‘‘Weird Shit I’ve Seen as a Marine: PARTS 5 & 6’’ | THE CLASSIC SERIES RETURNS!

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I'm gonna take a break from chronological order briefly talk about something more recent I happen to be going to another ghost town also known as mo UT Tings this one was much smaller and not that far from the base there were maybe eight buildings in total may vary from single storey to three-story buildings we spent all day hiking to this town it was just about late afternoon when we finally sat our packs down in the buildings the bone-chilling wind decided to pick up and the temperatures hovered around freezing as the Sun slowly disappeared we spent the next five hours practicing various skills in an urban environment clearing rooms detainee handling throwing frag grenades and so on it got old pretty fast considering I've been doing this for years now around 10:00 p.m. we were given the go-ahead to go indoors away from the wind and get some damn sleep in our warm sleeping bags I took the first watch because I like to get a good block of sleeping after an hour I woke up the next guy and I went to sleep I was asleep for maybe thirty minutes before I was woken up with a nudge I groggily emerge from my back and noticed it was one of the newer guys so I just woken up for watch he'd only been here for maybe a month or two my first words understandably were gee what the fuck do you want well yeah spit it out for the last 10 minutes I kept seeing these two yellow dots across the street in the window okay I was staring at them for a while and I heard what sounded like you call me over except that you were in your sleeping bag absolutely pissed beyond belief I put my boots on grab my rifle and stormed across the street I went to the open door it was locked these doors don't have any locks for safety reasons so they must have barricaded a door or Titans I went around back and tried the other door locked got it whoever was in there was a fucking dick for scaring the new guys well and waking me up as I was walking back across the street I heard her where are you going but it definitely wasn't another marine it hairs on the back of my neck stood up and I stopped dead in my tracks the voice was a kind of mix between a whisper and well it carried in and I see mocking tone with it yeah fuck about that shit I'm going back indoors I locked eyes with the guy who woke me up and we both understood what the hell just went down I told him to wake up the next guy in a few minutes and go back to sleep I got back into my sleeping bag and drifted off to sleep as I tried to burn all of the details into my memory well for you guys of course I didn't get woken up again till the Sun rose the wind seemed even fiercer and it was still an ungodly cold but we were indoors luckily and the Sun was rising not bad pretty soon we got word that we all had to move out packs and go about a hundred meters from the town a few guys complained and grapes what we did is we were told I was equally curious as to why we had to move our packs outdoors the scuttlebutt was that a few guys including the commanding officer has some weird experiences in one of the buildings German names all of them refused to sleep in the same building ever again I drifted around while everyone was shaving and eating breakfast to see if I could shed some more light on this sudden exodus from the town I found one of the guys that had been in the building pretty quickly and asked him what he'd seen basically the night started out with all the guys huddled around listening to my stories on YouTube so they could scare the newer guys then a few hours later a few of them started having crazy nightmares about being in the town and some creature with cat-like eyes tearing them apart except they were the kind of dreams that never ended he woke up from one and you're in another they said they never knew if they were in the real world or not the guy on watch tried waking them up they just continued to breathe heavily to sob whimper and fidget and when they woke up they were terrified and the message was clear get the fuck out I didn't really know what to make of it all but I told them to quit listening to my damn stories well not here at least I'm assuring that this thing was in the building across from mine but laid a mess with the other building for god knows what reason we continued on with our day and it was packed to the brim with training during one of our few breaks I decided to venture to the building that they were all staying in the night before I had a few guys come with me just in case and it was pretty basic a few chairs a desk and a filing cabinet I saw that there was a rug on the ground and kicked it on a pure whim mm-hmm I laughed when I saw the trapdoor I opened it and looked down didn't see anything unusual I decided just to take a few pictures and move on it was a weird painting on the wall well it may be a falafel menu or some weird voodoo shit any ideas are welcome the rest of the day was pretty uneventful we continued on into the night with our classes in training it was all mostly a blur I'd gotten back into my sleeping bag and uploaded the picture of the trapdoor and Twitter and then went to sleep around 3:00 a.m. I was woken up for watch and put on just about every warming layer I own because of the wind it was a pretty dark night due to all of the clouds hiding the moon but I could still see the outline of various bushes and shrubs on the skyline I walked around a bit to keep warm I turned my back towards the empty desert away from the wind thought of how nice it would be to get back into my sleeping bag after about 15 minutes I turned around out of habit and saw a large dark figure on the horizon maybe 100 meters away just as soon as I saw it it vanished I made a mental note of the location so I could check it out the next day I woke up the next guy and got a few more hours of sleep before the Sun came back up unfortunately I didn't get time to wander off into the desert until around lunch I grabbed a buddy of mine and we walked where I was standing when I'd seen the thing from there we walked our hundred meters and we were just about to head back when he spotted some wood sticking out a little further away we kicked a good portion of the sand away and realized it was another trap door what the hell was a trapdoor doing this far out from town our packs were 150 meters from the town and the trap door was another hundred meters out it just didn't make any sense to have a tunnel entrance 250 meters away well I wasn't ballsy enough to open the thing but I knew I had to get a picture my friend the mortarman is half honeybadger and decided to open it just as I was taking the picture we didn't go down but well he couldn't see the bottom just an endless ladder the rest of the day was uneventful and I didn't have watched that night yeah to be clear we still trained in the houses during the day and early night but we didn't sleep in I did hear from another close friend that he would get weird vibes from a few of the buildings when we were still in them during the night the next day we messed around with simulation rounds which are basically nine millimeter bullets with a wax projectile filled with paint I didn't get shot unfortunately but they're about ten times worse than a paintball from past experiences instead of going to sleep that night we'd gone back into the town to set up a patrol base where some guys would stand post some would Patrol and some would rest I swear Marines have amnesia the night started out uneventful II just a few patrols we didn't have any enemy so it was purely just for practice I slept for maybe an hour and a half and then we stepped off onto another patrol around the town it felt like a waste of my time but at least we were out of the building's when we came back we were approached by a bunch of mortar men last if we would help them find their mortar system now if you don't know what a mortar is it fires explosive shells out of a cannon into the air it's not very heavy and can be effective at decent ranges apparently the guys on the mortar system were all asleep with one guy on watch he was dutifully standing in the wind and then well he wasn't he woke up inside of the house and the entire mortar system had vanished he doesn't remember anything and swears he didn't just go to sleep to get away from the wind this was one of my friends who went and checked how the trapdoor with me so my trust what he says keep in mind we didn't have any enemy that night and no one would fuck around and steal shit these things are extremely expensive and no one would dare mess around like but people still doubt him the entire company was working up at 4 a.m. and we searched everywhere inside of the town in vain then we expanded outwards after about 30 minutes of checking the same areas multiple times I had an idea I went over to my mortar man friend and told him we should go check the trapdoor in the desert that he had opened we grabbed a few other mortar men and told some people where we were going when we got there the trap door was open despite of how bad the wind was I sure as hell wasn't gonna go down there but the mortar men were angry and decided to go down just to make sure I didn't really like that idea at all three guys went down and it sounded like it was about 10 feet it was pitch black and the flashlights didn't really seem to do much they were talking amongst themselves for a few seconds as they walked further into the tunnel and then they were out of earshot 30 seconds passed and then I started to get worried I taught myself to wait another 30 seconds before I did anything just as I was counting down I heard what sounded like a little girl and then the sound of running footsteps pretty soon I heard the guys climbing up the ladder I heard the same laugh again but this time closer the first two guys had various components of the model system and the last guy had the actual mortar tube or whatever it was now it looked like someone had bent it over their knee I slammed the door and practically sprinted back to the town once we got there we communicated that we got in the damn mortar system back the guys that went down had some explaining to do to the offices I'm sure they understood I went back to sleep for a few more hours until the Sun came up and we were woken up for our safety brief our last and final day there we were going to be using blank rounds smoke grenades and flares that was a busy day as soon as the Sun went down we all went to sleep no more training at night in that town we all got that message I didn't have watch again I did it here that a few guys heard this strange laugh during the night one of the guys even supposedly got a recording of the laughs on his phone well it's been a while since I've been able to update let me start off by saying I spend a lot of time in the field without creepy things happening so don't think a Marines life is filled with creepiness just recently I was out there for a few weeks nothing remotely spooky happens anyway we last left off in the middle of February with update number four its April spring the desert is slowly transitioning from a cold and windy purgatory to a scorching sandbox luckily for us we hit the jackpot of deployments and headed off to Australia to do some training for six months instead of baking in the desert now I know what you're thinking Australia sounds great I thought that too until we'd landed in a place called Darwin and stepped off the plane instantly it felt like we were inside of a sauna it was extremely humid and we was sweating for a figure uniforms within our first few steps under the tongue it was hell flies and mosquitoes everywhere they would crawl into your mouth and up your nose if you let it seem like they weren't the only ones with a death wish in this tropical prison for the first month we did our little dog and pony show to impress the Australian Army we worked out twice a day and told them all how cool we were the food they fed us was always some kind of stew made from yesterday's leftovers yeah Matt got old real quick being Americans we quickly found the nearest fast-food restaurant in the supplier of two liters so we could stock up on calories before the fear we really didn't know what to expect before our first field of all we knew is that we would head into the thick brush hundreds of kilometres from civilization and expect to be killed by 20 different animals by the first night if we were lucky that's not an exaggeration by any means there's this plant called the Jim P Jim P aka the suicide planet because the pain from its sting is so intense and long-lasting that most people and animals just kill themselves also there's a virus in the dirt known as the Vietnam time stuff will kill you from the inside apt our first few days out there and we're pretty exhausted we did a ton of patrolling at night or as I like to call it walking blindly into spider webs we would try to sleep during the day but if you slept for more than an hour you'd wake up dazed and dehydrated from the beating Sun I think it was around day 12 towards the end of a Field Op when things started to get interesting we were completely fucking lost as usual I'm wandering around in one long file during the night there was no moon and all you could hear with various birds and animals repeat the same noises over and over it was all a blur and saw the guy in front of me stopped and picked something up I didn't really pay any mind to it until we halted for a break he turned around to me hey check this out I found a doll what a fucking doll he held it up and sure enough it was a doll his body was completely carved out of wood and he had some fake red hair glued on his eyes were just burn marks and it had a creepy little smirk scratched across its face weird now keep in mind we are literally in the middle of nowhere most of these lands were completely unexplored as I'm sipping water and trying to drag my brain for answers as to why the fuck has a random doll in the middle of nowhere we start moving again I completely forgot about the creepy little doll for the next few hours while we mindlessly water round and try to find our objective it was all a blur I fell asleep a few times while walking so I don't really remember much eventually we found our way and arrived at the objective small clearing in the middle of nowhere it was the early morning now we were supposed to sit there all day and wait for more orders we were all pretty darn tired at this point so I sat down and stared off into the distance and drifted off to sleep suddenly I hear a few grunts to my left and sure enough the machine gunners are playing with the doll they found there a simple-minded breed and easy to maintain but they always find a way to screw everyone else over I remember the distinct thought of yeah that's probably not a good idea I fell back asleep and we spend the day napping and planning for our next objective finally the Sun set and we headed off into the distance to our new objective I remember being kind of excited that we only had one more thing to do and then we will be back to base as the night went on our long file of Marines began to get more and more spread out the brush became thicker absolutely zero ambient light I was struggling to keep up with a guy ahead of me people get kenan lost and we were constantly stopping to find them they were just trying to get out of the jungle by this point I was already creeped out by the extreme darkness but when our compasses radios and GPS equipment started going crazy I began to lose some composure no matter how much we spun our compasses or reset our GPS it would always slowly turn us back the way we came our radios turned on but all we could hear was just some kind of white noise nothing I knew right away it had something to do with a doll maybe it's some weird voodoo Aboriginal witchcraft doll who knows but bad vibes indeed I told the guy who picked her up to gently set her down somewhere nice and then keep walking no everywhere still went haywire our leaders decided to take a break see if they could figure out how to navigate using the Stars being in the southern hemisphere the constellations and such are a lot different well I'm trying to do my best to keep it cool and level heads I hear the guy in front of me started frantically screaming pure fucking terror if you guys walk up to him and calm him down and he spits out a stream of expletive followed by da shit the doll somehow made its way back into his backpack we were to spread out for this to be a practical joke this was just too impossible we both walked past it when we set it down now no one's laughing he grabs the dog puts it down and he starts talking to it and apologizing like it was a real human person I remember making a mental note of how absurd this one was by now fearless leaders seem to have figured out where to go so you start moving I didn't want to stop because I knew the doll was probably still with us but we're talking about lieutenants we're bound to get lost eventually we stopped but all of us are holding our breath while the guy checks his pack nothing we sit down and relax the air gets a little lighter and easier to breathe there's a bunch of commotion coming for a few guys back there one the lieutenant's found the doll in their bag he's completely lost his mind at this point laughing and crying at the same time day 12 of the Field Op and all the heat bugs and creepy cat just about broke his mind we put the doll against some log a few meters away from us and everyone causes to assess the situation we're lost in the middle of marlott we have no idea where we're going and we don't have much water Oh awesome I can imagine the smirk on the dolls face while we all collectively start to lose our minds at least the Sun is starting to come up the next 30 minutes we try to confirm our last-known location and get a general idea of where we are but the doll isn't done with us just yet suddenly we start to smell smoke off in the distant treeline we see a blazing fire and we pick up someone grabs the ineffective lieutenant and we head away from the fire into the opposite direction sure enough it's coming from that way too we keep trying to find a way out and so we realize we're walking in circles fire is everywhere in the face of imminent death sit down and take cool pictures and hope someone finds them in the after I was never really a believer in any kind of higher being and I'm still not yes we just got extremely lucky we heard a helicopter fly overhead and I'm assuming they realized we were lost after we hadn't checked in for a super long time the pilot made an amazing landing between some trees and began ferrying us out to clearing a few hundred feet away he made a conscious effort to leave that damn doll behind in the flames however my troubles were not all behind guess what we found when we got back [Music] mm-hmm I hope you enjoy that one pretty creepy wasn't it well that'll be it until next week I'm sure there are more stories in this series coming along if you're interested please check out the links to know sleep because the author has included lots of pictures and links just give a bit more evidence to what he's saying so please go and check those out oh and join me again on Friday when I will return with dead man running part 4 yes finally it is here it's on its way I promise ok until then you have sweet dreams I'll see you again real soon [Music] thank you so much for choosing to spend your time listening to me now if you enjoyed the dr. cretin experience then come find me on Facebook come chat with me on Twitter listen to the background music and download it if you like on soundcloud drop by the store pick up a t-shirt and importantly if you've got a story you'd like me to read send it to dr. creepiness Walt's subreddit I set up so that I could read your stories yeah looking forward to seeing y'all again real soon so come check me out it's okay you
Channel: Dr. Creepen
Views: 58,263
Rating: 4.8888054 out of 5
Keywords: best scariest most terrifying creepypastas 2017 2018, Top 10 scariest most terrifying creepypastas of all time, best new horror stories 2017 2018, scariest horror stories 2017 2018, scariest deep web stories 2017 2018, scariest body horror stories 2017 2018, scariest lost in the woods stories 2017 2018, scariest true stories 2017 2018, Weird Shit I’ve Seen as a Marine PART 5, Weird Sh*t I’ve Seen as a Marine PART 6
Id: FkZo9BS6QTs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 26sec (1586 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 06 2018
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