is mentioned in verse 16 the next verse talks about the temple but it's not a temple on earth it's the heavenly temple where jesus christ is our high priest and when he up there says it's done then he returns and does battle with the devil at armageddon and he wins absolutely you just hit on brian from spokane has written in and that's spokane washington that's an hour from where i live you mentioned second thessalonians chapter two verse three so he says i three abn i would like to ask if you could clarify ii thessalonians chapter 2 verse 3 concerning the rebellion or the following away and the man of lawlessness yes okay i will do that and i have a whole book on this called the antichrist identified and it's also in end time delusions and i'm actually writing a new book which is in production right now it's getting ready for the press it's not ready yet but it's called the bloody woman and the seven seven-headed beast wow that's a study of revelation chapter 17 and uh and this ties in with that chapter uh in revelation i mean in second thessalonians two and what's his name again brian ryan okay brian here's a bible study for you thank you for writing in that question uh second thessalonians two verse one paul says we beseech you brethren by the coming of our lord jesus christ so this is talking about jesus coming and second second thessalonians two verse one we beseech you brethren by the coming of our lord jesus christ and by our gathering together to him so jesus is gonna come and he's gonna gather us so that's what paul's talking about in verse one and then in verse 3 he says let no man deceive you by any means for that day shall not come which is the day when jesus comes to gather us that day is not going to come he says except there come a falling away first so jesus is going to come and gather us and before that time first there's going to be a falling away and the greek word for falling away is apostasia which means they're going to be there's going to be a major apostasy in christian history and what does the word apostasy mean it means a departure from god okay a falling away that and that will happen first and then it says and that man of sin will be revealed the son of perdition so the man of sin rises in the wake of the apostasy the falling away which occurs before jesus comes a lot of people think jesus is going to come and rapture us and then the antichrist comes but paul puts it exactly the opposite he says jesus is not going to come and gather us until the apostasy and the man of sin come first amen and then it says that he will oppose and he will exalt himself above all that is called god or that is worshipped so that he as god sits in the temple of god showing himself that he is god now the greek word for temple in this text is naos and every single time paul uses the word najos it's always a reference to the christian church first corinthians 3 verse 16 he says do you not know that you are the temple of god in ephesians i think it's 222 paul talks about that the church we are a holy temple to grow in the lord and that word is naos and so what's that what this text is saying is that before jesus comes to gather us there's going to be a great apostasy there's going to be this man of sin that's going to rise up and he's going to sit in the temple of god god's temple the naos of god showing himself that he is god now it's very it's controversial but it's significant that when the king james bible was first printed in 1611 it had an introduction dedication to the king of england who authorized that bible and it that introduction quoted 2 thessalonians 2 and it applied the man of sin to the people power and if you look if you go back to the time of the reformation luther calvin huss jerome wesley going on farther spurgeon the dominant protestant position of the reformers was that the temple of god was the church and the papal power centered in the pope was part of a great apostasy that had departed from the faith and that the the papal power had positioned itself in the temple of god showing himself that he is god and if you look at the the uh claims of of the pope you know he basically believes that he is the the representative of god on earth he's the head of the church he's the head of the state he's got full authority and and i have a whole a whole book on this it's in the my bloody woman book and it's in end time delusions and i make it very clear in my book that i don't apply these prophecies to to sincere godly catholic people i apply it to the system that is centered in a man one man who calls himself the pope or the papa and claims to have all authority in heaven and on earth church state and and the protestants looked at that and they said the man of sin has come into the temple this is an apostasy within the church and we've got to leave and that's why they became protestants and the scripture says that this apostasy and this man of sin is going to happen before the coming of jesus and before he gathers us and paul's expression that man of sin actually takes you back to daniel 7 when it talks about that little horn that would have eyes like a man and a mouth speaking great things that would rise up out of the roman empire and there's a lot of history behind this which is the subject of one of my other books like i said end time delusions walks you right through the protestant position and and that's my view this is from barbara in florida the bible says that god is going to send elijah the prophet before the great and dreadful day of the lord are we a seventh-day adventist still looking for elijah the prophet or is he here already yes the the scripture that's being quoted there is in malachi chapter 4 which is the last book of the old testament and malachi says that i will send elijah the prophet god said i will send elijah the prophet before the great day of the lord and that was at the end of the old testament the last chapter of malachi 400 years later jesus was born john the baptist was born and you look at the ministry of john the baptist it says in luke 1 that he would go in the spirit and power of elijah and jesus said that john the baptist ministry is the elijah who was to come so before when jesus came the first time god raised up john the baptist to prepare the way for the first coming of christ he was the elijah and i believe that as we're approaching the second coming of christ that god also raises up uh a movement to prepare the way for the lord which is the movement in revelation 14 represented by the three angels the angels have to have a whole study on that but i don't believe we need to be waiting for another elijah that's coming what are the righteous what are the living righteous during doing during the battle of armageddon what are the living righteous doing during the battle of armageddon yeah they're watching they're keeping their garments they're holding on to jesus and they're waiting for him to come in the clouds and for him to rescue them and to get them out of here so it all hap it has to be pretty i mean if they're going to be destroyed you know they may think they're going to have this great big battle they're all prepared for it but man jesus the bible says they're going to be destroyed by the brightness of his comings that's right it's going to happen like that you're going to hear that trumpet he's going to smite the nations and then first thessalonians 4 16 says that those who are alive and remain i mean the the uh righteous dead are going to rise up and as first corinthians 15 tells us we're going to put on immortality and then we all go up to meet him in the air he never steps foot on the earth when he returns that's right our part at armageddon is to keep the armor on and the robe of christ's righteousness and to trust him we're not gonna we don't need to fight back with with weapons and guns are our weapons the weapons of our warfare paul says are not carnal but they're mighty and our weaponry is in ephesians 6 the helmet of salvation the sword of the spirit the the belt of truth the blessed the breastplate of righteousness and our part is to hold on to jesus by faith and to trust him to maintain our loyalty to him and to wait for him to appear in the clouds to take us home amen here's one from canada that's a good one when this is from ann in canada thank you ann when does the tribulation period start before armageddon yeah in my book end time delusions i have a whole chapter on the tribulation tribulation's been going on throughout history in acts chapter 14 22 paul said we through much tribulation must enter the kingdom of god jesus told the disciples in this world you will have tribulation but be of good cheer i've overcome the world you look at the persecution of the early christians during the time of nero deceased diocletian the early christians were butchered they went through terrible uh tribulation go into the dark ages when the papal church was on top and it set up the inquisition and all kinds of horrible things happened to faithful christians and so they went through tribulation and there will be a final spasm of tribulation and during the you know the final days and the time of trouble and then jesus will come so i believe that tribulation biblically has been going on for a long time and it's going to climax uh right before armageddon a approximately how long will the seven plagues last we don't know exactly but i don't think it'll be long i don't think it'll be a long time that's from mj and birmingham yeah i can't i can't say yeah i know what i know and i and i i don't know what i don't know and so the bible doesn't say exactly and i appreciate the fact that that you never tried to cover that because if the bible doesn't say it we don't want it i try to stick to scripture i don't know i don't know this is an important question so this is from lydia don't know where she's from but it says dear three abn this is a very important program please have more than one replay so many misunderstandings of armageddon how can we get a copy of steve's book so tell us how we can get there sure the book just came out and white horse media has a lot of copies of these so the simple thing to do is to call white horse media we have a toll free number which is 878 bible 878 bible and it translates to 78242 and if you just call the office and ask for an order a copy of approaching armageddon it's not an expensive book and we do have a quantity discount so if you get you know a couple more or if you get 5 or 10 or 25 the price goes down we've got lots of copies and we're ready and happy to ship them out to send them out to mail them out so that's the simplest thing one 878 bible call white horse media and order this little book and share it share it with your friends it's written to be shared i've got two sisters in la i'm going to send them this book i've got a brother in indiana i'm going to send him this book i want my family to read approaching armageddon and as people look around and see all the craziness i think a lot of people are interested they're going to say hmm i think i'm going to check this out and this book will grip their attention it'll give support for the bible show them what's happening now and what's coming in the future and it gives hope that god's love in the midst of everything that love will win and that's your last chapter is hope beyond darkness and that's one thing that i will say this book has a lot of hope even when you're talking about uh the days that are like sodom and gomorrah in the days of life i love the fact that you said you quoted from proverbs that the wound of a friend what is that scripture faithless though are the wounds of us faithful are the wounds of a friend you are so gentle in your approach and there's always love in this but i was going to go ahead honey you have a question we have gog and magog after the thousand years yes gog and magog is the terms that are used magog is used in ezekiel 38 and 39 representing the global forces coming against israel revelation 20 uses that picks up those terms and applies it to the global gathering of all the lost against the new jerusalem before they are finally put down by jesus christ and end up in the lake of fire here's a quick question from benton harbor i've always understood that the new jerusalem would not touch the earth until it was burned and made new is that correct no in revelation 20 the the lost are resurrected and then they gather around the the holy city which is the new jerusalem resurrection that's right and they are trying to to fight against the new jerusalem and to break through the walls to get to the tree of life but they can't do that and that's when they're judged and then they're destroyed in the lake of fire so the new jerusalem is on the earth and the lost are gathered around it to try to to get into that city but it's on you don't have to worry because the new jerusalem's on holy ground and it is going to nobody can break nobody's walls if you want to talk real fast this is from hastings thank you so much for this very end up study night on armageddon but could you please explain again how the second coming how that is when armageddon happens also yes the second coming when when jesus comes revelation 17 14 and 1919 say that the world forces are gathered together together against him and when he comes he defeats all the forces of the devil and he delivers his people so that's really what armageddon is it's the final clash between the kingdom of god coming and the and the mountain of satan's kingdom and when they clash satan loses jesus wins he raises his people he delivers those that are alive and he takes them up to heaven amen steve i've always appreciated that you are a student of the word and i always appreciate that you know when you read this book it's like someone is putting the jigsaw pieces pieces together for you i mean it's like putting a puzzle together connecting the dots if you will that's a better way to say it and this is a wonderful book approaching armageddon tell us one more time how you can get it sure call white horse media our main website is and our main phone number is 1 878 bible 1 878 bible which translates out to 782-4253 so you can order the book on our website or you can call the office and we have a faithful staff ready to take the call and to send you the book and we hope it is a big blessing to you and that god will bless you and that you will stay close to jesus and we'll all meet again in a better land amen and there's so much hope in this book it's a beautiful book thank you for being here tonight thank you for writing it and we just want to thank you at home for joining us our prayer for you is that the grace of our lord and savior jesus christ will be with you always and that the holy spirit is in your heart look up for your redemption draws night amen amen [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Three Angels Broadcasting Network (3ABN)
Views: 33,925
Rating: 4.8760328 out of 5
Keywords: End-Times, Armageddon, last days, Bible prophecy, Steve Wohlberg, Approaching Armageddon, 3ABN Today Live, Bible study, Revelation, 3ABN
Id: cjPPjIWkfDw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 116min 0sec (6960 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 09 2020
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