''Lost in the Forests of Tennessee'' | EPIC NEW SKIN-WALKER STORY! [CREEPEN'S VAULT EXCLUSIVE]

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[Music] if you go out in the woods today you are sure for a big surprise now I'm always one for spending time out in nature and enjoying the wilderness but you always have to be a little bit of careful of where you go and what you get up to and that's the theme of tonight's fantastic story nowhere near as gruesome as the one I told you on Monday but oh good just the same now my dear friends I think you know what time it is it's hump day so please sit back and relax with your favorite drink because it's time to listen down here in the south riding horses is still a fairly popular hobby amongst many folks there are many different types of writing but I've always been keen to trail ride myself trail riding is just what it says it is riding your horse through trails in the woods mountains hills and hollers as anyone from around here Tennessee would tell you it gets hotter than the devil's nut sack especially during the summer months that is to say when the summertime trail riding takes place at night often we wait until early fall to begin riding because the weather makes it easier but during the summer we ride at night these rides are always a time-and-a-half it's usually just a small group of us that gets together we all gather at the edge of the woods find the trailhead and from there we set out together for a long night of trail riding through some of the South's last uncivilized land this particular story and ride took place in early August three years back my father and I met up with our friends Jr and H around a p.m. at a place known to the locals as Gilley Hill it has this name because the trailhead is behind the Gilley Hill Church of Christ and Cemetery yeah I know it sounds bad already but this has been the only trailhead - this ride for as long as I can remember and it's never caused any sort of problems so like I said we set off for a long night of horse riding and for everyone but me a long night of drinking now note I never drank when we wrote because I wasn't of age and I was our designated driver I'm aware this all may sound very dangerous or even strange but I assure you it's not at least not to us gilli hail is full of world travel trails during the winter but during the summer people don't write as much the trails grow up making it easy to get lost or at least turned around horses are smarter than most folk given credit for though they have a tremendous sense of direction and can see well at night the only problem with horses being able to see at night is that in order for them to maintain their vision it needs to remain dark this leaves you without anything to improve your own vision while you ride a thousand pound animal in the dark through the middle of a wooded nowhere the only exception to this is one may use a dim light with a red bulb and red lens for whatever reason which I'm sure someone here can explain these lights won't make your horse night blind as we call it aside from that the only light we have comes from the glowsticks everyone ties to the front and back of their saddles so we can keep up with each other easily anyway back to that August night I was came and went with nothing out of the ordinary happening as we rode and covered a lot of grounds constantly putting more distance between us and our horse trainers I guess it was around midnight when I made the comment that I was hungry and had brought food to cook implying I wanted to stop for more than just a few minutes to build a fire and eat unsurprisingly I was not the only hungry one because we immediately stopped him within a few minutes had a fire roaring and hot dogs roasting when we would stop for any period of time we would always tie our horses to trees in a circle and gather in the middle to do our thing this was done especially at night for more than one reason first because it allowed everyone to relax a little as we could all keep an eye on the horses together and made sure they didn't run off this had happened before and it's nearly impossible to catch a wild horse in the woods at night the second reason is because horses are very alert animals and have superb hearing by having them form a circle around us it served as a natural alarm to any unwanted visitors human or not after all we were in the middle of nowhere in the woods at night the horses formed a circle and inside the circle we all sat by our fire eating drinking and carrying off I suddenly had the urge to piss so I stood up and walked out a few yards to the other side of my horse to go it was there and then that I noticed a dim light about 50 or 60 yards away give or take this wasn't completely strange but it triggered my nerves to say the least if someone was out here with a flashlight or a headlamp that meant they were on foot and who would be out this far this late walking through the woods I finished my business and just stood there for a few seconds staring at the light I slowly began to realize it was moving towards us a little at a time still something wasn't right about it the light was just moving closer and closer in a smooth straight line if it was a person with a flashlight the light will be moving and shaking as they were walking through the woods Brad a voice hacked through the thick summer air from behind me and I about jumped out of my boots as I turned around to see my dad walking up beside me what are you doing he's still pissing it's been 10 minutes he asked me in a semi slur through a chuckle I could tell the peach brandy was doing work on him no I had well I mean yes I was finished but I noticed that light over there who the hell you reckon that is out here this late my reply he squinted and peered out towards where the light was he was quiet for a minute before speaking again huh that's weird has it moved at all I explained to him it had moved but that it didn't seem right he was just getting closer but he didn't look like someone walking he just shrugged it off and suggested we put the fire out and get moving just in case the light is a landowner that had changed their mind about letting us right out here the land was owned by the church they sometimes rented it for people to farm a couple of fields that sat on top of the hollers and these people often weren't fans of horse riders so we actively avoided them which was easy on hundreds of acres an hour or so later we decided to stop again for the drinkers to relieve themselves of the beer and liquor they've been drinking since we began the write this time I stayed on my horse as I didn't need to go and I didn't want to tie him up just untie him in a couple of minutes I was sitting there taking in the cool breeze that had finally decided to show up when my horse zabba became agitated Zeb started breathing heavily and shifting his weight back and forth from side to side a clear sign he was uneasy about something I was unsuccessfully attempting to calm him down when out of nowhere my dad's horse bolted he went from standing still to a wide-open run my dad who had just finished peeing was holding on to the reins in one hand and zipping his pants with the other the sudden jerk had knocked him on his ass in that split-second I had a choice to make let the horse go and face the likelihood we'd not only lost at $3,000 animal but that being the youngest I would have to let my dad ride my horse while I wore Matt deciding I contemplated momentarily and then made what was probably the worst decision of my life Zeb was moving so fast my eyes were watering still I tried to keep my focus on the glowstick that was swinging back and forth on the back of the saddle as his horse barreled through the woods it didn't go unnoticed that my dad's horse was running back in the same direction where I'd noticed the light earlier but I tried to put that thought away as for the moment I needed to catch him you should have just let it go and gone back to my dad and now to trowel buddies we could have gone back to the trailer and waited until daylight to look for the horse but I was young and proud I could catch it oh so I thought by now I'd lost track of the distance Zeb and I had put between us and the others my only focus was that bouncing glow stick I was gaining ground on the wild horse just a little closer and I could get a hold of him and bring him back and then the glow stick vanished now pull back on the reins and shouted whoa Zeb came to a stop so fast I thought I was gonna fly over his ears where'd the glow stick gone if it had fallen off I would have seen it or at least see it now I was so close to where it disappeared from the best I could guess yet nothing I decided to get off my horse tie him to a tree and look for the glowstick on the ground after a few minutes of kicking leaves around I couldn't find anything I walked over to Zeb and pulled my flashlight out and scan the area around me accomplishing nothing except for giving up my position as I would later discover the horse had just vanished how could it I was standing there rationalizing what had happened when I noticed the light it was back and was about fifty yards away this time it was moving towards me a little quicker than before but still in the same smooth manner I was beginning to be afraid now I went back to my saddlebags pulled out my camping hatchet attach it to my belt and grab my cellphone nine times out of ten we have no cell service at all but it was worth trying to my surprise I had one bar all right I thought I'll call my dad and ask him if his horse had shown up and then tell him to blink his flashlight in my direction so I could find my way back to the group the phone only rang once when he answered hello rad how the hell are you doing I'm just down the trail son dad I can't find your horse and we'll have to look for him tomorrow I said what he replied and I noticed he sounded confused when I'm sure what to say must be the drinking I thought so I tried to speak slower and clear at this time I didn't catch your horse dad we will try again tomorrow dad didn't respond for a few minutes before finally saying rad you are worrying me what are you talking about catching my horse I'm standing right beside him why did you take off like that come back now this isn't funny just come back now come back now come back back now my blood ran cold I just ran off what was he talking about I was chasing his horse dad I was chasing after him he ran off and I lost his trail what do you mean you're standing beside him did he circle back I asked hesitantly my dad was now basically shouting into the phone at me no I told you to cut it out come back now come on come back and with that my phone beeped and I looked down at the screen and read call dropped no service of course I was frozen in my tracks I know I saw his horse run off I'm not crazy hell I chased it for ten minutes I took a few minutes to get myself together before getting back on Zeb I noticed the lights I'd kept seeing hadn't moved any closer I turned my horse to head back in the direction of my dad when I saw a light come on from where they all must have been waiting as I started back in that direction the light ahead of me started blinking I was finally calming down and feeling relieved when I remembered I never told my dad to flash his light at me on the phone I stopped Zeb and turned back towards the other lights it was now moving towards me and blinking as well what in the hell was happening I was officially terrified when my farm vibrated I put it out a little down on the screen it was a text from a number I didn't recognize I open the text and read Brad it's dad my phone's in the truck horse came back where are you sweat dripped from my forehead and my hand shook as I read the message again rad its dad my phone's in the truck horse came back where are you I felt like an idiot I knew my father never brought his cell phone when we rode he always stuck his phone and wallet under the floor mat for safekeeping as well as to protect them from being lost so who had I talked to the person asked me why I ran off why I was trying to catch their horse clearly they had some idea about what was going on well maybe they'd been watching us whatever the case was I didn't like it the land we rode on was owned by the church I knew that much but it didn't have a clue about the surrounding property the Gili Hill Church of Christ it's fairly isolated so we're safe to assume that the land surrounding it was as well we're talking about hundreds of acres that are nothing but wooded mountains and Hills it isn't like this was farmland that was being worked and watched on a regular basis we very rarely encountered any other people the only issue we ever ran into was disgruntled hunters who were trying to hunt illegally on the church's property multiple horses and drunken riders do a pretty good job at scaring off any deer that might be in the area I did my best to calm myself down a bit I needed to take care of business and backtrack to where I'd left my dad and the others it could have been fearful just a little paranoia but it took the glowsticks off my horse and stuck them in my saddles max if someone was following me I wasn't gonna help plus they were only there for the other riders to be able to see me and I was alone now the lights I mentioned seeing earlier were still blinking and coming from both directions ahead and behind me I was still fairly sure which one was coming from where I estimated my dad to be so that's the one I used as my North Star so to speak sure it seems easy to know which way I'd come from but these woods ain't your run-of-the-mill dark they so dark you can't see past your horses ears when you're in the saddle the only saving grace is the occasional opening in the trees where the moon can shine through and illuminate the surrounding area it seemed like Zeb was tiptoeing as we slowly headed towards the blinking light wells ebb was always light hoof 20 since something was off or at the very least when he could tell I was uneasy horse is a strange like that keen to their surroundings Zeb was one of the best horses I'd ever owned he was well mannered calm and when you needed him to hit another gear boy could he fly Zeb and I had made it a few hundred yards closer to the lights when it simply disappeared still hopefully it was my dad or one of the others holding the flashlight we kept traveling in that direction we'd almost made it to the edge of the clearing where we'd stopped earlier where my dad's horse had taken off and that's when I started faintly smelling something similar to mothballs as we got closer to the clearing the smell got stronger I pulled the reins back and quietly instruct exempt to stop with a hoe now we instantly came to a complete stop yeah just outside of where the moonlight started at the edge of the opening I noticed there were two large dark piles of mounds or masses of something just on the other side of the clearing back in the woods a bit but they were too far out of the light for me to figure out what they were I sat on the back of my horse in complete silence trying to make out what I was seeing I heard a branch from about break and something made a loud thud on the ground mere feet in front of us it stood just in the light from the moon making it barely visible it was eye level with me from the back of my horse and was as lean as a telephone pole its large eyes glowed with a solid soft white light that flickered as we stood frozen gazing upon each other the eyes reminded me of movie projectors the way they cast dim light out ahead of its body the creature slowly lifted both of its long arms out either side as it stood in front of us it held something round in its right hand but I couldn't make out what it was zebb following a brief pause stood straight up on his back legs and threw me off so fast I didn't have time to react I landed on my back slamming my head into the ground and a sharp and a sharp pain shot down my spine in a panic I tried to get to my feet but Disney nough stuck over throwing me down to my knees everything was spinning including Zeb who brought his fun moves down as he spun on a dime and like that he was gone with my cell phone flashlight and other supplies in his saddlebags pure panic an adrenaline filled my body I was scrambling on my hands and knees occasionally making it to my feet only to take a few steps and trip or fall down again in pain I had a loud thud and Zeb neigh from behind me I didn't know where I was going except that it was away from whatever the hell that thing was I kept putting as much ground as possible between me and the creature as fast as I could I couldn't turn to look behind me without tripping over something in the dark but I heard a voice my father's voice it was slurred and sounded like he was drowning it began repeating Brad you are worrying me catch my loss catch my oars it took nearly all of my strength but I made it to the other side of the clearing and bound into the woods finding a small tree to hold myself up with the things voice kept ringing out catch my whores catch my whores it sounded like he was gargling water as he said it over and over I had a death grip on the tree I was afraid it would hit the ground again if I let go I turned to look behind me on what I saw turned my stomach upside down the wide eyed monster somehow caught my poor horse how could it have moved so fast or being there strong just in view of the moonlight at the edge of the clearing on the other side I could see the back of the thing as he stood holding one of Zeb's legs in his hand down by a side slightly offset in front of him I could see Zeb dragging his body by the front legs in a desperate panic and an attempt to get away it was useless with a speed that was in comprehensible the creature on its sickle like claw down Zeb's chin stopping at the stomach allowing his insides to spill out muscle spasms were all that was left of poor Zeb as the monster dropped his head to the ground with a sickening slurp devoured his intestines between the pain and what I just seen happen to Zeb I spilled the contents of my stomach on the ground in front of me I had to move I had to get away from here I turned back in the other direction to head deeper into the woods fear was pushing me harder and faster than I thought I could move considering the pain I was experienced eventually I had to stop for him I went to gather myself I fell to my knees my body didn't give me a choice it felt somehow safer now that I put some distance in between me and the clearing that the monster occupied that's when I noticed I was just feet away from the two mounds I'd noticed before the horse threw me my heart instantly filled with dread I knew then that nothing good was going to occur in those woods that night as quietly as I could I inched slowly towards the large lifeless objects before long I stood looming over one of them it was jr. and his horse - both of their heads the horse's neck and all of jr. looked like they'd been gnawed on by a horse sized dog they stumbled backwards in terror afraid to approach the other mountains but I had to know if it was my dad I'm ashamed to admit the relief I felt when I looked upon the mangled body of H's horse I spun around and quickly scanned the rest of the area and there was no sign of my father nor age thank God I bent over placing my hands on my knees throwing deep breaths from the humid Tennessee air as my head spun a million thoughts were racing through my mind where were they how they escaped how far could they make it how far could I make it what the hell was that my moments of solitaire was soon shattered when a loud drowning version of my father's voice broke the silence from behind come back now Brad this isn't funny I pushed through the rest of the night one step in front of the next as my father's voice echoed through the hollows it had long become clear that my back was injured from the fall every step I took was a painstaking reminder the severity of my injuries was a mystery but the loss of feeling in my left hand wasn't as the Sun rose there was still no sign of my dad or age nor the horrendous creature that attacked us heat came from above and plagued my speed my best guess it was somewhere around 1:00 in the afternoon and nearing 100 degrees my location on the other hand I couldn't even have begun to calculate when I ran from the creature the night before I had no idea in which direction I had gone at the time I only focused on staying on the tops of the ridges that way if I was ambushed I could try my luck with a plunge off the side of a cliff instead of having my head removed from my body that may sound terrible but you didn't see how easy it was for that monster to remove my horses back legs one thing was clear I needed to make a decision should I keep moving and hoped to find help maybe run into my father with a little luck or would I find some place to hole up for the night if I kept on walking trying to find help and didn't that would likely be my end I wouldn't stand a chance another night out in the open and on the move hell I wouldn't have made it through the previous night if they hadn't had two horses in junior to keep him preoccupied as sad as it is to say it was safe to assume that the white eyes of the monster I'd encountered were responsible for the blinking lights I'd follow that meant there were at least two of those things out here for sure there was no possible way to tell how many more just out of sight as I limped along worst of all they were smart they'd lured me away from the group by spooking dad's horse I assumed they were able to break into his truck and call me from his stolen cell phone not to mention strong enough to kill a grown man and two horses that settled it I would find somewhere to hide get some rest and as soon as day broke haul ass with a little luck I could find one of the creeks or rivers that course through these hills the water would not only wet my whistle but I knew there had to be a handful of old hunting shacks built on the water that had long been forgotten I knew a dilapidated wooden lean-to wouldn't do much in the way of actually protecting me but one just feels safer inside four walls plus anything was better than spending another night on the move I didn't think I could manage that there hadn't been any sign of the creature since right before the Sun came up I was hoping that wasn't a coincidence maybe the creature was a nocturnal predator or maybe it was just stalking me waiting for last night's feast to wear off before attacking it could go either way regardless I couldn't get the thing off my mind I wouldn't be able to for a long time it was the most awful thing I had ever seen it seemed like I would never shake the smell of mothballs he doesn't start getting dark in Tennessee during the summer until around 7:00 in the afternoon this left me with a few hours before an ice started to set in my first goal was to find a creek or river and then locate a low limb tree climb up as high as my injured body would carry me and rest once rested I would climb down follow the creek in either direction and hope to god I could find somewhere to hide now there are a few ways you can go about finding bodies of water in the wilderness if it's around sunrise or sunset you can look to the skies Birds usually visit their water source around these times that method wouldn't help now another trick is to find well-traveled animal paths animals in the wild don't usually roam up will find a trail they frequented enough to leave tracks behind and it's likely it will lead you to water at some point aside from those two methods you can read the landscape if you know what to look for this was how I plan to do it I look for rock structures that pointed to open mouth caves which are responsible for a lot of the creeks around here finding water at the source is ideal because you don't have to worry about a dead animal or anything else contaminating it upstream after a couple of hours I found what I was looking for a fast-moving stream that started at the mouth of a small cluster of boulders I fell to my knees on one of the rocks made up the streams Bank and dipped my entire head in the water it was cold and nothing had ever felt any better I could feel the previous night washing off of me I dragged my fill of water then I flipped over flat stones until I had a few crawdads by the tails I split them in half and sucked their innards out it wasn't ideal but a fire was out of the question I didn't have the time once I've taken care of myself I decided to climb to the top of one of the larger boulders and rest there once I painstakingly reached the top of the enormous boulder I took my boots off spread-eagle and soaked in the Sun the cold water that clung to my hair makes for the warm Sun was all I could take I was violently yanked from a deep sleep by a skin crawling scream that seemed to be coming from a few hollers over it was almost dark now Oh what had I done I'd only intended to rest for a few hours tops I had to have been out for at least four I knew I couldn't waste any time as I laced my boots up the screaming continued I couldn't tell how far away it was it sounded like a woman but it sounded like the sauce was gurgling water as they screamed it was no telling how many voices of these creatures had taken with my boots laced I slid down the side of the boulder and landed on my feet with a soft thud I crossed the creek a few times hoping it will be like in the movies and the creature would lose my scent because of this fat chance I barreled through the woods pushed by the adrenaline to stay alive once again and trying not to think about anything else I traveled half a mile downstream before seeing my wood fortress to be this who was it I wasn't gonna find a better option not without risking my life by letting the white eyed devil gain ground on me I quickly pulled my hatchet from its sheath which had been hanging from my bones I searched around and found a large maple tree that's branches had reached down to the ground I chopped a few limbs down there were perfect sizes to make Spears and headed in to the abandoned Shack I stepped inside absorbing my surroundings there wasn't much inside besides some old snack cake wrappers what was a vodka empty unfortunately and an old stained mattress that sat atop some milk crates this would do just fine I immediately went to work using the edge for my hatchet which was sharp thanks to my obsession with knives in such soon I had three Spears that were about six feet long the plan was if I was attacked I would use the spear to keep separation between myself and the thing that was coming for me I decided to run back out and find a log that was long enough that I could push it against the inside of the door and wedge it against the adjacent wall it would be just another line of defense in what would be my final stand a couple of hours have passed and it was almost completely dark outside i sat inside the windowless Shack playing out scenarios in my mind over the likelihood I could survive another encounter with one of those things seemed low if both showed up it was over the screams were now a mixture of my dad's voice and an unidentified female I'd always heard these creatures would use your own voice is a scare tactic luckily this one hadn't I wondered how long these things had been out here hunting and killing I'd used the trail road here a few dozen times and never encountered anything out of the ordinary sure there were towels that got passed around since the cemetery was the last thing you saw before entering the woods but this was no ghost it was as real as you or me I closed my eyes and trained my ears the best I could to the noises from just outside the lean-to his walls the screaming had abruptly stopped but now it sounded like the wind was blowing the tops of the trees down I could hear them sway as they cracked some part how could I have forgotten the thing had jumped out of a tree the night before crouching in the center of the shack sitting on a log that was holding the door shut I held my breath listened closely sweat poured from my forehead my hands wouldn't stop shaking the trees had stopped moving there was no wind it was deadly silent all of a sudden something knocked on the door although I wanted to scream I didn't dare move the door wouldn't keep that thing out for long but maybe long enough for me to attack it rad is that you in there we aren't far from one of the main roads the way the crow flies at least come on out and we'll head that way come on we need to hurry a voice I recognized whispered from just the other side of the rotten wood door my father's voice was betraying the creature although he had gotten better at mimicking him it was still apparent that something was off he paused for a moment before repeating himself verbatim and then stopped again this creature didn't have many of my father's words mastered still you tried again anyway this time he was becoming angry he pushed against the door it barely budged come on now son open up we don't have time for this I swear it's me we need to get back his voice shook I began to wonder if maybe it was actually my father when I heard branches from above crack my father's voice screaming terror from the shacks front porch the thing was trying hard to scare me and boy was it succeeding I grabbed my longest spear and squatted in the middle of the shack holding the point towards the door trying to prepare myself for whatever came next the trees above me sounding like it's homemade it was blowing through them something heavy slammed into the roof of my hideout and my father's voice cried out her own Brad Ron I wasn't falling for it it was trying to draw me out again not this time I thought I held my position both hands holding the spear straight up with the base supported by the ground and their hatch in back on my belt I was going to attack from a bath again not without a fight from me though the creature slammed into the roof again and this time the old rafters couldn't take the weight the slam was followed by the sound of ancient wood snapping and breaking and a thousand wood splinters exploded like a grenade into the room causing me to turn my head to protect my eyes just as I did something heavy came down on top of me knocking me on my back followed by an explosion of something wet the bastard must have come down right on my spear my plan worked I rolled over I looked up to see my father just as he yanked the spear from his chest and blood covered the floor sweet Jesus it really had been my father at the door my paranoia had stopped me from looking to see who it was and now because of me my father was bleeding out in the floor I rushed to his side thrusting my hands over the wound in a feeble attempt to stop the blood loss he looked up past me through the hole in the roof into the trees and I did the same it was a pair of glowing white eyes looking down at me now I could hear a faint growling I turned back to my dad and frantically said dad I'm so sorry I thought it was that that whatever they was I didn't know it was you you have to get up and run I'll hold this thing off as long as I can he kept his eyes locked on the creature in the trees hmm it's okay son that thing had been following you and I was following it he disappeared so I thought it was safe to come out but it snatched me from the porch well you know the rest he chuckled as he said this only he wouldn't lose his sense of humor at a time like this I looked up through the hole in the roof and the creature was gone tears poured from my eyes as I saw the blood staining my hands that covered the hole in his chest I'm gonna go out there and try to lure it away when it comes for me you run to the road I replied that smile and before speaking coughed up a mouthful of blood no you aren't jr. and I killed the other one but it took jr. with him I plan to return the favor he helped me up I pulled him to his feet blood seeped through the one hand over the hole in his chest and he used the other to take a spear and prop himself huh he turned to me and said we're both going out the front door I'll go left you try to make it to my horse though right the road back to town is just over the next hollow you can make it you don't have a choice and you there was no sense in arguing with him this wasn't a debate he had just told me what was going to happen and it would one way or another we hugged and both of us grunted in pain as we did the last thing he said to me before we ran through the door with a smile was wow we're getting ahead of the horse business today after this okay boy I jumped off the porch and ran as hard as I could a spear in one hand and my hatchet in the other I tried to listen for any signs of my father halt the creature but didn't hear any I flew through the woods my own speed surprisingly the moon was brighter than the night before and up ahead I could see where the wood stopped hopefully it was the road finally I burst from the woods out onto the blacktop and paused looking left and right trying to decide which route were the best I decided to go left and jogged along the shoulder hoping at any moment my dad would emerge from the woods though I knew this was unlikely I ran steadily down the shoulder for what felt like forever and still there was nothing but woods as far as I could see it felt like I would never make it [Music] something caught me off guard I felt a fiery pain shoot through my left leg and I hit the ground I rolled over and looked at my thigh only to see one of my Spears sticking out from it I spun my head around and just behind me in the road the white eyed creature was bounding towards me in long smooth unnatural strides I got to my knees and yank the spear from my leg and felt like I would faint from the pain but what adrenaline I had left pushed me harder than ever I climbed to my feet and in a last chance Power Drive sprinted towards the creature the creatures mouth slowly opened impossibly wide as I closed in on him it had teeth like a shark except they were longer curled and twisted the teeth looked like roots he had scaly skin that looked like tree bark his arms were so long its fingers and dragged along the ground as it walked this was the first time I truly seen the monster my eyes burned it was so ugly it rang out my father's voice for the last time this isn't funny come back now this isn't funny Brad it said almost mockingly I couldn't have agreed more still running I lowered the spear in my left hand holding it tight against my waist for support and drew the hatchet back behind my ear as I closed in on the freak of nature we collided in the middle of the road my spear only grazed his side but my hatchet landed true in the creatures sternum with a sickening fart and it recoiled falling to his back and scrambling away with a hatchet still lodged in his chest I got to my feet and grabbed the spear with both hands and ran and jumped on top of it planting the spear through his throat the creature laid out a series of screams that sounded like a hundred voices rolled into one it was horrifying I pushed my foot on the creatures chest removing the hatchet I knelt beside the wriggling Goliath holding it down with a spear and commenced to hack I didn't stop until there was nothing left but a bloody pulp I was dizzy from blood loss and exerting so much effort still I made it to my feet using the spear as a crutch I removed my belt and fashioned a half-assed turn okay I then started limping back in the direction I'd been traveling when I was attacked I don't know exactly how far I made it before collapsing I don't know how long I laid in the road before I got lucky someone drove through and saw me I woke up in the hospital some days later they said I was dehydrated and it experienced severe trauma to my right leg oh they had no idea what trauma was the police had been waiting outside my room when I woke up why did they have some questions well hajr an age where was my father I knew the answer to two of those for sure one had a good idea about the other one I lied to the police law naturally I told them we were ambushed by some angry hunters and gave him fake descriptions he would never have believed me I wasn't gonna be written off as crazy not after everything I'd been there my family was allowed in after the police finished their questioning and they were ecstatic to see me and were worried about my father I lied to them too and told them he died before we made it out well it was mostly a lie but the likely probability was that he had died there was no reason for them to have to know the truth Magilla Hill Church of Christ mister even visited me I actually told him the truth he didn't respond just said god bless and left I spent a week in total in the hospital and to this day I carry him the bodies of my father and the others were never recovered or we found the horses were their hooves and the saddles I'd like to say it all ended there but it didn't I have another horse now sorry dad I didn't get out of the business like you wanted it's just that well the horse makes it easier to hunt those white eyed sons of bitches well what do you think of that one I loved it I thought that was a brilliant story very very kind of the author to share it with me over on dr. creepers thoughts the subreddit I set up for you to share your work with me and hopefully for me to carry out a reading at some point Oh long one this evening but I will be back with a second part of Satan's theatre on Friday so please join me again real soon that's enough for me for tonight though you have a nice rest of the week see you again on Friday but until then bye-bye you you
Channel: Dr. Creepen
Views: 221,340
Rating: 4.8356748 out of 5
Keywords: best scariest most terrifying creepypastas 2017 2018, Top 10 scariest most terrifying creepypastas of all time, best new horror stories 2017 2018, scariest horror stories 2017 2018, scariest deep web
Id: WHok9wYM7Fo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 0sec (3000 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 14 2018
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